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The US is today full of desperate military generals wanting to do

nothing except to subjugate the entire world. They are planning

even now, to kill and destroy and commit genocide.

The British have started an inquiry to probe into the 2003 Iraq
Invasion but there are no signs that the US might want to do the
same. The US is the most murderous nation and the most genocidal
country in the world today. Far from learning about the mistakes
made in places like Vietnam or Iraq, the generals in the Pentagon
are busily planning on their next conquest.

Already, even as they begin their inquiry, the British together

with the US are trying to whip up a campaign to harm Iran. The
latest whisper coming out from these quarters is that Iran has
already acquired enough material for one nuclear bomb and that
it has successfully mastered the know-how for warhead detonation.

It is beginning to look like the Iraq episode all over again.

First, spreading news and allegations about the country, then
making demands and issuing threats and finishing with a military
attack. The US generals and their British counterparts are among
the most evil of warmongers. The UK is withdrawing its soldiers
now after many years of laying waste to much of southern Iraq,
but US troops are still firmly entrenched on Iraqi soil.

Meanwhile the killing and maiming of innocent people continue

daily in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan. The genocide planned
by Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and Blair is still continuing today.
In Afghanistan, the killing of civilians could likely stretch
on for another ten, twenty or even fifty years before the US
becomes tired of it. Who gave the right for the US to do it ???

Since 2003, Iraq has lost an estimated 600,000 to 900,000 men,

women and children and the death toll continues to rise every day.
The genocide in Iraq started by the US warmongers is surely one
of the most horrible crimes in twenty-first century history, if
not in modern human history.

Bush and Blair and the rest tried to send Iraq back into the
Stone Age and turn Iraq society into one mirroring the time
when the Mongol army captured Baghdad and ruled over the land.
The scoundrels succeeded in forcing the various sects in Iraq
to tear at each other's throat and thus helped turn the country
into one vast human abattoir. The post-Blair regime in the UK
has launched an inquiry into the war, but it will just be a
whitewash. It will be nothing more than a sanitised explanation
to exonerate the evil liar and murderer, Blair. But at least,
it is seen as an indirect admission of wrongdoing in 2003.

But the US ? There is no such inquiry even though there is a

change in the administration. The warmongering US generals are
still pretty very much in charge at the Pentagon and are busily
planning who to go after next. The bulleyes are being focused
on Iran, North Korea, Myanmar and even China. Already there is
talk of tough sanctions being proposed for Iran with the sole
intention of strangling it with the sanctions before a military
strike by the US Navy based in the Gulf region or by an Israeli
aerial attack on Iran. This is the extent of the evil planning
being formulated deep within the corridors of the Pentagon.

The entire world must be aware of the genocidal tendencies of

the US despite its present economic troubles, the evil planning
that goes on night and day inside the secret meeting halls of
the Pentagon and the helplessness of the present leader, Obama.

The US is the world's most dangerous threat to peace, security

and tranquillity. The US is continuously working on new hi-tech
weapons research and testing them without any consideration for
other people's fears or concerns.

All other countries must wake up and be aware of the existence

of the most genocidal nation in modern human history. This is a
country which started its very first genocide when it tried to
subjugate the native peoples of North America through its so-
called 'Manifest Destiny' doctrine. Later the genocide practices
extended to the massacres waged against other minorities, like
the Hamburg massacre, the St. Louis massacre and the Rosewood
massacre and many more. Thus, it all started by the first cases
of unwarranted killings of weaker people within the US and now
it has gone over to the mass killing of others abroad.

This murderous and genocidal stance has encouraged others to do

likewise. In countries in S.E.Asia, where pro-US regimes rule,
minority people are often shortchanged by the ruling class.
No wonder crime and racial polarization are serious problems in
these countries. In these countries each ruling class is really
two-faced. Their leaders are thoroughly insincere, untrustworthy
and crooked with their propaganda machinery always cranking out
lies and half-truths and cheap slogans, but the leaders always
ready to preach racial sentiments when speaking before a selected
audience. The local politicians never hesitate to raise religious
and communal fervour whenever there is an opportunity for them to
do so. Despite so many decades of nationhood, these people are
still grinding their racial axes as much as ever. They are truly
a carbon copy of the evil US politicians. No surprise why there
were so many past riots and massacres there, exactly just like
in the US.

Other countries should tread with care when dealing with such
people. The US and these pro-US minions are always up to no
good. They are full of deceit and insincerity and always ready
to subjugate others. They are a very bad lot and they have never
been willing to learn from their past mistakes. They are like
the messengers from Hell. And the US is the number one of them.

The US is a threat to all peace-loving countries and they are

always planning their next blood drinking session. This trait
of the US has now spread to others as well and no surprise why
there are so many dead bodies found in public places nowadays.
These are the remains of murder victims, nothing less. Like
the UK inquiry, the inquiry or inquiries into these deaths
will not change anything. After all, a murder is a murder.
The victim will not be compensated anyway. And even less
likely the prospect of his tormentors/murderers facing any
kind of justice.
The US and the pro-US regimes are a bunch of murderers and
liars. They have a long record of subjugating their minorities
and oppressing and killing weaker communities. The rest of
the world must be aware of their despicable records. They
are very, very evil. Most evil. Totally evil.

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