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I have been a certified fitness trainer (CFT) for three years and have earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) in

dietetics, graduating with Magna Cum aude honors! "es#ite my e$tensive e$#erience as an athlete and educational bac%ground I am constantly being told that, &you do not eat enough carbohydrates&! This is a common misconce#tion that some #eo#le have created due to the fact that they do not %now much about my nutritional #ractices as an athlete' therefore, the latter (uote is a false accusation! The #eo#le )um#ing to conclusions should become willing to learn about different scientific a##roaches towards nutrition! This leads to the introduction of the to#ic being covered in this review of literature, the *nabolic +utrient Timing Factor (*+TF)! I first learned about the *+TF through ,aul Cribb B!S! Sci! -MS! ,aul is a research scientist whom studies muscular dynamics he is also the research director for the su##lement com#any *ST S#orts Sciences! What Does ANTF Stand For?
*nabolic +utrient Timing Factor!

.hen I first learned about ,aul/s theories I became ecstatic' I thought to myself &finally another #rofessional in the field that will bac% my theories and beliefs towards nutrition!& This #a#er will discuss timing the macronutrients in scientifically #roven method in order to assist the athlete in gaining results from their training methods via nutrition! ,erha#s of e(ual im#ortance is the e$tensive #ersonal e$#erience that I have with this method of nutrition! It may seem e$treme to some but the #eo#le that are following this #ractice are not your ty#ical *mericans! The individuals #racticing the *+TF are athletes striving to get an edge on their com#etition! Furthermore, they are going about it through the safe and intelligent way, which utili0es #ro#er dietetic #ractices! The results that they are e$#eriencing are #henomenal! The athletes willing to get serious about their nutritional #ractices and use the *+TF will have full, hydrated, nutrient dense, and glycogen filled muscles!

Some Info About Carbs And Insulin

-aving been so dee#ly critici0ed concerning my carbohydrate inta%e throughout my years as a collegiate athlete and natural bodybuilder I begin by dee#ly covering the misunderstood macronutrient! If an athlete consumes carbohydrates at the right times the macronutrient can benefit the athlete by functioning as it is su##osed to! Carbohydrates are su##osed to re#lenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscle cells while su##lying the body with a sufficient amount of blood glucose for immediate energy! Carbohydrates wor% in con)unction with insulin! Insulin is one of the most #owerful hormones #resent in the human body! .hen used and timed correctly great things can ha##en in the carbohydrate insulin relationshi#! -aving stated that, it is im#ortant to understand that timing is everything when s#ea%ing of insulin! If you allow your #ancreas to secrete insulin at a time of insulin insensitivity you are setting u# an internal environment, which su##orts disaster! Insulin insensitivity can be described as a time, which the muscles are not #rimed for glucose u#ta%e and storage! This is the ty#ical every day scenario for sedentary individuals that consume too many carbohydrates! If this #ractice occurs over a #rolonged #eriod of time individual can become insulin resistant! .hen this occurs the target cells along the muscles and other tissues fail to res#ond to the #resence of blood insulin! This condition is related to the #athology of obesity and diabetes1! The science behind increasing muscle tissue lies in a com#le$ interaction involving the muscles, liver, and blood! *dditionally, the amount of amino acids that are #resent inside of these tissues is also significant factor! To ma$imi0e muscle growth and athletic #otential the natural athlete must utili0e every o##ortunity that allows them to enhance their internal environment #romoting anabolism! The successful intelligent athletes are forever concerned with their entire #hysiology! For e$am#le, when an athlete consumes a meal it does not necessarily mean that what they wanted to ha##en through the nutrient consum#tion will actually ha##en! Consuming #rotein does not mean that the nutrients and amino acids from the food will be used for muscle growth!

Keeping Your od! In An Anaboli" State
The core of the *+TF is insulin and nutrient mani#ulation, which stimulates your #ancreas to secrete the #owerful hormone! If an athlete can master this techni(ue they will be able to %ee# their body/s metabolic #athway in an anabolic state! .hey ,rotein is a common form of mar%eted #rotein in su##lemental form! Therefore I will use whey as an e$am#le several times throughout this #a#er! .hey #rotein can be used in con)unction with insulin secretions to assure maintenance and rebuilding of muscle mass! Managing the amount of insulin #resent in the blood is the %ey to success, in the *+TF! The #ancreas, which sits directly beneath your stomach, secretes insulin! Insulin will be secreted into the bloodstream when the food you consume triggers the need for secretion of the hormone! Insulin however is not released in significant amounts every time that food in consumed! Insulin reacts s#ecifically in res#onse to carbohydrate foods, #articularly the ones having a high glycemic inde$ rating! Insulin assists the body in glycogen re#lenishment via the active trans#ort of nutrients into muscle cells by way of the sodium #otassium #um#, which is located in the cell surfaces of the muscles! In doing so, insulin assists in %ee#ing the body in a state of anabolism and actually #revents catabolism2! -owever, it is im#ortant to understand that the mere #resence of insulin does not only #romote muscle cell anabolism, it #romotes cell anabolism in general! Therefore, if your muscles are not ready to ta%e in the nutrients because they are saturated with glycogen or the #hysiological environment is not right, adi#ose cells will always welcome the addition of stored energy! There are two as#ects of concern when s#ea%ing of mani#ulating insulin secretion! The first as#ect lies in %nowing how to time the consum#tion of insulin associated high glycemic carbohydrate based foods! The second ste# involves adding #rotein to the carbohydrates during the advantageous #hysiological time frame! ,rotein consum#tion #rovides the body with the right material for o#timal muscle growth and recovery! .hen muscle cells are de#leted from e$haustive resistance training they are in need of amino acids! If your blood insulin level is high insulin will #ush the #rotein into the muscle cells! Insulin has the ability to drive #rotein and carbohydrates into muscle tissue, but the consum#tion of #rotein alone will not stimulate insulin secretion! Following the guidelines of the *+TF will enhance the u#ta%e of any ty#e of #rotein that is utili0ed in #ost resistance training meals (2)! *dditionally it is im#ortant to %now that some #roteins are higher on the biological scale that others ma%ing it safe to say that all #roteins are not created e(ual! .hey #rotein will #rovide the bloodstream with a (uic% surge of amino acids, which is needed immediately following training! 3esearch shows that in a state of low blood insulin, whey #rotein will be used as energy, which is not a wanted condition4! The amino acid #rofile in whey #rotein has a high array of gluconeogenic amino acids, and they are easily used for energy #ur#oses5! This ma%es whey #rotein sound li%e a #oor choice of #rotein but the amino acids are also critical in stimulating #rotein synthesis, which is necessary for muscle growth and re#air to occur! The difference in getting your whey #rotein to be used as an energy source or used to generate #rotein synthesi0e is managing your blood insulin levels!

#sing $rotein With Carbs $ost%Wor&out

To assure that your #rotein is used correctly and #romoting anabolism use it when blood insulin levels are soaring high! .hen insulin is #resent in high doses the #recursors that allow for gluconeogenesis to occur are drastically decreased6! Consuming the #rescribed ty#e of carbohydrates at the a##ro#riate time mi$ed with #rotein creates the o#timal anabolic environment! 7ust as eating #rotein is not guaranteed that the amino acids will be used to re#air muscle tissue' consuming carbohydrates is not a guaranteed reason to feel confident that they will re#lenish glycogen and #roving energy either! *thletes must consume their carbohydrates following their training in order to get the blood insulin levels u# rather (uic%ly while the metabolic #athway is su##orting anabolism4! ow blood sugar and low insulin levels cause the secretion of catabolic hormones, which is an unwanted condition for athletes! The #ost8training time frame calls for and if utili0ed #ro#erly will allow for the restoration of glycogen and blood glucose! It is at this crucial time that the #rocess of reloading nutrients is #riority in #hysiologic terms! To ta%e advantage of this #recious moment the athlete should have a dose of sim#le carbohydrates! These

carbohydrates should come in the form of a li(uid for the ease of digestion! The athlete should consume about 9!6 grams of carbohydrates for every %ilogram of their body weight immediately following their training session:! The best ty#e of carbohydrate at this time should come in the form of a li(uid! .hen trying to get blood insulin levels elevated using a )uice containing a high sucrose to fructose ratio is #referable! ;ra#e, orange, or tangerine )uices are a few e$am#les of li(uid carbohydrates that fit this descri#tion6! Carbo#le$< is also an o#timal glycogen reloading su##lement which is com#rised of the carbohydrate maltode$trin! *nother great choice available on the mar%et is =nduro$ 35<! This #roduct lists glucose as the #rimary carbohydrates ingredient, which is also a great insulin s#i%ing form of sugar! The carbohydrates that are #resent in these #roducts and )uices #roduce a ra#id surge of blood sugar! Furthermore, they are wiser choices than that of a##le, gra#efruit, or #ear )uice:! S#orts drin%s, which contain a greater8than819> carbohydrate concentration of sucrose and maltode$trin effectively elevate the blood sugar! Therefore, these drin%s are an e$cellent #ost wor%out choice of carbohydrate #roviding the insulin s#i%e that the athlete is in search of6,:! The designers of ;atorade< reali0ed this a long time ago when they formulated the now famous s#orts re#lenishment drin%!

Tr! The Ne' (eneration of Sports Drin&) ACC*+*,AD*) Whi"hs Deli-ers .ore *nerg! To .us"les Faster/

The *+TF has two %ey ste#s! The first ste# is com#lete when we have elevated the blood glucose and insulin levels by consuming the #reviously described re#lenishment s#orts drin%! +ow that the insulin levels are soaring we must add in #rotein to the concoction, which is the second ste#! The s#orts drin% does not have any #rotein in it' by adding #rotein to the drin% we are su##lying #rotein to the muscles by ta%ing advantage of the insulin surge6! *dding .hey ,rotein, an easily digested #rotein, to the re#lenishment drin% creates an o#timal anabolic environment! This will ultimately #rovide the de#leted muscle cells with a highly #owerful concoction consisting of glucose and amino acids! Furthermore, it #roduces an increase in blood insulin resulting in ma$imal u#ta%e of glucose and #rotein2! The glucose will be trans#orted into the muscle cells and loc%ed inside the muscle as glycogen, which will be readily available for energy4! What Is (l!"ogen?
;lycogen is the #rinci#al stored form of carbohydrate energy (glucose), which is reserved in muscles! .hen your muscles are full of glycogen, they loo% and feel full!

The #rotein will stimulate #rotein synthesis inside the mitochondria of the muscle! Mitochondria are microsco#ic #owerhouses, which energi0e every human activity! The more mitochondria that a cell #ossesses the more stamina it will have! 3esistance training increases the number of mitochondria in muscle cells?! The culminating result lies in the fact that the #rotein and carbohydrate li(uid concoction will cease muscle catabolism and increase muscle anabolism4! This would be considered the first of four #ost8training meals that are to be consumed!

Your S*C0ND $ost%Wor&out .eal

Consum#tion of the second #ost training meal should be conducted about 49 minutes following the initial li(uid mi$ture of carbohydrates and #rotein! The second meal should be low in fat, to s#eed gastric em#tying, and contain easily absorbed carbohydrates along with a lean source of #rotein! The second meal is similar to the first meal in macronutrient com#osition' however, the food choices are slightly different! *t this time the best "arboh!drate "hoi"es would be a ba&ed potato) steamed 'hite ri"e) "oo&ed grits) or pasta! The second meal should be in the form of solid food! The second meal could be a grilled "hi"&en1fish 'ith ri"e or a serving of meat sau"e) made 'ith a lean sour"e of meat) o-er pasta! Consuming this meal assures that the amino acids from the whey, which was consumed in the first meal will be used for muscle anabolism and not the restoration of blood glucose6! This meal should not be too large in content! 3esearch shows that cellular anabolic mechanisms remain accelerated for u# to three hours following intense resistance training4! The athlete may feel slightly full but not overly stuffed

after consuming the second meal! So far the athlete has consumed a drin% and a small meal within a half hour following training! The nutrients must be given a chance to e$it the stomach! The meals are %e#t small but rather #owerful attem#ting to avoid intestinal bloat! * %een eye should be watching the cloc% because the athlete still has two and a half hours to use their anabolic window of o##ortunity!

Still 2ungr!? Your T2I,D and F0#,T2 $ost%Wor&out .eals

*fter consuming the second meal the athlete should wait about an hour before consuming the third! They still have to consume two more small solid food meals similar to the second! If the athlete feels li%e eating a solid meal would cause intestinal bloat they could use another serving of 'he! and consume a small potato! *thletes can be creative and use any of the other designated carbohydrates but the third meal should be small in content! The athlete now has one and a half hours remaining to consume the fourth and final anabolic meal! The athlete should use their best )udgment on deciding when to consume this meal, but should try to consume it within the last half hour of their anabolic window! .ithin the three8hour #ost8training time frame the athlete will have consumed four small meals! The initial li(uid meal and three food meals should have contained about 59 grams of #rotein and 29849 grams of carbohydrates each! @tili0ing the *+TF allows a steady stream of amino acids to be channeled straight toward the muscle #romoting anabolism2,6! *thletes are concerned with the results associated with their training! The *+TF, which is a great techni(ue, will definitely assist the athlete in ma%ing #rogress! This #a#er has thus far outlined the details needed to follow the *+TF' and as you can see living by the (uote, &timing is everything& is essential when following this nutritional #ractice!

The 0ther 34 2ours 0f Your Da!

There are still 21 hours remaining in the day and the style of eating that should be followed is drastically different than what occurred in the latter #hase of the *+TF! The bul% of the remaining #ortion of the diet will be built on fibrous vegetables and sources of lean #rotein! Fibrous vegetables su##ly the body with vitamins and minerals! Furthermore, fibrous vegetables elevate your metabolism #roviding a sustained energy source to the body assisting in fat loss! *dditionally, they also allow more volume in the diet while #roviding only a few %ilocalories! Fiber also slows down gastric em#tying assuring #ro#er utili0ation of the #rotein consumed and #romoting satiety! Fibrous vegetables should be a ma)or com#onent of any healthy dietA! Management of blood insulin is once again a %ey com#onent throughout the remainder of the day! Fibrous vegetables have a low glycemic value' therefore, insulin levels are managed efficiently6! The results are fewer highs and lows associated with energy levels, less mood swings, and less of a chance for fat storage' ama0ingly the o##osite is the case in ty#ical un#redictable diet regimens! *lthough this #a#er does not focus on fat loss, which occurs when %ilocalorie e$#enditure e$ceeds consum#tion, fibrous based diets allow for fat loss to occurA! Find .an! 2ealth Diet Arti"les From 0ur Database 2*,*/ The managing your blood insulin levels is critical in maintaining a natural anabolic drive! The anabolic drive is a synergistic interaction of the growth factors, anabolic hormones, and nutrients, which control muscle anabolism:! Insulin is a %ey com#onent in this mi$ture! Insulin influences every #hysiologic muscle8building #athway in the human body! Maintaining the anabolic drive revolves around maintaining steady insulin levels?! "aily food choices com#letely govern the ability of the body to burn fat and build muscle! Consuming #oor food choices following training and ta%ing ha#ha0ard a##roaches to dieting #romotes surges and #lummets in regards to blood insulin and blood sugar levels! This interru#ts the anabolic drive ma%ing the athletic efforts tended to im#rove #erformance, useless! Carbohydrate selection can either ma%e or brea% results! Contrary to what most #eo#le believe fibrous vegetables do su##ly the body with both fiber and glucoseA! For a carbohydrate to be used as energy in the cells they must end u# in the form of glucose!

Fiber does not #rovide energy but has many healthy associations attached to itA! Fiber is a com#le$ structure containing several ty#es of sugar molecules! The body cannot digest fiber due to a lac% of the digestive en0ymes, which are re(uired to brea% the bonds that bind the sugar molecules together! Thus, fiber #asses though the digestive system in an undigested form!

The (l!"emi" Inde5 0f Carbs

Carbohydrates should be thought of as either high or low glycemic! Carbohydrates and their association to insulin have a huge im#act on health issues! Scientists investigated the #hysiological res#onse of foods defining the increase in blood sugar levels created by each! The glycemic inde$ (;I) ran%s foods based on the immediate effect they have on blood glucose! The ;I ran%s foods on a 9 to 199 scale related to the e$tent that the food raises the blood sugar! Buic%ly bro%en down carbohydrates have high ;I ratings! What Does 6(I6 Stand For?
;I is an acronym for /;lycemic Inde$/!

Slowly bro%en down carbohydrates, gradually release glucose into the blood and have a low ;I rating6! These ratings associated with fibrous vegetables and are the ty#e that should be consumed throughout the remainder of the day! ow ;I foods slow down digestion and absor#tion #roducing gradual rises in blood insulin and blood glucose! .hen you select foods %ee#ing the ;I rating in mind you decrease the overall amount of insulin secretion while #romoting insulin sensitivity in tissues! This ma%es insulin more effective when #resent in the body! "r! "avid 7en%ins develo#ed the ;I in 1CA1! It was designed for a diabetic aid during food selection in attem#t to #romote insulin management6! For athletes, having %nowledge of the ;I ratings of carbohydrates can be a valuable tool! Following the #ost8training *+TF #eriod, o#timal nutrient trans#ort and maintenance of steady blood insulin and glucose levels can be achieved by selecting from ;I foods, which #ossess a rating below :9! ow ;I carbohydrates in general are unrefined foods as are fibrous vegetables! These foods maintain an o#timal anabolic environment through managing blood glucose and insulin %ee#ing them within a tight range! These carbohydrates #revent hunger #angs and slum#s of energy while #romoting fat loss! .hen #rotein is combined with carbohydrate foods having a higher ;I rating, they have the ability to lower the overall ;I rating of the meal! Mother nature intended our diets to be glycemically low! ,rotein foods are all low on the ;I! *ll the nutrients that we need were generally #ac%aged for us in a slow release form via fibrous vegetables! ,*+AT*D A,TIC+* The (l!"emi" Inde5/
The varied use of low, mid and high glycemic foods are also being studied and integrated as #art of good s#orts nutrition and enhanced #erformance! earn why it is so im#ortantD 7 Cli"& here to learn more8 9

Modern technology toyed with mother nature/s version of foods for #leasure and shelf storage reasons! ,rocessing foods ma%es them higher on the ;I scale! The effects of the instant and artificial foods are revealed through the #revalence of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and weight gain! Being aware of carbohydrate ty#es and %nowing when to eat them will accelerate results from an athletes training! The foods selection outlined in the *+TF is the one time when selecting foods with a high ;I will #romote training results! It is recommended that athletes %ee# their total carbohydrate inta%e at about 59> of their total caloric inta%e! This will #rovide an ade(uate amount of fuel for their muscles and allow other bodily functions to ade(uately o#erate while #reventing the inta%e of e$cess carbohydrates, which would result in a conversion of body fat!

Fat And $rotein Inta&e

-aving covered carbohydrates leaves two other macronutrients yet to be covered! Carbohydrates, fat, and #rotein all #lay a synergistic #art in an athlete/s #erformance! -owever, a basic rule in general still stands to #rove that it is dietary #rotein that su##orts muscle growth, maintenance, and recovery! Carbohydrates and fats, while having a significant role in the athlete/s diet do not have any muscle growth #ro#erties associated with them! It is #rotein, which su##lies the essential amino acids needed to su##ort muscle anabolism!

Before going in to the s#ecifics of #rotein re(uirements let us ta%e a loo% at the com#osition of a daily diet! The three macronutrients, #rotein, carbohydrates, and fats ma%e u# the total caloric inta%e of every healthy diet! Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and are used to su##ly the muscles with energy and su##ort ade(uate brain functionC! Fats are a dense source of energy containing C calories #er gram, which is over two times of what #rotein and carbohydrates su##ly! Because of the density you can meet your daily caloric limit (uite (uic%ly via high fat foods! Fats are a necessity and su##ort many vital bodily functions! -owever, you do not re(uire very much of it and most #eo#le consume more dietary fat than is actually needed! .hen athletes follow a diet that is high in lean #rotein sources and moderate in carbohydrate inta%e, fat consum#tion generally ta%es care of itself! For s#ecifics, fat inta%e should remain around 19> of an athlete/s total caloric inta%e! This amount allows for the necessary functions which fat #rovides and limits e$cess %ilocalories associated fat consum#tionA! ,rotein is re(uired for virtually every growth #romoting #rocess! ,rotein is a cellular builder, and besides water, #rotein is the most abundant substance in the human body! ,rotein has #resence in every organ and is an essential nutrient for the #roduction of blood, hormones, and en0ymes! *dditionally, #rotein is essential for immunologic factors, muscle re#air, maintenance, and growth19! *thletic training, #articularly resistance training, #laces an increased demand for #rotein in the athlete! .hen athletes train and eat #ro#erly they will build muscle tissue and the more muscle develo#ed the more #rotein that is re(uired! Muscle tissue is the #rimary de#osit site for #rotein! Muscle is li%e a #rotein reservoir and if you su##ly an insufficient amount of #rotein to your body it will ta%e amino acids from muscle tissue when needed11! This is %nown as muscle catabolism, which is something that every athlete wants to avoid! From briefly covering the im#ortance of the three macronutrients nutrients you should understand why heavy em#hasis is #laced on #rotein consum#tion when referring to athletes! ,rotein is largely utili0ed in the growth #rocesses for athletes trying to develo# muscle and increase #erformance! Therefore, it is essential that at least 69> of an athlete/s daily %ilocalories be su##lied from dietary #rotein! ,aul "elia, the founder and #resident of *ST S#orts Science, recommends at least 1!CA?6 grams of #rotein to be consumed for every #ound of an athlete/s body weight19,12!

An *5ample
This nutritional a##roach can be wra##ed u# and summari0ed through the use of an e$am#le! et us say that there was a 1698#ound bodybuilder that wanted to use the *+TF! The bodybuilder had been %ee#ing an e$tensive food diary and %nows that he consumes about 2699 %ilocalories every day! The bodybuilder should consume 412 grams of #rotein each day, which is 69> of the total %ilocalories! Carbohydrate consum#tion should consist of 59> of the total %ilocalories, which e(uates to about 269 grams a day! Finally fat, which should com#rise of about 19> of the total %ilocalorie inta%e calculates to 2A grams a day14! If the bodybuilder eats four meals containing 59 grams of #rotein and 49 grams of carbohydrates in the three8hour #ost8training window of o##ortunity he has consumed 1:9 grams of #rotein and 129 grams of carbohydrates! This e(uates to 56> of the total daily %ilocalories! The bodybuilder still has 1?2 grams of #rotein, 149 grams of carbohydrates, and roughly 26 grams of fat to be consumed over the remaining 218hour #eriod! The bodybuilder can easily get the remaining %ilocalories via four small meals containing 54 grams of #rotein, 42 grams of carbohydrates, and : grams of fat! I chose to include this e$am#le for the athletes that are number s#ecific! -owever, I believe that it is more im#ortant to understand that the ty#e, (uality, and timing is far more critical than the numbers when attem#ting to create an anabolic effect15! The #recise calculations are interesting and are su##orted by science, but the truth of the matter lies in the fact that the ty#ical athlete will not be as concerned as are the elite few! Some determined athletes are willing to %ee# logs and )ournals documenting their nutritional and training habits! +onetheless, the conce#t of the *+TF is remar%able! If the medical community, because of their lac% of understanding, chooses to dis#el it as a fad this would shed disgrace on the intellectual athletic community! These #eo#le are the #ioneers of athletic #erformance research, whom are forever see%ing new brea%throughs in all fields of s#ort8associated sciences!

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