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Super-Cerenkov Radiation as New Exotic Decay in Refractive Media


D. B. Ion1,2) and M. L. D. Ion3) National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering oria ulu!ei, I"IN#
Bucharest, P.$.Bo% M&#', Magurele (o)ania

*cade)y of (o)anian +cientist ,*.$.+.(.) "aculty of Physics, Bucharest -ni.ersity, Bucharest, (o)ania

&enerali/ed +u0er#1eren2o. (adiations ,+1(), as 3ell as their +1(#signatures are in.estigated. 43o general +1(#coherence conditions are found as t3o natural e%tre)es of the sa)e s0ontaneous 0articles decays in ,dielectric, nuclear or hadronic) )edia. 4he )ain results on the e%0eri)ental test of the su0er#coherence conditions, o!tained !y using the e%0eri)ental data fro) BNL, are 0resented. 4he inter0retation of the o!ser.ed ano)alous 1eren2o. rings as e%0eri)ental e.idence for the E# co)0onent of the +1( is discussed. Key words5 1eren2o. radiation, +u0er#1eren2o. effect, *no)alous 1eren2o. rings, Nuclear 0ionic 1eren2o.#li2e radiation ,NPI1(), 0article refracti.e inde%.

1 Cerenkov Radiation !CR"

4he classical theory of the radiation e)itted !y charged 0articles )o.ing 3ith su0erlu)inal .elocities 3ere traced !ac2 to ea.iside 617. In fact, ea.iside considered the 1eren2o. radiation 627 in a nondis0ersi.e )ediu). e considered this to0ic )any ti)es o.er the ne%t 28 years, deri.ing )ost of the for)alis) of 3hat is no3 called 1eren2o. radiation and 3hich is a00lied in the 0article detectors technics ,e.g., (I9 #detectors). +o, doing :ustice ,see the 0a0ers of ;aiser and <elley in Nature) to ea.iside 617 De 9oudres 637 and +o)erfeld 6=7, 3e )ust recall that the classical theory of the 9( 0heno)enon in a dis0ersi.e )ediu) 3as first for)ulated !y "ran2 and 4a)) in 1>3? 6@7. 4his theory e%0lained all the )ain features of the radiation o!ser.ed e%0eri)entally !y 1eren2o. 627 ,see "ig. 1). In fact, fro) e%0eri)ental 0oint of .ie3, the electro)agnetic 1eren2o. radiation 3as first o!ser.ed in the early 1>88As !y the e%0eri)ents de.elo0ed !y Marie and Pierre 9urie 3hen studying radioacti.ity e)ission. In essence they o!ser.ed that 0heno)enon consists fro) the very faint emission of a bluish-white light from transparent substances in the neighborhood of strong radioactive source. But the first deli!erate atte)0t to understand the origin of this light 3as )ade !y Mallet 6'7 in 1>2'#1>2>. e o!ser.ed that this light emitted by a variety of transparent bodies placed close to a radioactive source always had the same bluish-white quality, and that the spectrum was continuous, not possessing the line or band structure characteristic of fluorescence. Mallet found such an e)ission, he could not offer an e%0lanation for the nature of this 0heno)enon, !ut 3as the first to find that s0ectru) 3as continuous and e%tended to 3?88 B. e 3as the first to a00reciate the uni.ersality of this effect !ut no atte)0ted to study the 0olari/ation of this ne3 2ind of radiation. $nly the e%hausti.e e%0eri)ental 3or2, carried out !et3een years 1>3=#1>3? !y P. *. 1eren2o. 627, characteri/ed co)0letely this 2ind of radiation. 4hese e%0eri)ental data are fully consistent 3ith the classical electro)agnetic theory de.elo0ed !y ea.iside in 1CCC 617 and "ran2 and 4a)) 6@7 ,see "ig.1). In essence, it 3as re.ealed !y the ea.iside, 1eren2o., 4a)) and "ran2 that a charged 0article )o.ing in a trans0arent )ediu) 3ith an refracti.e inde%, n , and ha.ing a s0eed v1 greater than 0hase .elocity 1 of light vph = n 3ill e)it electro)agnetic radiation, called 1eren2o. radiation ,1(), at an 0olar e)ission angle C relati.e to the direction of )otion gi.en !y the relation ,3e ado0ted the syste) of units = c =1 )5

cos C =

vph , )



4he re)ar2a!le 0ro0erties of the 1eren2o. radiation find 3ide a00lications in 0ractice es0ecially in high energy 0hysics 3here it is e%tensi.ely used in e%0eri)ents for counting and identifying relati.istic 0articles 6.ia (ing I)aging 1eren2o. ,(I9 )#Detectors,e.g. see5 4. D0silantis and <. +eguinot, Nucl. Instrum. ethods ! =33, 1 ,1>>>)7 in the fields of ele)entary 0articles, nuclear 0hysics and astro0hysics. * Euantu) theoretical a00roach of the 1eren2o. effect !y &ins!urg 6?7 resulted in only )inor )odification to the classical theory 6see also the !oo2s 6C#>77. +o)e interesting discussions a!out the 0redictions and e%0eri)ental disco.ery of the 1eren2o. radiation can !e found in the 0a0ers of ;aiser 6187, <elley 6117, 4ya02in 6127 and &o.or2o. 6137. No3, the 1eren2o. radiation ,1() is the su!:ect of )any theoretical and e%0eri)ental studies related to the e%tension to the nuclear and hadronic )edia as 3ell as to other coherent 0article e)ission .ia 1eren2o.#li2e )echanis)s 61=#@'7. 4he generali/ed 1eren2o.#li2e effects !ased on four funda)ental interactions has !een in.estigated and classified recently in 6==7. In 0articular, this classification includes the nuclear ,)esonic, , 3ea2 !oson)#1eren2o.#li2e radiations as 3ell as the high energy co)0onent of the coherent 0article e)ission .ia ,!aryonic, le0tonic, fer)ionic) 1eren2o.#li2e effects..

"ig.1 * !rief history of 9eren2o. radiation 2

o3e.er, !y recent e%0eri)ental o!ser.ations of the su!threshold and ano)alous 9eren2o. radiations ,9() ,see "ig. 2a,!) as 3ell as )ulti#ring 0heno)ena it 3as clarified that so)e funda)ental as0ects of the 9( can !e considered as !eing still o0en and that )ore theoretical and e%0eri)ental in.estigations on the 9( are needed.

"ig.25 ,a) *n e%a)0le of ano)alous 9eren2o. rig o!ser.ed !y Fodo0iano. et al., 6327 9E(N +P+ accelerator, ,!) E%0eri)ental o!ser.ation 6317 at BNL of significant discre0ancy !et3een the e%0eri)ental 9eren2o. rings radii and a!solute theoretical 9(#0redictions ,solid line) are co)0ared and the 9(#hy0othesis re:ected.

# Super-Cerenkov Radiation
*s 3e already )entioned, the ne3 results a!out su!threshold 9(, ano)alous 9(#rings ,see "ig. 2) and concentric )ulti#9( rings ,see "ig.3) sti)ulated ne3 in.estigations a!out the origin of 9(#coherence condition ,see "ig. 1). 4hen, theoretical in.estigations using the 9( correct 2ine)atics lead us the disco.ery that 9( is in fact only the lo3 energy co)0onent of a )ore general 0heno)enon called !y us the +u0er#9eren2o. radiation ,+9() characteri/ed !y the +u0er#9eren2o. ,+9()#decay condition 0resented in "igs.3#=.

"ig.35 ,a) +che)atic descri0tion of +u0er#9eren2o. radiation. ,!) +che)atic descri0tion of a (I9 detector.

"ig.=5 * short 0roof of the +u0er#9eren2o. coherence condition ,2).

*s 3e see, fro) "ig. =, the +9(#condition ,2) is o!tained in a natural 3ay fro) the energy# )o)entu) conser.ation la3 3hen the influence of )ediu) on the 0ro0agation 0ro0erties of the charged 0article is also ta2en into account. . cos SC =v xph " x . v # ph $ # 1 ,2) 3here v xph , " xi ) and v xph , " xf ) are 0hase .elocities of the charged 0article % in the initial and final states, res0ecti.ely. # 1 Su$$ary of SCR-si%natures Indeed, the super-%eren&ov relation ,2) can !e easy 0ro.ed !y using the energy#)o)entu) conser.ation la3 for the GdecayH 1 2 + ,see "ig..=) to o!tain the +1(#angles as they are gi.en in "ig. @. 4he signature of the +1(#effects are sche)atically descri!ed in "ig.18. 43o co)0onents, corres0onding to 6lo3 ga))a energy and high ga))a energy7#e)issions, 3ith the orthogonal ga))a 0olari/ations, are clearly e.identiated

,a) Lo3 energy sector or 1eren2o. radiation sector ,see "ig.@, u00er 0art)5 cos SC =cos 1I= v # ph . v 1 ph cos 1I = v # ph $ v 1 Re n 1 1 ,3)

,!) igh energy or G'ourceH 1eren2o.#li2e s0ontaneous !re)sstrahlung sector ,see "ig. @, lo3er 0art)5 v 2 ph " 2 cos SC =cos 12= v 1 ph . v2 ph cos 12= 1 ,=) v1 Re n 1

"ig.@5 4he 0rinci0al signatures of the +u0er#9eren2o. (adiation ,+9(), as they are o!tained fro) the Euantu) +9(#theory, are su))ari/ed. 4he 0rinci0al +9(#!ea) ring and ano)alous +9(#ano)alous ring 6327 are also 0resented ,see +ection 2.=)

4he Euantu) theory of +1( is si)ilar to the Euantu) theory 6>7 of the usual 1eren2o. (adiation and here 3e 0resent only so)e final results for the case of # #decays of s0in J#0articles in ,dielectric, nuclear, hadronic)#trans0arent nondis0ersi.e )edia. +o, :ust as in the Euantu) 1(#theory the sa)e interaction a)iltonian fi 3ith so)e )odifications of source fields in )ediu) can also descri!e the coherent I#e)ission in all sectors ,LE and E). 4hen it is easy to see that the intensity of +u0er#9eren2o. radiation can !e 3ritten as in "ig.', 3here the s0in factor +, for a t3o !ody electro)agnetic G+9(#decayH of a s0in J #0article in )ediu) is gi.en !y5 e& . p1 e& . p 2 e& p 1 e& p2 p2 " 1 " 2 [ p 2 1 2 ,') ' 2 ] = "1 "2 "1 "2 " 1 " 2

No3, one can see that K,1#cos L+9)# ea.iside ste0 function is 1 in t3o ,or )any) 0hysical regions defined !y the constraints5 cos 2 = v 2 ph " 2 v ph 1 . 4he s0in factor + in the a!o.e for)ulas is defined :ust as in the usual 1(#Euantu) theory !ut 3ith the 0articleMs )o)entu) 0 i, iN 1,2, considered in )ediu). 4he .ector e2 is the 0hoton 0olari/ation for a gi.en 0hoton )o)entu) k. "or a gi.en k 3e choose t3o orthogonal 0hoton s0in 0olari/ation directions, corres0onding to a 0olari/ation .ector 0er0endicular and 0arallel to the +1(#decay 0lane O. 4hen, 3e o!tain the result gi.en in "ig.'. for lo3 I# energy ,LE) and high I#energy li)its, res0ecti.ely.

"ig. ' 4he )ain 0redictions of +9(#Ouantu) 4heory for the e%otic electro)agnetic decays of s0in J#0articles in nuclear, hadronic)#)edia.


# # Experi$enta& 'ests of Super-(erenkov decay condition !#" 1eren2o. radiation is e%tensi.ely used in e%0eri)ents for counting and identifying relati.istic 0articles in the fields of ele)entary 0articles, nuclear 0hysics and astro0hysics. * s0herical )irror focuses all 0hotons e)itted at 1eren2o. angle along the 0article tra:ectory at the sa)e radius on the focal 0lane as is sho3n in "ig.C. Photon sensiti.e detectors 0laced at the focal 0lane detect the resulting ring i)ages in a (ing I)aging 1eren2o. ,(I9 ) detector. +o, (I1 #counters are used for identifying and trac2ing charged 0articles. 1eren2o. rings for)ed on a focal surface of the (I1 0ro.ide infor)ation a!out the .elocity and the direction of a charged 0article 0assing the radiator. 4he 0articleMs .elocity is related to the 1eren2o. angle C 6or )ore e%actly to the +u0er#1eren2o. angle SC 7 !y the relations ,1) 6or ,2)7, res0ecti.ely. ence, these angles are deter)ined !y )easuring the radii of the rings detected 3ith the (I1 . In (ef. 6317 a C 4 ( 10 Ar 75 5 25 filled (I1 #counter read out ,!y a 188#channel 0hoto)ulti0iler of 1818 c)P acti.e area) 3as used for )easure)ent in !ea)s of the 1eren2o. ring radii for electrons, )uons, 0ions and 2aons. 4herefore, the 0ro!le) of the e%0eri)ental test of +u0er#1eren2o. coherence condition is of great

interest not only for the funda)ental 0hysics !ut also for 0ractical a00lications to the 0article detection. (ecently such a test 3as 0erfor)ed !y us 62>,387 !y using the e%0eri)ental data of De!!e et al. 6317 fro) the (ing I)aging 1eren2o. ,(I1 ) detectors o!tained at BNL. 4he results are 0resented in "ig.?.

"ig.?5 E%0eri)ental 1eren2o. ring radii of the 0articles e, Q, R, ;, o!tained !y De!!e et al. 6317 3ith (I9 detector, are co)0ared 3ith the theoretical 62>7 'uper-%eren&ov predictions ,solid cur.es ), and also 3ith the %eren&ov predictions ,dashed cur.es,)

# ) Ano$a&ous (erenkov Rin%s as i$portant Si%nature of Super-(erenkov Radiation 4he 1eren2o. radiation caused !y relati.istic lead ions 3as studied at +P+ 9E(N 6327. * !ea) of ions 3ith the energy of 1@?.? * &eF 3as going along the a%is of the 1eren2o. detector. 4he Pb 1eren2o. light e)itted in the radiator ,its length along the o0tical a%is is =8@ ))) got into the o!:ecti.e of
208 82

a 0hotoca)era after its refection in the )irror inclined under =@ degree angle relati.e to the a%is of the radiator ,see the original 0a0er 6327 for details). * !right narro3 ring of the 1eren2o. radiation seen on the 0icture in "ig.C is caused !y relati.istic lead ions. Besides, in this 0icture 3e ha.e found hardly noticea!le narro3 1eren2o. radiation rings of the 0articles flying out under s)all angles to the direction of the !ea). 4he calculation of the .elocity of these 0articles has sho3n that it corres0onds to those of 0articles )o.ing faster than the light .elocity in the .acuu).

"ig.C5 E%0eri)ental o!ser.ation 6327 of se.en ano)alous +1(#rings at 9E(N#+P+ accelerator fro) &ene.a. ,a) *n e%a)0le of ano)alous 1eren2o. ring ,ring No. ?) co)0ared 3ith the usual !ea) 1(#ring . >

4he conclusion of Fodo0iano. et al 6327 is that the large 1eren2o. radiation ring, sho3n 3ith (ing nu)!er ? in "ig. C!, corres0onds to a tachion .elocity a00ro%i)ately eEual to ) * 1.888C. 4he ring dia)eter of its radiation is a00ro%i)ately t3o ti)es larger than the ring dia)eter of the 0roton radiation at the .elocity of )otion ) + 1. 4otally, se.en rings of the ano)alous 1eren2o. radiation ha.e !een found in the three 0hotos 6327. 4he rings 3ere analy/ed !y Fodo0iano. et al. 6327 using the standard a00ro%i)ation e%0ression5 cos =1 / n # v ,?) instead 3ith the true +9( co)0lete for)ula 1 cos = ,C) n Pb " n # $ v
207 3here n Pb " is the refracti.e inde% of the lead ions 82 Pb in )ediu). 4herefore, the authors of (ef. 6@C7 o!tained in their ta!le the .alues for )n Pb instead the .alues of ) . 4herefore, the o!ser.ation of the ano)alous 1eren2o. ring can !e inter0reted as one of the )ost i)0ortant signature of the E# co)0onent of +u0er#1eren2o. radiation ,see "igs. @ and C) 0roduced !y lead ions in the radiator )ediu).

# * Astrop+ysica& i$p&ication of two-co$ponents of Super-Cerenkov radiation Detailed astro0hysical i)0lication of the ga))a +1(#0redictions is also in.estigated in our 0ro:ect ID#@2#2C3S288?. 4hen, 3e 2no3n in ad.ance that the astonishingly si)ilar character of the 0ulse 0rofile ,see that of the 9ra! Pulsar) in .ery different s0ectral regions of Pulsars can !e 3ell accounted for !y the t3o#co)0onent +u0er#1eren2o. radiations. +o, different strongly correlated ,high and lo3) +1(# !ands can !e e)itted !y the sa)e !ea) of charged 0articles si)ultaneously in the sa)e ti)e and s0ace region of a 0ulsar. 4herefore, the sa)e T0ulse 0rofileT 3ill !e o!tained as a si)0le conseEuence of the si)ultaneous e)ission of all +1(# 1eren2o.#li2e !ands. Ue also in.estigated the 0ossi!ility of +1(# e)ission fro) Pulsars in the 0a0er 62@7. +o, .ery high energy ga))a radiation ,F E&() , " # 100 GeV ) and ultrahigh energy ga))a radiations ,- E&() , " # 100 TeV ) are 0roduced !y ultra# relati.istic charged 0articles ,e.g. electrons, )uons, 0rotons, light nuclei, etc.) during their interaction 3ith a)!ient )ediu) ,ato)s, nuclei, etc.). 4hen, 3e o!tained that the +9( 0redictions are satisfied e%0eri)entally to a sur0rising accuracy !y the data fro) so)e i)0ortant F E&(S- E&( sources such as 9ra! and Fela Pulsars, 9ygnus V#3 and Fela V#1 !inary syste)s, etc. 4he astonishingly si)ilar character of the 0ulse 0rofile is also 3ell e%0lained !y the +u0er#1eren2o. t3o co)0onents )echanis) in nuclear )edia since different s0ectral 1eren2o. !ands can !e si)ultaneously 0roduced !y the sa)e !ea) of accelerated 0articles in the sa)e s0ace region of the 0ulsar. ) Mesonic 1erenkov-&ike effects in +adronic and nuc&ear $edia. 4he idea that )eson 0roduction in nuclear interactions )ay !e descri!ed as a 0rocess si)ilar to the 1eren2o. radiation has considered 61=#2@7 !y Uada ,1>=>), I.anen2o ,1>=>) Blohinte. si Inden!o) ,1>@8), 1/y/, Ericson, &lasho3 ,1>@>), +)r/ ,1>'2) si D. B. Ion.,1>'>#1>?8). "or the )any detailed results on )esonic 9eren2o.#li2e effect see (efs.61@,1',28,2C,337 and the results fro) "ig.> . 4he classical .ariant of the theory of the )esonic 1eren2o.#li2e radiation in hadronic )edia 6217 3as a00lied to the study of single )eson 0roduction in the hadron#hadron interactions at high energy. 4his .ariant is !ased on on the usual assu)0tion that hadrons are co)0osed fro) a central core ,in 3hich the hadron )ass is concentrated surrounded !y a large and )ore difuse )esonic cloud. ,hadronic )ediu)). 4hen it 3as sho3n 61@,1',28,2C,337 that a hadronic mesonic 1eren&ov-li&e radiation , M1() )echanis) ,see 61@,1',28,2C,337), 3ith an )esonic refracti.e inde% in hadronic )ediu) gi.en !y 0ole a00ro%i)ation, is a!le to descri!e 3ith high accuracy the integrated cross section of the single )eson 0roduction in the hadron#hadron interactions. 4o illustrate these i)0ortant results in "ig. 2! 3e 0resented the )easured integrated cross section for the 0rocess5 pp pp , 0 co)0ared 1@,1',28,2C,337 3ith the 0rediction of )esonic 1eren2o.#li2e

radiation , M1(#)echanis)). 4his result 3as .ery encouraging for the e%tension of the 1eren2o.#0ions analysis , M1(#.ariant) to all 0rocesses of single )eson 0roduction in hadron#hadron interaction. 4he results of such analyses are 0resented in our 0a0ers 61@,1',28,2C,3377. 9ollecting - 2 / dof for all 13> reactions fitted 3ith the M1( a00roach 61@,1',28,2C,337 3e o!tained the sur0rising results 0resented in "ig. >!.

,i% -. E%0eri)ental e.idences for 9eren2o. )esons in hadronic )edia. ,a) )easured integrated cross section for the 0rocess pp pp , 0 co)0ared 61@7 3ith the 0rediction of )esonic 9heren2o.#li2e radiation in hadronic )edia , M9(#)echanis)). ,!) 4he collection of - 2 / dof for all 13> reactions fitted 3ith the M9( a00roach 61@,28,2C7.4he !lac2en region corres0ond to the reactions 3ith single .ector )eson e)ission, 3hile the 3hite region corres0ond to the 0seudoscar single )eson 0roduction .ia M9(#)ecanis).

In 1>>8#1>>>@, 3e ha.e e%tended 61>,21#2@77 these ideas to the nuclear )edia 3here the 0ionic ,NPI1() and ga))a 1eren2o. radiation ,N&1() should !e 0ossi!le to !e e)itted fro) charged 0articles )o.ing through nuclei 3ith a .elocity larger than the 0hase .elocity of 0hotons orSand 0ions in the nuclear )edia. 4he refracti.e indices of the ga))a , n # ), )eson , n , ), nucleon , n N ), 3as calculated !y using "oldy#La% for)ula 63=7 and the e%0eri)ental 0ion#nucleon cross sections co)!ined 3ith the dis0ersion relations 0redictions, the refracti.e inde% of 0ions in the nuclear )edia has !een calculated 61>,21#2@7. 4hen, the detailed 0redictions for the s0ontaneous 0ion e)ission as nuclear 0ionic 1eren2o. radiation ,NPI1() inside the nuclear )ediu) are o!tained and 0u!lished in (efs. 61>,21#2@7. Moreo.er, it is i)0ortant to note that in 1>>>, &.L.&ogi!erid/e, E.;. +ar2isyan and L.;. &elo.ani 62'7 0erfor)ed the first e%0eri)ental test of the 0ionic 1eren2o.#li2e effect ,NPI1() in Mg#Mg collisions at =.3 &eFScSnucleon !y 0rocessing the 0ictures fro) 2) +trea)er 9ha)!er +;M#288. +o, after 0rocessing

a total of 1=21C e.ents, 3hich 3ere found to )eet the centrality criterion, the follo3ing e%0eri)ental results are o!tained5 4he energy distri!ution of e)itted 0ions in the central collisions ha.e a significant 0ea2 ,=.1 standard de.iations o.er the inclusi.e !ac2ground) ,see "ig. 18).
4he .alue of the 0ea2 energy and its 3idth are

" m =[ 2383 stat 8 syst ] MeV . , =[ 183 stat 5 syst ] MeV +o, they o!tained a good agree)ent 3ith the 0osition and 3idth of the first 0ionic 9eren2o.#li2e !and 0redicted !y D.B.Ion and U. +toc2er in ref. 62@7.

"ig. 185 E%0eri)ental e.idences for NPI1(#0ions in the first 0ionic#+1( !and.0redicted in (ef. 62@7.

* Su$$ary and Conc&usions

By the recent e%0eri)ental o!ser.ations of the su!threshold and ano)alous 1eren2o. radiations ,1() ,see "igs. 2a,!) as 3ell as )ulti#ring 0heno)ena it 3as clarified that so)e funda)ental as0ects of the 1( can !e considered as !eing still o0en and that )ore theoretical and e%0eri)ental in.estigations are necessary. 4hen, theoretical in.estigations using the 1( correct 2ine)atics lead us the disco.ery that 1( is in fact only the lo3 energy co)0onent of a )ore general 0heno)enon called !y us the +u0er#1eren2o. radiation ,+9() characteri/ed !y the +u0er#1eren2o. ,+1()#decay condition 0resented in "igs.3#=. cos 'C =v # ph . v xph 1 $ur theoretical in.estigations sho3n that the +1(#0heno)enon includes in an unified 3ay 5 ,i) &a))a#1eren2o. radiation including su!threshold 1( ,see "igs. @#',,/"0-component)W ,ii) GParticle sourceH 1eren2o.#li2e effect ,see "ig.@#', 1"-component)W ,iii) *no)alous 1eren2o. radiation ,secondary ano)alous +1(#rings).

4he e%0eri)ental test of this +1(#coherence relation, near the usual 1eren2o. threshold, 3as 0erfor)ed 62>7 !y using the data of De!!e et al. 6317 on 1eren2o. ring radii of electrons, )uons, 0ions and 2aons in a (I9 detector. (esults on this e%0eri)ental test of the su0er#coherence conditions are 0resented in "ig ?. 4hese +1(#0redictions are .erified e%0eri)entally 3ith high accuracy5 X2SdofN1.=?. 4he o!ser.ation of the ano)alous 1eren2o. rings 6327 3as inter0reted as one of the )ost i)0ortant signature of the E#co)0onent of +u0er#1eren2o. radiation ,as sho3n in "ig.C) 0roduced !y lead ions in the radiator )ediu). 4he o!ser.ed +9(#angles 6 SC 2 3.1 degree7 !et3een the lead 0ath3ay and the !ea) direction are consistent 3ith the constant 0hase .elocity of the final lead in the radiator )ediu), for all ano)alous rings 1,2,3,?. "inally, 3e re)ar2 that ne3 and accurate e%0eri)ental )easure)ents of the 1eren2o. ring radii, as 3ell as for the ano)alous E#co)0onent of +1( are needed Acknow&ed%$ents 4his research 3as su00orted !y 9N9+I+ under contract ID#@2#2C3S288?.

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