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Artyukhov N


This book is the spiritual revelation for people with homosexual and bisexual orientation that will help them to come to God. Information containing in the book is the newest esoteric psychoanalysis of homosexuality opening the cosmic, energetic and psychological reasons of the given condition. The reader will know about why such phenomenon appeared on the Earth, what extraterrestrial civilizations participated in its creation, comprehends the esoteric and theosophical side of homosexuality staying completely unopened until the present day. The doctrine is not just the theoretical statement of psychologist or philosopher thoughts but the cosmic information created by the highest providence of one of the greatest mystics of the present. The book author surely can be called the originator of esoterics and theosophy for homosexuals and bisexuals. I want to point that while talking about homosexuality I also mean bisexuality and therefore heterosexuality. But because homosexual tendencies are mainly suppressed and incomprehensible in modern society I decided to pay most attention in this book to the explanation of this condition.

Cosmic and esoteric reasons of homosexuality origin Nowadays with the activation process of homosexual tendencies in modern society appears multiple versions of the given condition appearance. The scientists learning the peculiarities of this state could find the origins of such behavior in animals, studied the distinguishing genetics peculiarities, size of hypothalamus and various things that according to their mind can answer for the appearance reasons of this psyche peculiarity. But among them can hardly meet the mentioning of cosmic (energetic), karmical (karma) and egregor (collective group ming) parameters of appraisal. We will talk about it in this book.

I call homosexuality the condition because in reality from my point of view there aren't any psychic or physical deviations. And all these things are just the various conditions types caused by the change from the main criterion to the side of plus or minus accepted by the society as etalon or similar to the ideal at the given moment of time. Arguing on the higher level we start to comprehend that by the means of the given states Higher Forces develop the human soul at her presence in the psychical body for monad of individual to take the definite set of qualities. But in the previous book I used the term deviation at description of depression, schizophrenia and other peculiarities of human psyche because to the physical and psychical conditions is liable in this or that measure all humankind thats why the given name wont be discarding with their perception. Its quite another matter when it concerns the sexual, religious, ethnical and social aspects where each group can feel herself discriminated or dominating in relation to other similar unifications in one or some from above-listed principles or any other the sense of which concludes in humanity separation on separate subdivisions. Lets now look at the list of energetic-information, karmic and social reasons got by me as a result of telepathic channeling with the cosmic Force studying the homosexuality in the human society. Energetic-information and karmic reasons: 1) soul of individual incarnated in Lemuria (at the time when the beings were unisexual) or in Atlantis (when already appeared the differentiation in sexual signs, but the homosexual relations used in the aims of the definite ceremonials realization); 2) soul of individual came from the cosmic worlds of humanoid or energetic type, where was the absence in sexual sign, and therefore for the given individual there is no concept of male and female gender (the phenomenon of bisexuality); 3) soul of individual incarnated in Rome, Egypt of the far past where the homosexual contact was present as the experiment of creation of definite types energies appearing at its realization; 4) soul was incarnating for a long time in the womans body (usually during some in carnations) but in the present incarnation got the male body; 5) soul of individual ought to work in this incarnation over the definite important problem for the society in the areas of art (for instance, pictures and poetry), science and dont have any ti me for family creation (usually in these cases met the individuals which have the similar aspirations of information character); But the given fact is not characteristic only for homosexual orientation and can happen between male and female. However in both cases the given condition often characterizes as the reluctance to have children although this parameter is not obligatory too; 6) this condition is given to pious for him for the account of sublimation and guilt feeling to start to develop in himself such qualities as charity, compassion, love to fellow creature; In this case is shown the explicit example of how with the assistance of various human conditions to form his perception to the side free from any forms of sexual interaction and directed on spirituality development. Its necessary to understand that the truthful aim of all sexual relations concludes in souls unification and/or child upbringing but not in any amusements independent of sexual orientation. However at the present moment this state is practically impossible for multiple of people however we have to tend to it. Then will disappear many contradictions connected with the sexual sphere because all people will comprehend the purpose of this mechanism given to them by God. But its necessary to understand that some spiritual teachers, scientists or other individuals could achieve it because of sublimation and complete suppression or the initial absence.

However in some cases forms of sexual interaction are transferred to the creativity level out of dependence from homosexual or heterosexual human orientation. 7) individual starts to create masterpieces in view of pictures, novels, poems where is reflected his internal spiritual struggle and its transference on the level of gracious works, the fight of spiritual and psychical principles and many other; Nowadays appeared some works of filmography and art where, for instance, is shown the priest and his inside struggle with own inclinations of various origin. From one side it can be shown that this comprehension doesnt accord with the religious world-perception but in some cases it makes individual deeper penetrate into internal sense of religion and to be inspired with the love to God played the positive role in the development of human soul. Thus own aspect of struggle with sin (and even the temporal defeat that makes the human to suffer even more) can bear not only the negative character as many people think but also give the profit to the soul development of the human (that was discussed above) as well as to the people surrounding him (for example, to change the feeling of rude disgust to the neutral compassion and comprehension). 8) souls of two people have the energetic and informational connection coming from past incarnations that appears in their present life independent from their male or female psychical body; In the given case both individuals can feel to each other strong spiritual and physical inclination. However in some cases the memory of one of them can be blocked. Its obligatory to mention that the love to other person on the high level can appear on spiritual plan without including the element of physical intimacy. The love to country, humankind, Earth, Universe can be achieved in reality in most beautiful and high forms. But sometimes it happens on the contrary that on the definite stage human needs more material form of love for perceiving her sacral spiritual sense because in this case happens the unification of energetic centers of given individuals. This type of love can include the sexual act but also can happen on the level of spiritual harmony, tantra lessons and minimal physical interaction (kisses, hugs). The second variant tends to the spiritual love activation to other human in larger grade than the first one. 9) souls of two individuals had the strong energetic connection when they were in the thin plan in the period between physical incarnations and which appears in their life independent of the male and female gender; This point in its semantic meaning is close to the previous one but the main difference concludes in the point that in the given case cosmic Forces leading these souls permitted them to take combined development program at embodiment into the physical reality. In the first case the connection comes from the past incarnations on the earth plan but isnt connected with the souls manifestation in the thin world. 10) individual has got in the childish age the strong stress factor that caused on the subconscious level the fear and uncertainty in his relation to the opposite sex; This factor was fully enough described by Z.Freud, but in his case the emphasis was made on unconsciousness. But it isnt still explained in what energetic strata it is contained because in this sense the term of unconsciousness isnt the abstraction. In reality the given stress factor usually hit the astral body but in some cases it can touch even higher bodies. What concerns the own soul here is the speech probably not about the soul wounds but about the disturbance of connection between the monad and thin bodies as a result of enrolment of low and negative energies by the energetic bodies. In some cases if the individual reaches the high grade of compassion, charity and love as a result of own sufferings of the high level (until the buddhi level the body of deep truthful values), that in this case the experience can be enrolled in soul

matrix. But the own fact of enrollment of the earth experience in monad happens only in according stages of human life when happens the deep analysis by the Sky Teacher (the Highest Mind leading, assisting and directing the human) of the life program of individual on the given incarnation. 11) individual although his homosexual or bisexual orientation negates in himself such aspirations that can lead him to the intensive suppression of other people with the clear presence of these qualities; The catastrophic circumstances of the given situation (especially at the global scale) is wellknown from annals of history. For instance A.Hitler as a result of suppression in himself the given qualities started the mass destruction of homosexuals. Most probably the similar aspiration happened in his case with Jews as the wish to suppress in himself the Jewish appearance and partly the origin. It's necessary to mention that those who show strong hate to homosexuality usually couldn't get over this aspiration themselves and simply suppressed it artificially. If the individual could overcome his wish that he will have the strong neutrality that could include some disgust to the physiological process of sexual act (especially, if it includes various perversions). But it wouldn't cause his wish to discriminate such people that will mean the presence of the cosmic consciousness that allows to come to all phenomena in the world from totally renewed position 12) the assumption of much amount of cosmic energy that is not balanced with the earthly type of energy; It often happens with people, strange as it may seem, connected with spirituality, religiosity, esoterics. The reason is that for them the sexual contact is the possibility not to come away from the earthly plan as a result of assumption of large quantity of cosmic energy that is too much for the psychical body. The other question concludes in why the homosexual act often uses for these purposes. The matter is that the given type of energies because of its low types of vibrations serves as the mechanism of grounding at very strong satiety of cosmic energies. However for the support of balance between earthly and cosmic energies in human there are other ways that are not connected with sex. For instance, the perception of Earth energy through low chakras, the usage of food with visualization of earthly energies' filling and other methods of similar kind.. It's necessary to differ a love of one human to another and various forms of perversions connected with the sexual plan (pedophilia, group sex and other kinds of similar type). Although the given perversions are present both in heterosexual and homosexual cases but in some parameters they are supervised oftener in last variant (for instance, the absence of wife or children as the restrictive factor). Therefore the given differentiation is extremely important because if the human in the adult age chooses his belonging that here the choice is usually conscious (the exception is the definite tendencies in society caused by group influence). The given fact can terribly influence childish psyche that can artificially cause fear, phobia and caused sexual orientation ( that means that individual after definite interaction in childhood can be exposed to artificial tendencies being unplanned at first). Thus after reading this information every human will think about his karma once more because such actions can be dangerous not only for physical body but also for human soul. Egregoric (social group) reasons: 1) the human is under influence of huge egregore (group energetic unification) that unites in itself the individuals having definite similar aspirations of energetic and information character; Especially the given fact concerns egregores connected with huge meetings and rallies with huge amount of people. In such cases individual can have other religious, political, sexual orientation

but under the influence of friends and acquaintances can also enter the given egregore differing from his own purposes but not straightly discord to his soul. Usually it concerns the souls that hasn't yet achieved enough level on which the main criterion of choice will be the own will and patience of individual soul. 2) the person for long time (for instance, some incarnations on Earth) belonged to the definite elite or mass egregore caused strong energetic addiction; Usually elite egregores unites the souls of higher order and massive - lower one. In the relation of homosexuality one human can go to mass meetings and protests and other can enter the group of more bounded order (for instance, taking its start from Egypt or Rome of ancient civilisations). At the second case love usually concludes not in sexual act but in reflection of deep internal feelings in view of art, poetry, literary works and music. 3) the individual has the strong energetic connection with the mystic egregore of the ancient doctrine in which the practices of heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual orientation used in definite combinations for the production of some types of energy necessary at that moment for Forces initiated the given project; On the given moment there are the methods of higher order than sexual ones for the providence of energetic connection with the thin plan. However in some cases (astral worlds, Dark Shambala, some cosmic Farces) use the given type of connection (according to some data Crowley used the similar method for the connection with astral). 4) the human in the given life enters the egregore that by its energetic field contains him in definite boundaries which are necessary for the fulfillment of important task in human society (in areas of science or art); This parameter is close to the fifth item of cosmic reasons. The difference is only that in this case the individual is being held in the definite boundaries by egregore as the mighty energoinformation source of influence having own structure, energetic field and other parameters. 5) the artificial influence of temporal axis of other individual that was defining for him in relation to some egregore; This condition can happen between people having with each other close interaction on spiritually-sacral level as a result of close energetic exchange. In some cases the given mechanism is karmical, in other ones it can be caused by casual manner as a result of definite freedom of temporal axis at its movements in boundaries of temporal factor's bunch that is the combination of individual temporal axes. 6) the entrance in egregore uniting people with suppressed self-expression that is compensated by the account of homosexual orientation; In difference from the first item of egregorical reasons the egregore here directed in whole not on sexual identification but on self-expression of suppressed human psyche by the account of struggle's mechanisms with social opinion of the present temporal period of human civilization development. Chapter 1. The specialties of gay and lesbian esoteric psychology Let's make the small digression from the common explanation of homosexuality reasons and revise the psychological specialties of gays and lesbians. Lesbians: 1) insufficiency of emotional satisfaction from interaction with men; The wish to get close spiritual contact with girl-friend that on physical plan is expressed in form of hugs and sexual contacts. Very often the given reason was present in societies of slave-

holding and patriarchic type where the woman had the role of servant not giving the emotional satisfaction from interaction with men. In modern society the woman loving beautiful conversations, gentleness and sincerity often unable to get the given type of qualities from men and therefore ought to switch over to the best girl-friend with whom is much simpler to install the sacral connection. 2) the strong spiritual pain got as a result of parting can lead to the reluctance of intimate interaction of woman with male sex; Usually in this case it's necessary to open deep painful conditions of woman psyche caused by her past suffering. After their qualified treatment usually comes the drastic and positive improvement. However in some cases the pain could be very tremendous and it is very difficult to cure it by usual methods of psychology. But for this case it's necessary to create esoteric psychology of personality allowing to treat the most complicated psychic blocks. 3) psychic specialty connected with difficult perception of male penis; Usually caused in case of painful sexual act often accompanied by violation. However in some cases it can be innate condition the aim of which is the fixation of woman's attention on important tasks of science, art, psychology, esoterics and theosophy. 4) women's bisexuality at which person gets the complete gratification from intimate contact with people of both sexes; The given variant is often connected with close friendship between people and can mean the emotional connection between them. However if there are too many partners in group sex than it isn't the spiritual interaction but only the banal amusement or the esoteric rite using for work with sexual energy (for instance, group tantra); 5) previous incarnations were in male body and present one is in female; In this case the woman has rather tough energies, presence of masculinity, disposition to management and other parameters belonging in larger measure to males. However if the individual was given the female body by Highest Forces than she is awaited to produce milder energetic types. This fact says more not about sexual orientation (hetero, homo or bi) but points on specialties of human character. 6) in some cases the woman can start to feel the sexual wish to own sex because she has a mission of lesbian salvation; This aspect can be initiated by constructive Forces (with the aim of creation of protection mechanisms from discrimination for homosexual groups) as well as destructive ones (the hatred to male sex). The same reason can be present in case of male homosexuality. Gays: 1) the feeling of impossibility to get from the female enough care, attention and compassion; 2) the wish to perceive masculinity and male energy; This fact is often connected with the large presence of female energy in male at which he is attracted by masculinity in other man ; 3) the perception of love relations' beauty with men coming from ancient civilizations (the depiction of athletes, beautiful and tall men); 4) the perception of male homosexuality connected of perception himself as inhabitant of Lemuria or Atlantis ; Some individuals incarnated in the epoch of Atlantis and Lemuria can see bright images of interaction with their compatriots on various levels. In later epochs also existed the societies hymning the beauty of male body. This aspect was specially inculcated by definite Forces for the aim of introduction to people high comprehension of homosexuality.

5) the wish of self-realization and self-development for which the human ought to have close interaction with the soulmate also being in male body; 6) the male bisexuality connected with the necessity of individual to feel periodically the male and female energies in various combinations; Chapter 2. The hierarchy of homosexuality Let's revise in the given chapter the levels of homosexuality that can appear with people from the lowest grade till the highest. 1) the individual doesn't have the incarnation connection with this phenomenon and isn't the experiment of definite aliens but simply temporary influenced by definite social movement; 2) individual is not homosexual in his nature but psychically realizes through this process; 3) individual in the past lives had the body of one sex but in the last incarnation got the psychical body of another sex; 4) the human is the representative of ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome where the homosexuality was used in the ritual aims; 5) the individual incarnated in Atlantis and Lemuria where was only one sex or some Forces initiated experiments for producing the energies of the given type; 6) individual has the strong past life connection with the given phenomenon and/or the experiment of definite aliens; 7) in some cases the tutors of esoterics and theosophy are given such aspirations for showing by their example to definite group of people how to overcome such wishes and to develop further instead of moral degradation and feeling own suppression and fault; Nowadays there a lot of musical groups in the world which could show in their songs, music and clothes various types of bisexuality and homosexuality coming from past civilizations (Lemuria. Atlantis, Rome, Egypt). At the attentive revision of these musicals it is possible to see through external music and clothes deep psychic tendencies coming from past lives. Also similar tendencies can be revised at some painters and poets that also have such experience appeared not spontaneously but made in far past. It's necessary to mention that esoteric psychoanalysis at revision of homosexuality problem let's to explain this condition not only through primitive physiological and psychological aspects of individual development in childish age as it is done in basic psychoanalysis but also through deeply hidden energetic reasons. However it completely get on well with Freudian psychoanalysis and even more presents its progressive form of continuation. I hope that the psychologists of future will include esoteric and cosmic aspect of humanity psychic states' explanation in their practice transmitting by it the science of internal human world on higher level. Chapter 3. Esoteric homosexuality Let's examine the aim of homosexuality use in various esoteric practices. For a start let's view the example of Aleister Crowley who was well known for the use of sexual magic with females as well as males (preferring the last ones). Let's try to trace the mechanisms of A.Crowley inclinations on the basis of his past life experience and the cosmic Force being his curator. 1) the most interesting part is that A.Crowley is supervised by the cosmic Force that counts that sexual bonds are the way of overcoming domination and suppression in society however it denies standard Christian values with which A.Crowley struggled very violently;

2) in childhood he was given the fanatic Christian mother who by her dogmatism completely cuts off his wish to follow Christianity. However individual in the force of his mission continues to find other esoteric ways. 3) although the present cosmic potential of his soul Crowley opens it mainly one-sided and is not able to make a great discovery in esoteric area. In spite of being able to create own esoteric direction (including homosexuality, promiscuity and seduction) he couldn't become free from painful psychic blocks connected with Christianity and coming from his early childhood; 4) although multiple sexual contacts he had the strong attachment to definite disciples with whom he felt deeper mystic connection; On the one hand he propagandized freedom and independence but on the other one strongly depended from some followers till the madness; 5) weak capability to the classification of information and highly-organized management; For instance Ron Hubbard although some esoteric amusements from his side was able to organize definite system that is also needed in improvement nowadays. But A.Crowley in contrast to Hubbard didn't have stable mechanisms of management (including self-control). Ron Hubbard at first had some psychic problems but afterwards could able to become free from them by organization of his system of dianetics. A.Crowley in his philosophy initially denied any systematization naively thinking that only instinctive amusements and inclinations can lead the human on the right way. But if to be objective it isn't possible to create adequate esoteric doctrine without mechanisms of management (but on the highest level control exists on the perfect human consciousness and conscience without any mechanisms of domination). 6) the inclination to revenge his disciples for the insult of his expectations concerning them; In reality A.Crowley had some energetic mechanisms of influencing other people that were opened to him by the destructive Forces. Now let's revise A.Hitler who hated homosexuality in human society. This disgust was caused by his own unconscious and suppressed attraction and also by the contradiction of homosexuality to the esoteric doctrine that was mistakenly chosen by Hitler as an ideal. 1) Hitler got strong blows from his father feeling to him attachment and disgust at once; 2) in later age A.Hitler read the works about racial superiority and negative influence of homosexuality that led him to the suppression of own attractions and massive discrimination of this people group; 3) strongly overpriced self-appraisal, mania of missionary work with simultaneous feeling of personal insignificance; 4) weak evolution of Hitler's ideas that was inculcated in his consciousness by destructive Forces in early age without following development in future; 5) negative cosmic Force-curator of Hitler guided his fanatical and barbarous experiments directed on practical realization of such terrible and nonsensical ideology; Such experiments by using which Hitler hoped to create the ideal human race are very wellknown from Gestapo history. But this system was absolutely inconsistent with great cosmic laws because of its Satanism and cruelty. That's why it wasn't able to become real and became fully destroyed at the end by the victory of positive Higher Forces. It's necessary to mention that humanity can be rescued only through manifestation of eternal peace and love in every area of human society. Until the total human consciousness couldn't come to the new level of functioning the collective unconsciousness will hamper the perfect life on our Earth. So it's necessary to awake eternal Christian values in life of every human being.

Chapter 4. The levels of homosexual self-realization Homosexual self-realization - the tendency of homosexual to release himself from feelings of own amorality and to become able to realize internal spiritual potential. On the low levels the homosexual self-realization includes propaganda, meetings and other arrangements. At the transmission on the higher level the personality starts to create monumental masterpieces in which we can find huge list of individual feelings - from pain and attraction till the victory and realization on the spiritual plan. Because the purpose of all appearances and meetings is the individual wish to be requisite to other people and also to find comprehension and support of friends and relatives. Let's examine the present levels: 1) the individual inclination to realize homosexuality only on the physical plan (as the tendency in society) without deep emotional component; 2) the wish to feel yourself as a part of the social group with similar interests and tendencies that is to be in the condition of spiritual harmony; 3) on the higher level person starts to feel his wish to assist other people with similar worldperception to find themselves; 4) yearning for sublimation of homosexual attraction by creation of masterpiece in science, art, poetry; 5) the feeling of humanity unity and urge towards absolute harmonic condition meaning the total absence of any domination of one groups over others; Here is the question not simply about the rights protection of own group but about the complete harmonization of humankind on all levels: material (adequate money supply of indigent people), intellectual (to give the possibility to every human to get the necessary education according to his true mental potential) and spiritual (the discovery of internal connection of human soul with the God). 6) the spiritual evolution of all humanity through love, compassion and charity; The homosexuals who are Christians can strongly suffer on the spiritual plan in connection with their attractions. But this process of suffering can assist them in getting such spiritual qualities as love, compassion, mercy to the pain of other people. That's why the person who could overcome in himself homosexual tendencies through sublimation deserves esteem as well as other people who could overcome their passions which are sinful according to the Bible. The most important feelings which are necessary to every person are true spiritual love, the feeling of the support in society and family and also the acceptance of assistance of our Creator who gives to any person the hand of divine support. Every person on our Earth can sublime low attractions by transforming them by the blissful light of soul into the vibrations of supreme knowledge and unconditional love. The pure wish of spiritual evolution of humankind as an inalienable part of the Universe is the highest form of love bringing human being closer to our God. I think the information stated by me in this book will assist homosexuals to achieve spiritual harmonization and to use their soul experience. I hope that this book won't be just a theoretical doctrine but will become the practical way of real spiritual development and internal revelation. In reality homosexuals who think about their spirit have very interesting and multiple soul experience connected with high level of compassion and gentleness that points to the presence of some Christian qualities.

If the individual could develop in himself absolute love and compassion means that he stood on the right way of development in accordance with the cosmic laws of the Absolute. So today it is possible to say with certainty that the sublimation of homosexuality on the level of creativity is the strong motive power of human soul development of LGBT people. We'll discuss in the next chapter the hierarchy of homosexuality sublimation. Chapter 5. The levels of homosexuality sublimation The sublimation of homosexuality - the process directed on the transmission of sexual energy of same sex attraction into higher condition meaning by itself the appearance of creative activity. This meaning is not one-leveled but introduces by itself the whole hierarchy of sexual sublimation from initial levels till the highest ones which only become perceptible by great might of human soul and mind. 1) the sexual continence but the presence of erotic movies look, emotional attraction on thought's level, clear sexual views; In other worlds the first level of sublimation is the refusal from physical sex with the partner but the preservation of sexual attraction on sensory and emotional level. This variant is the simplest at the beginning because it doesn't lead to the complete refusal from sexual impulses through their suppression but realizes them on the level of masturbation and sensory-emotional perception that is the initial aspect of sublimation; 2) sexual continence compensating through meditation, breathing exercises, sport practices and yoga; 3) the transfer of psycho-emotional attraction from sex on the protection of homosexuals social rights; The third level of sublimation leads to extravert concentration of human not on his personality but on the surrounding people with similar perception. 4) the conduct of personal diary in which homosexual describes own internal inclinations and views evolution; On the basis of personal handbook individual is able to comprehend what is the difference of his homosexual attraction in various age periods. For instance, in 20 years the guy was interested in physical sex, in 22 - the Tantra and in 25 became to write the psychological work about homosexuality. So the perfection of personal perception is easier observe on real life aspects and situations than on hypothetical probabilities. 5) the creation of treatises about homosexuality in accordance with the level of development of own views and received information in areas of psychology, esoterics and philosophy; In whole the highest level is the development of human thought in science and art that isn't the exception for people with homosexual orientation which can describe their views pretty well from the point of esoteric psychology. If the person could open unexplored directions in psychology or esoterics of homosexuality than his work can be treated as new scientific treatise on homosexuality. So homosexuals can study their own attractions (not only on sensory and emotional level but also on spiritual one) and explain them in terms of esoteric psychology of homosexuality that is completely described in this book. The achievement of such perception will denominate the true comprehension of homosexuality that is inculcated in some people's psyche by definite cosmic Forces for the achievement of required soul qualities which are necessary for some cosmic purposes.

Chapter 6. Antique forms of homosexuality Let's discuss now in more detailed way the antique forms of homosexuality by the example of Greece and Rome from the esoteric point of view. Greece: 1) the homosexual form of education tutor-disciple at which the adult male took the youth for education; The cosmic Force made such experiment studied if it is more effective for youths to progress at the close friendly interaction with males. The sexual contact wasn't just the banal entertainment but was the complicated mechanism of education unifying souls in integral mechanism of bliss. The adult male elected the youth for him according to his energetic type participating in the sacral exchange. The youths were at age from 16 till 25 and the males were older than 25. However such experiment in epoch of antique Greece doesn't have much in common with modern pedophilia because now people don't know necessary energetic mechanisms of interaction and use the sexual act with youth just for seduction. 2) the group sexual contact when one of the males was in passive role; It is also the rite connected with the production of definite energies and not with simple amusement. It's necessary to mark that many views of modern homosexuality comes exactly from antique governments. However the philosophy of the rite was completely lost in the force of some reasons so nowadays such interaction is the banal physical amusement. 3) bisexual connections at which happened the harmonization of male and female energies in the human organism; Usually male shared the female with his friend participating simultaneously in both types of sexual interaction also for production of necessary energetic types. Philosophy and energy of the given type hasn't saved until nowadays. There also was the variant with two females and one male. 4) the use of erotic oil and incenses which by their smell created the additional energetic field that accelerated the force of individual sexual energy and gave definite type and configuration to it; 5) the sport competition in which the active role was taken by the winner and the passive one by the loser; This method was also used for the production of high friendship, mutual aid, physical and psycho-emotional intimacy. At the moment the given method is also used for the sexual arousal but the deep esoteric meaning of such procedure is completely lost. Thus after the revision of main Greek forms of homosexuality we came to the conclusion that the aspect of physical intimacy was taken by homosexuals from ancient times but the esoteric and philosophic sense of such relations was completely lost. That's why sex must have deeper sense that it has now because modern society use this perfect instrument only for amusement but not for esoteric purposes. In Rome in contrast to Greece homosexual contacts were connected with male self-expression, indicator of his force and power but not for purposes of training. However if to look deeper the sexual act in Rome was also directed on production of definite type of sacral energies necessary for self-control and development. Let's now examine such forms. Rome: 1) young male-lovers were taken to the family of wealthy and well-known adult man; The youths have even stronger esteem than family, females or children because it considered that their body is a mighty generator of subtle energies that support the status of rich family. Young

male in his turn got the experience of interaction with elder person comprehending the masculine energy in full size. The experiments in Rome were taken by another cosmic Force than in Greece. But the philosophy was similar. 2) the contact between adult men as a sign of reconciliation and unification; Often it practised between noble people with the aim of creation solid unions between family chiefs. Also there existed the variant of sexual contact between youths in families for strengthening the ties. 3) the group contact at which were created a lot of amount of masculine energies; The difference from the Greek variant is that the main role was in showing energy, dynamics and force than in sacral interaction and comprehension of subtle universal processes. 4) the meditation practices for awakening of kundalini energy which were realized with the aim of activation of subtle and sacral knowledge of individuals; 5) erudite men, warriors, politicians, cultural workers which through the sublimation of their homosexual feelings began to create grandiose masterpieces that have great aesthetic popularity till today; 6) the opening of subtle vision through meditations and body movements with the assistance of which the prophets started to forecast the future; Thus the erotic energy through the sublimation was transformed into the capabilities of global prevision. 7) the complete liberation from domination of one person over other in real life through sexual games which led to the psychic relaxation of one individual or a group of people; 8) the channeling with extraterrestrial civilisations which taught people how to produce subtle energies through the process of sexual contact; 9) the experience of internal Earth energy through the unification of individuals bodies and souls participated in the synthesis of vibrations and frequencies on various levels of being; 10) the studying of endlessness energy on physical, energetic and spiritual levels that let individuals to feel own connection with eternity and God; 11) the high grade of realization that allowed individuals to open their soul experience completely; Now we finish the revision of antique forms of homosexuality by opening for ourselves the unknown sides of given phenomenon. We will further discuss the ancient forms of esoteric homosexuality. Chapter 7. The rebirth of supreme homosexuality The supreme homosexuality existed in epoch of Antiquity, in mystical societies of Germany, in Egypt and even in Lemuria and Atlantis. But what is its sense and meaning? Esoteric (supreme) homosexuality - the highest level of homosexual relations at which individual perceives energies, internal dynamics and many other things. Let's examine the methods by using which it is possible to revive this phenomenon by transmitting standard homosexual relations on higher level. The methodology of rebirth: 1) at the interaction between males and/or females it's important to pay attention on energetic component of your partner, his spiritual and physical vibrations in the united aspect of revision; 2) the prolonged wish of meeting, spiritual and physical closeness with your partner, the perception of his vibrations and other high characteristics of his personality and soul;

3) the contact with the archetypes of subtle world which are placed from the lowest level (astral) till the highest (spiritual worlds of divine plans); 4) the perception of internal properties of other person at which lovers read each other as the endless book of happiness, tenderness and necessity of combined interaction on physical level as well as on psychic one; 5) the ability of support other human being in complicated life situation by treating his soul and feeling it with belief in better future, blissful life and spiritual force; 6) the activation of subtle vision and forces of foreknowledge as a result of interaction with mighty energies; At the beginning of the practices there can be used various exercises including erotic subtle shape. 7) the finding of the united human consciousness at which people sublimate their sexual attraction by transmitting it to the level of absolute creativity; As I've already said if to release humanity from all forms of suppression and domination than all individuals will start to move to the side of spiritual growth because in this case banal sex will cease to answer their internal potency and beauty of infinite interests. Chapter 8. Homosexuality and pedophilia Now modern psychologists have a lot of versions of pedophilia appearance. In this chapter we'll discuss the esoteric reasons of homosexual pedophilia. However at first let me say some words about this phenomenon in common. It's necessary to mention that any forms of pedophilia lead to bad karma of adult person. It is because young children are not able to have definite sexual orientation that was own internal election of their soul and wish of sexual activity. In the period of children growth it's necessary to interact with their coevals, feel the spiritual love of their parents, perceive the belief in God but not to participate in sexual contacts in so young age. If the child is interested in theme of sex it is connected not with his sexual attraction but with the wish to grow up and to place definite social position equally with adult people. Erotic phases opened by Z.Freud shows not the childish sexual attraction but the definite stages of his soul development on our Earth. Thus the sexual contact is the interest of pedophile for which he will bear strong karmic responsibility Further we'll examine some list of pedophilia's esoteric reasons. 1) the absence of energetic and psycho-emotional aspects of sexual growth at which individual switches over his attention from the level of child to the grown-up. That is human being saves on his subconscious level the memory of strong childish impression on the sexual level that automatically projects on the individuals of childish age. I have to mention that although mental and physical growth in other areas of life such personality continues to feel herself in sexual plan as a child. However even in this case individual has rather serious karmic sequences of his illegal actions. 2) the belonging of an individual to the negative Forces at which his main aim is the receipt of perverted forms of amusement ; In such case the person only strengthens his destructive wish that at first was realized in mild forms of sexual child abuse but later became very sadistic until cruel murders; 3) the inclination to the child coming from past life where such individual had a strong love affair with his coeval;

Thus person becomes to project such past-life connection on people of according age and sex in real life. By this method he tries unsuccessfully compensate his suppressed sexual attraction of past incarnation. 4) the influence of astral beings on human psyche that inculcate him the wish of child abuse; 5) the energetic ritual vampirism of childish energy by which adult person consciously participates in sexual interaction with child and devours his pure energy. Such method is usually used by dark magicians and mystics serving the destructive Forces. 6) the strong pain of adult's soul which he in force of his miscomprehension projects on own or other child; 7) the wish of self-realization that in the force of meanness and weakness of personality manifests in sexual interaction with children; 8) the perverted comprehension of love at which parent thinks that sexual interaction with his child is the positive mechanism of psychological teaching; 9) protractedly suppressed instinctive inclination that realizes with the violent power and brings the mighty destructive effect; 10) the individual soul came from humanoid civilization where was the absence in sex and age criterion; However if monad was incarnated on the Earth it has to obey her laws which are obligatory for all souls embodied on our physical plan and elected for their development this planet and her principles of morality. 11) the lingering stress in physical reality that is by absence of adult person can be compensated in perverted form with child; If person in adult age chooses his sexual belonging than this fact is absolutely acceptable and answers to his conscious choice. That's why it is necessary to develop childish spiritual and mental forces which can be used for the development of humanity. At the influence of mass media and perverted teachers or parents there can be a negative impact on childish life which can seriously damage future development and growth of this child. That's why child isn't able to choose his sexual orientation and preferences consciously in early age. In case if adult makes the child participate in sex it will surely lead to emotional, psychic and spiritual destabilization of child and serious negative karma of an adult. But there are some cases when child can start to feel his sexual wish in earlier age than his coevals. In this case it is necessary to explain him the true purpose of sex and direct his attention on mental development until the achievement of appropriate age. I'll give you my own example. I felt my first sexual attraction in age of twelve but thanks to my early esoteric, writing and intellectual development could focus my attention on meaningful spiritual and informational works. However in my case the attraction included in itself huge esoteric aspect expressed in view of souls unification, ancient forms of interaction, force of subtle human vibrations and other parameters which can barely accord usual sexual desire of human beings. It's necessary to mention that in types of sexual attraction there can be found those areas of science and art in which person is able to achieve perfect results by sublimation of his erotic energy. In childhood adult can find a lot of mental and spiritual tendencies of his child by correct development of which it is possible to influence future evolution of humanity in areas of science and art. Thus if adult man substitutes the normal development of the own child for the realization

of his low sexual needs than he will not only bear the personal karma but also the collective one connected with the global development of humanity. So adults with any sexual orientation (hetero, homo or bi) ought to give their child the right of self-determination based on their true conscious choice. It's necessary to mark if parents perceive their child as a living soul for which they are responsible but not as the object of their sexual preferences then such child will be able to make true definition of his sexual orientation. If such influence is artificial and caused by parents then they will bear responsibility for the influence on their child because prevented his own choice. So it's necessary to create a true relation between adults and children and this book can assist humankind in this purpose. Chapter 9. Why all people are bisexual The bisexuality is an inalienable category of humankind. However the given process can't be explained only through pure psychology and physiology and have deep energetic reasons deeply hidden in human collective unconsciousness. The deep exploration of informational and energetic field of Earth allows to start the explanation of bisexuality origin. Let's revise the sources of bisexuality and types of its evolution. The energetic sources of bisexuality: 1) the presence of male and female energies in every person that should be added by the according type of the energetic component; Thus the bisexuality is the natural inclination of individual to get the necessary type of energies that he lacks at the moment. Many heterosexual and homosexual individuals count that they don't feel sexual attraction to both sexes. Mainly it so because they have predominant part of female or male energies that have to be added by opposite energies. Usually if person gets the male body he attracts female because he has a lot of masculine energies and lacks feminine. But in some cases person can have male body but lacks masculinity or female body but lacks femininity. This is the main reason of homosexuality. In some ancient civilizations definite male or female groups acknowledging bisexuality saw in homosexual contact more sacral sense than in heterosexual one. Such reasons were ritual and concluded in the connection of person with definite cosmic Forces. Thus the gods of Egypt are not the fabricated figures but the real essences of subtle plans and aliens. 2) male and female energies as the basis of the material universe which were created by Higher Forces with the aim of variety of produced energies; In subtle universes the division on male and female energies is absent because there are only positive and negative energies in them. 3) the soul orgasm at which individual wants to find for him a person who can share with him the internal world, suffering and joy; 4) the bisexuality as a widespread version of heterosexuality or homosexuality; In case of heterosexuality widening - it is the wish to perceive the love of own sex, similar vibration, release from feelings of domination. At homosexuality widening - the necessity of having children, perception of male and female energies and their complete unification. 5) the examination of individual in the quality of universal transformer of energies which can use sexual contact in definite combinations with the aim of creation of some vibrations' types which can be required on the initial stage of esoteric practices of the given personality;

I have to mention that bisexual (homo) contacts are usually used by dual cosmic Forces (having positive and negative components at once) but pedophilia, zoophilia and necrophilia are used only by destructive (negative) Forces (without positive part). However in some cases such types of sexual contacts are the individual aspiration for psycho-emotional empathy that is the necessity of comfort on physical and energetic levels. But such aspirations are always caused by negative Forces. Completely constructive cosmic Forces don't use the sex for the production of energies besides rare experimental cases. 6) the feeling of energetic dj-vu at which individual perceives own emotional and spiritual connection with the cosmic space where is no separation in sexual criteria; 7) the tendency of transition to the higher level of spiritual development by sublimation of all forms of own sexual aspiration; Individual can refuse from frequent sexual contacts only in case if he is fully realized in social and spiritual spheres of own life. However only few people can come through such stage without sexual interaction because physiological aspiration can be rather intense . I want to mention own example. When I in earlier age felt the attraction to sex realizing it on physical plan or analyzing in own diary I started concentrating on global spiritual problems of humanity and trying to solve them for the sake of every human being. Thus esoteric psychoanalysis allows to comprehend internal individual tendencies at self-analysis as well as at analysis of other personality because it pays attention to the soul component as well as to personal one. Only integral revision of soul and personality can fully explain energetic reasons of any psychosomatic problem leading all humanity to absolute perfection. 8) the release from negative psychic perception connected with complex of Oedipus or Electra; Individual through bisexual act at first releases himself from psychic stress coming from childish age. Only after complexes' integration through sublimation and release from childish suppression happens the transition of personality on the new level where it becomes interested in spiritual interaction and becomes free from sexual dependence. 9) the perfection of the soul on earthly plan at which individual has to perceive all aspects of own existence; It's understandable that bisexuality can give full set of erotic qualities of personality in one incarnation especially if the human being requires to work over masterpieces in future and not to pay much attention to sexual life. In this case individual in accelerated regime gains the experience of interaction with males and females coming afterwards to the studying of spiritual and mental characteristics of the surrounding world. Chapter 10. Bisexuality - the moral fall or the way to salvation It's well known that the bisexuality from ancient times was perceived in two contrary ways. From one side it counted that such phenomenon can lead to the spiritual degradation of modern society. From the other point it will assist in accelerated realization of internal impulses, feelings and emotions, rapid progress of humanity with true decreasing of murders, violence and other phenomena caused by suppressed and non-sublimed sexual energy. Also bisexuality in difference from total homosexuality won't lead to the great decrease of fertility that can also be the important aspect of human civilization development until the invention of perfect methods of physical reproduction without sexual act. Further I give you definite reasons for and against bisexuality including cosmic and esoteric ones. Against: 1) the collapse of morality;

2) energetic, psychic and nervous exhaustion of individual because of drastic sexual activity; 3) indirect decrease of fertility because energy spent on reproduction was wasted; 4) the intensification of pedophilia; For: 1) the decrease of crime rate as a result of internal freedom of individual and release from suppression; 2) the initial stage of subsequent sublimation cycle; 3) the production of closer friendly relations between groups with different views on life with complete release from domination; 4) the accelerated transition to the higher development (mental and spiritual) because there is no interest in separation in sexual orientation and preferences; Thus after comprehension of above information it is understandable how to use the phenomenon of bisexuality from positive point of view with the maximal decrease of its negative side. Chapter 12. The levels of homosexual affection Homosexual affection - the state of psychic dependence between homosexuals that can achieve extreme forms at combined and strong psychic comfort. Psychologists tried to classify homosexual affection however they couldn't describe cosmic and energetic reasons of her appearance and the levels of hierarchy. We talk about it in this chapter. The levels of homosexual affection: 1) physiological and instinctive lust at which the person is attracted by such qualities as smell, growth, strength and other physical parameters of the individual; Can appear at sexual contact of two people as well as at group sex. 2) the lowest emotional dependence at which one person lacks attention, support and care of the partner; Besides on the lowest level such qualities can be expressed in view of violence, aggression, perverted sex that can mean the low dependence of personalities from each other. This form of interaction can develop into the higher level such as love. But often it remains in the stadium of emotional dope without any signs of future development. 3) the attachment of adult man to younger guy and vice versa; It appears as a result of past-life rites or as usual emotional dependence (for instance, the wife doesn't give enough care for husband and guy is not able to find an appropriate girlfriend for him). Sometimes such states can appear simultaneously (clear example is the novel of Oscar Wilde and Alfred Douglas). 4) the psychic dependence of average level at which people feel energetic connection between each other in view of spiritual comfort and joy of relations; 5) the perception of spiritual flight and bliss at the meeting with familiar soul in physical reality; This condition appears independent from sexual orientation and can be very strong and deep sensation activating spiritual potential of human being; 6) the long dependence between two souls which are constantly united in physical reality during many incarnations with the aim of joint development; This situation appears rather seldom but sometimes can happen and be identified by esoteric psychoanalysis. 7) the mystic dependence from homosexual esoteric doctrine when person depends not from definite partner but from the whole structure and philosophy;

8) the energetic and psycho-emotional dependence of esoteric tutor from his disciple and/or vice versa; Often happens in doctrines which support homo and bi-preferences. Main part in this case is to transmit the primitive dependence in higher love and dynamics for the salvation of deep spiritual connection between disciple and tutor. 9) the highest form of dependence from homosexuality substance at which individual aspires to study this phenomenon on physical, energetic, mental and sacral level; This state can also appear with people with predominantly heterosexual orientation which at its presence will study homosexuality as social phenomenon. Chapter 13. Homosexuality and cosmic work Many individuals working with space and realizing new directions of science and art had homosexual or bisexual orientation - Leonardo da Vinci, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sigmund Freid... Huge list... However even today psychologists know very little information about how this state helped such people in realization of their creative and scientific tasks. We will talk about it in this chapter. At examination of information in previous chapters we came to the conclusion that homosexuality sublimation leads the human to ecstasy of creativity and deep revelations. Now we'll see the complete list allowing to comprehend homosexuality as the universal activator of human potential because as I've already told this phenomenon is given to humans specially by definite cosmic Forces. 1) the sexual act as the method of release from mental and emotional stress; 2) the way of attention concentration at which individual achieves the state of creative ideas' flow; 3) amoral feeling of individual through overcoming of which there happens an activation of deep spirituality causing in personality the endless creative impulse; 4) the spiritual pain from parting with the partner caused by circumstances of external reality; This condition is the strongest initiator of grandiose masterpieces which individual depicts in view of novels, pictures and poems. Also in his work creator can show the methods of overcoming of various troublesome situations for future generations. 5) the torrent of cosmic energy that through sexual act comes to the condition of increased intellectual and creative activity; For instance some erudite males of ancient times achieved sublime erotic process in condition of increased efficiency and philosophical thoughts. 6) the psychic harmony and blissful joy from clear homosexual relations between youths-friends which one of individuals openly or covertly depicts in his future works of art or treatises. The beauty of such relations expresses in its openness, clearness of friendship, belief in better future, the aspiration for love and peace. Sometimes it's very painful for me to see how vulgar became sexual relationships nowadays. Instead of love, spirituality and other spiritual qualities partners pay attention only to the physiology of process (for instance, penis size). I think that my doctrine will assist people to revive proper relation to the process of sexual interaction. Because only when humanity becomes able to use sex as the universal process of spiritual development people go beyond their animal instincts and become similar to the God. 7) the relations between adult male and youth leading first one to the renovation of creative process and last - to the entrance into adult life;

Such interaction we can see in case of Oscar Wilde and Alfred Douglas. They had very strong emotional, psychic and spiritual contact between each other that helped them in their creative realization. The soul of Oscar Wilde belonged to cosmic Force that explored how homosexual feelings can influence personal creativity. Also his past lives were in ancient civilizations where his soul got the experience of supreme homosexuality. In his last life Oscar Wilde could transmit his soul experience to his followers one of which was Alfred Douglas. 8) out-of-body experience in subtle worlds where shaman or mystic gets the information for his foreknowledge; For example in chapter of esoteric psychoanalysis of homosexuality I gave an example where adult male saw him in view of youth coming through maturing and christening in his tribe through erotic interaction with male. The fact narrates about how such types of practices could be used for connection with cosmic Forces on the example of definite person who incarnated in ancient tribe before his present life. 9) the art masterpieces depicting in their image and vibrations the reflection of internal love impulse; No we came to the conclusion that definite cosmic Forces use the state of homosexuality as the method activating scientific, art and creative individual potential; Chapter 14. The reasons of homosexuals' discrimination and methods of its social overcoming The discrimination of LGBT people is very important problem in the world nowadays. Reasons of LGBT people discrimination: 1) "heterosexual" has the coming from past lives' inclination to the own sex however in the force of social circumstances and his surroundings suppresses it; If the given condition achieves the extreme state then such person can discriminate gay people. In some cases individual although the opinion of surrounding people can overcome his fears and open his true nature. 2) the individual is inculcated in his mind by destructive cosmic Forces various thoughts about discrimination of LGBT group; It is the main reason why can appear different gay slayers in the world. 3) the person has from one side strong energetic attraction to own sex but from the other side it contradicts his moral views; 4) the absence of balance between male and female energies in individual childhood (on physical plan it is usually caused by influence of friends or relatives) that in adult age can lead such person to psychic instability; Such person can be in one period of his life violently homophobic and in other one - passionate homosexual. Sometimes it happens that such periods alternate each other completely damaging such person's psyche. 5) the subconscious inclination to the combined homosexual happiness that individual feels in relation to other LGBT people which are realized in mutual love; In such case individual can explain his wish of gays discrimination as own unrealized tendency of homosexual love. Such moments are often used by negative cosmic Forces which by their artful manipulations set one person or group against others.

The strongest way of struggle with such destructive suggestion is the absence of lie and honesty of individual to one soul and other people. 6) the individual who is on military service or in the prison doesn't have females in his surroundings for sexual arousal; So such person can start to discriminate LGBT people in his surroundings for the aim of revenge for absence of self-realization. The methods of social overcoming: 1) the release from psychic strain connected with own subconscious homosexual feelings; In such case people can freely express their kind feelings to each other and come in short time to the spiritual form of love. 2) the democratic perception of various social groups unifying individuals with similar energetic criteria; 3) the absolute love coming from clear comprehension of every group role in human society and subtle space; 4) the clarification of individual unconsciousness from biased attitude to any social, political, ethnic and sexual criterion; In spite of many countries in the world have already confessed democratic rights of every individual there can be not only physical but also the spiritual discrimination. I think that this book will be able to completely prevent spiritual discrimination and make all society free. 5) the qualitative energetic connection of every individual with Earth and her energetic flows which can lead every human being to true cosmic love; 6) the aspiration of every individual to the spiritual realization of all society that will give to all humanity absolute and clear love existing on the highest spiritual level. Chapter 15. The future of homosexuality In modern society people often think that homosexuality won't have any future. But it isn't really so. Because the main purpose for any human is the soul development and not the classification and separation in sexual orientation. I want to say that nowadays all humanity enters the sixth gold race that will have united belief in Higher Forces and God and develop in the way of highest divinity. I have to mention that in future sex won't play so tremendous role for humankind because people will be able to find new forms of body reproduction. So sex is still necessary for most part of humanity for children reproduction (heterosexuals and bisexuals) but small group of people can have another cosmic aims which accompany asexuality or complete homosexuality. But in reality it is done not randomly but for the purpose of human attention concentration on important tasks in science or art. Thus such state can be the definite activator for some people. If people with homosexual orientation expresses their wish to spiritual development with my help or themselves than this book will help them to comprehend how to start such growth and what definite methods can be used for it. During all history of human civilization there were definite groups working with sexual energy. However in ancient times such condition was the philosophy of interaction between people and Earth and nowadays came down to the banal sexual attraction. So I think that the postulates stated in this book will help every person to start their own way of great spiritual ascension. And now we came to the conclusion that our merciful Creator gives every person the possibility to develop and go forward on the way of perfection. The main purpose for the human is the

possibility to see God's hand which He hands through his messengers for the sake of world salvation. If my doctrine could find progeny than I'll be able to share methods I have now with my disciples. Chapter 16. The levels of homosexual celibacy The homosexual continence the highest level of homosexuality at which individual ceases or decreases all sexual contacts and realizes own feeling of love on aesthetic and spiritual level - the beauty of soul and body of other person, combined impulses of spirit, the feeling of supreme unity. Let's examine the hierarchy of celibacy from lowest level till highest one. 1) the initial level of celibacy concludes in switching over individual attention from external physical world on internal feelings and emotions; At this level personality ought to control own sexual activity by all forces because it tries to burst outside through all barriers. 2) the individual tries to achieve the condition at which is activated his intellectual and deep sensuality; 3) the intense work of mind at which personality begins to create definite direction of art or science for society; In such case human steps aside from sexual contacts and concentrate his attention on strong mental activity but sometimes use sexual act for body relaxation. 4) inclusion of highest aesthetics in the process of homosexual perception at the activation of which individual doesn't participate in physical sex staying in the position of contemplation and observation; Highest aesthetics allows the individual to create poems, pictures, masterpieces of world level where are depicted sublimed inclinations of him or whole LGBT group. 5) the sensation of male and/or female energy in the world that gives the homosexual prophet the connection with energy of ancient Rome, Atlantic and Lemurian societies; 6) the deepening in endlessness that allows human to achieve the comprehension of all processes unity in the universe; Thus we came to the conclusion that homosexual celibacy as well as sublimation are the mechanism of spiritual growth for LGBT people. However the main difference of sexual continence from sublimation is that the first one has two forms: suppressed (the lowest forms of celibacy) and sublimed (the highest forms). Chapter 17. The difference of supreme homosexuality from perverted one The name of such section was not chosen accidentally. From my point of view it's necessary to show homosexuals the grandiose difference between aesthetic and perverted forms of homosexuality. Naturally any relationships including perversion, sadism, masochism and other forms of perverted amusement massively practising in modern society are invented by destructive Forces with the purpose of morality destruction and complete spiritual and mental degradation. Such people for perverted relations get serious karmic illnesses such as AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea. However as I have already told you in previous chapters there can be high and aesthetic forms of homosexuality which can lead LGBT people to spiritual progress and realization. Such fact doesn't state that any person has to come to celibacy at once but every individual on the Earth has to try it as hard as possible and at first decrease the amount of own sexual contacts.

Because sex has to become the symbol of soul unification of two loving persons that is possible only in case of spiritual interaction between them. After such comprehension any forms of perverted sex will disappear and all society will come to the new level which means the beginning of spiritual humankind era. That's why this doctrine is so important for thorough consideration. 1) the supreme homosexuality means that person is free from perverted sex and loves his partner on the higher level than just a sex; 2) the main role is for sensory, emotional and aesthetic human perception, combined love and internal world and not for the act of sexual relationships; 3) sex plays a role of soul unification mainly as the method of partners' unity but not for instinctive amusement; 4) constant sexual partner with whom you feel harmony of internal world and love; 5) the joint development with partner, support of each other in hard time, close spiritual interaction; 6) the sensory thoroughgoing experience on parting with beloved sexual partner; In such case person ought to ease own pain and to forgive his partner. Only if it possible you can go further with pure love to all humanity without any forms of offence. But after parting it's really important not to participate in sex with first-met person but to find an appropriate long-term candidate. Only in such case you can continue own progress otherwise it possible to start mental and soul degradation. 7) the sexual interaction isn't the wish of physiology but the necessity of soul cognition of male and female origin in the universe. Chapter 18. Homosexuality and global world tendencies The homosexuality as the activator of some world tendencies is very well-known in areas of politics, science, art, esoterics. The global role of homosexuality was clearly expressed in ancient civilizations but afterwards gradually came to the condition of prohibition. And now in the transitional period to the new era homosexuality became active again but on a very low and perverted level. And my purpose is to awake supreme homosexuality in LGBT people. After the deep comprehension of this doctrine a lot of people will begin to open their past lives experience and use it for higher purposes than just a sex. Such aspects concerns not only sexually-erotic sphere but all spheres of human experience in which people have to revive comprehension of true spiritual and cosmic love to each other. A lot of writers, poets, artists were in condition of supreme sexuality that let them to create masterpieces of world level. Those energies which were inculcated in them by Higher Forces thanks to the spiritual struggle of individuals with own physical inclinations achieved the supreme sublimation which led to the endless creative impulse. Thus when human comprehends own tasks for society and consciously realizes them than Higher Forces give him the possibility to create a new direction in according area. Homosexuality is also not the exception and in ideal has to serve as an activating mechanism of supreme comprehension. Therefore I specially accepted the decision to create the esoterics and theosophy for homosexuals on the basis of which LGBT people will be able to go forward in their spiritual and mental development. As a result the perfection of every individual will lead to the spiritual awakening of all human society which is awaited for a long time by Higher Forces and our God.

Chapter 19. Why differs the moral appraisal of homosexuality In various centuries in different states the appraisal of homosexuality differed very much. In one time it was the rite and in other one was a deathly sin. What was the reason of such ambiguous perception? The reason is that each soul has own experience that is developed in this person by Higher Forces. Let's examine the main differences. 1) the soul belongs to the religious egregore (collective group mind) that is supervised by positive Forces that couldn't accept homosexuality at all; 2) the soul is supervised by dual Forces (having positive and negative components) that accept supreme homosexuality as the method of development; 3) the soul is supervised by destructive Forces which use homosexuality only as the instrument of humankind spiritual degradation through perverted forms of sex; The extreme variant of such condition is the maniac-homosexual. 4) the soul is under supervision of destructive Forces which destroy any forms of homosexuality (even supreme ones); The extreme variant of such condition is the maniac-homophobe. In some cases constructive (positive) Forces can use total clarification of humanity from perverted sex that is from the third point (for instance, Sodom and Gomorrah, Atlantis and Lemuria). The reason of such terrible clarification was exactly in perverted sexual forms of interaction between human beings. Thus at the present period there is an important task for all humanity to come to spiritual sexuality at which the sexual act is only used as the sign of spiritual unification between two souls and their endless cosmic ecstasy. Chapter 20. The practical revival of supreme homosexuality or the rules of theosophical and esoteric society for LGBT people Now is the time to comprehend practical methods on the basis of which it's possible to revive beautiful forms of supreme homosexuality. At the beginning let's make a small commentary concerning mysterious and esoteric homosexual societies. If to study supreme homosexual societies it's possible to see that their founders didn't prohibit heterosexual marriage for their disciples if it was necessary for child reproduction. Because the main role played the comprehension and sensation of male and female energies which meant by themselves the cult of antique bisexuality. Therefore many males or females had the family and children. Now we came to conclusion that ancient Greece and Rome in the ancient times were under the supervision of definite cosmic Forces that counted such way of development useful for their society. Souls from those civilizations incarnated nowadays on the Earth also saved this memory bringing it to the physical reality in their poems, pictures and treatises. Let's now revise definite methods of practical revival. 1) the beauty perception of bisexual theosophy at which happens the mysterious vision of subtle worlds, flight of the soul, connection of beloved persons and other things reflecting human bisexuality in initial view; In this case human ceases physiological sexual attraction opening the way to true platonic love that in some cases confirm by kisses, touches and sexual act (certainly with absence of any physical and moral perversions).

3) the perception in other person incarnated soul from supreme extraterrestrial civilization that at once unites in herself the beauty of internal and external world; For instance such personalities as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde were the souls from definite type of cosmic Forces which considered homosexuality as the form of development for some group of people; 4) the spiritual love and attachment of the disciple to the tutor and otherwise; In such condition happens the rapid acceleration of supreme bisexual theosophy which we now try to revive and perfect; 5) the belief in happy fortune of whole world and universe causing complete opening of human soul for great future; Some young people who devoted each other poems, pictures, creative work and dreaming about great future for own folk and all humanity also had the condition of supreme homosexuality. 6) the aspiration for spiritual evolution of homosexuality comprehension and studying of which will give LGBT people the possibility to construct own future on the basis of supreme knowledge about homosexuality; 7) the creation of hierarchy of homosexual theosophists in which tutors will teach the disciples to the philosophy of homosexuality; 8) the presence of spiritual revelations book for homosexuals (for instance, this book can be counted as the main manual for homosexuals lying at the beginning of new direction creation); In further most precious explorations in area of homosexual theosophy and esoterica have to be obligatory published and introduced to the examination of homosexual theosophical society. 9) the introduction of initiation mechanisms in dignity of homosexual theosophist that is the necessity of coronation; 10) the possibility of every person accepting the ideal and views of society to enter it independent from origin, sex, nation and other parameters; In society there have to exist high platonic love with absence of homosexual interaction in society structure. It does not mean the sex continence in society members' life but means the absence of mass orgies at group meetings and seminars. 11) any person has the right to have family and children being at the same time in society structure; However any individual can take according to his choice the vow of celibacy and sexual continence. I mean that everyone has the right to enter the society independent from LGBT or heterosexual orientation and willingly share theosophy of society. 12) the necessity of extrasensory and subtle plans perception of society members; Also it is possible to create the monk-predictors group (males as well as females) achieved the supreme levels of sexual energy sublimation who are able to forecast global and local tendencies of modern society progress. 13) the necessity of reciprocal collaboration of this society all over the world for the exchange of theoretical and practical experience among people studying theosophy, philosophy, psychology and esoterica; 13) the necessity of constant consultation of organizational leaders of this society and other managing members through monks-predictors (individuals who can participate in channeling). The given methods are already created by me as the founder of this theosophical and esoteric direction however I am ready to tell it completely only for those individuals who will become the members of this society. But I want to invite my reader to study basic methods of such communication in next chapter.

Chapter 21. The methods of channeling The main practical methodology is the possibility of individual to deepen his perception in altered state of consciousness in which Higher Forces start to talk through channeler (in trance) or use automatic writing or telepathic channel. Such variants of channeling are also used in common theosophy. But this direction of LGBT theosophy has the list of characterizing specialties which we will minutely revise on three types of channeling described by me above. Common conditions: 1) the concentration of human consciousness on supreme aims of society information about which is necessary to transmit from Forces for prosperity and progress of all adepts; 2) the necessity of constant progress of the society on the basis of received information because only controlling Higher Forces are able to give necessary information requiring for perfect and constructive development of all group; Trance channel: 1) for initiation of channeling with cosmic Forces which organized and supervised the given society for spiritual integration of all society members; 2) the use of special music and definite architecture of space for accelerating of channeling initiation; Here also happens the temporal disconnection of physical consciousness during trance channel. 3) the main way is the conscious service of member to supreme ideals of our theosophical society at which Forces express their wish to take an individual for the work in medium role; Automatic writing: 1) the control of cosmic Force for the movement of medium hand for the initiation of which individual ought to be able to attune to definite energetic vibration; 2) the absence of individual fear to temporally give his physical bode in control of Higher Force; But it's necessary to have special methods that will have channeler to differ low astral substances from true Higher Teachers. Telepathic channel: 1) the presence of altered state of consciousness at which medium mentally hears and/or sees the cosmic Force; 2) the possibility of prophet to right interpretation of received images and ideas; For these purposes it's necessary to have an excellent knowledge of information examined in this book and also the presence of constant informational and energetic self-growth of medium; There is also the fourth type of channel - energetic one. It is used not with the purpose of informational transmission but for the possibility of all members to perceive subtle vibrations coming from Cosmic Structures and fill themselves in necessary amount for grandiose future fulfillment. Chapter 22. Why heterosexuals protect LGBT rights It's simpler to answer the given question in case of changing the word "protect" on "discriminate". In this case the reasons are the absence of cosmic consciousness, divine love to all humankind and tolerance to other social groups. But in this chapter we'll talk about protection. Let's examine the main reasons of this condition: 1) the wish of individual to lead all social groups to unity and harmony for creation of the divine human consciousness;

2) the release from domination tendencies in human civilization; 3) the perception of own homosexual experience in past that is completely overcome at present time; For instance it can be that woman-politician starts to protect gays and lesbians rights introducing by it necessary principles of tolerance in the political process. 4) the comprehension of own mission for humankind salvation through harmonization of all peoples' life aspects. For example, missionary explains people how it is possible to switch from primitive sexual interaction to supreme spiritual growth of all people on the Earth. Thus through the assistance to people in sublimation of their sexual energy (independent from their sexual orientation) missionary develops their consciousness till the new level of evolutional development connected with spirituality, purposeful sexual continence, esoteric progress. 5) the family reasons connected with spiritual love of mother or father to their son or daughter which have the homosexual inclinations; 6) the love of girlfriend to her guy (or even wife to husband) which turned out to be the bisexual or homosexual; 7) the human through the protection of LGBT rights realizes his own homosexual inclination (for example, latent lesbian protects the rights of LGBT people); 8) the psychologist studying the reasons of homosexuality origin understands that they can come not from the superficial wish for pleasure but from deep energetic experience of human past lives; 9) the belief that even personalities with unspiritual past are able to start their movement to intelligent growth by going to Higher Teachers and the God; Chapter 23. Some examples of esoteric psychoanalysis of homosexuality Here I introduce interesting psychological material described and analyzed by me on the basis of dreams of other people information of which is in free access or was permitted for using by the human without mentioning his personality. Now let's examine the dream happened with one person material of which can be used with the aim of cosmic interpretation of homosexuality. I'll describe its similar description with following comments: I was very tired from complicated work and was in suppressed mood. After long impossibility to dream I however saw a strange dream. Although my inclination for homosexual erotic fantasies I wasn't able to realize my internal feelings in social surroundings. Being in relaxed condition I saw the ancient ritual in which two guys were participating: one was the sympathetic blond with blue eyes and beautiful trunk, other one was the brunet which although his attractive appearance greatly yielded to the first. The first male was in active sexual contact with the second one, other was in passive role. The blond suggested me to join him and I felt double feeling: from one side I thought that not worthy of such beautiful male, from the other part I felt complete harmony in my soul. But as a result I joined the process with pleasure. During the ritual there sounded the mysterious music, flew UFO ships which controlled the producing energies. However at the moment I saw some girls from my life which I met in reality and had rather close relations with them. They were smiling mysteriously. At this moment I was suggested to participate in sexual contact in with "the horn of plenty" (abstract term) which fit my anal very well. After this the ritual was finished. However at the end it was found that the competition has begun in which the best performance has to be elected. (other performances were connected with

moral bases, the assistance to poor people, reading of spiritual poems). And I also came to the conclusion that my family and a lot of acquaintances were watching this process. There appeared the strong spiritual pain however at the end before moment of awakening I had the thought that I was elected the winner. Let's make now the cosmic analysis of this fragment in items: 1) this individual was planned in the condition of tired and suppressed psyche to open own deep inclinations coming from past lives (it is the explanation of first two sentences); 2) the third one tells us about the person necessity to perceive such experience in condition maximally approached to reality; 3) the human probably incarnated in ancient civilizations the memory of which emerges in his dreams material (the fourth sentence); 4) at the second part of fourth sentence and in the fifth one person sees two males one of them that has dominating and more attractive parameters over other that is also sympathetic but in less degree; The given fact charms this human which on subconscious plan wants to be this strong male and have sex with him. 5) in the sixth sentence individual describes hid double feeling: from one side he feels himself suppressed and in state of internal anxiety but from the other part he comprehends that it the way to the realization of his dream and protractedly suppressed homosexuality; 6) in the seventh sentence individual at last overcomes own fear, suppression and decides to participate in active actions; 7) in the eighth sentence person opens for himself the sacral sense of homosexuality and deep bases of attraction to it coming from past life and having the esoteric basis; 8) in the ninth sentence individual from one side feels reproach from female sex (for the sex with males instead of them) and from the other side causes their attraction and excitement; 9) in the tenth sentence there comes the unconscious confirmation of the emotional condition of girls; 10) in the eleventh sentence "horn of plenty" symbolizes the recreation of individual harmony with own soul and destruction of internal pain (from one side there happens the punishment for sins and amorality (in the form of horn) which person perceives in own attraction; from the other side there happens the recovery of spiritual harmony with the God); 11) in thirteenth sentence human feels the vestigial feeling of fault (that is expressed in definite disharmony of individual that is expressed in the form of spiritual activity of other participants and its contradiction with his performance); 12) the family and relatives intensify the process of feeling (the fear of miscomprehension and blame from the relatives); 13) at the end individual comes to comprehension that he is also able to participate in spiritual activity and to play the necessary role in society although his homosexual attraction through the sublimation. Let's examine another dream: I often was jealous of my girl-friend to her husband and couldn't comprehend the reasons of my conduct. Once I saw a dream. I saw myself as Cleopatra and felt the huge wish to participate in rite with my girlfriend (together with huge divine snake). However this girlfriend had a husband who could know about it and discredit me in the face of folk. After some days of struggle I decided to participate in sexual contact by overcoming own subconscious disharmony. The soul became opened from the flow of endless joy and wish to be with her forever. My vagina was

moving in huge ecstasy from her instrument producing the exclamations of blissful joy. At the moment of awakening there came the comprehension that my dream is the active reflection of processes connected with the events of past life. 1) in the first and second sentences woman with hidden lesbian attraction tries to comprehend the reasons of jealousy to her girl-friend; 2) in the third sentence woman unifies in her dream with archetype of the queen; The snake is the symbol of her divine origin and objective connection with tsarist status; 3) the husband is the sign which can open her hidden attractions which are unacceptable for her social position and tasks; 4) in the fourth sentence the woman overcomes her subconscious stumbling-blocks and decides to accept her noble origin exceeding in force all social bounds; 5) the spiritual harmony means the discovery of stable connection between women souls; 6) in the seventh sentence women at last unify in ecstatic bliss which is present even in description of the sexual contact process; 7) at last sentence individual understands the origin of his dream and makes the true conclusions on the level of cosmic perception that is afterwards confirmed by the originator of esoteric psychoanalysis; The following dream also causes the interest: I saw myself as a little boy in sixteen years with my friend. We recalled how dedicated to each other love poems, sang solemn songs and participated in sexual interaction. Afterwards I was missing my past because I had no opportunity to find an appropriate person with whom I could initiate the spiritual harmony. At my dream we were in view of small Egyptians which very little fit to our school past. However on subconscious level I understood the ancient mystery of childish attraction. In Egypt we had ardent kisses, delicious wine and other things which reminded about non-simple origin of my passion. After such situation I comprehended that my childhood condition was necessary for my development for the aim of recollection of past sensations. I felt the gladness and calmness in my internal world. 1) in the first sentence individual subconsciously wants to return to his childhood and feels spiritual and physical harmony with his friend; 2) in the second sentence it is said that in childish age boys remembered about their origin from extraterrestrials and also about past incarnations in ancient civilizations of Rome, Egypt and Atlantis where was developed the supreme form of male friendship and love (at once I had the feeling of solemnity, struggle, joined victory and pure love); 3) in the third sentence it is said that individual couldn't find an appropriate partner with whom he could feel the deep connection coming from past lives and unearthly soul origin; 4) in the fourth sentence little Egyptians verify his suggestion about past incarnation in ancient civilizations of Egypt; 5) in the fifth sentence male feels the mysterious attributes of ancient civilizations which give him the feeling of own far and mysterious past; 6) in the sixth sentence person comprehends that this condition was necessary for him to release from psychic stumbling-blocks which didn't let him to gain spiritual calmness and internal harmony; 7) in the seventh sentence individual resolves own internal conflicts and elects the way allowing him to open own soul and heart to the world and people; The next dream is much more interesting and sacral:

At first I saw my future lover in fourteen years. He was the beautiful blond with deep expression of face and non-childish reverie. At the first time of our meeting I was ready to kiss the sand where were his footsteps, to suffer for him in the fire and even to die for his passionate kiss. The process of struggle for love gave me even more voluptuous condition than even the real sexual contact. After large period of time I saw him in my life as the human with whom I was in friendly ties and combined work. However this individual didn't feel to me mutual interest in love. Although being an adult person I felt in my soul and internal world extremely strong pain because of this fact. Afterwards it was really difficult for me to open own potential in interaction with social environment. However after the session of esoteric psychoanalysis my condition became much better because I could find the deep reasons of my spiritual pain which were for a long time on my subconscious level and disturbed my life rather strong. Here I give the main items of the esoteric psychoanalysis session which was made by me in the analysis of previous dream: 1) in the first sentence are verified strong visionary capabilities of individual and his internal connection with the potential lover coming from past lives; 2) further it is told about the sacrifice of individual for the connection with his friend on the deeper level than just a simple sex; 3) in following stages of his life individual confirms the ability of own subtle foreseeing that is reflected in friendly ties and combined work in his dream; 4) afterwards there starts the process of disappointment because the love between males is unacceptable for his friend that is also planned for the development of human soul through suffering at the beginning and achieving of the internal integrity at the end of this situation; 5) the person feels the suppression of own internal potential and impossibility of self-opening in the social world however after some time he finds the person who is able to release him from feelings of despair. Thus individual gets the possibility of perfect spiritual development although his gay orientation; 6) as the result the subconscious and conscious pain has gone, life continues with the new force and harmony, happiness and patience for divine progress manifested in human soul because of feeling himself united with Divine Force and fully free. Many people which have homosexual orientation and comprehend it but never participated in physical sex with males still feel own spiritual pain and feeling of moral degradation. However if human could overcome his inclination then there is no sense in feeling any spiritual disharmony because individual sublimed own attraction and transmitted it on the higher level by initiating true belief in God or/and growing children with his wife. But in common spiritual love between males which at some circumstances can be fixed by closer intimate act should be examined as sincere wish of soul unification between two people having close views on life, world and people. Let's examine other interesting fragment of human experience during meditation with the aim of release from internal psychological blocks concerning homosexuality. I saw the humanoid alien of male sex which smiled me with huge gladness and care. At this moment I thought about my elder brother with whom I had very close relations, but after he married they gradually began to decrease and gradually disappeared. I realized that this event was necessary for giving him the possibility to live further caring about own family. Also after using the esoteric psychoanalysis method of release from my psychological blocks of the past there came the comprehension what direction I have to keep in usual life and how to elect the person with whom I could feel spiritual harmony and absence of trouble and external problems.

Let's now make the analysis of the stated material: 1) individual had the experience of collective unconsciousness archetypes which were inculcated by one of aliens which initiated the experiment with human homosexuality; 2) the human through the connection with this archetype comprehended the reason of appearance of homosexual attraction to his elder brother; 3) further individual awakens the feeling of strong compassion to his brother on the level of cosmic love (give him the possibility to live own life) that means the transition of the consciousness from the level of homosexuality to absolute and unconditional love; 4) after the receiving of necessary experience of own soul development individual through definite methods opens own internal potential and tells us about it in the last sentence; Now became the period to examine the fragment with interesting esoteric shade: Although the presence of sexual contacts with females I was always interested in definite sexual combinations with males which on the level of my perception presented the ritual of energetic exchange. I thought about the male as the divine vessel that filled other male with primeval cosmic energy that at splashing caused the mixture of internal flows. However as I could comprehend it was difficult for me to choose an appropriate lover, energies of which completely resonated with my type without causing the conflict. But if such experience even existed it was complicated for me to outlive the dismissal with my boy-friend from one side and faithlessness to girl-friend. After definite period of time I achieved the comprehension that is possible to get necessary cosmic energies through spiritual sources, breathing exercises and other mechanisms of energetic exchange with the external world. Simple explanation used by common psychoanalysis was not enough for me because I felt the sacral essence of this phenomenon in my case. After the sance of esoteric psychoanalysis I could release from own deep psychic blocks and began to open internal potential thanks to the comprehension that my inclination is not just the superficial wish of sex but way of feeling coming from past lives and connected with specialties of my astral and mental energy. Let's give some analytical commentaries: 1) at first it is said that individual didn't perceive the contact with females as sacral one considering that only love with male partner can give him necessary types of energies which are required (that is person comprehends that his inclination comes from the past and not simply dictated by temporal amusement); 2) the perception of male as the divine vessel tells us about person attraction to the male origin as the element of worship that means the energetic unity with ancient rites; 3) the energetic potential of individual is non-standard, because it's very difficult for him to choose an appropriate partner that means unearthly appearance of his soul or about incarnations in ancient civilizations; ; 4) the person understands that faithlessness is the violation of universal cosmic laws but can't fully manage with strong inclinations coming from the past; 5) individual himself or by tutor assistance comprehends the higher practices for work with cosmic energies; 6) the male realizes insufficiency of common psychoanalysis for the understanding of his problem on appropriate level that points to his cosmic perception; 7) complete and adequate explanation got as a result of esoteric psychoanalysis leads the person to internal irradiation and possibility of opening own talents in the nearest future through conscious movement to the divine way of development; Let's examine the next dream about ancient tribes.

I saw myself as the young male dancing next to the fire and singing the hymn of maturing at which guy becomes an elder male in our tribe. The hymn of maturing included the mechanism of sexual interaction with male at which started the stage of adulthood and preparation for adult life. Finished to dance we started the process. The male was rather heavy and pressed me to the ground. At this moment I felt how my consciousness separated from the physical body and soars upward because I was artificially returned back by inhabitants of tribe. However I felt the archetype of homosexual initiation in complete degree by comprehension of her sacral sense which was felt by me and not formulated rather clearly. Thus after the process of esoteric psychoanalysis I realized some oddities in relation of my inclination. 1) individual after deepening of his consciousness in past life in which he was the participator of tribe ritual; 2) the human was the young male that participated in mechanism of growing with elder one; 3) the dance was the preparatory erotic technique preparing two individuals for the intiation 4) the separation of consciousness from physical body at the process of homosexual initiation which caused the perception of subtle worlds which were very interesting for individual; 5) individual returns to his physical body after comprehension of homosexual initiation archetype that is the process meaning the adulthood of young male in this tribe; 6) at the end of the story individual completely realized his inclination and became able to understand it consciously after formulation of own concept of this question perception; Let' examine another interesting fragment for esoteric psychoanalysis. I saw myself as the member of esoteric society singing the beauty of supreme homosexuality in poems and pictures. I always felt that my perception is not limited by common sexual attraction but has very ancient and deep background. After I entered altered state of consciousness I saw myself as pagan priest participating in mystic rites of the ancient world. At the same moment I understood my visions happening with me during my real life." 1) individual recalled his past life in which he was the person owning knowledge about supreme homosexuality; 2) person recollected that he always felt in his present life the unknown nature of own attraction which in his case wasn't the primitive physiological inclination but the feeling coming from depth of past life and accumulated soul experience; 3) after perception himself as the pagan priest and magician of homosexual order individual reveals true essence of own inclination; 4) at the end of the dream person comprehends own internal tendencies which accompanied her during all life; Chapter 24. Basic esoteric-psychological constructs of homosexuality 1) the inclination to older males which play the active role in sexual act; In this case individual identifies himself with the male pole in the universe (in Z.Freid theory with own father or elder brother); 2) the inclination of elder males to youths; Usually guys play passive role and elder males - the active one. 3) the attraction of youths to each other; Examined as the mechanism of friendship, the feeling of stability, care and confidence; 4) the attraction of elder males to each other;

Usually examined as the stable homosexual tendency or in quality of satisfaction shortage from sexual contact with female. All esoteric reasons listed in previous chapters are connected with given four types of basic esoteric-psychological constructs of homosexuality. Chapter 25. Homosexual super-consciousness Homosexual attraction - the wish of individual to realize his (her) homosexual gust and inclination on physical and sensory-emotional perception. The physical level (the inclination of body) in ideal ought to accord the sensory-emotional level (the yearning of soul) and doesn't exist in separate way. In this section we'll talk about how to awake sensory and spiritual interaction between LGBT people. In reality there exist three levels of homosexuality: homosexual psychology, homosexual consciousness, homosexual super-consciousness (theosophy, esoterica). Homosexual psychology - the perception of individual through which he urges to satisfy his basic sexual needs without deep sensory and emotional component. The homosexual consciousness - the world-perception of individual which gives him the possibility to perceive rather deep levels of this phenomenon and depict them in view of pictures, poems and novels. Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde were in this category. Homosexual super-consciousness (esoterica, theosophy) is the supreme level of homosexuality at which personality achieves cosmic, esoteric and theosophical comprehension of this condition. Exactly the creation and realization of LGBT theosophy was my purpose which I had to realize for the spiritual awakening and well-being of all homosexuals on the Earth. Let's examine the main ways of such super-consciousness activation. 1) the perception yourself as the part of theosophical and esoteric society; 2) the inclination of person to constant development and perfecting in combination with his spiritual brothers and sisters; 3) the comprehension of truthful purity of friendship between individuals; 4) the perception of male and female components role in the universe through knowing of energies philosophy and forms of its being; 5) the ability to share with other person his internal world, joy and suffering; 6) to present definite methods of theoretic and practical perfection to individual on sensory, mental and aesthetic level; 7) the release from psychic blocks on energetic and psychical level causing frustration and trouble of personality and blocking her internal potential; 8) the openness of soul to the world and people that helps to realize necessary role of every individual working for the sake of humanity in various areas that will be highly rewarded by Higher Forces; 9) qualitative channel initiation with cosmic Forces supervising the individual or group of people; 10) the strong and qualitative connection of human consciousness and psyche with the soul activating supreme levels of human comprehension; Let's mention some distinctive examples between individuals with homosexual psyche, consciousness and super-consciousness. If to examine the instance of Oscar Wilde then homosexual relations began in his life only at a mature age. The main role in them was not for sexual contacts (although they were too) but for creative, sensory and emotional interaction with young males in which there was the Greek form of supreme homosexuality which was completely described by me in this book. People with

merely homosexual psyche can have large amount of sexual partners but will never attract the special attention of human public. However I have to mention that even in life of people never thinking about more than physical sex can appear the fragments of homosexual consciousness. However it's very difficult to awake them in qualitative variant. For instance, there can appear strong sensory attraction between two individuals after some period of combined interaction although there was only the wish of sex at first. The reason of it is in opening of two souls, their combined energetic relaxation, psychic harmonization, liberation of internal potential. If to talk about homosexual super-consciousness then the present spiritual manual is the first book completely describing such phenomenon. However in rudimentary condition there existed the attempts to revive homosexual superconsciousness in humankind history but they weren't very successful. Homosexual super-consciousness also have the partition on constructive and destructive types. The last one was introduced in works of A.Crowley (in primitive form) about which we already talked in this book. And this book completely describes all forms of homosexuality but tries to mainly concentrate on constructive (positive) forms which can help spiritual development of LGBT people. So I hope that LGBT people which are interested in awakening their homosexual superconsciousness will study this spiritual manual. Chapter 26. What is better for society: same-sex marriage or everyday partner change Let's try to describe from the esoteric point of view social essence of homosexuality. If individual participates in family life then he automatically concentrates his attention on care for relatives releasing himself from constant concentration on sexual attraction. Such behavior is much more acceptable in society because it generates in human supreme soul qualities such as love, care, compassion, support which are not able to develop at constant partners' change. Also the presence of one loving partner prevents AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea spreading which are the supreme punishment (karma) for dissolute life and lechery. The second moment means that same-sex marriage provides spiritual unification of homosexuals from one side and sanitates society from venereal diseases spreading (at everyday partner change). Let's now examine esoteric and psychological reasons showing that family life of LGBT people is much better for society than everyday change of sexual partners. 1) souls unification of homosexuals and their combined development in family life; At frequent change of partners there happens intensive soul degradation and greatly increases the risk of venereal diseases as karma for debauchery. 2) the combined development of individuals that increases creative and aesthetic personality skills becomes possible; 3) people become more responsible for the life and development of society, start to realize themselves as inalienable part of society; 4) the possibility of spiritual and religious person to decrease his feeling of guilt for improper deeds; 5) the ability to share internal world of close person; 6) the realization of combined work for the welfare of society in areas of science and/or art;

Homosexuals often feel themselves unable to initiate close and long-term psycho-emotional ties with other person that's why when such possibility happens, it's necessary to see divine assistance in it which tries to liberate human from dissolute and lecherous life. Chapter 27. Soul choice Let's now discuss why soul elects for herself the way of homosexual development. Because every phenomenon in the universe is not random but has the definite aim. In the context of present question we have to examine positive and negative qualities which are gained by soul that chosen the way of homosexual development on earthly plan. However it's order to mention that positive soul qualities are gained only at supreme forms of homosexuality which were already examined by us in this book. Positive qualities: 1) compassion, sympathy and mildness to other people; 2) deep comprehension of own development tendencies through the process of soul suffering and pain; 3) the experience of supreme forms of sublimation which are necessary for transformation of sexual energy into creative purposes; 4) the concentration on the problems and global aims of society releasing person attention from own ego; 5) the aspiration for spiritual clarification and psycho-emotional realization which are necessary for soul development on the earthly plan; 6) the comprehension of how to introduce new rules for spiritual realization of every social group in modern society; 7) the deliberate inclination to the supreme forms of interaction between individuals; Negative ones: 1) redundant and perverted sex; 2) sensory, intellectual and spiritual degradation of individual at frequent sexual partners' change; 3) the violation of energetic condition of organism as a result of psycho-emotional imbalance; 4) the absence of social development and self-realization; 5) inaccessibility of supreme forms of love for cognition and perception of individual; 6) the feeling of own detachment which individual tries to compensate by sex without no result; 28. The extraterrestrial civilization "Inca" - the source of information for this book Now I have to tell you about cosmic Force who participated in channeling with me for this book. Appearance description: The male head, oval face, huge nose (similar to Greek one). The color of skin - dark bronze. Dark hair combed back. The eye angle is amazingly slanting. The ears are large and have square shape. When these eyes opened and looked at me I felt very ancient wisdom, severity and confidence. I had the feeling of calmness and certainty. Then I got the telepathic message that this is the individual of Inca. The reasons of information transmission: Inca civilization leads large amount of projects on earthly plan in transformation of human consciousness and spirituality the main purpose of which is the harmonization of social relations, production of global human love and esteem to each other and extraterrestrial civilizations. The project of creation of this theosophical and esoteric manual was organized with the aim of opening to humankind (including LGBT people) necessary information for spiritual perfection of society. I think that this task was realized on rather high level which can provide LGBT people

inclination to spiritual transformation and progress. Exactly the wish to come to the God is necessary for every individual because it's the only way for humankind salvation and its subsequent transition to the new level of progressive development. If to talk about the past of Inca civilization we can find out that the postulates described in this book is the reflection of long-term spiritual experience of Inca civilization. The reason of creation of this spiritual manual for LGBT people is my combined inclination (with Higher Forces) for giving the perfect possibility for soul development and spiritual growth. Because traditional world religions are mainly unable to provide any information for spiritual progress of LGBT people. Thus after publishing this book homosexuals will get the possibility to develop and progress. Naturally only human choice plays the main role if to accept the hand of divine support and assistance from Higher Forces and God or to refuse. However if individual doesn't want to see the possibility of own spiritual development then during some time the hand of support disappears and person starts to degrade morally and spiritually losing the acquired positive and supreme soul qualities. Finally such soul at the strong degradation undergoes complete destruction that means individual impossibility to continue own development in supreme subtle worlds. In case of spiritual and intellectual development individual after completion of his reincarnation cycle in physical body finishes own soul evolution on the earthly plan coming to the upper subtle worlds. If I'll be able to create my own esoteric and theosophical school then the experience of assumed spiritual development can be transmitted by me and cosmic Forces which are interested in support of fundamental projects concerning the positive transformation of human consciousness. Each person has to create own system of distinction between constructiveness and destructiveness because these terms are not as simple as it seems from the first sight. For instance, if the representatives of one religion start to suppress and discriminate the rights of other confession then such priests damages the ideals which were initially brought by the creator of the definite world-religion. Exactly the love, compassion, mercy, the wish to assist are the inalienable qualities characterizing the spiritual world of individual that is truly religious and pious. Thus after the comprehension of fundamental postulates which are the basis of every soul development, humankind will be able to see the hand of the divine assistance and start to move upstairs on spiritual evolution ladder. 29. Will sex disappear in future or why humans have sexual attraction Many postulates which were described by me to LGBT people are also active for heterosexuals but mainly I've decided to organize this book as new progressive psychoanalysis of sexual minorities After making the complicated analysis of homosexuality we can now revise sex without separation on sexual minority and majority because sexual activity plays the same role in both cases. Sex has two main functions in its basis: 1)reproduction; 2)relaxation; In future there will appear more supreme ways of body reproduction which will help individuals to reproduce without sex participation. The relaxation at sexual contact appears only if individual realizes in reality own physical attraction or transmits the sexual energy in more supreme - the creative one.

However in the sixth race humanity will get the straight access to the subtle plans and management mechanisms of energetic flows which let humans to operate every energetic types (including sexual energy) without participation of human being in physical sex. At the present moment of human civilization the sexual attraction is the mechanism leading to reproduction or/and relaxation according to the postulates stated by me in the given chapter. Thus we can come to conclusion that sex as well as every state of human society can serve progressive development as well as strong degradation. And only human choice and his comprehension of present processes will lead to the summary developmental result of separate individual as well as total human continuum.

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