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Structure of the Construction Industry It is a dynamic industry that responds rapidly to external economic pressures

The Construction Industry can be categorised as follows: Heavy construction :highways, airports, bridges, harbours, dams, utility lines sewer lines and water pipelines Building Construction: hospitals, schools, hotels, offices, residential and commercial complex The Project Development Recognition of need and initial concept for the facility nown as inception !reparation of feasibility studies for the pro"ect # economic and technical $ !reparation of plans, specification and cost estimates %pproval of the pro"ect by regulatory bodies %dvertising the pro"ect for bid or negotiating with contractors %ward of construction contract Construction and contract administration %cceptance of the completed facility by the owner& # testing and commissioning$ The Building process '& !lanning stage The owner defines the anticipated activities #the brief( inception $ )& Conceptual design Conceptual drawings are prepared at this stage and this will include a preliminary drawings showing overall dimensions, placements of structural elements *& +esign +evelopment +etails are defined more clearly such as types of finishes, types of opening& Based on the preliminary design, there can be another cost estimate& +rawings will include architectural, structural and services drawing& ,& +etailed programme Both %rchitect and -ngineers are involved at this stage& .tructural analysis, soil investigations, calculations and detailed drawings are performed& %t this stage the bidding documents are prepared which includes drawings, specifications, contract agreement and bill of /uantities&

Bidding stage Competitive : open to any contractors who is /ualify for the wor s Selective : the consultant or owner select a few contractors Negotiated : the owner negotiates directly with the contractor with the help of consultants # private sector$ Construction stage The contractor carries out the construction wor under the supervision of the consultants& The responsibility of the consultants to the owner may end when the contract documents are finalised& %lternatively, the owner may re/uire full construction services, these includes pro"ect inspections, approval of payment to the contractor, issue of a certificate of completion, analysis of claims and processing variation orders& Feasibility studies The aim is to investigate into a design and its estimated cost& %lternative schemes usually have to be considered and evaluated so as to decide whether to proceed and how best to do so in order to achieve the owner0s ob"ectives within his budget& Construction management construction management refers to the control of four basic resources of labour, materials, machinery and money in executing a construction pro"ect& The aim of the site manager is to complete the pro"ect on time, within the budget while maintaining an acceptable level of /uality& 1ther ob"ectives are to ensure safe and efficient operations, good wor manship and health 2 safety on site& !oor cost estimating, inade/uate cost accounting inade/uate experience and poor management ability are the reasons why certain contractors go ban rupt in the civil engineering industry&

Partners in construction !romoter(owner pro"ectmanager %rchitect consulting engineers contractors

oles of o!ner"promoter +evelop the concept for the facility, i&e prepare the brief 1btain and secure funds for the pro"ect !rovide land for the pro"ect 1btain permits re/uired by law, development permit, building permit,-I% report, clearance from C3%,C-B 34% 4ust have the determination, the authority, the finance and energy to be able to initiate and maintain the pro"ect through its life cycle 4ust have the financial resources to fulfil the purpose of the entire pro"ect The Project #anager 5or large and complex pro"ects the promoters may provide an initial concept of the pro"ect but they may not have the necessary resources and expertise re/uired to implement a pro"ect from its inception to completion and therefore specialists are re/uired to advise on the best way to develop and promote a pro"ect& In these circumstances the promoters see the advice of one person to plan and manage the pro"ect and coordinate relationships with other organisations& This person is called the pro"ect manager who is appointed by the promoter& The project manager To ensure that the pro"ect ob"ectives are drafted for agreement by the promoter and relevant financial authorities 1btain advice on the li ely cost of the pro"ect and possible sources of finance !lanning for site location and ac/uisition !lanning for meetings and consultations with various sta eholders !repare the pro"ects brief or strategy, i&e the promoter0s ob"ectives and priorities 1nce the pro"ect has been sanctioned #approved$, the pro"ect manager needs authority to control its design and construction It should be noted that the title pro"ect manager is also used by contractors responsible to manage their wor for a pro"ect&

The consultants" Consulting $ngineers Investigate and identify all the resources to underta e the whole pro"ect -xamine the financial ris s involved, especially those unforeseen !repare realistic financial operational plans -xamine and study alternative plans Carry out the design !repare full bidding documents +ecide together with the owner on a commencement date

+ecide with the owner on bidding procedures, whether competitive ,selective pre /ualification -nsure that all bidders have e/ual opportunities to visit the site and examine all available information relevant to the wor !repare bid evaluation report for the client setting out the most suitable bidder who will best serve the interest of the promoter& In govt pro"ets with bidding sum exceeding a certain amount, evaluation is carried by independent evaluators at the Central !rocurement board& Consulting engineers Construction stage R- will supervise the wor s6 ensure that construction is carried out to drawings& -xamine and approve wor s Conduct regular meetings with contractor 7eep daily records of events on the site8 progress of wor s, weather, labour etc assess and record the progress of the wor s in comparison with the program to eep a diary constituting a detailed history of the wor s done and all events at the site& to inspect materials and supervise tests carried on site to ensure that the contractor comply with health and safety re/uirements 4easure and agree the amount of wor s carried on site with the contractor for payment purposes -xamine application for payments and prepare payment certificates Issue instructions for variations 1rganise handing over of the wor s from contractors to the owner to assist the contractor in the preparation of as made drawings

esponsibility of the contractor !re8award stage8 %t bidding stage %t bidding stage, the contractor will have to examine the bidding documents and ma e a decision whether he has the ability to underta e such wor s The contractor shall inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and to satisfy himself before submitting his bid in respect of soil conditions # roc content and water table etc $, the nature of the site, materials necessary for the completion of the wor s, means of access to the site and to obtain necessary information # ris s associated $ that may influence the bid The contractor shall ensure the correctness and efficiency of the rates and prices /uoted by him in the B19 which shall cover all obligations under the contract Post a!ard stage The contractor shall construct, complete and maintain the wor s to the satisfaction of the -ngineer and provide a competent representative approved by the -ngineer who will give all his time to the wor Responsible for the /uality of materials and wor manship He is under the obligations to follow all procedures as laid down in the conditions of contract Responsible for accurate setting out of the wor s 1btain consultant0s approval of wor s before covering up .ubmit application for payment at the specified time 7eep the site clean protect the environment and ensure health and safety on site To substantiate any claim for additional payments or fore extension of time Responsible for the stability and safety of all site operations To attend to any defects that may appear during the maintenance period after handing over of the wo s Insurance Insurance The contractor shall insure in the "oint names of the employer and the contractor the permanent wor s and the temporary wor s constructional plant labour force third party8 to ensure against any damage or in"ury which may occur to third parties

Design To enable the -ngineer to prepare designs for the wor s and to provide ade/uate information on which contractors can later be invited to bid, further site investigations may be re/uired& :ab tests may have to be underta en and the approval of authorities may have to be obtained on certain aspects of the wor s& The -ngineer may also consult specialists or manufacturers of plant and e/uipment before finali;ing his designs& He must give due attention to the aesthetic aspect of the design& Ideally, fully detailed designs of all the wor s should be completed prior to inviting bids for construction6 but in some cases this is not practicable& In such cases the contract drawings on which bids are invited will be supplemented by a series of wor ing drawings issued by the -ngineer during construction period& The more complete the design is produced in the form of drawings, specifications and B19 at the time of bidding , the better the bidders understand what is re/uired, the more accurate will be their prices and the smoother will be the subse/uent execution of the wor s& Time it is important that the -ngineer is given ade/uate time for the preparation of the designs and bidding documents as inade/uate time at this stage is li ely in the end to lead to delays and additional expenditure& Contractors Site %gent" Project #anager The site agent or pro"ect manager are usually experienced engineers and their responsibility are: Construction Health and safety Compliance with the contract 4anagement of the contractors site staff :iaison with the engineers representative .uccess of the contract

Site #anagement esponsibility of the Contractor Planning and control 3hen a contract has been awarded, the contractor will have to plan and control in order to achieve a successful pro"ect % successful pro"ect is one which achieves the ob"ectives of the company and client in relation to time, cost and /uality % pro"ect manager will have to be identified& The choice of the pro"ect leader is crucial to the success of any pro"ect& This individual must satisfy all the parties and re/uire the support of all team members advantages that will derive from a proper planning: It will provide a thorough understanding of the pro"ect It will improve cost and time control It will allow for effective resource control Planning and control !ill increase !erformance !rofitability -ffectiveness -fficiency !lanning and control will decrease ris and uncertainty

Site security protect the site from intruders and theft protect the public from site operations ensure safe wor ing conditions for the operatives wor ing on the site

Site %ccommodation 1ffices 4ess Toilets .tores 3or shop To plan for increased accommodation as site develops and to reduce these accommodations as the contract terminates

Site clearance Clearance of the site in advance of construction wor should be planned very carefully& Consideration shall be given on the location of the site whether it is in a city centre or in a green field +emolition of existing buildings if any Cutting down of trees, bushes and vegetation

Provision of services !ower supply 3ater Telephone .ewage disposal To protect existing services or to displace existing services

%ccess and haul roads location of roads and access points are important for the success and efficiency of any construction contract to place access roads where the permanent roads will be located on completion of the contract To plan for the construction of access roads6 inade/uate access points will restrict movement of vehicles and will cause delay in delivery of materials

Consideration during the course of the !or&s The site layout may need to change to eep pace with construction progres6the following are to considered as construction proceeds %ccommodation :ocation of cranes , storage tan s etc Car par ing for site vehicles, visitors, consultants and clients :ocation of stores and wor shop :oading and unloading facilities Temporary wor s Concrete batching plant

3hile the wor s are ongoing, the contractor shall eep the site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstruction and shall clear and remove from the site, rubbish, wrec age or temporary wor s which are no longer re/uired& The contractor shall carry out the wor s as expeditiously as possible and cause minimum of inconvenience to public and road users #as well as the environment$

Contractors responsibility to!ards the public The following aspects must be considered <oise control %voidance of damage to properties =ehicle nuisance .afety of passer0s by Noise control Contractor to ta e measures to eep noise to an acceptable level 3or s should be carried to avoid unreasonable noise and disturbance so as not to interfere with the public To use appropriate e/uipment >sing the e/uipment at sensible hours of the day Damage to nearby properties Involves claims and compensation Before wor s start a survey is carried to assess state of nearby structures and photographs ta en %s far as possible to avoid damage to nearby properties Contractor to examine his wor ing methods %t times damages are unavoidable6in such cases to minimi;e the effects of such damages

'ehicle nuisance Construction generates movement of vehicles -xcessive vehicle movements can cause disturbance to local residents Contractor to stipulate rues to be followed by vehicles coming to and leaving site8 fre/uency and timing 4ud and debris deposited on roads8affect road users !rovision for cleaning of roads , repair damages to roads Safety of the public protection of the public from construction site ha;ards is of paramount importance

falling ob"ects, vehicle movements and dust properly constructed scaffolds, screens and fences around the site should ensure that falling ob"ects are deflected to the site =ehicle movements at or near the site perimeter can lead to accidents involving members of the public Cooperation with local police and road authorities may be necessary

+usts tend to be more of a nuisance than a ha;ard to ta e all reasonable measures to avoid complaints 4itigating measures: fre/uent damping down and reducing speed of vehicles 5re/uent cleaning of site will reduce the amount of dust&

Safety on site Construction industry is one of the most dangerous ?iving due care to health and safety is a professional and legal duty of anyone involved with the promotion, design and construction of civil engineering pro"ects& %ccidents on site cause human tragedies and are a result of poor health and safety procedure %ccidents on site affects morale, productivity and lose contractors and promoters0s money %ccidents can be prevented by training, planning and good supervision& The contractor shall, in connection with the wor s, provide and maintain at his own cost, all lights, fencing, warning signs, and watchman when and where necessary and ensure health and safety of his wor ers on site

Factors to be considered in relation to safety policies site condition materials handling protection at wor protection of open excavations !rotection of wor ers wor ing above ground level

Staff Categories and number will vary as construction proceeds Responsibilities and relationships must be clearly defined

-very member to now to whom to receive instructions and to whom to give instructions .ite organi;ation chart to be prepared showing hierarchy and chain of commands

Communication ?ood communication system essential for effective control To put in place an effective internal and external comunication

Procurement of materials To be procured in advance to avoid delays .hould however not be poocured with too much advance as it will affect cash flow and storage space

#achinery ( plant and e)uipment Can be available within the company To arrange for hiring !rovision to be made for maintenance program

Progress of the !or&s !rogress to be plan in accordance with the approved programme To monitor progress on regular basis to chec wor s ahead or behind schedule In case od delays to ma e necessary arrangements to catch up with the delays

*uality of !or& Contractor to execute wor s in accordance with specs and drawings 5or good wor manship, only s illed labour in their respective trade should be used >sing materials that comply with specifications and standards %rrange for regular chec s on /uality by carrying out regular routine tests

%pplication for payment !repare application for payments in time and see the consultants prior approval for measurement of wor on site *uality control

It is a means of coordinating all the company0s procedures into an overall program or manual Today many construction companies including consultants have a /ulity systems in pace and are registered under I.1 4any promoters employ only those consultants and contractors that are registered under I.1 Training , /uality assurance systems and detailed supervision on site greatly help to achieve productivity and high standards of /uality&

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