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Sunday, April 17, 2011 It doesnt matter what subject you type into your search engine regarding the end of this current earth age (End Times) because the talk is primarily dominated by people who are either Christians using the teachings of Doctrines of Devils and Demons, abductions victims or those promoting the New Age Alien Agendas version of facts. I refer to those promoting these views as ALIEN SPIN DOCTORS because they all use sources that are not of our original creator GOD. Now these ALIEN SPIN DOCTORS are putting their spin on the new DNA findings claiming that because E.T. JUNK DNA is found in the human genome that this is proof that aliens created human beings. They forget to mention that our human DNA or the active segments of our BIG STRAND DNA is NOT ALIEN, It is NOT A SURPRISE that for all of the WRONG REASONS they seem to ignore that obvious fact and promote the E.T. Junk Alien DNA data only.

WHEN WAS HUMAN DNA CHANGED? If we go back in time to the original earth generation, which is not the current one we live in today, we find it was in that original earth generation that mankind begin to be targeted by these evil entities, who rape them and used some of them as human incubators to start their own hybrid races on earth though which they could operate their evil agendas and global take over schemes. It was then that the human genome (DNA) began to change and became contaminated. WHAT DOES SCIENCE SAY ABOUT THIS E.T. JUNK DNA TODAY? All human beings today have an alien genetic code sequence, that when counted totals about 97% of our human DNA. E.T. Junk DNA is a non-coding sequence, which was added into our DNA by these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today. This is why scientists refer to it as "extraterrestrial junk genes" (E.T. Junk Genes). These extraterrestrial junk genes are strung in with our human DNA and appear to be in a sort of dormant stage. The E.T. Junk Genes was slipped in place as if they were put there to "enjoy the ride" along side our hard working active DNA, which has been passed down to us from our original human ancestors long before these entities infiltrated the human race and reprogrammed our DNA. There is evidence that the E.T.S disposed of, or deactivated MOST of our BIG CODE, leaving us with only 3% of our original active human code. By eliminating or deactivating segments of our Big Code, we lost so much of our original programming. Example: Our original cells had the ability to perfectly reproduce or

duplicate themselves. Once these evil entities disabled 97% of our original codes, instead of making exact copies of our cells, our body is now making damaged cells causing our bodies to age, become sick and die. Our E.T. Junk DNA is proof that these evil archon entities made contact with 'Earth humans' many earth generations ago. The New Age and those promoting the Alien Agendas claim that these evil entities created human beings. Despite what those promoting the Alien Agenda say, our DNA codes indicate instead, that these evil entities MANIPULATED HUMAN DNA AFTER THE FACT. This is why 85% of the human race has the Rhesus Monkey protein factor (Rh Positive). The ancients referred to those who carried the primate protein such as the ADAMS (Global Indian Populations) and EVES (Black Populations) as people with Monkey Blood. The Judah Jews and Hebrew Israelites referred to these people groups who bred with the Scandinavians as people with Gentile Blood. There is more bad news. The E.T Junk DNA codes they gave us cause human beings today to get sick and die. This E.T. Junk DNA produce human conditions such as cancer, which has its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs we use today. These defective defector E.T. Genes produce deformities and disabilities in human beings. SCIENTISTS WHO ARE IN THE KNOW ARE NOW TELLING US THAT THESE E.T. JUNK DNA STRANDS HAVE BEEN IN-PLANTED IN HUMANITY BY MANIPULATIVE EXTRATERRESTRIALS, THAT THEY DID NOT COME FROM A LOVING CREATOR. Scholarly groups at the forefront of investigative suggest that E.T. Junk DNA may not have been added to human DNA as a "building block for life" but rather to act like a "parasitic inhibitor" and "regulator." Once we understand this it becomes obvious that one of the reasons these Manipulative E.T. Archons bred with human beings and tampered with our DNA was to harm and control the human race using our genetic codes to do the dirty work.

DOES THE BLOODLINE OF CAIN AKA THE GLOBAL EITE HAVE THE ET. FACTOR. HOW IS IT CONNECTED TO THESE EVIL ENTITIES AND WHAT IS THE GOD GENE? It is no coincidence that Dr. Dean Hammer discovered the GOD GENE which is a gene that can be tracked to the Ashkenazim Jews and the Global Elite who rule the world from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. This GOD GENE in another scientific link, which indicates that human DNA is hard wired with E.T. JUNK DNA. Dean Hammer claims that this God Gene gives these Ashkenazim Jews, Jewish Zionist copper based reptilian hybrid bloodlines a direct link to their evil gods today. That these people have been HARD WIRED to receive messages and communicate with these evil entities they worship.

THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS. Those people who promote the New Age and Alien Agendas believe that these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today, created mankind when EVERY INDICATION WE HAVE SHOWS US THAT THESE ENTITIES DID NOT HAVE TO ABILITY TO CREATE HUMAN BEINGS and had to resort to rape, cloning and DNA in-coding to create there human hybrid races. There goal was NOT to help the human race, their malevolent intent was to DESTROY and CONTROL the human race. Even the Old Testament attests to their INABILITY to create life and clearly shows us that these Old Testament Judah Jewish and Hebrew Israelites gods have always had an evil plot against humanity. The Scientists in the article I Copy Pasted at the bottom of this article, describe how the E.T. Junk DNA changed the human race from its perfect state into a sort of artificial state and man became their human hybrid archon half breeds:

WHAT DOES SCIENCE SAY ABOUT THIS E.T. JUNK DNA TODAY? Lets recap what I said above and learn more. All human beings today have an alien genetic code sequence, that when counted totals about 97% of our human DNA. E.T. Junk DNA is a non-coding sequence, which was added into our DNA by these evil entities we wrongly refer to as aliens today. This is why scientists refer to it as "extraterrestrial junk genes" (E.T. Junk Genes). These extraterrestrial junk genes are strung in with our human DNA and appear to be in a sort of dormant stage. The E.T. Junk Genes was slipped in place as if they were put there to "enjoy the ride" along side our hard working active DNA, which has been passed down to us from our original human ancestors long before these entities infiltrated the human race and reprogrammed our DNA. There is evidence that the E.T.S disposed of, or deactivated MOST of our BIG CODE, leaving us with only 3% of our original working human DNA. By eliminating segments of our Big Code they disabled our cells. Our original cells had the ability to perfectly reproduce or duplicate themselves. Instead of making exact copies of our cells, our body now makes damaged cells causing our bodies to age, become sick and die. Our E.T. Junk DNA is proof that these evil archon entities made contact with 'Earth humans' many earth generations ago. The New Age and those promoting the Alien Agendas claim that these evil entities created human beings. Despite what those promoting the Alien Agenda say, our DNA codes indicate that these evil entities manipulated human DNA AFTER THE FACT.

Scholarly groups at the forefront of investigative suggest that E.T. Junk DNA may not have been added to human DNA not as a "building block for life" but rather to act like a

"parasitic inhibitor" and "regulator." That one of the reasons these Manipulative E.T. Archons bred with human beings and tampered with our DNA. They obviously intended to harm and control the human race through our DNA. They added demonic inorganic mechanical intelligence anomalies into our DNA and mankind became what ancient pagan Gnostics referred to as "artificial man. Buyer Beware! As you read my articles you will notice that I refer a great deal to Jesus (Yashua) whom I believe existed and will save the world and those of us who follow him soon. I do not believe that Jesus (Yashua) was a Merovingian Jew. I believe he was a Scandinavian Nazarene. Just how he will save (rescue) us is UP FOR GRABS and I have a sneaky suspicion it will involve other dimensional realities and technologies that are beyond comprehension today, however I do not consider myself to be a Christian per say. One of the reasons I started to do research was to expose the Bible and the Jewish and Roman Orthodox Catholic and Christian religion as a very corrupt movement that was designed to mislead the world with misinformation, disinformation and lies. I believe the founders of this hybrid religion promotes Satanism, paganism, Mithra worship and a whole host of other beliefs that Christians refuse to recognize and continue to ignore WHERE DO WE START OUR RESEARCH? WHERE DO WE FIND OUR ORIGINAL ANCESTORS Its time to travel back in time to find these ancestors who lived long before the African Lucy who a certain group of scientists claim was created 250 million years ago and the African ARDY that was genetically engineered 4.2 million years ago. So lets hop on the time train and go back to THE BEGINNING. 00

THE PICTURE OF THE GIRL AT THE LINK BELOW REPRESENTS ALL OF OUR PREHISTORIC ANCESTORS REGARDLESS OF WHAT COLOR YOU MIGHT HAPPEN TO BE IN THIS LIFETIME. WE ARE ALL BROTHERS UNDER THE SKIN ACCORDING TO JESUS (YASHUA) AND NOW MAYBE ACCORDING TO SCIENCE AS WELL. As we slip back in time to the origin of man using science, archeology, geology, astronomy, DNA, history, legends etc., we have to start with the original human beings who were Scandinavians. Now when I say original human beings I specifically mean the first human beings on earth and I am NOT talking about the Adam and Eve in Genesis Chapter 2., or the hybrid human-primate race created by the Anunnaki in ancient Sumer Babylon Iraq, or the human and giant populations created by the rape and cloning of the Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Elohim Watchers. I am also not talking about the people groups scientist refer to as the Adams (Indians) and Eves (Black People). Accounts of these hybrid races can be found in various places in archeology, geology, science, astronomy, legends, myths, the Koran and in Genesis Chapter 6 etc., The race I am talking about in this article was the original human race on earth that we all share DNA with. It is not a coincidence that the oldest mummies found all over the world were Scandinavian. It doesnt matter what skin color you were born with today, all of us have Scandinavian DNA in our bodies. The only reason this sound surprising is because this is not the history that a certain select group of what are referred to as the ACCEPTED SCIENTISTS have presented us with, who tell us that some INTELLIGENT DESIGNER created the human hybrid Lucy or Ardy in Africa around the Red Sea or Charles Darwin who came up with the theory that we evolved from a simple cell or cells, I forget which.

All though we have been told by this Selected group of ACCEPTED scientists that our original ancestors were the African people who science refers to as the Eves (black people). Those scientists use data that track human origins back to African only. THESE ARE NOT THE SCIENTISTS WE SHOULD BE LISTENING TO SO TOSS OUT THOSE TEXT BOOKS AND DIG DEEPER. Toss out the scientific opinions that only talk about the ADAMS (Global Indian Population) and the EVES (Global Black Populations, and start to do your own digging. When you do you will learn that our original ancestors did not come from Africa, or the Red Sea area around Saudi Arabia or Northern Ethiopia, those people groups can actually be tracked back to India and the Himalayas if you follow the RIGHT SET OF FOOT PRINTS before they migrated into the Middle East and Africa. THEN WHERE DID OUR PREHISTORIC ANCESTORS LIVE ORIGINALLY? Our original prehistoric ancestors lived in an area of our world that was subtropical at one time. The ancients called this landmass Hyperborea, which is now a frozen wasteland due primarily to the pole, shift which dropped these subtropical lands into a DEEP FREEZE. Today those landmasses are in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Scientist DONT GO THERE, its too cold to track the original human race back to that spot on earth the best they can do is follow the ADAMS and INDIANS migrations, who are the later hybrid descendents of our original Hyperborean ancestors. WAS THE EARTH AT ONE TIME ONE BIG LAND MASS? When you talk with new scientists regarding the movement of the earth continents you will find that at one point our earth was one huge land mass. Neal Adams has a wonderful site and YouTube videos regarding what he refers to as the

CONSPIRACY OF SCIENCE. In his videos and on his site he claims that there is a conspiracy to keep the truth from humanity. That human beings have been bombarded with scientific opinions from the ACCEPTED GROUP of scientists only and as usual they are OBVIOUSLY WRONG about the shifting of earths plates. The plates didnt float around WILLY NILLY they were forced to move apart and that movement can be tracked all over the world from the floor of the oceans, which have now been mapped. Neal Adams clearly shows us the earth has grown apart into the 7 continents we live on today. He shows us that at one point in earths history the Polar Regions were subtropical. You will see that at one point Africa was the South Pole and that South Americas tail wrapped around South Africa. Neal shows us that round 65 million year ago Africa, India, South America and Antarctic were joined together. Our earth land mass has changed and mankind is much older than science and religion would have you believe. Once we actually track mankind back in time we find some surprising data. We learn that the original human beings on earth lived in an area ancient people referred to as the Garden or Gardens. Each culture has theyre own Garden story but it is the original Garden all ancients talked about that I am interested in here. This original Garden or Gardens is not the Garden of Eden that is found in the Old Testament or the garden associated with Genesis Chapter 2. It appears that this original Garden region was at one time located close to the equator before the earth flipped. The geophysical pole shift then moved this Garden region to where it is today, which is in Scandinavia the Polar Regions. This particular Garden region was at one time, before the BIG FREEZE, the home of our original prehistoric Mitochondria ancestors. These ancestors existed long before the Sumerian Anunnaki hybrids were created in ancient Sumer Babylon Iraq and

long before the INDIAN ADAMS (Indian Populations) and BLACK EVES (Black Populations) were created. These ancestors were Scandinavian. All of us today have DNA that tracks back to our original Scandinavian ancestors. Once again: it does not matter what color your skin is today your original prehistoric ancestors were Scandinavian. Human kind at that point was described as being perfect in every way. According to all ancient legends, these original ancestors of ours had talents and abilities we could only dream about today. Mankind did not age or get sick in the Garden and they lived in a paradise type of existence until the evil gods came down and begin to tamper with all life forms on earth. WHO WERE SOME OF THESE EVIL GODS AND WHAT DID THEY LOOK LIKE?

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The Reptilian Anunnaki were known as the Sumerian Gods. These evil entities operated from mountaintops, inside the earth, other dimensions+ and descended down into Iraq in flying vehicles known by many names such as Chariots of Fire Whirling Wheels Thrones Clouds etc., where they crated a base camp in an area known as Ancient Babylon. These were the gods the Sumerians worshipped. The links above you an idea of what they looked like.

JEHOVAH (GOD OF THE JUDAH JEWS) WAS A REPTILIAN GOD Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge, who Jesus (Yashua) referred to as a lion-faced reptilian entity in the Sophia Pistis story, which can be found in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, is associated with the leader of the Anunnaki gods and may be this evil leader who was known as GOD ANU. They appear to be one in the same entity. Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge aka Jehovah is the evil god Judah Jews worshipped in southern Israel and is still being worship today by both Jews and Christians alike. He threatened his followers not to make any graven images of him but the carvings in the picture above are carvings that represent this reptilian lead god and his pantheon of reptilian gods who engaged in bloody sacrifices, wars and terrorized the country side and the people who worshipped them. WHO WERE THE GODS OF THE HEBREW ISRAELITES?

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The pictures above were painted and carved to represent the 6-8 feet tall Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Elohim Watchers. They were the Nordic gods who appear very human in appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes. They reportedly landed on Mt. Hermon in Northern Israel and Syria. They were the gods the Northern Israelites worshipped in the Old Testament as god El, the Elohim etc. These evil gods also operated all over the world and were

called by many different names. Gods.

They were the White

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QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The Grays, pictured at the link above, are the last basic group of other dimensional world entities that plagued humanity in the Middle East and all over the world. These evil gods came into our three dimensional world and begin to tamper with all forms of living DNA. The PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING and it is all over the place when you start looking. BEWARE OF THE GODS! When Hyperborea was a thriving subtropical area close to the equator, evil entities entered our three-dimensional world and begin to mingle with mankind. They abducted, raped and manipulated the DNA codes of our original prehistoric ancestors, turning off, degrading or eliminating much of our Big Strand DNA and adding their E.T. Junk DNA instead. Not all of our prehistoric ancestors mingled with these evil entities ORIGINALLY but those that did were forced to leave Hyperborea. Legends seem to indicate that one of the areas this inbreeding also took place was inside our earth where the hybrid races known today as the Adams and Eves were created. The Koran has one account of this story. Africans and Indians have their own accounts that tell us the same stories. These legends and stories claim that their ancestors come out onto the surface of the earth from cities with in the earth through massive tunnel systems to repopulate the surface after global cataclysms. As a direct result of the evil rape and cloning practices of these demonic entities, we have become the various races living on earth today. Another way to say it is that these evil entities were the MISSING LINK. They bred human DNA with animal, reptilian, E.T. and bird DNA. Again, it is no coincidence that 85% of the global populations are positive

for Rhesus Monkey DNA (Rh Positive sometimes referred to as Monkey Blood.



HERE IS A PICTURE OF THE HYBORIAN AGE BY VINCENT DARLOGE. This map shows you the areas in Africa and the Middle East where the first mixed wave Aryans migrated to after they were kicked out of Hyperborea for mingling with the gods. In past earth generations, the continents we live on today had different names associate with them. Much of North and South America, Africa, parts of the Middle East, Southern Europe, the British Isles, the Solomon, Santorini and Canary Islands and the Azores etc., were called Atlantis. The picture above is mean to illustrate the intelligent designer who created the hybrid INDIAN ADAMS AND BLACK EVES. FALSE HUMAN ORIGINS CLAIMED BY SOME SCIENTISTS The first group of Hyperboreans (Adams and Eves) that were forced to leave Hyperborea and Agharta migrated onto all 7 continents of our world eventually. The Eves (Black People) migrated into Africa. Africa is the landmass that a segment of scientists falsely claim all of humanity originated in. These scientists claim we all came from Lucy who was a primate they found in Africa approximately 2 millions of years ago. While they claim Lucy and Ardy were the mother and father of the human race of Eves, these group of scientists dont seem to want to name the Missing Links that were directly responsible for blending primate DNA with human DNA inside the earth, in Hyperborea and Africa but we know and history knew and these evil gods (INTELLIGENT DESIGNERS) are the BEST KEPT SECRET of the Powers That Be.

These same scientists do not track our human DNA back further than Africa. MAY BE WE SHOULD CHECK WITH DIFFERENT SCIENTISTS whose opinions are not being sponsored by the POWERS THAT BE.

WHERE DID THE ORIGINAL SCANDINAVIANS COME FROM AND GO? The PURE Scandinavians, who had not Mingled with the gods. stayed in the Scandinavian Hyperborea North Pole regions and finally migrated into Northern Europe and Asia and then back again. They were the indigenous people of Northwestern Europe around the time know as the BIG FREEZE before the hunter gathers INDIAN ADAMS moved

into the area. They were the farmers. Pockets of them have been found all over the world. It is NO COINCIDENCE that the oldest mummies found all over the world were Scandinavians. Another area I researched was the area that Jesus (Yashua) and the Nazarenes lived in Northern Israel that was referred to as Aryana. That Scandinavian population can be tracked back 75.000 years to before the BIG FREEZE. THE POWERS THAT BE AND THEIR CONSPIRACY OF LIES. Generations of lies are being and have been promoted by the Powers That Be who are actually a hybrid people group who were cloned by the Anunnaki in ancient Babylon (Iraq). They have a very different story of the origins of the human race because they promote the Alien Agenda version of facts. The New World Order gurus are members of these hybrid bloodlines who do not want us to know that they, the Global Elite power brokers who are bringing in the New World Order, are actually a human hybrid mix who stole the right to rule our world from our Scandinavians ancestors. They do not want us to realize that the human race fell victim to the cloning practices of these evil entities they communicate with. These Global Power Brokers are going to be presenting the world with information that is NOT ACCURATE soon claiming that we are all created by aliens and that there is no GOD other than their alien hierarchy of gods. SECRETS BEHIND THE HYBRID BLOODLINE OF THE GODS The origin of these hybrid bloodlines is a BEST KEPT SECRET but the information is out there and can be found in various places. There are many sources for this information. A couple of these sources involve Celtic history, the Kolbrin Bible, the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, the Bible etc. This information includes the secrets behind the

origins of the Blue Bloods that is being promoted by people like Sir Laurence Gardner and those promoting the Serpent Bloodline legends. They refer to authors like Zachariah Sitchen who deciphered the ancient Sumerian tests, and people like Dr. Stephen Greer of MUFON, etc. These sources come from the Doctrines of Devils and Demons. Those promoting them are puppets that are being mind gamed by their Puppet Masters so: Buyers Beware.

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Keep in mind that the original Scandinavian races or the truth behind the real bloodline of Jesus (Yashua) and the Nazarenes are not included in the Keeper of the Celtic Secrets because the Aryan races referred to in the Celtic legends were a hybrid group whos bloodline tracks back to Cain, the Semites, Turks, Canaani, Phoenicians, Sea People, Atlantis etc. The tribes their leaders were associated with are referred to Biblically as the Lost Tribe of Dan or the DANITES who today are associated with the Ashkenazim Jews, Zionists and the LIST GOES ON. This hybrid bloodline was originally described as having red hair and green-eyes, dark hair and dark eyes and includes the bloodline of Cain. Scientists tell us that the red hair gene was not a human gene, that it came from Neanderthals, which also indicates that it is and was a hybrid bloodline, bred by the evil gods. Neanderthals and humans did not bred, their DNA was tampered with by THE GODS. Its all over history when you decide to DO YOUR HOMEWORK. CAINS BLOODLINE BRED WITH THE SCANDINAVIAN TRIBES IN ISRAEL, SYRIA ETC.

This hybrid race who refer to themselves as the Global Elite today, seem to track back in time to the Hyksos people in Egyptian records, who bred with the Scandinavian Shosu and their descendents became the Hebrews aka ARYAN RACE. The Hebrews were a mixed race that later became known as the Aryans, Scythians, Cimmerians, Caucasians, Vikings, etc. These groups inbred and migrated into Spain France and the British Isles from the Mediterranean Sea with the aid of the Phoenician Sea People whose ancestors came from Atlantis. It is these hybrid DANITES who are the Keeper of the Celtic Secrets. Buyer Beware. LETS REPEAT THIS ANCIENT HISTORY ONCE MORE JUST SO WE REMEMBER IT AND COMBINE IT WITH BIBLE HISTORY JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT FOR DNA PURPOSES. These evil entities ancient people referred to as the evil gods, who we WRONGLY REFER TO AS ALIENS today, were not able to create life, instead thy RAPED WOMAN impregnating them with their E.T. DNA and other DNA to create the races we have today. They also used the DNA from primates, to create the race of EVES. The Bible is one of the most convenient resources we have on our own bookshelves that refer to these hybrid races. You dont have to go out and purchase other books; you have a simple source at your fingertips. The most comprehensive source for the rape and cloning of these evil entities can be found in Genesis Chapter 6. The Sumerian Tablets are another source. Egyptian and Archeological records are still another sources. This information is all over the place. Once you start to DO YOUR HOMEWORK you will find it.

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The pictures and links above show you what a Semite may have looked like during the life and times of Jesus (Yashua). The pictures on the hieroglyph describe the two different races that came down from Israel to work in Egypt during drought periods. They were the blonde Shosu people who were associated with the Nazarene tribes that Jesus (Yashua) would later be born into and the dark hair dark eyed Apiru people. As time went by these two races inbred and these Aryans would come to be known as the Hebrews in Northern Israel. THREE PRIMARY PEOPLE GROUPS INBRED The Serpent Bloodline, which is another name for the Bloodline of Cain and the Tribe of Dan (known also as the DANITES) were a HYBRID BLOODLINE created through inbreeding. The bloodline is a combination of the DNA of our original Scandinavian ancestors, who had the PURE RH NEGATIVE blood factor with CAINS hybrid copper based reptilian bloodline who had red hair and green eyes. CAINS bloodline bread with both the Scandinavian race and the dark hair dark eyed Semite or Turkish looking people in history to create the mixed Hebrew race.

The picture above shows you that the early kings of Sumeria, in the Middle East and Egypt were giants. The link below will take you to the Hieroglyphic images of the Nephilim hybrid giant kings. It is a little known fact that the Scandinavians were the original occupants of Israel until the inbreeding took place. They were the people group who occupied most of the Middle East, Syria Asia and Iraq when these evil entities known as the Anunnaki reptilian gods and the Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Elohim Watchers came into our three dimensional word to set up their base camps in Northern Israel, Syria and Iraq. After the reptilian gods came into our three dimensional world and begin their inbreeding practices, the hybrids took over the thrones and ruled the peoples. In some cases they were giants.

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The picture above is the skeleton of a 36 ft. tall giant human Draco found in Saudi Arabia recently we are not supposed to know about. Once the picture was leaked to the Internet the debunkers followed up with a frenzy of SKUTTLE BUT to debunk it. The shot was taken by a helicopter pilot as it flew over this cordoned off area. The Bible speaks about these giants as does history and archeology. The human hybrid giants ranged in height from 8-36 feet tall.

These pictures above illustrate the size differences between

a 6 to a 36 ft. tall skeleton. Today Cains hybrid bloodline rule our world from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and are promoting themselves as a royal seed who have the Divine Right To Rule (WHICH THEY STOLE FROM OUR ORIGINAL SCANDINAVIAN ANCESTORS ON EARTH) several earth generation ago and long before the last Ice Age. CAINS BLOOLINE ARE THE KEEPERS OF CELTIC MYTHS AND THOSE PROMOTING THE KOLBRIN BIBLE Cains hybrid bloodline and the New Age groupies are also the one promoting the Holy Grail books that are all the rage today. Among the books they promote are the Keeper of Celtic Myths that originated in ancient Mesopotamia and the Kolbrin Bible that was found in the 12th century. Some say the Kolbrin Bible is not authentic. No original manuscript of the Kolbrin Bible exists. This is also the case with the Bible. It seems that those creating these books of misinformation, disinformation and lies do not want to leave a paper trail. Hummmmm so: Buyers Beware. The first part of the Kolbrin Bible is Egyptian history, which took place primarily around the time Moses left Egypt with the Jewish and Hebrew tribes. Celtic Priests supposedly wrote the second part of the Kolbrin Bible. Hummm not a dependable or reputable source so again: Buyers Beware. The pictures above show you a drawing of Goliath who was a giant spawned by the Beni Elohim Fallen Watchers who were also known as the Nephilim who the New Age refer to as the Star Gods today. Below is a link to my out dated article re: DNA Manipulation of the Human Race, that can still be found at: LETS TRY AND DEBUNK THE KEEPER OF CELTIC MYTHS

The Keeper of Celtic Secrets apparently claim that the Caucasoid (white race) in Mesopotamia descends from the Anunnaki. We know that to be ONLY PARTIALLY ACCURATE. What the Keeper of Celtic Secrets do not tell us is that the Anunnaki were the evil reptilian entities that inbred and cloned hybrids using the Scandinavian populations in Mesopotamia as incubators. This is where the term Serpent Blood came from. Mesopotamians had reptilian copper based aquatic blood anomalies in their DNA as a direct result of these cloning practices of the gods and angel agents Further the Keeper of Celtic Secrets tell us that the Israelites, are actually descendants of the Elohim royal family of evil gods. The Elohim were and are the Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Watcher entities who operated out of a base came known as Mt. Hermon in Northern Israel Syria. In the Sophia Pistis Story, which you can find in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, they are described as the evil ARCHONS. They bred with our prehistoric Scandinavian ancestors creating human hybrids and the giant races. The Bible tells the story of Goliath who was one of these Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Watcher hybrids. The Keeper of Celtic Secrets would have us believe that aliens created human beings. This is NOT TRUE, however due to the cloning of our original prehistoric ancestors, all human beings have E.T. (Extraterrestrial) Junk DNA in their Genetic Code that was slipped in to replace 97% of our original BIG CODE. To Recap: Scientists thought it was dormant however they now believe it is responsible for human ills and the reason our bodies age, die and get sick. WHO WERE THE WATCHERS AEONS AND WHAT DID THEY

HAVE TO DO WITH JESUS (YASHUA) AND THE ORIGINAL HUMAN RACE? The evil Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Elohim Watchers are very human looking with blonde hair and very large eyes. They stand over 6 feet tall. They are associated with the Watchers because at one time they were part of the Watchers. The Watcher Aeons were the creative force behind all human life on earth and the earth itself. They are a force linked with Jesus (Yashua) who is the leader of Watchers BEFORE HE INCARNATED IN HUMAN FLESH. THE WATCHER AEONS DO NOT MINGLE WITH HUMAN BEINGS accept as a loving force for good. Some might call them Guardian Angels. In the Sophia Pistis story, which can be found in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, the Watchers Aeons are described by Jesus (Yashua) as the creative force that collectively created all forms of life and matter, under the direction of Our Heavenly Father and Jesus (Yashua). After they created the earth and all original life forms on earth, their job is and was to watch mankind and to protect us. They are other dimensional spirit entities, meaning they are from the spirit dimension, known in the Bible as heaven. Jesus (Yashua) taught his followers that at some point ONE THIRD or part of the Watchers Aeons became evil and were cast into our three dimensional world (the world of matter.) This does coincide with all the New Age and ancient accounts of these human looking entities that were forced to enter our world. They became know as the Fallen Elohim Watcher Archons,

the Nephilim, etc. The Fallen Elohim Watchers Archons became the fallen evil group who are being lead by an evil entity the Bible calls Lucifer or Satan. They not only mingled or Walked With the human race, they raped and cloned human hybrids and tampered with the human genome, changing it forever. The Hebrews worshipped these evil entities and called them by many names other then the Elohim. The Fallen Elohim Watchers Archons are Shape Shifters. They can appear as beautiful glorious entities that only pretend to be the Watcher Aeons, or as terrifying entities. They state to the victims they abduct and victimize that they are on earth to help mankind evolve to a higher plain of existence. The New Age and those promoting the Alien Agendas describe them as Light Beings and Ascended Masters etc., when they are actually EVIL INCARNATE entities playing the GOOD COP BAD COP GAME. Satan appeared in the Bible as a LIGHT BEING, which is exactly what they are doing today. ARE THESE THE EVIL GODS OF THE ISRAELITES? REMEMBER, the mixed people groups known as the Hebrews in Northern Israel did not worship Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge as the Roman Orthodox Catholic Christian religion has lead us to believe, they worshipped the Fallen Elohim Watcher Aeons instead; whom they claim were their creator gods. According to the Keeper of Celtic Secrets, the descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel are a white race whos DNA is linked to the Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Watchers. A majority of this bloodline makeup the Aryan, Celtic, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Anglo-Saxon, AshkeNAZIM Jewish tribes who consider themselves to be the True Jews. The Keepers of Celtic Secrets claims that they are the real royal

godhead of the Elohim, WHICH MEANS THEY ARE A HYBRID RACE. HOW WAS THEIR BLOODLINE AND DNA DIFFERENT? The original blood factor of this HYBRID group was the PURE Rh Negative, because it was inherited from their Scandinavian ancestors before the gods mingled with their DNA. Science today has no explanation as to where the Rh Negative factor came from because they do not track the Rh Negative factor back to our original prehistoric ancestors in Hyperborea. Those promoting the Celtic, New Age and Alien Agendas claim the Rh Negative blood factor originates with the Nordic Aryan Alien Fallen Watchers when it actually tracks back to the original Scandinavians on earth who were created by Jesus (Yashua) and the Watcher Aeons. ANUNNAKI HUMAN HYBRID RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS TODAY According to the Keeper of Celtic Secrets, a second group of human hybrids on earth exist for the benefit of the Anunnaki Reptilians. This group rules the world today through the Black Pope and through the Jewish and Roman Catholic Christian Church systems. According to the Keepers of Celtic Secrets, this same white race do not have a bloodline link to the royal family of Elohim, but are in fact, descendants of reptilian Anunnaki entities. The Keeper of Celtic Secrets states that this evil master scientist/physician known as Enki, performed many

experiments with human DNA. This manipulation and cloning was done in his laboratories here on Earth, which appears to be in ancient Sumer Iraq, inside the earth and your guess is a good as mine. Bush declared a phony war in Iraq for covert reasons and looted the secret vaults of the Babylonian museum of their hidden and secret artifacts on the same day that American troops landed in Iraq. I wonder why? If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like more of my articles please send me an Email to: Scholars suggest Human DNA shows signs of being an Invasive Extraterrestrial Parasite by Dr. John Chang http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net/cgibin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=217519 Many scientists have documented that over 95% of Human DNA does not have a known purpose. This DNA has been colloquially referred to as "Junk DNA". Up to 97% of the human genetic information (DNA) is seemingly needless, repetitive "junk" - only about 3% is known to generate proteins, deserving the name "gene". The rest used to be called "junk DNA", lately renamed as "noncoding introns", sometimes labelled by the mysterious, though not very explicit description that these self-similar strands "regulate gene expression". LINK However, other researchers have not been content to simply classify this predominant part of DNA as "one of life's mysteries". Scholarly groups at the forefront of investigative researchers are gathering details which suggest that DNA may not substantively exist as a "building block of life".

Rather, it appears that the substantive function of DNA is to act as a "parasitic inhibitor" and "regulator" of life on planet Earth. Dr. John Lash documents, for example, in metahistory.org: Recent work by Russian biologist Piotr Garjajev and some Russian linguistic experts suggests the same thing, and, more specifically, this research may show that junk DNA, rather than being a discard, is a computer hologram that works with laser-type radiations. In short, DNA is an extraordinary generator of perceptions, an instrument of virtual reality. By accepting the link between DNA and emotional and mental activities, we may begin to imagine DNA as a complex program that directs the life process (regulating our metabolism, for instance), but impedes our consciousness from complete manifestation. LINK Research testimony that includes ancient representations, suggest that DNA was implanted in humanity by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. The fact that over 95% of DNA does not support vital biological living processes suggest that it is conceivable for biological life to exist without any DNA. More than 95 % of all DNA, had been first called "Junk DNA" by molecular biologists, because they were unable to ascribe any function to it. They assumed that it was just "molecular garbage". But, if it were "junk", the sequence of the "syllables", i.e. the nucleotides in DNA should be completely random. However it has been found that the sequence of the syllables is not random at all and has a striking resemblance with the structure of language (ref. Flam, F. "Hints of a language in junk DNA", Science 266:1320, 1994), that is alien to humanity. Scientists now generally believe that this DNA must contain some kind of coded information.

You might wonder, what understanding of our human origins could account for the parasitic implanting of DNA into biological life on planet Earth? Indeed, this further inspires the question; who are we? What are our origins; why do we exist' and from that context, where are we going? For starters, it is vital that we as humanity begin to question the "understandings" of reality, that have been presented to us, by elites who have been documented time again, for spinning a "web of deceit". In this context, it is also correspondingly vital to critically consider prospective new insights, irrespective of how much the Establishment responds with denial. The existence of historical and on-going Extraterrestrial contact with Earthbound humanity, has been at the forefront of this denial. Indeed, the alleged contactees of both Manipulative and Ethical Extraterrestrials offer insights into a context of genetic manipulation within biotic life on Earth. The article titled "Scholars suggest Extraterrestrial-like DNA fractals floating in the Human Gene Pool" explored fractals as evidence that Manipulative Extraterrestrials may have sought to genetically manipulate and control humanity. LINK. A group of researchers associated with Fractogene.com document these apparent similar artificial "fractal signatures" across different biotic life forms on Earth: This uncertainity if "junk DNA" is really "junk", that caught some scientists by surprise, is now history. Indeed, scientists were never quite sure that any part of DNA could be discarded outright, and even the question was raised if introns might play a role in evolution, see Mattick, 1994., Klyce, 2002). The bombshell of the 5th of December issue of the highly reputed Nature 420, 509 (2002) revealed that the 99% of the genes of the mouse have direct equivalents with the humane genes. What does this mean?

FractoGene's pending patent, conceives life on Earth as being linked to a fractal elaboration of a gene by its introns (the fractal model of Purkinje cell was published by Pellionisz, 1989). In so doing, Fractogene seems to have stumbled upon "introns" as Manipulative Extraterrestrial signature of the demonic inorganic mechanical intelligence that ancient pagan Gnostic referred to as "artificial man" or the "archons". Introns, derived from the term "intragenic regions" and also called intervening sequence (IVS), are DNA regions in a gene that are not translated into proteins. Many studies have documented evidence that introns are either directly or indirectly involved in cancer causation, and other diseases. Mutations in the introns have been specifically linked to cancerous "tumorigenesis progression." Among the many other intron genetic variations that have been linked to cancer (in this case lung cancer) is a K-ras intron variation involving tandem repeats in the H-ras 3'untranslated region. Mutations in introns may influence neoplasm development because mutations that occur in introns (or in the DNA sequences that flank the gene) can affect the various steps required for normal expression of the gene even though the intron codes may not be detectable by studies of the protein product of the gene. If the defective expression of a gene product is a tumor suppressor gene or a proto-oncogene, cancer may result. Here is some information about my books at Kindle E-Books: IS THERE A BLOODLINE ALIVE TODAY WITH THE SAME BLOOD FACTOR AS JESUS (YASHUA) YES THERE IS A PURE BLOODLINE FACTOR ALIVE TODAY BUT IT IS NOT THE HYBRID BLOODLINES BEING PROMOTED IN THE HOLY GRAIL BOOKS TODAY. These Holy Grail

books are promoting the satanic Merovingian Serpent Bloodlines instead of the real bloodline of JESUS (YASHUA) and MARY MAGDALENE. These books promoting this misinformation, disinformation and lies include the DaVinci Code, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Sir Laurence Gardners books etc. The list of books and authors the promote the Merovingian bloodline go on and on. These authors have incredible information to share with readers and a great deal of it is true, the only problem is that the information they promote regarding the bloodline of Jesus (Yashua) is not accurate and they use falsified information to prove their theories. It is almost impossible to understand the maze these authors take you through unless you have DONE YOUR HOMEWORK. Their END GOAL is to FOOL THEIR READERS INTO BELIEVING THAT JESUS WAS AN ALIEN HYBRID. WILL THE REAL JESUS (YASHUA) PLEASE STAND UP We have all been lied to regarding the identity and bloodline of Jesus (Yashua) and Mary Magdalene who were in fact members of the Scandinavian Shoshu tribes in Northern Israel known as the Nazarenes. We have also been lied to regarding the evil demonic entities worshipped by Jews, Hebrew Israelites, Ancient Sumerians, Egypts, Mayans, Aztecs, Greeks, Romans, Indian Adams, Black Eves etc. If you want to learn about the real identity of Jesus (Yashua), Mary Magdalene and these ancient ALIEN GODS OF EDEN I invite you to read my books, which you will find at Kindle Books. Here are the titles of my books at Kindle Books: JESUS BLOODLINE IS MAGDALENIEN NOT MEROVINIGAN ALIEN DNA HOLY BLOODLINE HISTORY END TIME PROPHECY SIMPLY LAID OUT FOR YOU

WE ARE ALL RELATED BUT- WHATS IN YOUR BLOOD ROMAN ORTHODOXY SERVED US A PAGAN SATANIC FRUITCAKE Here is the link at Kindle Books where you can order my books of articles that I previously published online. All you need to do is go to the link below and type the titles of my books into their blue search engine at the top of the page: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding =UTF8&search-alias=digital-text&fieldauthor=ANGELLICA%20GOODSON-LORD Angellica Goodson Lord aka (Buyers Beware) rootrace@yahoo.com Here are a list of some of my articles that can be found online or that you can Email me for.


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