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. LIS 710 Bibliographic descriptions act as surrogates for the things described. This is a bibliographic description of a book titled, Histoire Admirable Des Plantes et Herbes Esmerueillables & miraculeuses en nature: mesmes daucunesqui font vrays Zoophytes, ou Plaintanimales, Plantes & Animaux tout ensemble, pour auoir vie vegetatiue, sensitiue & animale. I examined the physical copy published in 1611, as well as a similar electronic copy. The bibliographic description below can be used in a catalog or bibliography so that buyers and collectors can accurately compare this work to others or verify the particular copy by its contents and description.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION Duret, Claude, -1611 Histoire Admirable Des Plantes Et Herbes Esmerueillables & Miraculeuses en Nature. Nicholas Buon: 1605 TITLE PAGE HISTOIRE | ADMIRABLE DES | PLANTES ET HERBES ESMER- | ueillables & miraculeufes en nature : mefmes | daucunes qui font v rays Zoophytes, ou Plant- | animals, Plantes & Animaux tout enfemble, | pour auoir vie vegetatiue, fenfitiue & animale: | Avec leurs Portraicts au naturel, felon les hiftoires, de- | fcriptions, voyages, & nauigations des anciens & mo- | dernes Hebrieux , Chaldees , Egyptiens, Afsyriens, | Armeniens, Crecs, Latins, Africains, Arabes, Nu- | biens, Ethypoiens, Sarrafins, Tures, Mores, Perfans, | Tartares, Chinois, Indiens, Portugays, Efpagnols, Fr - | ois, Flaments, Anglois , Polonois, Mofchouites, Al- | lemans, & autres. | Par M. CLAVDE DVRET, Prefident | Moulins en Bourbonnois. | [round stamp reading, OMNIA MEA MECVM PORTO] | A PARIS, | Chez NICOLAS BVON, demeurant au mont | S. Hylaire, lImage S. Claude. | M. DCV. | Auec Priuilege du Roy. COLLATION Text Block: 6 inches (15.24 cm) x 4 inches (10.16 cm) [12], A(or )3, 8, A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, I8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, V8, X8, Y4 4+6+(16x22)+8 = 370 pp. [A]-[Z], 1-254, 255 [mislabeled 155], 256-308, [309], 310-315, [316], 317-318, [319], 320-341, [1]-[3] 26+341+3 = 370 pp. CONTENTS p. [A]: [Originally blank. See provenance] p. [B]: [Originally blank. See provenance] p. [C]: [TITLE PAGE] p. [D]: [Originally blank. See provenance] p. [E]: [Dedication to the king with decorative banner and decorative initial M in MONSEIGNEVR] p. [F] [G]: [Dedication to the king from the author continued. EPISTRE running title. The letter is from the author and dated March 1605] p. [H]: [TEXT] p. [I]: [PREFACE] [decorative banner] | PROEME OV PREFACE DE | L'AVTHEVR, SVR LA | prefente Hiftoire. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL R] p. [J]-[T]: preface continued. p. [U]: [RULE] | ADVERTISEMENT AVX | LECTEVRS BENEVOLES, | par l'Autheur. | [decorative initial A to start the text] pp. [V] [Z]: [Advertisement continued. With running title Aduertiffement aux Lecteurs.] p. 1: [DECORATIVE BANNER] | HISTOIRE ADMIRABLE, | DES PLANTES ET HERBES | ESMERVEILLABLES ET MIRA- | culeufes en nature. | Du Maus ou mufe, autrement arbe de vie, du | paradis terreftre. | CHAPITRE I. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL L]. pp. 2-22: [TEXT] p. 23: [RULE] Du Moly d'Homere, ou Herbe Baaras de Iofephe. | CHAP. II. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL R]

pp. 24-29: [TEXT] p. 30: [RULE] Du Chermez, Alchermez, Kermez ou Alkermez. | CHAP. III. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL L] pp. 31- 65: [TEXT] p. 66: [RULE] | De la Cochenille. | CHAP. IIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL A] pp. 67-89: [TEXT] p. 90: [RULE] | De l'arbre du Baume. | CHAP. V. | [DECORATIVE L] pp. 91-112: [TEXT] p. 113: [RULE] Des Ceibas, ou Cerbas, Arbres eftran-gement grands & gros. | CHAP. VI. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL A] pp. 114-122: [TEXT] p. 123: [RULE] | Du Figuier d'Inde. | CHAP. VII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL I] pp. 124-125: [TEXT] p. 126: [RULE] | De la Palme, ou Noix Indique, |autrement Coccos. | CHAP. VIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL N] pp. 127-141: [TEXT] p. 142: [RULE] | Des Arbres porte-laines, & Arbres | porte-foyes. | CHAP. IX. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL N] pp. 143-152: [TEXT] p. 153: [RULE] CHAP. XI. [MISLABELED CHAP. X OR CHAP. X MISSING] pp.154-156: [TEXT] p. 157: CHAP. XII. pp. 158-175: [TEXT] p. 176: [RULE] | Des Arbres porte-farines.| CHAP. XIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL N]. pp. 177-194: [TEXT] p. 195: [RULE] | Du Coca. pp. 196-200: [TEXT]. p. 201: [RULE] | De la Plante apelle Melt, ou Magnei, croif- | fant en la Province de Mexique, laquelle | Plante fert infinis vfages, vtiles | & neceffaires la vie des | Mexicains. | CHAP. XIIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL V]. pp. 202-205: [TEXT] p. 206: [RULE] | D'vn certain Arbre porte-eaux, c'est | dire qui fournit d'eaux aux ha- | bitans d'vne Ifle. | CHAP. XV. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL L]. pp. 207-209: [TEXT] p. 210: [RULE] | Des Arbres porte-vins, ou breuuages. | CHAP. XVI. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL]. pp. 211- 220: [TEXT] p. 221: [RULE] | Du Chefne marin, Arbufte, qui prend fa | naiffance dans vne Coquille. | CHAP. XVII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL T]. pp. 222-232: [TEXT] p. 233: [RULE] | D'vne Plante ou Herbe appelle Phallus Hol- | landicus, Phalle Hollandique, autrement | Vit de Hollande, ou Vit Hollandique. | CHAP. XVIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL T]. pp. 234-240: [TEXT] p. 241: [RULE] | D'auncuns Arbres, Arbriffeaux, Plantes, & | Herbes, qui ont vne tref-grande fym- | pathie, ou amiti fecrette, avec le | Soleil, & fes rayons. | CHAP. XIX. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL T]. pp. 242-254: [TEXT] p. 255 [mislabeled 155]: [RULE] | Del' Arbre qui porte en lieu de moelle, du | fer , & du fruict

qui mange le fer. | CHAP XX. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL N]. pp. 256-258: [TEXT] p. 259: [RULE] | Des Arbres appellez Tristes, caufe qu'ils ne | portent leurs fleurs, finon depuis le Soleil | couchant iufqu'au Soleil leuant. | CHAP. XXI. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL L] pp. 260-268: [TEXT]. p. 269: [RULE] | D'vne Herbe qui annonce la mort , ou | la vie aux malades. | CHAP. XXII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL A]. pp. 270: [TEXT] p. 271: [RULE] | Des Plantes , ou Herbes pudiques : C'est | dire , Plantes , ou Herbes viues, lef- | quelles ne veulent eftre aucune- | ment touches, & manies. | CHAP. XXIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL G] pp. 272-277: [TEXT] 278: [RULE] | De l'Herbe ciarlatane ou bafteleufe. | CHAP XXIIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL I]. pp. 279-280: [TEXT] p.281: [RULE] | Del' Arbre Vergongneux croiffant en la Prouin- | ce de Pudefetan en l' Afie , lequel fentant ap- | procher de luy quelque homme, ou animal, ref- | ferre fes branches & rameaux, & fentant | qu'ils fe retirent, eftend fefdites branches & | rameaux. | CHAP. XXV. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL V] pp. 282-286: [TEXT] p. 287: [RULE] | Des Arbres des Ifles Hebrides , les troncs ou | bois defquels cheuz dans la mer , & pour- | ris par leau marine , fe muent & chan- | gent dans quelque temps en vers , puis | en oyes , ou canes viuantes. | CHAP. XXVI. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL E] pp. 288-303: [TEXT] p. 304: CHAP. XXVII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL C] PP. 305-316: [text] p. 317: CHAP. XXVIII. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL M] pp. 318-321: [TEXT] p. 322: [RULE] Des Boramets de Scythie ou Tartarie, vrais Zoo- | phytes ou Plant- Animaux, ceft dire, | Plantes viuantes, & fenfitiues | comme les animaux. | CHAP. XXIX. | [DECORATIVE INITIAL A] pp. 323-[342]: [TEXT] p. [343]: [RULE] | Extraict du Priuilege du Roy. | p. [344]-[346]: [BLANK] ILLUSTRATIONS Black and white woodcuts: p. 21: Portraict du Maus , ou Mufe , avec fes | fueilles fans fruicts. p. 22: Portraict du Maus, ou Mufe, avec fes fruits fans fueilles. p. 47: Portraict de lIlex aquifolia, ou arbre de la | graine defearlatte. p. 48: Portraict du Chermez, Alchermez, ou Kermez ou | Alkermez commun dItalie & Prouence. p. 89: Portraict au vray de lArbre de la Co- | chenille, felon les Modernes. p. 112: Portraict de la Plante du Baume, felon les Modernes voya- | geurs & navigateurs. p. 122: PORTRAICT DV CEIBAS, OV CERBAS. p. 125: Portraict du Figuier dInde. p. 141: Portraict du Coccos ou Noix | Indique. p. 185: Le portraict des deux pains. | CHriftofle Acofta en fes liures de lhiftoire des |Efpiceries , defcrit vne autre forte de Galan- | ga, que celle qui a eft defcrite pat Garcie ab

Orte p. 205: Portraict du melt de Mexique. p. 209: Portraict de l Arbre porte-eaux. p. 228: Portraict du Chefne marin, qui naift dans vne Coquille. p. 238: Portraict du Phalle Hollandique entier. p. 239: Portraict du mefme, mais fepar en trois. p. 253: Portraict de l Herbe du Soleil de Monardes. p. 254: Portraict de la fleur du Soleil petite , felon Lobelius. p. 258: Portraict du fruict Ananas, qui mange le fer. p. 264: Portraict de l Arbre Trifte, de Chriftofle Acofta. p. [267]: Portraict des rameaux de l arbre trifte de Clufius. p. 280: Portraict de l herbe ciarlatane ou bafteleufe. p. 286: Portraict de l Arbre Vergongneux , croiffant | en la Prouince de Pudefetan. p. [296]: Portraict de l Arbre, lequel eftant ourry, produit des | vers , puis des canards viuans & volans. p. [303]: Portraict des Conches , qui produifent | des oyfeaux. p. [309]: Portraict de l Arbre qui produit de fes fruicts Canards | viuants & vollantes. p. [316]: Portraict de l Arbre qui porte des fueilles, lefquelles tomes fur ter- | re fe tournent en oyfeaux volants, & celles qui tombent dans | les eaux fe muent en poiffons. p. [319]: Portraict de l Arbre de l Ifle de Cimbubon , qui porte des | feuilles qui viuent & cheminent. p. 330: Portraict du Boramets de Scythie ou | Tartarie. TYPOGRAPHY AND PAPER Rag based paper with chain lines running horizontal. Small watermarks present on some pages at the top. BINDING Vellum cover with rope/cord holes. Histoire | des | Plantes written in ink on spine. PROVENANCE 1) [Illegible] written in black ink under bookplate on inside cover. 2) Book plate on inside cover has a green circular stamp reading: MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY INC. JUNE 12 1829. Also reading: BONUM on the inside with picture. Bookplate reads the following in cursive: Library | of the | Massachusetts | Horticultural Society | Boston | Gift of | Albert Cameron Burrage | 1859-1931 | June 28, 1931 There is a thin, double rule border around the book plate. 3) no 1447 written in pencil on left lower corner of the inside cover. 4) A cut out from the catalog of a book dealer is tipped in p. [A]. 5) Written in pencil on the same page: [?] I U.L. I 10. CL 6) The label from the library/church that owned that book is pasted on p. [B]: Seminario Aurelianenfi. I LEGAVIT. I D. Groyn Doctor Sorbonicus. I Ecclefi Aurel. Scolafticus. 7) Avec Privilege du Roy is underlined in pencil on the title page, p. [A]. 8) Page [D] has a black stamp from the Chicago Botanic Garden 2002. It also has at the top in pencil the library's call number: * R3 | D956H with 04-1384 underneath that and to the right of the call number is: a14078 | Burrage Estate | Aug. 1941 9) p. 43 is slightly ripped at the top. 10) There is a small remaining piece of paper from an untrimmed lower leaf on p. 51.

11) Brown smudge of something on p. 159. Appears to bleed through to 160. 12) Small stain at the top of pp. 223-240. 13) pp. 281-287 are creased from the top inside corner in, becoming less so as the page number increases. 14) Small brown stain on the right middle of p. 325 that bleeds into p. 326. COPIES EXAMINED Chicago Botanic Garden copy examined. Google eBook examined. According to OCLC, (accessed 20 June 2013), there are three copies of this book held. All of the copies are held within the United States. About 22 copies of similar works are held. NOTES The book is being auctioned on Christies.com (accessed, 20 June 2013). The estimated price is between $1,800 and $2,500. The book was found on Abebooks (accessed, 20 June 2013) for $8,208.67 from France. REFERENCES Claude Duret, Buon. Histoire admirable des plantes et herbes esmerveillables et miraculeuses en nature Google eBook. (http://books.google.com/books?id=vvJkoUdV5MwC&source=gbs_navlinks_s)

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