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http://www.jamescmccroskey.com/measures/communication_competence.htm SELF-PERCEI E!

C"##$%IC&'I"% C"#PE'E%CE SC&LE 'he se()-percei*e+ communication competence sca(e was +e*e(ope+ to o,tain in)ormation concernin- how competent peop(e )ee( they are in a *ariety o) communication conte.ts an+ with a *ariety o) types o) recei*ers. Ear(y se()-report measures o) competence were structure+ to represent what the creators o) the measures )e(t were the components o) communication competence. 'his sca(e is inten+e+ to (et the respon+ent +e)ine communication competence. Since peop(e make +ecisions with re-ar+ to communication /)or e.amp(e0 whether they wi(( e*en +o it10 it is their perception that is important0 not that o) an outsi+e o,ser*er. It is important that users o) this measure reco-ni2e that this is %"' a measure o) actua( communication competence0 it is a measure o) PERCEI E! competence. 3hi(e these two +i))erent types o) measures may ,e su,stantia((y corre(ate+0 they are not the same thin-. 'his measure has -enerate+ -oo+ a(pha re(ia,i(ity estimates /a,o*e .451 an+ ha+ stron- )ace *a(i+ity. It a(so has ,een )oun+ to ha*e su,stantia( pre+icti*e *a(i+ity. !irections: 6e(ow are twe(*e situations in which you mi-ht nee+ to communicate. Peop(e7s a,i(ities to communicate e))ecti*e(y *ary a (ot0 an+ sometimes the same person is more competent to communicate in one situation than in another. P(ease in+icate how competent you ,e(ie*e you are to communicate in each o) the situations +escri,e+ ,e(ow. In+icate in the space pro*i+e+ at the (e)t o) each item your estimate o) your competence. Presume 8 9 comp(ete(y incompetent an+ :88 9 competent. _____:. Present a ta(k to a -roup o) stran-ers. _____;. 'a(k with an ac<uaintance. _____=. 'a(k in a (ar-e meetin- o) )rien+s. _____>. 'a(k in a sma(( -roup o) stran-ers. _____5. 'a(k with a )rien+. _____?. 'a(k in a (ar-e meetin- o) ac<uaintances. _____@. 'a(k with a stran-er. _____4. Present a ta(k to a -roup o) )rien+s. _____A. 'a(k in a sma(( -roup o) ac<uaintances.

_____:8. 'a(k in a (ar-e meetin- o) stran-ers. _____::. 'a(k in a sma(( -roup o) )rien+s. _____:;. Present a ta(k to a -roup o) ac<uaintances. Scorin-: 'o compute the su,scores0 a++ the percenta-es )or the items in+icate+ an+ +i*i+e the tota( ,y the num,er in+icate+ ,e(ow. Pu,(ic #eetinDroup !ya+ Stran-er &c<uaintance Frien+ : B 4 B :;C +i*i+e ,y =. = B ? B :8C +i*i+e ,y =. > B A B ::C +i*i+e ,y =. ; B 5 B @C +i*i+e ,y =. : B > B @ B :8C +i*i+e ,y >. ; B ? B A B :;C +i*i+e ,y >. = B 5 B 4 B ::C +i*i+e ,y >.

'o compute the tota( SPCC score0 a++ the su,scores )or Stran-er0 &c<uaintance0 an+ Frien+. 'hen0 +i*i+e that tota( ,y =. Source: #cCroskey0 E. C.0 F #cCroskey0 L. L. /:A441. Se()-report as an approach to measurincommunication competence. Communication Research Reports0 50 :84-::=. ECGIP& %R. ? : 'E"RI& C"%S'R$C'I IS'&

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