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Extracted from

The Cure
by Supreme Justice Abul !"l E#!"$
"ie" %&&'(CE - Isl!mic Ye!r )**H+

Rep,rte" b# -r!." /uh!""ith H!bib H! i0 Ab"ull!h 1e. S!"e2 Re3ise" b# /uh!""ith Ab"ull!h T!li"i A. !"!pt!ti,. b# Ser3!.t , H!"ith$ Sh!#2h Ahm!" 4!r5ish %Ar!bic+ Kh!"ei6!h A7 Stephe.s %E.8lish+ A#esh! N!"ri#! %I.",.esi!.+
Copyright 1984-2011 Allah.com Muhammad.com. All rights reserved. erms o! "ervice Copyright#$% %olicy & 'uideli(es

Pr,, th!t All!h$ the Hi8h is u.li2e !.# thi.8 !m,.8st His cre!ti,.
)e ma*e a poi(t that +ill remove a(y misco(ceptio( o! the ,ivi(ity. $t +ill puri!y people !rom the pit!alls o! ambiguity a(d rescue them !rom subtle distortio(s o! !aith. he poi(t is- all ma(*i(d should believe that the treme(dous 'reat(ess o! Allah.is /eauti!ul 0ames a(d .is attributes do not bear even the slightest resembla(ce to those 1ualities !ou(d i( .is creatio(. 0o created 1uality resembles .im (ot eve( the a(gelic u(iverse. Allah tells us- "There is nothing like Him" 2423114. .is 5sse(ce is u(li*e all other esse(ces a(d .is 0ames a(d Attributes are u(li*e those o! .is created bei(gs. 6emember- the attributes o! created bei(gs- are (ot i(depe(de(t- (either are they !ree !rom desires- +hereas Allah is !ree !rom all this. .e is 5verlasti(g- as are .is 0ames a(d Attributes. /y Allah- it is a( e7celle(t stateme(t- made by the *(o+ledgeable o! reali8atio(a(d reality +ho say 9(e(ess- 2 a+hid4 is the a!!irmatio( o! the 5sse(ce o! Allah i( +hich that 5sse(ce is u(li*e all other esse(ces. .e created a(d .is 5sse(ce a(d attributes are (ever i(capacitated7 Al )asiti- may Allah have mercy o( him- summari8ed the matter- a(d this too is the :udge;s goal. 6egardi(g Allah he said- < here is (o esse(ce li*e .is 5sse(ce. here is (o (ame li*e .is 0ame. here is (o actio( li*e .is actio(. here is (o attribute li*e .is attribute- all that ca( be said is the e7pressio(s 2those o! Allah a(d other tha( Allah4 are similar o(ly i( their pro(u(ciatio(.< he belie! o! the truth!ul !ollo+ers o! %rophet Muhammad is that the 5sse(ce o! Allah- +hich is (ot sub=ect to time is by !ar too ma=estic to have a 1uality +hich is timely- i( the same +ay that a(y created esse(ce lives i( the co(!i(es o! time does (ot escape !rom time- (or do they have a(y a(cie(t attributes prior to time his is the belie! o! the people o! the truth +ho !ollo+ the prophetic +ays 2su((ah4 a(d the co(gregatio( o! 2Ahle "u((at +a :amat4 the Compa(io(s- a(d

those +ho !ollo+ them. $mam Abu;l >asim Al ?ushayri comme(ted a(d e7pou(ded upo( the precedi(g sayi(g- < his co(tai(s the total o! all stateme(ts relati(g to the 9(e(ess o! Allah. .o+ is it possible !or .is 5sse(ce to be li*e the esse(ce o! created thi(gs- +hich are co(!i(ed by time +he( .is 5sse(ce- is i(depe(de(t !rom time- location, dimension, the imagination of our reasoning, or any created substance with its characteristics by His very existence? And, how can His action resemble the action of any of His creation, when His action is not caused by it, rather, Allah is the Creator of it, nor is His action repelling an action of imperfection and is not derived from thoughts or desires. His action does not come through any created physical or non-physical cause, whereas the action of His creation are created by Him (and maintained until its end by Him .! $t +as also said- <)hat creatio( imagi(es or perceives +ith their i(tellect is co(!i(ed by time- +hich is the same co(ditio( i( +hich they are.< $mam Al :u+ay(i said- <)hosoever stops at somethi(g that e7ists a(d +hich he is capable o! u(dersta(di(g must *(o+ that it is a huma( productio(. )hereas +hosoever ta*es the sta(d o! pure (egatio( o! the Creator is a( atheist. As !or the believer he#she admits it is impossible to perceive the reality o! Allah. ,hu;( 0u( Al Misri gave a( e7celle(t e7pla(atio( o! the )ords o! Allah that readThere is nothing like Him" 2423114- "He is not to be questioned about what He does, but they shall be questioned" 22132@4 a(d- "When We decree a thing, We only say: 'Be," and it is 21A3404. .e said- < he reality o! 9(e(ess is that you u(dersta(d the po+er o! Allah is i( thi(gs +ithout stati(g the mea(s- a(d that .is actio( is the cause o! everythi(g- but this actio( is +ithout cause. )hatever !orms i( your imagi(atio( about Allah- be sure Allah it is (ot thatB< hese are precious- +o(der!ul- precise +ords. :udge 5yad co(cludes +ith the !ollo+i(g supplicatio(- <9 Allah by Cour Davor a(d Mercy- ma*e us !irm i( the belie! o! Cour 9(e(ess- testi!yi(g to it a(d disco((ectio( !rom disbelie!- a(d preve(t us !rom misguida(ce- a(d error that leads to atheism- a(d ma(-made !aith.<

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