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Lesson Plan

SCHOOL: coala Gimnazial Nr. 2 Codlea DATE: 11th November 2013 TEACHER OF ENGLISH: Nicolaescu Maria CLASS: 3rd Grade B, C 2 hours!"ee#$ LEVEL Be%inner TEXTBOOK: &et sail', ()*ress +ublishin% TYPE OF LESSON: TIME OF LESSON: UNIT OF LEARNING: TOPIC: Toys for little Betsy FUNCTIONS: 1. &tudents "ill consolidate their *revious #no"led%e re%ardin% the names o, the to-s. 2. &tudents "ill e)ercise their s#ill o, readin% and inter*retin% a te)t. VOCABULARY: *la-room, roc#in% horse, bro"n, "hite, blue, -ello", *in#, red, tea set, chair, radio, mouse. SKILLS: readin%, s*ea#in%, "ritin%, listenin%. OB ECTIVES: B- the end o, the lesson *u*ils "ill be able: to use correctl- this, that, these, those. to read and *ronounce *ro*erl- the "ords namin% to-s. to identi,- correctl- the colours o, some ob/ects.

ASSUMPTIONS: +u*ils ma- alread- be ,amiliar "ith Bets-0s to-s. +u*ils ma- alread- #no" the colours in (n%lish. MATERIALS: te)tboo#, ,lashcards, di,,erent ob/ects. TEACHING TECHNI!UES: conversation, dialo%ue, e)ercise, readin% METHODS : conversation, observation, e)*lanation, demonstration 1

STAGES OF THE LESSON : 1."a#$%n&' (): A%$: 1o *re*are the students ,or the lesson P#o*e+(#e : 2,ter %reetin% *u*ils, teacher tells a "inter /o#e. 34hat is an old sno"man5 4ater'6. 1 ma#es sure that students understand the /o#e b- translatin% some *arts o, it. In,e#a*,%on: 17 &s T%$%n&: 20 2. C-e*.%n& )#e/%o(s .no0le+&e: A%$: to consolidate the usa%e o, the terms: this, these, that, those. P#o*e+(#e: 1 "rites on the blac#board the "ords this, these, that, those and as#s students to %ive their translations. 1. sho"s several ob/ects and as#s. 4hat is this5, 4hat are these5, 4hat is that5, 4hat are those5. +u*ils ans"er her 8uestions: 1his is a *en. 9$. +u*ils ma- be as#ed to adress these 8uestions to their collea%ues. 1hree *u*ils "rite some e)am*les on the board. In,e#a*,%on: 17 &s, &7&s. T%$%n&: :0 3. Lea+ %n: A%$: to introduce the to*ic!to set the conte)t P#o*e+(#e: 1eacher sho"s the students some ,lashcards illustratin% to-s and as#s the *u*ils: 4hat are these5 1he- ans"er: 1hese are to-s. 1 as#s: ;o -ou li#e to-s5, In,e#a*,%on: 17&s T%$%n&: 30 <. P#esen,a,%on o1 ,-e ,o)%*: P#e'#ea+%n&: A*,%/%,2 3: L%s,en%n&, s)ea.%n& an+ 0#%,%n& A%$: to introduce the ne" "ords to *u*ils P#o*e+(#e: 1 e)*lains "hat a *la-room is a room "here children %o to *laand "here the- #ee* their to-s$. 1 as#s students: 4hat to-s do -ou have in -our *la-room5 &he "rites on the table: the to-s in m- *la-room. 1 sho"s *u*ils some ,lashcards "ith some to-s and *u*ils are as#ed to name them. 1hen she as#s students to come to the blac#board and to "rite the names o, some to-s, in this "a- the- ,orm a "ord "eb. In,e#a*,%on: 17 &s T%$%n&: :0 A*,%/%,2 45 L%s,en%n& an+ s)ea.%n& A%$: to ma#e ,amiliar to *u*ils some "ords ,rom the te)t.

P#o*e+(#e: 1 as#s students to describe the t"o ima%es on *a%e 2:. 1hen she adresses them the ,ollo"in% 8uestions: 4hat do these *ictures sho"5 a room, a *la-room$ =o" do "e call this room "here "e #ee* our to-s5 4hat to-s can -ou see in the *icture5 t"o chairs, a radio, a roc#in% horse, a teaset$ 1 "rites the "ords on the blac#board and *u*ils in their noteboo#s. 4hat colour are the to-s in the ,irst *icture5 4hat about in the second *icture5 In,e#a*,%on: 17&s T%$%n&: 100 Rea+%n&: A*,%/%,2 6: Rea+%n& A%$: to read correctl- the te)t P#o*e+(#e: 1 ma#es a demonstration o, readin% the te)t5 1 as#s students to read the te)t. (ach student reads a sentence, then one or t"o students read the "hole te)t. >3 times$. 1hen teacher reads and e)*lains the tas# o, the e)ercise. In,e#a*,%on: 17 &s, &s T%$%n& : ?0 Pos,' #ea+%n& : A*,%/%,2 7 : L%s,en%n&, s)ea.%n& an+ 0#%,%n& A%$: to chec# the understandin% o, the te)t P#o*e+(#e: 1 adresses some 8uestions: 4hose *la-room it is5 @t0s ;onna0s and ;ann-0s *la-room.$ 4hat are ;onna and ;ann- i, the- share the same *la-room5 1he- are brothers$ 4hat to-s do the- have5 4hat colour is ;ann-0s roc#in% horse5 4hat colour is ;onna0s tea set5 4hat colour is ;onna chair5 4hat colour is ;ann-0s chair5 4hat does the ,unn- radio loo# li#e5 sha*e, colour$ 1 as#s students to reta#e some o, the 8uestions to ma#e sure that children understood the te)t. 1 as#s students to "rite the ans"ers on the board and in their noteboo#s. 1hen teacher reads and e)*lains the tas# o, the e)ercise. 1 as#s students to choose the correct *icture. In,e#a*,%on: 10&s, &s7 &s T%$%n&: 1:0


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