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Defining litter Litter is carelessly discarded refuse , most commonly found on the ground.

It can be hazardous, like shards of broken glass, or non-hazardous, like a piece of hair. Because some trash items seem harmless, there is contro ersy about !hat should technically be called litter. "he #merican $ublic %orks #ssociation defines litter as &material !hich, if thro!n or deposited, tends to create a danger to public health, safety and !elfare. 'egardless of the item(s) littered, littering al!ays has a negati e effect on our en ironment. *ommon types of litter "he amount of trash littered each year is getting closer e ery year to the amount of trash that !as actually properly disposed of and billions of dollars ha e been spent cleaning it up and remedying the en ironmental problems caused by litter. "he most common type of litter is cigarette butts, carelessly flicked onto the ground by smokers. %hat the people guilty of these crimes do not realize is that these butts take about fi e years break do!n, thus the result of +ust one thoughtless action can be apparent for years to come. "he largest olume of a single category of littered item is be erage containers. "his can be attributed to the fact that our !orld is steadily becoming all about con enience at all costs. ,ther top trash articles found in undesirable places are !rappers, aluminum cans, gum-gum !rappers, caps, lids, plastic bags, and ad ertisements and other paper items. %ho is responsible for the problem. "he people most often blamed for littering are teenagers, poorly educated people, and minorities. In reality, studies sho! that the people !ho contribute the most to the littering problem are dri ers, fast food and grocery customers, and pedestrians that ha e been !alking a far distance. /otorists casually toss garbage out of their car !indo!s. 0ast food containers and grocery bags, because there is such a large 1uantity of them, are commonly littered items.

%ell, first of all, you should n2t litter because it is of good moral alues that you do not litter. It is inconsiderate to litter as you are +ust chucking rubbish on the floor, making others to be forced to clean up after you. It also sho!s ho! lazy you are as you can2t be bothered to put your o!n rubbish into the bin. 3econd of all, you shouldn2t litter because it makes germs spread more easily. 4erms gro! on food, and if you thro! food on the ground, germs !ill gro! and flies !ill be attracted. "he !hole area !ill be turned into a plagued area. 5ou might e en attract mos1uitoes to lay eggs as !ater bottles and plastic bags accumulate !ater !hen it rains, pro iding mos1uitoes !ith the perfect habitat to reproduce. "hird of all, it may make more accidents happen. If you lea e nails on the floor, an a

car2s tyres +ust happen to plunge into it, the dri er is going to be in trouble. 5ou also might lea e a banana peel on the floor and someone !ill slip and fall. 'esponse to an ans!erer6 you said that littering !ill help fertilize the soil. "hat is not a must. It depends if you drop the banana peel on the road or on the soil. #nd if you !ant a proper method to help 7fertilize7 the soil, you can use !orm bins or compost heaps. "hey are !ay more effecti e at fertilizing the soil than +ust thro!ing rubbish all o er the floor at random places.

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