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ou r w hole - g ra in p or r idg es ar e gluten - f r e e, d a i r y - f r e e & non - g mo


Sw e et & Savory To ppi ngs :
C ho os e o n e o f o u r favo ri t eS

blended oats velvet amaranth creamy grits

M aple - B ourb on Ham, Cinnamon Apples & Ver mont Shar p Chedd ar 7. 9 5

M ix ed Berries, Bananas, *Culture Yogurt, Shav ed Almonds & M aple Sy rup 7.75

Ro asted Red Pepp er, C arameli zed Onion, Grilled Portob ello & B asil Pesto 7. 9 5

Shav ed Parmesan, Artichoke Hearts & White Truffle Oil 8.25

*We serve lo cal Bro oklyn Culture lowfat gre ek yogurt


w i t h 2 f r e e to p p I N G S | 6 . 9 5
( add wildflow er honey, ag av e or molasses dri zzle 0. 2 5 )

org anic butter almond butter cashew butter sharp vermont chedd ar c reamy chev re ag ed gr uyere shaved p ar mesan whipp ed mascar p one culture gre ek yogurt apricots bing cher ries c ranb er ries medjo ol d ates golden raisins blanched al monds chia se ed s cr ushed cashews cr umbled pecan s pistachios sunflow er se eds cher r y pistachio g ranola g ranny smith apple banana blueb er ries straw b er ries artichoke hearts caramelized onion f resh b asil g rilled p ortob ello roasted red peppers g rap e tomato es spiced c ran b er r y compote strawb er r y compote c innamon apples v er mont maple syr up salted d ark cho colate salted toffe e b asil pesto g arlic infused oliv e oil * white tr uff le oil (add 1. 2 5 ) chicken apple sausag e maple - b ourb on ham

Savo ry
M aple - B ourbon Ham, A g ed Gr uyere & S auteed Apples 7. 9 5


ou r gluten - f r e e & d a i r y - f r e e pr es s e d B elg i a n waf f le s a nd w ich

Croque Countess Sausage & Apple

Roasted Red Pepper, Grilled Portob ello, Basil Pesto & Chev re 7.75

Artful Veggie

Chicken Apple S ausag e, C arameli zed Onion s & Ver mont Chedd ar 7. 9 5

Ag ed Gruyere, Vermont Sharp Cheddar, Fresh Basil & Grape Tomatoes 7.75



C ashew Butter & Strawb er r y Comp ote 6.75

Cashew & Compote

Almond Butter, Wildflower Honey & Banana 6.75


Fresh Straw b er ries, Whipp ed Mascar p one, S alted Toffe e & Shaved A l mond s 7.75

Candied Strawberry

Bananas, Crushed Cashews & S alted Belgian Chocolate 7.75


Cherry Pistachio Granola, Culture Greek Yogurt, Bananas, Blueberries, Strawberries & Wildflower Honey 6.95

Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice 3.50 Mulled Apple Cider 3.50 Iced Green Tea 3 Tyr Water 2 Salted Belgian Chocolate 3/4 Hot Apple Cider 3.50/4 Think Coffee 2/2.50 Assorted Ajiri Kenyan Teas 2.25

Culture Granola Parfait

Cool Refreshments



Warm Toddies

We use only gluten-free ingredients

74 1 Union Stre et Bro okly n , N Y 11 2 15 7 18.6 2 3.6 66 8

Coffee & Tea

(Black, Ginger, Rooiboos, Green & Chamomile)

Brooklyn Porridge Co @BrooklynPorridgeCo @BklynPorridgeCo

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