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Solving your personality profile

(Adopted From Personality Puzzle: Florence Littauer & Maritta Littauer) Name: ____________________________________________ Office: ____________________________________________
Interpretation: FOR MELANCHOLIC PEOPLE Desire: Have it right, Have life in order, perfection Strengths: Works well alone Planner Good with numbers Likes charts and graphs Organized Appreciates quiet Accurate Analytical Set long range goals Have high standards and ideals Weaknesses: Easily depressed Lacks spontaneity Naively idealistic Thrifty to extremes Doesnt do well under pressure Excessively perfectionist Needs plenty of time Hard to please Too focused on details Remembers negatives Suspicious of others Emotions: Deep & thoughtful Serious & purposeful Genius prone Talented & creative Artistic or musical Philosophical & poetic Appreciative of beauty Sensitive of others Self sacrificing Conscientious Idealistic As Parent: At Work: Sets high standards Wants everything done right Keeps home in good order Picks up after children Sacrifices own will for others Encourages scholarship & talent

Date: ________________________ Position: _____________________

Scheduled oriented Perfectionist Persistent & thorough Orderly & organized Neat & Tidy Economical Needs to finish what is started

As Friend: Makes friends cautiously Content to stay in background Avoids causing attention Faithful & devoted Will listen to complaints Can solve others problems Deep concern for other people Move to tears with compassion Seeks ideal mate Characteristics: * Their thinking turns into reflection * Seeks the laws which affect human life, the principles according to which man should act. * Does not feel at home among a crowd for any length of time. * Finds it difficult to form new acquaintances * Reveals his inmost thoughts reluctantly & only to those whom he trusts. Dark Side of Melancholic: He can hardly forgive offenses. Pains takes root in his heart against persons from whom he has suffered. Full of Disgust & bitterness, because he occupies himself too much with the faults of others. Bright Side of Melancholic: He is willing to make great sacrifices for his neighbor. (The richest of all the temperaments) Strong and unshakable in the battle for ideals. Emotional Needs: Sense of stability, space, silence, sensitivity and support Get depressed when: Life is out of order, standards arent met and no one seems to care Are afraid of: No one understands how they really feel, making mistakes, having to compromise standards. Like people who: Are serious, intellectual, deep and will carry on a sensible conversation Dislike people who: Are lightweights, forgetful, late, disorganized, superficial, prevaricating and unpredictable Are valuable in work: For sense of details, love of analysis, follow through, high standards or performance Could improve if: They didnt take life quite so serious and didnt insist others to be perfectionist

As leaders they: Organize well, sensitive to peoples feelings Have deep creativity and want quality performance Tend to Marry/ Perfect Mate: Popular Sanguine for their personalities and social skills, but soon try to shut them up and get them on schedule, becoming depressed when they dont respond. Reaction to Stress: Withdraw, get lost in a book, become depressed, give up and recount the problems Recognized by: Serious Sensitive nature Well mannered approach Self- deprecating comments Meticulous Well groomed looks

Melancholics Identity: * Analytical and Sensitive * Persistent * Self sacrificing * Planner, Scheduled, and Orderly * Perfectionist and Idealistic * Faithful, Thoughtful and Loyal * Hard to please and critical * Suspicious and Revengeful * Behaved and Deep * Fussy and Skeptical Important Notes: * You will improve your relationships with Perfect Melancholies in your workplace when you understand their nature and are sensitive to their needs. * Remember they dont make decisions hastily * Give them space and realistic deadlines * Perfect Melancholy is a reliable, consistent worker who will be happy with order. * Work best unencumbered by people * They keep their desks in order, balance their books, write letters neatly and always show up for work on time. * You can count on them to perform to the best of their ability at all times if you can keep their working conditions agreeable. * They do dwell on details, on long range planning and will be loyal to you for life if treated respectfully. In Marriage: * If you want romance, Melancholic is your guy. They are very romantic when it comes to spending time with their wife. * They usually dresses neatly & often very stylish. * Prince Melancholic will actually help keep the house clean & tidy. * Melancholic hubby will remember important dates. * They are totally committed to their loved ones & tend to be loving & protective of any children in the family. * They easily become moody. * They are usually faithful & dependable friends & have a strong desire to be loved, yet they hardly express their true feelings. * They are highly suspicious even when shown love. * They are good are good planners & naturally capable of coping with crises, stress & frustration everyday. * They keep hurts for a long time that often results into vengeance. Sexual Responses of Melancholic Mate: * They hardly demand for sex even when they badly in need of it. * They have the capacity to be extremely responsive in bed. * They are able to learn quickly what their wives enjoy, what gives them delight & fulfillment. * Melancholic husbands are great lovers. * They like to set out in a cozy environment such as dim-lighted room with soft music, seductive night dresses, erotic perfumes & sexy letters littering the whole room. Advice in Accepting Melancholic Mate: * Dont take his frequent criticism to heart. * Those who married to Melancholic partners must realize that they are very negative, critical, pessimistic & hard to satisfy. * Their high expectations often place an unnecessary burden on the husband/ wife relationship. * They set high standards and this irritates people around them.

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Solving your personality profile

(Adopted From Personality Puzzle: Florence Littauer & Maritta Littauer) Name: ____________________________________________ Office: ____________________________________________
Interpretation: FOR CHOLERIC PEOPLE Desire: Have control Strengths: * Fearless activist * Fixes problem * Decisive, make quick correct judgment * loves a challenge * born leader * organizes quickly * production oriented * excels in crisis * exudes confidence * usually right Weaknesses: * little need for friends * opinionated * overconfident * cant relax * workaholic tendency * expects complete devotion * nervy (arrogant) * usurps authority * unemotional * manipulates others * cant say Im sorry * fears of losing control Emotions: * Dynamic & active * Must correct wrongs * Strong willed & decisive * Not easily discouraged * Independent & self - sufficient * expects complete devotion * Can run anything As Parent: * Exert sound leadership * Establishes goals * Motivates family to action * Knows the right answer As Friend: * Has little need for friends * Will work for group activity * Will lead & organize * Is usually right * Excels in emergencies At Work: * Goal oriented * Sees the whole picture * Organizes well * Seeks practical solutions * Moves quickly to action * Delegates well * Makes the goal

Date: ________________________ Position: _____________________

Characteristics: A man of enthusiasm Seeks large fortunes, vast business, an elegant home A distinguished reputation A keen intellect A strong will Made to rule

Dark Side of Choleric: Domineering, they want to hold the first place and wanted to be admire by others Can hurt others because of the tone they are spoken. Indulge in furious outburst of anger anger degenerates into hatred. In his anger & pride he permits himself to be drawn to actions which he knows be very detrimental to himself & to others.

Bright Side of Choleric: Well trained choleric is very patient & firm in endurance of physical pains. Willing to make sacrifices in sufferings. Successful in professional work because he works quickly & diligently. Brief & definite & everything can be entrusted to him. A choleric can keep a secret like a grave. The choleric may with comparative ease become a Saint (coz of his strong will, he can banish distraction & especially because by force of his nature.) Emotional Needs: Sense of obedience, appreciation for accomplishments and credit for ability Get depressed when: Life is out of control and people wont do things their way Are afraid of: Losing control of anything, such as losing a job, not being promoted, becoming seriously ill, having a rebellious child or unsupportive mate. Like people who: Are supportive and submissive, see things their way, cooperate quickly and let them take credit. Dislike people who: Are lazy and not interested in working constantly who buck their authority Are valuable in work: Because they can accomplish more than anyone else in a shorter time and are usually right, but may stir up trouble Could improve if: They allow others to make decisions, delegate authority, become more patient, didnt expect everyone to produce as they do. As leaders they: * have a natural feel of being in charge, a quick sense of what will work * have sincere belief in their ability to achieve but may overwhelm less aggressive people Tend to marry/ Perfect mate: Peaceful Phlegmatic who will quietly obey and not buck their authority, but who never accomplish enough or get excited over their projects Reaction to Stress: Tighten control, work harder, exercise more and get rid of the offender Recognized by: Fast moving approach Quick grab for control Self confidence Restless Overpowering attitude Strong gestures

Cholerics Identity: * Adventurous and Daring * Strong willed and Domineering * Competitive, Resourceful & Sure * Decisive, Leader and Chief * Bossy, Argumentative & Frank * Workaholic, Self reliant * Short tempered & Headstrong * Persuasive, Confident & Proud * Mover and Productive * Independent & Resistant Important Notes: * Powerful Choleric have unique abilities that make them assets to any business. They can see the whole picture, make quick decisions and come to practical solutions. * When there is work to be done, call on Powerful Choleric. They can accomplish more in a given amount of time than anyone else especially if its such a challenge that no one but them could possibly achieve a victory. * Appreciate them for their hard work rather than trying to slow them down or suggest that they relax * Powerful Cholerics time is valuable * If you have a PC boss, be sure to keep him/her apprised of all the work you are doing and have completed. * They do well in charge of anything as long as can impress upon them how important it is to get along with others In Marriage: * Prince Choleric is a wonderful guy. * Choleric husband is a little bossy because he tends to be so mission minded. * Choleric men arent known for their romantic or soft & tender sides but they demonstrate their love & affection by doing. * They always try to make up for their short coming by pampering their partners with gifts. * They are intensely active people & thrive more on activity. * They hardly sympathize nor are easily compassionate. * Tears may embarrass the Choleric & they are very insensitive to their spouses emotional needs. * Choleric spouses are sometimes extremely hostile, they are easily lured into violence. Sexual Response of Choleric Mate: * Choleric spouses demand sex as a personal right rather than see it as a mutual decision. * Choleric husbands are particularly sexually demanding. * Choleric husband tends to adjust very quickly if he sees the need to be tender, gentle, thoughtful, affectionate & sensitive to his wifes sexual need. * Choleric husband derives sexual fulfillment from watching his wife respond to his caresses & love making. * Choleric wives are not completely relaxed with their husbands during love - making. Most of the time, they fake orgasm & do not seem to be completely free to express their sexual desires, needs preferences & tastes. * Women who are married to Choleric husbands must be very patient & understanding.

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Solving your personality profile

(Adopted From Personality Puzzle: Florence Littauer & Maritta Littauer) Name: ____________________________________________ Office: ____________________________________________
Interpretation: FOR SANGUINE PEOPLE Desire: Have fun Strengths: * Loves people * Make friends quickly * Exciting/ Flexible * Finds job easily * Good sense of humor * Charms others to work * Creative and colorful * Natural sales ability * Engaging storyteller * Has a bubbling personality * Optimism Weaknesses: * Dislikes schedules * Cant say no * Full of excuses * Gets bored easily * Loses track of time * Disorganized * Easily distracted * Lacks focus * Talks too much * Too gullible and nave * Cant remember details or names * Sometimes win praise for work someone else has done Emotions: * Appealing personality * Talkative, storyteller * Life of the party * Good sense of humor * Memory of color * Physically hold on to listener * Emotional & demonstrative * Enthusiastic & Expressive * Cheerful & Bubbling * Lives in the present * Changeable disposition * Sincere at heart & always a child As Parent: * Makes home fun * Is liked by childrens friends * Turns disaster into humor * Is the circus master At Work: * Volunteers for jobs * Thinks up new activities * Has energy & enthusiasm * Inspires others to join * Charms others to work * Creative & Colorful * Starts in a flashy way

Date: ________________________ Position: _____________________

As Friend: * Makes friends easily * Loves people * Thrives on compliments * Seems exciting * Envied by others * Doesnt hold grudges * Apologizes quickly * Prevents dull moments * Likes spontaneous activities Characteristics: * Looks at everything from the bright side * If he fails, he does not worry about it too long but consoles himself easily. * His vivacity explains his inclination to poke fun at others. * They do not make a deep & lasting impression. * They flatter those whom they love. Dark Side: * By praise & flattery a sanguine person can easily be seduced to perform the most imprudent acts & even shameful sins. * Inclination to flirtation, jealousy & envy. * He finds great difficulty in interior prayer for which a quiet, prolonged reflection is necessary. Bright Side: * Friendly in speech & behavior & can pleasantly entertain his fellowmen by his interesting narratives & witticisms. * If it is necessary to inform someone of bad news, it is well to assign a sanguine person. * Bears no grudge after showing his anger violently. * His sadness does not last long, but gives way quickly to happiness. * Sanguine person can get along well even with persons generally difficult to work with. Emotional Needs: * Attention, affection, approval, and acceptance Get Depressed When: * Life is no fun and no one seems to love them Are Afraid of: * Being unpopular or bored, having to live by the clock or keep record of money spent. Like People Who: * Listen and Laugh, praise and approve Dont Like People Who: * Criticize, dont respond to their humor, dont think they are cute Are Valuable in Work: * For colorful creativity, optimism, light touch, cheering up others, entertaining others Could Improve If: * They got organized, didnt talk so much and learned to tell time. As Leaders They: * Excite, persuade and inspire others, exude charms and entertain, but are forgetful and poor on follow through. * Compulsive talker who accomplish a little Tend to Marry/ Perfect Mate: * Perfect Melancholies who are sensitive and serious, but Popular quickly tire of having to cheer them up all the time, and of being made to feel inadequate and stupid. Reaction to Stress: * Leave the scene, * Go shopping, * Find a fun group, * Create excuses, and * Blame others.

Sanguines Identity: * Animated, Playful and Sociable * Spirited, Promoter and * Demonstrative * Talker, Bouncy and Lively * Popular * Repetitious * Easily distracted * Interrupts * Loud * Restless * Optimistic * Ability to mixes up easily * Bright eyes and moving hands * Colorful Expressions Important Notes: * Appreciation and approval is the food for Popular Sanguine where if he/she eats it, she/ he is restored and refreshed and will work productively. * Their creativity will make them assets to any business. * Dont expect Popular Sanguine to be detail conscious, schedule oriented or perfectionist. * Expect praise if the favor was done * Set a deadline before the real deadline. * They are not good in details and figures. * They do well in situations where contact with people is important. * They are good on the phone, receptionists, in sales, creating new ideas and in personnel * They will keep people happy. . In Marriage: * Sanguine hubby will be full of fun & forever young at heart. * They are very warm, very lively & loves to be in the company of other people. * Sanguine hubby tends to be spontaneous, creative & fun. * They are full of fun that will probably have some traits that will drive you crazy. * They naturally noisy & receptive. Sexual Response of Sanguine Mate: * Sanguine spouse are sexually demanding and responsive. * Sex is very important to a sanguine husband because he lives in a romantic world. * Sanguine wives married to any other temperament love to satisfy their husbands sexually. * It hurts to the husband when their wives fail to respond since they are not capable of accepting no as an answer, they tend to seek fulfillment elsewhere. Rule in Accepting a Sanguine Mate: * Realize that there is nothing wrong with being cheerful & optimistic. * Acknowledge that they need lots of attention. * Do not expect him to become a perfectionist. Advice for Women who married Sanguine: * Be loving & responsive * Show them they enjoy their sexual appetite. * Should not refuse their fantasies, cravings & affections. This will help guard against infidelity.

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Solving your personality profile

(Adopted From Personality Puzzle: Florence Littauer & Maritta Littauer) Name: ____________________________________________ Office: ____________________________________________
Interpretation: FOR PHLEGMATIC PEOPLE Desire: Have no conflict, Keep Peace Strengths: * calm * adds balance * witty * considerate * steady * makes peace * delegates well * good listener * effective motivator * good administrator Weaknesses: * stubborn * uninvolved * procrastinates * unenthusiastic * hard to get moving * too peaceful * careless * lacks follow through * dislikes change * hates conflict Emotions: * Low key personality * Easy going & relaxed * Consistent life * Quiet but witty (funny) * Sympathetic & kind * Keeps emotions hidden * All purpose person As Parent: * Makes a good parent * Takes time for the children * Is not in a hurry * Can take the good with the bad * Doesnt get upset easily At Work: * competent & steady * peaceful & agreeable * has administrative ability * mediates problems * hard to get moving * avoids conflicts * good under pressure * finds the easy way As Friend: * easy to get along with * pleasant & enjoyable * good listener * mediates problems * enjoys watching people * has many friends * has compassion & concern

Date: ________________________ Position: _____________________

Characteristics: Everything proceeds & develops slowly Dark Side: Very much inclined to ease, to eating & drinking, lazy & neglects his duties. Bright Side: * Remains composed, thoughtful, deliberate & has a cold, sober & practical judgment. * Does not demand much of life. Emotional Needs: Sense of respect, feeling of worth, understanding, emotional support Get Depressed When: Life is full of conflict, they have to face a personal confrontation, no one wants to help Are Afraid Of: Having to deal with major personal problems, being left holding the bag, making major changes Like People Who: Will make decisions for them, will recognize their strengths, will not ignore them, will give them respect. Dont Like People Who: Are too pushy, too loud, and expect too much from them Are Valuable in Work: Because they cooperate and are calming influence, keep peace, mediate between contentious people, and objectively solve problems Could Improve If: They set goals and became self- motivated, they were willing to do more and move faster than expected, and could face their own problems as well as they handle those of others. As Leaders They: * Keep calm and cool, dont make impulsive decisions, inoffensive * Wont cause trouble and are well liked but dont come up with brilliant new ideas Tend to Marry/ Perfect Mate: Powerful Cholerics because they respect their strength and decisiveness, but later the Peaceful get tired of being pushed around and looked down upon Reaction to Stress: Hide from it, watch television, eat, tune out of life Phlegmatics Identity: * Adaptable, Listener & Pleasant * Peaceful, Submissive & Controlled * Shy, Obliging, & Diplomatic * Consistent, Inoffensive & Mediator * Reserved, Patient & Tolerant * Unenthusiastic & Fearful * Uninvolved & Hesitant * Sluggish, Compromising & Worrier * Doubtful, Indifferent & Mumbles Important Notes: * Listen when Peaceful Phlegmatic speaks and thank them for their creativity and thoughtfulness * Let them know how valuable they are. * The trick of Peaceful is finding what motivates them * Can be a great worker if you can motivate them properly * They do well in a structured environment where their work is spelled out clearly and they can see what they have to do and check it off. * If you left PP on their own, they may waste time * They are excellent at mediating office problems as they can see both sides objectively. In Marriage: * Phlegmatic hubby are calm, easy going, & never get upset easily. * They are just contented with life. * They usually avoid violence, hate pressure, & so avoid stress as much as possible. * They hardly get involved in fights & often prefer to live peacefully with their neighbors. * They hardly take risks. * When married to Phlegmatic, you have to understand that they tend to relax. * It can be difficult to engage a Phlegmatic husband into a conversation if you need to discuss a complicated issue. * Sometimes, because they are too accommodating, they can lose their own identity or let the kids in the family run over them.

Sexual Response of Phlegmatic Mate: * They do not make noise & are too modest. * They are the kindest of all temperaments: this quality in a man will make any wife to be sexually responsive. * In some cases, Phlegmatic husbands prefer their wives to verbally ask for sex because they hardly take leadership roles in anything. * Phlegmatic wives do not initiate lovemaking. They hardly complain about their husbands appetite for sex since she wants to please him.

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