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Excel shortcut and function keys

KEY CTRL+PgUp CTRL+PgDn CTRL+S !"T+# CTRL+S !"T+& CTRL+S !"T+( CTRL+S !"T* CTRL+S !"T+, CTRL+S !"T+. CTRL+S !"T+/ CTRL+S !"T+0 CTRL+S !"T+3 CTRL+S !"T+4 CTRL+S !"T+6 DESCRIPTION Switches between worksheet tabs, from left-to-right. Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left. Unhi$es an% hi$$en rows within the selection. Unhi$es an% hi$$en col'mns within the selection. )pplies the o'tline bor$er to the selecte$ cells. Remo+es the o'tline bor$er from the selecte$ cells. )pplies the -eneral n'mber format. )pplies the C'rrenc% format with two $ecimal places #negati+e n'mbers in parentheses&. )pplies the Percentage format with no $ecimal places. )pplies the 12ponential n'mber format with two $ecimal places. )pplies the Date format with the $a%, month, an$ %ear. )pplies the Time format with the ho'r an$ min'te, an$ )5 or P5. )pplies the 7'mber format with two $ecimal places, tho'san$s separator, an$ min's sign #-& for negati+e +al'es. Selects the c'rrent region aro'n$ the acti+e cell #the $ata area enclose$ b% blank rows an$ blank col'mns&. !n a Pi+otTable, it selects the entire Pi+otTable report. 1nters the c'rrent time.

CTRL+S !"T+8

CTRL+S !"T+9

CTRL+S !"T+:

Copies the +al'e from the cell abo+e the acti+e cell into the cell or the "orm'la ;ar.

CTRL+S !"T+Pl's Displa%s the Insert $ialog bo2 to insert blank cells. #+& CTRL+5in's #-& CTRL+< CTRL+= CTRL+> CTRL+? CTRL+@ CTRL+A CTRL+B CTRL+C CTRL+D Displa%s the Delete $ialog bo2 to $elete the selecte$ cells. 1nters the c'rrent $ate. )lternates between $ispla%ing cell +al'es an$ $ispla%ing form'las in the worksheet. Copies a form'la from the cell abo+e the acti+e cell into the cell or the "orm'la ;ar. Displa%s the Format Cells $ialog bo2. )pplies or remo+es bol$ formatting. )pplies or remo+es italic formatting. )pplies or remo+es 'n$erlining. )pplies or remo+es strikethro'gh. )lternates between hi$ing obEects, $ispla%ing obEects, an$ $ispla%ing placehol$ers for obEects. Displa%s or hi$es the o'tline s%mbols. i$es the selecte$ rows. i$es the selecte$ col'mns. Selects the entire worksheet. !f the worksheet contains $ata, CTRL+) selects the c'rrent region. Pressing CTRL+) a secon$ time selects the c'rrent region an$ its s'mmar% rows. Pressing CTRL+) a thir$ time selects the entire


worksheet. Ihen the insertion point is to the right of a f'nction name in a form'la, $ispla%s theFunction Arguments $ialog bo2. CTRL+S !"T+) inserts the arg'ment names an$ parentheses when the insertion point is to the right of a f'nction name in a form'la. CTRL+; CTRL+C )pplies or remo+es bol$ formatting. Copies the selecte$ cells. CTRL+C followe$ b% another CTRL+C $ispla%s the Clipboar$. Uses the Fill Down comman$ to cop% the contents an$ format of the topmost cell of a selecte$ range into the cells below. Displa%s the Find and Replace $ialog bo2, with the Find tab selecte$. S !"T+"C also $ispla%s this tab, while S !"T+"B repeats the last Find action. CTRL+S !"T+" opens the Format Cells $ialog bo2 with the Font tab selecte$. Displa%s the o To $ialog bo2. "C also $ispla%s this $ialog bo2. Displa%s the Find and Replace $ialog bo2, with the Replace tab selecte$. )pplies or remo+es italic formatting. Displa%s the Insert !"perlin# $ialog bo2 for new h%perlinks or the Edit !"perlin# $ialog bo2 for selecte$ e2isting h%perlinks. Creates a new, blank workbook.






Displa%s the Open $ialog bo2 to open or fin$ a file. CTRL+S !"T+K selects all cells that contain comments. Displa%s the Print $ialog bo2. CTRL+S !"T+P opens the Format Cells $ialog bo2 with the Font tab selecte$. Uses the Fill Rig$t comman$ to cop% the contents an$ format of the leftmost cell of a selecte$ range into the cells to the right. Sa+es the acti+e file with its c'rrent file name, location, an$ file format. Displa%s the Create Ta%le $ialog bo2. )pplies or remo+es 'n$erlining. CTRL+S !"T+U switches between e2pan$ing an$ collapsing of the form'la bar. !nserts the contents of the Clipboar$ at the insertion point an$ replaces an% selection. )+ailable onl% after %o' ha+e c't or copie$ an obEect, te2t, or cell contents. CTRL+)LT+L $ispla%s the Paste Special $ialog bo2. )+ailable onl% after %o' ha+e c't or copie$ an obEect, te2t, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program. Closes the selecte$ workbook win$ow. C'ts the selecte$ cells. Repeats the last comman$ or action, if possible. Uses the &ndo comman$ to re+erse the last comman$ or to $elete the last entr% that %o' t%pe$. CTRL+S !"T+O 'ses the &ndo or Redo comman$






to re+erse or restore the last a'tomatic correction when )'toCorrect Smart Tags are $ispla%e$.
Function keys

KEY DESCRIPTION "? Displa%s the 'icroso(t O((ice E)cel !elp task pane. CTRL+"? $ispla%s or hi$es the Ribbon, a component of the 5icrosoft Kffice "l'ent 'ser interface. )LT+"? creates a chart of the $ata in the c'rrent range. )LT+S !"T+"? inserts a new worksheet. 1$its the acti+e cell an$ positions the insertion point at the en$ of the cell contents. !t also mo+es the insertion point into the "orm'la ;ar when e$iting in a cell is t'rne$ off. S !"T+"@ a$$s or e$its a cell comment. CTRL+"@ $ispla%s the Print Pre+iew win$ow. Displa%s the Paste Name $ialog bo2. S !"T+"A $ispla%s the Insert Function $ialog bo2. Repeats the last comman$ or action, if possible. Ihen a cell reference or range is selecte$ in a form'la, "B c%cles thro'gh the +ario's combinations of absol'te an$ relati+e references. CTRL+"B closes the selecte$ workbook win$ow. Displa%s the o To $ialog bo2. CTRL+"C restores the win$ow siPe of the selecte$ workbook win$ow. Switches between the worksheet, Ribbon, task pane, an$ Ooom controls. !n a worksheet that has been split #*iew men', 'anage T$is +indow, Free,e Panes, Split +indow comman$&, "D incl'$es the split panes when switching between panes an$ the Ribbon area. S !"T+"D switches between the worksheet, Ooom controls, task pane, an$ Ribbon.


"A "B



CTRL+"D switches to the ne2t workbook win$ow when more than one workbook win$ow is open. "Q Displa%s the Spelling $ialog bo2 to check spelling in the acti+e worksheet or selecte$ range. CTRL+"Q performs the 'o-e comman$ on the workbook win$ow when it is not ma2imiPe$. Use the arrow ke%s to mo+e the win$ow, an$ when finishe$ press 17T1R, or 1SC to cancel. T'rns e2ten$ mo$e on or off. !n e2ten$ mo$e, E)tended Selection appears in the stat's line, an$ the arrow ke%s e2ten$ the selection. S !"T+"F enables %o' to a$$ a nona$Eacent cell or range to a selection of cells b% 'sing the arrow ke%s. CTRL+"F performs the Si,e comman$ #on the Control men' for the workbook win$ow& when a workbook is not ma2imiPe$. )LT+"F $ispla%s the 'acro $ialog bo2 to create, r'n, e$it, or $elete a macro. Calc'lates all worksheets in all open workbooks. S !"T+"G calc'lates the acti+e worksheet. CTRL+)LT+"G calc'lates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regar$less of whether the% ha+e change$ since the last calc'lation. CTRL+)LT+S !"T+"G rechecks $epen$ent form'las, an$ then calc'lates all cells in all open workbooks, incl'$ing cells not marke$ as nee$ing to be calc'late$. CTRL+"G minimiPes a workbook win$ow to an icon. T'rns ke% tips on or off. S !"T+"?H $ispla%s the shortc't men' for a selecte$ item. )LT+S !"T+"?H $ispla%s the men' or message for a smart tag. !f more than one smart tag is present, it switches to the ne2t smart tag an$ $ispla%s its men' or message. CTRL+"?H ma2imiPes or restores the selecte$ workbook win$ow. Creates a chart of the $ata in the c'rrent range.





S !"T+"?? inserts a new worksheet. )LT+"?? opens the 5icrosoft Lis'al ;asic 1$itor, in which %o' can create a macro b% 'sing Lis'al ;asic for )pplications #L;)&. "?@ Displa%s the Sa-e As $ialog bo2.


Other useful shortcut keys


DESCRIPTION 5o+e one cell 'p, $own, left, or right in a worksheet. CTRL+)RRKI J1N mo+es to the e$ge of the c'rrent $ata region in a worksheet. S !"T+)RRKI J1N e2ten$s the selection of cells b% one cell. CTRL+S !"T+)RRKI J1N e2ten$s the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell in the same col'mn or row as the acti+e cell, or if the ne2t cell is blank, e2ten$s the selection to the ne2t nonblank cell. L1"T )RRKI or R!- T )RRKI selects the tab to the left or right when the Ribbon is selecte$. Ihen a s'bmen' is open or selecte$, these arrow ke%s switch between the main men' an$ the s'bmen'. Ihen a Ribbon tab is selecte$, these ke%s na+igate the tab b'ttons. DKI7 )RRKI or UP )RRKI selects the ne2t or pre+io's comman$ when a men' or s'bmen' is open. Ihen a Ribbon tab is selecte$, these ke%s na+igate 'p or $own the tab gro'p. !n a $ialog bo2, arrow ke%s mo+e between options in an open $rop-$own list, or between options in a gro'p of options. DKI7 )RRKI or )LT+DKI7 )RRKI opens a selecte$ $rop-$own list.

;)CJSP)C1 Deletes one character to the left in the "orm'la ;ar. )lso clears the content of the acti+e cell. !n cell e$iting mo$e, it $eletes the character to the left of the insertion point. D1L1T1 Remo+es the cell contents #$ata an$ form'las& from selecte$ cells witho't affecting cell formats or comments. !n cell e$iting mo$e, it $eletes the character to the right of the insertion point. 5o+es to the cell in the lower-right corner of the win$ow when SCRKLL LKCJ is t'rne$ on. )lso selects the last comman$ on the men' when a men' or s'bmen' is +isible. CTRL+17D mo+es to the last cell on a worksheet, in the lowest 'se$ row of the rightmost 'se$ col'mn. !f the c'rsor is in the form'la bar, CTRL+17D mo+es the c'rsor to the en$ of the te2t. CTRL+S !"T+17D e2ten$s the selection of cells to the last 'se$ cell on the worksheet #lower-right corner&. !f the c'rsor is in the form'la bar, CTRL+S !"T+17D selects all te2t in the form'la bar from the c'rsor position to the en$R this $oes not affect the height of the form'la bar. Completes a cell entr% from the cell or the "orm'la ;ar, an$ selects the cell below #b% $efa'lt&. !n a $ata form, it mo+es to the first fiel$ in the ne2t recor$. Kpens a selecte$ men' #press "?H to acti+ate the men' bar& or performs the action for a selecte$ comman$. !n a $ialog bo2, it performs the action for the $efa'lt comman$ b'tton in the $ialog bo2 #the b'tton with the bol$ o'tline, often the OK b'tton&. )LT+17T1R starts a new line in the same cell. CTRL+17T1R fills the selecte$ cell range with the c'rrent



entr%. S !"T+17T1R completes a cell entr% an$ selects the cell abo+e. 1SC Cancels an entr% in the cell or "orm'la ;ar. Closes an open men' or s'bmen', $ialog bo2, or message win$ow. !t also closes f'll screen mo$e when this mo$e has been applie$, an$ ret'rns to normal screen mo$e to $ispla% the Ribbon an$ stat's bar again. 5o+es to the beginning of a row in a worksheet. 5o+es to the cell in the 'pper-left corner of the win$ow when SCRKLL LKCJ is t'rne$ on. Selects the first comman$ on the men' when a men' or s'bmen' is +isible. CTRL+ K51 mo+es to the beginning of a worksheet. CTRL+S !"T+ K51 e2ten$s the selection of cells to the beginning of the worksheet.


P)-1 DKI7 5o+es one screen $own in a worksheet. )LT+P)-1 DKI7 mo+es one screen to the right in a worksheet. CTRL+P)-1 DKI7 mo+es to the ne2t sheet in a workbook. CTRL+S !"T+P)-1 DKI7 selects the c'rrent an$ ne2t sheet in a workbook. P)-1 UP 5o+es one screen 'p in a worksheet. )LT+P)-1 UP mo+es one screen to the left in a worksheet. CTRL+P)-1 UP mo+es to the pre+io's sheet in a workbook. CTRL+S !"T+P)-1 UP selects the c'rrent an$ pre+io's sheet in a workbook.


!n a $ialog bo2, performs the action for the selecte$ b'tton, or selects or clears a check bo2. CTRL+SP)C1;)R selects an entire col'mn in a worksheet. S !"T+SP)C1;)R selects an entire row in a worksheet. CTRL+S !"T+SP)C1;)R selects the entire worksheet. !f the worksheet contains $ata, CTRL+S !"T+SP)C1;)R selects the c'rrent region. Pressing CTRL+S !"T+SP)C1;)R a secon$ time selects the c'rrent region an$ its s'mmar% rows. Pressing CTRL+S !"T+SP)C1;)R a thir$ time selects the entire worksheet. Ihen an obEect is selecte$, CTRL+S !"T+SP)C1;)R selects all obEects on a worksheet. )LT+SP)C1;)R $ispla%s the Control men' for the 5icrosoft Kffice 12cel win$ow.


5o+es one cell to the right in a worksheet. 5o+es between 'nlocke$ cells in a protecte$ worksheet. 5o+es to the ne2t option or option gro'p in a $ialog bo2. S !"T+T); mo+es to the pre+io's cell in a worksheet or the pre+io's option in a $ialog bo2. CTRL+T); switches to the ne2t tab in $ialog bo2. CTRL+S !"T+T); switches to the pre+io's tab in a $ialog bo2.

Mastering Excel 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts? 1. ALT+F This creates a chart out of the data in the current range (selected cells). This is 2. 3.
the most well known feature of Excel, and now you know a new way to use it! ALT+S!"FT+F This inserts a new worksheet into the workbook. F# This switches between the worksheet, Ribbon, task ane, and !oom controls. This is robably the most useful shortcut of all. This cool shortcut is also the most belo"ed to the all anti#mouse users out there.

4. 5.

S!"FT+F# This does the re"erse of the $% shortcut. $T%L+F# This switches to the next workbook window when multi le workbook windows are o en. . $T%L+S!"FT+& This a lies the currency format to the selected cells. &reat for those times when dealing with monetary data. !. $T%L+S!"FT+' This a lies the date format with a default order of day, month, and year. ". $T%L+( This enters the current date in the selected cells. #. $T%L+S!"FT+) This a lies the time format with the default "alue of hour, minute and '()*(. 1$. $T%L+S!"FT+* This enters the current time in the selected cells. 11. $T%L++ This alternates between showing the "alue of a cell and the formula in the worksheet. &reat for com lex worksheets. 12. $T%L+, This uses the fill down command on the selected cells. $ill down co ies the content and format of the to most cell into the cells below. 13. $T%L+% This uses the fill right command on the selected cells. $ill right co ies the content and format of the leftmost cell to the cells to the right.

Shortcut F2 F3 F4 F5 F7 F11 Ctrl + Shift +; Ctrl + ; Edit the selected cell.


After a name has been created F3 will paste names.

Repeat last action. For example, if you changed the color of text pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color. Go to a specific cell. For example, !.

"pell chec# selected text or document. reate chart from selected data. Enter the current time. Enter the current date.

Alt + Shift + $nsert %ew &or#sheet. F1 Alt + Enter &hile typing text in a cell pressing Alt ' Enter will mo(e to the for multiple lines of text in one cell.

Shift + F3 Shift + F5 Ctrl + A Ctrl + B Ctrl + I Ctrl + K Ctrl + Ctrl + 1 Ctrl + 5 Ctrl + ! Ctrl + " Ctrl + F3 Ctrl + F# Ctrl + F1$ Ctrl + F% Ctrl + !&'e up Ctrl + !&'e (o)n Ctrl + *&+ Alt + , Ctrl + -

)pen the Excel formula window. *ring up search box. "elect all contents of the wor#sheet. *old highlighted selection. $talic highlighted selection. $nsert lin#. +nderline highlighted selection. hange the format of selected cells. "tri#ethrough highlighted selection. *ring up the print dialog box to begin printing. +ndo last action. )pen Excel %ame ,anager. ,inimi-e current window. ,aximi-e currently selected window. "witch between open wor#boo#s or windows. ,o(e between Excel wor# sheets in the same Excel document. ,o(e between Excel wor# sheets in the same Excel document. ,o(e between .wo or more open Excel files. reate a formula to sum all of the abo(e cells $nsert the (alue of the abo(e cell into cell currently selected.

Ctrl + Shift +. Ctrl + Shift +/ Ctrl + Shift +0 Ctrl + Shift +1 Ctrl + Shift +2 Ctrl + Shift +3

Format number in comma format. Format number in currency format. Format number in date format. Format number in percentage format. Format number in scientific format. Format number in time format.

Ctrl + Arro) ,o(e to next section of text. 4e5 Ctrl + Sp&ce "elect entire column. Shift + Sp&ce Ctrl + 6 Ctrl + Shift +, Ctrl + 7o8e Ctrl + 9 "elect entire row. /elete the slected column or row. $nsert a new column or row. ,o(e to cell A0. "witch between showing Excel formulas or their (alues in cells.

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