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There are growing calls to Ban smoking electronic cigarettes in public

London's top restaurant appeal to the guests don't smoke electronic cigarettes
"The web comprehensive report" Britain has strict to the requirement of repast environment the smokeless to electronic cigarettes also "rejected". According to Hong Kong "sing tao dail " reported on !ctober "#$ %ondon$ some of the top restaurants$ said a growing number of people indoor smoke electronic cigarettes$ although there is no smell spit out of the water mist$ but its "puffing" will affect others repast$ so the restaurant will suggest the guest do not use electronic cigarettes in the restaurant. &t is reported that as earl as in "''($ the British government is to ban on indoor smoking cigarettes and cigars$ but e)o*T +,# -tarter Kit electronic cigarettes are not listed in it then. .or now$ however$ electronic cigarettes in restaurants and bars in %ondon$ the trend of more intensified. &n "'/"$ the British$ about seven hundred thousand people smoke electronic cigarettes$ to the end of "'/0$ &1m afraid this figure will more than million.

-peciali2ing in a -panish tapas restaurant -alt 3ard1s founder +ollins 4-imon 5ullins6 said7 "& think it is good to ban smoking in indoor public places$ since the ban took effect five ears ago$ the guest has habit of smoking to the outdoor smoking. Although the smoke produced b water mist$ but in the meal$ the other guests keep puffing awa still uncomfortable. True cigarette can go outside$ wh people smoke electronic can sta inside8" Although the electronic cigarette has not been banned$ but if there is a guest complaints$ the restaurant still has the right to ask for electronic cigarette users to outdoor smoking. Two star 5ichelin restaurant owners said there is no legislation banned in indoor use electronic cigarettes$ as long as the tasteless smoke*free$ nor the other diners uncomfortable$ restaurants don1t have to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Maryland senator Qiao cigarettes




ban electronic

,lectronic cigarette is a atomi2ation devices$ breathing into the bod $ after a liquid into a gas and the liquid contains nicotine. 9ow part of people think that

the electronic cigarette is far lower than the cigarette to the harm of human bod $ and can replace the cigarettes$ but others think that the lack of specific clinical data show that it is difficult to know the electronic cigarette harm to human bod . :ecentl $ 5ar land senator )eorge ;ang <ijun &ngrid Turner 4&ngrid Turner6 is drafting a bill that would ban in restaurants$ bars$ as well as public and elderl apartment electronic cigarette.

"-mokeless alternatives association" )regor +onle $said Turner1s bill is not up to the present mainstream view$ because in addition to ;ashington$ d.c.$ there is a similar to a bill$ the =nited -tates does not e>ist similar laws and legislation.

Old smokers smoke electronic cigarettes in australia railway station will be fined $ !!
:ecentl $ living in the cit of new south wales$ Australia ; oming$ a retired construction workers was fined because of e)o Twist ?ivi nova v0 Kit

electronic cigarette in a public place$ the first case in Australia. &t happened on the old smokers Anthon campo$ Anthon in 9-; goss at the railwa station smoking for their own electronic cigarettes when waiting for the bus$then a female police officer opened a @0'' fine to him$ the reason is that "no smoking" in public places. After eating the ticket$ Anthon on the matter to the wooden ford district court to lodge a complaint on // month /$ he said he would not pa the fine. But 9-; health department issued b the legal representative of a legal document$ the document writes$ "an thing is used for smoking or other tobacco products are prohibited in public places"$ and Anthon e*cigarettes happens to have nicotine inside$ so he finall still have to pa a fine$ and a fine ma be increased to @//''. This case will be heard again on Aecember /B.

"lectronic cigarettes from mari#uana in disguise $uthorities would restrict people to buy
Toda $ electronic cigarette has more and more popular as the si2e of a pencil$ the installation of the batter of cigarettes is also regarded as substitute for conventional cigarettes cleaner. =s qiaobao network on !ctober //$ and

reports$ there are more and more people have the marijuana into electronic cigarettes or steam inside the pen$ in public if drug activities like no one1s watching. According to the report$ along with the legali2ation of marijuana in recent ears$ increasingl $ +olorado and ;ashington are recogni2ed as legal marijuana items$ more than "' other states allow used on medical marijuana or small amounts of marijuana use$ making it increasingl eas to illegal access to marijuana. Then someone invented to liquid or wa> marijuana in the electronic cigarette smoking method or steam pen. ,>perts said$ as a result of using electronic cigarettes smoke liquid or wa> marijuana does not produce special smell$ even will not produce the 5ars$ so a lot of drug addicts can drugs like no one1s watching$ ou can also rest of marijuana to easil fit into a pocket. A long*term taken cannabis on condition of anon mit $ told reporters that he was on a train from 9ew 3ork to Baltimore train full use electronic cigarette smoking marijuana$ didn1t get an attention. .rom then on$ he was glad that ?ivi 9ova ?" +learomi2er electronic cigarettes provide convenient cannabis. !n the other hand$ while adults smoked marijuana is becoming more and more accepted in some areas$ but the officials and drugs advisor said with electronic cigarettes illegal marijuana there is a ver dangerous$ especiall when teenagers astra $ or marijuana$ consequence will be unimaginable. 5anhattan ps chologist 5arianne+hai said$ with the invention of electronic cigarettes itCs harder to find the parents than in the past children were signs of drug use. And 5anhattan$ said senator %inda:osenthal teenagers use electronic cigarettes ma convenient the e>posed to more drug made last ear she had to push for a ban on selling electronic cigarettes to teenagers legislation. &n addition$ in 9ew Derse to sell electronic cigarettes to teenagers are illegal. But federal law is not to bu electronic cigarette age make an restrictions. Eolice said at the same time$ if the owner was arrested on drug charges electronic cigarettes$ so the police will have the right to search and detect whether the electronic cigarettes or steam inside the pen illegal possession of drugs. http7FFwww.a"2ecigs.comFego*ceG*clearomi2er*for*e*cigarette*G*pack*p* #/.html

Leonardo was suspected play laser pen when watching the champions league% actually smoking electronic cigarettes
Huestion7 &t is well known that laser pen is the most outrageous football all

the stands a prop. The stands in this round of the champions league$ however$ that is coming out of such a message * someone in the stands to use laser pen$ and he is a former "Titanic"$ "inception$" Holl wood star leonardo. Answer79o A7 the news comes from a picture. Eictures show$ leonardo in stand holds an item$ and this article give green light$ ver much like fans of commonl used laser pen. %eonardo is the star of the visibilit is ver high on the planet$ so his movements are attention$ "he said. This round of the champions league$ leonardo came to Earis$ sat down on the st germain against anderlecht on the audience$ and sat down behind the st germain club Eresident. The suspected in the stand to use the picture of the laser pointer$ spread quickl $ and almost all of the picture reading news$ leonardo is openl pla laser pen.

%eonardo did appear in man games$ as he had attend the "'/' ;orld +up in -outh Africa for )erman 1s match against Argentina$ however$ as an American$ he is the 9BA lakers fans$ but he does not seem to be particularl interested in football$ basic no news about he is a football fan. Besides$ this is a champions league game$ and each side is not traditional giants Barcelona and real 5adrid. Dournalists consult about leonardo1s recent news$ found that the film stars are tr ing to quit smoking. At the start of the ear$ leonardo has been photographed in Hong Kong on a store escalator smoke electronic cigarettes$ due to the public in Hong Kong electronic smoke also belong to the law$ therefore this period of video has been to Hong Kong media h ped.

After watching video$ the reporter is suddenl enlighted$ stands in Earis$ leonardo is in smoke electronic cigarettes$ because in the picture$ his hand was put before the mouth$ and with all round the whole electronic cigarettes$ should be in the secret of his smoking in the stands of uncivili2ed behavior. =nfortunatel counterproductive$ e)o %+A Batter IG'mAh electronic cigarette glowing cigarette butts all e>posed$ and leonardo is also suspected of using laser pen.

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