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1. Fill in with the missing word: a. The baby ..

delivered, the cord and cut and to the pediatrician, who breathed and .. immediately. clamped cried handed was

b. The was in his usual .. of good health until his airplane . out of gas and .. . crashed patient ran state

c. The patient at home with his mother, father and . turtle who is . enrolled in day .. three times a . care lives pet presently week

d. She is . from toes . down her numb

f. The . was moist and . . dry skin

e. A woman wal s into the pharmacy to buy some medicine for her toddler. The sales assistant first wants to he pharmacist .. the situation. The woman has to wait a little as the pharmacist is !ust busy a prescription. She is angry and rather . the pharmacist first because she doesn"t li e to be ept .. . Finally the pharmacist suggests her some .. but warns her if the baby doesn"t .. in a day, the cough may something bad. The customer then decides to stay at home and her child, even though her company greatly on her wor . consult cough mixture get better hanging on counter relies on short with turn into #. $ollocations: a. the %egulation on the reltively the revenue the tetanus the to&icity is enormously the procedure is both small mar et lower safe and effective than vaccine 'rphan (edicinal )roducts from look after making up on over the

b. they pose serious this follows throughout to adapt adult they are precisely addressed they have raised the sub!ect

earlier research by to this situation ris s of their own in various fora treatments to children the *+

,. -nside the head is the .., which is responsible for thin ing. The top of a person.s is covered with hair. /eneath the hairline at the front of the face is the +nderneath the forehead are the eyes for seeing, the nose for smelling, and the mouth for eating. 'n the outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the inside of the mouth are the teeth for biting and the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down the . At the sides of the face are the and at the sides of the head are the ears for hearing. At the bottom of a person.s face is the The . is located on the inside of the chee s and chin. The is what attaches the head to the upper body. Upper Body At the top and front of the upper body, !ust below the nec is the ... bone. 'n the front side of the upper body is the ., which in women includes the breasts. /abies suc on the of their mother.s breasts. /eneath the ..... are the stomach and the waist. The navel, more commonly referred to as the , is located here as well. 'n the inside of the upper body are the heart for pumping blood and the lungs for breathing. The rear side of the upper body is called the back, inside which the connects the upper body to the lower body. Upper Limbs (arms The arms are attached to the /eneath this area is called the or underarm. The upper arms have the .. nown as triceps and biceps. The !oint halfway down the arm is called the . /etween the elbow and the ne&t !oint, the , is the forearm. /elow the wrist is the hand with four fingers and one ... /eside the thumb is the finger. /eside the inde& finger is the middle finger, followed by the finger and the finger. At the ends of the fingers are fingernails. Lower Body /elow the waist, on left and right, are the .. /etween the hips are the reproductive organs, the penis 0male1 or the vagina 0female1. At the bac of the lower body are the for sitting on. They are also commonly referred to as the rear end or the 0especially with children1. The internal organs in the lower body include the intestines for digesting food, the for holding li2uid waste, as well as the liver and the kidneys. This area also contains the woman.s , which holds a baby when a woman is pregnant. Lower Limbs (legs The top of the leg is called the , and the !oint in the middle of the leg is the knee. The front of the lower leg is the and the bac of the lower leg is the . The connects the foot to the leg. *ach foot has five . The smallest is often called the . while the large one is called the big toe. At the ends of the toes are .

3. (uscles are one of those things that most of us ta e completely for granted, but they are incredibly important for two ey reasons: (uscles are the 4engine4 that your body uses to propel itself. Although they wor differently than a car engine or an electric motor, muscles do the same thing 55 they turn energy into motion. -t would be impossible for you to do anything without your muscles. Absolutely everything that you conceive of with your brain is e&pressed as muscular motion. The only ways for you to express an idea are with the muscles of your laryn&, mouth and tongue 0spo en words1, with the muscles of your fingers 0written words or 4tal ing with your hands41 or with the s eletal muscles 0body language, dancing, running, building or fighting, to name a few1. /ecause muscles are so crucial to any animal, they are incredibly sophisticated. They are efficient at turning fuel into motion, they are long5lasting, they are self5healing and they are able to grow stronger with practice. They do everything from allowing you to wal to eeping your blood flowing6 7hen most people thin of 4muscles,4 they thin about the muscles that we can see. For e&ample, most of us now about the biceps muscles in our arms. /ut there are three uni2ue inds of muscle in any mammal.s body: !keletal muscle is the type of muscle that we can see and feel. 7hen a body builder wor s out to increase muscle mass, s eletal muscle is what is being e&ercised. S eletal muscles attach to the s eleton and come in pairs 55 one muscle to move the bone in one direction and another to move it bac the other way. These muscles usually contract voluntarily, meaning that you thin about contracting them and your nervous system tells them to do so. They can do a short, single contraction 0twitch1 or a long, sustained contraction 0tetanus1. !mooth muscle is found in your digestive system, blood vessels, bladder, airways and, in a female, the uterus. Smooth muscle has the ability to stretch and maintain tension for long periods of time. -t contracts involuntarily, meaning that you do not have to thin about contracting it because your nervous system controls it automatically. For e&ample, your stomach and intestines do their muscular thing all day long, and, for the most part, you never now what.s going on in there. "ardiac muscle is found only in your heart, and its big features are endurance and consistency. -t can stretch in a limited way, li e smooth muscle, and contract with the force of a s eletal muscle. -t is a twitch muscle only and contracts involuntarily. 8. Translate into *nglish: 1. -arna ninge. 9inge de ceva vreme. #. :uminica el nu se scoal; devreme. ,. *u nu studie< seara. *u studie< de o or;. 3. $e faci= $ite>ti sau prive>ti la televi<or= $itesc o carte interesant;. 8. Secretara tocmai bate la ma>in; un referat. ?. *a merge la cump;r;turi s@mb;ta. A. Acum Bmi fac temele la engle<;. C. 9u5mi place cafeaua, dar ast;<i voi bea o cea>c;. D. $e carte cite>ti= 1E. Ai ascultat melodia asta= 11. $e faci tu Bn <ilele libere=

1#. 1,. 13. 18. 1?. 1A. 1C. 1D. #E.

$ui ii telefone<i= ' vei suna >i pe mama desear;= *l nu merge la >coal; cu metroul, merge pe !os. :e ce deschi<i fereastra= Fntotdeauna deschi<i geamul c@nd e frig afar;6 Adesea citesc c;rGi engle<e>ti. *a B>i face baga!ul. *a >i5a f;cut baga!ul Bn dimineaGa asta. $@t de des le scrii p;rinGilor t;i= He5ai mai scris Bn ultima vreme= $@nd merg la mare Bmi place sa Bnot mult. 95am mai Bnotat de mult; vreme. $lientul tocmai B>i alege o pereche de pantofi. $lientul tocmai >i5a ales o pereche. :e ce r@<i= Am v;<ut o comedie >i Bnc; m; amu<.

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