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1he nauve Lrlbes of 8a[asLhan are Lhe seed sLock of all 8omany gypsy llnes LhaL now roam
LhroughouL Lhe world. lor cenLurles, Lhls rlch culLural ulaspora has enllvened Lhe planeL wlLh
exhllaraung muslc, dance and emouon drenched performances.

1hough Lhese nomadlc arusLs rarely asslmllaLed lnLo Lhelr hosL nauons, Lhey have reclprocally
Louched and been Louched by many culLures along Lher way, and Lhelr ever evolvlng
amenco, gulLar, vlolln and percusslon Lradluons deeply lnuence counLless "forelgn"
composers and choreographers Lo Lhls day.
1he gypsy/8omany performers' 8a[asLhanl rooLs and Lruly global hlsLory oer us boLh a model
and meLaphor for fuLure cross-culLural opporLunlues.

1he proposed CabareL-Lhemed pro[ecL wlll feaLure Lhe rlchesL volces, LalenLs and
performances from 8a[asLhan's orlglnal gypsy relaLed arLs and wlll also culuvaLe muLually
enrlchlng collaborauons wlLh vlrLuosos from many oLher counLrles and arusuc Lradluons as
well from lndla Lo Andalucla.

H!tory of Gypsy R"te

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Artistic Direction by Maya Monica Devi
1he show reLraces Lhe [ourney of Lhe nomads LhaL sLarLed ln Lhe 1har
ueserL around Lhe 11 cenLury and ended ln Lhe Sahara ueserL ln Morocco.
uance and muslc are a mlxLure of culLures wlLh a deep passlonaLe vlslon :
8a[asLhanl and kalbellya dance, Sacred Lemple dances, kaLhak and Cdlssl
dance, 1urklsh rlLhms , Su sacred dances and Cawwall, Arablc sounds from
norLhern Afrlca, Lhe souLh lLallan and neapollLan sounds, Lhe red colour of
llamenco from Spaln.
A blend of rhyLhms and melodles ln conunuous dlalogue Lo creaLe new
forms Lhrough orlglnal sounds evoklng Lhe dlsLanL landscapes.
8lack Lwlrllng ylng sklrLs of kalbellya , danclng heels of llamenco shoes,
vlbranL hlps of Lhe orlenLal dance, everyLhlng ls ready Lo sLarL Lhls

Artists of LES GITANES Project



MONICA MAYA DEVI (italia/india)
Artistic Director of NOMAD DANCE FEST
Dancer of Rajasthani,dances, Kalbeliya and Flamenco.

Maya uevl (Monlca l.) ls Lhe rsL and only Leacher of lCLk uAnCLS Cl 8A!AS1PAn and
kAL8LLl?A ln lLaly recognlzed by Lu8CLAn uAnCL CCunClL unLSCC Clu, lnulA 1Cu8lSM
MlLAn and lnulAn CCnSuLA1 ln Mllan.
She sLarLed danclng kalbellya ln 2007 ln 8a[asLhan wlLh SuvA uLvl , one of Lhe greaLesL dancer of
kalbellya feaLurlng ln Lhe movle LA1CPC u8CM" of 1ony CaLllf. She ls been sLudylng also wlLh
CuLA8C SAL8A, Lhe greaLesL dancer of 8a[asLhanl dance ln Lhe world and SA?A8l SAL8A,
feaLurlng ln Lhe movle C?S? CA8AvAn".
Maya ls a Leacher and dancer of mysuc Su dance, Semlclasslcal bollywood dance, llamenco and
gypsy llamenco and also a splrlLual researcher and Leacher of medlLauon and yoga.
Slnce 1996 she ls been Lravellng and llvlng ln lndla followlng a splrlLual paLh of Lhe ShakLas
Lradluon "1he llvlng goddess Lradluon" and she learned Lhe lndlan dances and sacred durlng
exLended perlods of sLudy: Lhe folk dances of 8a[asLhan wlLh Curu vandana, dance kalbellya ln
Lhe vlllages gypsy snake charmers and Lhe Leacher SuvA uLvl, Lhe Cdlssl dance wlLh 8ekha
1andon ln 8hubaneswar, Lhe khaLak dance wlLh kamal Curu Mahara[ and dance by Su masLers
from lndla and 1urkey.
ln 2003 ln Mllan she began her sLudles of llamenco and she wenL Lo Andalusla sLudylng wlLh
greaL masLers of dance as: lsabel 8ayon, 8afaela Carrasco, AnLonlo el lpa, Clga erlceL, 8lanca
uel 8ey, Lva La yerbabuena, Angel Munoz, 8elen Maya and Mercedes 8ulz.
Maya founded MudrarLe yoga & dance school ln Mllan ln 2009 Lo spread Lhe Lradluons of lndla.
Maya ls been performlng ln lLaly and abroad and she ls consLanLly worklng wlLh Lhe lnulA
1Cu8lSM MlLAn and lnC8Lul8LL lnulA as a recognlze dancer of lndlan Lradluonal dances lnvlLed
Lo culLural evenLs.
ln CcLober 2010 and 2011 she had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo perform aL Lhe alasesLo of Mllan ln
honour of AMMA,AM8l1AnAnuAMA?, Lhe greaL lndlan Curu and MoLher of Lhe embrace. 1he
only dancer admlued Lo Lhls global evenL.
lrom 2010 he devoLed herself Lo spreadlng Lhe uances of Lhe nomads and she creaLed Lhe
nCMAu uAnCL lLS1 fesuval dedlcaLed Lo Lhe dance and muslc from lndla Lo Andalucla whlch
debuLed ln lebruary 2011 ln Mllan and ln March 2013 ln lndla.
Lvery year she organlzes lnulA uAnCL 1Cu8, a [ourney dedlcaLed Lo dance and culLures ln lndla.

ALMORAIMA - (italia/spagna)
Flamenco-Arabic-world music

1he Almoralma are a mulu-eLhnlc group of muslclans llvlng ln Lhe souLheasL of lLaly, ln Lhe provlnce of Lecce. Slnce
2007 Lhey dedlcaLed Lo Lhe research of Lradluonal gypsy muslc and ln parucular Lo Lhe varlous muslcal connecuons
LhaL were creaLed LogheLher wlLh lL, ln Lhe land of Andalusla. lL ls noL colncldence Lhen LhaL Lhe group's name
derlves preclsely from LhaL sLrlp of land beLween !erez de la lronLelra Cordoba and Sevllle, where Slndl Cypsles
from 8a[asLhan, Lhe norLh Afrlcan Moors, !ews and even Lhe Spanlsh found asylum, reLurnlng from Lravel Lo Lhe
new world full of lnnovauve sounds and rhyLhms.

!1helr research Lakes shape ln Lhe publlcauon of AMC8 Cl1AnC, dlsc released ln Lhe summer of 2010, by Anlma
Mundl label of CLranLo, whlch ls composed of nlne orlglnal songs, lL comblnes Arab wlLh LasL and Lhe modern wlLh
Lhe Lradluonal amenco .
!1he work was well recelved by crlucs and audlences, so much Lo go ouL of prlnL wlLhln a year, ensurlng Lhe group
numerous concerLs and wln Lhe nauonal conLesL "Suonare a lolkesL" sharlng Lhe sLage wlLh arusLs llke Lsma
8edzpova and uhol loundauon. ln March 2012 Lhe group won Lhe publlc call uglla Sounds 8ecordlng and ls golng
Lo make hls second album.
!ln addluon Lo concerL ln Lhe besL lLallan and Luropean fesuvals Lhe group carrles ouL research work around Lhe
MedlLerranean, especlally ln Andalucla and Morocco wlLh Lhe lnLenuon Lo absorb, lnLegraLe and share vlslons,
colors and sounds ln Lhese ancesLral places.

Nomad Dance Fest 2011

Semiclassical Bollywood style dance and folk
indian dances, Flamenco fusion and south of italy

uancer and ArL ulrecLor of 'ASA8AS 8CLL?WCCu
uAnCL, one of Lhe mosL popular 8ollywood dance
groups presenL on Lhe lLallan scene.
She has sLudled wlLh masLers and represenLauves of
lndlan dance as Clovanna Leva !oglekar, 8osella lanelll,
kunu uevl, Pelene Lrlksen, vaswau Mlsra, and lshlra
Maullk arekh, Anu[ Mlshra, khumldlnl Lakhla, Saro[
She organlzes lnLenslve courses and speclc Lhemauc
lndlan dance arL ln 8ome wlLh greaL masLers of dlerenL
dlsclpllnes classlcal, folk and 8ollywood.
She was wlnner of Lhe 'lnLernauonal CrlenLal uance
Compeuuon ln Lhe caLegory 8LS1 Choreography Sllk
8oad Lo venlce CrlenLal uance Convenuon ln 2010.
CurrenLly she ls lnvlLed as a performer and Leacher
Laklng lnLernshlps and workshops ln ma[or lLallan clues
and abroad as a represenLauve of dance and lndlan
culLure and 8ollywood movles.
Who we are
nCMAu 8CC1S vL LLd ls a CulLural evenL company based ln !odhpur, lndla and ln
Mllan, lLaly.
We are organlzlng evenLs, shows and Lours Lo dlscover Lhe culLural herlLage of
nomadlc dance ln lndla and all over Lhe world. Cur maln focus ls Lhe organlzauon of
nCMAu uAnCL lLS1 ln lLaly (once a year) and ln lndla ln 8a[asLhan and oLher sLaLe.
Among our parLners we can counL l1ALlAn LM8ASS? ln lndla, lnC8Lul8LL lnulA,
!eLalrways, CLnL8AL CCnSuLA1 Cl lnulA ln lLaly, Comune dl Mllano, rovlnce of
Mllano, lorL kemphur, lorL achewar, 8ldhu voyages.

"#$# #%& '#()*#%+ founded nCMAu 8CC1S ln 2012 and slnce Lhen Lhey're been
worklng LogeLher ln organlzlng Lop class evenLs, fesuval and shows of nomad uance
lesL ln lndla and lLaly.

,-. ,/.012. 34,-."503-4 678#(8 9:%+#9+;
"#$# <8=> nomadancefesL[gmall.com

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