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Lab 2.8.

1: Basic Static Route Configuration

Topology Diagram

ressing Table
De!ice R1 "nterface (a)*) S)*)*) (a)*) R2 S)*)*) S)*)*1 R+ #C1 #C2 #C+ (A)*) S)*)*1 ,"C ,"C ,"C "# A ress Subnet $as% Default &ate'ay N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Learning -b.ecti!es
Upon completion of this lab, yo !ill be able to" #able a net!o$% acco$&in' to the (opolo'y )ia'$am. *$ase the sta$t p confi' $ation an& $eloa& a $o te$ to the &efa lt state. +e$fo$m basic confi' $ation tas%s on a $o te$.
+a'e 1 of 20

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

/nte$p$et debug ip routing o tp t. #onfi' $e an& acti0ate .e$ial an& *the$net inte$faces. (est connecti0ity. 5athe$ info$mation to &isco0e$ ca ses fo$ lac% of connecti0ity bet!een &e0ices. #onfi' $e a static $o te sin' an inte$me&iate a&&$ess. #onfi' $e a static $o te sin' an e1it inte$face. #ompa$e a static $o te !ith inte$me&iate a&&$ess to a static $o te !ith e1it inte$face. #onfi' $e a &efa lt static $o te. #onfi' $e a s mma$y static $o te. )oc ment the net!o$% implementation.

/n this lab acti0ity, yo !ill c$eate a net!o$% that is simila$ to the one sho!n in the (opolo'y )ia'$am. 4e'in by cablin' the net!o$% as sho!n in the (opolo'y )ia'$am. 6o !ill then pe$fo$m the initial $o te$ confi' $ations $e7 i$e& fo$ connecti0ity. Use the /+ a&&$esses that a$e p$o0i&e& in the A&&$essin' (able to apply an a&&$essin' scheme to the net!o$% &e0ices. Afte$ completin' the basic confi' $ation, test connecti0ity bet!een the &e0ices on the net!o$%. 8i$st test the connections bet!een &i$ectly connecte& &e0ices, an& then test connecti0ity bet!een &e0ices that a$e not &i$ectly connecte&. .tatic $o tes m st be confi' $e& on the $o te$s fo$ en&9to9en& comm nication to ta%e place bet!een the net!o$% hosts. 6o !ill confi' $e the static $o tes that a$e nee&e& to allo! comm nication bet!een the hosts. :ie! the $o tin' table afte$ each static $o te is a&&e& to obse$0e ho! the $o tin' table has chan'e&.

Tas% 1: Cable/ 0rase/ an Reloa t1e Routers.

Step 1: Cable a net'or% t1at is similar to t1e one in t1e Topology Diagram. Step 2: Clear t1e configuration on eac1 router. #lea$ the confi' $ation on each of the $o te$s sin' the erase startup-config comman& an& then reload the $o te$s. Ans!e$ no if as%e& to sa0e chan'es.

Tas% 2: #erform Basic Router Configuration.

,ote: /f yo ha0e &iffic lty !ith any of the comman&s in this tas%, see Lab 1.2.1: Cabling a ,et'or% an Basic Router Configuration. Step 1: 3se global configuration comman s. ;n the $o te$s, ente$ 'lobal confi' $ation mo&e an& confi' $e the basic 'lobal confi' $ation comman&s incl &in'" hostname no ip domain-lookup enable secret

Step 2: Configure t1e console an !irtual terminal line pass'or s on eac1 of t1e routers. password login

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 2 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Step +: A

t1e logging synchronous comman to t1e console an !irtual terminal lines.

(his comman& is 0e$y helpf l in both lab an& p$o& ction en0i$onments an& ses the follo!in' synta1" Router(config-line)#logging synchronous (o synch$oni<e nsolicite& messa'es an& &eb ' o tp t !ith solicite& #isco /;. soft!a$e o tp t an& p$ompts fo$ a specific console po$t line, a 1ilia$y po$t line, o$ 0i$t al te$minal line, !e can se the logging synchronous line confi' $ation comman&. /n othe$ !o$&s, the logging synchronous comman& p$e0ents /;. messa'es &eli0e$e& to the console o$ (elnet lines f$om inte$$ ptin' yo $ %eyboa$& inp t. 8o$ e1ample, yo may ha0e al$ea&y e1pe$ience& somethin' simila$ to the follo!in' e1ample" ,ote: Do not confi' $e 21 inte$faces yet. R1(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#ip address 2 .2 .2 .0 R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config-if)#descri *Mar 1 01:16:08.212: %LIN -!-"#$%&N: Interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0, c*ange(tate to u. *Mar 1 01:16:0/.210: %LIN)#R%1%-2-"#$%&N: Line .rotocol on Interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0, c*ange- (tate to u.ption R1(config-if)# (he /;. sen&s nsolicite& messa'es to the console !hen yo acti0ate an inte$face !ith the no shutdown comman&. =o!e0e$, the ne1t comman& yo ente$ >in this case, description? is inte$$ pte& by these messa'es. (he logging synchronous comman& sol0es this p$oblem by copyin' the comman& ente$e& p to that point &o!n to the ne1t $o te$ p$ompt. R1(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#ip address 2 .2 .2 .0 R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config-if)#description *Mar 1 01:28:00.202: %LIN -!-"#$%&N: Interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0, c*ange(tate to u. *Mar 1 01:28:02.20!: %LIN)#R%1%-2-"#$%&N: Line .rotocol on Interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0, c*ange- (tate to u. R1(config-if)#description 3-- e45oar- in.ut co.ie- after 6e((age 21 is sho!n he$e as an e1ample. A&& logging synchronous to the console an& 0i$t al te$minal lines on all $o te$s. R1(config)#line console 0 R1(config-line)#logging synchronous R1(config-line)#line !ty 0 " R1(config-line)#logging synchronous

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 3 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Step 4: A

t1e e#ec-timeout comman to t1e console an !irtual terminal lines.

(o set the inte$0al that the *@*# comman& inte$p$ete$ !aits ntil se$ inp t is &etecte&, !e can se the e#ec-timeout line confi' $ation comman&. /f no inp t is &etecte& & $in' the inte$0al, the *@*# facility $es mes the c $$ent connection. /f no connections e1ist, the *@*# facility $et $ns the te$minal to the i&le state an& &isconnects the incomin' session. (his comman& allo!s yo to cont$ol the amo nt of time a console o$ 0i$t al te$minal line can be i&le befo$e the session is te$minate&. (he synta1 follo!s" Router(config-line)#e#ec-timeout minutes 7seconds8 .ynta1 &esc$iption" minutesA/nte'e$ that specifies the n mbe$ of min tes. secondsA>;ptional? A&&itional time inte$0als in secon&s. /n a lab en0i$onment, yo can specify Bno timeo tC by ente$in' the e#ec-timeout 0 0 comman&. (his comman& is 0e$y helpf l beca se the &efa lt timeo t fo$ lines is 10 min tes. =o!e0e$, fo$ sec $ity p $poses, yo !o l& not no$mally set lines to Bno timeo tC in a p$o& ction en0i$onment. 21 is sho!n he$e as an e1ample. A&& e#ec-timeout 0 0 to console an& 0i$t al te$minal lines on all $o te$s. R1(config)#line console 0 R1(config-line)#e#ec-timeout 0 0 R1(config-line)#line !ty 0 " R1(config-line)#e#ec-timeout 0 0

Tas% +: "nterpreting Debug -utput.

,ote: /f yo al$ea&y confi' $e& /+ a&&$essin' on 21, please $emo0e all interface comman&s no! befo$e p$ocee&in'. 21, 22 an& 23 sho l& be confi' $e& th$o 'h the en& of (as% 2 !itho t any inte$face confi' $ations. Step 1: -n R1 from pri!ilege 050C mo e/ enter t1e debug ip routing comman . R1#debug ip routing I# routing -e5ugging i( on (he debug ip routing comman& sho!s !hen $o tes a$e a&&e&, mo&ifie&, an& &elete& f$om the $o tin' table. 8o$ e1ample, e0e$y time yo s ccessf lly confi' $e an& acti0ate an inte$face, #isco /;. a&&s a $o te to the $o tin' table. De can 0e$ify this by obse$0in' o tp t f$om the debug ip routing comman&. Step 2: 0nter interface configuration mo e for R16s LA, interface. R1#configure terminal )nter configuration co66an-(, one .er line. R1(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0 #onfi' $e the /+ a&&$ess as specifie& in the (opolo'y )ia'$am. R1(config-if)#ip address 2 .2 .2 .0 i(<u.: 0 (tate: 6 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 1 *a(<route: 'al(e )n- 9it* :N1L+;.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e E of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

As soon as yo p$ess the 0nter %ey, #isco /;. &eb ' o tp t info$ms yo that the$e is no! a $o te, b t its state is 'al(e. /n othe$ !o$&s, the $o te has not yet been a&&e& to the $o tin' table. Dhy &i& this occ $ an& !hat steps sho l& be ta%en to ens $e that the $o te is ente$e& into the $o tin' tableF GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Step +: 0nter t1e comman necessary to install t1e route in t1e routing table. /f yo a$e not s $e !hat the co$$ect comman& is, $e0ie! the &isc ssion in B*1aminin' 2o te$ /nte$facesC !hich is &isc sse& in .ection 2.2, B2o te$ #onfi' $ation 2e0ie!.C Afte$ yo ente$ the co$$ect comman&, yo sho l& see &eb ' o tp t. 6o $ o tp t may be sli'htly &iffe$ent f$om the e1ample belo!. i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 1 *a(<route: 'al(e R1: a-- 1=2.16.!.0+20 >ia, connecte- 6etric 70+08 R1: N)1-R)$ 1=2.16.!.0+20 R1: N)1-R)$ ?ueue-, @ueue (iAe 1 R1: interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 a--e- to routing ta5le %LIN -!-"#$%&N: Interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0, c*ange- (tate to u. i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 1 *a(<route: 1rue %LIN)#R%1%-2-"#$%&N: Line .rotocol on Interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0, c*an ge- (tate to u. i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 1 *a(<route: 1rue i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 1 *a(<route: 1rue (he ne! net!o$% yo confi' $e& on the 3AN inte$face is no! a&&e& to the $o tin' table, as sho!n in the hi'hli'hte& o tp t. /f yo &o not see the $o te a&&e& to the $o tin' table, the inte$face &i& not come p. Use the follo!in' systematic p$ocess to t$o bleshoot yo $ connection" 1. #hec% yo $ physical connections to the 3AN inte$face. /s the co$$ect inte$face attache&F GGGGGGGG 6o $ $o te$ may ha0e mo$e than one 3AN inte$face. )i& yo connect the co$$ect 3AN inte$faceF GGGGGGGG An inte$face !ill not come p nless it &etects a ca$$ie$ &etect si'nal at the +hysical laye$ f$om anothe$ &e0ice. /s the inte$face connecte& to anothe$ &e0ice s ch as a h b, s!itch, o$ +#F GGGGGGGG 2. #hec% lin% li'hts. A$e all lin% li'hts blin%in'F GGGGGGGG 3. #hec% the cablin'. A$e the co$$ect cables connecte& to the &e0icesF GGGGGGGG E. =as the inte$face been acti0ate& o$ enable&F GGGGGGGG /f yo can ans!e$ yes to all the p$ocee&in' 7 estions, the inte$face sho l& come p.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 5 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Step 4: 0nter t1e comman to !erify t1at t1e ne' route is no' in t1e routing table. 6o $ o tp t sho l& loo% simila$ to the follo!in' o tp t. (he$e sho l& no! be one $o te in the table fo$ 21. Dhat comman& &i& yo seF R1#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, ia - IB-IB inter area * - can-i-ate -efault, " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R # - .erio-ic -o9nloa-e- (tatic route Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : 1= i( (u5nette-, 1 (u5net( 1=2.16.!.0 i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

Step 2: 0nter interface configuration mo e for R16s 7A, interface connecte to R2. R1#configure terminal )nter configuration co66an-(, one .er line. R1(config)#interface $erial 0/0/0 #onfi' $e the /+ a&&$ess as specifie& in the (opolo'y )ia'$am. R1(config-if)#ip address 2 .2 .2 .0 i(<u.: 0 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 *a(<route: 'al(e As soon as yo p$ess the 0nter %ey, #isco /;. &eb ' o tp t info$ms yo that the$e is no! a $o te, b t its state is 'al(e. 4eca se 21 is the )#* si&e of o $ lab en0i$onment, !e m st specify ho! fast the bits !ill be cloc%e& bet!een 21 an& 22. Step 8: 0nter t1e clock rate comman on R1. 6o can specify any 0ali& cloc%in' spee&. Use the % to fin& the 0ali& $ates. =e$e, !e se& 6E000 bps. R1(config-if)#clock rate 6"000 i(<u.: 0 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 *a(<route: 'al(e .ome /;. 0e$sions &isplay the o tp t sho!n abo0e e0e$y 30 secon&s. Dhy is the state of the $o te still 'al(eF Dhat step m st yo no! ta%e to ma%e s $e that the inte$face is f lly confi' $e&F GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Step 9: 0nter t1e comman necessary to ensure t1at t1e interface is fully configure . /f yo a$e not s $e !hat the co$$ect comman& is, $e0ie! the &isc ssion in B*1aminin' 2o te$ /nte$faces,C !hich is &isc sse& in .ection 2.2, B2o te$ #onfi' $ation 2e0ie!.C R1(config-if)#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Afte$ yo ente$ the co$$ect comman&, yo sho l& see &eb ' o tp t simila$ to the follo!in' e1ample" i(<u.: 0 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 *a(<route: 'al(e %LIN -!-"#$%&N: Interface Berial0+0+0, c*ange- (tate to -o9n )n- 9it* :N1L+;.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 6 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Unli%e confi' $in' the 3AN inte$face, f lly confi' $in' the DAN inte$face &oes not al!ays ' a$antee that the $o te !ill be ente$e& in the $o tin' table, e0en if yo $ cable connections a$e co$$ect. (he othe$ si&e of the DAN lin% m st also be confi' $e&. Step 8: /f possible, establish a sepa$ate te$minal session by consolin' into 22 f$om anothe$ !o$%station. )oin' this allo!s yo to obse$0e the &eb ' o tp t on 21 !hen yo ma%e chan'es on 22. 6o can also t $n on debug ip routing on 22. R2#debug ip routing I# routing -e5ugging i( on *nte$ inte$face confi' $ation mo&e fo$ 22Hs DAN inte$face connecte& to 21. R2#configure terminal )nter configuration co66an-(, one .er line. R2(config)#interface serial 0/0/0 #onfi' $e the /+ a&&$ess as specifie& in the (opolo'y )ia'$am. R2(config-if)#ip address 2 .2 i(<u.: 0 (tate: 6 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 .2 .0 )n- 9it* :N1L+;.

Step :: 0nter t1e comman necessary to ensure t1at t1e interface is fully configure . /f yo a$e not s $e !hat the co$$ect comman& is, $e0ie! the &isc ssion in B*1aminin' 2o te$ /nte$faces,C !hich is &isc sse& in .ection 2.2, B2o te$ #onfi' $ation 2e0ie!.C R2(config-if)#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Afte$ yo ente$ the co$$ect comman&, yo sho l& see &eb ' o tp t simila$ to the follo!in' e1ample" i(<u.: 0 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 %LIN -!-"#$%&N: Interface Berial0+0+0, c*ange- (tate to u. i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 R1: a-- 1= >ia, connecte- 6etric 70+08 R1: interface Berial0+0+0 a--e- to routing ta5le i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 %LIN)#R%1%-2-"#$%&N: Line .rotocol on Interface Berial0+0+0, c*ange- (tate to u. i(<u.: 1 (tate: 0 (u5 (tate: 1 line: 0 (he ne! net!o$% that yo confi' $e& on the DAN inte$face is no! a&&e& to the $o tin' table, as sho!n in the hi'hli'hte& o tp t. /f yo &o not see the $o te a&&e& to the $o tin' table, the inte$face &i& not come p. Use the follo!in' systematic p$ocess to t$o bleshoot yo $ connection" 1. #hec% yo $ physical connections bet!een the t!o DAN inte$faces fo$ 21 an& 22. /s the co$$ect inte$face attache&F GGGGGGGG 6o $ $o te$ has mo$e than one DAN inte$face. )i& yo connect the co$$ect DAN inte$faceF GGGGGGGG An inte$face !ill not come p nless it &etects a lin% beat at the +hysical laye$ f$om anothe$ &e0ice. /s the inte$face connecte& to the othe$ $o te$Hs inte$faceF GGGGGGGG 2. #hec% lin% li'hts. A$e all lin% li'hts blin%in'F GGGGGGGG 3. #hec% the cablin'. 21 m st ha0e the )#* si&e of the cable attache& an& 22 m st ha0e the )(* si&e of the cable attache&. A$e the co$$ect cables connecte& to the $o te$sF GGGGGGGG E. =as the inte$face been acti0ate& o$ enable&F GGGGGGGG /f yo can ans!e$ yes to all the p$ocee&in' 7 estions, the inte$face sho l& come p.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 7 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Step 1): 0nter t1e comman to !erify t1at t1e ne' route is no' in t1e routing table for R1 an R2. 6o $ o tp t sho l& loo% simila$ to the follo!in' o tp t. (he$e sho l& no! be t!o $o tes in the $o tin' table fo$ 21 an& one $o te in the table fo$ 22. Dhat comman& &i& yo seF R1#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2 i - IB-IB, (u - IB-IB (u66ar4, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2 ia - IB-IB inter area, * - can-i-ate -efault, " - .er-u(er (tatic route o - %$R, # - .erio-ic -o9nloa-e- (tatic route Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : : 1= i( (u5nette-, 2 (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1=2.16.!.0 i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

R2#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, ia - IB-IB inter area * - can-i-ate -efault, " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R # - .erio-ic -o9nloa-e- (tatic route Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : 1= i( (u5nette-, 1 (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0

Step 11: Turn off ebugging on bot1 routers using eit1er no debug ip routing or simply/ undebug all. R1(config-if)#end R1#no debug ip routing I# routing -e5ugging i( off

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 8 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Tas% 4: (inis1 Configuring Router "nterfaces

Step 1: Configure Remaining R2 "nterfaces 8inish confi' $in' the $emainin' inte$faces on 22 acco$&in' to the (opolo'y )ia'$am an& A&&$essin' (able. Step 2: Configure R+ "nterfaces #onsole into 23 an& confi' $e the necessa$y inte$faces acco$&in' to the (opolo'y )ia'$am an& A&&$essin' (able.

Tas% 2: Configure "# A

ressing on t1e ;ost #Cs.

Step 1: Configure t1e 1ost #C1. #onfi' $e the host +#1 !ith an /+ a&&$ess of an& a &efa lt 'ate!ay of Step 2: Configure t1e 1ost #C2. #onfi' $e the host +#2 !ith an /+ a&&$ess of an& a &efa lt 'ate!ay of Step +: Configure t1e 1ost #C+. #onfi' $e the host +#3 !ith an /+ a&&$ess of an& a &efa lt 'ate!ay of

Tas% 8: Test an <erify t1e Configurations.

Step 1: Test connecti!ity. (est connecti0ity by pin'in' f$om each host to the &efa lt 'ate!ay that has been confi' $e& fo$ that host. 8$om the host +#1, is it possible to pin' the &efa lt 'ate!ayF GGGGGGGG 8$om the host +#2, is it possible to pin' the &efa lt 'ate!ayF GGGGGGGG 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the &efa lt 'ate!ayF GGGGGGGG /f the ans!e$ is no fo$ any of these 7 estions, t$o bleshoot the confi' $ations to fin& the e$$o$ sin' the follo!in' systematic p$ocess" 1. #hec% the cablin'. A$e the +#s physically connecte& to the co$$ect $o te$F GGGGGGGG >#onnection co l& be th$o 'h a s!itch o$ &i$ectly? A$e lin% li'hts blin%in' on all $ele0ant po$tsF GGGGGGGG 2. #hec% the +# confi' $ations. )o they match the (opolo'y )ia'$amF GGGGGGGG 3. #hec% the $o te$ inte$faces sin' the show ip interface brief comman&. A$e all $ele0ant inte$faces up an& upF GGGGGGGG /f yo $ ans!e$ to all th$ee steps is yes, yo sho l& be able to s ccessf lly pin' the &efa lt 'ate!ay. Step 2: 3se t1e ping comman to test connecti!ity bet'een irectly connecte routers. 8$om the $o te$ 22, is it possible to pin' 21 at GGGGGGGG 8$om the $o te$ 22, is it possible to pin' 23 at GGGGGGGG

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 9 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

/f the ans!e$ is no fo$ any of these 7 estions, t$o bleshoot the confi' $ations to fin& the e$$o$ sin' the follo!in' systematic p$ocess" 1. #hec% the cablin'. A$e the $o te$s physically connecte&F GGGGGGGG A$e lin% li'hts blin%in' on all $ele0ant po$tsF GGGGGGGG 2. #hec% the $o te$ confi' $ations. )o they match the (opolo'y )ia'$amF GGGGGGGG )i& yo confi' $e the clock rate comman& on the )#* si&e of the lin%F GGGGGGGG 3. =as the inte$face been acti0ate& o$ enable&F GGGGGGGG E. #hec% the $o te$ inte$faces sin' the show ip interface brief comman&. A$e the inte$faces up an& upF GGGGGGGG /f yo $ ans!e$ to all th$ee steps is yes, yo sho l& be able to s ccessf lly pin' f$om 22 to 21 an& f$om 22 to 23. Step +: 3se ping to c1ec% connecti!ity bet'een e!ices t1at are not irectly connecte . 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the host +#1F GGGGGGGG 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the host +#2F GGGGGGGG 8$om the host +#2, is it possible to pin' the host +#1F GGGGGGGG 8$om the $o te$ 21, is it possible to pin' $o te$ 23F GGGGGGGG (hese pin's sho l& all fail. DhyF GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Tas% 9: &at1er "nformation.

Step 1: C1ec% status of interfaces. #hec% the stat s of the inte$faces on each $o te$ !ith the comman& show ip interface brief. (he follo!in' o tp t is fo$ 22. R2#show ip interface brief Interface I#-G--re(( 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 1= 'a(t)t*ernet0+1 una((igneBerial0+0+0 1= Berial0+0+1 1/ Jlan1 una((igne% H I)B I)B I)B I)B I)B Met*o6anual un(et 6anual 6anual 6anual Btatu( #rotocol u. u. a-6ini(trati>el4 -o9n -o9n u. u. u. u. a-6ini(trati>el4 -o9n -o9n

A$e all of the $ele0ant inte$faces on each $o te$ acti0ate& >that is, in the up an& up state?F GGGGGGGG =o! many inte$faces a$e acti0ate& on 21 an& 23F GGGGGGG Dhy a$e the$e th$ee acti0ate& inte$faces on 22F GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 10 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Step 2: <ie' t1e routing table information for all t1ree routers. R1#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, ia - IB-IB inter area * - can-i-ate -efault, " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R # - .erio-ic -o9nloa-e- (tatic route Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : : 1= i( (u5nette-, 2 (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1=2.16.!.0 i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

Dhat net!o$%s a$e p$esent in the (opolo'y )ia'$am b t not in the $o tin' table fo$ 21F GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG R2#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : : : 1= i( (u5nette-, 2 (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1

Dhat net!o$%s a$e p$esent in the (opolo'y )ia'$am b t not in the $o tin' table fo$ 22F GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG R!#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : : 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

Dhat net!o$%s a$e p$esent in the (opolo'y )ia'$am b t not in the $o tin' table fo$ 23F GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 11 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation


Tas% 8: Configure a Static Route 3sing a ,e=t>;op A


Step 1: To configure static routes 'it1 a ne=t>1op specifie / use t1e follo'ing synta=: Router(config)# ip route network-address subnet-mask ip-address network-address"A)estination net!o$% a&&$ess of the $emote net!o$% to be a&&e& to the $o tin' table. subnet-maskA. bnet mas% of the $emote net!o$% to be a&&e& to the $o tin' table. (he s bnet mas% can be mo&ifie& to s mma$i<e a '$o p of net!o$%s. ip-addressA#ommonly $efe$$e& to as the ne1t9hop $o te$Hs /+ a&&$ess.

;n the 23 $o te$, confi' $e a static $o te to the net!o$% sin' the .e$ial 0/0/1 inte$face of 22 as the ne1t9hop a&&$ess. R!(config)#ip route 2 R!(config)# .2 .2 .0 1&2.16'.1.2

Step 2: <ie' t1e routing table to !erify t1e ne' static route entry. Notice that the $o te is co&e& !ith an S, !hich means that the $o te is a static $o te. R!#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et B : : R!# 1= i( (u5nette-, 1 (u5net( 1= 71+08 >ia 1/ 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

Dith this $o te ente$e& in the $o tin' table, any pac%et that matches the fi$st 2E left9most bits of !ill be fo$!a$&e& to the ne1t9hop $o te$ at Dhat inte$face !ill 23 se to fo$!a$& pac%ets to the net!o$%F GGGGGGGGGGGG

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 12 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Ass me that the follo!in' pac%ets ha0e a$$i0e& at 23 !ith the in&icate& &estination a&&$esses. Dill 23 &isca$& the pac%et o$ fo$!a$& the pac%etF /f 23 fo$!a$&s the pac%et, !ith !hat inte$face !ill 23 sen& the pac%etF +ac%et 1 2 3 E 5 )estination /+ )isca$& o$ 8o$!a$&F GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG /nte$face GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG

Altho 'h 23 !ill fo$!a$& pac%ets to &estinations fo$ !hich the$e is a $o te, this &oes not mean that a pac%et !ill a$$i0e safely at the final &estination. Step +: 3se ping to c1ec% connecti!ity bet'een t1e 1ost #C+ an t1e 1ost #C2. 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the host +#2F GGGGGGGG (hese pin's sho l& fail. (he pin's !ill a$$i0e at +#2 if yo ha0e confi' $e& an& 0e$ifie& all &e0ices th$o 'h (as% 7, B5athe$ /nfo$mation.C +#2 !ill sen& a pin' $eply bac% to +#3. =o!e0e$, the pin' $eply !ill be &isca$&e& at 22 beca se the 22 &oes not ha0e a $et $n $o te to the net!o$% in the $o tin' table. Step 4: -n t1e R2 router/ configure a static route to reac1 t1e 1:2.188.2.) net'or%. Dhat is the ne1t9hop a&&$ess to !hich 22 !o l& sen& a pac%et &estine& fo$ the net!o$%F R2(config)#ip route 1&2.16'.2.0 2 R2(config)# .2 .2 .0 ((((((((((((((((

Step 2: <ie' t1e routing table to !erify t1e ne' static route entry. Notice that the $o te is co&e& !ith an S, !hich means the $o te is a static $o te. R2#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : : : B R2# 1= i( (u5nette-, 2 (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ 71+08 >ia 1/

Step 8: 3se ping to c1ec% connecti!ity bet'een t1e 1ost #C+ an t1e 1ost #C2. 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the host +#2F GGGGGGGG (his pin' sho l& be s ccessf l.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 13 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Tas% :: Configure a Static Route 3sing an 0=it "nterface.

(o confi' $e static $o tes !ith an e1it inte$face specifie&, se the follo!in' synta1" Router(config)# ip route network-address subnet-mask exit-interface network-addressA)estination net!o$% a&&$ess of the $emote net!o$% to be a&&e& to the $o tin' table. subnet-maskA. bnet mas% of the $emote net!o$% to be a&&e& to the $o tin' table. (he s bnet mas% can be mo&ifie& to s mma$i<e a '$o p of net!o$%s. exit-interfaceA; t'oin' inte$face that !o l& be se& in fo$!a$&in' pac%ets to the &estination net!o$%.

Step 1: -n t1e R+ router/ configure a static route. ;n the 23 $o te$, confi' $e a static $o te to the net!o$% sin' the .e$ial 0/0/1 inte$face of the 23 $o te$ as the e1it inte$face. R!(config)# ip route 2 R!(config)# .2 .2 .0 $erial0/0/1

Step 2: <ie' t1e routing table to !erify t1e ne' static route entry. R!#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et B B : : R!# 1= i( (u5nette-, 2 (u5net( 1= 71+08 >ia 1/ 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

Use the show running-config comman& to 0e$ify the static $o tes that a$e c $$ently confi' $e& on 23. R!#show running-config Duil-ing configuration... 3out.ut o6itte-K L *o(tna6e R! L interface 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 i. a--re(( 1/ L interface Berial0+0+0 no i. a--re(( (*ut-o9n
All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation. +a'e 1E of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

L interface Berial0+0+1 i. a--re(( 1/ L i. route 1= 1/ i. route 1= Berial0+0+1 L en=o! !o l& yo $emo0e eithe$ of these $o tes f$om the confi' $ationF GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Step +: -n t1e R2 router/ configure a static route. ;n the 22 $o te$, confi' $e a static $o te to the net!o$% sin' the .e$ial 0/0/0 inte$face of the 22 $o te$ as the e1it inte$face. R2(config)# ip route 2 R2(config)# .2 .2 .0 $erial0/0/0

Step 4: <ie' t1e routing table to !erify t1e ne' static route entry. R2#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et : : B : B R2# 1= i( (u5nette-, ! (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1=2.16.!.0 i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ 71+08 >ia 1/

At this point, 22 has a complete $o tin' table !ith 0ali& $o tes to all fi0e net!o$%s sho!n in the (opolo'y )ia'$am. )oes this mean that 22 can $ecei0e pin' $eplies f$om all &estinations sho!n in the (opolo'y )ia'$amF GGGGGGGG Dhy o$ !hy notF GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Step 2: 3se ping to c1ec% connecti!ity bet'een t1e 1ost #C2 an #C1. (his pin' sho l& fail beca se the 21 $o te$ &oes not ha0e a $et $n $o te to the net!o$% in the $o tin' table.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 15 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Tas% 1): Configure a Default Static Route.

/n the p$e0io s steps, yo confi' $e& the $o te$ fo$ specific &estination $o tes. 4 t co l& yo &o this fo$ e0e$y $o te on the /nte$netF No. (he $o te$ an& yo !o l& be o0e$!helme&. (o minimi<e the si<e of the $o tin' tables, a&& a &efa lt static $o te. A $o te$ ses the &efa lt static $o te !hen the$e is not a bette$, mo$e specific $o te to a &estination. /nstea& of fillin' the $o tin' table of 21 !ith static $o tes, !e co l& ass me that 21 is a stub router. (his means that 22 is the &efa lt 'ate!ay fo$ 21. /f 21 has pac%ets to $o te that &o not belon' to any of 21 &i$ectly connecte& net!o$%s, 21 sho l& sen& the pac%et to 22. =o!e0e$, !e m st e1plicitly confi' $e 21 !ith a &efa lt $o te befo$e it !ill sen& pac%ets !ith n%no!n &estinations to 22. ;the$!ise, 21 &isca$&s pac%ets !ith n%no!n &estinations. (o confi' $e a &efa lt static $o te, se the follo!in' synta1" Router(config)#ip route M ip-address N interface O Step 1: Configure t1e R1 router 'it1 a efault route. #onfi' $e the 21 $o te$ !ith a &efa lt $o te sin' the inte$face option on .e$ial 0/0/0 of 21 as the ne1t9 hop inte$face. R1(config)#ip route R1(config)# Step 2: <ie' t1e routing table to !erify t1e ne' static route entry. R1#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, * - can-i-ate -efault " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( 1= to net9orP : : B* R1# 1= i( (u5nette-, 2 (u5net( 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+0 1=2.16.!.0 i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0 71+08 >ia 1=

Note that the 21 $o te$ no! has a &efa lt $o te, the gateway of last resort, an& !ill sen& all n%no!n t$affic o t .e$ial 0/0/0, !hich is connecte& to 22. Step +: 3se ping to c1ec% connecti!ity bet'een t1e 1ost #C2 an #C1. 8$om the host +#2, is it possible to pin' +#1F GGGGGGGG (his pin' sho l& be s ccessf l this time beca se the 21 $o te$ can $et $n the pac%et sin' the &efa lt $o te. 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the host +#1F GGGGGGGG /s the$e a $o te to the net!o$% in the $o tin' table on the 23 $o te$F GGGGGGGG

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 16 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Tas% 11: Configure a Summary Static Route.

De co l& confi' $e anothe$ static $o te on 23 fo$ the net!o$%. =o!e0e$, !e al$ea&y ha0e t!o static $o tes to an& 4eca se these net!o$%s a$e so close to'ethe$, !e can s mma$i<e them into one $o te. A'ain, &oin' this helps $e& ce the si<e of $o tin' tables, !hich ma%es the $o te loo% p p$ocess mo$e efficient. 3oo%in' at the th$ee net!o$%s at the bina$y le0el, !e can a common bo n&a$y at the 22 n& bit f$om the left. 1= 1= 1=2.16.!.0 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000000 10101100.00010000.00000010.00000000 10101100.00010000.00000011.00000000

(he p$efi1 po$tion !ill incl &e, beca se this !o l& be the p$efi1 if !e t $ne& off all the bits to the $i'ht of the 22n& bit. #refiF 1=

(o mas% the fi$st 22 left9most bits, !e se a mas% !ith 22 bits t $ne& on f$om left to $i'ht" Dit Ma(P 11111111.11111111.11111100.00000000 (his mas%, in &otte&9&ecimal fo$mat, is... Ma(P

Step 1: Configure t1e summary static route on t1e R+ router. (he net!o$% to be se& in the s mma$y $o te is R!(config)#ip route 2 .2 .2 2.0 1&2.16'.1.2

Step 2: <erify t1at t1e summary route is installe in t1e routing table. R!#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, ia - IB-IB inter area * - can-i-ate -efault, " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R # - .erio-ic -o9nloa-e- (tatic route Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et B B B : : 1= i( >aria5l4 (u5nette-, ! (u5net(, 2 6a(P( 1= 71+08 >ia 1/ 1= 71+08 >ia 1/ 1= i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

#onfi' $in' a s mma$y $o te on 23 &i& not $emo0e the static $o tes confi' $e& ea$lie$ beca se these $o tes a$e mo$e specific $o tes. (hey both se *24 mas%, !he$eas the ne! s mma$y !ill be sin' a *22 mas%. (o $e& ce the si<e of the $o tin' table, !e can no! $emo0e the mo$e specific *24 $o tes. Step +: Remo!e static routes on R+. 2emo0e the t!o static $o tes that a$e c $$ently confi' $e& on 23 by sin' the no fo$m of the comman&. R!(config)#no ip route 2 R!(config)#no ip route 2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .0 1&2.16'.1.2 .0 $erial0/0/1
+a'e 17 of 20

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

Step 4: <erify t1at t1e routes are no longer in t1e routing table. R!#<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :o-e(: : - connecte-, B - (tatic, I - ICR#, R - RI#, M - 6o5ile, D - DC# $ - )ICR#, )E - )ICR# eFternal, % - %B#', IG - %B#' inter area N1 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 1, N2 - %B#' NBBG eFternal t4.e 2 )1 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 1, )2 - %B#' eFternal t4.e 2, ) - )C# i - IB-IB, L1 - IB-IB le>el-1, L2 - IB-IB le>el-2, ia - IB-IB inter area * - can-i-ate -efault, " - .er-u(er (tatic route, o - %$R # - .erio-ic -o9nloa-e- (tatic route Cate9a4 of la(t re(ort i( not (et B : : 1= i( (u5nette-, 1 (u5net( 1= 71+08 >ia 1/ 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, Berial0+0+1 1/ i( -irectl4 connecte-, 'a(t)t*ernet0+0

23 no! only has one $o te to any host belon'in' to net!o$%s,,, an& ($affic &estine& fo$ these net!o$%s !ill be sent to 22 at Step 2: 3se ping to c1ec% connecti!ity bet'een t1e 1ost #C+ an #C1. 8$om the host +#3, is it possible to pin' the host +#1F GGGGGGGG (his pin' sho l& be s ccessf l this time beca se the$e is a $o te to the net!o$% on the 23 $o te$, an& the 21 $o te$ can $et $n the pac%et sin' the &efa lt $o te.

Tas% 12: Summary/ Reflection/ an Documentation

Dith the completion of this lab, yo ha0e" #onfi' $e& yo $ fi$st net!o$% !ith a combination of static an& &efa lt $o tin' to p$o0i&e f ll connecti0ity to all net!o$%s ;bse$0e& ho! a $o te is installe& in the $o tin' table !hen yo co$$ectly confi' $e an& acti0ate the inte$face 3ea$ne& ho! to statically confi' $e $o tes to &estinations that a$e not &i$ectly connecte& 3ea$ne& ho! to confi' $e a &efa lt $o te that is se& to fo$!a$& pac%ets to n%no!n &estinations

3ea$ne& ho! to s mma$i<e a '$o p of net!o$%s into one static $o te to $e& ce the si<e of a $o tin' table Alon' the !ay, yo ha0e also p$obably enco nte$e& some p$oblems eithe$ in yo $ physical lab set p o$ in yo $ confi' $ations. =opef lly, yo ha0e lea$ne& to systematically t$o bleshoot s ch p$oblems. At this point, $eco$& any comments o$ notes that may help yo in f t $e labs. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 18 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

8inally, yo sho l& &oc ment yo $ net!o$% implementation. ;n each $o te$, capt $e the follo!in' comman& o tp t to a te1t >.t1t? file an& sa0e fo$ f t $e $efe$ence. show running-config show ip route show ip interface brief

/f yo nee& to $e0ie! the p$oce& $es fo$ capt $in' comman& o tp t, see 3ab 1.5.1.

Tas% 1+: Clean 3p

*$ase the confi' $ations an& $eloa& the $o te$s. )isconnect an& sto$e the cablin'. 8o$ +# hosts that a$e no$mally connecte& to othe$ net!o$%s >s ch as the school 3AN o$ to the /nte$net?, $econnect the app$op$iate cablin' an& $esto$e the (#+//+ settin's.

Tas% 14: C1allenge

/n the follo!in' e1e$cise, fill in the blan%s to &oc ment the p$ocess as the pin' t$a0els f$om so $ce to &estination. /f yo nee& help !ith this e1e$cise see .ection 1.E, B+ath )ete$mination an& .!itchin' 8 nction.C 1. (he /#I+ p$ocess on +#3 fo$m lates a pin' $e7 est to +#2 an& sen&s the $e7 est to the /+ p$ocess. 2. (he /+ p$ocess on +#3 encaps lates the pin' pac%et !ith a so $ce /+ a&&$ess of GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG an& &estination /+ a&&$ess of GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. 3. +#3 then f$ames the pac%et !ith the so $ce IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate &e0ice name? GGG GGGGG an& the &estination IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate &e0ice name? GGGGGG GGGGGGGG. E. Ne1t, +#3 sen&s the f$ame o t on the me&ia as an enco&e& bit st$eam. 5. 23 $ecei0es the bit st$eam on its GGGGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 4eca se the &estination IA# a&&$ess matches the $ecei0in' inte$faceHs IA# a&&$ess, 23 st$ips off the *the$net hea&e$. 6. 23 loo%s p the &estination net!o$% a&&$ess GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in its $o tin' table. (his &estination has a ne1t9hop /+ a&&$ess of GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. (he ne1t9hop /+ a&&$ess is $eachable o t inte$face GGGGGGGGGGGGG. 7. 23 encaps lates the pac%et in an =)3# f$ame an& fo$!a$&s the f$ame o t the co$$ect inte$face. >4eca se this is a point9to9point lin%, no a&&$ess is nee&e&. =o!e0e$, the a&&$ess fiel& in the =)3# pac%et contains the 0al e 0188.? 8. 22 $ecei0es the f$ame on the GGGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 4eca se the f$ame is =)3#, 22 st$ips off the hea&e$ an& loo%s p the net!o$% a&&$ess GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in its $o tin' table. (his &estination a&&$ess is &i$ectly connecte& to the GGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 9. 22 encaps lates the pin' $e7 est in a f$ame !ith the so $ce IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate& &e0ice name? GGGG GGGGG an& the &estination IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate &e0ice name? GGGGGGGG. 10. 22 then sen&s the f$ame o t on the me&ia as an enco&e& bit st$eam. 11. +#2 $ecei0es the bit st$eam on its GGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 4eca se the &estination IA# a&&$ess matches the IA# a&&$ess of +#2, +#2 st$ips off the *the$net hea&e$. 12. (he /+ p$ocess on +#2 e1amines the GGGGGGGGGGG /+ a&&$ess to ma%e s $e that it matches its o!n /+ a&&$ess. (hen +#2 passes the &ata to the /#I+ p$ocess. 13. (he /#I+ p$ocess on +#2 fo$m lates a pin' $eply to +#3 an& sen&s the $eply to the /+ p$ocess. 1E. (he /+ p$ocess on +#2 encaps lates the pin' pac%et !ith a so $ce /+ a&&$ess of GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG an& &estination /+ a&&$ess of GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 19 of 20

##NA *1plo$ation 2o tin' +$otocols an& #oncepts" .tatic 2o tin'

3ab 2.8.1" 4asic .tatic 2o te #onfi' $ation

15. +#2 then f$ames the pac%et !ith the so $ce IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate &e0ice name? GGGGGGGG an& the &estination IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate &e0ice name? GGGGGGGGG. 16. +#2 then sen&s the f$ame o t on the me&ia as an enco&e& bit st$eam. 17. 22 $ecei0es the bit st$eam on its GGGGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 4eca se the &estination IA# a&&$ess matches the $ecei0in' inte$faceHs IA# a&&$ess, 22 st$ips off the *the$net hea&e$. 18. 22 loo%s p the &estination net!o$% a&&$ess GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in its $o tin' table. (his &estination has a ne1t9hop /+ a&&$ess of GGGGGGGGGGGGG. (he ne1t9hop /+ a&&$ess is $eachable o t inte$face GGGGGGGGGGGG. 19. 22 encaps lates the pac%et in an =)3# f$ame an& fo$!a$&s the f$ame o t the co$$ect inte$face. >4eca se this is a point9to9point lin%, no a&&$ess is nee&e&. =o!e0e$, the a&&$ess fiel& in the =)3# pac%et contains the 0al e 0188.? 20. 23 $ecei0es the f$ame on the GGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 4eca se the f$ame is =)3#, 23 st$ips off the hea&e$ an& loo%s p the &estination net!o$% a&&$ess GGGGGGGGGGGG in its $o tin' table. (his &estination a&&$ess is &i$ectly connecte& to the GGGGGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 21. 23 encaps lates the pin' $e7 est in a f$ame !ith the so $ce IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate& &e0ice name? GGGGGGGG an& the &estination IA# a&&$ess of >in&icate &e0ice name? GGGGGGGG. 22. 23 then sen&s the f$ame o t on the me&ia as an enco&e& bit st$eam. 23. +#3 $ecei0es the bit st$eam on its GGGGGGGGGGGGGG inte$face. 4eca se the &estination IA# a&&$ess matches the IA# a&&$ess of +#3, +#3 st$ips off the *the$net hea&e$. 2E. (he /+ p$ocess on +#3 e1amines the GGGGGGG /+ a&&$ess to ma%e s $e that it matches its o!n /+ a&&$ess. (hen +#3 passes the &ata to the /#I+ p$ocess. 25. /#I+ sen&s a Bs ccessC messa'e to the $e7 estin' application.

All contents a$e #opy$i'ht , 1992-2007 #isco .ystems, /nc. All $i'hts $ese$0e&. (his &oc ment is #isco + blic /nfo$mation.

+a'e 20 of 20

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