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Aug 3, 2009 Break the Yoke Kathleen Maples

Isa 58:6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo
the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

These Scriptures in the 58th chapter of Isaiah address many of the problems of the
church, and the solution to fix the problems both in the church, and reveal true
evangelism. How many among us know those we love who are bound by chains of
wickedness? Regardless what the habit, or problem, we all know someone who is in
some kind of emotional, mental or physical bondage. It could be a condition of the
heart-one who has been wounded and has grown bitter with hatred and resentment or
unforgiveness. It could be a violent temper, or drug addiction. It could be as simple as
unbelief. We all know someone who suffers some kind of spiritual bondage.

We all know somebody who is carrying a heavy load, burdened down by problems,
and situations beyond their control. There are some people out there crushed under
the weight of the distress in their lives, and they are struggling to hold on. They long
to be free, but they are bound. They need somebody to loose them, to break every yoke,
every hold that hinders them from the life and light of Jesus Christ. There is a freedom
in Him. A freedom from the chains of darkness and sin.

Isa 58:7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast
out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not
thyself from thine own flesh?

Then there are those who are suffering from depression, or who are going through
some kind of trial and are afflicted, and needy. Poor in spirit, poor in resources or
understanding. They've been treated badly, or maybe they are an outcast and live in
misery. Perhaps destitute. Maybe they have the wisdom of the world, and its goods,
but are destitute of the riches of Christ. Beloved, all who do not know HIM are
outcasts. They are outside of real life and love no matter what it may look like. These
need to know. There are hungry souls out there, some for food, but some for truth. We
live in a world that is so dark, there is so much deception and there is a cry in the heart
of many who just long to see something real. These need to be brought to our house-to
the family of God, to the Head of the family-for only there can they really find help and
deliverance. But each of His children have been given a commission to go out in the
highways and compel them to come into His house. They have been given a directive to
go and share His Message, His Word with everyone. To do this, we have been given
promises of the necessary power and wisdom-His Presence in us.

So much of the church is ineffective. If you read the first few verses of this chapter in
Isaiah you see some of the reason why it is so. Personal transgression, sin in the camp.
There is a church who mention the Lord frequently, delight in doing so, delight in the
religious side of things, assuming that is their righteousness. But they forsake the
Truth of God when it calls for personal sacrifice for the right reason. They fast, but
their hearts are wrong, their reasons are wrong, they think by their fasting and
praying they shall be heard and God will grant their selfish desires. There is striving
and debating and wickedness among the people. They are walking in self not in the
Spirit. There is pride and envy, and arrogance.

But God said break every yoke. These things have to be understood by His people. We
have to see the error of our ways and humble ourselves and repent and pray and be
cleansed. We cannot stand against spiritual wickedness that is destroying others if we
are ourselves infected. What is spiritual wickedness? Well, anything unlike God that
draws one away from Him, and His heart-the saving of the lost. Anything that puts
something else first in our lives when He should be first. Anything that seeks to
operate independently of HIM and His direction. One decision made independent of
the Word of God got Adam and Eve infected with sin and a carnal nature they were not
created with and got them thrown out of the garden of Eden-which is symbolic of His
Presence. Sin and transgression separate us from Him. When there is a separation
there is no power to overcome or truly minister life and deliverance to others.

When we see those who are naked, oh, they aren't covered with the powerful blood of
Jesus, they aren't girded about with the truth of the Word of God, should we not cover
them with prayer? Sure, if we have so many clothes, we should share with those who
have not, but there are powerful spiritual applications to these Scriptures. He said we
are not to hide ourselves from our own flesh..in other words when we see things
creeping in to our lives, we deal with it, we don't spare self at all the suffering of the
cross, while our families are perishing lost. What is the cross in the life of a believer?
I've read and thought much on this. I'm sure there are better answers out there, but as
I understand it, first, the cross is to put to death any idea that in ourselves is anything
good that God can use to accomplish His purposes. We must resign ourselves (joyfully
if we understand what we are doing) to being a tool in His hand, totally governed by
Him, and devoted to being the tool He would have. He has to wash the tool, fill the tool
with His life and His power, so that when He does something through us that helps
someone, like Jesus, we say it is not I that do the works, but the Father which is in me.

This requires we give up the control of our lives, totally into His hands. To do that we
must have the power of the Holy Ghost. To love others enough to be able to sincerely
and effectively fast and pray for them, we must have the Holy Ghost for He is the One
who sheds the love of God in our hearts. Without love as the motivation for what we
do, it won't be right or acceptable. Love of God, love for God, and love for others. I'm
talking about the kind of love described in 1 Cor 13. That kind of love we have to get
from Him, it's not naturally in us.

So, let us look at the word 'fast'. Of course this means to abstain from food for a period
of time, and during that time to spend as much time as possible communing with the
Lord, and reading His Word. We should fast our minds from outside influences-
newspapers, news broadcasts, tv, radio, and limit conversations with others as much
as possible. It should be a time set apart to God and for God. A time to humble
ourselves by refusing to feed the flesh, in any capacity. Drink water, yes, but shut off
outside influences as much as possible and seek God. Take 2Ch_7:14 to our knees and
pray, and turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves, repent, and seek His face, let
Him deal with what is wrong in our hearts. If we say we have no sin, we lie and do not
the truth. Like He had to wash the disciples' feet, we also need cleansing. We live in a
dark and dirty world and we get spots and stains and wrinkles, and we must go to
Him for cleansing. We have wrong thoughts, and sometimes instead of capturing and
binding that wrong thought, we entertain it. Or worse, speak it out loud. But when we
deal with self, and get it crucified, get the yoke of self broken (for self always wants to
run things, and we must yield to God) then what?

Well, if we are obedient, and allow ourselves to be vessels God can pour His concern
and love power through, lives of others can be changed. Souls can be saved.

Isa 58:8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth
speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy

The Scripture says of Jesus Christ, in Him was the life and the life was the light of men.
The life of the Holy Ghost flowing in to and through us puts Christ on display, not self.
Self has to decrease so He can increase. HE is our light, His life in us lights the way for
others. That is the only way our light can break forth. Light is also another word for
understanding, knowing. When we know Him, and understand His desire reach out to
others, and we can look past the person to the spirit that has them bound, our own
lives will have been changed, and we can rejoice, like the angels in heaven, because we
were counted worthy to be a tool He could use to minister HIS life and deliverance to
others! He can take them away from their cruel taskmasters that drive them
mercilessly and enslave them, and deliver them from the cruel bondage of this world.
When we begin to understand that those bound by wickedness, and oppressed, are
bound by nasty, vicious, unclean spirits that torment and vex their human souls day
in and day out, oh, we will rejoice when they are delivered!

Too often the enemy will cause us to focus on the person, to react to flesh. Someone can
say an unkind thing to us, or tell a lie on us, and we get upset. Our feelings are hurt.
We feel betrayed. Someone can injure us by gossip, or slander, or mistreat us, and we
get angry. We are reacting in and to the flesh. We are not to war with flesh.1 It
requires the work and power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to see behind the flesh to
the unclean spirit that is viciously driving that person to do what they do, and will end
up destroying them if they don't get free. He will show us this soul, this person, made
in the image of God, bound, molested by a nasty spirit of hell. It is as horrible to God as
finding out an innocent child has been molested by a parent is to us. More so. Our self
life has to be dealt with, before we can contend with spiritual powers of wickedness.
The Lord can teach us, make us, He can do anything with us if we just give Him
control. I've tried, I've tried, you say. I keep failing. I want to but I don't know how! I
want to surrender all but how do you do it?

Luk 24:49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of
Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

That's how. We get in His presence, every day, cry out for Him, His power, search me
oh, Lord, see if there is any wicked way in me, deal with it, help me see so I can repent
and be clean! Know my heart, be the desire of my heart, fill me with YOU! Pray, wait,
and keep coming back until He gives you the power you need to overcome what you
are apart from Him. He knows you need it, and you know it. It's a matter of

1 - 2Co 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2Co 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong
2Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
disciplining self to stay in that altar, till you get the power you need to overcome.
Lord, help me, I'm preaching to myself here. But these are the dealings of God with my
heart. I see the need of these things in my own life, and in the church.

Isa 58:9 Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say,
Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the
finger, and speaking vanity;

If you are struggling with prayer, and fasting, like I have been, and wonder what good
does it do? This is the result of God answering the cry of my own heart. I had begun to
despair at the ineffectiveness of the church, my own Christian walk, and I just cried
out to God what good does it do to deny myself food? That's a basic thing we need to
live. How is denying myself food, and reading the newspaper or watching television
going to change things? He drew me back to these Scriptures and opened my
understanding some. He helped me see it weakens that self life that wants to rule.
Deny self the throne of your heart and give it to Jesus. Put self on that cross and let
Christ have the throne in your heart. When we yield to self, we put the life of Christ on
the cross again. In every believer there is a cross, and a throne. The throne is the place
where the decisions are made, where the vessel is governed. This is the place self
occupies until we dethrone it and give this rightful place to Him. In simple terms it's
called having the mind of Christ. If we think like Him, we will act like Him. I heard it
illustrated so beautifully by Pastor BH Clendennen. He spoke of a lady in the service
who was on the piano and played beautifully. He said "I can't play that piano and
make it sound as wonderful as she does. I could bang on those keys, but I couldn't
make music. But if you put her mind in my head, I could play like she does. And if you
put God's mind in God's church, she can do what Jesus did." The fact He's dealing with
us about these things reflects His desire to do something, to change things. But He
must have a humble people whose flesh is crucified because when the power of God
begins to move, flesh will want to rise up and take the credit and attention. This is why
so many of the genuine healing ministries that have fallen in the past fell. God
genuinely moved and healed people, but before you knew it, people were talking about
the evangelist, not God!

Oh, if we will hear this and seek to obey, then when we call on Him, it will be with
confidence and peace, and He will answer because it will be His Spirit in us causing us
to commune with Him, and cry to Him not the flesh crying out. There won't be no lying
voice of the devil reminding us of our failures to hinder us from prayer. He might lie
and tell you what you are doing is useless, but he lies. We have the promises right
here. God will answer our cry. He will always answer the cry of the Spirit in us. He
will always answer the cry of His children who are walking in the Spirit. We have to
seek Him to teach us how to do this. Just like babies do not know how to walk, and
have to be taught, so we must be empowered and taught how to walk in the Spirit, by
the Spirit.

Don't be yoked to the flesh life that wants to run everything. Stop pointing the finger
at somebody else, and speaking idle words. Let Him sanctify every part of us, by
filling us with Himself. Dedicate every part of ourselves to Him. Our hands were made
to minister to others, and to Him-Him first. Our hands were made to lift in surrender
and praise to Him, not to point at others and condemn. Our mouths were made to
commune with Him, to speak His praises, His message, but we pervert it when we use
it for other means, like carrying tales, criticizing, and complaining. He made our eyes
to search His Word and know wonderfully liberating and marvelous truths, but we
defile them when we set something unclean before them. Our bodies were made to be
temples, dwelling places of His Spirit. He wants to live in us, teach us, comfort and
guide us. He wants to so fill us He can shine out of us to those around us who are lost
and dying and on their way to an eternal hell. His heart breaks to see people perish
and go to hell while a selfish church goes on about her business, unconcerned.

Isa 58:10 And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then
shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday:
Isa 58:11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and
make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water,
whose waters fail not.
Isa 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up
the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the
breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Isa 58:13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy
day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour
him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own
Isa 58:14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the
high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

What promises! Remember there are some ifs in there. If you will, He will. Let Him fill
you, then pour out that life of His to the hungry through you, it will satisfy the
afflicted soul! And because it's His life, His light will rise in the obscurity of your
vessel, and the darkness will be to you as light. You will know. You will understand.

Psa 139:12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the
darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

If we are willing to deny self, and suffer through that, for the glory of the Lord, for the
sake of the lost and the poor and needy, that HE loves, and died to save, what glorious
rewards! Then His light will break out like the morning sun in our lives, our healing
will be brought to pass, and our righteousness shall go before us-and our
Righteoussness is HIM. He will go before us, and His awesome glory shall be our rear
guard! We see this pictured vividly in Israel's passage through the Red Sea. And the
Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy your soul in dry places, and feed you
well. You will be like a well watered garden, rivers of living water that doesn't dry up
because He is in us and we are in Him-the connection is close, personal and
maintained not broken or sporadic. If we remember the Sabbath day-the day of rest,
and keep it holy by sanctifying that time as a day to spend with God, not out doing our
own thing, oh, what we will learn! What rewards of knowing Him we reap! Don't
speak your own words, but His. Don't do your own thing, but get alone with Him, and
just spend time with Him, as a bride with her husband. Relish Him. Love Him. Adore
Him. Draw strength from Him. Then we can build up the old wasted places and raise
up the foundations of many generations as a repairer of the breach, a restorer of the
old paths where that church of Pentecost walked with God in such power and purity!
Isa 58:14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the
high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

This is someone who is daily being raptured by the Lord...each day He's drawing more
and more of them into Himself until there is nothing of self left and it's all Him.
Trading rags for righteousness. Trading time for eternity! And because of sacrifice
and yielding to God, many who would be lost and end up in a Godless hell for eternity
can be saved and enjoy Him, too! It will be worth it, folks! Don't listen to that old lying
devil when he tries to tell you if you deny yourself it won't matter, it won't change
things. I've just laid out the promises of God which will go into effect if you do. Oh, let
us seek the Lord, and His kingdom FIRST, daily! If we really believe He is coming
back, and He's pure and holy, we better know He's coming back for a pure and holy
bride. If we don't know Him now, we won't know Him then. If we truly love our lost
loved ones, with His love, we will be willing to pay the price so He can save. The
church needs a double portion of what they got at Pentecost. These Scriptures are key
to that. A revival is not a series of meetings where people get encouraged. I've been
studying in Acts and I see a real revival. A bunch of Jewish Christians, in hiding,
waiting, afraid to step out and do anything, all having failed, but waiting on God for
power. Only the Holy Ghost living in us, leading and guiding us, and loving each other
through us, can revive us. Too long we've settled for an appearance of godliness with
no power. The fact that our churches lack love and concern for one another is evidence
the Holy Ghost is not present. He is love because God is love. When He filled the
disciples in the upper room, self was of no concern. They stood and boldly proclaimed
the gospel, they endured persecution and beatings. They sold what they didn't need so
those who lacked would have. There was no selfishness involved. But there was real
power and change. They reached their generation, and turned the cities where they
preached upside down. Oh, God, grant us the power to be a people you can fill and
control for Your purposes..

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