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(gr p) n. 1. a. A tight hold; a firm grasp: a drowning swimmer now safely in the grip of a lifeguard. b.

The pressure or strength of such a grasp: a wrestler with an unmatched grip. c. A manner of grasping and holding: The crate afforded no comfortable grip. 2. a. Intellectual hold; understanding: a good grip on French history. b. Ability to function properly or well; competence: getting a grip on the new technique. c. Mental or emotional composure: lost his grip after he was fired. 3. a. A mechanical device that grasps and holds. b. A part such as a handle that is designed to be grasped and held. 4. A suitcase or valise. 5. a. A stagehand who helps in shifting scenery. b. A member of a film production crew who ad!usts sets lighting and props and sometimes assists the camera operator. v. gripped gripping grips v.tr. 1. To secure and maintain a tight hold on; sei"e firmly. 2. To hold the interest or attention of: a scene that gripped the entire audience. v.intr. To maintain a secure grasp.
grip 1

#Middle $nglish from %ld $nglish gripe grasp and gripa handful.& grip per n. grip pingly adv.

(gr p) n. 'ariant of grippe.

grip 2
The American (eritage) *ictionary of the $nglish +anguage ,ourth $dition copyright -./// by (oughton Mifflin 0ompany. 1pdated in .//2. 3ublished by (oughton Mifflin 0ompany. All rights reserved.


1. the act or an instance of grasping and holding firmly he lost his grip on the slope

2. Also called handgrip the strength or pressure of such a grasp as in a handsha5e a feeble grip

3. the style or manner of grasping an ob!ect such as a tennis rac5et

4. understanding control or mastery of a sub!ect problem etc. (esp in such phrases as get or have a grip on)

5. Also called handgrip a part by which an ob!ect is grasped; handle

6. Also called handgrip a travelling bag or holdall

7. (0lothing 3ersonal Arts 6 0rafts 7 (airdressing 6 8rooming) 9ee hairgrip

8. ($ngineering 7 Tools) any device that holds by friction such as certain types of bra5e

9. a method of clasping or sha5ing hands used by members of secret societies to greet or identify one another

10. a spasm of pain a grip in one's stomach

11. (3erforming Arts) a wor5er in a camera crew or a stagehand who shifts sets and props etc.

12. ($ngineering 7 8eneral $ngineering) a small drainage channel cut above an e:cavation to conduct surface water away from the e:cavation

get or come to grips (often foll by with)

a. to deal with (a problem or sub!ect)

b. to tac5le (an assailant)

vb grips gripping gripped

1. to ta5e hold of firmly or tightly as by a clutch

2. to hold the interest or attention of to grip an audience

#%ld $nglish gripe grasp; related to %ld ;orse gripr property %ld (igh 8erman grif&

gripper n

grippingly adv


(Medicine 7 3athology) Med a variant spelling of grippe

0ollins $nglish *ictionary < 0omplete and 1nabridged - (arper0ollins 3ublishers 4224 422= 422> ./// .//?

be in the grip o something

to be e:periencing something unpleasant that you have no control over The country is currently in the grip of the worst recession for twenty years.

!o"n 1. epidemic ple"rodynia @ an acute infectious disease occurring in epidemic form and featuring paro:ysms of pain (usually in the chest) Aornholm disease diaphragmatic pleurisy epidemic myalgia myosis epidemic disease @ any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people
#a grip on onesel
Fig. control of oneBs emotions. (CTypically: get D have D.) Calm down man! "et a grip on yourself! # encouraged him to get a grip on himself.

ta$e a irm grip on someone or something

1. $it. to grasp someone or something tightly. The police officer too% a firm grip on Fred and led him to the squad car. Mary too% a firm grip on the handle and pulled hard. 2. Fig. to gain control of someone or something. &ou will have to ta%e a firm grip on 'ndrew. (e has a mind of his own. )omeone needs to ta%e a firm grip on this department and get it organi*ed.

have a grip on something

to have control over something Certainly in the first half +ngland didn't seem to have a grip on the game.

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