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Making Fake Ecstasy with the Meth-Smoking Beach Boys of Indonesia By Tony Farfalla 0 Tweet Share on Tumblr Off

the coast of ombok! Indonesia! there are three islands called The "ilis # a mini archi$elago of $aradises where nothing much ha$$ens% There are no motorised &ehicles on the islands # 'ust stam$eding horse-drawn carts( not too many brash! leering )ustralian tourists in Bintang &ests! unlike nearby Bali( and no co$s! 'ust s$oradic &isits by $olice teams from ombok e&ery cou$le of months% *hich is lucky! because drugs are both e+tremely illegal in Indonesia and absolutely e&erywhere on the "ilis% "et caught bringing a bit of weed to the country and you could face death by firing s,uad% -owe&er! on "ili Trawangan! the archi$elago.s most de&elo$ed island # a /km-long stretch of sand! 'ungle and beautiful! crystal-clear water # e&ery other sho$ along the main stri$ o$enly sells magic mushroom milkshakes and it.s not hard to get your hands on whate&er else you want if you ask nicely enough% I found myself on Trawangan a few months ago and ,uickly made friends with some of the guys running the local game% "ilbert! a scra$$y 0/-year-old from the island! a$$roached me on the main cobbled street of Trawangan asking if I needed any ecstasy% I don.t think anyone e&er really needs ecstasy! but we stood by anyway as he reeled off a list of name-brand $ills that were $o$ular in 1akarta at the time! before assuring us that his stuff was 2legit2%

My friend had 'ust bought a few 23ink o&e2 $ills from another islander down the street! so he told "ilbert he was all set% But the young $usher insisted on seeing the $ills he.d 'ust bought and! u$on ins$ection! told him they were no good% 2Those things are fake!2 he told him% 2I could make those in ten minutes%2 )t first! we were a little bummed out that my friend had been sold dud $ills% But then I realised I had an o$$ortunity to see e+actly how he.d been du$ed! which! although still kind of a bumout! seemed like a better thing to do than neck the fake $ills and s$end all night waiting to come u$ in &ain% )fter 45 minutes of con&incing him to show us how it.s done 6which ended in my friend $romising to buy any drugs he needed off "ilbert for the remainder of our stay7! "ilbert agreed and we headed off into the 'ungle%

)long the way! we made two sto$s% On the first sto$ we gathered ingredients! which consisted of a red marker! malaria $ills and an egg% The second sto$! "ilbert $icked u$ some 2medicine2 to hel$ him call in the 2s$irits2 he needed to assist him with the $rocess% The medicine was a large chunk of meth% I still ha&e no idea what the s$irits were% )fter a /0-minute walk into the de$ths of the forest! we arri&ed at a small room with a single mattress and a lam$% *e sat down on the floor and "ilbert began to $ull out his ingredients! telling me that he could re$licate any drug on the market # that he.s been doing this since he was a kid and knows how the game works% Tourists come to ha&e a good time and he hel$s them out% Sometimes he sells real drugs! sometimes fake% It all de$ends on his situation% Before getting to work! "ilbert rigs u$ a meth $i$e using a $lastic bottle and a cou$le of straws%

-e holds a lighter to one end and inhales from the other% 8eleasing a cloud of smoke from his lungs! "ilbert tells me! 9I need to ha&e the s$irit inside me to make these things%: *hich! in retros$ect # seeing how easy it is to do # seems like a weird thing to say% Or 'ust an e+cuse to smoke some meth! I guess% )nyway! s$irits con'ured! his eyes gla;ed o&er and he began to smash u$ the malaria $ills% T-E 8E<I3E FO8 "I BE8T.S F)=E E<ST)S>? - Fi&e anti-malaria $ills 6or any chalky white $ill7% One red marker % - One egg white % - One straw % - One $encil with desired stam$ sha$e car&ed into the ti$ 6a heart in this case7%

Ste$ One? In a small container 6like an )ltoid can7 crush u$ the malaria $ills into a $owder% Ste$ Two? 3lace the egg white in the malaria $owder and stir until a dry mud-like substance is reached%

Ste$ Three? Break o$en the red marker and s,uee;e out the red ink into the egg mi+ture% Mi+ until desired colour is reached% Ste$ Four? S$read the mi+ture out on a flat surface and roll it out until about @ inch thick% Ste$ Fi&e? Asing the ti$ of the straw! $unch holes in the rolled out mi+ture! creating little 2$ills2%

Ste$ Si+? )t the end of the $encil car&e a little heart sha$e that can be used to stam$ the to$ of each $ill% Ste$ Se&en? "ently stam$ the to$ of each $ill with the car&ed $encil! lea&ing an im$ressed image of the heart% Ste$ Eight? et $ills dry for ten minutes%

Twenty minutes later! and after a few more inhalations of his hel$ful am$hetamine s$irit! "ilbert had $roduced a handful of $ills that looked identical to the real thing! but that in no way bore any chemical resemblance to real ecstasy% -e can sell them on the streets of "ili for B45 a $o$% -e laughs and tells me! 9They may not get you high! but at least you wont get Malaria%: CIS< )IME8? This article is for entertainment $ur$oses only% Co not recreate anything de$icted herein% More drugs in beautiful $laces?

Magic Mushroom Milkshake Island I Ased My Stockmarket Millions to Throw 8a&es and Sell Crugs *atch - Dimbin Mardi "rass By Tony Farfalla E months ago

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