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}oin colleagues to unueistanu why laige numbeis of paiochial anu piivate schools
aie auopting oi auapting Common Coie State Stanuaius. CCSS stanuaius aie
impacting all aieas of 0S euucation incluuing college entiance anu textbook
publishing. This one-uay session will guiue euucatois thiough the key shifts in
English Language Aits anu Liteiacy anu Nathematics anu intiouuce euucatois to
key iesouices anu planning tools foi implementation anu stuuy of CCSS.

Euucatois will paiticipate in the following activities to bettei unueistanu the
iational anu use of the stanuaius thiough:
0sing tools foi ieauing anu unpacking of the stanuaius to unueistanu
implications foi cuiiiculum, assessment, classioom instiuction anu
the benefits of CCSS.
Examining key open souice iesouices foi use by teacheis anu school
Iuentifying key piioiities foi ELA anu math to inciease uepth,
unueistanuing anu highei-level thinking skills foi teachei
piofessional uevelopment.
Beveloping a shoit iange anuoi multi-yeai plan foi intiouucing CCSS
to staff anu paients (school leaueis).

JA;KF$AD IA; &;:OE< 0G:<$G;F
)"&&* 05.D.&,%9 H*5*4 A8*#%9 LD*& M*24.D

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N6F*#6 O#.&2"&9 O.D MG22*%&

M*3..3 PG*6#%


Q*D8* I*R.D
vocabulaiy helps impiove leaineis' communication skills. In-anu-out of the
classioom fun-to-leain activities, such as Bingo anu a peisonal wiiting jouinal, have
been integial paits of my Aiabic class. The moie woius aie acquiieu the bettei the
leainei expiesses himself. Leaineis become bettei engageu with less anxiety.

7;AD$G#E< &DD;A:<$ #A .LP<:#EAH
:G4*DD*6 A+,*3 )%F*&
Biscussion baseu woikshop focuseu siounu seveial examples fiom the piophet
Nuhammau anu how he uealt with anu taught young people. I have piesenteu this
in vaiious settings wheie this has been piesenteu as a paienting woikshop oi foi
teacheis anu I have also piesenteu it to youth woikeis with the label: Beai me, help
me. In each piesentation I have taken a uiffeient appioach while focusing on the
piophetic examples anu uiscussion. I have uevelopeu fiom the ahauith what I have
calleu the RELATE mouel which I expanu upon in the piesentation. (RELATE:
Respect, Encouiage, Love, Accommouate, Tiust, Euucate) Each element is uiscusseu
anu expanueu uuiing the uiscussion in light of the piophetic methouology.

J$G;G 7GH<EM 4GG#F #$G 7:BG6 J;E#EHB -GH#G;F :HL 0P#A;EHB SGF# 7;:<#E<GF EH
O*,. S*5"'4
This piesentation will explain how one school has auuiesseu wiiting ueficiencies
thiough the uevelopment of a liteiacywiiting centei, with uiscussions of
theoietical, piactical, anu buugetaiy consiueiations in planning anu
implementation. The piesentei will also shaie uesciiptions anu uemonstiations of
wiiting centei piactices foi application in classiooms, counseling, anu teachei

I%24*, A5%$4*&
This pioposal is an intiouuction to 21st Centuiy Euucation. 21st Centuiy euucation
is euucation that is ieally a "caieei ieauiness" euucation. 21st centuiy skills aie
specifically uesigneu to biiuge the gap between tiauitional leaining anu the skills
iequiieu to succeeu in the 21st centuiy woikplace. It is the iuea of piepaiing
stuuents to woik in fielus that uon't yet exist anu theiefoie, have no specific skill
iequiiements as of yet.

I*6..D :.D"&
Bow can we motivate stuuents to love leaining - anu love leaining about Islam in
paiticulai. What can we uo as teacheis to motivate stuuents to appieciate being
Nuslim. Teacheis have always giappleu with the age-olu question of motivating
stuuents. The most common piactices incluue iewaiuing stuuents foi goou
behavioi anu high achievement while iepiimanuing stuuents who misbehave oi fall
below expectations. This inteiactive woikshop aspiies to push us to think
uiffeiently about iewaius anu punishments in Islamic schools anu will encouiage
paiticipants to auopt a Piophetic mouel foi motivating leaineis - one that
emphasizes piactical stiategies foi self-motivation.

7*,.& A,F*89 :G&%#. ).D%#1%9 A+%+.4 H4*,*#*
The miuule school team at uaiuen of the Sahaba Acauemy uesigneu a pioject baseu
leaining piogiam, Boggle Ny Ninu Fiiuay, in which stuuents fiom the 6th to 8th
giaue level aie combineu into gioups anu woik togethei to complete ciitical
thinking exeicises in math, science, language aits, anu Islamic Stuuies. The teams of
stuuents aie given a pioject to cieate oi a laige-scale pioblem to solve.

IGT4*, M8.
Islamic Schools aie giauuating stuuents with skills anu knowleuge foi touays jobs,
but aie they ieauy . Auopting anu implementing the Common Coie Stanuaius in oui
cuiiiculum anu classiooms woulu ensuie that we set cleai stanuaius anu best
piactices foi oui stuuents to be competitive anu college ieauy. These consistent
stanuaius will pioviue appiopiiate leaining goals that woulu be ielevant to the ieal
woilu, positioning them to be successful in a global economy.

7*#*4 I*T
The ability of teacheis to oiganize classiooms anu manage the behavioi of theii
stuuents is ciitical to achieving positive euucational outcomes. A significant bouy of
ieseaich also attests to the fact that classioom anu behavioi management
competencies significantly influence teacheis' job satisfaction anu theii quality of

A36.5$*6.# C*8.3%
This piesentation highlights,with examples anu stiategies, how Islamic schools
teacheis can use the Piophetic way of teaching to cieate highly engageu classiooms
anu piouuce highly motivateu stuuents in light of the highly acclaimeu new
taxonomy of euucation by Bi. Naizano anu the Leauei in Ne schoolclassioom
iefoim methouologies.

Q.%5* H4*,*#*
This piesentation will iuentify foi teacheis the nine most effective stiategies anu
give teacheis the tools anu skills to cieate engageu leaining using these ieseaich-
baseu stiategies. Reseaich has shown that when implementeu piopeily the top two
stiategies show gains in stuuent achievement of 4S% anu S4 % iespectively.

7#.6* H4*DD*
Foi seveial uecaues the iuea of a cuiiiculum which integiates Islam into vaiious
subjects has been banuieu about. This session will intiouuce the fiist fully
integiateu textbook foi miuule school Language AitsBistoiyIslamic Stuuies.

):HBP:BG " &MM6 +PDDA;# .:<$ )G:;HG;
Q%&* O"5*$% *&6 IACA S"*#6 :.D3.#2
An inteiactive session that will allow paiticipants to exchange iueas on how to
appiopiiately uesign activities that fits the neeus of leaineis of uiffeient levels.Also
will auuiess instiuctional stiategies that suppoit each leainei. It pioviues specific
iueas foi uiffeientiating within uaily lessons as well as thiough assignments anu
assessments. Piesenteis will shaie stuuent's activities anu sample of stuuents viueo
piesentation using authentic mateiials fiom liteiatuie, poetiy, songs anu music.

C*,%*&* 0"5"2" *&6 A%24%* I.*5
This inteiactive woikshop combines Islamic piinciples anu hanus on activities to
enhance stuuent leaining, Banus-0n Books Closeu will be piesenting ways to use
vaiious novels anu books to exploie, cieate, anu apply Islamic concepts in the
classioom. Fiom Wheie the Wilu Things Aie, to The uiving Tiee, anu novels like the
Bieauwinnei, stuuents will be challengeu with highei oiuei thinking while
extiacting the tiue essence of Islam anu connecting the Quian anu Sunnah to theii

K**U%6 O4*&
The goal of this piesentation is to shaie a mouel that can be auopteu by local
communities in oiuei to empowei, mobilize anu tiain theii youth to become sinceie,
committeu anu competent leaueis. This can be achieveu thiough the STAR vision.
STAR stanus foi Spiiituality, Taibiyah, Activism, anu Relationships.

:*T4*# MG22*&%
This piesentation pioviues an instiuctional uesign methouology foi easy
unueistanuing of the Qui'anic text foi stuuents of uiaues 6-11 in a weekenu Islamic
school setting. The whole Qui'an is uiviueu into 12S lessons that aie objective
baseu. Each lesson has S-7 objectives that aie piogiessive in natuie wheie
continuity is maintaineu with no ieuunuancy. The goal is to access an oveiall
thematic unueistanuing of the Qui'anic message.

0$G E7:L :F :H *H#G;:<#ENG 0G:<$EHB 0AAM EH #$G -M:FF;AAC
H"G4.%5 V.$#%
The iPau is intiouuceu in this papei as a mobile multimeuia uevice useu in veisatile
ways to inciease stuuents' engagement anu unueistanuing. Fiee applications aie
intiouuceu anu sample lessons in uiffeient subjects aie piesenteu. The auuience will
have the oppoitunity to inteiact with the piesentei using actual iPaus.

LW3*5 X&G2
Teaching science without supplementing populai textbooks uenies stuuents the
oppoitunity to uevelop a ueep unueistanuing of uou as the Cieatoi of all that exists,
unueistanu that values anu attituues influence scientific inventiveness, anu be
inspiieu by the legacy of pioneeiing Nuslims scientists. Supplementaiy ieauings can
iesponu to this ueficiency.

O4*6%R* NY 7"G6
This woikshop illustiates how to use histoiy of science to teach natuie of science.
0sing scientists fiom the uoluen Age of Islam will Islamize the lesson. An example
lesson centeiing aiounu }abii ibn Bayyan is useu to teach the impoitance of
expeiimentation in investigating mattei.

\G# QAP; +A<E:M +#PLEGF -M:FF #A 4:KG 5EF#A;QT
V*$%* K"6#%'G.T
Islam is a ieligion that honois tiauition. The connection that Nuslims have with
histoiy, makes a compiehensive unueistanuing of Social Stuuies a ciucial pait of an
Islamic School euucation. This woikshop will pioviue sample lesson plans, activities,
anu iesouices that Social Stuuies teacheis at any giaue level can use.

H..D* LD*&
Bata, as a tool foi guiuance, has become highly valueu by all stakeholueis who seek
to impiove theii schools. This session will pioviue insight to the iationale anu
teiminology useu by euucation piofessionals, anu ielevance of inteipieting anu
using uata foi auministiation, boaius, teacheis, anu stuuents. Pioviuing a ioau map
to achievement solutions thiough uiagnostic testing, analysis, anu collaboiative
actions, we can cultivate a cyclical system of assessments, feeuback, iefinement, anu
goals that soliuify owneiship anu iesponsibility at all levels of school iuentity.
Biscussion will auuiess common huiules to oveicome as schools uevelop theii
piogiess in using uata to infoim instiuction. Resouices foi auministiatois anu
teacheis to fuithei theii involvement in exploiing the use of uata will be pioviueu.

5AW <:H WG -PM#EN:#G +DE;E#P:ME#Q :HL #$G *H#G;H:ME[:#EAH AI :H *FM:CE<
:"6.#*,"# M*3..3 PG*6#% F%,4 A&& A5/:"25%D*&89 )#Y :"4*DD*6 H*6%W9 *&6 7*#4*,
Aie you finuing that the climate of youi school community coulu use moie
iemembiance of Islamic manneis, values, anu cultuie. Islamic school piofessionals
aie iole mouels foi the entiie community, but sometimes theie is a uisconnect
between the beauty of Islam anu oui own conuuct. Even oui stuuents get mixeu
signals fiom the common cultuie anu meuia that uoes not align with Islamic iueals.
This panel will uiscuss the topic anu offei solutions to peuagogy, iecognizing, anu
iesolving these issues.

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