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The Convoluted Religious Mind The difference between the intelligent scientific mind and the convoluted rel igious mind is that the intelligent mind will go to the core to examine the evid ence while the convoluted religious mind will willingly accept (because it is an urban myth meme) some arbitrarily concocted statement and then proceed from the re. The psychological precept of Willful Blindness is responsible for the lack o f intelligent probing thought and is also at work for the religious in other way s. The convoluted religious mind has an interesting form of Orwell s Double Think in that when a natural disaster strikes to ruin their lives, don t blame god for t

he disaster and bad luck (with no explanation of who else other than the Almight y might have caused it, or been capable and responsible for it), but thank god f or just being lucky to be alive, as if that justifies everything. The Christian church once took the stance that the earth was at the center of the universe and that this was a god given fact. People were even burned to dea th at the stake as heretics for questioning this. (The burning was done as an ac t of grace as the burning was supposed to cleanse their souls.) The intelligent scientific mind questioned this belief so that we now have our solar system and the universe as we know it. Back then the confused convoluted religious mind had to explain what looked like the erratic motion of the planets. The confused rel igious mind s explanation was that the planets moved in a large orbit while follow ing a smaller circular orbit along that larger orbit (as this was acceptable wit h the religious earth-centric philosophy.) There are many historic maps that sho w this convoluted religious mind arrangement. A god belief is no different than believing that the earth is the center of the universe, both are just blind and imagined beliefs. To arbitrarily say god exists because you believe it on faith while not quest ioning the existence of god because there is no scientific evidence, just accept ing it on faith, is the same as saying that the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny all exist because they have just as much collaborating evidence an d justification. Actually the Bible espouses the philosophy that as a child I th ought as a child and on growing up I left childish things behind. It is also tru ly said that the difference between a child and an adult is the size of their to ys. A child s belief in Santa Claus grows into god belief. The beliefs are just ke eping up with the peers. Religious god belief is in effect saying it is all righ t to be a migrating lemming running off the cliff because I am a lemming and all the other lemmings are doing it. We are through science becoming a more intelligent and questioning race and t hat is why religious attendance is falling. The intelligent scientific mind asks the core question of why there is no scientific evidence of a god, and hence re aches the logical conclusion that all gods are fairy tales. (Howard Gardner in 1 982 gave us the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and this would put the unthinki ng arbitrary god believing people at the bottom of the Existential Intelligence ability trait, and so to be classified as his technically defined Idiot Savants. ) Spirituality can be explained by the workings of the VMAT2 gene and the geneti cally expressed psychological forces at work in our role as social animals, no g od needed. Nietzsche defined this thinking as being that of an ubermensch (often translated as superman) and the groundwork was laid centuries before by Confuci us with hisSuperiorMan.Even Buddha (of the world s fourth largest religion) has hi s Eight Fold Path without the need for a god. Leave blindly following the herd t o the lemmings.

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