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JAS Team January 2011

Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013

Table of Contents
Confidentiality Agreement 1) E e!"ti#e S"mmary $) Com%any De&!ri%tion Promoters, shareholders and Board Advisors Products and services Long Term Aim of Business Objectives S.W.O.T. Anal sis ') (ar)et Analy&i& Target mar!et Total mar!et valuation Targeted share #ar!et trends Profile of com$etitors %om$etitive advantage Benefits to clients ii 1 $ 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' " " " " " & &

*) (ar)eting+Sale& Strategy 'ncome sources #ar!eting strateg Pricing Advertising and Promotion Sales Strategy ,) Re&ear!- . De#elo%ment Patents, co$ rights and brands Product+Service ,evelo$ment -., 0) Staffing and O%eration& #anagement Organisation %harts Staffing Training Plans O$erations /) 2inan!ial Pro3e!tion& 0e Assum$tions Profit and Loss Accounts Balance Sheets %ashflo3 Projections 1) Sale& Pi%eline 4) 2"nding Re5"irement& 16) A%%endi!e&

, ( ( ( ( ) / * * * 1 / / / / 4 12 11 12 1" 1* 1, 10

This document is the proprietary property of JAS Provider Services Copyin! or other"ise distri#utin! the information contained herein is a #reach of confidentiality a!reement

Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013

Confidentiality Agreement
7-e "nder&igned reader a!)no8ledge& t-at t-e information %ro#ided in t-i& 9"&ine&& %lan i& !onfidential: t-erefore; t-e reader agree& not to di&!lo&e it 8it-o"t t-e e %re&& 8ritten %ermi&&ion of JAS Pro#ider Ser#i!e& It i& a!)no8ledged 9y t-e reader t-at information to 9e f"rni&-ed in t-i& 9"&ine&& %lan i& in all re&%e!t& !onfidential in nat"re; ot-er t-an information t-at i& in t-e %"9li! domain t-ro"g- ot-er mean&; and t-at any di&!lo&"re or "&e of t-i& !onfidential information 9y t-e reader may !a"&e &erio"& -arm or damage to JAS Pro#ider Ser#i!e& U%on re5"e&t; t-i& do!"ment i& to 9e immediately ret"rned to JAS Pro#ider Ser#i!e& <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Signat"re <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name =%rinted) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Date 7-i& i& a 9"&ine&& %lan> It doe& not im%ly offering of &e!"ritie&>

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


Executive Summary

?? Introd"!e %romoter& -ere; and t-e rea&on yo" are no8 %re%aring t-i& B"&ine&& Plan> 7-i& &e!tion &-o"ld not 9e !om%leted "ntil t-e 9"&ine&& %lan i& 8ritten> It 8ill -ig-lig-t all mile&tone& in t-e !om%any@& de#elo%ment o#er t-e ne t fi#e year&> It &-o"ld &"m "% t-e follo8ing area&A

P"r%o&e of t-e %lan Prod"!t or &er#i!e and it& ad#antage& (ar)et o%%ort"nity (anagement team 7ra!) re!ord; if any 2inan!ial %ro3e!tion& 2"nding re5"irement&

2inan!ial %ro3e!tion& &-o"ld 9e &"mmari&ed and -ig-lig-ted> 7-e follo8ing format i& &"gge&ted a& a g"ideA

Year 1 Sales Ex orts !et Profit before Tax "nvestment Em loyment

Year 2

Year 3

Remem9er t-at %otential in#e&tor& often ma)e a %ro#i&ional 3"dgement 9a&ed on t-e e e!"ti#e &"mmary; and t-at t-eir de!i&ion to read t-e main 9ody of t-e 9"&ine&& %lan 8ill de%end on t-e information %re&ented -ere> 7-e a%%endi!e& at t-e 9a!) of t-e %lan !ontain more detailed information to &"%%ort t-e main te t of t-e 9"&ine&& %lan> BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


Com any #escri tion

Promoters and S$are$olders ?? De&!ri%tion of t-e %eo%le in#ol#ed in &tarting t-e 9"&ine&&A Promoter& (anagement &tr"!t"re and area& of re&%on&i9ility S-are-older& name&; no> of &-are&; C &-are-olding and !a&- in#e&tment to date

Advisors ?? 2inan!ial; legal; and ot-er ad#i&or& &-o"ld 9e li&ted; 8it- name&; addre&&e& and !onta!t detail&> BB Products and services ?? E %lain !learly 8-at yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e i& and 8-at it doe&> Ba!)gro"nd to it& de#elo%ment Benefit& and 2eat"re& Uni5"e &elling %oint& Ad#antage& to !"&tomer& Di&ad#antage& or 8ea) %oint& 2"t"re de#elo%ment& BB

%ong Term Aim of t$e &usiness ?? State t-e longDterm aim of t-e ne8 9"&ine&&> BB 'b(ectives ?? State t-e &%e!ifi! mile&tone& to 9e a!-ie#ed 9y t-e !om%any o#er t-e ne t fi#e year& =&ale&; e %ort&; em%loyment; %rod"!t de#elo%ment; et!)> BB S)'T Analysis ?? Analy&e t-e &trengt-& and 8ea)ne&&e& of t-e 9"&ine&& and %rod"!t or &er#i!e; t-e o%%ort"nitie& t-at e i&t in t-e mar)et%la!e; and t-e t-reat& to t-e #ia9ility of t-e %ro3e!t> 7-i& i& 9e&t done in a matri diagram a& follo8&A Strengt$s ' ortunities BB )ea*nesses T$reats

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


+ar*et Analysis

?? 7-i& &e!tion !o#er& mar)et re&ear!- and !om%etitor analy&i&> Eo" m"&t &-o8 t-at yo" -a#e done t-e mar)et re&ear!- to 3"&tify t-e %ro3e!tion& made in yo"r 9"&ine&& %lan> It m"&t demon&trate t-at t-ere i& a #ia9le mar)et and t-at yo" !an 9eat t-e !om%etition in t-e mar)et for &ale&> BB Target +ar*et ?? 7-e mar)et to 8-i!- yo" are %lanning to &ell t-e %rod"!t or &er#i!e> Analy&e t-e &egment& of t-i& mar)et a& follo8&A SiFe of ea!- mar)et &egment I& t-e &egment gro8ing or de!liningG C-ara!teri&ti!& of %otential !"&tomer& in ea!- &egment BB

Total +ar*et ,aluation ?? S-o8 t-e total %otential #al"e of t-e mar)et for t-i& ty%e of %rod"!t or &er#i!e; in all t-e targeted mar)et&; dome&ti! and international> BB Target Com any revenue ?? 7-e&e fig"re& are t-e 9a&i& for t-e &ale& fig"re& in yo"r finan!ial %ro3e!tion& and m"&t 9e 9a&ed on reali&ti! a&&e&&ment&> In!l"de a#erage deal &iFe; lengt- of &ale& !y!le; re!"rring re#en"e&BB +ar*et Trends ?? Analy&e 8-at i& -a%%ening in t-e mar)etA Re!ent !-ange& 2"t"re %redi!tion& Dri#er& &"!- a& demogra%-i! !-ange&; e!onomi! and legi&lati#e fa!tor& Im%li!ation& for yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e Eo"r %lan& to meet f"t"re demand& and !-ange& in t-e mar)et BB

Profile of Com etitors ??Analy&i& of yo"r !om%etitor& in t-e mar)etA H-at are t-e !om%eting %rod"!t& and &er#i!e&G Profile of )ey %layer& =!om%any &iFe; t"rno#er; %rofita9ility et!) and t-eir mar)et &-are Ad#antage& and di&ad#antage& of t-e !om%etitor&@ offering& BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013

Com etitive Advantage ?? 7-i& i& yo"r a&&e&&ment of 8-y %otential !"&tomer& 8ill !-oo&e to 9"y yo"r %rod"!t in %la!e of t-o&e %rofiled a9o#e> Ad#antage& may in!l"deA Uni5"e feat"re& Pri!e Ne8 te!-nologie& or &y&tem& Better #al"e to !"&tomer& in term& of effi!ien!y or ROI or !o&t+9enefit ratio& Ireater !om%ati9ility 8it- e i&ting &y&tem& In!l"de any inde%endent #alidation or !a&e &t"die& BB &enefits to Clients ?? 7-i& i& 8-at yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e %ro#ide& to %otential !"&tomer& in term& of t-eir o8n 9"&ine&& goal&> Doe& yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e ena9le t-em toA In!rea&e &ale& In!rea&e effi!ien!ie& Sa#e moneyG Sa#e timeG (a imi&e re&o"r!e&G Red"!e error&G Red"!e do8ntimeG Im%ro#e C"&tomer Ser#i!e; red"!e !-"rn; in!rea&e loyalty

H-at 8ill 9"ying yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e a!t"ally do for t-e !"&tomerG BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


+ar*eting.Sales Strategy

?? 7-i& &e!tion &et& o"t yo"r &trategie& for rea!-ing yo"r target mar)et; aro"&ing t-eir intere&t in yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e; and a!t"ally deli#ering t-e %rod"!t or &er#i!e to t-em in &ale&> BB +ar*eting Strategy ?? Jo8 yo" 8ill %o&ition yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e in t-e mar)et and differentiate it from it& !om%etitor&A H-i!- &egment& of t-e mar)et 8ill 9e targeted fir&t and 8-yG Jo8 8ill t-i& 9e de#elo%ed to rea!- t-e f"ll target mar)etG Jo8 8ill yo" differentiate yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!eG H-at )ey 9enefit& 8ill 9e -ig-lig-tedG H-at %otential !"&tomer& -a#e yo" already targetedG Ja#e yo" a te&t &ite in o%eration; and 8-at feed9a!) i& !oming from t-i&G H-at !onta!t& !an 9e "&ed to generate mar)et a8arene&& and &ale&G H-o 8ill do t-e mar)etingA &taff; agen!y; re%&G BB

/evenue Sources ?? H-at !ontri9"tion& to re#en"e and %rofit 8ill yo"r 9"&ine&& -a#eG
Irl EU US Re&t Horld of

Prod"!t& Ser#i!e& Li!en!e& After &ale& U%grade&

Sales Strategy ?? Jo8 yo" 8ill &ell yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e to t-e target mar)et> Dire!tly Retail Di&tri9"tor Agent Sale& re% He9&ite Re#en"e S-aring Partner&

Analy&e for ea!- met-od t-e !o&t& in#ol#ed; 8-et-er it 8ill rea!- t-e intended mar)et effi!iently; t-e !ontrol yo" 8o"ld retain o#er t-e %ri!ing and %o&itioning; t-e logi&ti!&; and t-e o#erall integration 8it- yo"r mar)eting &trategy> State t-e ad#antage& of t-e met-od& yo" -a#e !-o&en to &ell yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e> BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013

?? Jo8 yo" 8ill &et t-e %ri!e !-arged for yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e> Con&ideration& in!l"deA Com%etitor&@ %ri!e& Le#el of !om%etition in t-e mar)et Per!e%tion of 5"alityD%ri!e relation&-i% 9y !"&tomer& Prod"!tion !o&t& and o#er-ead& C-ain of di&tri9"tion and t-e addedD#al"e at ea!- &tage 7-e e tent to 8-i!- t-e 9"yer !an !ontrol t-e %ri!e

State -o8 ea!- %rod"!t or &er#i!e 8ill 9e %ri!ed; referring to t-e in!ome &o"r!e& a9o#e> BB +ar*eting and Communications Strategy ?? Jo8 yo" 8ill %romote yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e in t-e mar)et%la!e> Ad#erti&ing K 8-ere; 8-en; -o8; to 8-om P"9li! relation& Dire!t mar)eting He9&ite and internet mar)eting E -i9ition& and !onferen!e& Hord of mo"t- BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


/esearc$ and #evelo ment

Tec$nology /oadma ?? S-o8 t-e intended f"t"re de#elo%ment of yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!e; i>e>; !-ange& to meet f"t"re mar)et demand&; ada%tation& to international mar)et&; or "%grade&> Al&o detail %lan& for ne8 %rod"!t& or &er#i!e& to add to t-e range> In!l"de 7eam+De%artment &tr"!t"re (et-odology Platform& "&ed (ile&tone& to 9e a!-ie#ed Sy&tem O#er#ie8 DiagramBB /esearc$ and #evelo ment ?? Indi!ate 8-et-er yo" 8ill -a#e ongoing R.D a& an a!ti#ity of t-e !om%any; 8-at area& t-i& 8ill 9e e %loring and 8-at f"t"re !ontri9"tion& to t-e !om%any yo" e %e!t from t-i& re&ear!-> BB Tec$nical Partners ?? Li&t all %artner& and indi!ate nat"re of in#ol#ement BB "P1 Patents1 Co yrig$ts1 &rands ?? Indi!ate any %rote!tion a#aila9le for yo"r %rod"!t or &er#i!eA 8-et-er t-e te!-nology !an 9e or -a& 9een %atented; 8-et-er yo" !an a#ail of !o%yrig-t or trademar) regi&tration; and t-e 9rand image yo" intend to 9"ild "% a& a %rote!tion again&t !om%etition> BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


Staffing and ' erations

?? 7-i& i& 8-ere yo" 8ill o"tline t-e intended &tr"!t"re of t-e !om%any in term& of management; n"m9er of em%loyee&; and t-e %-y&i!al o%erational re5"irement& to %rod"!e or &"%%ly t-e %rod"!t or &er#i!e> BB +anagement 3including &oard4 'rganisation C$art ?? In!l"de a diagram of t-e 8ay in 8-i!- t-e management of t-e ne8 #ent"re 8ill 9e organi&ed> 7-i& &-o"ld &-o8 t-e area& of re&%on&i9ility of ea!- manager and t-e em%loyee& to 9e ta)en on o#er t-e ne t t-ree year&> BB Staffing ?? State 8-at em%loyee& 8ill 9e ta)en on o#er t-e ne t t-ree year&; 8it- 8-i!&)ill&; in 8-i!- area& of t-e 9"&ine&&> BB Training Plans ?? O"tline t-e %lanned em%loyee and management de#elo%ment to 9e "nderta)en in order to maintain a &)illed 8or)for!e> 7-i& &-o"ld al&o tie in 8itt-e f"t"re mar)et de#elo%ment& and any ne8 %rod"!t or &er#i!e de#elo%ment&> BB ' erations ?? State t-e %-y&i!al re5"irement& of t-e 9"&ine&&A Premi&e& E5"i%ment Prod"!tion fa!ilitie& Infra&tr"!t"re Comm"ni!ation& fa!ilitie& Co&t& in#ol#ed S"%%lier& BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


6inancial Pro(ections
Ley A&&"m%tion& Profit and Lo&& A!!o"nt& Balan!e S-eet& Ca&-flo8 % % % %

/e7uirements for Pre aration of Pro(ections 1> O%ening fig"re& in!l"ded 9a&ed on late&t (gmt+A"dited a!!o"nt& $> S-are-older& 2"nd analy&ed into S-are Ca%ital; Premi"m and Retained Profit& S-are

'> Sale& A&&"m%tion& %ro#ided 9y "nit; %ri!e &egment . geogra%-y and re!on!iled to %i%eline *> E %endit"re !ategori&ed into R.D; Admin and O#er-ead& and Promoter& + )ey manager& &alarie& ,> Identifi!ation of mont-ly o%erational defi!it& and !"m"lati#e !om%any

0> Sen&iti#ity analy&i& may 9e re5"ired; detailing &trategie& to 9e im%lemented if &ale& or e %endit"re target& are not met> /> Pro3e!tion& &-o"ld identify &e%arately O%erational Ca&2lo8 and e ternal Ca&- In3e!tion&

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JAS Provider Services 2011-2013

%ey Assumptions

?? 7-i& &e!tion re#ie8& t-e )ey a&&"m%tion& "&ed in t-e finan!ial %ro3e!tion&> It i& a g"ide to e %lain -o8 )ey fig"re& in t-e finan!ial %ro3e!tion& 8ere arri#ed at> In!l"ded -ere &-o"ld 9e item& &"!- a&A In!ome &o"r!e& N"m9er of em%loyee& %ro3e!ted for ea!- year and t-eir intended &alarie& Pro3e!ted in#e&tment in e5"i%ment and material& Pro3e!ted R.D !o&t& De%re!iation allo8ed for E %e!ted rent and rate& !-arge& Creditor day& e %e!ted and de9tor day& allo8ed E %en&e !al!"lation&

7-i& &e!tion &-o"ld 9e 9rief and to t-e %oint> 2"rt-er detail regarding t-e&e item& !an 9e %la!ed in t-e A%%endi!e&> BB

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JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


Profit & &oss Accounts

?? Atta!- -ere %ro3e!ted %rofit and lo&& a!!o"nt& for t-e fir&t t-ree year& of t-e !om%any@& o%eration&> BB

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JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


'alance Sheets

?? Atta!- -ere %ro3e!ted 9alan!e &-eet& for t-e fir&t t-ree year& of t-e !om%any@& o%eration&> BB

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Strictly Private & Confidential

JAS Provider Services 2011-2013



?? Atta!- -ere a mont-ly !a&-flo8 %redi!tion for t-e fir&t t8o year& of t-e !om%any@& o%eration&> BB

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JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


Sales Pi eline
SiFe of Deal Date PO e %e!ted Pro9a9ility C Ietting Sale of

7a9le a& follo8&A Name of C"&tomer

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JAS Provider Services 2011-2013


6unding /e7uirements

?? State -ere t-e total f"nding re5"irement& of t-e 9"&ine&&; and -o8 t-o&e are intended to 9e %ro#ided> Eo" 8ill al&o need to &tate t-e a%%ro imate 9rea)do8n of -o8 t-e&e f"nd& are to 9e &%ent> Sources: Promoter&@ f"nd& Ban) lending Irant& or loan& from agen!ie& In#e&tment already re!ei#ed In#e&tment &o"g-t

/e7uired for: E5"i%ment R.D (ar)eting Staffing BB

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Application for Start-up Entrepreneur Programme 9. A endices

?? 7-i& &e!tion i& "&ed to %ro#ide t-e detailed data on 8-i!- t-e main te t of t-e 9"&ine&& %lan i& 9a&ed; and to %ro#ide e tra information of intere&t to t-e reader& of t-e 9"&ine&& %lan> Item& for in!l"&ion in a%%endi!e& #ary from 9"&ine&& to 9"&ine&&; 9"t normally in!l"de &ome of t-e follo8ingA Promoter&@ CV& Detailed finan!ial a&&"m%tion& (o&t re!ent Com%any A"dited A!!o"nt& S-are Ca% ta9le and In#e&tment -i&tory 7erm S-eet from Potential In#e&tor& Detailed mar)et re&ear!- finding& Promotional literat"re Prod"!t or &er#i!e information Detail& of !om%any 8e9&ite 7e&timonial& or letter& of intent from !"&tomer& BB

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