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Test No.1 Iovita Kristina EMREI-122 1.

Civil law is a set of legal rules governing property and personal relationships in order to i ple ent the legiti ate interests of !ivil rights and the organi"ation of e!ono i! relations in so!iety. This right in y opinion is the ost effe!tive #e!ause it in!orporates the prin!iples without whi!h in the world would #e !haos $ -e%uality of the legal regi e of !ivil rights & -inviola#ility of property & -freedo of !ontra!t &

-inad issi#ility of interferen!e in private #usiness& -the prin!iple of independen!e and initiative in the a!%uisition and e'er!ise of !ivil rights& -the prin!iple of the prohi#ition of a#use of law and other i proper e'er!ise of !ivil rights& -the s ooth i ple entation of !ivil rights and their prote!tion . Civil law is the ain #ran!h of the law governing the relationship #etween private !iti"ens ( #ased on the independen!e and autono y of the property ( the ethod of the legal e%uality of the parties and pursuing the goal of satisfying their own interests. The #est legal syste of the Repu#li! of Moldova( in y opinion( is the Constitution #e!ause it is the supre e law of the !ountry. No laws or other legal a!ts and regulations in !ontradi!tion with the provisions of the Constitution ay have any legal power. In y opinion Moldova should refor the )udi!ial sphere. *ra!ti!al steps for i ple ent the plan !hanges in )usti!e ( adopted in 2+12 ( provide the right ove along this path . ,ne of the steps that should #e done i ediately is to eet the re%uire ents for all vessels of Moldova - to use the integrated wor-flow . .u!h syste adopted in the /... in 2++0 ( allows rando ly allo!ate !ases( and a-e pu#li! re!ord !ourt hearings ( in general( this applies to all hearings. Most !ourts still do not use this syste . This is a si ple tool that will help lead to the transparen!y of all pro!esses in the )udi!iary. That is why this transfor ation should #e i ple ented. 2.If i was in in the position of a !onsultant that has the target of fis!al of an internet provider !o pany y proposals to the top anage ent of the !o panies( in order to a!hieve this o#)e!tive (would #e$

- ,rgani"ation as generate interest in their produ!ts !an provide for !usto ers a dis!ount ( also !o panies give dis!ounts or pre iu s as a #onus for the ti ely pay ent of goods. Costs in the for of pre iu s 1dis!ounts 2 paid 1 provided 2 #y the seller to the #uyer as a result of the spe!ifi! ter s of the !ontra!t ( you !an ta-e in non-operating e'penses 1 10.1 podp. paragraph 1 of 3rt . 245 of the Ta' Code2. The #uyer in this !ase is released fro the o#ligation to pay the property a!%uired in the a ount of the value of the !ontra!t per !ent of the total a ount of goods sold #y hi ( that is( the resulting dis!ount or pre iu is seen as gratuitously re!eived property . 6ith this su fir -seller dedu!t in!o e ta' purposes. - Mar-eting servi!es . 7ustify the need for su!h servi!es is not diffi!ult. 8ou need a 9usiness plan with a desire to e #ra!e new hori"ons and aster the produ!tion or sale of a new produ!t and ar-eting !a paign ( also a partner . :ere they are ( ready !osts whi!h ay #e !onsidered as advi!e or infor ation 1 podp. 1; paragraph 1 of 3rt. 24; of the Code2( or the !osts of the !urrent study 1 study2 Mar-et 1 podp. 2<( .e!tion 1( 3rt . 24; of the Ta' Code 2 . - The fashion #rand.The point is si ple $ the !o pany applying the si plified ta'ation syste ( a!%uired the right to use the #rand . Costs for use of trade ar- rights re!ogni"ed in other e'penses on the #asis of su#paragraph =< of paragraph 1 of 3rti!le 24; of the Ta' Code. =.In different !ountries and in different histori!al periods in the e!ono y there are various types of onopolies $ > a natural onopoly en)oyed #y the owners and #usinesses that have at their disposal a rare and not easily reprodu!i#le produ!tion ele ents 1rare etals( land ( et!.2.This onopoly i would de!lare legal& > artifi!ial onopoly ( is !on!entrated in the hands of individual produ!tion and the ar-et for any produ!t. It has a !asual ( sustaina#le and universal for . Rando for o!!urs suddenly ( when there is a uni%ue opportunity to produ!e and sell the goods under the #est !onditions of produ!tion and the te porary favora#le supply-de and #alan!e . In y opinion these !an #e ethods and eans of !o petition onopolies $

1 2 ?oss of raw aterials - one of the her into a !artel& 2 2 withdrawal of la#or #y la#or unions &

ost i portant te!hni%ues to !o pel

eans of @ allian!es@ ( ie #usiness !ontra!ts with

= 2 ?oss of the transportation &

; 2 ?oss of sale& 5 2 the !ontra!t with the #uyer on the !ondu!t of trade relations e'!lusively with the !artels& 42 syste ati! pri!e !utting 1 to ruin @outside@ ( that is( !o panies do not o#ey the onopolists & spent illions on it to a !ertain ti e to sell #elow !ost2 & < 2 ?oss of !redit #oy!ott . This also should in!lude the pur!hase of the land on whi!h stand the !o pany !o petitors( #uying up shares ( patents ( #ri#ing the right people ( the pressure on !o petitors through govern ent #odies( et!.

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