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Small Businesses for Common Sense

First John Yarmuth Wake up Call Rally

When: Monday Aug. 10. 12-1pm
Place: Yarmuth’s office at :
600 Martin Luther King Junior Place
Suite 216
Louisville, KY 40216

Our Message: John Yarmuth is not responsive to his constituents, and

refuses to meet with us in person to discuss the most important, far
reaching and costly congressionalaction in our lifetimes. Legislation
that will affect over 300 million people, completely transform one sixth
of The U.S. economy, and cost upwards of $1.5 trillion dollars needs to
be discussed in person, with specificity, and accountability. Last I
checked, nearly 80% of American polled in the Pew poll were satisfied
with their health insurance, and John works for us, not Ralph Emanuel
or Barak Obama.

Our Goal: 250-300 people at Yarmuth’soffice on Monday. This event

will be our first public step to raise community awareness to the fact
that John is not responsive to his constituents, and afraid to meet with
us in person to discuss the specifics of Universal Health Care.
Ultimately, we hope to create enough “noise” that even our lethargic
friends, neighbors, and co-workers will wake up, take note of this
disastrous legislation, and join is in our peaceful rebellion to ensure it is

Our keys to success are quite simple:

-each of us must get a core basic understanding of the issues relating
to this debacle of a bill and be able to succinctly communicate it to
others (links below to help)
-wemust get up off our butts and recruit a minimum of ten others just
like us to get motivated and take action. Reach out to your employees
your suppliers, your customers, organizations you are involved in,
Rotary, Kiwanis, professional alliances, your church your PTA, your little
league team. Etc.
-each of us must become an ambassador and committed to spreading
the word
- momentum, we must build up a head of steam and build on it each
-numbers numbers numbers. We must put boots on the ground and
grab attention wherever and whenever we assemble
-we must stay on message, and not drift or loose focus on other topics
-wemust be professional in our behavior at all times. Hooting and
hollering at John or others who have drank the kool aide will not further
our purpose.

Some Challenges:

-Neither time nor momentum is on our side. “Game set”is two out in
the bottom of the ninth inning. We need to motivate now and adopt a
get it done attitude in a big way.
-Friends, associates, neighbors, employees who are too busy, or to lazy
to get involved.
-Those who say that they cannotmake a difference.
-a representative who feels like he is impervious to our “heat”

Some Poster Messaging Ideas

Link to some pictures of Tea Party posters and banners.

Some ideas that I had, feel free to use. Kinko’s makes great signs.

Hey John 3 strikes and you’re out

Strike 1-Medicare……………broke
Stirke 2-Medicade…………...broke
Strike 3-VA……………………..In shambles
Universal Health Care……. No Thanks

Time to “MAN UP” John,

And take your medicine
On health care……………
Meet us face to face.
R U afraid the truth might
Come out???

Yarmuth’s Health Care Plan

Free to choose your Dr. NO

Free to choose your plan NO
Free to choose your coverage NO
Rationing for Seniors YES
Seniors end of life decisions made in D.C. YES
John, we need to talk!

Hey John, will you give up your concierge medicine plan with Dr. Varga?
Will you leave your special privileges congressional health care plan ?

And join us in line as we wait for our rationed care?

Hey John…. Over hear……
You work for us, not for Ralph Emanuel and Obama.
Lets talk health care…mano a mano

If you think health care is expensive now….

Wait till the government
For free!

John if you guys can’t even manage a simple

$ 1 Billion project like
CASH For Clunkers
How in the world will you manage a 1300 page
$1.5 trillion dollar program that affects 300 million citizens.

Some upcoming Yarmuth dates to put on your calendar;

“Town Hall “Phone conferences directions of how to log in to follow

Friday August 28th 11:30-1:30 at Jewish Hospital more info to follow

Some articles for educational puposes:

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