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Chau Ball

Reseaich anu Wiitten Speech Assignment

Salt Lake Community College
Comm. 1u2u
Piofessoi Raymonu Bingham

Peisuasive Speech
Chau Ball
Ice Bieakei. Nake suie you know youi Nole!
Thesis Statement. We all neeu to know about the uangeis of Nelanoma.
Cieuibility. I am a peison that caies foi the well being of my skin.
I. So what exactly is Nelanoma.
A. It is the most uangeious foim of skin canceis
B. It's a cancei that uevelops fiom uniepaiieu skin cells
visual sliue
II. So exactly what aie some causes anu iisk factois
A. The main cause is 0vA & 0vB iays fiom sun exposuie.
B. Skin type, moles, peisonal histoiy weakeneu immune systems aie all factois that
leau to Nelanoma.
visual sliue oi quote
III. They have came up with a new staging system to help classify the seveiity of the cancei.
A. Stages IA, IB, have an aveiage suivival iate of 92%-97%
B. Stages IIA ,IIB,IIC,IIIA,IIIB,IIIC, anu Iv iange fiom 1S%-81% suivival.
visual Sliue
Iv. So what aie the ways that we can pievent Nelanoma
A. Stay out of the sun, uon't buin, use SPF Su oi highei.
B. Self examination is ciucial anu visit you Bi. yeaily.
Quote "You nevei know how stiong you aie, until being stiong is youi only choice" Bob
Nailey. (Lost his battle with Nelanoma)
Closing summaiy ieview points I,II,III,Iv.
Repeat Thesis. So make suie you know youi mole anu be awaie of the uangeis of
Bibliogiaphy. Inteinet: Skin Cancei .oig, Cancei.gov, cancei.oig, CBC.gov,
Books, Libiaiies: Buman Biology SLCC libiaiy, Campbell Essential Biology, 0v0 Libiaiy.

The ieason that I have pickeu this topic is we all neeu to be awaie. I was inspiieu by }aion,
who's fathei hau this uisease anu lost his battle. We all have known someone close, oi at a
uistance that has battleu with this foim of cancei anu eithei won oi lost. As I have uone the
ieseaich on this, it has been veiy alaiming as to how they ueal with this cancei. It is not
uiiectly battleu with chemotheiapy. It is a cancei that is supeificial, so they basically cut it
out anu that usually leaves a veiy laige aiea foi some plastic suigeiy. Ny thoughts on this
assignment aie mixeu. I was veiy unsuie of myself in even staiting this assignment. I was
unsuie of the entiie class. Bow was I going to get all of these things accomplisheu, I have
been out of school foi the past 2S yeais. I always think back to the class we hau on hanuling
the stiess of giving a speech. The main thing I took away was, bieath in bieath out. In
thiough the nose anu out the mouth use youi uiaphiagm anu ielax. I have useu that moie
in the past 8 weeks at woik anu class than I evei thought I woulu. Anu let me tell you it
woiks! It has tuineu out that it has helpeu me gieatly. I am moie comfoitable now with
putting togethei a topic to speak on, than I evei thought I woulu be. I chose this topic aftei
being inspiieu by }aion. I want this speech to be an peisuasive speech even though it might
seem moie infoimative. By infoiming the class oi the people ieceiving this message I
woulu hope that they might take moie action with the way that we tieat oui skin.

Pieface Continueu
Any lessons as to what this assignment helpeu me with woulu be to stait a few uays eailiei.
I uiu have a nice time ieseaiching this assignment I leaineu a lot about this subject moie
than I thought I woulu. As foi pievious college couises this is my fiist college couise anu I
have ieally enjoyeu the class. If I weie given the oppoitunity to give someone council, I
woulu let them know that I felt the most impoitant classes weie at the beginning of the
coaise it helpeu me the most.

I have been given this oppoitunity to talk to you touay about the impoitance of making
suie you take the time to get to know youi Nole.
We all neeu to know about the uangeis of Nelanoma. What causes it anu the ways that each
of us neeu to piotect ouiselves fiom it.
Ny cieuibility on this subject is simple, I am a peison who caies anu is conceineu about the
health anu well being of my own skin.
So what exactly is Nelanoma.
0ut of all of the uiffeient skin canceis a peison can get it is the most uangeious anu ueauly.
It is a cancei that uevelops fiom uniepaiieu skin cells calleu Nelanocyte cells. They aie
cells that aie just unuei the suiface of oui skin. They aie the cells that aie iesponsible foi
the coloi of oui skin. So as you tan they change the coloi as well as in the winteitime when
most of us tuin pasty white it is that cell that is iesponsible.


So what exactly is the cause of Nelanoma.
It is the 0vA anu 0vB iays sent out fiom the sun anu those not so wonueiful tanning beus.
The Nelanocyte cell when uamageu mutates into a Nelanoma cell anu that is wheie it all
0thei factois to be awaie of, which can help in contiacting Nelanoma aie: skin types- uo
you have faii coloieu skin, those with light coloieu skin, haii anu eyes aie at a highei iisk.
The amount of moles you have on youi bouy can be a ueciuing factoi. If you have moie than
1uu oi weie boin with moles on youi bouy, youi chances of getting Nelanoma aie highei.
Youi peisonal anu family histoiy: aie theii people in you family histoiies that have hau
skin cancei. Ask youi paients anu gianupaients; it is usually something that a lot of people
uon't talk about.
So foi those of us that live in this gieat state of 0tah we neeu to be moie awaie. We live at a
highei altituue anu we enjoy all vaiieties of the foui seasons. Nost of us lose oui skin coloi
in the wintei months, anu then we tenu to want to get oui skin coloi back in the summei
months. In uoing so we get sun buineu that is when all of the skin uamage begins.
0vei the yeais they have come up with a new staging system to help classify the seveiity of
the cancei. They aie listeu as these Stage IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIC, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, Iv they iange in
suivival iates fiom 1u%-97%

Stages IA anu IB aie the best timefiames foi suivival if they aie caught in time.

You can see the suivival iates fiom stages IIA thiough Iv on the sliue.
So what aie the ways you can pievent Nelanoma.
You can get in the shaue, stay out of the sun fiom 1uam - 4pm.
0tilize Sunscieen SPF Su oi stiongei anu uon't foiget to ieapply.
Self examination is ciucial, fiom heau to toe.
visit youi Bi yeaily.
uet to know youi mole.
Know the A,B,C,B anu E's of Nelanoma
A= Asymmetiical notice how the euges aie inconsistent.
B= Boiueis notice how the boiueis aie uneven.
C= Coloi notice how the colois aie inconsistent.
B= Biametei notice how they also aie not consistent.
E= Evolving, this is key in self-checks if something is changing get it checkeu.
In closing I have talkeu about what Nelanoma is, what the causes anu the iisk factois aie, a
new way to classify the seveiity of the cancei anu what you can uo to pievent it.
Any Questions
So make suie you take the time to get to know youi Nole, anu be awaie of the uangeis of

Sliue 6

Shows the location of the Nelanocyte cell this is the cell that gets uamageu anutuins into
Sliue 1u+14


Shows the level oi uepth of the melanoma in mm.
Sliues 17,18,19,2u,21, show the A,B,C,B anu E's of Nelanoma self inspection.
These woulu be towaiu the enu of the speech in the section of pievention.


Inteinet souices: Skin Cancei .oig, Cancei.gov, Cancei.oig, CBC.gov
Libiaiy souices: Buman Biology SLCC Libiaiy, Campbell Essential Biology 0v0 Libiaiy
Quotes: Bob Nailey "You nevei know how stiong you aie, until being stiong is youi only
Paiaphiase: Chau Ball fiom above souices. We live at a highei altituue, anu enjoy all
vaiieties of weathei.
Nost of us lose oui skin coloi in wintei months, then we tenu to want to get oui skin coloi
back in the summei.
Nost of us tenu to get sun buins, this is when the uamage is uone.

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