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Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx

Obidi, et al

Estimation of Shelf Life for Waterbased Paints Using Regression Methods


Obidi, Olayide F., 1 !a"h#$!#, Simon %. and 1&boaba, Ol#simbo O. 1 'e(artment of )otany and Mi"robiology, Uni*ersity of Lagos Lagos, igeria 11++1 ,-./ 0+. /1- +2.. laideob3yahoo."om

!alor, 4ohn U 'e(artment of %hemi"al Engineering, Uni*ersity of Lagos Lagos, igeria 11++1

&bstra"t5 The helf li!e of "ater-ba ed #aint made in $i%eria "ere in!e ti%ated& The mean chan%e in the microbial #o#ulation count of ix fre hl' made #aint am#le ((S) * (S+) "ere monitored fortni%htl' for a #eriod of )0 month & The %ro"th data of i olated or%ani m from the fre h and #oilt #aint am#le "ere fitted into a multi#le linear re%re ion model to #redict helf life for the fre h #aint am#le & The microbial #o#ulation ran%ed from )&0 x )0) * ,&- x )0. cfu/ml and from )&0 x )0) * .&. x )00 cfu/ml for bacteria and fun%i o!er the tud' #eriod& (h' ico-chemical #arameter uch a #ecific %ra!it' (S1), o#tical den it' (O2), tran mittance (T3), #4 and !i co it' (56S) "ere al o determined e!er' t"o "ee7 for the fre h #aint am#le o!er the ten-month tud' #eriod& The mea urement of the #h' ico-chemical #arameter u%%e ted deterioration related to microbial #o#ulation count of the #aint am#le & 8on e9uentl', the model de!elo#ed com#ri ed of t"o e9uation "ith #articular attention to microbial #o#ulation count and #h' ico-chemical #arameter of the #aint am#le & The microbial #o#ulation count of the #oilt #aint am#le "ere 0&, x )0 )0 cfu/ml and 0&2 x )0. cfu/ml for bacteria and fun%i re #ecti!el'& The chan%e in the #h' ico-chemical #arameter ran%ed from 2&:+.: * )&0:.0, )&,9 * 0&9), +&9 * 2&0, :&. * .&+, ))&-c t *)0&:c t for S1, O2, T3, #4 and 56S in fre h #aint am#le & The #ercenta%e re idual error bet"een the helf life #redicted and the helf life ex#erimental ran%ed bet"een 0&00) and 0&.00& The helf li!e obtained for the fre h #aint am#le "ere )9, 2), 20, 22, 0-, and 22 month re #ecti!el'& 6ey !ords5 Shelf life, (aint , 3e%re ion&

7ntrod#"tion (aint i the %eneral term for a famil' of #roduct a##lied to !ariou urface uch a "ood, metal or tone to #rotect the urface from corro ion, oxidation and en!ironmental "eatherin%& 6t al o #ro!ide decorati!e fini h (Adele'e and Adele'e, )999)& ;ater-ba ed #aint are #rone to biode%radation becau e of their htt#< <"""&american cience&or%

a9ueou nature and #re ence of microbial nutrient & Therefore, the monitorin% of #aint 9ualit' i one of the main %oal of the #aint indu tr'& The helf life of "ater-ba ed #aint i influenced b' a number of factor uch a initial microbiolo%ical 9ualit' of ra" material , #ac7a%in% material and the manufactu) american cience=>%mail&com&

Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx rin% #lant it elf (1illatt, )999, Obidi et al., 2009)& The #aucit' of information on #aint helf life i a ma=or #roblem be"ilderin% the #aint indu tr'& Thi i the rea on for the exten i!e u e of lead to im#ro!e #aint durabilit' and hence, helf life (3abin, )9:9)& 4o"e!er, the u e of lead in #aint ha #o ed i%nificant health ha?ard ince the mid )920@ (3abin, )9:9, Aathee et al&, 200-)& The aim of the #re ent tud' "ere to determine the helf li!e of #aint u in% a multi#le linear re%re ion model and to e!aluate the !alidit' of the de!elo#ed model in #redictin% helf life b' com#arin% the ob er!ed re ult "ith the model #rediction u in% the re idual error factor ($eter et al&, )9:0)& Materials and Methods Mi"robiologi"al 7dentifi"ation Six #aint am#le ((S)-(S+) from a ma=or #aint indu tr' in Ba%o , $i%eria "ere collected randoml' hortl' after com#letion of #roduction& The' "ere monitored for microbial %ro"th u in% tandard #late count techni9ue& Ali9uot (0&) ml) from both lo" ()0-2, )0-,) and hi%h ()0-+, )0-:) ten -fold erial dilution of #aint am#le "ere #lated out on $utrient a%ar ($A), Aac 8on7e' a%ar (A8A) and (otato dextro e a%ar ((2A) #late in three re#licate & $A and A8A #late "ere incubated aerobicall' at 0-08 for )-2 da' and (2A #late at room tem#erature (00C208) for 0-. da' & (recautionar' mea ure uch a a e#tic techni9ue "ere adhered to and found effecti!e a the control am#le "hich "a not o#ened re%ularl' for i olation had ame microbial #o#ulation den it' a the ex#erimental am#le & 6n addition, #oilt #aint am#le "ere anal'?ed to 7no" the le!el of microbial contaminant that htt#< <"""&american cience&or% En#meration and

Obidi, et al could cau e #oila%e of "ater- ba ed #aint am#le & The colonie that de!elo#ed in the #late "ere enumerated& (ure culture of i olate "ere obtained b' ubculturin% and identified b' reference to A(6 (Anal'tical (rofile 6ndex) te t ' tem & 'etermination of Physi"o-"hemi"al Parameters S(e"ifi" gra*ity5 S#ecific %ra!it' "a determined b' #'cnometr' a de cribed b' Oh"oa!"orhua and Adela7un (200.)& A terile #'cnometer of .0 ml ca#acit' "a "ei%hed and the "ei%ht recorded a A)& (aint am#le (.0 ml) "a tran ferred into the #'cnometer& The #'cnometer and it content "ere "ei%hed and the "ei%ht recorded a A2& The #'cnometer containin% the #aint am#le "a filled "ith di tilled "ater and ha7en man' time to allo" all tra##ed air "ithin the #'cnometer to be ex#elled& The "ei%ht of the #'cnometer "a recorded a A0& The #'cnometer "a em#tied, "a hed and refilled "ith di tilled "ater and the "ei%ht recorded a A,& S#ecific %ra!it' "a then calculated u in% the formula: S1 D (A2-A))

(A,-A))(A0-A2) O(ti"al 'ensity and 8ransmittan"e5 Thi "a determined colorimetricall' (3iec7 et al., )990) "ith a #hotoelectric colorimeter (Aodel: AE-))8 To7'o Erma O#tical "or7 Btd, Ja#an)& The colorimeter "a tandardi?ed b' ad=u tin% it to read )00F li%ht tran mittance "ith . ml di tilled "ater at a "a!elen%th of ++0 nm& The colorimeter had t"o cale & The bottom cale di #la'ed the ab orbance "hile the to# cale, F tran mittance& Gi!e (. ml) of eriall' diluted #aint am#le "ere #oured in the cu!ette and ub e9uentl' #laced in the colorimeter 2 american cience=>%mail&com&

Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx to determine the o#tical den it' and the tran mittance& Mean (95 The #4 of the #aint am#le "a determined "ith a #4 meter (Aodel: Jen"a' A.0/3e! 8E0.0EH) in ): 200 olution of the #aint am#le in di tilled "ater& The #4 meter "a calibrated u in% #hthalate buffer (#4, ,&0) and #ho #hate buffer olution (#4, -&0)& :is"osity5 5i co it' "a determined u in% a %la ca#illar' tubular !i cometer (Aodel: 8a#iro%ra#h To'o ei7l Sei a7u-Sho Btd) a de cribed b' 3ammohan and Ia en (2000)& The #aint am#le "a allo"ed to flo" throu%h an outlet tube (mea urin% tube "hich i narro"ed into a ca#illar' tube abo!e the outlet)& T"o annular reference mar7 on the mea urin% tube "ere u ed& The time it too7 the am#le meni cu to dro# from the u##er to the lo"er reference mar7 "a mea ured manuall' "ith a to#-"atch& The !i co it' "a then calculated b' multi#l'in% the mea ured time b' the !i cometer calibration factor at room tem#erature (00C208)& 'ata &nalysis The microbial %ro"th data for the fre h and #oilt #aint am#le "ere fitted into the fir t e9uation of a multi#le linear re%re ion model ($eter et al&, )9:0)& The re%re ion #arameter e timate (0 * 3) "ere %enerated "ith data from the initial to the final microbial #o#ulation count of fre h #aint am#le durin% the tud' #eriod u in% the JA(6$ oft"are& Ii D 0 C ) (logJ)) C 2 (logJ2) C

Obidi, et al

;here 0 i the re%re ion interce#t, )- 0 are re%re ion #arameter e timate (at 0 * )0 month ), J)* J0 (re#re ented b' the hi%he t !alue of total bacterial count, total coliform count and total fun%al count re #ecti!el') are the re%re or coefficient at the #oilt tate, Ii i the time (in month ) and e i the error factor& The data for the #h' ico-chemical #arameter durin% the tud' #eriod "ere fitted into the econd e9uation of the model: Ii D 0 C

1 (J)) C

2(J2) C .(J.) C e

0(J0) C

,ln(J,) C

;here 0 i the re%re ion interce#t, )- . are re%re ion #arameter e timate (at 0 * )0 month ), J )* J0 (re#re ented b' S1, O2, T3, #4 and 56S) are the re%re or coefficient at the #oilt tate, Ii i the time (in month )& %om(arison )et!een Obser*ed and Predi"ted Shelf Life Thi "a ba ed on the re idual error factor (eD Ii *K&) The ob er!ed microbial #o#ulation count and #h' icochemical #arameter "ere com#ared "ith the #redicted !alue & e D Ii * K ;here Ii i ob er!ed re ult, K i #redicted re ult and e i the error factor 0 american cience=>%mail&com&



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Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx Res#lts and 'is"#ssion Ten mor#holo%icall' different microor%ani m "ere i olated follo"in% initial ten-fold erial dilution and tandard #late count from fre h #aint am#le ((S)* (S+) that ha!e been #roce ed to meet com#an'@ re%ulation and #ecification & The bacterial i olate "hich "ere identified b' the identification #rofile %enerated u in% the databa e code obtained from the A(6 identification oft"are (A(6;EL) include the follo"in%: Bacillus polymyxa, (OL-)) Bacillus brevis, (OL2) Bacillus laterosporus,(OL-0) Proteus mirabilis, (OL-,) Escherichia coli, (OL.) Lactobacillus gasseri (OL--) and Lactobacillus brevis (OL-:) The fun%al i olate "ere identified a Aspergillus niger, (OL-9) A. flavus (OL-)0) and Penicillium citrinum (OL-))) re #ecti!el' ba ed on macro co#ic and micro co#ic characteri tic & The microbial #o#ulation count data from the ix #aint am#le ((S)* (S+) durin% the ten-month tud' #eriod ho"ed an increa e from )&0 x )0) to ,&- x )0. cfu/ml& The mean chan%e in microbial #o#ulation den it' of the #aint am#le are ho"n in Gi%& )& There "a a #rotracted la% #eriod of , * . month in the #aint am#le & Sub e9uentl', there "a tead' ex#onential %ro"th till the )0th month& The hi%h count of bacteria ob er!ed in the fre h #aint (Gi%&)) u%%e t that the helf life of the #aint "ould be rather hort& The re ult obtained in thi tud' demon trate that microor%ani m utili?ed the #aint a a ource of nutrient and that the con tituent of #aint "ere conduci!e to increa ed cell multi#lication and #o#ulation buildu# in the #aint& The e "ere imilar to the ob er!ation made b' 1illatt ()992) that a can of "ater-ba ed #aint i hi%hl' u ce#tible to htt#< <"""&american cience&or% ,

Obidi, et al deterioration& Similar ob er!ation b' 2a Sil!a (2000) al o #ro!ed that the !ariou or%anic con tituent of #aint uch a #i%ment , additi!e , binder etc& act a nutrient for microor%ani m and hel# to timulate microbial %ro"th& 6n addition to the e or%ani m , the #oilt am#le "ere ob er!ed to contain Pseudomonas aeruginosa (OL-+)& The microbial #o#ulation den itie of the #oilt #aint am#le are #re ented in Table )& (re!iou in!e ti%ator ha!e ho"n that Pseudomonas aeruginosa i a commonl' encountered or%ani m in #oilt #aint (O%bulie, 200,) and con titute at lea t -.F of i olate from #oilt emul ion #aint (2e' et al&, 200,)& S#oilt emul ion #aint ha!e become a ource of concern to mar7eter and con umer and no" con titute a ma=or #roblem be"ilderin% the #aint indu tr' in $i%eria& The mean chan%e in #h' icochemical #arameter in the ix #aint am#le are illu trated in Gi% & 2 M 0& There "ere increa e in o#tical den it' o!er the #eriod for all the am#le ran%in% from )&,9* 0&9)& 6n contra t, there "a a decrea in% trend in other #arameter ran%in% from 2&:+.: * )&0:.0, .&2 * 2&0, :&, * .&+ and ))&-c t * )0&:c t for S1, T3, #4 and 56S re #ecti!el' durin% the #eriod& The #h' ico-chemical #arameter of the #oilt #aint am#le "ere 0&)0.:, -&.), 0&)., ,&)2 and 0&0c t for S1, O2, T3, #4 and !i co it' re #ecti!el'& The chan%e ob er!ed for the e #arameter em#ha i?ed the increa e in microbial %ro"th and hence increa e in acidic metabolite and lo"er !i co it'& The #h' ico-chemical #arameter mea ured in the tud' a##ear to #ro!ide a en iti!e and reliable mea ure of #aint deterioration& Gurthermore, the chan%e in the #h' ical a##earance of the #aint am#le o!er the tud' american cience=>%mail&com&

Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx #eriod ho"ed a tead' and %radual lo of the ori%inal colour, texture and !i co it'& 6n !ie" of the con i tent increa e in microbial #o#ulation count and the corre #ondin% tead' decline in #h' ico-chemical #arameter , the model u ed in thi tud' "a ba ed on chan%e in microbial #o#ulation count and #h' ico-chemical #arameter & Shelf life determination mu t therefore, de#end on uch criteria "hich include the rate of deterioration of 9ualit' #arameter & 2ue to the fact that the tabilit' of the e #h' ico-chemical #arameter infer 9ualit', their tabilit' "a re%arded a a 7e' factor or determinant of helf life of #aint & The data from the microbial #o#ulation count and the #h' icochemical #arameter of fre h #aint monitored durin% the #eriod "ere

Obidi, et al combined "ith the corre #ondin% data of the #oilt #aint and fitted into the de!elo#ed model to extra#olate the helf life of #aint & The helf li!e of the #aint "ere therefore e timated to be )9, 2), 20, 22, 0-, and 22 month re #ecti!el'& The #ercenta%e re idual error calculated b' deductin% the #redicted re ult from the ob er!ed re ult "a found to be mar%inal, ran%in% from 0&00) to 0&. F& The re%re ion (A$O5A) "a hi%hl' i%nificant at a ( !alue of 0&000) indicatin% a %ood fit, "hich im#lie that the re%re ion i !er' u eful& Therefore, chan%e in #h' ico-chemical #arameter and microbial #o#ulation count can be u ed a indice to #redict helf life of #roduct uch a #aint &

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Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx

Obidi, et al


Bo%, cell number #er ml






0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time (month )
Fig. 1 Mean "hanges in mi"robial (o(#lation density in fresh (aint sam(les PS1-PS;. 8)%, total ba"terial "o#nt< 8%%, total "oliform "o#nt< 8F%, total f#ngal "o#nt. 'ata re(resent the a*erages of tri(li"ate determinations.

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Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx

Obidi, et al


7 Physico-chemical parameters


0 0 2 4 6 Time (months) 8 10 12

Fig. -

Mean "hanges in the (hysi"o-"hemi"al (arameters in fresh (aint sam(les PS1 - PS;. S=, s(e"ifi" gra*ity< O', ;++ nm< 8R, transmittan"e. 'ata re(resent the a*erages of tri(li"ate determinations.

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Journal of American Science 2009;x(x):xx-xx

Obidi, et al

11.8 11.7 11.6 11.5 11.4 Viscosity (cst) 11.3 11.2 11.1 11 10.9 10.8 1 0 2 1 3 2 43 54 5 6 Time (months) 6 7 78 8 9 9 10 10 11


Fig. ...

Mean "hanges in *is"osity of fresh (aint sam(les PS1 - PS; monitored for ten months after (rod#"tion

Fig. .

Mean "hanges in *is"osity of fresh (aint sam(les PS1-PS; monitored for ten months after (rod#"tion.

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8able 1. Mi"robial Po(#lation 'ensities in S(oilt Paint Sam(les >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Paint sam(le 8otal ba"terial "o#nts ?@ 1+1+ "f#AmlB 8otal "oliform "o#nts ?@ 1+1 "f#AmlB 8otal f#ngal "o#nts ?@ 1+C "f#AmlB F#ngal isolates )a"terial isolates

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (SA 2&9 )&) 2&. OL-9 OL-2, OL-0, OL-,, OL-+, OL-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (SL 0&, )&) 0&2 OL-9, OL-) OL-+,





5alue #re ented are mean of tri#licate am#le &

%on"l#sion The microbial #o#ulation count a##eared to correlate "ith the de%ree of acce#tabilit' a indicated b' chan%e in #h' ico-chemical #arameter of the #aint & The model de!elo#ed in thi tud' "a ba ed on the microbial %ro"th data and the #h' icochemical #arameter & On the ba i of the re ult abo!e, the microbial #o#ulation count e9uation of the re%re ion model #redicted the #aint helf life to ha!e an a!era%e nominal helf life of 2) month , "hile the #h' icochemical #arameter e9uation #redicted an a!era%e nominal helf life of 2, month & The de!elo#ed model can be ado#ted b' the #aint indu tr' to ma7e a reliable #rediction of #aint helf life& The ade9uac' and accurac' of the de!elo#ed model determined b' the correlation coefficient "hich "a %reater than 0&90 indicate a %ood fit&

Log, "ell n#mber (er gram

Referen"es Adele'e, 6& &A& and Adele'e, O& A& ()999)& 6 olation and identification of microbe a ociated "ith #aint and "eathered #ainted "all & Journal of Science and esearch !evelopment. . /5 -)--+& 2a Sil!a, 5& O, 2000& Aicrobial deterioration of #aint & "icrobiologist / ()): ,0& 2a"e , E& A, )9+9& Ouantitati!e #roblem in biochemi tr'& ,th Edn& E& and S Bi!in% tone Btd&, Edinbur% and Bondon&, ##& 220-209& 2e', L& P&, 4a him, A& A&, 4a an, S& and 1u#ta, L& S, 200,& Aicrofilteration of "aterba ed #aint effluent & Ad!ance in En!ironmental 3e earch& 0 (0): ,..-,++& 1illatt, A& 8, )992& Lacterial and fun%al #oila%e of "ater borne formulation & Additives& 1+5 0:--090& Aathee, A&, 3ollin, 4&, Be!in, J& and $ai7, 6& 200-& Bead in #aint : Three decade later and till a ha?ard for African children& Environmental #ealth Perspectives 11C1 (0)): 02)- 022& Obidi, O& G&, $"achu7"u, S& 8& H& and Aboaba, O&O, 2009& The u e of #redicti!e modelin% in helf life determination of #aint & Academia Arena& 1 (,): .:-+0& O%bulie, J& $, 200,& Aicrobial deterioration of urface #aint coatin% & $lobal Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 1+ (,): ,:.-,90&

Oh"oa!"orhua, G& O& and Adela7un, T& A, 200.& (ho #horic acid-mediated de#ol'meri?ation and decr' talli?ation of cellulo e obtained from corn cob: #re#aration of lo" cr' tallinit' cellulo e and ome #h' icochemical #ro#ertie & %ropical Journal of Pharmaceutical esearch& / ?-B5 .09-.)+&

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