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MGMT 645 Organizational Behavior and Culture Syllabus Part II Instru tor!

!s Poli ies "or so#e o$ you this %ill be your $irst e&'erien e in an online lass( )ith that in #ind* it is essential that you have a ess to and understand the o##uni ation tools needed to 'arti i'ate and turn in your assign#ents( I$ you haven!t already done so* 'lease do the $ollo%ing P+IO+ to the start o$ lass, Make sure youve gone through the Blackboard tutorial so you are COMP-.T.-/ familiar with this environment. You must have the proper software. Check your computer now to make sure you have WO ! "not Works or Word#erfect$% &'cel% and #ower #oint. Check out the technology re(uirements for all online classes. )nderstand how to save% copy% paste% send and receive files on your computer. )nderstand how your !avenport webmail account works because we %ill not be using personal email accounts in this course. *ave a back+up plan in case your computer crashes or there is a power outage. , recommend printing out the syllabus and weekly agendas so you can still work off+line. Blackboard -echnical assistance is available at .//+.00+1200 "e't 1344$ "325/$ 6o to the !) Online tab from the 7tudent #ortal and look around% especially review the information in the !)O 7tudent 7ervices channel and the !)O 8cademics channel. ,f you feel you need tutoring in a sub9ect% check out 7mart+thinking "an online tutoring service$ at http:55smartthinking.com

Co##uni ation is the key to success in an online course. -his is your chance to get involved in your learning. You will be re(uired to post your researched answers to forum topics and give thoughtful% insightful feedback to others in the course. 8s we only meet for seven weeks% this will need to take place an average of 5 out o$ 0 days a %ee1. -his is not a self+paced course; there are deadlines% after which you will lose points or your work will not be accepted. #lease review all the policies carefully and print out a copy for (uick and easy reference. 8s always% if you are having difficulties and have attempted to resolve them on your own without success% please do not hesitate to contact me so , can assist you in being successful. Co##uni ation %ith the Instru tor: <ust like you% , am not always on my computer. #lease allow a 32+hour turn+ around time for an answer to an email (uestion. , will use your !avenport email address for all your correspondence. ,t is possible to have it forwarded to another account if you wish. You may also post your (uestions that apply to the entire class in the !iscussion Board. Written assignments should be returned to you within a week of your submittal. , would suggest you always keep a backup of your work on your computer% on a disk% and as a hard copy in a folder. 8lways save all documentation until you receive that final grade. ,f you click on your score% you will be able to read my feedback "e'cept for in the discussion board$.

Co##uni ation %ith Class#ates: You are encouraged to challenge each others "and my$ ideas as long as it is done in a respectful manner "i.e. challenging ,!&87% not #& 7O>8?,-,&7$. Because of the lack of non+verbal clues% the written word can be misconstrued. ,f you feel youve been insulted or treated disrespectfully by a classmate% dont respond in anger. @irst% give the person the benefit of the doubt and ask what he or she meant by the comment. #ostings of a negative nature that drag the entire group down will not be tolerated and you may be removed from the class. #lease observe >eti(uette rules A no all capitals% no all lowercase% no flaming. 2ttendan e, ,t is recommended that you access the class 2 out of / days in each week. 7chedule your time as you would any other weekly commitment. ,f you know you will be away and unable to access the course% hand in an assignment% or participate for a period of time% please inform the instructor ahead of time via email. You may work ahead e'cept for in the discussion board. -he late policy will apply to work turned in after the due date e'cept for in e'tenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor. Computer crashes are not an e'cuseB Make sure you have a back+up plan. ,f you are planning a vacation without computer access% you may want to reconsider taking an online course at this time. -ate Poli y, 2ll ourse re3uired #aterial are due on the re3uired due date $or 4is ussion 5uestions 'ostings* e&a#s and assign#ents( -ate sub#issions %ill re eive a 6ero( >o points are awarded in the discussion board after the week has passed. ,t is like going to a party once it is over and e'pecting to converse with someone. MB2 Poli y 2ssign#ent .&tensions, It is the responsibility of students to complete all course assignments on time in accordance with the Course Calendar and Late Assignment Policies outlined in a facultys syllabus. In extreme situations where there is a scheduled professional or educational conflict that inhibits the students ability to complete an assignment by the deadline, only written contact with the faculty one ( ! wee" prior to the assignment deadline will be considered appropriate for deadline extension. #aculty must confirm in writing their receipt of the re$uest for extension. %o extension, will be granted for &iscussion 'oard participation or for the final assignment(exam. .&tra redit, no e'tra credit for this course.


Grade Calculation @orums -opics5!iscussion Week 1+/ Week 1 ,ndividual Case #ro9ect Week 1+/ 6roup Case Weekly <ournal eflection

Total 1000 =C4 points 144 points =.4 points 144 points /4 points

Grading Scale - There are 1000 points possible for all assignments. 02+144D E 8 04+0=D E 8+ ./+.0D E BF .=+.GD E B .4+.3D E B+ //+/0D E CF /=+/GD E C 4+/3D E @ 024 A 1444 points 044 A 0=0 points ./4 A .00 points .=4 A .G0 points .44 A .30 points //4 A /00 points /=4 A /G0 points 444 A /30 points

Course Instru tional Plan 7 MGMT 645 )ee1 To'i 8Cha'ters 1 ,ntroduction; ,ndividual behavior personality and values; #erception and learning in organiHations Ch. 1% 3 I = 3 Workplace emotions% attitudes I stress; &mployee motivation; 8pplied performance practices Ch.2% C% I G !ecision making I creativity; -eam dynamics; Communicating in teams and the organiHation Ch. /% .% I 0 #ower I influence in the workplace; Conflict I negotiation Ch. 14 I 11

2ssign#ents ,ntroduction -est email @orums I ,nteraction Case 7tudy #ro9ect 7election Weekly <ournal eflection @orums I ,nteraction #art 1 of #ro9ect Weekly <ournal eflection @orums I ,nteraction #art 3 of #ro9ect Weekly <ournal eflection @orums I ,nteraction #art = of #ro9ect 6roup case Weekly <ournal eflection

Points 4 4 C4 144 =4 J "/4 points total for the term$ C4 C4 J C4 C4 J C4 C4 144 J


G /

?eadership in organiHational settings; OrganiHational structure Ch. 13 I 1= OrganiHational culture; OrganiHational change Ch. 12 I 1C -erm wrap and reflection >o reading assignment.

@orums I ,nteraction #art 2 of #ro9ect Weekly <ournal eflection @orums I ,nteraction #art C of #ro9ect Weekly <ournal eflection @orums I interaction @inal #ro9ect Weekly <ournal eflection Total Points,

C4 C4 J C4 C4 J C4 144 J 1444

>ote on Weekly <ournal eflection: You will complete a weekly reflection in a designated thread in the discussion area. -his reflection will be worth /4 points total for the term and is reflected by a single grade entry in the gradebook. ,t will be updated several times throughout the term but will not be updated weekly. "or %ee1ly s hedule and tas1s8assign#ents 'lease re$er to )ee1ly Materials(

Plagiaris#, #lagiarism is using anothers work as your own. Most college courses involve some research and writing. )nfortunately% since most of us are >Oprofessional writers% we prefer the style and structure of what we are reading to our own work. -here is a temptation to cut and paste% or take full te'ts from other writers. Changing the orders of words is still plagiarism. eplacing a few words in every sentence is still plagiarism. Most instructors get a KfeelL for your writing style% your use of nuance% your vocabulary% and it is 6?8 ,>6?Y obvious when the writing you submit is not your own. While the student now has wonderful access to the internet% so does the instructor. -here are many programs that identify the piece of work from only a few phrases. ?arger than the concept of stealing is the fact that by using another persons work% YO) havent learned anything. , am hoping that your intention for getting a college degree is to improve yourself academically. -he bottom line is there are stiff penalties for plagiarism. You will get a Hero on any assignment that can be documented by -urnitin to be plagiariHed. -wo plagiariHed assignments will result in failure for the course. 8 third infraction could cause dismissal from the university. !)O keeps accurate records of plagiarism. ,f you are unsure% feel free to contact me. )niversity policy: 1. -he first offense may minimally result in failure of the assignment% test% pro9ect% or presentation. 3. -he second offense may minimally result in failure of the course in which the cheating or plagiarism has occurred. -he second offense will be documented in the students permanent file and referred to <udicial 8ffairs.

=. -he third offense may result in dismissal from the )niversity. -he third offense will be documented in the students permanent file and referred to <udicial 8ffairs.


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