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1 O*t8 1 "'* tfl ^> V ** ** ^

Editor : S. K. Vcnkatacharyulu

M.A., B.Ed.,

Publishers : NAVARATNA BOOK CENTRE Karl Marx Road. VIJAYAWAOA-520 002.

Little Master's English-Telugu Dictionary

Editor : S.K. Venkaticharyulu, M.A., B.Ed..

Copy Right Reserved by : B.K.R. Murthy (Publisher) Vijayawada-2 f Phone : 432813

First Print : July - 1998

Printing ; Vasu Offset Vja-2. Ph. : 438324

Price : Rs. 30-00


. . -,' ,A*-s <?: >'-

^^.iS&^sr^^u-* ' " /.<': ..',: '. **

a.(a)s-2; aback :(a abacus :( abandon '(vt.)s>5a~2>oj abase abash ,(v. abate : aobey abbot . abbreviate . abdicate .(v,t. abdomen abduct

abet : abeyance :(n. abhor ; abide ; ability .'(n.)^; abject .

able . ablution ' abnormal abode , abolish , abominable : aboriginal . abortion :(n abortive abound abouffadvlSoSj- 8 ^^ (p) above .(f>&ac?/.)&jS ^

abridge: abroad ^(a abrogate : abrupt, absent : absolute absolve : absorb absorption S-OOUUJtO aostam : abstract


absurd : absurdity abundant abuse ; abyss : academy : accede : acceleration accent :(n,)5*j accept

access : accession accident ( accidental acclaim accommodation accompany : accomplice accomplish

ace f accord accordingly -(adv )i account : accountant accrue accumulate . accurate accuse accustomed '(i ache :(a.)5S>y, achieve achievement : acid .(n.JfcrtfcS acknowledge acquaint :(v.t,)B>c&>s!<s$x>




acquire : acquit ' across '(p

action active : actor actress : actual -(a acumen acute : adamant auapt '

add . addition : address

adept: ( adequate .( adhere '( adhesive .( adjacent .( adjective :( adjourn :(v.t)sr | oMa"i adjudge :( adjust :( aummistration (n ) admiration

admire : admission : admonish , ado .(n.)>oO adolescence


adoption : adore adorn : adult . adulterate , advance advantag . advent : adventure adverb

adv adversary adverse adversity advertise advice ' advise advocate (n aerodrome aeroplane affair .(n )a affect affection (n affectionately (adv affinity affirmative affix afflict t (v.t)sre.o^b affluent afford affront afloat .

afraid : afresh , after .(p again (adv against '(p age .(n agenda (n agitate -(v; ago agony agree (v

ailment . aim air '(n alarm alas (interj.)e61r^ alien . alike , alimentary alimony . alive ( alkali : all (n ) alliance ( allot , allow alloy . ally

almighty .(n almost , alms aloud ,(adv)rit3n alphabet : already also alter (v.t.)Sr-&) although altitude alum ,(n always

arna amass : amaze ' amazement ambassador ambiguous . ambition .(n amend amiable amicable amidst . amount amuse an (a)e-s anaemia analysis .

ancestor ancient and . anecdote angel . anger . angle .

anguish ' animal . animate :

annals :

?j e

anniversary : annotation :(n.)tfe announce ; anomaly :

another : answer .( ant anthem : antipathy antiseptic antonym ( anus anvil anxious

anvoody apart apathy '

apology apparent * appeal appear appease : appendix. (n ) appetite applaud ' apple : application apply . appoint :


apportion : apposition :(n.)2roas; appraise : appreciate

app apprehend

apprehension apprentice ' appnse approach approachable : approbation. (n appropriate

appropriation :(n

approvable ' approval . approve .(v.t.)e9oftgdoc$j approver

approximate : appurtenance apricot April : apron (n )


apt , aptitude aptness , aqua . aquarium : Aquanus . aqueduct :(r,

aquiline :


arabesque arable arbiter . arbitrary

arbitrate '(vt arbitration .( arbitrator . arboreous arbour arc . arcade : arch . archaic archaeology

archer :( archery > (n.) architect architecture ; (n .)

archives ardent . ardently ardour arduous are : area .(n,)S)!bs:sjj: *C8 areca . arena , arenaceous . argent .(nO"So<5 argue :

arguer '

argument .and aridity r Aries aright : arise aristocracy

aristocrat : arithmetic . arithmetician :(n.)wog?fe3tJ ami : aimada : aniiamentr aimature armchair armed : armistice . armour :

armoury : armptt : arms : army aroma around :(p arouse arrack : arraign : arrange : arrangement :


arrant array : arrears (n)tr*l; arrest

arrestable . arride arrival : arrive : arrogance : arrogant . arrow arsenal : arsenic arsenical arson :

artery . artful :( artfully artfulness article : articular :(a articulation artrfice: artificer artificial artillery artist : artless : artware

afe :(adv, & conj.)ss; asafoetida.

asb asbestos (n ascend ,(vt ascendency :(n ascent -(n ascertain : ascetic asceticism ascribe , ascnption ashamed :( ashes *(n ashore :( ashy aside

askance (adv)&cn asleep : asp

aspect '(n. asperity ( aspersion : aspirant . aspiration :(n. aspire . ass .(n assail : assailant , assassin : assault :(n. assemble . assembly :(n. assent : assert .(v.t.)|25S^7? 33y

assertion . assess assessor ' assets (n )^ asseverate assiduity (n.)^ assiduous (a) assign * assignment assimilate assist '(vt assistance : assistant :(n assize .(n. associate association < assort assuage assume .' assuming ' assurance : assure ' assuredly :(adv asterisk :( astensm :

astern . asthma *(n astonish astray .( astrologer astrology astronomer

ast astronomy ' astute asylum at .(p.)s atheism atheist athtete '(n )StS; athletics . atlas : atmosphere :



atone : atrocious : attach attachment : a tack : attain .(v.t. attempt :

attend ; attendance : attention :(n )^ attentive . attestation : attestor : attic : attire : attitude : attorney :(n.)sieo; attract -.

attribute i

attrition :(n.

auction . audacious

audacity :

audible -(a audience : audit ' auditor -

aught . augur i augury : august : August : aunt

auricle : aurora : auspices : auspicious . austere : austerity : authentic i

authenticity : author :(n.)ccSocotJ authoress authority :

authorize : autobiography : autocrat

aut autocratic ( autography

automatic fiSo autonomy : autumn auxiliary :(a avail available 3& avarice :(rr. avaricious

avenge : average .(n. averse

avert i avid :(a.)e> avidity :(n.) avocation : avoid : avoidable avow : avowal await : awake : award . aware :

away : awe -(n.)<jS ^ejs awful awhile :(a


awkward awry :(a axe (n axiom axis axle (n ayah (n)csa azure .(n. &

babble :(v.t)3a& babe :(n.)aot,36g babe* : baby : babyhood : babysh : bachelor

backbite :(v.t. & vi.)c&3aj backbiter :( backbone . backdoor background backing : backside backslide .(v backward

backwards backwater : backyard .(



bacon : (n.)

bacteria : (n.) bad : (a.) 3g, badge: (n.) badger: (n.) badiy: (adv.)

baffle : (v.t ) bag : {n.) baggage : (n.) baa : (n.)

bailbond : (n.) bailiff : (n.) balm : (n.) bait : (n.) z bsaze : (n.) bake : (v.t} baker: (n.) bakeiy : (n.) balance : (n.) jjr2o, balcony : (n.) bald : (a.) bafdhead : (n.) bate : (n.) o^ balefel : (a.) bale : (n.) bai : (n.) bated : (n.) baioon : (n.) ba^3* : (n.) ba*oom : (n.) balm : (n.) : (a.)


bamboo : (n.) bamboowork : (n.) bamboozle : (v.t.) bamboozlement : (n.) ban : (n ) 3lxa&tt (v.t.&v.L

banana: (n.) band : (n.) bandage : (n.) bandicoot : (n.) bandit : (n.) bandog : (n.) bandy : (n.) o<5 bandy-legged : (a.) bane : (n.) baneful : (a.) bang : (n.) bangle: (n.) banish : (v.t.) banishment : (n.)

bank: (n.) banker (n.) bankrupt : (a.) &aer* 0^2 bankruptcy : (n) aanp banner: (n.) ejaSu, 2ocr banquet : (n.) banter : (n.) banyan : (n.) 2j*j baptism : (n.) bar : (v.t.) barbarian : (n.) barbarity: (n.) barbarous : (a.)




barber : (n.) barbican : (n ) bard : (n ) 33 bare : (a.) barefaced : (a.) &fc barefoot : (adv.) asyw barely : (adv.) bargain : (n.) barge : (n,) & 3S2S bark : (n.) auSo (v.)

barley : (n.) barn : (n.) barometer: (rr.) baron : (n.) barrack: (n.) barrage: (n.) *

barret : (n.) barren : (a.) 98023* ff*3 barricade : (n.) barrier : (n.) barrister: (n.) barter: (n.) base : (n.) =*^C3^ (a.) Jta*aj baseless : (a.) basement : (n.) "bashful : (a.) basic: (a.) basin : (n) basis : (n.) basket : (n.) too, bastard : (n.) bastille : (n.)


bastion : (n ) bat : (n.)

batch : (n.) bate : (v.t.) bath : (n.) bathe : (vi.) bathos : (n.) baton : (n.) S^ battalia: (n.) battalion : (n.) batter : fr.t) battery : &t.)

battle : (n.) bawE: (v.t&v.i.) bay : <r^Sx bayonet : (rr.)

be : (v J) beach : (n.) bead : (n.) beak : (n.) beaker: (rr.) beam : (n.) beaming : (n.) bean : (n.) bear: (n.)

(n.) beard : (n.) bearer: (n.)

pea bearing beast (n beastliness (n beasiJy (a./^ ~li* *_ beat Mis"*

beaten (a) beautiful (a beautify ^vt beauty (n becaJm ,(vt ) beckon : become (v becoming "

Dedolng bedeck :

bedsore : bee : beef : beehive :

beet :

befit :

beiiend : beg .-


beget . oeggar ' beggarly begin . beginner beginning beguile . behalf : behave behaviour behead behest : behind behold ,(vt. behoof : being : belch '(vt & beleaguer belfry (n) belief, believable believe : believer : belittle : bell :(n )n-

befJows belly :

belong *

below :(p& adv.) o*; beft :(n.)5os

bem bemoan .( bench bend beneath :(p &adv)(|o benediction .( benefactor :(i

beneficial benefit .(n)ej$3oo; benevolent benign bent benumb .( berth :(i beseech beseem .( beset .( besjde besides (adv)sjog&> besiege p (vt.) besmear .( besmirch :( best ,( bestial :( bestir .( bestow .( bet :( betel :( betray ( betrayal :(n.) betrothal better :( between :( bewail :(


beware bewildered bewitch beyond bias Bible r brckenng bicycle bid bidding . bide bifurcate big bigamy : bigotry^ (n.j

bile . bilious bilk bill . billion billow bin bind :(vt.)goj; binding ,(n.)0* biologist : biology : biped bird : bird-cage '(

bird's-nest i birth . birthday


birthplace . bisect bishop : bit , bitch

bitter .(a bizarre blabber black blackboard .(n.)3oae> black-hole blacksmith : blackwood bladder : blame . blameless .

bland : blank blanket . blasphemy : blast blaze bleach

bleak : bleat Weed : bleeding : bfemish blench blend :

bless blessing . blight : blind ( blink : bliss blister blithe : blizzard bloat , block blockade blood : blood-shed . bloody . bloom blooming : blossom blot : blouse blow

blue .(n. bluff blunder : blunt : blur : blush : boar : board boast , boat : bodice :

bod bodily body



bodyguard bog . boggie : bogus boil

bciler ' boisterous bold , boldness ; boif bomb .(n J

bondage bone bone-ash ' boneless : bonfire < bonnet . bonny t bonus .(n J booby : book ( booklet bookseller boon boor , boot : booth jj border '(n.)>oii3;

bore (n boreas borrow bosh bosom :(a

boss -. botany . botch both -(a bother . bottle -(n.)!>3" bottom

bough . boulder (n)"2>g?bop s ca) bounce bound : boundary : boundless bounteous . bounty : bouquet : bow (n.) bowels (n.)(t>?b&5 bower .(n bowl . bowman :(n)s>easB3 box :(n )~?>~& boxing : boy . boycott (v.t.)"a&5d5a boyhood :

bra bracelet : bracket brag : braid .


, bro

brain brainless : brake . bran : branch . brand : brandish brass : bravado :(n.)oopoco brave :(a.)^SSu rto bravery :(nJg brawl : brawn bray :(v. brazen : breach : bread r breadth : break

breakage : breaker :( breakfast

breast:(n.)S^So3j; breath : breathe : breathless breed

tweeze : brevity : bribe

brick bnde bndegroom

bridle bnef .brigade bnght :( brighten brightness :(n brilliance ^ bnlliarTt

bnm brine bnng : bnnjal : brink

bnstle . brittle, broach broad : broadcast : broaden brochure : broken broken-hearted

broker : brokerage : bronchitis : bronze : brood :(v.t.

brook : broom : brother :

bro brow [ bruise brush brutal

brutally , brute


bubble ,(n. bucket ,(n buckle :( bud budge :(v i )geso; budget

buffalo buffoon , bug build : building : bulb ' bulk , nulky ,(a,)eyj bull ~ bullet : bulletin : bullion (n )"2>o& bullock : bully bulwark :(n.)ojCb83; bump bunch : bund :

bundle ; bungle : buoyancy .(n. burden burglar i burial .


burn '(vt.)seoj; (vi) burrow bursary burst bury . bush business : bust .(n bustle . busy -

butcher butter butterfly . butter-milk buttock . button '(n buy buyer buzz

bye ' bygone by-lane :(n)3oSo by-product : by-stander

byword ,

cab .(n.)tpcso7i cabbage . cabin (n)a; cabinet

cable. (n.)"acpS>; cablegram

cad i cadet : (n.) cafe : (n.) s$ cage : (n.) cajole : (v.t.) cajolery : (n.) cake : (n.) 5*lj, calamitous : (aj calamity: (n.) calcination : (n.) calculable : (a.) calculate: (vt. &v.i. catenation : (n.) ss, calendar: (n.) fooss> calender: (n.) t* caJf:(n.) cafl : (v.f. cafibre: (a.) ca^rg : (n.) caBistfienics : (n.) caious : (a)



calm : {at}



: (n.) fri.) : (n.) 3 ,

canal ; (n.) : (n,)

cancel : (v.t.) e& cancellation : (n.f Cancer : (n.) g

candid : (a.) candidate : (n.) candidature : (n.) candle: (n.) ^ candour : (n.) *~ candy : (n.) cane : (n.) 1 canker: (n.) cannon : (n.) cannibal : (n.) canoe : (n.) canon : (n.) canteen : (n.) canto : (n.) cantonment :

canvas : (n.) canvass : (v.t. & v.L)

cap : (n.) Safeco, capabiGty: (n.) f capable: (a.) * capacrty : (n.)

cape : (n.} capfcry: ^ capital : fti.J 5s {a.> capftafisra:

capitalist : ft.) capitation : (rrj capitulate : (vl) caprice; fa capridous : (rr.) capricom : (n.)

cap capsize-(v.t captain caption . captivate . captivating captive ' capture :


car carat '(n ) caravan : carbon carbuncle

carcass card :(n.)es>o; cardamom cardinal : cars (V.I career . careful . careless . carelessness . caress . cargo carnal : carnivore

carnivorous :

carol ; carpenter carpentry

carpet carnage : carry cart .

cartilage :(n. cartoon. cartridge -(n. carve -(v t ja case cash : cashew :(n ) cashier cask . casket . cast . caste : castigate : casting :(n. castle . castor-oil : castrate : casual . casualty :(n )

cat catalogue: catamaran : catapult : cataract . catarrh :{ catastrophe catch categorical category : cater : caterpillar cathedral cattle : cauldron : cauliflower causative :

. :(n.





caustic : caution :(n. cavalry : cave caveat : cavern : cavity :

celebration: cetebrity:(n.)|3&|

censor i censure census : centenajy centipede central : centre century : cereal :


ceremoriy certain certainly : certamty : cerfiScate


certify cervix :( cess cessation cesspool

chafe chaff : chain

chair :( chairman chalk challenge :( chamber :(n.)^a chameleon :(n.)5*oS; champion :( chance ^ chancellor : change

channel : chant chaos chap :(n.)fco; chapter ' character : charcoal charge

chariot :(n. charioteer charitable fo charity . charm charming : chart

cha charter . chase : chaste : chasten chastise chat : chatter ;

cheap : cheat:

check : cheek : cheer : -cheese : chemist chemistry . cheque (n)3f; cherish : chess chest chew chicken '. chide chief

child :(n.) childhood childish childlike chill chilli chimney chin china-ware chip

chirp :(vi.)sroSi5 chisel :(


chitchat : chivalrous : chivalry :

choice : choke cholera choose

chonf :

chorus . choultry Christianity : Christmas chronic chronicle : chonological

church churchyard : chum : cigar cigarette . cinema : cipher : circle :(n.) circular :( circulate : circumcision : circumstance circus :

crtizen city : civic : civil : civilization



civilized :

claim : clairvoyance : clamour :( clamp :(n.)oo&> clan :(n.)3 clandestine : dap :(vi.)33\ti*ig clarify : clasp : class : classic :(n) classical :(a) dssify :{vt) class-mate :(n)

daw :( dean :(a)

cleanliness dear :(a deave : cleft : demency : clergy : clerk : dever : cHent :

dimate dtmax cfimfa i ding : dip : dock dose dot :

cloth :(n)ou dot he : cloud : dove : down : club :(n due : dumsy :

cluster :(n)foO; dutch : coach :(n)co&

coal : coarse : coast : cobbler : cobra: cobweb : cock : cockroach : coconut : code : coercion : coffee :(n)s*{> coffin : coin: coincide :(vi)>J$3o3> coir :i cold: colic: collapse : coHeague: collect; collection: college cotoy: collude :



colony :

colour : comb : combat 1 combine :(vt)3eb)

combustible :( come :(vi):sck} comedy .

comely :( comet l comfort :( comfortable :( comic :( command :( commence '( commend :( comment' :,< commentary (n) s commerce ^ commission :( committee :( commodity :( common .( communicate :( community :( companion :( company :(n)3o&:ta; CLU compare :(vt)3ej} comparison :( compassion -( compel :( compensation :( compete :( competition :( complain :(

complaint : complement :

compJexlon : complication '. compliment

comply : compose : composition -. compost : comprehension . compress comprise compromise ' compulsion compulsory : compute : conceal .(vt)zs;fc concede .

conceit : concentration . concern >

concession ' conciliation ; concise ' conclude conclusion : concrete ; concur condemn : condense .condition :( condole : condone :

ron conduct : conduction : cone :(n)?o conference confess : confidence : confirm ,(vt) confiscate : conflict confuse : congratulation :(n)>c;5oB;$ congress : conjunction : connection : conquer :(vt)ttcoio3> conqueror : conscience : conscious : consent :

consequence : consider : consign :( consist : console : consonant : conspiracy : constant : constitution :(n

construct : consult : consume : consumption :

cdrvtain : contemporary fiontentment

contest : context : continent continue : continuous contract :

contradict : contrary : contribution control controversy convection convenience convent convention : converge converse : convert : convey convict : convuteioA :

cook :(vt.) cool :

copper i copy : coral : cork :(n)ceo com

comer coronation corps corpse : correct : correspondence

cor corridor : corrupt . cosmopolitan Ho cost cot : cotton : cough : council :(i counsel : count counterfeit country : couple : courage :


course : court : courtesy : cover ; coward : crab : crack : cradle : craft , crash : crave . crawl : cream : create :

creation : creator creature : credit : credulous : creed : creep :


creeper : cremate : crescent crest : cricket : crime . criminal : crimson : cringe : cripple : cnsis : crisp :

critic : (n.) criticise :( criticism :( croak :( crockery :(n)ionc5 crocodile :( crooked :( crop : crore : cross : cross-eyed : crouch crow :(n)s"2 crow-bar : crowd

crown ; crucial : crucible :(n)Sar*3 crucify :(vt)5>eoS"ScBa3 cruel : cruelty : crude :(a)"arua cruiser : crumb r

cru crumble . crush crust : crutch


cry : cryptic : crystal . cub cube : cube root cubit :(n cuckoo : cucumber : cudgel : culpable : culprit . cult : cultivate . cultivation : cultivator : culture : cumbersome cumin . cunning cup cupboard : Cupid . curb : curd : cure

curiosity cunous curl : currency : current

curriculum curry ' curry-leaf curse cursory curt curtail , curtain curvature

curve cushion custodian custody custom customary customer . cut cutchery : cutlery : cut-throat cycle : cyclic : cyclone : cylinder . cynic . cynicism cyst : czar :

dab daco'rt : dacoity : dad daffodil dagger :

jai daily daintiness .(n dainty dais dal :(n )33y dally : damage : damn *(vt);po<ioC5j damp dampness damsel dance


danger dangerous dangle ' dare (vt danng

darkness darling .(n )> darn . dart : dash dastard *(n.)UI&p&> date . dated ' datura

daughter-in-law dauntlessly dawdle :(vf dawn : day , daylong dazzling dead '(a

deadly * deaf .(a )3fit3 deafness :(n deal (n )<p dealer (n )ss dear : dearth death death-blow : debar -(vt)wgfto3j debase . debate

debility (n.)oo&-a debit . debris (n); 3^ debt debtor '(n decade -( decadence '

decamp . decay . decayed .(a)|Sbgss decease deceit : deceitful deceive -(v.t )~ar-aS decency ,(n decent * deception ' decide .(v.t decidedly . decimal '( decipher : decision :(n decisive :(a



declaration . declare : decline . (v.i

decoction decomposed :( decorate decoration

decorum decoy :( decrease (v.i.)#fc(v.t)dAo2j

decree decry dedicate deduce deduct deed deem -(v.t, deep : deer deface : defalcate defamation defamatory defame default : defaulter defeat : defect : defective : defence defend : defendant : defer : defiance : deficiency .-

deficient deficit define definite : definition deflect . deformity :

defy : degenerate r degree :(n.)e>

deify :(v.t.)B deity : dejection delay delegate : deliberate :(a delicacy

delicate : delicious delight : delinquent: (a deiinum deliver :

deliverance delivery

delude : deluge ' demand : demeanour demerit : demise : democracy demolish

dem .demon . 1 demonstrate : demur den denial : denominator denote : denounce dense : dent (n dental ' dentist . dentition denunciation deny , depart department departure depend dependant depict ' deplorable deplore : deponent deportment : depose


deposit . deposition : depot . deprave , depravity : depreciation : depredation . depress depressed :



deprive depth derelection : dende derision derivation ' derive ' derogatory :

. descend .(v.t.)a?b; descendant . descent : describe description : desert deserve . deserving : design . designation :

desirable desire desist . desk (n ))opeo uo desolate : despair . despatch '

desperate .

despicable : despite : despoil : despot destination :


destiny . destitute : destroy : destruction : destructive : detach : detail : detain : detect : detective

detention : deter deterforation : determination deterniine : detest : dethfione detract r

devastation : develop : development : deviate :

devt : devish : devious : devise : devoid :( devolve : devote :(v.t)dSo3r/Voci);

devoted : devotee : devotion : devour : devout :

dew : dewiap dexterous diabetes . diabolical. (a diagnose .

diagnosis ' diagonal : diagram dial i dialect dialogue :(n. diameter diametrically

diamond . diaphragm ' diarrohea . diary :

dictation :(n.)e;

dictator : dictatorial : diction : dictionary : dictum : die :(n.)>OS;

diet : differ : difference : different :(a difficult :

diffident :


diffuse (v.t )a dig digest

digestion .(n) digit :(n.)c?o"; dignified : dignitary . dignity digression dilapidated . dilate : dilatory ' dilemma diligence diligent ' dilute dim :( dimension diminish diminutive dimple din '(n,) dine

ding-dong dinner

dint : dip . diphtheria diploma diplomacy


diplomat dire ' direct:(a


director : dirge .

dirty : disability .(n disable disadvantage

disaffection disagree : disagreeable

disallow : disappear .( disappoint . disappointment : disapprove .(vt.) disarm disarrange : disaster . disastrous . disavow : disband . disbelieve : disburse :(vt)3oci) disc : discard

gte discern : discerning discharge, disciple :

disclaim : disc^e ' disclosure

discomfort : disconcert :(vt.)$o?ss3i disconnect . discontentment : discontinue : dscord discount . discountenance : discourage :(vt.)tt d ? scourse : discourteous discourtesy : discover : discoverer : discovery . discredit : dtscreet : discrepancy discretion : discriminate discus : discuss :

discussion :


disdain disease : disembark : disengage : disentangle disfavour dsfigure dr j>

disgorge disgrace :


disgust cfslt : dishearten

dishonest: dishonour . dishonourable

disillusion disinfect :

disintegrate : disinterested. disk :(n.)jo^ fig; dislike :(v.L)3j^o3j dislocate : (v.t ) lo tj2)




disloyal* (a oismal . dismantle dismay : dismiss (v.t)5 1J ofto3j;


dismissal . disobedient disobey :(v.t.& vi) disorder disown ' disparage disparity . dispassionately :

oispel '

cispensary r(n.)2. cispensation cispense (v.t)2oO"2>oj disperse dispirited displace : display displease displeasure dispose

disposition :

dispute . disqualify ' a,squiet . disquisition

disregard disrepute disrespect :(n disruption dissatisfaction dissect . dissection (n dtssembte : disseminate dissension : dissent dissertation disservice dissident: dissimilar . dissipation . dissociate . dissociation dissolute. ( dissolution . dissolve : dissuade (v.t):&a < $os>

distance : distant : distaste distil :(v.L)wac distilFery : distinct. distinction '(n distinguish :

distinguished, distort

dis distract .(v. distress . distribute .(v.t.)2oOl>oj district distrust : disturb :(v. disunite :(v. disuse : ditch :(n ditto : ditty : divan : dive ; divergence : diverse : diversion : divert : divest :(v.

divide :(v. dividend :



divmfty : division : divisor divorce : divulge : dizzy : do : dociie : dock : doctor : doctrine document

dodge doe -(n dog : dogged dogma . dogmatism -(n doing '(n.)^ dole :

dolt : domain : dome

domestic : domesticate domicile . dominant : dominate : dominion donation

donkey . donor -(n.)otJ doom:(n)^;

door ,(n.) door-sill . dose :

dotage : dote : double : (a double-dealer. doubt :

dou doubtful doubtless doughty dove ' down 1 (adv &p)jlo; downfaU downpour .(n. downstairs dowry -


dozen (n.)3o(3o&i draft : drag : drag-net '.(n)l>g dragonfly (n dram :(n drainage

drama . drastic . draw : drawback drawer . drawing. dread dreadful dreadless

dream .(n.)2o dreary drench dress.

drill (v.t Je (n) dnnk ,

drip :(v i.)so dnve .(

driver : dnzzle droll . drone : droop ' drop

dropsy .( drought .( drove :( drown :(v.t.)iSjooC3b(v DJSjoSfta 6 ^) drowsiness -(n.)3&>S3otfc drudgery. (n.)a>s^.) s^^s 3^ drug .( drum *( drunkard dry (a.p dual dualism dubious , ducat . duck duct





due : (a.)

duel : (n.) 85085 duffer: (n.) duke : (n.) dull : (a.) dullard : (n.) duly : (adv.) dumb : (a.) dunce: (n.) dune : (n.) dung : (n.) *te dungeon : (n.) dunghill : (n.) duodenum : (n.) dupe : (v.t.) duplicate : (n.) 6, duplicity: (n.) durable : (a.) 3t3 fc3 duration : (n.) duress : (n.) IP &> during : (p.)

dusk: (n.) dust : (n.) duster: (n.) dusty : (a.)

dutiful : (a.) duty : (a.)

dwarf : (n.)

dwell : (vl)

dwelling : (n.) dwindle : (v.l.) dye: (n.) Soto (v.t.) oj dynamo : (n.) dynasty : (n.) dysentery : (n.) dyspepsia : (n.) dysury : (n.)

each: (a. &pro.)

eager : (a.) eagerness : (n.) eagle : (n.) (Kg

ear : (n.) 3a, eardrum : (n.) ear! : (n.) early: (a.) earn : (v.t,) earnest : (a.) ^S earnestly : (adv.)

earnest-money : (n.) earnings : (n.) earpick: (n.) tt&D earring : (n.) earshot: (n.) earth : (n.)

earthen : (a,) earthenware : (n.) earthly : (a.)

ear earthquake earthwork : earth-worm . ease (n )Z


easily easiness east eastward easy ' easy-chair, (n

eatable . eater ' eating ' eau (n )>&> eavesdrop : ebb ebony : ebullient 3^0 eccentnc eccentricity echo eclat -(n eclipse :

economical, :(a economics economist .' Bconomy

ecstasy -

edge . edible ( edict (n edifice :( edit -(vt edition (

editor .( editorial educate educated '(a.) education educationist ' educator -(n J efface


effectively . effeminate

effervescence -(n.)>oro efficacy efficiency -( effficient :(a effigy efflux . efffort . effusion '

ego: egoism egoistic. (a. egregious.

eight (n& a ps eighteen- (n& a eighty (n& a )<D&s3 either: (a& pro )"3et5P

eject elaborate ( elastic .( elasticity elate elation etbow elder elderiy elect

Section elector electricity etectnfy etegance :(n.)^r,

etegy . element . elementary elephant '{ elephantiasis eievate eievation eleven (n.& a )3S^ elf (n)5>^csacj ^'icit .(vt )odSx55tPK:


eliminate elimination -(n J-iT elite .(n elixir (n )s> ellipse (nO ellipsis .(n elocution ' elongate . elope . eloquence :(n eloquent else (a elucidate . elucidation elude elysium ( emaciate : emaciated -

emanate . emancipation emasculate embank : embark


embarrassment {n embassy . embers :( embezzle :

embitter .

emb emblem : (n.) embodiment : (n.) embody : (v.t.) emboss : (v.t.) d embrace : (v.t.) embroidery : (n.) embryo: (n.) emerald : (n.) emerge : (v.i.) emergency : (n.) emergent: (vi.) emigrant : (vi.) emigrate : (vi.) emigration : (n.) eminence : (n.) eminent : (a.) eminently : (adv.) emissary : (n.) emit : (vt.) emolument : (n.) emotion : (n.) emotional : (a.) emperor : (n.) 3 emphasis : (n.) emphasize : (vt.) emphatic : (a.) empire : (n) empirical : (a.) employ : (vt.) , employee : (n.) employer : (n.) employment : (n.)




emporium : (n.) empower : (vt.) empress : (n.) emptiness : (n.) empty : (a.)


emulate : (vt.) enable : (vt.) enact : (vt.) encash : (vt.) enchant : (vt.) enchanted : (a.) enchanter : (n.) enchantment : (n) encircle : (vt.) enclose : (vt.) x * enclosure : (n.) encompass : (vt.) encounter: (n.) oaood> (vi.) encourage : (vt.) encouragement : (n.)


encroach : (vt.) encumbrance: (n.) encyclopaedia : (n.)

end : (n.)

oSij (vt.) endanger : (vt.)

endear: (vt.) endearing : (a.) 'j endearment : (n.)

end endeavour.



ending : endless endorse endow . endowment endurance : endure . enduring : enema : enemy ; energetic . energy enfeeble : enforce : engage : engagement

engine : engineer : English : Englishman : en grave i engross : engulf : enhance : enigma : enjoin : enjoy :

enjoyment :(n.

enlarge :

enlighten : enlightened : enlist . enliven enmity : ennoble .enormous enough :(n enquire :(vt . enrage . enrapt : enrich enrol : enshrine .ensign r

ensue ensure entanglement enter (vt. enterprise r entertain : entertainment

enthrone enthusiasm . entice : entire : entitled entity : entrance : entrap * entreat :(vt entreaty .

t trust: try twine jmerate . jmeration : jn elation . velop .(vt.)33y velope ."(n viable vious .



voy : vy i jhemeral )hemeris

icurean )idemic * Didermis Digram :

Disode : Distle .(n Ditaph .

Ditome .( Ditomize Doch .

quality : Dually : quation

equator ' equilateral , (a equilibrium . equinox ' equFp : equipment .

equitable equity .(n.) equivalent equivocal era eradicate :(vt

erase :(vt

ere :(adv, p & conj

erect erection , erosion err . errand errant erratic

erroneous error . (n ) say , erudite :(a erudition eruption :(n.)f*tQeo; escape :(vt &


esc escort especially espionage espousal : espouse .(vt)~2>o(r>&i;


essay '(f\.)s essayist (n essence (n essential *(a

essentially : establish ; established ,( establishment estate , esteem esteemed^: esthetics estimable : estimate estimation : estrange * estrangement estuary : eternal ( etemfty i ether ethics r etiquette etymology eutogy .(n eunuch

evacuate evacuation evade evaporate evaporation

evasion ' evasive : eve even

evenhanded : evening ; evenly : event eventful ever everlasting : every r evict evidence evident, evidently evil (a.)3g;

evince :

evoke evolution evolve ewe : exact -(a exacting exactly -

exa "exaggerate exaggeration : exalt exalted examination : axamme : examinee . examiner : example exasperation : excavate :(vt.)(tK>j exceed exceedingly :


sxcept : exception

xceptional -xcess -xcessively .xchange

.xcise . -xcite xcrtement : xclaim : xclude xclusion : xclusively t :connmunication <crete ccretion :


excursion excuse .

execute execution : executive . exemplary

exempt i exercise : exert . exhale :(v exhaust : exhaustive exhibit exhibition . exhilarating exhort . exhume .

exigency :(n ) exile . exist . exit . ex officio -(a&

exonerate . exorbitant :(a exotic > ( expand . expansion expatiate . expatriate :

exp expect : expectation : expedient: expedite : expedition :( expeditiousty expel i expend :

expenditure : expense :( experience



experienced : (a. experiment : expert :(n.)s pypire :(

expiry :( explain : explanation :

explicit explode :(v.t)f*>er> exploit : explore : explorer ;(n explosion : explosive : export :(n.) exporter :(

expose :(v exposition expound : express expression

expressly : expropriate

expulsion : expunge : exquisite :(a. extempore extend :(v.t.)5d extension :(a. extensive :(a.

extent :( exterior : extermination external :(a. extinct : extinguish :(v.t. extol ;(v. extolment :(n. extort :(v.t. extra :( extract

extraneous : extraordinary

ext extravagance extravagant extreme (a )232*J; extremely .(advj^lj, extermity extricate extrinsic extrude exuberent exude (v i exult *i(y,i)2=i


exultation .(n Jcs

eye (n Js eyeball eyebrow (n eyeglass (n eyelash : (n

eyelet eyelid *(n.)2 eye-opener eye-shot *( eyesight eyesore .



fable :(n.

fabnc : fabricate fabrication (n )2 fabulous face

( n

facile facilitate facilHy :( facsimile fact :(n facfon :(n.)^ factitious .(a )K7 1&* factor :(n)^r 6 2s2a factory -(n )s^ faculty fad .(n. fade .( fag .(v. faggot


fain .( faint (a j famting fair (a.) fairness fairy : faith :(n.)a faithful ;(a faithfully

(v.i )^r3^,e

faj faithfulness faithlessness fakir (n)s^ falcon .(n )3x fall fallacious fallacy fallen fallow : false (aJ falsehood falsely (a


falsify * falter fame . familiar familiarity : family famine ;(n.)g:$) famous fan . fanatic .

fanciful fancy :(n fantastic fantasy far:

; 3r;;

farce :(n } s>s^ajj fare

farewefl :

farm farmer (n. farming ( farmyard ' far-sighted fascinate fascination ,(n fashion (n fashionable.


fasten :(vt.)5oj fastidious < ( fasting (n ) fastness '(n

fatal , fate .(n.)a^; es father (n )3o\&] tathom (n fathomless (a fatigue '

fatty fault faultless faulty favour-(n

favourable favourite favouritism : fear .

rea fearful . fearless feast . feat (n) eat her . aature ederate aderation .


aeling : aign . Bigned . slicitation

allow sltowship : slony :

sminfne * snce :

Brmentation srocious

srry srtile : Jrtility : utilization

utilizer :

fervent festival :(n festive : festivity , festoon ' fetch fetter : feudalism

fever (n J f evens h .(a

fiat fibre : fickle : fickleness , fiction fictitious : fiddle .(n.) fidelity : field fierce fiery : fifteen ,(a& fifty : fig .(n)e fight . figure :

file : fill . film ' filter .


fire-fly : fireproof frestone


"flight .(n.

flimsy : fling :(v. flint : flippant :(a, flirt : flit :(v.i)sesoj float :(v.i )3e flock :(n.)ifco flog :(v.t.)S*ttz**5*tg flood :(n. floor :(n.) flooring . flop :( floral : flounder : flourish

flow :(n )ia flower :(n. fluctuate : fluent : fluid .(

flush :( flute ^n flutter

fly ' foam :( focal :(

focus :

fodder . foe ; foetus .(n, fog :(n. foil foist :(v. fold : foliage :(n. folk .(n. follow :(v.t. follower :(n. following :(n, folly :(n. foment .(v. fond : fondle food :(n. fool foolish foot :

footboard footing > (n.) footman :( footmark ifn.j footnote :( footpath :(n.) footprint :(n.)se2i footsoldier :( footstep :(n.) footwear :( for :(

for forbear : forbearance forbid forbidden force .(n.)oejfcj;



forceps (n.)5os"Bj forcibly : fore : forearm : forebode : forecast : 'orefather forefinger forefront :(n.)"3jjfies forego . forehead , foreign (a )*;5a^; *"

foreigner :(n. foreman : foremost : forenoon r forerunner : foresee foresight :(n. forest :(n. forestall : foretell .(v. "forethought :(n.)a,x>oei> forever :(adv.)^t^^ foreword :(n.)2ox>&> forfeit :

forfeiture forge

forget .forgetful forgive : fork forlorn form -

formal : formality . formation : former :(a.)"2oiest5; formidable : formula : formulate ; forsake :

forsooth : forswear : fort i forth : forthcoming : forthwith :(adv.)"3oo3 fortificatjon . fortiUide : fortnight : fortress :(n.)*o; fortunate fortunately : fortune : forty :(n. & forum :




foster .(vt) "2)o^i5 foul

found foundation founder -(n foundry :

fountain : four :(n. fourfold .(a. fourteen -(n. & fowl . fox fraction . fracture fragile -(a. fragment fragrance fragrant : frail


franchise .

frank ' frantic ( fraternity fradulent fraught :(a.)3o&3

freak :(n

free freedom freely . freeze :(vi.)Stjj freight '(n. frenzy -(n.)e frequency


frequently : fresh

freshness -(n J^r^

fretful fret-work .(n friar (n)S^& friction :(n )ul& Friday . friend -(n friendly friendship .fright frighten '

frightful frigidity fringe frivolous .(a fro :(adv.)^>;i>536 frock

fro frog :(n.)53j frolic : from front :(a frontier frost .(n.)1>a;5 froth, frown : frugal : frust .(n iruitful : fruitless : frustrate . fry '(v.t.)frying-pan fuel : fugitive fulfil full: fully fulminate fumble : fume .(n fun : function .


fund : fundamental

funeral : fungus : funnel funny -

furiously . furnace furnish .

furniture furrow further

furtive fury fuse fusion ' fuss futile futility : future .

futureless futurity r

(v t.)


gabber gabble : gag : gaiety : gaily gain : gainsay :(vt.)s5Sj gait : galaxy : gale : gall :


gallant . gallantry gall-bladder :(n.)S*p gallery :

gallon : gallop : gallows galore .(adv.)3Sjj|n gamble : gambler *(n )sf esa gambling game : gander gang :(n gaol gap : gape gaping '(n garden . gardener .(n. gargle Kv.

garland :(n )o garlic :(n frtg* garment -(nO garret '(n.) garrison gas :{ gaseous .( gash .(v.t.)

gasp :( gastric .(a>^^ Do-

:(n ) gateway . gather . gathering gaudrly gaudy : gauge : gauze gay :(

gazette :(n.)7tJ; gear i gelatinous : gem : Gemini gender gene genealogy general

^s (n )"&

generally generate generation generosity generous : genesis ' genial genitals , genius

gentle gentleman : gentleness



gentry :(n genuine r genus geography : geology :( geometry :

germicide : germinate : germination :

gerund : gesticulate : gesticulation gesture : get : ghastly : ghaut : ghee :( ghost : giant : gibberish :(n gibbet : gibe ; giddiness : giddy : gift e gifted : gigantic : (a. giggle : gilded :

; Soa


gilding : gill : gilt :(n.)oJTCo gin ginger : gingili :( giraffe :(n.)Sor5>

girder : girdle : girl ^n. girth i gist : give : glacier : glad : glackien i gladiator :(n.)Bt3; gladly : gladness :( gladsome : glamour : glance : gland : glare :(n glaring : glass :(n.)ncr glassware :(n. glaucoma :(n. glaze : gleam : glean : glee : glen :(n.

glib : glide g (v !. glimpse .(nJ glisten : glister :(v.i.)"2o<55cG glitter :(n)#fc>56 glittering . gloat :(v.i. globe :(n. globular : gloom , gioomy glorification :(n. gtorify glorious . gtory :(n. glossary -(n.

glossy : glottis :(n } gjove : giow : gtowing : glow-worm . glue :(n.)uo5; glutton i gluttonous : glycerine : go :

goat :

gobble goblet : goblin : God : Goddess ; godlike godtiness : goctty godown :

godspeed :

; no

gold : gotden

gofcffirtch . goldsmith gonorrhoea

good-bye : good-for-nothing : good-humouredy good-looking goody . good-natured

goodness :(n. good-tempered .

goodwHJ -{n.

goose :

gordian : gore ' jorge

gorgeous : gorilla . gosling : gospel : gossip : gothic : gourmand : gout : govern )eo governess . government &a governor .

grab : grace .(n. graceful :

gracious gradation grade : gradient gradual :

graduate :

graft .(v.t.)otjj


grain :(n)Aoe;

gram : grammar :(n ) grammarian : grammatical : gramme granary : grand :(a.)??3j granddaughter grandeur : grandfather :

grandson . granite * grant :


graph : graphic grappte : grasp ' graspiiig : grass : grasshopper

grateful :(a grateful^ : gratify : gratrfymg : gratis : gratitude

gratutous : gratuity . grave :(n.)32j-*e,


gravel -(n.)3o2e gravestone . graveyard gravitation -(n. gravity -

gray. :


grease : great .(a greatness greed : greedily : greedy . green :

greet :(v. 5oCSj greeting QoS) greganous

grief :(n. grievance ' grievous .

grim i gnmace : gnmly (adv )<Jc2b gnn (


gnndstone grip :(n.)t53o,3 gnpe grisly grit : groan groaning: grocery .( groom groove : grope : gross

grotesque . grotesqueness ground

groundless :(a ground-nut :(n groundwork . group : grove grow :

growth grudge (n)3j gruel . gruesome

gru grumble : (vi.) guana : (n.) guarantee : (n.) s* (vi.) guard : (v.) (vt.) guardedly: (adv) guardian : (n.) guava : (n.) guerrilla: (n.)



guess : (vi.) guest : (n.) guidance : (n.) guide : (vt.)


guild : (n ) guite : (n.) guHlotine : (n.) #ee ag

guilt : (n.) guilty: (a.) guise: (n.) guitar : (n.) gulf: (n.) guHet: (a) gulp : (vt.) gum : (n.) gun : (n.) gunny : (n.) gunpowder : (n.) gurgle : (vi.) gush : (vi.) gust: (n)

gut : (n.) gutter : (n.) gymkhana (n.) gymnasium : (n.) 3*8 gymnastics : (n.) gypsy : (n.)

ha : (Interj.) habit : (n.) habitable : (a.) habitant : (n.) habitation : (nj habitual : (a.) habitude : (n.) hack : (vt.) hackney : (n.) Hades : (n.)

hail : (n.) hailstone : (n.) haH-storm : (n.) hair : (n.) hairbreadth : (a.) hairy : (a.)

haie : ^a ) half : (n .- )

haemorrhage : (n.) &^( hag : (n ) haggard : (a.) haggle : (vi.)

hal -half-hearted ^ fa half-moon half-way : half-year :(n hall hallmark : hallowed : hallucination : (n . halo :


hamlet : hammer hammock : hamper -(vt hand : handbill . handcuff : handful -(a.)2>&-&> handicap handicraft : handily : handkerchief : handle.

handloom :( handmade : handmaid hand-post handsome : handwriting handy : hang :


hanger ' hanger-on hank :(n hap : haphazard happen : happily happiness happy . harangue : harass harbinger : harbour

hard : harden : hardened: (a hard-hearted

hardiness : hardly hardness : hardware :

bare : hark : harm harmful harmless harmonious

harmonium harmony .

har harness harpoon : harrow harsh , harvest :(n

has haste hasten hastily hasty : hat hatch hatchet : hate hateful hatred .(n.)5; haughtiness ( haughty haul .(vt.)jos? haunt haunted have : haven : havoc . hawk . hawker :


hay . hazard : hazardous : hazy : he :


headache (n heading .(n.)&6 headless : headlong . headman . headmaster *(n headship : headstrong.

healing . health :(n J healthy :(a. heap

hear : heanng ' hearken : hearsay . heart . heartburning heartfelt .

hearth (n.)3ocuj heartily heartless . heart-rending :

hearty ^f5 heat :

hea beave : heaven

heavenly :(a.)3je . heavily :( heaviness heavy :( hectic :(a.) hedge :( hedgehog :(n.)ao>ogsoa heed :( " heedless heel '(n.) height .(n.) heighten :(vt.) heinous ^ heir :

heirloom :(n.) heirship :(n.) hell :(n,) helmet * helmsman help rJnO

helpless . helter-skelter : hemisphere -( hen : hence heceforth : henchman henpecked : hepatic :(a)5>^


herald . herb herbage '(n. herbal , herd here hereabouts : hereafter . hereat hereby : hereditary heredity . herein : hereof hereon . hereto : heretofore : hereunder . hereunto hereupon herewith: heritage -(n

hermaphrodite . hermit. (n)tiX)Sx; hermitage .(n.)s hernia :(n.)o^ hero :(n

heroic ,( heroine heroism . hesitant :

hes hesitate hesitation het erogenous

hew .' hexagon hiatus hibernate :


hibernation hiccup r hide :(vt.)oci>


hiding '(n )a higgle high high-handed highland :(n highly : highness hlgfwoad :

hike hHarious :( hiarkMJsness :{n )

block : hit him

hind :

hindrance (n hinge ' hint : hinterland . hip .(n.)tfcotJ hippopotamus hire

hireling :(n. his :(a& pro )

histonan history :

hitch. 52o; hither : hitherto : hrve hoard :


hoarse : hoary : hoax hobby : hockey : hog : hoist :(vt.)l>'>; hoW

hote holiday :(n.

ftoj hollow

hottowness :

homage : home

homeless homely homesick

homicide : homily : homogeneous hone :(n.)s-5 honest honesty . honey honey-bee . honeycomb honeymoon

honorarium : honorary : hononfic honour :{n.)7rts:S3u; honourable

hood : hoodwirrk . hoof r



hope hopeful .

hopeless ' horde horizon . horizontal (a hom .( hornet horoscope horrible hornfy hornpilation

horror .

horse horsefly horsepower : horseshoe horsewhip horticulture :(n hosiery 'hospital .(n ) J hospitality . 'host :(n

hostel : hostHe 'hostility -

not hot : hotchpotch . hotel hothead hound hour'(n)fioo;

house .(n )s?o:; household : housekeeper :(n.)qot3l>g housemaid *(n.)3333 housewife :(n.)fl)Sjef; sjotS


hovel : hover how howdah however ,

howl hub :

hubbub :(n.)ao(5 huckJe huddle hue :(n huff .hug : huge : huH :(n.) J hum : human : humane :


humanist ^<PSPS humanitarian

humanity :(n.

humble humbug :(n )fi5n; humid . humidity : humiliate : humiliating : humiliation : humility :(n)o&5;

humming : humour

humonst :(n.

humorous :(a, hump :(n. humus :(n.

hunch . hunchback i hundred :(n& a.)So25; hundredfold :(n.)oi5'3tjo hunger . hungry :

hunter :( hunting .

hun huntsman hurdle hurl *(v hurrah (n. & ii hurricane hurry


hurriedly ( hurt :(v.t.)ndfc3wC5:>;

hurtful .husband :(n ) husbandsman husbandry : hush :(interj.)^

husk '.( husky

hustle hut hutch hybrid : hydra

hydrocele : hydrogen : hydropathy ' hydrophobia

hyena :(n hygiene : hymen ifn.

hymn : hyperbole . hyphen hypnotism hypocrisy : hypocnte : hypocntic : hypotenuse

hypothesis . hysteria :

hystenfc : So.

ice , iceberg : icon :(n. iconical

idea : ideal

identical : identification identify identity . idiom : idiomatic :

idiosyncrasy -(n.J^

idi idiot SP&5 idiotic : idle

idleness, idler . idly '(adv,)iS3*tooS idol . idolater idolatry ,(n idolize .(v.t.)e>on if :(conj.)epccoa ignrtable :

ignite ignition : ignoble : ignommous : ignominy :



ignorance : ignorant :(a.) ignore : ileum

ill-bred . illegal

illegible :(a. illegitimacy .(n Ulegjtimate :

ill-feeling : ill-gotten . illiberal .(a illicit .(a.)a illiteracy . illiterate ill-luck . ill-natured . illness : illogical . ill-tempered ill-treat

illuminate . illumination : illusion : illusory : (a.) ^ illustrate

fflustration 5oSw; eiustnous :

; an


tmaginary : imagination iinagine : imbecile : iinbecHity : imbibe : imbue

imj Imitate . imitation :(n. immaculate (a. immatenal :(a. immature :(a.)ese'ad3 immediate :( immediately . immemorial '(a. immense : immerse :(v.t. Immersion .(n. immigrate -(vj. imminent


immoderate : immodest -(a Immolation '(n.)t3e immoral Immortal .(a.

immortality :(n. immovable : immunity :(n. imp :(n. impact :(n. impair .(v. impalement .(n. impart :(v.

impartial : impartiality : impatient :

impeach :(v.t.


impeachment implicrt '

impede .{v. impediment :(n. impel :(v. impending . impenetrable .(a imperative imperceptible .(a. imperfect . imperfectly imperialism : imperil . imperious ^a. impenshable : impermeable impersonate :(v.t.

impertinent : imperturbable impervious rta impetuous : impetus impinge :(vt)*-g; impious :(a.)<[ $ implacable . implant : implement .-

implicate : implicit :

implore : imply : impolite : import : importance : important . importer : importune : impose : imposing : imposition '(n impossibility . impossible :(a impostor : imposture impotent :(a.)*

impregnable : impress : impression

imprint : impnsion : imprisonment :(n.)3Mj improbable : improper : impropriety :( improve :(v.t) improvement imprudence :

imprudent : impudent :


impugn : impulse

impunrty : impure : impurity :

impute * in

inability . inaccessible- (a )SKwa A inaccurate : inactive : inactivity : inadequate inadmissible :(a.)ep&3oo3

inadvertently :(adv.)3cr&rr> inalienable

inanimate inapplicable : inappropriate inapt '(a.)^ inarticulate ; inattentive : inaudible :( inaugural -( inaugurate inauguration inauspicious inborn : incalculable . incandescent :(a )

foe incantation ;(n.; incapable :(a.; incapacity :.(n.)*l incarnation : incense : incentive :(n.] inception : incessant : inch :(n>oK>ws incident : incidentally : incipient :(a.' incision : incite : incitement : inclement : inclination :

incline : include :(vt)2ws$); including :(p, inclusive :( incognito : incoherent : incombustible : income : income-tax : incoming :(a incompatible :(a,' incompetent ; incomplete :(a


inconvenience : inconvenient :(a incorporate : incorrect :

inconclusive ; inconsistent ;

increase : incredible : incredulous :(a.; increment : incriminate : incubation :(n.; inculcate : incumbent : incur : incurable : indebted: indecent : indecision :(n.; indecorous : indeed :

indefatigable; indefensible

indefinite : indelible : indemnity : indent: indenture : independence independent :

ind indestructible


index :(n. index-finger : indicate : indication : indict : indifference : indifferent :( indigenous : indigestion . indignant : indignation : indignity indigo : indirect : indiscreet : indiscriminate indispensable indisposition

indisputable : indissoluble :


individual :

mdividuaJity : indivisibie : Indolent : indormtabte indoors induce :


indulge . indulgence

industrious industry ineffective : inefficient : inelegant :( ineBgibte inequality : inequitable : inert : inevitable : inexcusable : inexpensive -. inexperienced infallible ' infamous infancy : infant infanticide infantry (n infection mfer : mfenor : inferiority .

infinite infinity mfirm . mfirrnity .

wf __

Inflammation : inflate : inflation : inflict : influence :

influenza : inform : informal : information . infringe : infuse : ingenious : ingenuous : ingratitude :(n.)*jW)a inhabit : Inhabitant : innate inherent : inherit : Inheritance : Inhuman :(a. inimical : iniquity : initial :(a initiate : initiation : initiative : inject . injunction : injure : injurious : injury : Injustice :


ink: ink-bottle inkling . inland*

inmate :(n.

innate : inning i innocence innocent : innovation : innumerable inopportune inordinate : inorganic

inquest :(n.)o*o inquire : inquisitive :

insane insanitary : insatiable inscription : inscrutable : insect :(n.)iossx>; insecticide insecure : insensible

; se

IQ3 insert : inside : Jncight :(n. insipid : insist insolent ,(a.)*:>o5dab3 insoluble :(a.)3CH2> insolvent : inspector : msptre ; instable :

install :(vt.)oifc instalment : instance . instant : instead : instigate : if .still : instinct : institute :(n.)3o|; institution :(n.)2>og instruct : instructor : instruction :(n. Histruinent :

insubordinate ; insufficient insular



isurance :

insurgent . insurmountable insurrection intact: (a intangible : integer : integral : integration : integrity :(n.)Jb;

integument intellect : intelligence

intelligent :( intelligible : intemperate : intend .(vt. intense, (a intensity : intention : intentionally : intercede

intercept : intercessor . intercourse : interdict : interest : interesting . jnterfere : interior

inferjection :

]nt _ interlude intermediate '. intermingle : intermix intern internal international interpellation : interpret interpretation : interrogate . interrogation : interrogative interrogator ' interrupt < (vt. intersect . interval '(n intervene interview : intestine :(n.)(1>?b intimacy , intimate intimation intimidate into intolerant


intonation -. intoxication : intransitive intrepid : intricacy : intricate .(

intrigue : intrinsic r introduce


intrude :( intuition : mtwine .(vt.)t2o inundate . invade : invalid

invalidate : invaluable invariable invariably invasion : inveigh .< invent : invention inventory '(n.)3t! inverse : inverted . invest . investigate : investigation : investment :

invincible : invisible :



invitation : (n.) invocate : (v.t) invocation : (n.) invoice : (n.) invoke : (v.t) invoke : (v.t.) inward : (a.) *a (adv.) inwards : (adv.) iota : (n.) ttfefl ire : (n.) *&Su iris: (n.) He: (v.t) irksome: (a.) iron : (n.) ironical : (a.) ironically : (adv.) irony : (n.) ?3*tf to national : ^ffjj*^ Stt^fi^*^ irrecoverable : (a.) Stfb

irregular: (a) far '"-ant : (a.) irreml. -He: (a.) irreparable : (a) irresolute : (a.) irresponsible : (a.) irretrievable : (a.) kreverence : (n.) irrevocable: (a.) : (v.t)

irritate : (v.t.) irritation : (n.)

is : (v.i.) island : (n.) isle : (n.) & Islet :(n.) isobar : (n.) isohyet : (n.) isolate : (v.t) isolation . (n.) isoscesles : (a.) isothesrm :(n.) issues :(n.) (v.t.)

issuless :(a.) isthmus (n.) : rt:(pro.) a; itch :(n.)

itchy :(n.) item : (n.)

iterate : (v.t.) *6A ftneraiy: (v.i.)

Itinerate : (v.i.) its : (pro.) itsetf : (pro.) ivory :(n.)



Jab jabber . jackjackal: jackdaw jacket "(n ) jaculate . jaculation . jadish :(a.); jaggery jaggy (a jaguar >jaa jaBor


jamboree jangle : janitor

jar :(n. jargon jasmine , jasper '(r jaundice jaunt jaunty javelin jaw jawbone jealous : jealousy jeer jejune 1


jeopardize jeopardy :(n. jerk . jest : jester : Jesuit :(n)t)2o

jet . jetty . jew : jewel . jeweller : jewellery jig jigjog , jilt i jingle job ;(n.)aa; jobber jobbery ,(n ) jocose : jocular, jocund : jog join

joint (n.)lea;

joke (Vt

joker :(n.

jol jolly jolt : jolthead jostle jot journal :(n. journalism journalist : journey : jovial joviality : joy joyful . joyous :( jubilant ' jubilation . jubilee : judge .( judg(e)ment


judicial :(a.

judiciary judicious ' jug juggler : jugglery -(ri.)r?s<i juice : juicy : jumble : jump : junction : juncture :

jungle : junior junsdiction -(n ) junsprudence ' jurist ' jury : just :(a


justifiable :(a justification ' justify . jute : juvenile : juvenility :

kaleidoscope : kangaroo : keel keen : keenly :(adv ) keep -

keeper : keepsake . keg : kennel : kerchief : kernel : kerosene : kettle : key :

; 22y;





kid :

kidnap :

kidney . kill : kiln : kin :( kind


kindly . kindness kindred : kinetic . king :(n,) kingdom : kingfisher kingly : kingship : kinsfolk kinship kinsman kiss (vt.) kit : kitchen :(n.)3ooooooo kite kith . kitten knack knave : knavery :

knee : kneel . knell : knife ' knight : knit (vt.Jei knitter :(n ) knob :(n knock knoll knot ( knotty know ' knowable : knowingly . knowledge

known knuckle . Koran krart :

label laboratory ' laborious labour : labourer :

lace lacerate lack lackey (n.)oooo;

tec laconic : lactation : lacuna : lad ladder ladle :(



lag laggard : lagoon : lair lake : lakh : lamb : lame :

lament lamentable : lamp :( lance .( land :(n.)"5e;

landholder : landlady . landlord : landmark

iane . language : languish : languour : lantern : lap :

lapse .( large -( large-hearted

larva larynx : lash : lass : lassitude : last : lasting .(a.) Je latch :(n.)ddSi tate :( lately' latent : lateral : latest : latex . lather latitude

latrine *(n laud : laudable : laugh : laughable laughter : launch : luandry : laureate :(n ) lava

lavatory B (n.

lav lavish . law -(n. lawful: (a

lawn ' lawsuit :(n lawyer lax : laxative : laxity : lay . layer laziness lazy ' lead


leader leading : leaf .(n.)Sb; league . leak -(vi leakage p (n ) leaky lean ' leap : learn :(vt&

learned learning : lease :

least : leather :


leavings . lecture lecturer . ledger .(n ) leeward :(a;adv&

leech :(n )e; ^ left leg legal legend : legible .( legion : legislate i legislator : legislature : legitimate :

leisu/e : lemq lend : length : lengthen lenience :(n.)Sdfo; lenient : lens , Leo : leopard leper : leprosy tess



lessee lessen lesson . lest i let : lethargy letter : lettered : level lever :(n.)bo; levity :(n. tevy : lexicon :


liable : Bar : libel : liberal : Itberalfty Irberate lffi>erty .

librarian :

licence : fick : lid : He : Hen .' fife : lifeless : lifelong ifetime :

Irtt ligament :(n)2tg; light :(n.)sod lighten lighthouse :

lightly : Bghtnlng :

likelihood : likely : liken likeness '. likewise : liking : limb :

limekHn : UmeHght .(n. limestone : limrt : limited :( hmiUess : limp :(vi)Soooj line lineage linen : linger linguist :(n. lining :(n.)^



Rnseed :(n.)> lion : lioness : lip :(n.)TW$a liquefy :(vt)2SftoCb liquid : liquidate

liquor : Jist :(n

listen :(

listless :( literal :(a.)2Sr*o&

literally :(adv.)SS literary : literate

literature : litigant :(n litigate : litigation : litre : fitter. little : live -:( fvefihood r Kvellrtess : Eveiy : liver : livestock :

ving :( izard :(n.)eg

oaf : oafer : oan:(n.)ay;

loathe : loathsome : lobby :(n. lobe :(n. local : locality : locally : locate ;(vt.)~2)tg;

locker :(n. locket : lock-up : locomotion :(n. locomotive

locust :{

lodge :(n.)o;

lodging : loft :

log' :(n.

teg logarithm loggerhead logic .(n.; logical -(a

loiter :(v.i.

loneliness : torrefy

longitude Jong-sighted :

ioop {n.

tony :



lost (a.)&coo3; lot :(n.

lotion -(n lottery :(n.)roe lotus (n.)tr-sj

loud : loudly :(adv.)t|7p loud-speaker :(n. lounge louse : lout : lovable love :(n.)L&Sj;

love-letter loveliness lovelock lovely lover :(n.) lovesick : loving lovingly

lower :(v.

lowland :(n. lowliness ,(n.

loyal c loyalty :(n.)uts$;


. lubricant Rubricate lucid -(a lucidity . lucifer

luck -(n ) luckily (adv ) luckless -( lucky .(a ) lucrative ludicrous : kidffication

lukewarm lull : lullaby lumbago luminous . lump : lunacy

lunatic -(n. lunch '(n lung :(n lurch lurcher lure :(v. lurk luscious lust : lustful

lustre . lustrous lusty :(a lute.(n)&o lutist . luxuriant luxurious . luxuriously . luxury . lymph .{n.)sSL



lyric :(n)&s

mace machinate machination machine machinery

machinist . macrobiote . macrobiotic: macrocosm .(n )$o


mad madam : madcap : madden : madman madness :

nag magazine (n Jflgofl; magic . magician &&a magistrate (r}. magnanimity : magnanimous : magnate : magnet :(n J magnetism : magnificence ' magnificent . magnify :(vt.)"2)garr magnitude . mahout : maid . maiden.



maid-servant mail maim ' maimed : main : mainland mainly : maintain : maintenance. maize : majesty : major :(a.)-3g maprity : make : making :

malady ' malan'a male ,(a,)&>K malevolent .( malice (n malicious malign

malignant : (a )e>3s cog malleable

mallet malpractice .(n.)3g maltreat .(vt)S?o5)oCSj mammal mammon mammoth man :

manage ' management manager : mandate * mane -(n,) man-eater


mango : manhandle : mania : manifest: (a manifesto : manifold :

man manipulate :(v.t.) mankind :(n) manly :(a.) manner :(n.) 6$; mannesrism :(n.)



manoeuvre :(v.t &v.i.)

man-of-war :(n.) mansion :(n.) manslaughter :(n.) mantle :(v.t) manual :(a.) manufacture :(n.)

manure :(n.) ^manuscript :(n.) many :(a.) ^c manysided :(a.) map :(n.) mar :(v.t.) maraud :(v.t.) marder :(n.) marble :(n.) march :(v.i.) mare :(n.) i margin :(n.) marginal : marigold :(n.) marine :(a.) mamier :(n.) martial :(a.) mark:(n.) K>^;


market :(n.) marksman :(n)

mam'age '(n.) married :(a.) marrow :(n.) marry :(v.t )

mars :(n ) marsh :(n.) marshal -. marshy: (a.) mart :(n.) martial : martyr :(n.) marvel :(n.)

marvellous :(a.) masculines :(a.) mask:(n.) mason :(n.) masonry :(n.) mass :(n.)

massacre :(n.) massage :(v.t.) massive :(n) mast :(n.)&& mastesr:(n.)

mastesrty :(a mastery :(n.)




mastiff . mat :(n.) j3 match

May : may mayor :

matchless . mate .' material -. materialism : matenalize : maternal : matemity :{n. mathematics . matinee matricide , matriculation : matnmony :(n. matrix : matron : matter , mature : maturity :(n.)csSjo maul :(v. maund : mausoleum : maxim



meadow (n meagre (a) meal mean meaning means

measure : measurement meat* mechanic

mechanically : medal .(n. meddle

mediate (v i. mediator : medicine : mediocre : meditation : medium meed :

melancholy mellow : melodious : melody : meft : member ; membrane : memoir . memorable :

men memorandum memorize ,(vt)2o3g3jo memory (n menace .(n mend mendicant menial menses : mensuration mentality :

mention : mentor mercantile mercenary merchandise merchant merciiul mercury Mercury mercy mere . merge merit i meritonous .(a)(3rj^J c mermaid mernment merry merry-go-round (n .' mesmensm mess :


message .(n messenger -

metal metamorphosis (n metaphor (n. meteor . meter (n method . metre .(n metropolis , mettle :

mica :

microbe : microphone. (n.)^g microscope : midday middle : middleman midnight midst . midway ' midwife mien might *(n )? mighty .(a.J^i^ ?? migrate :(v migratory p milch

mildew '(n ) mile .( n J milestone : military


milky :



mill : millennium .(n millepede .(n, miller : millet : million r millionaire millstone . mimicry . minar : mind

mindful .


mineral mingle *(vt& vi. miniature minimize :(vt.)$AoCb minimum : minister : ministry : minor :(

minority :

mint : minus minute .

miracle i miraculous nr'irage : rrOre :

mirror mirth ' misadventure .(n misanthrope . misapprehension misapprdpnate

misbehave (vi.) miscalculation -.( miscarriage p (n )e miscellaneous mischief -(n)&3 mischievous :(a. misconception misconduct miconstruct miscreant misdeed misdirection miser :


misery (n misfortune misigiving . misguide : mishap : misinform : misinterpret . mislead : mismanage . misnomer : misplace

mis misprint .(n )> mipronounce. misquote . misreport . misrepresent: misrule :(n )<$ miss


misshape , missile :(n.) asses AS


misspend , misstate ' misstep mist .(n. mistake

mistaken (a mistily : mistress . (n .

mistrust : misunderstand

misuse mite:(n)csoJ; mitigate : mitigation . mix mixed :


mixture moan ' moat . mob mobile . mobility :( mock -(vt. mockery : mode . model :(n.)ssr-aa moderate . moderately modem : modest . modesty : modification : modify : modulation module :(n. modus : mofussll : moist : moisten . moisture : molasses :

mole : molecule : molest : molestation

mollify :( molten :{a.)scftoO3

mom moment :(n J^i

momentary momentous monarch . monarchy monastery Monday monetary : money : moneyed -| moneyless monger mongoose monition : monitor monk: monkey (n. monopolist monopolize monopoly :(n.)fa# monotonous monotony

monsoon : monster o^2> monstrous

month : monthly : monument : mormmentai

90 mood moon moonlight : moonrise moonshine moonstone moor moot moral morale : morality . moralize : morals: morbid .{a, morbidity moreover mom morning . morning star morose : morrow : morsel : mortal: mortality : mortar mortgage . mortification . mortify . mortuary mosque : mosquito . moss, moth



mother : mother-in-law mother-land , motherless :( motherliness motherly (a.)se>3ot3 mother-tongue . motion :(n motive : motley : motor


motto : mould mount mountain : mountaineer -(n ) mourn mourning ' mouse ' mousetrap : moustache . mouth mouthful , move

movement .(n.

moving mow (vt )

muck-worm -

mucous ^ mucus :(n mi'd :( muddle -< muff :(n )f muffle :(

mug if muggy :( mulct :( mule :( mulish :( multicoloured :(a multiped :(n.)a2"dB&o*>:g) multiple :(n )7t>l^s^ (a )e

multiplication multiplicity .( multiplier : multiply ' multitude : mum mumble :(\ mumps (ri mundane : mungoose : municipality munificersce munificent .( mura! murder :( murderer murky . murmur :

mus muscte muse : museum :(n mushroom music : musical : musician musk : musket . muslin mustard muster ' musty : mutation



mutilate : mutineer : mutiny . mutter :(vt mutton : mutual :(a mutuaHy : muzzle .(vt.)5*Q>Suj my : myopia . myriad : mysterious . mysteriousJy : mystery : mystic :(a.) mysticism : mystify :

myth :(n.

mythicaf . mythologi mythology ^n

nabob nag : nail

narve r naked : nakedness name:(n.)~Seb;

named :(a )"Scbrie nameless -

namely : nap nape : napkin :(n. nan*ate : narration rtn^Sjo; ^56 (<J narrative :(n. narrator * narrow : narrowly : narrow-nwided .(a nasal ila. nascent . nastiiy . nasty : natal :( nation -(n.

ndt national :

nationa^srn nationality . nationalize : native

nativity : natural : naturally nature : naught : naughty nausea :(n.)5*& nauseate . nautical : naval .(a,)

navigate :(vi. navigation :(n. navigator :(n, navy : (n . near: (p.)tt (vt.

nearly :(adv.)8Hwn; nearness : neat : neatiy : neatness :(n, nebula :(n. nebulous : necessarily :


necessity : neck : neckhace , nectar : need :(n

needful : needle : needless needs :(n needy : neem :

nefarious : negation :(n.)se5S:o negative : neglect :(vt negligence negligent : negligible : negotiate : negotiation neigh : neighbour . neighbourhood neighbouring : neighbourly : neither :

nep nephew :

Neptune : nepotism.

nerve : nervous :

nervousness : (n.) nest : (n.) net : (n.) 2e> nether; (a.) neuralgia : (n.) neuter : (a.) neutral : (a.) neutrality : (n.) * ne,/ei- (aoV.) nevertheless : (adv.) id *** : (a.) |S*, newly : (aoV.) p news : (n.) newspaper (n.) ^oj news-vendor :

next : (a.) nib ; (n.) d* ntobte : (vt)

nice : (a .) nicety : (n.) nickname : (n.)

ntece : (n.)


niggard : (n.) night : (n.) nightingale : (n.)

night-soil : (n) nihilism : (n) nil : (n) &>x nimble : (a) nine : (n. & a.) nineteen : (n.& a.) ninety (n.& a. )

ninth . (a) nip : (vt.) nipple : (n) nit : (n) *QJ; nitrogen : (n) no : (adv.) 3 nobility: noble : (a.) nobleman : (n) nobody : (n) nocturnal : (a) nod:(vt.)*o node : (n) ***>% noise : (n) $ja noiseless : (a) d noisy : (a) nomad : (n)



nominal : (a) -&&& r: (adv.) -&CW&

nom nominate ; (vt.)


nomination : (n) nonchalance : (n) none : (a)

nonentity : (n)

nonsense : (n) tf non-stop (a&ndv) noodle : (n) nook : (n) neon : (n) noc S3 : (n) nor : (conj) norm : (ri) "aj^ nortTial : (a) north : (n) Ag | northern : (a) nose ; (n) nosegay : (n) nostril : (ri) not : (adv.) *e^; 3 notable (a) |3&g'a notably : (adv.) note : (r.) 6iS; noted , (a) |a&g , noteworthy : (a) nothing : (n) notice : (n) notify : (vt) rtotion : (n) notorious : (a.) nought : (n)

noun : (n) nourish : (vt) nourishing : (a) nourishment : (n)

rovsl : (a) 1^*3 (n) novelist : (n) novally : (n) [Td November : (n) now : (adv.) nowadays : (adv.) nowhere : (adv.) nucleus : (n) to|c nude : (a.) nudity : (n) nuisance : (n} null: (a.)2ga nullify : (v.t.) numb : (a.) number : (n) numeral : (n) numerator : (n) numerous : (a) nun : (n) nunnery : (n) nuptials : (n) nurse ; (n) o*5 (vt.) nurture : nut : (n) ftoe; nutmeg : (n)

nutriment : (n) wtf caw nutrraon : nutritive : (a)

nym nymph (n)

oak . (n) <L oar : (n) ass oasis : (n) ' oath : (n) obdurate : (a) obedience : (n) obedient : (a) obeisance : (n) obey : (vt) we & obituary: object : (n) objection : (n.) objectionable : (a.) objective : (n) a oblation : (n) D obligation : (n) a obligatory : (a.)

oblige : (vt.) obliging (a) oblique : (a) Sojre oblivion . (n) oblong : (a) obnoxious : (a) 3s obscene : (a.) obscure : (a.) obsequies : (n) observance : (n) observant : (a) observation : (n)


observe : (vt)


obsolete : (a) obstacle : (n) obstetrics : (n) &o(fda as obstinacy . (n) obstinate : (a) obstruct : (vt,) obstruction : (n) obtain : (vt) obtuse : (a) obviate : (vt) obvious : (a) occasion : (n) occasional : (a) occasionally : (adv) occidental : (a.) occutt . (a) occupancy : (n) occupant : (n) occupy : (vt) occur : (vt)

occurrence . (n) ocean : (n) octagon : (n) October ; (n) octopede : (n) ocular : odd : (a)

oddity ; (n) odds : (n) odium : (n)



r : (n) of : (p) off : (adv) offence : (n) offend : (vt) offensive : (a) offer : (vt) offering . (n) offhand : (adv)

office : (n) 33; officer : (n) official ; (n) offset (vt) 3u offshoot . (n) T offspring : (n) often : (adv.) ogle : (n) oil : (n) oily : (a) d^K ointment : (n) old : (a) SMS>& olfactory : (a) omen : (n) ominous : (a) omission : (n) omit : (vt.) omnipotent : (a) omnipresent * (a) omniscient (a) omnivorous : (a)

on . (p.) a;

once :

one : (n & a) oneness (n) one-sided : (a) onion : (n) onlooker : (n) only (adv) onslaught , (n) ^ onus : (n) u 6 onward : (adv) ooze : (vi) opaque : (a) open : (a) 3S5^5l5^5S (Vt) opener : (n) opening (n)

open-hearted : (a) openly : (adv) opera : (n) operate (vi.)

operation : (n) 33; opine : (v.t,& v,i.) opinion : (n) opium : (n) opponent : (n) opportune : (a.) opportunity (n.) oppose : (vt.) opposite : (a) opposition ; (n)

opp oppress : (vt) S oppression : (n) oppressive : (a) optjc : (a) tf^ optimism : (n) optimist : (n) optimum : (a) option : (n) optional : (a.) opulence : (n)

or : (conj) 3s oracle : (n) a oral : (a) orange : (n) oration : (n) orator : (n) orbit : (n) orchard : (n) ordain : (vt) ordeai : (n) order : ( n ) a# (vt) wzj2o orderly : (a) ordinance : (n) ordinaiy : (a) ordnance : (n) ore : (n) organ : (n) organic : (a) organism : (n) organization : (n)



orient : (a&n) orifice : (n) origin : (n) original . (a) originality . (n) 5a originally : (adv) originate : (vi) % omameni : (n) ornamental : (a) orphan : (n) orphanage : (n)

organize : (v.t)

orthodox : (a) oscillate : (vi) * oscillation : (n) oscillatory : (a) ostensibia ; ostrich : (n) other (a) otherwise : (conj) oui)ht : (v.) ounce : (n)

our : (a) P ofc:^ ours : (pro.) oust: (vt) out : fadv) out-snd out : (adv) outbreak : (n) outcasle : (vt) outcome : (n) outer/ : (n) to : (vt) outdoor: /a)

out outer : (a) outermost : (a) outflow : (n) (ft outgoing : (a.) outlaw : (vt) at; outlay : (n) outlet : (n) outline : (n) outlook : (n) outlying : (a) out-of-date : (a.) gr out-of-the-way . (a.) output : (n) outrage (n) & outright : (a) a^ 1 ^ outset : (n) outshine : (vt) outside : (a) outaktns : (n) outstanding , (a) outward : (a) oval : (a) ovary : (n) oven : (n) over : (p) &tf overawe . (vt) overcome : (vt) over-confidence . (n)

overdraft : (n) overdue : (a) overhear : (vt) overload : (n) ^S"

overtook : (vt) overlord (n) overpower . (vt) override . (vt) overrun . (n) s oversight : (n)

overstep (vt) overt . (a) a 9 a overthrow : (vt) overture. overwhelm . (vt) overwork : (n) overwrought : (a)

ovum : "(n) owe : (vt) owing (a) owl : (n) own: owner : (n) ox : (n) 2& oxide : (n) oxygen : (n) oyster ' (n)

pace : (n) pacific : (a) **o&~& pacify : (vt.) pack . (vt) package : (n) So; packer : (n)

pac Packet . (n) Wet : (n) Pad : (n) <* paddle (vi) paddy : (n) padbck : (n) Page : (n) ^> Pageant : (n) pageantry : (n) pagoda : (n) paid : (a) Pail (n) xxo&i Pah : (n) painful : painstaking (a) Paint : (n) painter : (n) par : ( n ) o palace : palanquin : (n) Sol



Palmistry : : (n)

: (achr)

pan : (n) panacea : (n) pancake : (n) pancreas : (n)

pandemonium : (n) pandit : panegyric : (n) panel : (n) "Sg pang : (n) panic : (n) pannfer : (n) panorama: pant ' (vi) pantaloon : (n) pantheism ; (n) panther (n) pap : (n) papaya : (n) paper : (n) pappous . (a) pappy : (a) 3jj par : (n) aoparable : (n) parabola : (n) Parade (n) ^

paradigm : (n) paradise : (n) paradox : (n) paradoxical : I paragon : (n) (paragraph (n)

par parallax (n) parallel (a) parallelism ' (n) parallelogram:


paralysis (n) paramount (a) i parapet (n) paraphrase (n) parasite : (n) parcel , (n) s parch * (vt) " pard : (n) pardon pardonable, parent : (n) parentage . (n) paring : (n) -& parity : (n) park : (n) parley : (n) parliament (n) pariour (n) parody : (n) parole (n) paroxysm ' (n) parricide (n) parrot (n) parry : parsimony : (n)

part: ( partial : (a)


partiality (n) participate (vi) participle : (n) particle (n) particular . (n) as8:&u(a)

particularly : (adv) parting : (n) partisan (a)

partition : (n) partly : (adv) partner : (n) partnership : (n) partridge parturition : (n) party (n) 2^S pass : (vi) a^; passable : (a) passage . (n) passenger . (n) passion : (n) passionate : (a) passive . (a) passiveness past : (a) paste : (n) K*&>; pastime ' (n) pastoral : (a) pasture : (n) pat (n) ~3jo patch : (n) patent (a) aj^

pat paternal : (a) path . (n) s"> pathetic : (a) pathology : (n) pathos : (n) patience : (n) patient : (a.) patnarch : (n) patricide . (n) patrimony : (n) patriot : (n) patriotism : (n) patrol: (vi) patron : patronage : (n) patronize : (vt) pattern : (n) paucity : (n) pauper: (n) pause (n) pavilion : (n) paw : (n) pawn . pay (vt) 3go&> (n) payable : (a)

payment : (n) pea : (n) peace : (n) peaceful : (a) peacefully : (adv) peacock : (n) peahen : (n) oeak : (n)



peal : (n) pearl : (n) peasant . (n) pebble : (n) peccable : (a) peck : (vt) peculiar . (a) peculiarity : (n) pecuniary : (a) $3 pedagogue : (n) & pedestrian . (n) pedigree : (n) peduncle : (n) 5; peel : (vt) peep : (vt) peer . (n) peerage : (n) peerless . (a) peevish (a) peg : (n) pelican : (n) pel! (n) pellet : (n) pellicle . (n) pell-mell . (adv) pen . (n) So^o; penal : (a) o3 penalty : (n)

penance : (n) pencil (n) pendent ; (a) pending : (a)

E? pendulum (n)

penetrate : (vt) penguin : (n) & peninsula : (n) penis : (n)


penitence : (n) penitentiary:

penniless : (a) pension : (n) pensive (a) pentagon : (n) penultimate : (a)

penury : (n) peon (n) people . (n) pepper : (n) peptic : (a) perambulate : (vi) perceive : (vt) perception : (n) perceptive : (a) perch : (vt) percolate : (vt) percuss : (vt) percussion : (n) perdition : (n) peremptorily : (adv) perennial : (a) perfect : (a) perfection : (n)

perfectly : (adv) perfidy : (n) perforate (vt) perforce . (adv) perform : (vt) performance : (n) perfume : (n) perfunctorily : (adv)e>(?gn perfuse (vt) perhaps : pericarp ; (n.) a33&y^ perfl : (n) perilous : (a) perimeter : (n) period : (n)

periodical : (n) periphery (n) ^ perish : (vi) perishable : (a) perjury : (n) perk : permanence : (n) permanent : (a) * permanently: permeable : (a) permission : (n) permit : (vt) permutation: pernicious : (a) perpendicular: perpetrate : (vt) perpetual : (a) perpetuate : (vt)




perpetuity : (n) perplex . (vt) erplexity : (n) persecute : (vt) > persecution : (n) perseverance : (n) persevere: persevering : (a) persist (vi) 5t5


persistence : (n) person : (n) persona! (a) personality : (n) 3ar*a

personally : (adv) personification : (n)

personify : (vt)

personnel : (n) **jn>e

perspicacious : perspicuous : (a) perspiration : (n) perspire : (vt) persuade : (vt) persuasion : (n) pertain ; (vi) pertinent : perturb : (vt)

peruse : (vt) pervade : (vt)

pervasive : (a) perverse (a) perversity : (n) pessimist : (n) pest : (n) 3$eu pestilence : (n) pestilent : (a) pestle . (n) pet : (n) petal : (n) petiole : (n) petition : (n) petitioner : (n) petrify : (vt) petty (a) 3^ petulance : (n) phantasy : (n) phantom : (n) pharmacy : (n) pharynx : (n) 33 phase : (n) 5$; phenomenon : (n) phial : (n) ^& philanthropist : philology : (n) philosopher : philosophy : phlegm : (n) phonetics : (n) phosphorus : (n)





photograph : (n) phrase : (n) physic : (n)




physical : (a) * physician : (n) physics : (n) ^SS physiognomy : (n)

physiology : (n) physique : (n) pick : (vt) pickle : (n) pick-pocket : (n) picnic : (n) picotta : (n) pictorial : (a) picture : (n} picturesque : (a) piddling : (a) piece: (n) pierce : (vt) piercer : (n) piercing : (a) piety : (n) B pig : (a) So pigeon : (n)

pig-iron : (n) pigment : (n) pike : (n) pile : (n) piles : (n) pilfer : (vt& vl)

pilgrim : (n) pilgrimage ; (n) pill: (

pillage : (n) pillar : (n) ^ pillow : (n) pilot : (n) simple : (n) pin : (n) ? pincers : (n) pinch: (vl) ft pine : (n)

3i (vi) "

pineapple : (n) pinion : (n) pink : (n) pinnacle : (n) pioneer : (vt) pious : (a) pipai : (n) pipe : (n) piquant : (a) pique : (vt) pirate : (n) Pisces : (n) pistol : (n) piston : (n) pit : (n) pitdi ; (n) 0*20; pitcher : (n) .piteous : (a) pith : (n) zasj

pithy : (a) pitiable : (a) pftless : (a) pittance" : (n) sjo*



pity : (n) pivot : (n) placate : (vt) place : (n) placenta : (n) placid : (a) ^otJ"2o plagiarist : (n). plague : (n) plain : (a) ss>|o3(n) plainly : (adv) plainness : (n) plaint : (n) $ plaintiff : (n) piait : (n) plan : plane : (a) ^So^s planet : (n) jHSKSaa planetary : (a) go plank : (n) 2og, o plant : (n) plantain : (n)

plantation : (n) plaster : (n) plastic : (a) plat : (vt) plate : (n) plateau : (n) platform : (n) play : (n) (Iss; susto (vt)

player : (n) playful : (a) playground : (n)

playwright : (n) plea : (n) ^s^o plead : (vt& vi) pleader : (n) i pleasant : (a) ^o^ pleasantly : (adv) pleasantry : (n) please : (vi) pleasing : (a) c pleasurable : (a) pleasure : (n) plebeian : (a) pledge : (n) plenary : (a) plentiful : (a) plentyj (a) pliable : (a) pliers : (n) \ plight : (n) plot:

plough : (n) plougher : (n) pluck : (vt) plug : (n) plum : (n) plume: (n) plump: (a) plumpy :(a) plumule : (n) plunder: plunge : (vt) plural : (a) v



pjurisie : (n) plus : (a) Pluto : (n) pjy ; (vt) pnuemonia. (n) s*6t&fce

poach' pock : (n) pocket (n) 5 pockmark (n) pod . (n) sd&; poem (n) poet : (n) 5D poetess : (n) poetry. poignant : (a) point (n) poise . (n) ooison (n) poke (vt} polar (a) pole . (n) polemics . (n) FoteStar. (n) : (n) : (n) polish : (/i) pqlae . (a) politeness : (n) political : (a) ftolrtictan : (n) (n)


poll ' (vi) poller) * (n) poll-tax (n) pollute (vt)

pollution : (n) polygon (n) pomegranate : (n) pomp . (nj J^ss pond : (n) ?boto; ponder (vt) pony : (n) pool : (n) poor . (a Pope : (n) &fy populace : (n) popular : (a)

p'opuianty (n) population : (n) populous (a) a^lo porcelain (n) &onrf pore (n) pork (n) porous : (a) pomdge . (n) ts3 T port : (n) LS o^> portable .

portend : (vi) porter : (P) portfolio : (n) portion (n) portly: (a) s'3

Pi r portrait (n) portray : (vt) pose : (vi) position (n) positive : (a) possess (vt) possession : (n) possibility : possible : post :(n.)

poster : posterior : posterity : posthaste ; posthumous :

postman :

postmark : postmaster -(n post-meredian ajss post-mortem . post-office

postpone :(v.t.)*pccoc5 postscript : postulate i posture :(n)|a; pot : potash : potato : potency :(n.)^


potent potentate potential : pother ' potion : pottage : potter : pottery : pouch : poultry :

pounce :(v.t)"2<i pound : pour : poverty : powder : power :(n.)*; powerful :(a.)? powerless :(a}3. practical :(a practically practice .(n )eosp*jo;

practise prairie praise . praise praiseworthy prank : prate :(vt. prawn . pray :(v.t. prayer :


preach:(v.t preacher : preaching preamble : precanous precaution precede : precedent precept : preceptor :(n precession :( precinct :(n precious : precipice


precipitate : precipitation precis .( precise : preclude : precisely : preclusion precursory :

predatory : predicament :(n.)sjojoa predicate : predict : prediction : predilection predominant :


preface .(n.)5>6S prefer : preferable :(a.)"i>J preference : prefix : pregnancy : pregnant :( prejudice : prejudiced : prejudicial : preliminary : prelude : premature :(a.)5e% premier premises :

premium premonish

preparation : prepare : prepense : preponderent : preposition :

preposterous ' prerequisite : ^ prerogative : presage : prescribe :(v.t. prescn'ption : presence :

pre present :(a,) (n.) 3




presentation :(n.)

presently :(adv.) Fg preserve :{v.t.) preside :{v.t) president :{n.) press (v.t) pressure :(n.)


prestige :(n.) presume :(v.t) presumption :(n.) pretend :(vl) pretender :(n.) pretext :(n.) prettily :(adv.) pretty :(a,) prevai:(v.L) S prevent :{a.) 7 j^revent :(v.t) prevention :(n.) previous :(a.) prevkHtsJy ;(adv.) prey:{n.) price :(n.) prk:ed:(a.) priceless :(a.)


priest :{n.) presthood :(n.) prim: (a) primary : (a.) prime :(a.) primer: primitive :{a.) primness :(n.) prince :(n) princely (a.) :

princess :{n.) principal :(n.) principality :(n.) principle :(n.) principled : (a,) print :(v.t)

printing :{n.) prior :(a.) pnoriiy:(n.) prism :(n.) prison :{n.) prisoner :(n.) privacy :{n.) private :(a.) privation :fru) privilege :{n,) privity :(nj privy :(a.) prize :{n.) probabiRty :(n.) probable : (a.) probably :{adv.)

pro probation :(n.)


problem :(n.) procedure :(n.) proceed :(v.i,) proceeding :(n.) processs :(n.) as, procession :(n,) proclaim : (v.t.) proclamation :(n.) procrastination :(n.) procreate :(v.t.) * proctor :(n) procure :<v,t.) pjocurement :(n.) prodigal ;{n,)

prodigious :(a.) prodigy :(n,) w produce :(v.t.) producer :(n.) product :{n.) production ;{n.)

productive :{a,) profane ;{a.) profess :(v.l.) profession :in,) professional :(n) professor ^(n.) proficiency :{n.)


profile :( pa r>t< :(n

profitable : (a.) profligate :(n.) profound :{a.) profuse: (a.) profus^y :(adv.) progeny :(n.) prognostic : (a) programme :(n.) progress :(n.) progressive : (a.)

prohibit :(v.t.) prohibition :(n.) project :(n.) prolific :(a.) a^ prologue :(n.) prolong :(v.t) prominence :(n.) prominent : (a.) prominently: (adv.) promise ,{n.)

promote :{v,t.) promotion :(n.) prompt :(a.) promugation : prone :(a.) pronoun :(n.) pronounce :(v.t) pronunciation :(n.) proof :(n.) propaganda :(n. propagate : (v.t.)


-pro propel ' propensity : proper properly :(adv )tf A3oo property . prophecy prophet : propitious ' proportion *


proposal : propose proposition : proprietor : propriety : propulsion ' prorogue prosaic proscribe

prosecution prosody : prospect . prospective prospectus

prosper :(v. prosperity : prosperous prostration

protect : protection


protective protector :( protege .(n

proteins ' protest :(v.t. prototype :(n protractor :(n protrude . protuberance proud .(a proudly : prove proverb proverbial : provide provided : providence . providential . province .(n J provision ' provisional : provocative : provoke . prowess : proximity : proxy prudence

prudent . prune psalm -(n.)fe pseudonym : psychology :

pub puberty public : publication '(n. public house .(n publicity ifn. publish :(v.t publisher :(n, puerile :(a. puff :(n)Siab pugnacious : pugnacity :(n.

puke (v.t. & V.L);J*O$ pull :(vt pulley ' pulp rfn pulsate . pulse '(n pulverise ' pump


pumpkin i pun punch : punctual

punctuality 5e2Sjod^ punctuate

puncture . pungent : punish : punishable -(a


punishment : punitive -(a


pupa . pupil (n)5ot3>2;

puppet : puppy : purchase . purchaser pure purgative : purge : purify . purity . purport : purpose : purposely purse : pursue :(v.t.)"3ow<io3j pursuit . purulent purvey . purview pus push . pushing pusillanimous :(a pustule (n.)ir i saj r put :(v.t.)doab putrefy . putrid .(a) (S

pygmy pyramid : pyre : pyretic .(*-)$ python :

quarry quarter : quarterly

quash : quay :

quadrangle : quadrilateral :(n quadruped : quadruple -(a quagmire : quail : quaint : qualification * qualify :(v.t. &vi. ). quality . qualm : quandary :(n.)aoGKS quantity : quantum quarrel '

queer : que '(v quench : query : quest question : questionable : queue :(n.)^ questionnaire quibble : quick : quicklime: quicksilver : quick-witted: quiet : quietus : quill ' quilt . quinine : quintal : quintissence quire : quit :(v quite quiver : quittance :(n

quixotic '

quota quotable: quotation : quote



quotient .

rabbit rabid : rabies :

racial :


racket :(n.

radiance .(n. radiant . radiate .(v adiation : radical : radicate radicle :(n . radish : radius (n.)s raft .(n.)33j rafter . rag . rage : ragged . raid :

rail railing '(n.)5o2 raillery : raiment : rain . rainbow :

rainfall rain-gauge :(n. rainy -.(aO^^ raise :{v,t.)^, rake rally ram ramble . rambler ramify rammer rampant : rancour :(n.)s; random : range : rank ransack : ransom .

rap . rapacious rape ' rapid rapine : rapt : rapture rare rarely : rascal : rash : rat ratable rate:(n.)$,

rat ratepayer -



rather , ratify : ratio .( ration (n rational ' rationale rationalist] rattan rattle : raucous k ravage rave : ravel raven . ravine ravish : ravishing ' saw '

ray : raze : razor reach . react . reaction : reactionary resd :(v.t. reader

reading : ready :

real realise reality realm : really ream reap


reaping rear reason * reasonable reassert rebate rebel : rebellion reborn : rebound rebuff rebuke . rebut : recall : recapitulation l

receipt : receive -

recent : recently :(adv.)sjtSso receptacle : reception . recess

rec recession recipient : reciprocal



recital ;(n.)3yLo* recitation *(n )e>2^ recite , reckon reclaim recline : recluse : recognise . recognition recoil . recollect .

recollection :(n.)s3S*l, recommend : recommendation , reconcile: reconciliation reconsider : reconsideration : record -. recount : recover :

recreation i recruit : rectangle . rectify :

recur : recurring : red : redeem : redeemer : redemption redhanded red-hot : redness : redress : reduce : reduction : redundant reed reef : reek : reel : re-enforce re-enter, (v.t. &v.i.)a&ft refection

refer :(v.t.)&r3o&; referee : reference '. refine : refinement : refinery :

reflect .' reflection reflective : reflux : reform reformation

ref refraction :(n.T refrain :(v.i.) refrain :(n.) refresh :(v.t.)) refreshment : reft :(n.)feo refuge :(n. refugee :(n. refund :(v. refusal : efuse .(v-t refute :(v.t)*oo& regain :(v.t. regal :(a. regale :(n. regalia :(n.


regarding : regardless : regent : regicide regime :(n regiment : region : regional : register (a regressive regret .

regrettable regular : rehearse : reign :

reindeer reinless reiterate reject : rejoice : rejoin : relate : related : relation : relative : relativity relay . release relegate :(v,t.)3oi relent : relevant : reliable : reliance : relic : relief tfn relieve : religion : relinquish : relish : reluctant : remain : remainder : remand : remark :(v.t. remarkable remedy : remember :



rem _ remind :(v.t.)sj3:soi reminiscence : remission : remit : remnant : remorse : remote : remove : remuneration :

renaissance : render * renew : renounce : renown :(n rent :(n.)wci repair : repast : repay :{ repeal :(v, repeat :(v.t. repentance : repetition :(n. replenish '.(v.t.)^ reply :(n report :( repose : reprehend :(v.t represent :(v.t)3Sy representation ;(n. representative :(n. repression : repnmand : reproach :(v.t.


reprooof : reptile republic : repudiate reputable :(a.)l5, reputation :(n.)i&, request :(n.)^^ require :(v.t,)*ai requisite : requital : rescind : rescue : research : resemblance -. resent- (v.t. reserve : reservoir :(n, reside : residence : residue :(n.) resignation resist : resolution : resolve : resonance : resort : resource : resourceful :

respect : respectable : respiration :(n.)^ respite i



response :(n, responsibility :(n, rest i restaurant :(n. restless restrain . restnction :(n. result :(n. resume retail :(n. retain :(v. retaliation :(n. retard :(v.t. retention : retinue :(n. etire :(v.i. istreat :(v.i. retrench :(v. retrieve retrograde :(a. retrospect :(n. return :(vJ. reveal :(v. revenge : revengeful : revenue : reverberation :(n. reverence :(n.)$ reverend : reverie : reverse : revert :(v. review :(n.

revise . revival : revive .

revoke revolt revolution : revolutionary : revolve : (v.t. &vi)^t3 revulsion : reward : rheumatism : rhinoceros : rhyme : rhythm :(n.)<r^s^, odfc rib : ribbon . nee : rich : richness : rid :(v.t.)* riddance : riddle : ride : ridge :(n.)oj ridicule : rife : rift :(n.)sieo, l)o right : righteous : rigid : rigorous : rim : ring :


riot : rif> r ripe : ripple r rise : rising : risk :(rrvja$a risky rituals : rival : rivalry rive : river :(n>,)sa rivet : rivulet : road :(

roam roar : roast : rob -. robber :(n.)5*o robbery : robe : robust :(a.)oeS3i rook : rocket r rod -.

rogue : roguery rfrtj'Sa^sa^


roof :

room :Cn.y5; roomy :

rope :(

rosary : rose : rose-water :(n.)22bj& rosewood :(n,) So ^

rotten : rough :(a.)Sw" roughly : rotund roundabout : roundness : (n.) rouse :(v.t.)aitt < rout :(v.t)L&o& route : routine rove :(v.t. &

rowdy royal L


rubber aibbish :(n.)3g ruby :(n.)lo% rudder .(n.J ruddy :(a.) rude :( rudely :(adv.)'aru>Tp rudiment :(n.) rueful : ruffian :(n.) ruffle :(n.) rug :(

rugged :(n.) ruin :(v. ruinous :(a.)

ruler :(n. rumble ; ruminate :(v.t. rummage .(n. rumour :(n.)2e$o rump : rumple run :(v.i.

ruddy : rude : rudely : rudiment : rueful : ruffian : ruffle :(n.)Sc<j rug :

J22 rugged:


ruinous :

ruler :(n. rumble : ruminate :(v.t rummage ^n. rumour : rump : rumple run :(v.i.

rupee : rupture :(n.)3?ljeo; rural : (a) (n ^o ^o ruse : rush :

rust : rustic rusticity : rustle : rustling : rusty ' ruth : ruthless : ryot :(n.

Sabbath : (n)

sabre : (n) iSos^^ sac : (n)



saccharine : (a) tfj

sack : (n) fi^ sacrament : (n) sacred : (a) sacrifice : (n) (vt) o sacrilege : (n) s (n) ^s^^cg^s sacrilegious (a) sad : (a) sadden : (vt) saddle : (n) t&; sadly : (adv) sadness : (n) safe : (a) |tf2b safeguard : (n) safely : (adv) safety : (n) saffron . (n) sagacious : (a)

sagacity : sage : (n) Sagittarius (n) sago : (n) said : (a) Ib 3 sail : (n)

(VI) sailor : (n) saint * (n) saintly : (a) sake : (n) S^

salable : (a) salaried : (a) salary : (n) sale : ( salesman : (n) salient (a) saline . (a) salva (n) sallow : (a) sally (n) salmon : (n) saloon : (n) salt : (n) 63 saltish (a) saitness , (n) saltpetre (n) salubrious : (n) salutary : (a) salutation . (n) salute : (n)

salvation : (n) salver . (n) salvo : (n) &; same : (a) sample : (n) sanative : (a) sanatonum . (n) sanctify : (vt) sanction : (n)

sanctity : (n) sanctuary : (n)

san sand: (n) sandals : (n) sandalwood : (n) sandpaper : (n) sane : (a) "SaJ^a sanguine : (a) * ; sanitary : (a) sanitation : (n) sanity : (n) Sanskrit (n) sap : saptul : (a) sapid : (a) sapidity . (n) e sapience : (n) sapient : (a) sapless : (a) sapling : (n) 'sarcasm (n) sarcastic: (a) sardonic : (a) sarsapanOa : (n) Satan : (n) satchel : (n) sate : (vt) sateffite : (n) &&g satiate: (vt)




satiation : (n) satire : (n)

satisfaction : (n) satisfectory : (a)

satisfy : (vt) * saturate : (vt) saturation : (n) Saturday : (n) Saturn : (n) saucer: (n) saucy: (n) savage : (a)

(n) savant save : (vt) saviour : (n) savour : (n) savourless . (a) savoury : (a) 30^ saw : (n) say : (vt) 3 saying : (n) Scabbard : (n) scabies : (n) fts scaffold : (n) scale : (n)

scalp : (n) scamp : (n) scamper : (vl) scandal : (n) scandalize : (vt) wal^s scandalous : (a) e^sle scrajS scant : (a) ro33u "* " scanty : (a) ^jc^s scapegoat : (n)



scapula (n)

scar : (n) scarce . (a) scarcely (adv) scarcity (n) scare . (vt) scarecrow (n) scathing (a) scatter (vt) scavenge scene : (n) Softer;

scenery : (n) scent (n) sceptic (a) scepticism (n) sceptre (n) schedule : (n) 3t5 scheme (n)

schism . (n) scholar : (n) scholarship : (n)

school . (n) schoolfellow : (n) schooling (n) science (n) scientist : (n) ** scintillant : (a) scion : (n) scissor : (vt) SO scissors : (n) 230

sclerotic (a) &)$|>f scoff : scoffing ly . (adv) scold (n) dt^; scoldng : (n) scope : (n) scorch : (vt) score : (n) scorn :

scornfully : (adv) Scorpio : (n) scorpion : (n) scot : (n) 3S^ scot-free : (a)

scoundrel : (n) scour : (vt) scourge : (n) scout : (n) scowl : (vO scramble : (vi) scrap : (n) scrape : (vi) scraper : (n) scratch : (vt) scrawl : (vt& vi) e^g scream : (vt& vi)

screen : screw : scribble scribe : script :

(n) 35(v.t.) . (vt) (n) (n)

Scr Scripture (n) scroH (n) scrotum (n) scrub : (vt) scruple (n)

scrupulous : (a) scrutinise : (vt) scrutiny : (n) a scuffle . (n) sculptor (n) sculpture (n) scurrilous (a) scurvy : (n) scythe : (n) sea : (n) sea-breeze (n) seafarer . (n) sea, 1 : (n)

seam : (n) Sitg; seamster (n) 3>ui seaport : (n) sear : (n) search (vt) seashore : (n) season (n) se&o; seat : (n)

sebacious : (a) secede : (vt) secession (n) seclude : (vt)


126 secluded : (a) 3g seclusion : (n) second : (a) secondary :


second-hand : (a) secrecy :

secretary : (n) secretion : (n) secretly . sect . (n) section . (n) sector * (n) secular (a) secularism ; (n) secure (vt) security (n) sediment : (n) x ' sedition . (n) seduce : (vt) seducer : (n) sedulous : (a) see : (vt&vi) seed : (n) a* ssi> seedling : (n) seeing (n) seek : (vt) seem : (vi) seeming : (a) seemingly . (adv) seemly : (a) <sfc seer :



segment : (n) segregate : (vt) seismorraph . (n)

seize . (vt) seizure (n) seldom (adv) select : (vt) selection : (n) self : (n) o& setf-concert . (n) self-confidence : (n)

self-control (n) self-deceit . (n) self-defence ' s^lf-denial : (n) self-devotion : (n) self-evident , (a) self-help : self-importance : (n) selfish (a) _ selfishness . (n) selfless . (a) self-made :

self-praise : (n) self-reliance (n)

self-respect (n) self-sacrifice : (n) self-same : (a) &"



self-sufficiency * (n)

self-violence (n) self-will : sell . (vt) seller (n) semblance , (n) semen : (n) S^ajo; seminary (n) senate (n) send (vt) senility . (n) senior . (a) sensation sense., (n)

sensible (a) sensitive : sensual (a) sensuality (n) sentence : (n) sentient (a) ^ sentiment : (n) sentinel (n) sentry . (n) separate: (vt) 5u3dMa) "Sg separation (n) sepoy : (n) S) September (n) septic . (a) (Sb sepulchre (n)

sequel- (n) ^ sequence : (n) sere (a) serene : (a) serf : (n) serfdom : (n) serial : (a) series : (n) senous . (a)

sermon : (n) serpent . (n) serpentine ; (n) serum : (n) 3& servant (n) serve : (vt) service . (n) "&s serviceable : (a) servitude : (n) o -.c-same : (n) session : (n)



set : (n) (a) |S^3(v setback . (n) set square (n) 247*0 settle : (vt) settlement . (n) t seven : (n&a) ro sevenfold : (a&adv) seventeen : (n&a) seventy : (n&a) sever : (vt) several : (a)

severally : severance : (n) severe : (a) 6(3 3 sew : (vt) &t^ sewage : (n)

sex : (n) ^ shabby : (a) shackle : (n) shade : (n) &; shadow ; (n)

shady . shaft . (n) shake : (vt) sawj: (n) shdcy : (a) shallow . (a) sham (n) shame (n)

shameless (a) ^ shape : (n) share ' (n) shareholder : (n) shark : (n) ^uda sharp . (a) 5 3; sharpen : (vt) sharper : (n) shatter : (vt) shave: shave* : (n) shaving : (n) gcs shawl : (n) she : ijpro)

she sheaf . (n) shear , (vt) $& sheath : (n) sheathe (vt) shed : (vt) u*em(n)

sheep : (n) f?& sheer : (a) ^g sheet . (n) shell : (n) ^ shelter . (n) shelve : (vt) shepherd ' sheriff : (n) t-S shield : (n) shfft : shiM: (vt) ship) : (n) L shipwreck : (n) shirk : {vt) shirt : (n) shiver : (vi) shoal . (n) shock (n) shoe : (n) shoot : (vt) hop: (n) shore: short : (n) frt5; Tc3:sx> shortage : (n)

shortcoming : shortcut . (n) shorten : (vt)


sickle (n) sickness : (n)

shortly : (adv) shot : (n) shoulder : (vt) s'jocb(n) shout * (n) shove : (vt) shovel : (n) show : (vt) Si-i^) (n) shower : (n) showy : shred : (n) shrew : (n) shrewd : (a) shriek : (n} shrill : (a) shrimp : (n) shrine : shnnk : (vi) shrivel : (vi) shrub : (n) shrug : (vi) shrunken : (a)

shudder : (vi) $ shuffle : (n) shun (vt) shunt : (vt) shut : (vt) shuttle (n) shy (a) sick : (a)



side-glance : sidereal : side-view :(n. siege : sieve : sift :(v.t.)nt>o& sigh: sight : sightly sign : signal : signature : signet : significance significant . signify . silence : silent :


silkworm : sill .(n.)K& silliness : silly :

stiver :

similanty . simila : simmer :( simple -(a simpleton simpWcrty


simply : simulate : simultaneous : simultaneously sin since

sincere :( sincerity : sinew sinewy :(a.)So5 sing :(v.t. single : (a.) t.2; singular : sinister :(a.)3& sink :(v sinner : sip:(v.t.

siphon :(n.

sire siren , sister : sister-in-law : sit : site : situated : situation '(n,)|; six :(a & n sixteen :(a,

six sixty . size .( skeleton . sketch :



skew : skill skin skin-deep -(a.)"2)"2) skip . skirt (n.)3"3; said skull sky : slab '( slack : slackness :(n.)i5g slag :( "" siake slander : slang : slant : slap . slash . slate . slaughter . slave ' slaver

siay ; sledge ' sleek sleep : sleight : slender .

shoe :(n.)og slide -. slight slight slim slime . shng : slip : slippery slipshod sift :(n.)sroco slope slot : sJoth : slovenly slow : w slowly -(adv )"3jg7T sludge : slug : sluggard skJice : slumber slur : sly : slyness smack : small :{a.)oj; smallpox : smart , smash : smatter : smear : smell :

smt smile smite

smth *(n smog smoke (n)3 smooth (a);s^3 smuggle .(v.t)5*ofi



snag : snail : snake snap snare -(n )2 snatch sneer (vi


snivef snore .( snot snout :(n )5oa

snub : snuff : snug :

so:(adv soak : soap : scar : sob r sober :

sociable (a ) social

socialism society :( sociology -(n )sr B ;533:S3-!3 sock -(n J socket .( soda :( sofa soft :(a ) soil :(n.)^5o; solace -( solar solder .( soldier :(

solemn solicit .(v.t.)|d0o3j solicitude .( solid solidanty .(n ) solidify .( solitary .( solstice .( solubility solute .( solution < (n.)ss;F>o; solve .( solvent :( sombre :( some. (pro* &a. &adv.)oe5o;

somewhat .(n.

son son :(n. song :(n.)ro songster :(n. son-in-law sonorous : soon : soot :(n. 1 sooth :(n. soothe :(v. soothsay :(v.i. sop :(n. sophistry ^n. sorcerer :(n. sorcery :(n. sordid : sore : sorrow :(n. sorrowful : sorry :(a. sort :(n.



soul : sound : soup : sour :(a. source : south : south-east south-west sovereign :

sovereignty sow :<v.t.

spacious : spade : s^an r(n.)seaoj;

spare : sparingly : spark : sparrow : spate : spawl : speak :(v.t)3;5y speaker .

spear : special . specific ' specify :(v. specimen :(n. speck :(n. spectacle :(n. spectacles : spectator '(n spectrum :(n.)8r;s:sco speculate :(v.t)dar-Oo speculation :(n.)C5tjj speech :(n.

speechless speed :

spell-bound spelling :

spe spend :


sperm : sphere : spherical i spice : spider : spike ' spill : spin : spindle spine : spinster : spint :

spiritual : spit:(v.i spite .(n. spittle ' splash splendid :(a splendour . splinter :(n.)og split : spoil : spoke : spontaneous : spoon sport '

sportsman :( spot :(n.)5*t

spotless spotted : spouse : sprain . spray : giaj^ spread sprightly spring


sprinkle :(v.t.)3eo spume : spur :(n spurious : spurn : spy: squad : squander

square : squash * squat : squeak : squeeze .

squint :(a squire squirrel : stab: stability : stable : stack :(n.)=P2b; s stadium :(n.)(Iseo


stage '(n

stagnant . stain stainless :(a Js staircase :(n.)"2ooj stale :(a.)(Tf$a s stalk : stdfl ; stammer :(v.i.

stamp : stand :(v standard <anza : staple . otar .(n. atarch : ctare .(v.t. start :(v ;tartle starvation . starve : state .(n.)g statement : o^ statesman : static : statics . station .

stationary : stationery :(n.)(srd statistics i

statue . stature : status :(n.)<y>otf so; statute . staunch stay

steadfast steady : steaJ : stealth : stealthily steam . steamer . steed . steel steep ; steer , stellar : stem '(n.)s*s stench : step : step-father step-mother stereotyped . sterile : sterility : stem , stick



stiffen : stifle :

strfe : stitt :

stimulate : sting : stink : stipend . stipulate :

stirrup i stitch : stock : stodongs r stomach : stone :(n.)tf*oco stool :(n.)SJ^ra stoop :(Y.L)!Loai5fc stop :(v. stopper : store storey :(n. stork :{n.)S*oK storm : story :(n.)5$ stout : straight : strain :(v.i. strait : strange :

stranger :(n.)if flsrtk strange :( strap :(

straw stray : stream : street : strength : strengthen stretch :(v.t.)crcb strew : sttict : stride (n.)l>go strife : strike : striking : string : stringent : strip :

stripe : strive : stroke : strol : strong : structure struggte r stubborn student : study (v.t. stuff : stumble :




stump : stupid . stupor -(nO^ sturdy .(a, style :(n.)& subdue :(v.t.)e>e3& subject :(n)g^; sublime : submarine . submerge :(v. submissive : submit ; subscnbe

subsequent : subside :

stubsistence substance : substantiate substitute :( subtle : subtraction : succeed success :(n.)7\eoS) succour . succumb :(v.i such :{a.)>t3 suck : suddenly : sue : suffer : sufferance l

sufficient :{a suffrage sugar : suggest suggestion ' suicide : suit .(n.) suitable ; suitor : sully sulphur sultry : sum summary summer < summit : summon :(vt)2)eocsj sumptuous : Sun Sunday :

sunstroke : superannuated :

superficial : superfluous ' superhuman supenor ' supersede : superstition supervise : supper : supplement :(n. supply :(n.

sup_ support -(n suppose :


supreme sure : surface .(n. surge .(n)l>gwo surgeon .( surmount ' surname : surplus :(n. surpnse :(n surrender surroundings :(n. survey :(n ) surviving suspect :(vt)3o3ocuo3j suspend

suspicion :(n. sustain sustenance : swallow : swamp '(n o^ swan . swarrn sway '(n. swear sweat (n sweep : sweet : sweetheart .(n. o^c sweetness :(n.

swell , swelling swerve ,

swiftly -(a swiftness swim swimmer -( swimming ' swindle swindler :(n swine '(n)3oa swing ,


swoon : swoop . sword :( ^wordplay .


syce :(n )^ sycophant syllable : Co

,v,!'abus . I bU T

symbol : syrr-nietry sympathetic sympathize :



sympathy :(n.


symphonic : symptom : synchronize syndicate : synonym : synopsis : synthesis :(n.)3oo3rKSSja synthetic . syphytis : syringe

syrus : system :(n.)s; systematic : systematize :

table : tableland tablet : taboo : tabular : tabulate tacit : tack : tackle : tact : tactful :( tactics , tadpole tag :

tailoring : taint : take : tale : talebearer . talent : talented talisman :(n)cgj talk : talkative : tall : tallow : tally : talon : tamarind :(n)od2o& tame : tamper : tangent : tangible^ sp^s^a tangle : tank :

tanker tannery ' tantamount : tap : tape . tapeworm taproot tar . tardy target .

tariff :(n)^oog^oos J tarnish :( tarpaulin :( tarry :( tart :( task :(n)ss taste :( tasteful :( tasteless :(a)&>D& tasty :(a)aoOHo tattered : tattler :( tattoo :( taunt :( Taurus .( tautology : tavern

tax . taxable taxation : taxi : tea : teach : teacher : teaching :(n. teak : team : teapoy tear : tease : teat technical :

technique :( technology :( tedious : teem :( teethe :(vL)&oO|vo&oo&

telegram : telegraph

telephone i

telesope : tell :(vt.)3ajteller temper : temperament temperance * temperate . temperature : tempest : temple : temporary r tempt : temptation : ten:(n&a.) tenable : tenacious : tenant

tend :(vt.)9d*& tendency :(

tender :(

tenement : tenet tenor :(n.)6o;

tension :(n. tent tentative :

tenure tepid : term termagant : terminal terminate terminology : terminus terrace :( terrible . , terribly : terrific terrify tenrtory terror terrorist terrorize terse : tertiary test testament . testicle :

testify : testimonial : testimony : testis : test-tube : tetanus : text : te/t-oook : textile texture : than :(conj.)3cffc thank : thankful .(a thankless : thanks : that :(n.)a(a.)v thatch : the :(a.); theatre : theft : their :

theirs : theist : them : theme then theology theorem : theory :

theosophy therapy : there

the thereabouts : thereat :(adv.)sy$ ; thereby : therefore : thermal : thermometer :(n. these :(a& pro.)-t; thesis :(n.)sr^a^ they :(pro.)s*cb; b thick :(a. thicket :(n. thickness :(n. thief :(n.)5oK thieve : thigh :(n. thin : thine :(pro.)5); , thing rfn. .hink : thinkmg : thirst :(n. thirsty : thirteen : thirty : this i thorax : thorn thorny : thorough : thoroughtare thoroughly : those :(pto& au)a;



thought : thoughtful : thoughtless : thousand : thrash . thread threadbare : threat :(n.)88Jo%)

threaten : threshold .

thrice :

thrift : thrifty : thrill : thrive i throat . throb : throne .(n ) throng : throttle i through throughout i(p. throw :(vt)aa thruet :(yt)jj thumb : thunder : thunderbolt : Thursday : hus :(adv.)oj; goo

tic ticket :(n.)5t5 tickle : tide : tidings tidy: tie : tier: tiffin ; tiger: tight : tighten :(vt)>Ao^ tigress : tile : till: tiller : tilt :(vtM timber :(n,)SoS time :(n timely :

timepiece : timetable


timid : timidity : tin : : tinge- : tingle : tinkle : tint :(n.)on>

tiptoe :(n.

tiptop : tirade : tire : tired : tiresome : tissue : titanic : title ; to:(p.)I; 5; toast : toad : tobacco : today : toddy : toe : together :(adv.)S!& toil ; token : tolerable :(a.);&c**KS tolerance : tolerate : toleration toft : tomb :

tomorrow ton : tone : tongs :(n.}2os*& tongue : tonic : tonight : tonsure : too :

too tool : tooth :(n.)ao> toothache :

top l c : topmost : toppte -. topsytuivy : torch :(n.)3-Ks*

tornado : torpid : torrent : torrid : tortoise : torture : total :

totter r touch : touchstone tough :

tourist : tournament tow : towards : towel : tower :(n.

toxic : toy : trace

town :(n.

trachea : track :(n.)tsS; tract: tractile trade : trader :(i tradition traduce traffic : tragedy tragic : trail :(n train training trait: | traitor : trample trammel :(n.)oo5*x trance tranquil: transact : transcend transcribe transfer : transfix :i transform transformation :i transgress : transient

tra transit : transition : transitive :

transitory : translate translation transmigration : transmit :(vt.)3o$; transparent


transpire . transplant : transport :( transpose : transverse '( trap :(n )^*^; trash :(n.)3 travail tavel

traveller : traverse . tray : treacherous : treachery i tread i treason . treasure : treasurer treasury : treat treatise : treatment :

treaty : treble : tree :(n.)3oj tremble :(vi.)2es> tremendous : tremor : trench trenchant : trend . trespass : triad : trial triangle : tribe :(njso tribulation tribunal :(n. tributary :

tnbute : trice : trick : trickery trickle : tricolour trident : trifle : trifling : tngger : trigonometry : trim : trinfty : trio : trip

triple :(a& triumph :(n.) triumphant : trivial : troop :(n.)^ trophy : tropical : trot : trouble : troublesome -. troupe : truant : truce : truck : true : trumpet :(n,)eps truncate : trunk :

trust : trustee : truth try : tub : tube : tuber :(n.)Hg; Tuesday : tun :

tuition : tumble : tumbler : tumuft :


tune :( tunnel :( turbulent :( turkey ^n turmeric :( turmoil : turn :( turpentine :(n. turtle :( tusk :( tussle '.( tutelage :( tutor ^ twang -(n.)oos8:su tweedle :(vt.)^eocs^ twelve :(n.&a.)3o(3ocfc twenty :(n. twice :(

twilight : twins : twine : twinkle

twist : twitch two twofold : tympanum type : typhoid : typhoon : typical :

tyr tyrannical :(a tyrannize tyranny, tyrant:


u ubiquitous udder : ugly . ulcer : ulcerate : ulterior ultimate :(a.)KS3t ultimatum ultimo ultra umbrage umbrella umpire : unable: unadvisable unaffectedly : unaided ^( unanimity . unanimous : unapt -(a)tJ? unarmed : unassuming : unavoidable : unavoidably : unaware



unbecoming . unbendingunbiased :

unbind unbleached . unblemished unblown : unblushing : unbosom : unbottomed . unbounded : unbroken : unbuild : unburden : uncalled : uncanny uncap : unceasing uncerimonious uncertain unchain uncharitable : unchaste : uncivil : uncivilized : uncle .

undean : uncleanliness : undose : undothe :( uncomely: uncomfortable :

unc uncommon : unconcern unconditional : unconscious : uncontrollable .



uncover uncultivated : undated undaunted : undeceive : undecided :

undefined undeniable : under :(p&adv.)oa; underaged : underestimate

undergo : underhand underline underling underiyng undermine

: ; : :

underneath :(p& adv,)| ott underpay underrate . undersigned

understand; understanding

undertake : undertaking : undervalue : underwrite : undeserving undevout :(a undigested : undisceming undisguised undisputed : undo undoubtedly: undress undue : unduly : undutiful unearth : uneasiness : uneasy : uneducated : unemployed : unending : unessential : unexpected : unfailing i unfair :

unfaithful : unfamiliar : unfasten unfathomable unfavourable :i unfeeling : unfinished :




unfit unfold :(vt.)3ay;

unfounded : unfriendly . unfurl ungraceful : ungracious : ungrammatical

ungrateftjl :( ungrudgingly :{)i?>uvxx>rp unguarded :f unhappy :{ unhealthy : unhesitatincfty :(

unhurt : unification .

uniform '. uniformity : uniformly : unify : unimportant : unintelligible unintentional :( uninteresting : uninterruptedly

uninviting : union unique : united^ : unity :

universal : universe university : unkind : unknowingly : unknown : unlawful . unless : unlike : unlikely : unlimited unload unlock : unlucky unmanly :(a.)2>Jc&3 unmarried : unmask : unmerited ' unmindful : unmoved : unnatural : unobjectionable : unoccupied : unopposed : unpack :(vt.)Suaaj unpalatable : (a. unparallelled unpardonable unpleasant unpopular :( unprecedented : unprepared unprincipled

UOD __ unproductive (a unprofitable (a unquestioned (a unravel '(vtjos^ unready unreal (a unreasonable . unrelenting (a unreliable '(a.} unreservedly, (a jnrest (n unrivalled jrroll nruffted (

rinruly .(a ) unsafe (a unsatisfactory '


unseat , unseen

^skilled 1 1. sound unspeakable (a )2 unstable .(a } unsteady :(a unsuccessful

unsuitable .

untidy :

(p& conj untimely (a unto:(p)5; untold (a)2 untoward- (a untrained untrue untruth (n unusual (a unveil * unwary { unwell (a unwieldy unwilling , unwise unwittingly unworthy *(a unyielding ( up -(adv.& upbraid upheaval ' uphold jpkeep :

upon upnght :

uproar uproot

upset u-wjai upstart:(n

upw upwards '(adv.)"2> urban : ureter : urethrai ; urge : urgent : unne : us



usage : use : useful useless usher : usual .( usurp : utensil . uterus :

utilize : utter .(vt.)Scu& utterance :(n.)3oj5ito utterly : uvula

vacancy : vacant : vacate : vacation :

vaccination :(n.

vacillant : vacillate : vacillation . vacuum vagabond vagary : vagina . vagrant . vague . vain vainglonous vainglory : vainly valedictory*

valiant : valid : validate validity :(n )3o valley : valour -(n valuable : valuation : value . valve : vampire van : vandalism : vanguard

vanish vanity vanquish :

yap vapour variable

variance vanalion vaned variety (n J various (a }

varnish vary (v vascular vase vassal ,(n) /ast -suit ;(n /eer ,(v/. vegetables : \eoetarlan , vehemence venemeni .\



/eil .(n )ds; vein ,(n)&3

vend . venerable venerate : veneration venereal :{ vengeance

vent ventilation

venture ' venue Venus (n veracity ( verb -<n.)! verbal .(a verbatim : verdict : verge :(n)eo&; verify : verily : veritable vermilion vernacular versatile verse . versed -(a

version versus vertebrate -^ vertex vertical : vertigo very : vesicle : vessel :

veteran veto :

via via '(p.)e*jo vial '(n Jasjaag vibrant (a)o2>o3&i vibrate (v i.)2oioci> vicar vice veceroy (n vicinity vicious vicissitudes victim .(n victimize victor .(n JaccooOS victory (n JJEC^, victuals -(n )iT*^ vie



vigilance vigilant -( vigour" vigorous vile (a vilhfy ( vniage (n villain villainy (n vindicate

vindicative -(a) sn vine vineyard violate ( violation (n

violence '(n violent .(a violet : violin viper (n)e^ virgin virginity Virgo (n virility (n virtually virtue - (n virtuous virulent (a virus (n )^,

visage viscosity ( viscous (a visibility visible vision visit

visitor visual vital (a vitality vitamin

vitiate : vituperate : vivacioiis


viz vizier : vocabulary : vocal :(a.)5oS $$3 So vocation : vociferous : vogue : voice : void : volatile : volcano volition volley : volume



voluminous : voluntary volunteer . voluptuous :(a vom'rt . voracious

votary : vote voter :

vouch : voucher : vouchsafe vow vowel : voyage : vulgar :(a. vulgarity i

vulnerable vulture : vulva :

w wabble wade . waft:(v.t. wag : wage : wager ,(n.)3o3:sx> wages : waggery : waggon (n.)"2> wail ,(v.t. waist wait .( waiter waitress waive : wake : wakeful : walk . wall :(n.)Ka wallet : wallow : walrus :

wand : wander : wanderer : wanderings wane ^v.i.J

wan wait .( aSg^j(v t )*&>;




wanted wanting wantonly


warden , warder .(n wardrobe ,

wares warehouse warfare wanly . warlike warm . warmly warn warning warp , warrant.

wamor '

wary wash -(v.t) 2^0 ?b;

washerman . wasp : wastage -


wasteful '(a. watch (n)3i>e;

watch watch-dog (n watchman watchword water waterfall . water-level : water-mill . waterproof

wave:(n ) waver . wax way wayfarer ' waylay (v.t.)e5 B Oso wayward . we :(pro)2o;$:Sij; weak ' weaken . weakling : weakness wealth .

wealthy ; weapon *

wearied : weariness : weary

wea weather : weathercock : weave :(v.t.);5dfcD weaver : web : wed : wedding :(n.)"2>og wedge : wedlock : Wednesday . weed : week: weep : Weft: weight : welcome



weid welfere : wei :

wefi-bdng welfenown : well-nigh : wefl-o : wefi-wisher : wend : west : westerner : wet : whale : wharf : wharfage :(n.)"&j) what :(pro.)^b;

whatever : wheat : wheel . when .(adv


whence : whenever :(adv. & s^ where :(adv. & conj. whereabouts : whet : whether: which :(pro.

whim :

whirl :(v.t.)A8&8 whirlpool whirlwind whisper : whistle white (n. whitewash whither i whitlow : who : whoever : whole : wholesale wholesome whom : (pro. whoop : whopkig-cough

who whose why (adv.);>o&>;5# wick : wicked : wide : widen :(Yt.)i5eo} widow : width . wield : wife: wild . wilderness : wildfire . wile wilful : will



win : v/ince : wind . Windfall : windmill :(n.)nG window : windpipe : wine : wing : wink : winning : winnow : winsome .yinter :

wireless : wisdom . wise : wish :(n )I3g(v.t.& wistful . wrt witch : witchcraft : with :(p.)^* withdraw :(v.t &

wither : withhold : within : without . withstand . witness : wittingly : witty : wizard : woe : wolf : woman :

womanly : womb : wonder : wonderful : woo wood : wood-apple :(n.yaH3oai woodpecker r wool : woid :

wor work work .(v. worker .(n. workmanship : world woridliness worm . womout (a.) worry : worship :(v. worshipper itn worth (n)aeo3; "So worthless worthy . wound wrangle wiap -(v.t wrapper (n.)"2 wrath wreck wrench wrest wrestle :(v.t.)sjo n wrestler .(n. wretch :(n. wretched : wnggle :(v.i.)S5eo wring :(v.t.)5>oa>; wrmkte :(n. wrist :(n.

write :(v.t & vl)gpc55a>; writer :(n.


writhe : writing ' wrong : wrongful wroth : wry : wry-neck wryness .

xanthin :

Sofa so*

Xanthippe . xebec xenium : xerasia : xeroderma : xerophilous

xiphoid : Xnias X-ray :


xyioW . xyst -(n ) xyster

yacht : yak :

Van Yankee

yard : yam yaw


yawl : yawn * yea: yeanling year ' yearling yearly

yearn : yearning . yeast : yell yellow ,(n yellowish: (a yellowness : yelp -(v.i yeoman yes yesterday :(n. yet : yield :


yielding .(a.)^ yoke yolk : yonder :(adv>aff;


you a> young

your. (pro. yours youth .(n.

youthful :(a.

yore :(n.

zeal: zealot : zealous . zealously zebra . zenana : zenith . zephyr .(n.; zero : 'zest :(n zigzag :

zodiac zodiacal : zoic : zone : zoo : zoologist :(n.)ao*> zootogy : zoom :

Bulbul : Chicken : Cock Cockatoo Crane : Crow .

Cuckoo : Dove * Drake : Duck : Duckling Eagle : Eaglet : Falcon Fowl : & Gander : Goose : Gosling : Hawk : Hen : Heron Kite: Lark : Mma * Night-hawk :

Owl: Parrot : Partridge : Peachick: Peacock: Peahen : Poultry. Quail : Raven : Stnpe : Sparrow ; Swallow : Swan: Teal :

Turkey : Vulture :

Breeze : Cloud : Cold. Dew Drizzle Fog Hail Hail-stone Heat :

, CJS)

Hemidity: Ice Lightning Mist Ram : Rainbow Shower : Snow . Tunder : Thunder-bolt * Thunder-clap

Temperate zone

Torrid zone : Frigid zone . Vapour : Warmth : Wind: 7? Whirl-wind

Blanket : Breeches Button. Tbod Cambnc :

Curtain : Canvas :


Felt Lace Lining e>6 Muslem Rag : Sou* Ribbon Rug : Sow* Shawl

Silk Sirap Sash Tapestry acp

fog a

Black . Blue IboSoo Brown : Crimson Green w Indigo : Orange : Purple: Ked Scarlet Violet . \Vhite : Vellow .

mt^} DRUGS

Ajwan ; Aloe : .Ambergris : Asafoetida : Asparagus : Basil :

Cactus : Calamus : Cardamoun : Cactor : < China-root : Qnchona:

Cmuamon Cibet Clarifying "I'

Cloves Cochin turmeric Cork : Drygmger Eucalyptusoil . Fennel. Fennugreek (Dill) Flax, hump . es>A"2>, Frankm cause 3SoA Galavgle-Alpma Gall-nut Ginger >e>&o Gumarabic : Gum-reom . Hema-plant . Holy-basil Jala proot . Licorice Linseed Madder t. Marking nut : Milk-hedge : Mudar . Mastard : Musk : Neem : "&S Nutmag : Nux-vomica . Olender : Opium : Pepper : Poppy seeds : Prickly pears : Quince : Rhubarf: Rough feryoraa : Saffron : Sandal oil :


Sarsapanlla Senna Leaf. Sensitive plant.

Soapnut Sweet-basil Thistle SSj

Turmeric Turpentine * Wood-oil

Apple : Banana Batairan orange : Berry : 325*d& Bullocks'-heart-fruit o*SSJ*$e$a> Citrow C uccumer Custard apple Date-fruit :

Grape Hog plum . Jack-fruit Lime Mango Melon f Musk-melon \t

orange Papaya . Pine-apple Plantain Pomegranate

Pumple-moss . Rose apple

Tomato z Walnut s Water-melon Wood-apple


Amaranath Common basil Comomila Croton Datura Foure O* Clock flower Jasmine Lily . Lily love Lotus Man-gold Morning flower Rangoon-creeper Rose ?b7=2j Spikemard Sunflower Water seldar Wax flower


Carbuncle Cat's eye Coral Diamond . Emerald . Jade Lapislazuh Opal Pearl Ruby : Saphire Sardonyx . Tapaz




Bengal-gram Black-gram : Grccngram . Horsegram . Indian corn Lentil Maiz Millet Paddy Pea : Red-gram * Wheat


ORNAMENTS A nulet Aikelt B ingles. B-acelet B-ooch


Asa foetida Bar of cloves Boiled-nee Bran Butter "3 Cardamoms Cashewnut

Castor Cheeze Chilly Cloves Coconut : Coriander Cummin : Curd

Dill Dried coconut Dried ginger Garlic . Ghee . Gingelly Ginger Honey : Jaggery Licorice Mace Musk Mustard Nut-meg Onion . Pepper Poppy Saffron Salt ^

Sesamum Sugar Tamarind Toabcco . Turmeric Vinegar :

Alkali Alum Analgan Ashes uT<id5 Bismuth , Blue-virtnal Borak Brass Bronze Bullion * Calomel : Camphor : Carbon : Carbonic acid


Chalk Cinnabar Coke . Copper Corrosive subemrate

Crystal Crystahsed -gypsrum

Fossil salt Granite Gravel Gypsum

Indigo Iron Jasper Lead Ume Magnet . Marble Mercury Metals Mjca


Aunt e^ Brothc r-m-Iaw Brother :

Cousin Daugher . Co-son-m-law . Daughter-in-law Elder brother Elder sister cs Father &o\&, Fathcr-m-law , Grand-daughter Grand-father . Grand-mother : Grand son Husband : $? Maternal uncle Mother . Mother-m-Iaw : Nephew Niece Paternal uncle

Sister Sister-in-law Son . Step-mother Step-sister Ste-father

Step-son .

Uncle: Wife .

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