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Gonzalez, Kristy ENC 1102

Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of this article is to have an overview of the best literature currently available about the possible etiology of homosexuality and the view of the society on this lifestyle. This annotated bibliography is composed of only scholarly research articles and reports that have been recently done. This paper will address the current discussion of the source of how sexual orientation is determined and how people of our community as well as others view this new lifestyle that has been introduced recently into the newer generations. This article will not go into discrimination or stereotyping of homosexuality. It will only examine the current literature on what scientists and doctors think is the prime cause of this. (I know this is too short but Im not sure what else is supposed to be included so it does not sound redundant)

Dahan, Rachel, Rotem Feldman, and Doron Hermoni. "Is Patients' Sexual Orientation A Blind Spot Of Family Physicians?." Journal Of Homosexuality 55.3 (2008): 524-532. Academic Search Premier. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 Donald L. Gabard PhD (1999) Homosexuality and the Human Genome Project, Journal of Homosexuality, 37:1, 25-51. HESTON, L. L., and JAMES SHIELDS. "Homosexuality In Twins: A Family Study And A Registry Study." Archives Of General Psychiatry 18.2 (1968): 149-160. PsycINFO. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. Jane P. Sheldon PhD , Carla A. Pfeffer MSW , Toby Epstein Jayaratne PhD , Merle Feldbaum BA & Eizabeth M. Petty MD (2007) Beliefs About the Etiology of Homosexuality and About the Ramifications of Discovering Its Possible Genetic Origin, Journal of Homosexuality, 52:3-4 Laura Badenes-Ribera, et al. "Etiology Of Homosexuality And Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting: A Randomized Study." Journal Of Sex Research (2013): MEDLINE. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. Michael G. Shively, John P. De Cecco, Components of Sexual Identity Journal of Homosexuality. Vol 3(1), Fall (1977). Nicholas G. Martin, et al. "Genetic And Environmental Influences On Individual Differences In Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: An Australian Twin Study." Behavior Genetics 38.3 (2008): 257-265. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. 1

Gonzalez, Kristy ENC 1102 Paul Lichtenstein, et al. "Genetic And Environmental Effects On Same-Sex Sexual Behavior: A Population Study Of Twins In Sweden." Archives Of Sexual Behavior 39.1 (2010): 75-80. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 17 Oct. 2013. Strautin, Astra Lydia. "Male and Female Homosexuality: A Review of Differential Factors in Etiology and Implications for Treatment." (1992). ERIC. Web. 19 Oct. 2013.

Dahan, Rachel, Rotem Feldman, and Doron Hermoni. "Is Patients' Sexual Orientation A Blind Spot Of Family Physicians?." Journal Of Homosexuality 55.3 (2008): 524-532. Academic Search Premier. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. In this research article published by the journal of homosexuality, Rachel Dahan, a medical doctor whose done many years of research with this topic, decided to investigate a sample of family physicians common practice regarding their patients sexual orientation. Even though certain health needs of the LGBT community may be unique and different then those of heterosexuals, according to her research, most doctors usually dont ask patients about their sexual orientation for reasons such as being to personal, or some doctors just arent as open minded about this type of lifestyle. Most of the physicians that were surveyed in this study knew less then 0.5% homosexuals in their practice, 44.4% did not even know of any homosexual patients in their practice. Only one physician in this study regularly asked his patients about their sexual orientation. This is an issue with the LGBT community because it negligence of asking this question can lead to receiving less medical quality care. This source was included in my annotated bibliography because it goes into how doctors perspective on this lifestyle can affect the medical care that these people receive just by simple negligence. Donald L. Gabard PhD (1999) Homosexuality and the Human Genome Project, Journal of Homosexuality, 37:1, 25-51. In this academic journal Donald L. Gabard, an associate professor in the division of physical therapy at Chapman University, evaluates existing research about the idea of nature vs. nurture in the case of homosexuality. using a sample of 56 pairs of identical twins, 54 pairs of fraternal twins, 142 non-twin brothers of the twins, and 57 pairs of brothers who were adopted, found that the concordance rate for homosexuality among the identical twins of the initially identified homosexual twins was 52%, among fraternal twins it was 22%, between non-twin biological brothers it was 9.2%, and for adopted brothers it was 11%. According to this research both genetics and environment appear to have the potential to influence sexual orientation. This source relates to my research because it shows the relationship between twins and their genetic correspondence to try and determine what is the etiology of homosexuality.

Gonzalez, Kristy ENC 1102 HESTON, L. L., and JAMES SHIELDS. "Homosexuality In Twins: A Family Study And A Registry Study." Archives Of General Psychiatry 18.2 (1968): 149-160. PsycINFO. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. This article written by Heston, a professor at the Iowa State Medical School, investigated a family with 14 children in which there were 3 pairs of monozygotic twins, and of these 3 pairs, 2 sets were homosexual. No different environmental factors were detected that may have played a big role in the etiology of the orientation. The fact that 4 out of the 12 kids in that family are homosexual show a strong correlation with genetics as a big factor in homosexual etiology. This source was selected to be represented in this annotated bibliography because it shows more evidence that might soon lead to a specific etiology of homosexuality. Jane P. Sheldon PhD , Carla A. Pfeffer MSW , Toby Epstein Jayaratne PhD , Merle Feldbaum BA & Eizabeth M. Petty MD (2007) Beliefs About the Etiology of Homosexuality and About the Ramifications of Discovering Its Possible Genetic Origin, Journal of Homosexuality, 52:3-4. In this academic journal written by several people, the main author is Jane P. Sheldon, an associate professor in psychology at the University of Michigan, who explores the populations beliefs of the etiology of homosexuality. The study consisted of a 40minute structured interview with a national probability sample of 1200 White and Black respondents throughout the United States. Out of these numbers sub samples were taken out of both groups. She categorized their responses in terms of whether they said genes were responsible fully, partly, for some people, or not at all. 25 respondents believed that genes are at least partly the cause of homosexuality, 5 participants said that genes play a role for some people but not for others, and 43 respondents felt that genes play no role. The remaining participants stated that they did not know. This source relates to my research because it delineates the current conversation and beliefs of the population on this topic.

Laura Badenes-Ribera, et al. "Etiology Of Homosexuality And Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting: A Randomized Study." Journal Of Sex Research (2013): MEDLINE. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. This journal article is written by Frias-Navarro D, Monterde-I-Bort H, PascualSoler M, and Badenes-Ribera L who are all members of the Department of Psychology from the University of Valencia. This article focuses on the etiology of homosexuality and attitudes toward same-sex parenting. In this study a sample of the population was surveyed about whether they believed that homosexuality had a genetic etiology or and environmental etiology and how that affected their attitudes toward social rights and same-sex parenting. The sample was composed of 190 Spanish university students with a mean age of 22.07 years. The results showed that participants who believed that sexual orientation had a genetic etiology showed greater support for social rights and less rejection of same-sex parenting. As for the participants who believed it was an environmental factor, they showed a lesser tolerance for the idea of same-sex parenting. This was included in my bibliography mainly because it is a discussion of the potential etiology of homosexuality and the populations views on it.

Gonzalez, Kristy ENC 1102 Michael G. Shively, John P. De Cecco, Components of Sexual Identity Journal of Homosexuality. Vol 3(1), Fall (1977). The Haworth Press. In this next journal published in the journal of homosexuality, Shively, an associate director for homosexuality education, writes about four main components that are believed to contribute to the sexual orientation of an individual. He believes that these four main factors develop then later combine and conflict to form someones sexual preference. These four factors are 1) gender identity, 2) social sex role, 3) biological sex, and 4) sexual orientation. This is his theory to the foundation of homosexuality. This was included in my bibliography because it opens another venue for pin pointing the foundation of this topic. Nicholas G. Martin, et al. "Genetic And Environmental Influences On Individual Differences In Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: An Australian Twin Study." Behavior Genetics 38.3 (2008): 257-265. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. In a research study done by Nicholas G. Martin, a professor of biological psychology at the VU University, many new findings became known. As previous research has showed, heterosexuals tend to hold a negative attitude towards homosexuality, also known as homophobia. This research provides insight to the etiology of homophobia. In this study information from 4,688 twins were analyzed. The researchers found that males have significantly more negative attitudes toward homosexuality than females and non-heterosexuals are less homophobic than heterosexuals. The results suggest that differences in attitudes toward homosexuality are mainly inherited, and that social environmental influences are relatively minor. I included this piece in my bibliography because although my main focus is on homosexuality, homophobia is a big part of this topic when considering the views of the population. Paul Lichtenstein, et al. "Genetic And Environmental Effects On Same-Sex Sexual Behavior: A Population Study Of Twins In Sweden." Archives Of Sexual Behavior 39.1 (2010): 75-80. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 17 Oct. 2013. Paul Lichtenstein, who is in the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics in a university in Sweden, conducted the biggest twin study up to today. His focus for this research was to determine if there was a propensity for related twins to have a higher chance of homosexual orientation if one of the twins was homosexual. All twin pairs born in Sweden 19591985 where both siblings were alive and living in the country were invited to participate in the Swedish Twin Study of Adults. In the largest twin study ever to be conducted the results showed a clustering of homosexuality within a family which supports the idea the some of the etiology does have to do with genetics. The research also shows that there are environmental factors as well that may often play a role as well as genetics. These findings also show similarities with other sources in this annotated bibliography. This source was included in my annotated bibliography because twin studies are really important in the topic to try and pin point the etiology of homosexuality. Strautin, Astra Lydia. "Male and Female Homosexuality: A Review of Differential Factors in Etiology and Implications for Treatment." (1992). ERIC. Web. 19 Oct. 2013. In this doctoral research paper written by Strautin and Astra Lydia, they go into depth of other research that has been done to try and find the source of ones sexual identity. With recent 4

Gonzalez, Kristy ENC 1102 studies attempting to determine factors that might indicate a genetic and/or hormonal basis. The results have provided evidence to suggest that some individuals are biologically predisposed to experience feelings or exhibit behaviors consistent with a homosexual orientation. According to this research paper, developmental, familial, and societal factors appear to contribute to the surfacing of homosexuality as well, although researchers have yet to find conclusive data to indicate which of these factors, and to what degree, influence the formation of one's sexual identity. Once again this source was included in this annotated bibliography because it continues the discussion that the etiology of homosexuality is still a mystery.

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