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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2013 IIT Madras, 4 6 J l!


Free vibration of variable stiffness composite laminates with new curved fiber profiles
Adnan Ahmed , K.K.Shukla
*PG Scholar, Applied Mechanics Department, MNNIT ALLAHABAD, U.P., !!""#. Pro$essor, Applied Mechanics Department, MNNIT ALLAHABAD, U.P., !!""#.

%mail& add ""'(()*mail.com Abstract

The objective of the present work is to analy e the vibration behavior of variable stiffness composite laminated plates !"S#$%. The formulation is based on first order shear deformation theory. A p&version finite element with hierarchic basis functions is used for the solution. The natural fre'uencies and mode shapes of different "S#$ plates are computed and compared with that of constant stiffness laminates.

(. )ntroduction
Traditional laminated composite panels ha+e a n,m-er o$ .ell /no.n ad+anta*es o+er panels made o$ other materials, incl,din* the $act that the0 are li*ht.ei*ht. Ho.e+er, the possi-ilit0 o$ ,sin* c,r+ilinear $i-ers o$$er ne. desi*n options and can -e ,sed to $,rther optimi1e the laminate in comparison to the con+entional strai*ht2$i-re laminates, impro+in* the str,ct,ral response and achie+in* additional .ei*ht red,ction. The a+aila-le to. placement technolo*0 allo.s ,s to anal01e $i-re composite laminates .ith +ario,s $i-er pro$iles and orientations -,t o-+io,sl0 ha+e some limitations li/e the ma3im,m c,r+at,re o$ the c,r+ilinear $i-ers $or man,$act,rin* a lamina sho,ld not e3ceed 4. ( m2!. The +al,es o$ c,r+at,res -e0ond threshold +al,es res,lts in /in/in* o$ $i-ers .hich is totall0 ,ndesira-le in an0 case. 5ne o$ the $irst p,-lications on +aria-le sti$$ness composite laminates 67S8L9 is d,e to H0er and Lee :!;. The0 o-tained impro+ements in -,c/lin* resistance o$ plates .ith a hole -0 ,sin* c,r+ilinear $i-er paths. A/ha+an and <i-eiro : ; presented the +i-ration o$ +aria-le sti$$ness composite laminates .ith c,r+ilinear $i-ers. In the present .or/, +i-ration -eha+ior o$ 7S8L plates ,sin* p2+ersion $inite element method is presented. The ma=or ad+anta*e o$ this method is that the entire domain is modeled as sin*le element.

*. +ethodolo,y
Utili1in* >irst order shear de$ormation theor0, the displacement $ield o$ the laminated composite plate is ass,med as

,63,0,1,t9?,"63,0,t9 @ AB063,0,t9 +63,0,1,t9?+"63,0,t9 @ AB3 63,0,t9 .63,0,1,t9?."63,0,t9

%mplo0in* , p2+ersion hierarchical $inite element ,the middle plane displacements are e3pressed as : ;&


6 9
Chere D is the *enerali1ed displacement and N ,, N., etc. are the shape $,nctions ,sed $or in2plane and o,t2o$2plane displacements and are *i+en as

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2013 IIT Madras, 4 6 J l! 2013

:N,;6 E,F 9?:*!6E9*!6F9 *!6E9* 6F9 G *pi6E9*pi6F9 ; :N.;6 E,F9 ?:$!6E9$!6F9 $!6E9$ 6F9 G $po6E9$po6F9 ; :NH3;?:N H0;?:N.; GG..$rom <e$.:!;
po? no. o$ o,t o$ plane shape $,nctions ,sed pi? no. o$ in plane shape $,nctions ,sed The -asis $,nction $or deri+in* the shape $,nctions ,sed here are <odri*,esIs $orm o$ Le*endreIs pol0nomials. The plates are simpl0 s,pported .hich is con$irmed -0 the shape $,nctions ,sed Appl0in* principle o$ +irt,al .or/, the eD,ations o$ motion are o-tained and e3pressed as&


6#9 Chere

6'9 :M+;?:M,; and :Mr0;?:Mr3;.


.esults and /iscussion

The c,r+ilinear $i-er pro$iles and orientations ,sed in the present st,d0 $or a lamina are sho.n in >i*s.! and.

>i*.! 7S8L2A t0pe

6a9 Hal$2Sine .a+e

6-9 >,ll2Sine .a+e

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2013 IIT Madras, 4 6 J l! 2013

6c9 tan6cos6 3Ja99

6d9 tan6cos6#3Ja99

6e9 cos6tan6cos6 3Ja999

6$9 tan6sin6(3Ja99

6*9 tan6sin6!K3Ja9 >i*. Ne. $i-er pro$iles

6h9 Do,-le sin .a+e

The laminates .ith di$$erent stac/in* seD,ence ,sed in the present st,d0 are sho.n in >i*. 4. The representation o$ 7S8L2A t0pe are *i+en as : @J2 6TiLT$9;s .hich is an ei*ht la0ered laminate .hich means :26TiLT$9, 6TiLT$9,26TiLT$9, 6TiLT$9,2 6TiLT$9, 6TiLT$9,26TiLT$9, 6TiLT$9; . The di$$erent 7S8L2A t0pe plates st,died in this .or/ is sho.n in Ta-le !. Ta-le !
Plate67S8L2A t0pe9 An*le +ariation 7S8L2! :@J2 6#'L"9;s 7S8L2 :@J2 6#'L!'9;s 7S8L24 :@J2 6#'L4"9;s 7S8L2# :@J2 6#'LK"9;s 7S8L2' :@J2 6#'LM'9;s 8S8L6#'o pl09 :@J2 6#'L#'9;s

6a9 tan6sin6(3Ja99

6-9 tan6sin6!K3Ja99

6c9 Do,-le sin .a+e

6d9 >,ll sine .a+e

6e9 Hal$ sine .a+e

6$9 cos6tan6cos6 3Ja999

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2013 IIT Madras, 4 6 J l! 2013

>i*.4 Stac/in* pattern o$ laminated plates .ith ne. $i-er pro$ile

8on+er*ence o$ nat,ral $reD,encies are carried o,t and sho.n in >i*.#. It is o-ser+ed that at p?'6' shape $,nctions9 the nat,ral $reD,encies in the $irst three modes con+er*es $or 7S8L2# laminates. There$ore, all $,rther anal0sis is carried o,t -0 ta/in* p?'.

>i*.# 8on+er*ence st,d0 $or 7S8L2# $or mode ! and mode

The $i-er orientation or an*le +ariation $or 7S8L2A t0pe laminates is *i+en -0 N639? *6T $ OTi9*a-s639Ja@Ti. The +ariations in an*le $or the other ne. $i-ers are calc,lated -0 ta/in* in+erse o$ the tan*ent o$ the slope o$ the pro$ile $,nction. >or e3ample $639?sin639 , N639?tan2!6cos6399 . The $reD,encies $or 7S8L2A t0pe composite laminates .ith di$$erent $i-er pro$iles are o-tained and sho.n *raphicall0 in >i*.' . The material properties are ta/en $rom <i-eiro and Hamed :4;. The res,lts sho. ma3im,m increased $reD,encies $or 7S8L2! at a? '"h and a?'"h , .hich is :26#'L"9,6#'L"9,26#'L"9,6#'L"9;s 6ei*ht la0ered laminate9.

>i*. ' 8omparison o$ $reD,encies $or di$$erent 7S8L2A t0pe plates

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2013 IIT Madras, 4 6 J l! 2013

The anal0sis o$ the other proposed $i-er pro$iles is carried o,t -0 ta/in* the plate dimensions and material properties as ta/en -0 <i-eiro:#;. The c,r+at,res o$ all the $i-er pro$iles are chec/ed $or the man,$act,rin* limitations and are possi-le to man,$act,re. The $reD,enc0 o$ the laminates .ith the proposed $i-re pro$iles are listed in Ta-le !.

Ta-le !

Pro$ile 8S8L6#'o pl09 !. Hal$ sine .a+e . >,ll sine .a+e 4. tan cos #3Ja #. tan cos 3Ja ' . 8os tan cos 3Ja K. tan sin !K3Ja M. tan sin (3Ja ( Do,-le sine .a+e Mode ! #KK #K( #KK #4" #( #P( #"M #"M #"!

>reD,enc0 Mode Mode 4 K"P !!!K K!! 'M' 'P K"P K " '(# ''M M'" P!! ('! (# P ' !""4 (!K K'! !""'

>rom the res,lts sho.n in Ta-le !, it can -e seen that ma3im,m increase in $reD,enc0 o$ the laminated plate is o-tained in the case o$ laminate ha+in* $i-re pro$ile as 8os tan cos 3Ja and it is lo.est in the case o$ laminates .ith Do,-le sin .a+e $i-re pro$ile.



The $reD,enc0 o$ the laminated composite plates ha+in* di$$erent $i-re pro$iles are o-tained and compared .ith that o$ con+entional laminated composite plates. Increased or decreased $reD,encies o$ +i-ration is o-ser+ed -0 chan*in* $i-er orientations and pro$iles as compared to traditional laminates .hich can -e ,se$,l in partic,lar p,rposes. It .as +eri$ied that -oth in thin and moderatel0 thic/ plates, the $reD,encies and mode shapes chan*e .ith the di+erse $i-re orientation +ariations.. The +al,es presented herein can -e ,sed as a -enchmar/ $or other methods.

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Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2013 IIT Madras, 4 6 J l! 2013 (. .eferences
:!; H0er M, Lee H. The ,se o$ c,r+ilinear $i-er $ormat to impro+e -,c/lin* resistance o$ composite plates .ith central circ,lar holes. 8omposite Str,ct,res !PP!Q!(& 4POK!. : ; A/ha+an H, <i-eiro P. Nat,ral modes o$ +i-ration o$ +aria-le sti$$ness composite laminates .ith c,r+ilinear $i-ers. 8ompos Str,ct "!!QP4&4"#"OM. :4; Pedro <i-eiro , Hamed A/ha+an .Non2linear +i-rations o$ +aria-le sti$$ness composite laminated plates. 8omposite Str,ct,res P#6 "! 9 # #2 #4 :#; Pedro <i-eiro. Non2linear $ree periodic +i-rations o$ +aria-le sti$$ness composite laminated plates. Nonlinear D0namics "! Q M"&!'4'2!'#(

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