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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No. 15 !

"5 Ap#il 1$% &''"

GO(ERNMENT O) *ONG +ONG SPEC,A- A.M,N,STRAT,(E REG,ON% #ep#esente/ b0 the Philippine .epa#t1ent of 2ustice% Petitione#% 3s. *ON. )E-,4BERTO T. O-A-,A% 2R. an/ 2UAN ANTON,O MU5O6% Respon/ents. .EC,S,ON SAN.O(A-7GUT,ERRE6% 2.8 )o# ou# #esolution is the instant Petition fo# Ce#tio#a#i un/e# Rule !5 of the 1$$" Rules of Ci3il P#oce/u#e% as a1en/e/% see9in: to nullif0 the t;o O#/e#s of the Re:ional T#ial Cou#t <RTC=% B#anch >% Manila <p#esi/e/ b0 #espon/ent 2u/:e )eli?be#to T. Olalia% 2#.= issue/ in Ci3il Case No. $$7$5"" . These a#e8 <1= the O#/e# /ate/ .ece1be# &'% &''1 allo;in: 2uan Antonio Mu@oA% p#i3ate #espon/ent% to post bailB an/ <&= the O#/e# /ate/ Ap#il 1'% &''& /en0in: the 1otion to 3acate the sai/ O#/e# of .ece1be# &'% &''1 file/ b0 the Go3e#n1ent of *on: +on: Special A/1inist#ati3e Re:ion% #ep#esente/ b0 the Philippine .epa#t1ent of 2ustice <.O2=% petitione#. The petition alle:es that both O#/e#s ;e#e issue/ b0 #espon/ent Cu/:e ;ith :#a3e abuse of /isc#etion a1ountin: to lac9 o# e?cess of Cu#is/iction as the#e is no p#o3ision in the Constitution :#antin: bail to a potential e?t#a/itee. The facts a#e8 On 2anua#0 '% 1$$5% the Republic of the Philippines an/ the then B#itish C#o;n Colon0 of *on: +on: si:ne/ an DA:#ee1ent fo# the Su##en/e# of Accuse/ an/ Con3icte/ Pe#sons.D ,t too9 effect on 2une &'% 1$$". On 2ul0 1% 1$$"% *on: +on: #e3e#te/ bac9 to the PeopleEs Republic of China an/ beca1e the *on: +on: Special A/1inist#ati3e Re:ion. P#i3ate #espon/ent Mu@oA ;as cha#:e/ befo#e the *on: +on: Cou#t ;ith th#ee < = counts of the offense of Dacceptin: an a/3anta:e as a:ent%D in 3iolation of Section $ <1= <a= of the P#e3ention of B#ibe#0 O#/inance% Cap. &'1 of *on: +on:. *e also faces se3en <"= counts of the offense of conspi#ac0 to /ef#au/% penaliAe/ b0 the co11on la; of *on: +on:. On Au:ust & % 1$$" an/ Octobe# &5% 1$$$% ;a##ants of a##est ;e#e issue/ a:ainst hi1. ,f con3icte/% he faces a Cail te#1 of se3en <"= to fou#teen <1F= 0ea#s fo# each cha#:e. On Septe1be# 1 % 1$$$% the .O2 #ecei3e/ f#o1 the *on: +on: .epa#t1ent of 2ustice a #eGuest fo# the p#o3isional a##est of p#i3ate #espon/ent. The .O2 then fo#;a#/e/ the #eGuest to the National Bu#eau of ,n3esti:ation <NB,= ;hich% in tu#n% file/ ;ith the RTC of Manila% B#anch 1$ an application fo# the p#o3isional a##est of p#i3ate #espon/ent. On Septe1be# & % 1$$$% the RTC% B#anch 1$% Manila issue/ an O#/e# of A##est a:ainst p#i3ate #espon/ent. That sa1e /a0% the NB, a:ents a##este/ an/ /etaine/ hi1.

On Octobe# 1F% 1$$$% p#i3ate #espon/ent file/ ;ith the Cou#t of Appeals a petition fo# ce#tio#a#i% p#ohibition an/ 1an/a1us ;ith application fo# p#eli1ina#0 1an/ato#0 inCunction an/Ho# ;#it of habeas co#pus Guestionin: the 3ali/it0 of the O#/e# of A##est. On No3e1be# $% 1$$$% the Cou#t of Appeals #en/e#e/ its .ecision /ecla#in: the O#/e# of A##est 3oi/. On No3e1be# 1&% 1$$$% the .O2 file/ ;ith this Cou#t a petition fo# #e3ie; on ce#tio#a#i% /oc9ete/ as G.R. No. 1F'5&'% p#a0in: that the .ecision of the Cou#t of Appeals be #e3e#se/. On .ece1be# 1>% &'''% this Cou#t #en/e#e/ a .ecision :#antin: the petition of the .O2 an/ sustainin: the 3ali/it0 of the O#/e# of A##est a:ainst p#i3ate #espon/ent. The .ecision beca1e final an/ e?ecuto#0 on Ap#il 1'% &''1. Mean;hile% as ea#l0 as No3e1be# &&% 1$$$% petitione# *on: +on: Special A/1inist#ati3e Re:ion file/ ;ith the RTC of Manila a petition fo# the e?t#a/ition of p#i3ate #espon/ent% /oc9ete/ as Ci3il Case No. $$7$5" % #affle/ off to B#anch 1'% p#esi/e/ b0 2u/:e Rica#/o Be#na#/o% 2#. )o# his pa#t% p#i3ate #espon/ent file/% in the sa1e case%7 a petition fo# bail ;hich ;as oppose/ b0 petitione#. Afte# hea#in:% o# on Octobe# >% &''1% 2u/:e Be#na#/o% 2#. issue/ an O#/e# /en0in: the petition fo# bail% hol/in: that the#e is no Philippine la; :#antin: bail in e?t#a/ition cases an/ that p#i3ate #espon/ent is a hi:h Dfli:ht #is9.D On Octobe# &&% &''1% 2u/:e Be#na#/o% 2#. inhibite/ hi1self f#o1 fu#the# hea#in: Ci3il Case No. $$7$5" . ,t ;as then #affle/ off to B#anch > p#esi/e/ b0 #espon/ent Cu/:e. On Octobe# '% &''1% p#i3ate #espon/ent file/ a 1otion fo# #econsi/e#ation of the O#/e# /en0in: his application fo# bail. This ;as :#ante/ b0 #espon/ent Cu/:e in an O#/e# /ate/ .ece1be# &'% &''1 allo;in: p#i3ate #espon/ent to post bail% thus8 ,n conclusion% this Cou#t ;ill not cont#ibute to accuse/Es fu#the# e#osion of ci3il libe#ties. The petition fo# bail is :#ante/ subCect to the follo;in: con/itions8 1. Bail is set at Php"5'%'''.'' in cash ;ith the con/ition that accuse/ he#eb0 un/e#ta9es that he ;ill appea# an/ ans;e# the issues #aise/ in these p#ocee/in:s an/ ;ill at all ti1es hol/ hi1self a1enable to o#/e#s an/ p#ocesses of this Cou#t% ;ill fu#the# appea# fo# Cu/:1ent. ,f accuse/ fails in this un/e#ta9in:% the cash bon/ ;ill be fo#feite/ in fa3o# of the :o3e#n1entB &. Accuse/ 1ust su##en/e# his 3ali/ passpo#t to this Cou#tB . The .epa#t1ent of 2ustice is :i3en i11e/iate notice an/ /isc#etion of filin: its o;n 1otion fo# hol/ /epa#tu#e o#/e# befo#e this Cou#t e3en in e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:B an/ F. Accuse/ is #eGui#e/ to #epo#t to the :o3e#n1ent p#osecuto#s han/lin: this case o# if the0 so /esi#e to the nea#est office% at an0 ti1e an/ /a0 of the ;ee9B an/ if the0 fu#the# /esi#e% 1anifest befo#e this Cou#t to #eGui#e that all the assets of accuse/% #eal an/ pe#sonal% be file/ ;ith this Cou#t soonest% ;ith the con/ition that if the accuse/ flees f#o1 his un/e#ta9in:% sai/ assets be

fo#feite/ in fa3o# of the :o3e#n1ent an/ that the co##espon/in: lienHannotation be note/ the#ein acco#/in:l0. SO OR.ERE.. On .ece1be# &1% &''1% petitione# file/ an u#:ent 1otion to 3acate the abo3e O#/e#% but it ;as /enie/ b0 #espon/ent Cu/:e in his O#/e# /ate/ Ap#il 1'% &''&. *ence% the instant petition. Petitione# alle:e/ that the t#ial cou#t co11itte/ :#a3e abuse of /isc#etion a1ountin: to lac9 o# e?cess of Cu#is/iction in a/1ittin: p#i3ate #espon/ent to bailB that the#e is nothin: in the Constitution o# statuto#0 la; p#o3i/in: that a potential e?t#a/itee has a #i:ht to bail% the #i:ht bein: li1ite/ solel0 to c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s. ,n his co11ent on the petition% p#i3ate #espon/ent 1aintaine/ that the #i:ht to bail :ua#antee/ un/e# the Bill of Ri:hts e?ten/s to a p#ospecti3e e?t#a/iteeB an/ that e?t#a/ition is a ha#sh p#ocess #esultin: in a p#olon:e/ /ep#i3ation of oneEs libe#t0. Section 1 % A#ticle ,,, of the Constitution p#o3i/es that the #i:ht to bail shall not be i1pai#e/% thus8 Sec. 1 . All pe#sons% e?cept those cha#:e/ ;ith offenses punishable b0 #eclusion pe#petua ;hen e3i/ence of :uilt is st#on:% shall% befo#e con3iction% be bailable b0 sufficient su#eties% o# be #elease/ on #eco:niAance as 1a0 be p#o3i/e/ b0 la;. The #i:ht to bail shall not be i1pai#e/ e3en ;hen the p#i3ile:e of the ;#it of habeas co#pus is suspen/e/. E?cessi3e bail shall not be #eGui#e/. 2u#isp#u/ence on e?t#a/ition is but in its infanc0 in this Cu#is/iction. Nonetheless% this is not the fi#st ti1e that this Cou#t has an occasion to #esol3e the Guestion of ;hethe# a p#ospecti3e e?t#a/itee 1a0 be :#ante/ bail. ,n Go3e#n1ent of Unite/ States of A1e#ica 3. *on. Guille#1o G. Pu#:anan% P#esi/in: 2u/:e% RTC of Manila% B#anch F&% an/ Ma#9 B. 2i1eneA% a.9.a. Ma#io Batacan C#espo%1 this Cou#t% spea9in: th#ou:h then Associate 2ustice A#te1io (. Pan:aniban% late# Chief 2ustice% hel/ that the constitutional p#o3ision on bail /oes not appl0 to e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:s. ,t is Da3ailable onl0 in c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s%D thus8 ? ? ?. As su::este/ b0 the use of the ;o#/ Dcon3iction%D the constitutional p#o3ision on bail Guote/ abo3e% as ;ell as Section F% Rule 11F of the Rules of Cou#t% applies onl0 ;hen a pe#son has been a##este/ an/ /etaine/ fo# 3iolation of Philippine c#i1inal la;s. ,t /oes not appl0 to e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:s because e?t#a/ition cou#ts /o not #en/e# Cu/:1ents of con3iction o# acGuittal. Mo#eo3e#% the constitutional #i:ht to bail Dflo;s f#o1 the p#esu1ption of innocence in fa3o# of e3e#0 accuse/ ;ho shoul/ not be subCecte/ to the loss of f#ee/o1 as the#eafte# he ;oul/ be entitle/ to acGuittal% unless his :uilt be p#o3e/ be0on/ #easonable /oubtD <.e la Ca1a#a 3. Ena:e% F1 SCRA 1% !% Septe1be# 1"% 1$"1% pe# )e#nan/o% 2.% late# C2=. ,t follo;s that the constitutional p#o3ision on bail ;ill not appl0 to a case li9e e?t#a/ition% ;he#e the p#esu1ption of innocence is not at issue. The p#o3ision in the Constitution statin: that the D#i:ht to bail shall not be i1pai#e/ e3en ;hen the p#i3ile:e of the ;#it of habeas co#pus is suspen/e/D /oes not /et#act f#o1 the #ule that the constitutional #i:ht to bail is a3ailable onl0 in c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s. ,t 1ust be note/ that the

suspension of the p#i3ile:e of the ;#it of habeas co#pus fin/s application Donl0 to pe#sons Cu/iciall0 cha#:e/ fo# #ebellion o# offenses inhe#ent in o# /i#ectl0 connecte/ ;ith in3asionD <Sec. 1>% A#t. (,,,% Constitution=. *ence% the secon/ sentence in the constitutional p#o3ision on bail 1e#el0 e1phasiAes the #i:ht to bail in c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s fo# the afo#e1entione/ offenses. ,t cannot be ta9en to 1ean that the #i:ht is a3ailable e3en in e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:s that a#e not c#i1inal in natu#e. At fi#st :lance% the abo3e #ulin: applies sGua#el0 to p#i3ate #espon/entEs case. *o;e3e#% this Cou#t cannot i:no#e the follo;in: t#en/s in inte#national la;8 <1= the :#o;in: i1po#tance of the in/i3i/ual pe#son in public inte#national la; ;ho% in the &'th centu#0% has :#a/uall0 attaine/ :lobal #eco:nitionB <&= the hi:he# 3alue no; bein: :i3en to hu1an #i:hts in the inte#national sphe#eB < = the co##espon/in: /ut0 of count#ies to obse#3e these uni3e#sal hu1an #i:hts in fulfillin: thei# t#eat0 obli:ationsB an/ <F= the /ut0 of this Cou#t to balance the #i:hts of the in/i3i/ual un/e# ou# fun/a1ental la;% on one han/% an/ the la; on e?t#a/ition% on the othe#. The 1o/e#n t#en/ in public inte#national la; is the p#i1ac0 place/ on the ;o#th of the in/i3i/ual pe#son an/ the sanctit0 of hu1an #i:hts. Slo;l0% the #eco:nition that the in/i3i/ual pe#son 1a0 p#ope#l0 be a subCect of inte#national la; is no; ta9in: #oot. The 3ulne#able /oct#ine that the subCects of inte#national la; a#e li1ite/ onl0 to states ;as /#a1aticall0 e#o/e/ to;a#/s the secon/ half of the past centu#0. )o# one% the Nu#e1be#: an/ To90o t#ials afte# Io#l/ Ia# ,, #esulte/ in the unp#ece/ente/ spectacle of in/i3i/ual /efen/ants fo# acts cha#acte#iAe/ as 3iolations of the la;s of ;a#% c#i1es a:ainst peace% an/ c#i1es a:ainst hu1anit0. Recentl0% un/e# the Nu#e1be#: p#inciple% Se#bian lea/e#s ha3e been pe#secute/ fo# ;a# c#i1es an/ c#i1es a:ainst hu1anit0 co11itte/ in the fo#1e# Ju:osla3ia. These si:nificant e3ents sho; that the in/i3i/ual pe#son is no; a 3ali/ subCect of inte#national la;. On a 1o#e positi3e note% also afte# Io#l/ Ia# ,,% both inte#national o#:aniAations an/ states :a3e #eco:nition an/ i1po#tance to hu1an #i:hts. Thus% on .ece1be# 1'% 1$F>% the Unite/ Nations Gene#al Asse1bl0 a/opte/ the Uni3e#sal .ecla#ation of *u1an Ri:hts in ;hich the #i:ht to life% libe#t0 an/ all the othe# fun/a1ental #i:hts of e3e#0 pe#son ;e#e p#oclai1e/. Ihile not a t#eat0% the p#inciples containe/ in the sai/ .ecla#ation a#e no; #eco:niAe/ as custo1a#il0 bin/in: upon the 1e1be#s of the inte#national co11unit0. Thus% in MeCoff 3. .i#ecto# of P#isons%& this Cou#t% in :#antin: bail to a p#ospecti3e /epo#tee% hel/ that un/e# the Constitution% the p#inciples set fo#th in that .ecla#ation a#e pa#t of the la; of the lan/. ,n 1$!!% the UN Gene#al Asse1bl0 also a/opte/ the ,nte#national Co3enant on Ci3il an/ Political Ri:hts ;hich the Philippines si:ne/ an/ #atifie/. )un/a1ental a1on: the #i:hts ensh#ine/ the#ein a#e the #i:hts of e3e#0 pe#son to life% libe#t0% an/ /ue p#ocess. The Philippines% alon: ;ith the othe# 1e1be#s of the fa1il0 of nations% co11itte/ to uphol/ the fun/a1ental hu1an #i:hts as ;ell as 3alue the ;o#th an/ /i:nit0 of e3e#0 pe#son. This co11it1ent is ensh#ine/ in Section ,,% A#ticle ,, of ou# Constitution ;hich p#o3i/es8 DThe State 3alues the /i:nit0 of e3e#0 hu1an pe#son an/ :ua#antees full #espect fo# hu1an #i:hts.D The Philippines% the#efo#e% has the #esponsibilit0 of p#otectin: an/ p#o1otin: the #i:ht of e3e#0 pe#son to libe#t0 an/ /ue p#ocess% ensu#in: that those /etaine/ o# a##este/ can pa#ticipate in the p#ocee/in:s befo#e a cou#t% to enable it to /eci/e ;ithout /ela0 on the le:alit0 of the /etention an/ o#/e# thei# #elease if Custifie/. ,n othe# ;o#/s% the Philippine autho#ities a#e un/e# obli:ation to 1a9e a3ailable to e3e#0 pe#son un/e# /etention such #e1e/ies ;hich safe:ua#/ thei# fun/a1ental #i:ht to libe#t0. These #e1e/ies inclu/e the #i:ht to be a/1itte/ to bail. Ihile this Cou#t in Pu#:anan li1ite/ the e?e#cise of the #i:ht to bail to c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s% ho;e3e#% in li:ht of the 3a#ious inte#national t#eaties :i3in: #eco:nition an/ p#otection to hu1an #i:hts%

pa#ticula#l0 the #i:ht to life an/ libe#t0% a #ee?a1ination of this Cou#tEs #ulin: in Pu#:anan is in o#/e#. )i#st% ;e note that the e?e#cise of the StateEs po;e# to /ep#i3e an in/i3i/ual of his libe#t0 is not necessa#il0 li1ite/ to c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s. Respon/ents in a/1inist#ati3e p#ocee/in:s% such as /epo#tation an/ Gua#antine%F ha3e li9e;ise been /etaine/. Secon/% to li1it bail to c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s ;oul/ be to close ou# e0es to ou# Cu#isp#u/ential histo#0. Philippine Cu#isp#u/ence has not li1ite/ the e?e#cise of the #i:ht to bail to c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s onl0. This Cou#t has a/1itte/ to bail pe#sons ;ho a#e not in3ol3e/ in c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s. ,n fact% bail has been allo;e/ in this Cu#is/iction to pe#sons in /etention /u#in: the pen/enc0 of a/1inist#ati3e p#ocee/in:s% ta9in: into co:niAance the obli:ation of the Philippines un/e# inte#national con3entions to uphol/ hu1an #i:hts. The 1$'$ case of US 3. Go7Sioco5 is illust#ati3e. ,n this case% a Chinese facin: /epo#tation fo# failu#e to secu#e the necessa#0 ce#tificate of #e:ist#ation ;as :#ante/ bail pen/in: his appeal. Afte# notin: that the p#ospecti3e /epo#tee ha/ co11itte/ no c#i1e% the Cou#t opine/ that DTo #efuse hi1 bail is to t#eat hi1 as a pe#son ;ho has co11itte/ the 1ost se#ious c#i1e 9no;n to la;BD an/ that ;hile /epo#tation is not a c#i1inal p#ocee/in:% so1e of the 1achine#0 use/ Dis the 1achine#0 of c#i1inal la;.D Thus% the p#o3isions #elatin: to bail ;as applie/ to /epo#tation p#ocee/in:s. ,n MeCoff 3. .i#ecto# of P#isons! an/ Chi#s9off 3. Co11ission of ,11i:#ation%" this Cou#t #ule/ that fo#ei:n nationals a:ainst ;ho1 no fo#1al c#i1inal cha#:es ha3e been file/ 1a0 be #elease/ on bail pen/in: the finalit0 of an o#/e# of /epo#tation. As p#e3iousl0 state/% the Cou#t in MeCoff #elie/ upon the Uni3e#sal /ecla#ation of *u1an Ri:hts in sustainin: the /etaineeEs #i:ht to bail. ,f bail can be :#ante/ in /epo#tation cases% ;e see no Custification ;h0 it shoul/ not also be allo;e/ in e?t#a/ition cases. -i9e;ise% consi/e#in: that the Uni3e#sal .ecla#ation of *u1an Ri:hts applies to /epo#tation cases% the#e is no #eason ;h0 it cannot be in3o9e/ in e?t#a/ition cases. Afte# all% both a#e a/1inist#ati3e p#ocee/in:s ;he#e the innocence o# :uilt of the pe#son /etaine/ is not in issue. Clea#l0% the #i:ht of a p#ospecti3e e?t#a/itee to appl0 fo# bail in this Cu#is/iction 1ust be 3ie;e/ in the li:ht of the 3a#ious t#eat0 obli:ations of the Philippines conce#nin: #espect fo# the p#o1otion an/ p#otection of hu1an #i:hts. Un/e# these t#eaties% the p#esu1ption lies in fa3o# of hu1an libe#t0. Thus% the Philippines shoul/ see to it that the #i:ht to libe#t0 of e3e#0 in/i3i/ual is not i1pai#e/. Section &<a= of P#esi/ential .ec#ee <P...= No. 1'!$ <The Philippine E?t#a/ition -a;= /efines De?t#a/itionD as Dthe #e1o3al of an accuse/ f#o1 the Philippines ;ith the obCect of placin: hi1 at the /isposal of fo#ei:n autho#ities to enable the #eGuestin: state o# :o3e#n1ent to hol/ hi1 in connection ;ith an0 c#i1inal in3esti:ation /i#ecte/ a:ainst hi1 o# the e?ecution of a penalt0 i1pose/ on hi1 un/e# the penal o# c#i1inal la; of the #eGuestin: state o# :o3e#n1ent.D E?t#a/ition has thus been cha#acte#iAe/ as the #i:ht of a fo#ei:n po;e#% c#eate/ b0 t#eat0% to /e1an/ the su##en/e# of one accuse/ o# con3icte/ of a c#i1e ;ithin its te##ito#ial Cu#is/iction% an/ the co##elati3e /ut0 of the othe# state to su##en/e# hi1 to the /e1an/in: state.> ,t is not a c#i1inal p#ocee/in:.$ E3en if the potential e?t#a/itee is a c#i1inal% an e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in: is not b0 its natu#e c#i1inal% fo# it is not punish1ent fo# a c#i1e% e3en thou:h such punish1ent 1a0 follo; e?t#a/ition.1' ,t is sui :ene#is% t#acin: its e?istence ;holl0 to t#eat0 obli:ations bet;een /iffe#ent

nations.11 ,t is not a t#ial to /ete#1ine the :uilt o# innocence of the potential e?t#a/itee.1& No# is it a full7blo;n ci3il action% but one that is 1e#el0 a/1inist#ati3e in cha#acte#.1 ,ts obCect is to p#e3ent the escape of a pe#son accuse/ o# con3icte/ of a c#i1e an/ to secu#e his #etu#n to the state f#o1 ;hich he fle/% fo# the pu#pose of t#ial o# punish1ent.1F But ;hile e?t#a/ition is not a c#i1inal p#ocee/in:% it is cha#acte#iAe/ b0 the follo;in:8 <a= it entails a /ep#i3ation of libe#t0 on the pa#t of the potential e?t#a/itee an/ <b= the 1eans e1plo0e/ to attain the pu#pose of e?t#a/ition is also Dthe 1achine#0 of c#i1inal la;.D This is sho;n b0 Section ! of P... No. 1'!$ <The Philippine E?t#a/ition -a;= ;hich 1an/ates the Di11e/iate a##est an/ te1po#a#0 /etention of the accuse/D if such D;ill best se#3e the inte#est of Custice.D Ie fu#the# note that Section &' allo;s the #eGuestin: state Din case of u#:enc0D to as9 fo# the Dp#o3isional a##est of the accuse/% pen/in: #eceipt of the #eGuest fo# e?t#a/itionBD an/ that #elease f#o1 p#o3isional a##est Dshall not p#eCu/ice #e7a##est an/ e?t#a/ition of the accuse/ if a #eGuest fo# e?t#a/ition is #ecei3e/ subseGuentl0.D Ob3iousl0% an e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:% ;hile ostensibl0 a/1inist#ati3e% bea#s all ea#1a#9s of a c#i1inal p#ocess. A potential e?t#a/itee 1a0 be subCecte/ to a##est% to a p#olon:e/ #est#aint of libe#t0% an/ fo#ce/ to t#ansfe# to the /e1an/in: state follo;in: the p#ocee/in:s. DTe1po#a#0 /etentionD 1a0 be a necessa#0 step in the p#ocess of e?t#a/ition% but the len:th of ti1e of the /etention shoul/ be #easonable. Reco#/s sho; that p#i3ate #espon/ent ;as a##este/ on Septe1be# & % 1$$$% an/ #e1aine/ inca#ce#ate/ until .ece1be# &'% &''1% ;hen the t#ial cou#t o#/e#e/ his a/1ission to bail. ,n othe# ;o#/s% he ha/ been /etaine/ fo# o3e# t;o <&= 0ea#s ;ithout ha3in: been con3icte/ of an0 c#i1e. B0 an0 stan/a#/% such an e?ten/e/ pe#io/ of /etention is a se#ious /ep#i3ation of his fun/a1ental #i:ht to libe#t0. ,n fact% it ;as this p#olon:e/ /ep#i3ation of libe#t0 ;hich p#o1pte/ the e?t#a/ition cou#t to :#ant hi1 bail. Ihile ou# e?t#a/ition la; /oes not p#o3i/e fo# the :#ant of bail to an e?t#a/itee% ho;e3e#% the#e is no p#o3ision p#ohibitin: hi1 o# he# f#o1 filin: a 1otion fo# bail% a #i:ht to /ue p#ocess un/e# the Constitution. The applicable stan/a#/ of /ue p#ocess% ho;e3e#% shoul/ not be the sa1e as that in c#i1inal p#ocee/in:s. ,n the latte#% the stan/a#/ of /ue p#ocess is p#e1ise/ on the p#esu1ption of innocence of the accuse/. As Pu#:anan co##ectl0 points out% it is f#o1 this 1aCo# p#e1ise that the ancilla#0 p#esu1ption in fa3o# of a/1ittin: to bail a#ises. Bea#in: in 1in/ the pu#pose of e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:s% the p#e1ise behin/ the issuance of the a##est ;a##ant an/ the Dte1po#a#0 /etentionD is the possibilit0 of fli:ht of the potential e?t#a/itee. This is base/ on the assu1ption that such e?t#a/itee is a fu:iti3e f#o1 Custice.15 Gi3en the fo#e:oin:% the p#ospecti3e e?t#a/itee thus bea#s the onus p#oban/i of sho;in: that he o# she is not a fli:ht #is9 an/ shoul/ be :#ante/ bail. The ti1e7hono#e/ p#inciple of pacta sunt se#3an/a /e1an/s that the Philippines hono# its obli:ations un/e# the E?t#a/ition T#eat0 it ente#e/ into ;ith the *on: +on: Special A/1inist#ati3e Re:ion. )ailu#e to co1pl0 ;ith these obli:ations is a setbac9 in ou# fo#ei:n #elations an/ /efeats the pu#pose of e?t#a/ition. *o;e3e#% it /oes not necessa#il0 1ean that in 9eepin: ;ith its t#eat0 obli:ations% the Philippines shoul/ /i1inish a potential e?t#a/iteeEs #i:hts to life% libe#t0% an/ /ue p#ocess. Mo#e so% ;he#e these #i:hts a#e :ua#antee/% not onl0 b0 ou# Constitution% but also b0 inte#national con3entions% to ;hich the Philippines is a pa#t0. Ie shoul/ not% the#efo#e% /ep#i3e an e?t#a/itee of his #i:ht to appl0 fo# bail% p#o3i/e/ that a ce#tain stan/a#/ fo# the :#ant is satisfacto#il0 1et.

An e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in: bein: sui :ene#is% the stan/a#/ of p#oof #eGui#e/ in :#antin: o# /en0in: bail can neithe# be the p#oof be0on/ #easonable /oubt in c#i1inal cases no# the stan/a#/ of p#oof of p#epon/e#ance of e3i/ence in ci3il cases. Ihile a/1inist#ati3e in cha#acte#% the stan/a#/ of substantial e3i/ence use/ in a/1inist#ati3e cases cannot li9e;ise appl0 :i3en the obCect of e?t#a/ition la; ;hich is to p#e3ent the p#ospecti3e e?t#a/itee f#o1 fleein: ou# Cu#is/iction. ,n his Sepa#ate Opinion in Pu#:anan% then Associate 2ustice% no; Chief 2ustice Re0nato S. Puno% p#opose/ that a ne; stan/a#/ ;hich he te#1e/ Dclea# an/ con3incin: e3i/enceD shoul/ be use/ in :#antin: bail in e?t#a/ition cases. Acco#/in: to hi1% this stan/a#/ shoul/ be lo;e# than p#oof be0on/ #easonable /oubt but hi:he# than p#epon/e#ance of e3i/ence. The potential e?t#a/itee 1ust p#o3e b0 Dclea# an/ con3incin: e3i/enceD that he is not a fli:ht #is9 an/ ;ill abi/e ;ith all the o#/e#s an/ p#ocesses of the e?t#a/ition cou#t. ,n this case% the#e is no sho;in: that p#i3ate #espon/ent p#esente/ e3i/ence to sho; that he is not a fli:ht #is9. ConseGuentl0% this case shoul/ be #e1an/e/ to the t#ial cou#t to /ete#1ine ;hethe# p#i3ate #espon/ent 1a0 be :#ante/ bail on the basis of Dclea# an/ con3incin: e3i/ence.D I*ERE)ORE% ;e .,SM,SS the petition. This case is REMAN.E. to the t#ial cou#t to /ete#1ine ;hethe# p#i3ate #espon/ent is entitle/ to bail on the basis of Dclea# an/ con3incin: e3i/ence.D ,f not% the t#ial cou#t shoul/ o#/e# the cancellation of his bail bon/ an/ his i11e/iate /etentionB an/ the#eafte#% con/uct the e?t#a/ition p#ocee/in:s ;ith /ispatch. SO OR.ERE.. ANGE-,NA SAN.O(A-7GUT,ERRE6 Associate 2ustice IE CONCUR8 REJNATO S. PUNO Chief 2ustice -EONAR.O A. KU,SUMB,NG Associate 2ustice CONSUE-O JNARES7SANT,AGO Asscociate 2ustice ANTON,O T. CARP,O Associate 2ustice MA. A-,C,A AUSTR,A7MART,NE6 Asscociate 2ustice RENATO C. CORONA Associate 2ustice CONC*,TA CARP,O MORA-ES Asscociate 2ustice ROMEO 2. CA--E2O% SR. Associate 2ustice A.O-)O S. A6CUNA Asscociate 2ustice M,N,TA (. C*,CO7NA6AR,O Associate 2ustice .ANTE O. T,NGA Asscociate 2ustice CANC,O C. GARC,A Associate 2ustice PRESB,TERO 2. (E-ASCO% 2R. Asscociate 2ustice ANTON,O E.UAR.O B. NAC*URA

Associate 2ustice CERT,),CAT,ON Pu#suant to Section 1 % A#ticle (,,, of the Constitution% it is he#eb0 ce#tifie/ that the conclusions in the abo3e .ecision ;e#e #eache/ in consultation befo#e the case ;as assi:ne/ to the ;#ite# of the opinion of the Cou#t. REJNATO S. PUNO Chief 2ustice )ootnotes 1 G.R. No. 1F>5"1% Septe1be# &F% &''&% >$ SCRA !& % !!F. & $' Phil. "' <1$51=. Sec. &% A#t. ,, states DThe Philippines #enounces ;a# as an inst#u1ent of national polic0% a/opts the :ene#all0 accepte/ p#inciples of inte#national la; as pa#t of the la; of the lan/ an/ a/he#es to the polic0 of peace% eGualit0% Custice% f#ee/o1% coope#ation% an/ a1it0 ;ith all nations.D F ,n cases in3ol3in: Gua#antine to p#e3ent the sp#ea/ of co11unicable /iseases% bail is not a3ailable. See State 3. *utchinson% 1> So.&/. "& % &F! Ala. F>B (a#hol0 3. S;eat% 15 So.&/. &!"% 15 )la. 5"1% Ba9e# 3. St#autA% 5F NE&/. FF1% >! lll. !'. 5 1& Phil. F$' <1$'$=. ! Sup#a% footnote &. " $' Phil. &5! <1$51=. > )acto# 3. -aubenhei1e#% &$' US &"!% "> -. E/. 15% 5F S. Ct. 1'1B Te#lin/on 3. A1es% 1>F US &"'% F! -.E/. 5 F% && S.Ct. F>FB )on: Jue Tin: 3. US% 1F$ US !$>% " -.E/. $'5% 1 S.Ct. 1'1!B )itApat#ic9 3. Iillia1s% F! )&/. F'B US 3. Go/;in% $" ). Supp. &5&% aff/. 1$1 )&/. $ &B .o1in:ueA 3. State% & F SI "'1% $' Te?. C#i1. $&. $ Sec#eta#0 of 2ustice 3. -antion% G.R. No. 1 $F!5% Octobe# 1"% &'''% F SCRA "". 1' US e? #el Oppenhei1 3. *echt% 1! )&/. $55% ce#t /en. &" US $!$% "1 -. E/. >> % F" S. Ct. 5"&. 11 State 3. Chase% 1'" So. 5F1% $1 )la. F1 B State 3. Kui::% 1'> So. F'$% $1 )la. 1$". 1& Benson 3. McMahon% 1&" US F5"% & -. E/. & F% > S. Ct. 1&F'B 2i1eneA 3. A#isteGuieta% 11 )&/. 5F"% sta0 /en. 1F )&/. !F$. 1 Spatola 3. US% "F1 ). Supp. !&% Aff/. $&5 )&/. !15. 1F Re *en/e#son% 1F5 NI 5"F% &" N. 155B State e? #el T#eso/e# 3. Re1ann% F P&/. >!!% 1!5 Iash. $&.

15 Beaulieu 3. *a#ti:an% 55F ).&/ 1.

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