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English Pronunciation Refresher Lesson 3 14th of October 2013 Objectives: 1. Di hthongs !

"ritish accent # $%erican accent& ' listening an( s ea)ing 2. *ra%%ar Revision ' Present tenses !+& 3. !"usiness English& 1. Diphthong sounds: ,ei- ' (a./ ha./ 0a. Da. after (a. he %a. have %a(e %ore ha. but (uring his he.(a. 0as lea( astra. b. gree( an( (e%an(s for higher a.. ,ai- ' s)./ tie/ sigh + %ight bu. %. )ite tonight an( fin( the reason 0h. it can fl. so %ightil. high in the s).. ,oi- 1 bo./ anno./ voi( 2Oi3 sai( the bo. 0ho to.e( 0ith the lo. of choice of using his nois. voice to (estro. co. Ro.. ,ia- ' beer/ near/ hear 4he beer sol( here an( near the ier tastes 0eir(/ .et 0e reall. fear it3s har( to steer clear. ,ea- ' bear/ care/ hair "e0are of the bear 0hose onl. care is to eat .our fare an( 0ho is rarel. snare( or (are( es eciall. 0hen in airs. ,ua- ' fe0er/ ne0er 4he ste0ar( en(ure( touring the %oors/ then cruell. lure( the oor tourists see)ing a cure into (ee se0ers. ,au- ' co0/ no0/ bro0 5o0 the co0 )no0s ho0 to lough the groun( an( has foun( a 0a. aroun( the houn( to lou(l. ro0 0ith the so0. ,ua- ' one/ 0on(er One 0on(ers ho0 ever. one of the seven 0orl( 0on(ers coul( be so 0on(erful. ,ou- ' bone/ ho%e/ hone 6o bol(l. tol( 7oe not to go slo0 or he 0on3t go ho%e an( eat rolle( oats to%orro0.

// tour 8t98 jur. 89r8 cure 8)j98 /8 near 8n98 here 8h98 0ear. 809r8 /a/ rice 8 ras8 high 8ha8 tr. 8tra8 e.e 8a8 // choice 8s8 noise 8n: 8 bo. 8b8 boiler 8bl98 // goat 8g9t8 sho0 898 no 8n98 /e/ s;uare 8s)0e98 fair 8fe98 various 8ve9ri9s8 /a/ %outh 8%a<8 no0 8na8 fo0l 8fal8 /e/ face 8fes8 (a. 8(e8 brea) 8bre)8

Homework 1: *rou the 0or(s belo0 accor(ing to the (i hthong soun(s .ou hear. $ grou shoul( be for%e( of 0or(s containing the sa%e (i hthong. rate/ role/ avoi(/ bro0n/ late/ co0/ bone/ ri(e/ =ate/ join/ allo0/ nice/ fate/ oison/ s%ile/ race/ life/ close/ ho0/ file/ voice/ o0l/ base/ coin/ hone/ noise/ ice/ note/ stone/ no0 2. >+6PLE PRE>E54 >ubject ? @erb ? s8es 3r( erson Aou s ea) English. Do .ou s ea) EnglishB Aou (on3t s ea) English.

Cse 1: re eate( actions: Cse the >i% le Present to eD ress the i(ea that an action is re eate( or usual. 4he action can be a habit/ a hobb./ a (ail. event/ a sche(ule( event or so%ething that often ha ens. +t can also be so%ething a erson often forgets or usuall. (oes not (o. + la. tennis. >he (oes not la. tennis. Does he la. tennisB 4he train leaves ever. %orning at E $6. 4he train (oes not leave at F $6. Ghen (oes the train usuall. leaveB >he al0a.s forgets her urse. He never forgets his 0allet. Ever. t0elve %onths/ the Earth circles the >un. Does the >un circle the EarthB

Cse 2: facts or generali:ations: 4he >i% le Present can also in(icate the s ea)er believes that a fact 0as true before/ is true no0/ an( 0ill be true in the future. +t is not i% ortant if the s ea)er is correct about the fact. +t is also use( to %a)e generali:ations about eo le or things. Iats li)e %il). "ir(s (o not li)e %il). Do igs li)e %il)B Ialifornia is in $%erica. Ialifornia is not in the Cnite( =ing(o%. Gin(o0s are %a(e of glass.

Gin(o0s are not %a(e of 0oo(. 5e0 Aor) is a s%all cit..

Cse 3: >che(ule( events in the near future: 4he train leaves tonight at J P6. 4he bus (oes not arrive at 11 $6/ it arrives at 11 P6. Ghen (o 0e boar( the laneB 4he art. starts at E oKcloc). Ghen (oes class begin to%orro0B

Cse 4: 5o0 !5on1Iontinuous @erbs&: > ea)ers so%eti%es use the >i% le Present to eD ress the i(ea that an action is ha ening or is not ha ening no0. 4his can onl. be (one 0ith 5on1Iontinuous @erbs an( certain 6iDe( @erbs. + a% here no0. >he is not here no0. He nee(s hel right no0. He (oes not nee( hel no0. He has his ass ort in his han(. Do .ou have .our ass ort 0ith .ouB >+6PLE PRE>E54 IO54+5COC> >ubject ? Lto beM ? @erb ? ing Aou are watching 4@. Are .ou watching 4@B Aou are not watching 4@.

Cse 1: 5o0 Cse the Present Iontinuous 0ith 5or%al @erbs to eD ress the i(ea that so%ething is ha ening no0/ at this ver. %o%ent. +t can also be use( to sho0 that so%ething is not ha ening no0.

Aou are learning English no0. Aou are not swimming no0. Are .ou sleepingB + am sitting. + am not standing.

Is he sitting or standingB 4he. are reading their boo)s. 4he. are not watching television. Ghat are .ou doingB Gh. aren't .ou doing .our ho%e0or)B

Cse 2: Longer actions in rogress no0: +n English/ Nno0N can %ean: this secon(/ to(a./ this %onth/ this .ear/ this centur./ an( so on. >o%eti%es/ 0e use the Present Iontinuous to sa. that 0e are in the rocess of (oing a longer action 0hich is in rogressO ho0ever/ 0e %ight not be (oing it at this eDact secon(. + a% stu(.ing to beco%e a (octor. + a% not stu(.ing to beco%e a (entist. + a% rea(ing the boo) 4o% >a0.er. + a% not rea(ing an. boo)s right no0. $re .ou 0or)ing on an. s ecial rojects at 0or)B $renKt .ou teaching at the universit. no0B

Cse 3: 5ear future: >o%eti%es/ s ea)ers use the Present Iontinuous to in(icate that so%ething 0ill or 0ill not ha en in the near future. + a% %eeting so%e frien(s after 0or). + a% not going to the art. tonight. +s he visiting his arents neDt 0ee)en(B +snKt he co%ing 0ith us tonightB

Cse 4: re etition an( irritation 0ith Pal0a.sM: 4he Present Iontinuous 0ith 0or(s such as Nal0a.sN or Nconstantl.N eD resses the i(ea that so%ething irritating or shoc)ing often ha ens. 5otice that the %eaning is li)e >i% le Present/ but 0ith negative e%otion. Re%e%ber to ut the 0or(s Nal0a.sN or Nconstantl.N bet0een NbeN an( Nverb?ing.N >he is al0a.s co%ing to class late. He is constantl. tal)ing. + 0ish he 0oul( shut u . + (onKt li)e the% because the. are al0a.s co% laining. Exercise1: 1. Ever. 6on(a./ >all. !(rive& ............................... her )i(s to football ractice. 2. Csuall./ + !0or)& as a secretar. at $"4/ but this su%%er + !stu(.& ............................... Qrench at a language school in Paris. 4hat is 0h. + a% in Paris.

3. >hhhhhS "e ;uietS 7ohn !slee & ............................... . 4. DonKt forget to ta)e .our u%brella. +t !rain& ................................ R. + hate living in >eattle because it !rain/ al0a.s& ................................ J. +K% sorr. + canKt hear 0hat .ou !sa.& ............................... because ever.bo(. !tal)& so lou(l.. T. 7ustin !0rite/ currentl.& ............................... a boo) about his a(ventures in 4ibet. + ho e he can fin( a goo( ublisher 0hen he is finishe(. E. 7i%: Do .ou 0ant to co%e over for (inner tonightB Denise: Oh/ +K% sorr./ + canKt. + !go& ............................... to a %ovie tonight 0ith so%e frien(s. F. 4he business car(s !be/ nor%all. & ............................... rinte( b. a co% an. in 5e0 Aor). 4heir rices !be& ............................... ineD ensive/ .et the ;ualit. of their 0or) is ;uite goo(. 10. 4his (elicious chocolate !be& ............................... %a(e b. a s%all chocolatier in Uurich/ >0it:erlan(. 1. Ever. 6on(a./ >all. !(rive& (rives her )i(s to football ractice. 2. Csuall./ + !0or)& 0or) as a secretar. at $"4/ but this su%%er + !stu(.& a% stu(.ing Qrench at a language school in Paris. 4hat is 0h. + a% in Paris. 3. >hhhhhS "e ;uietS 7ohn !slee & is slee ing. 4. DonKt forget to ta)e .our u%brella. +t !rain& is raining. R. + hate living in >eattle because it !rain/ al0a.s& is al0a.s raining. J. +K% sorr. + canKt hear 0hat .ou !sa.& are sa.ing because ever.bo(. !tal)& is tal)ing so lou(l.. T. 7ustin !0rite/ currentl.& is currentl. 0riting a boo) about his a(ventures in 4ibet. + ho e he can fin( a goo( ublisher 0hen he is finishe(. E. 7i%: Do .ou 0ant to co%e over for (inner tonightB Denise: Oh/ +K% sorr./ + canKt. + !go& a% going to a %ovie tonight 0ith so%e frien(s. F. 4he business car(s !be/ nor%all. & are nor%all. rinte( b. a co% an. in 5e0 Aor). 4heir rices !be& are ineD ensive/ .et the ;ualit. of their 0or) is ;uite goo(. 10. 4his (elicious chocolate !be& is %a(e b. a s%all chocolatier in Uurich/ >0it:erlan(.

Exercise 2: $ 4re))ing 7ournal 5ove%ber 12/ 1FFT 4o(a. !be& ............................... the secon( (a. of %. tre) aroun( 6ount $nna urna. + a% eDhauste( an( %. legs !sha)e& ............................... O + just ho e + a% able to co% lete the tre). 6. feet !)ill/ reall.& ............................... %e an( %. toes !blee(& / but + !0ant/ still& ............................... to continue. 5e al is a fascinating countr./ but + have a great (eal to learn. Ever.thing !be& ............................... so (ifferent/ an( + !tr.& ............................... to a(a t to the ne0 0a. of life here. + !learn& ............................... a little bit of the language to %a)e co%%unication easierO unfortunatel./ + !learn/ not& ............................... foreign languages ;uic)l.. $lthough + !un(erstan(/ not& ............................... %uch .et/ + believe that + !i% rove/ gra(uall.& ................................ + !travel/ currentl.& ............................... 0ith Lia%/ a stu(ent fro% Lee(s Cniversit. in Englan(. He !be& ............................... a nice gu./ but i% atient. He !0al)/ al0a.s& ............................... ahea( of %e an( !co% lain& ............................... that + a% too slo0. + !(o& ............................... %. best to )ee u 0ith hi%/ but he is .ounger an( stronger than + a%. 6a.be/ + a% just feeling sorr. for %.self because + a% getting ol(. Right no0/ Lia% !sit& ............................... 0ith the o0ner of the inn. 4he. !(iscuss& ............................... the (ifferences bet0een life in Englan( an( life in 5e al. + !)no0/ not& ...............................the real na%e of the o0ner/ but ever.bo(. !call/ just& ............................... hi% 4a%. 4a% !s ea)& ............................... English ver. 0ell an( he !tr.& ............................... to teach Lia% so%e 0or(s in 5e ali. Ever. ti%e 4a% !sa.& ............................... a ne0 0or(/ Lia% !tr.& ............................... to re eat it. Cnfortunatel./ Lia% !see%/ also& ............................... to have (ifficult. learning foreign languages. + just ho e 0e (onKt get lost an( have to as) for (irections. $ 4re))ing 7ournal 5ove%ber 12/ 1FFT 4o(a. !be& is the secon( (a. of %. tre) aroun( 6ount $nna urna. + a% eDhauste( an( %. legs !sha)e& are sha)ing O + just ho e + a% able to co% lete the tre). 6. feet !)ill/ reall.& are reall. )illing %e an( %. toes !blee(& are blee(ing/ but + !0ant/ still& still 0ant to continue. 5e al is a fascinating countr./ but + have a great (eal to learn. Ever.thing !be& is so (ifferent/ an( + !tr.& a% tr.ing to a(a t to the ne0 0a. of life here. + !learn& a% learning a little bit of the language to %a)e co%%unication easierO unfortunatel./ + !learn/ not& (onKt learn foreign languages ;uic)l.. $lthough + !un(erstan(/ not& (onKt un(erstan( %uch .et/ + believe that + !i% rove/ gra(uall.& a% gra(uall. i% roving. + !travel/ currentl.& a% currentl. travelling 0ith Lia%/ a stu(ent fro% Lee(s Cniversit. in Englan(. He !be& is a nice gu./ but i% atient. He !0al)/ al0a.s& is al0a.s 0al)ing ahea( of %e an( !co% lain& co% lains that + a% too slo0. + !(o& a% (oing %. best to )ee u 0ith

hi%/ but he is .ounger an( stronger than + a%. 6a.be/ + a% just feeling sorr. for %.self because + a% getting ol(. Right no0/ Lia% !sit& is sitting 0ith the o0ner of the inn. 4he. !(iscuss& are (iscussing the (ifferences bet0een life in Englan( an( life in 5e al. + !)no0/ not& (onKt )no0 the real na%e of the o0ner/ but ever.bo(. !call/ just& just calls hi% 4a%. 4a% !s ea)& s ea)s English ver. 0ell an( he !tr.& is tr.ing to teach Lia% so%e 0or(s in 5e ali. Ever. ti%e 4a% !sa.& sa.s a ne0 0or(/ Lia% !tr.& tries to re eat it. Cnfortunatel./ Lia% !see%/ also& also see%s to have (ifficult. learning foreign languages. + just ho e 0e (onKt get lost an( have to as) for (irections.

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