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ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING COACHING NOTES Lead acid does not depend on: Ans: Rate of charge Lead acid

cid consists of: Ans: Dilute sulfuric acid s!onge lead and lead !ero"ide Computer on a chip is called: Ans: Trans!uter Transputer consists of Ans: #$ %its Nibble consists of ____ bits. Ans: & OP amp has a gain of approximately Ans: ' ((( ((( The voice coil has an impedance bet een Ans: & and '(( oh)s* !emiconductor have ____ bonds. Ans: co+alent Nima" gantry robot has Ans: good !recision !ositioning !ulphation in a lead acid cell is Ans: to inco)!letel, charging Nic"el cadmium can be charged or discharged because Ans: -ater is neither a%sor%ed or for)ed* #aisy chaining Ans: )ethod used in deter)ining interru!t !riorities in a )icrocontroller* $ho coined the term robot% Ans: .arel Ca!e/ L&!'( is classified as Ans: )onochro)atic* Coherent and colli)ator* ))) timer consists of Ans: asta%le )onosta%le and 0CO 'arly effect is also called Ans: %ase -idth )odulation The effect produced due to flo Ans: drift current of electrons and holes &n +C consists of passive devices. Ans: 2il) IC !+ unit of luminous intesnisty Ans: Candela !+ unit of illuminance Ans: Lu" & micro ave diode that has a fre,uency range of -./-... 012 Ans: I31ATT diode & micro ave diode in the negative resistance region. Ans: 1IN diode !chmitt trigger acts li"e a Ans: Latch 3ermi level is in the Ans: 2or%idden ga! +nvalid N&N# flip/flop violation Ans: S4( C4( +nvalid NO( flip/flop violation Ans: S4' C4' (ange of depletion idth Ans: (*5 and ' u) +mpedance matching Ans: Transfor)er cou!ling and e)itter follo-er* *ax ell/$ien bridge measures Ans: Inductance # flip/flop consists of Ans: 6. fli!7flo! RS fli!7flo! and in+erter 4ses binary counters Ans: D fli!7flo! +deal C*(( Ans: Infinit, !C&(& uses ____ operation Ans: Asse)%l, 0old doping has an advantage of Ans: Reduced storage ti)e* +t is the time for the diode to be for ard biased to off time Ans: Re+erse reco+er, ti)e The reverse current doubles in every ___ 5C increase in temperature. Ans: 8 L&!'( and L'# are in hat spectrum% Ans: Infrared s!ectru)* 0a&s is used for Ans: Infrared light or in+isi%le light Tapped coil oscillator Ans: Hartle,

Process of adding impurities in the intrinsic semiconductor Ans: Do!ing $hat is reduced by using bundled conduction% Ans: 1o-er loss due to corona* ________ is also called modified *ax ell $ien bridge. Ans: Anderson %ridge* ________ is a bridge that compares the capacitance of the capacitor. Ans: De Soutr, %ridge +t measures un"no n inductance in terms of resistance and capacitance. Ans: Anderson %ridge

Tic"ler coil oscillator Ans: Ar)strong Tapped capacitor oscillator Ans: Col!itts The sediment that allo s the bottom of the lead acid cell Ans: Anti)on, Lead allo, T o transistors in class 6 is in Ans: 1ush7!ull Photodarlington consists of Ans: Transistor and !hototransistor Largest voltage applied Ans: 1I0 ithout irreversible damage

Positive output s ing occurs Ans: to-ards cut7off $hen dry cell is charged7 Ans: It increased in +olu)e Class C acts Ans: as an R2 a)!lifier Crystal uses Ans: R2 trans)itter & class of amplifier that has 8)9 efficiency Ans: Class C $ith !i7 2:-;7 it is Ans: Half7filled 3ormation of !i in valence shell Ans: $ 9 & <olatile memory is Ans: Se)iconductor RO3 !emiconductor (O* is Ans: Co)%inational Logic circuit 'P(O* erases hen stri"es by Ans: :ltra+iolet ra,s 6olometer acts li"e a Ans: Ther)istor Ondograph is Ans: A -a+esha!e of +oltage and current* Nic"el iron cell consists of Ans: NiOH !o-dered iron and its o"ide and $'; of !otassiu)* C' is Ans: 1hase re+ersal Photoconductive cell is also called Ans: !hotoresisti+e cell The smallest of all h parameter is Ans: hO The formula of h-- is Ans: 0'<I' The h parameter consists of Ans: Construction o!erating !oint and te)!erature *oving coil occurs in Ans: DC <T<* internal resistance is Ans: the highest internal resistance +t measures magnetic properties of ferromagnetic Ans: 1er)ea)eter !imple (L lo pass measures /-= d6>octave7 corresponds to ___ d6>decade Ans: 7&( (otational ?oins of the robot is called _____ Ans: Re+olute =oints*

Thermal neutron is also called _____ neutron. Ans: Slo&valanche brea"do n is due to Ans: collision One nibble consists of Ans: & %its Large computer has a maximum of Ans: 8& %its Card readers can read about Ans: '(*((( cards !er )inute &dvantage of 'CL Ans: Lo-est !ro!agation dela, !chott"y TTL has Ans: Least !ro!agation dela, *ain advantage of C*O! Ans: Lo- !o-er CC voltage gain Ans: cannot %e e"ceeded to unit,* Largest voltage applied Ans: 1I0 Transputer operates in Ans: !arallel data +t is an +C consist of passive and active devices Ans: 3onolithic IC +t is an +C consist of passive devices Ans: 2il) #iscrete circuit Ans: Digital circuit Linear circuit Ans: Analog circuit 6ac"hausen criterion is a condition that Ans: sto!s oscillating Negative output s ing occurs Ans: near saturation ithout irreversible damage

!traight line ?oints movement of the robot is called Ans: 1ris)atic =oints +nput and output point Ans: Handsha/ing (L high pass filter has a phase difference of Ans: &5 degrees $ho invented the microprocessor in -@A@% Ans: Ted Hoff $ho invented the -st +C% Ans: 6ac/ .il%, d+>dt of an !C( is Ans: local hot s!ot B C display maximum reading Ans: (>>> B C - m< reading Ans: '((( !traight line method Ans: !iece-ise linear )ethod +mproper biasing of +C Ans: causes distortion One "$h of energy is e,uivalent to Ans: 98( /cal Dunction brea"do n occurs in Ans: re+erse %ias (atio of &h and $h is Ans: greater than one* The capacity in a cell is measured in Ans: Ah +n the +C7 the !iO= layer is Ans: isolation & <>+ characteristic curve is Ans: ?olt@)an diode characteristic* 'arly effect is also called Ans: %ase -idth narro-ing* &dvantage of ! inburneEs test is Ans: +er, con+enient and +er, econo)ical* &n +C consists of ceramic substrate Ans: thin fil) IC &n +C consists of alumina substrate Ans: thic/ fil) IC +t is the development of a traverse electric field in a solid material hen it carries an electric current Ans: Hall effect +t is used hen the input signal has periodically occurring intervals in hich the input aveform is ,uiescent Ans: s,nchroni@ed cla)!ing

& circuit that produces an output only hen first activated by a preliminary pulse Ans: sa)!ling gate !uccessive trigerring signal induces a transition regardless of the state in hich binary happens to be Ans: s,))etrical triggering 6oth carrier drift and carrier diffusion depend on ___ Ans: Einstein relation *icroprogramming is Ans: A techniAue to i)!le)ent the control logic necessar, to e"ecute instructions -ithin a !rocessor* +t is used to measure a speed by cutting off light at a regular interval Ans: Stro%osco!e Thermal runa ay is Ans: is an electroche)ical reaction that causes a %atter, to heat and !ossi%l, e"!lode* & "ind of (O* that degrades its o n memory contents as the memory is read Ans: EARO3 &n inductor operates at ;.. 1F Ans: Toroidal core &n inductor operates at @) *1F Ans: Air core #ata bus Ans: It is data lines in a s,ste) %us* +n converting intrinsic into N/type extrinsic semiconductor7 hich element cannot be used% Ans: Indiu) Pin resistor has industrial heating in Ans: Hair!in for) &ny solid ob?ect has ___ degrees of freedom Ans: 8 3lip/flop as a latch Ans: S7C fli! flo! P+N diode Ans: A )icro-a+e diode freAuencies u! to GH@ range* +p>+v of a tunnel diode is used in Ans: Co)!uter a!!lication Noise figure of **+C G*onolithic *icro ave +ntegrated CircuitH Ans: #*5 to 8 d? 4ni,ue advantage feature of C*O! Ans: 1o-er in a nano-att range &ny charge in a battery Ans: ?ench charge L&!C( acts li"e a Ans: Latch & ord has hen ta"en off the vehicle

Ans: '87%it length & double ord has Ans: #$7%it length & company ho invented the ord byte Ans: I?3 #egrees of freedom is the number of ______ independent movements including the end effector Ans: inde!endent &n inductor operates at ;.. 1F Ans: Toroidal core Percentage loss of the dc ound machine Ans: ' ; $hen dc voltage is removed7 the clamper acts as a Ans: Rectifier C*O! has extremely Ans: Large !ac/ing densit, !olar cell has a principle of Ans: 1hoto+oltaic cell !ensor that detects change in resistance in extrinsic semiconductor Ans: S!reading Resistance Sensor BSRSC (educe the stray capacitance and capacitance bet een bridge arm by grounding Ans: Dagner Grounding & meter sensitivity control in a test instrument Ans: Linear Ta!er 1otentio)eter & volume control in a stereo compact disc player Ans: Logarith)ic Ta!er 1otentio)eter 3aster in retrieval and storage compared to magnetic tape Ans: 3agnetic Dis/ +t has more ripple in a bandpass and cut/off fre,uency Ans: Che%,she+ filter #arlington pair of transistors is _____ by 6eta factor. Ans: )ulti!lied CC# has ___ transfer electrons Ans: 8 Neutral logic Ans: Trinar, logic Totally true7 totally false Ans: 2u@@, logic $hich is not a factor of capacitance% Ans: 1late thic/ness +deal input impedance of an op/amp Ans: 0er, high +deal output impedance of an op/amp Ans: 0er, lo$ith -.. I to match configuration is Ans: Co))on %ase ith higher input impedance7 the

Optocoupler consists of an Ans: LED and !hototransistor Optoisolator consists of an Ans: LED and !hototransistor Positive feedbac" Ans: Oscillator Phase loc"ed loop Ans: 2reAuenc, discri)inator 23 detector &ir as inductor core has Ans: Greatest efficienc,
$hat increases noise immunity in op/

Ans: H,steresis
(esisitve element

Ans: Hori@ontal a"is

(eactive element

Ans: 0ertical a"is

!ine ave ith all harmonics

Ans: SAuare -a+e

+t abruptly changes from = voltage leads

Ans: SAuare -a+e

AB.= 9

Ans: One ti)e constant

& sine ave oscillator7 sine ave circuit

Ans: Cr,stal
element Positive pulse on anode terminal

Ans: Turning on an SCS

B phase rectifier that uses A rectifier

Ans: Grat@ rectifier

$hat uses as mar"er of -.. "1F%

Ans: $ fli!7flo!s
3eature of (/! to D/J flip/flop

Ans: Toggle
insulated ire LC balance bridge

Ans: 3a"-ell %ridge

Operator on micro ave fre,uency

Ans: GaAs o+er Silicon or Ger)aniu)

D/J flip/flop fre,uency

Ans: Di+ides the freAuenc, %, $*

!mall capacitance formed by t isting =

Ans: Gi))ic/ Ca!acitor

*odified *iller circuit

Ans: 1hanastron
Converts step to ramp circuit

Ans: 3iller circuit

!ervocontrolled robots are robots ___ mm range rather than a fraction of mm. ithin

Ans: $
+t is an electron tube photoelectrons hen the cathode is eliminated hich emits +nventor circuit

Ans: A%undance ratio

'lectron hole pair is done by

Ans: 1hototu%e
+t is a radiant energy absorbed by the radiant to incident energy

Ans: Ther)al energ,

D3'T s,uare la device is because

Ans: its characteristic cur+e is !ara%olic

Tan" circuit

Ans: A%sor!tance

Ans: Antiresonant
enlarge Cut/in voltage or turn on voltage current

Ans: Con+erts dc to ac circuit

Laurence or Living stone

Ans: E"!onentiall, increases

'lectron beam deflected from axial to

Ans: 3agnetic resonator or c,clotron


Ans: SeAuence of fi+e %inar, codes

);. degrees

Ans: Deflection defocusing

',ual ratio bridge

Ans: 1hase o!!osition

Po er efficiency of solar cell

Ans: Hea+iside Ca)!%ell %ridge

!ilicon oxide G!iO=H is for

Ans: 5; to '5;
Thermal detector

Ans: Insulation
&P# is better than P+N diode is for

Ans: ?olo)eter
'xact location of data

Ans: S!eed of o!eration

<oltage for temperature stability of Fener diode

Ans: A%solute code

3undamental fre,uency in all harmonics

Ans: 5*8 0
B superconducting inductor in parallel

Ans: Sa-tooth -a+e

d<>dt of !C(

Ans: 1ersistor
&pplication of semiconductor

Ans: 2alse trigerring

*onolithic +C uses

Ans: Dafer
LC circuit is used for

Ans: E"tensi+e large co)!onents

*O! +C uses

Ans: Load current

Po er factor of (C is bet een

Ans: 3OS2ET
& diode ith no depletion region

Ans: ( and '

*inimum #uty Cycle of 6ust converter

Ans: Schott/, diode

L'# emits light because

Ans: D)in 4 ' $fsLc RL

6oost converter critical inductance

Ans: Electron and holes reco)%ine

$hat is the difference on the input impedance of 6DT and 3'T%

Ans: Lc 4 B'7DC$DRL $fs

6uc" 6oost converter critical inductance

Ans: A 2ET has high in!ut i)!edance -hile ?6T has lo- in!ut i)!edance*
*ar"ing of scale to accept standard

Ans: Lc 4 B'7DC$RL $fs

6uc" converter critical inductance

Ans: Cali%ration
2ener diode is in

Ans: Lc 4 B'7DCRL $fs

Typical C*((

Ans: re+erse diode

semiconductor is The temperature coefficient of extrinsic

Ans: '(( to '( ((( Ans: negati+e

Typical C*(( in d6

Ans: &( to 9( d?
<oltage of selenium semiconductor &ccuracy of $ien bridge

Ans: ' 0
temperature rating +t is preferred to manufacture diode and

Ans: (*5; 7 ';

Typical value of armature resistance

Ans: Silicon
+sotope K

Ans: (*5E
The saturation voltage of an op/amp is ___ smaller than the po er supply

Ans: $ 0
!olid grounding has a voltage belo

Ans: 88( 0
voltage bet een (esistance grounding has typical

&n error due to shortcoming of instruments Ans: S,ste)atic error &n error that cannot be corrected Ans: Rando) error +t is a substance here the bul" is composed Ans: Ele)ent Typical voltage of lead/acid Ans: $*' 0 $hat type of cell used in the emergency system% Ans: Sil+er7@inc cell *icrocontroller consists of Ans: 3icro!rocessor )e)or, in!ut and out!ut unit Percentage of the transistor current flo s in the collector Ans: >5; !*PC operates bet een ON state and O33 state at a fre,uency of Ans: '( /H@ and &( /H@ & camera ith imaging positron effect silicon detector Ans: Co)!ton ca)era N*O! is _____ than P*O! Ans: 8 ti)es $hat is the diameter of the afer used in manufacturing% Ans: # to 9 inches !tandard spacing for +C chip Ans: $ u) and # u) &dvanced spacing for +C chip Ans: ' u) 6CC crystal structure Ans: Chro)iu) 1PC crystal structure Ans: Ginc &nother name for differential amplifier Ans: Su%tractor & factor that determines the filter response Ans: Da)!ing factor 4nity gain amplifier has ____ input impedance Ans: E"tre)el, high *egger is Ans: used to )easure high resistance +ncreasing transmitter height Ans: Decrease ca!acitance and inductance re)ains the sa)e* 4ndergrounding conductor is Ans: 3a"i)u) at the conductor and )ini)u) at the sheath & transformer that has a fre,uency range from -.. 1F L -). "1F Ans: Con+erter transfor)er ith multiple layer of

Ans: #*# '' /0

annealed silver ire Percentage conductivity of pure

Ans: '(9*9;
gold Percentage conductivity of @@.)9 pure

Ans: F$*8;
aluminum Percentage conductivity of AB9 pure

Ans: 8#;
Corona is maximum on

on the

Ans: trans)ission lines

Transformer that fre,uency range of =. "1F to =. *1F operates

Ans: Carrier freAuenc, transfor)er

D3'T configuration for buffer amplifier

Ans: co))on drain

amplification D3'T configuration for good voltage

Ans: co))on source

amplifier D3'T configuration for high fre,uency

Ans: co))on gate

The dc/dc converter ith unregulated input voltage and regulated output voltage

Ans: S31S BSingle 3ode 1o-er Su!!l,C

"1F Corona is due to

Ans: radio interference

& transformer on the fre,uency of -)

Ans: Con+erter transfor)er

+ngredients of et cell

Ans: Ginc and co!!er

*ain ingredient of dry cell

Ans: Ginc container

+t reduces gain to a limiting level

Ans: Li)iter
3irst transistor

3irst fuel battery as invented by _____

Ans: 1oint contact

in -@)@.

Ans: 2*T* ?acon

4nli"e buc" and boost converter7 the buc" boost converter featured output voltage:

Ans: o!!osite !olarit, to in!ut* Lattice in hich the lattice points are only sho n in the crystal Ans: ?ra+ais Lattice

!urge impedance of cable Ans: 5( E +deal input impedance of op/amp Ans: 5( E 3ormula for the increase 9 in saturation current Ans: $BBT$7T'C<'(C H '((; +deal noise factor Ans: ( d? <acant lattice site ith missing atom relocated to a interstitial space ith no atom. Ans: 2ren/el effect 3CC pac"ing factor Ans: (*F& Linear change of input Ans: Ra)! in!ut +nstantaneous7 finite input Ans: Ste! in!ut +ndicating device orientation of ob?ect Ans: Sels,n &n &C bridge that measures mutual inductance Ans: Hea+iside %ridge One of the most important bridge in determining lin" capacitances Ans: Schering %ridge 1ighest dielectric strength Ans: Glass 1igh sensitivity Ans: 1er)anent )agnet & transformer in laminated core reduced Ans: Edd, current &n analysis used for more than one voltage source Ans: Su!er!osition theore) *aximum magnitude of the output voltage from an op/amp is called Ans: Saturation +oltage & graph of amplitude versus input fre,uency Ans: ?ode !lot 'ffect of recombination on depletion region Ans: E)ission coefficient or idealit, factor *agnetic amplifier operates at a fre,uency at ____ or less Ans: '(( H@ *ost commonly used coupling Ans: Transfor)er cou!ling Typical L'# voltage Ans: '*8 0 Capacitance of disc ceramic capacitor Ans: '(( !2 & bypass capacitor at high fre,uency

Ans: Cera)ic ca!acitor +ndicating device orientation of ob?ect Ans: Sels,n Odd parity chec"er Ans: HOR !helf life of lithium cell Ans: 5 to '( ,ears Negative feedbac" Ans: Increases %and-idth and decrease +oltage gain &l"aline cell ingredient Ans: 1otassiu) h,dro"ide &dvantage of NiCd over lead acid Ans: Cell on NiCd can %e re!laced 6y adding parallel circuit to the inverting amplifier Ans: In+erting su))ing Linear amplification Ans: Le+el cla)!er Theory of magnetic flux in a closed system e,ual to Fero Ans: Gauss theore) Personal error Ans: Gross error &dvantage of magnetic dis" to magnetic tape Ans: Easier to read The maximum current can safely handle Ans: A)!acit, D3'T reference voltage Ans: Source 6uffer amplifier gain Ans: ' &$0 no. A Ans: (*#>5 E<'((( ft* &$0 no. -= Ans: 8#5( c)il +ndicating device orientation of ob?ect Ans: Sels,n & mass of -.AA x -./=M "g. Ans: :nified a)u (eciprocal of &vogadroEs number Ans: a)u 'lectrostatic radius of an atom Ans: '(7'& *anipulator has ___ degrees of freedom Ans: # &rrange in data arrays Ans: RA3 O! memory Ans: ?IOS

<oltage amplifier Ans: 1re7a)!lifier Latest used data Ans: Cache )e)or, L+3O Ans: Stac/ )e)or, *inimum distance of features in a chip Ans: Geo)etr, Number of elements not found in nature but also prepared in laboratories Ans: '(5 +C advantage Ans: Relia%ilit, *inimum to maximum range Ans: S!an ->) of the $i/3i range Ans: ?luetooth Temperature of Class 6 motor Ans: '#(IC Temperature of Class 3 motor Ans: '55IC Pure ac voltage single fre,uency Ans: Single !i! Cannot be used as a permanent magnet Ans: Car,on +n doubleEs Jelvin bridge7 -I to -. uI Ans: (*(5; 7 (*$; $ien bridge oscillator Ans: f 4 '<B$JRCC *ost important +''' standard interface Ans: IEEE &99 digital interface Common method of coupling used in cascade amplifier stages Ans: Transfor)er +t is most obvious at higher fre,uencies Ans: Corona 'arly +C pac"aging method used in transistors Ans: TO BTransistor OutlineC PLCC Ans: 1lastic Lead chi! )e)or, +t is used in 1i/3i audio system to split fre,uencies to fed t eeter and oofer Ans: Crosso+er net-or/ (esistance offered by a PN ?unction in &C conditions Ans: D,na)ic resistance Characteristic of shared systems to avoid mixing up of print outs or programs Ans: S!ooling

&bsorption of slo moving electrons by an interleaving matter Ans: Ra)sauer effect +f a load is removed from a long transmission line7 the sending voltage end is less than receiving end Ans: 2erranti effect Corona results in Ans: Radio interference (atio of thermal conductivity to electrical conductivity is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of all metals Ans: Deide)ann 2ran@ LaColor of neutral in B/core flexible cable Ans: ?lue +t is neglected in short transmission line analysis Ans: Shunt ad)ittance +t is located near transformer Ans: Lightning arrester <olume of atom ratio to cell volume Ans: 1ac/ing factor (LC circuit that provides undamped oscillation Ans: Ringing circuit Contact bet een metal and heavily doped/semiconductor Ans: Oh)ic contact Comparator ith hysteresis Ans: Sch)itt trigger Negative electron Ans: Negatron +nput continuously increases constant output Ans: Le+el Cla)! 3our arm &C bridge measures inductance by standard capacitance Ans: 3a"-ell ?ridge !ho s positions of lattice points Ans: ?ra+ais Lattice *easures the diameter of an atom Ans: Ernest Rutherford (atio of the &C po er supply to the plate po er supply Ans: 1late efficienc, 'lectromechanical device that converts electrical to mechanical by attraction of iron plunger to the electromagnet Ans: Solenoid Lithium battery Ans: 3icroco)!uter )e)or, %ac/7u! Protection against electric shoc" Ans: Earthing The heat generated melts the portion at the tip of the electrode and the base of the metal Ans: Shielded 3etal Arc Delding BS3ADC

&dvantages of PC6 Ans: Eli)inates %igger chassis and !oint to !oint )ounting 'nergy to raise the electron to another orbit Ans: E"citation +t is used in high voltage and high current application for most efficient regulator Ans: S-itching regulator $hat refers to garaging the t o ad?ustments of an &c bridge together in such a ay that changing one ad?ustment changes the other in a special ay7 but changing the second ad?ustment does not change first% Ans: Orthogonal nulling Not common sine ave generator Ans: 3ulti+i%rator (ange of degrees of freedom Ans: Dor/ en+elo!e Physical bend7 t ist7 and reach Ans: 3ani!ulator Poor selectivity Ans: Dide %and-idth +t has amplifier and feedbac" Ans: Electronic a)!lifier *aintenance of oscillation Ans: 2l,-heel effect 3ree electrons collidal to bound electrons causing mere current carriers Ans: A+alanche effect *agnetic lea"age due to -..9 coupling Ans: Electro)agnetic effect & particle resulting to an atom of an element combined to form a compound Ans: 3olecule P shell number of electrons Ans: F$ !olid formed by covalent bonding Ans: Cr,stal The resistance in the magnetic path to the magnetic lines of force Ans: Reluctance The flux density in an iron core is Fero Ans: Residual )agnetis) hen the magnetic intensity

!mallest ripple voltage Ans: 3ulti7section LC filter 1ighest tor,ue Ans: Series )otors *otivating input in a control system ith the output Ans: Co))and in!ut hich is independent

#evelopment process of a microcrystal molten Ans: Cr,stal gro-th The voltage regulator7 comparator Ans: O!7a)! the component used as a

+t is not an resistance elding Ans: Arc -elding &tom to atom bond on surface ith oxide free surface Ans: 1ressure -elding 'limination of stray capacitance Ans: Shielding and grounding = identical shunt motor Ans: Ho!/inson +n doubleEs Jelvin bridge7 -I to -. uI Ans: (*(5; 7 (*$; &C voltage fre,uency converter from one form to another Ans: C,clo con+erter !"in effect seen at Ans: High freAuencies +ndicates the address of next instruction Ans: 1rogra) counter #rift current is directly proportional to mobility7 diffusion is directly proportional to concentration of diffusion Ans: Einstein relation d<>dt in !C( Ans: 2alse trigerring +t divides an 13 signal so that a lo fre,uency counter ould be able to display the operating fre,uency Ans: 1rescaler circuit (esponds to the variation in incident photon Ans: Kuantu) detector #ra s less current from circuit under test Ans: 2ET03 +t provides very high electrical isolation bet een control c"t and po er c"t7 has high impedance bet een light source and phototransistor. Ans: O!toisolator +t is used to measure variations by the changing metallic resistance Ans: ?olo)eter *ost common bolometric device Ans: Ther)istor

$hen an electron rises to the conduction band a hole is created in the valence band7 this called _____ Ans: Electron hole !air Operating temperature of silicon. Ans: 7'F5 to #5(IC 1ighly sensitive material Ans: 1er)anent )agnet

These are mostly used in robot than &C because it can stand large overload. Ans: DC )otor and ste!!er )otor Converting sine ave to series of pulses Ans: Ti)ing 3ar/er Generator Current regulator alone Ans: Regulator IC alone


$hat is the production of the hydrogen gas caused by a portion of the charge current brea"ing do n the ater in the electrolyte% Ans: Gassing $hat is the shelf life of lithium organic cell and lithium inorganic cell% Ans: $( ,ears +n hat charge is the charging rate determined by the battery voltage rather than a definite current value% Ans: 2loating charge $hat charge is used to "eep a battery at full charge the battery is idle or light duty% Ans: 2loating charge hile

$hat do you call a short circuit having minimum resistance% Ans: Dead short $hat is used in measuring BA% Ans: ADG ires from number . to number

ith a high

#ischarge of electricity from a conductor potential Ans: Corona

3loating charge is sometimes referred to as ___ and is accomplished ith lo current. Ans: Tric/le charge $hat is used hen a battery must be recharged in the shortest possible time% Ans: 2ast charge 'lectrical safety precatutions must be observed. & fatal shoc" can occur from ___ ampere of current. Ans: (*' <oltages as lo as ___ volts have been recorded as causing sufficient current to be fatal. Ans: #( $hat type of extinguishers are used to extinguish electrical fires% Ans: CO$ 4nder favorable conditions7 the body resistance may be as lo as ___ ohms Ans: #(( The body resistance is possibly as lo to temple if the s"in is bro"en. Ans: '(( as ___ from temple

Po er transformer normally operates at ____ alternating current. Ans: 8( or &(( H@ $hat probable effect on the human body if sub?ected to a current of . to - m&7 A. 1F7 &C or . to ; m& #C% Ans: 1erce!tion $hat probable effect on the human body if sub?ected to a current of - to ;m&7 A. 1F7 &C or ; to -) m& #C% Ans: Sur!rise $hat probable effect on the human body if sub?ected to a current of ; to =- m&7 A. 1F7 &C or -) to 8. m& #C% Ans: Refle" action $hat probable effect on the human body if sub?ected to a current of =- to ;. m&7 A. 1F7 &C or 8. to -A. m& #C% Ans: 3uscular Inhi%ition $hat probable effect on the human body if sub?ected to a current of ;. to -.. m&7 A. 1F7 &C or -A. to B.. m& #C% Ans: Res!irator, failure $hat probable effect on the human body if sub?ected to a current of over -.. m&7 A. 1F7 &C or B.. m& #C% Ans: 2atal $hat is the effect of hydrogen surrounding the anode of a cell hich increases the internal resistance of the cell% Ans: 1olari@ation $hat is the anode of a lead Lacid cell% Ans: Lead !ero"ide $hat is the cathode of a lead acid cell% Ans: S!onge lead $hat is the anode of a NiCad Cell % Ans: H,dro"ide $hat is the anode of a silver Finc cell% Ans: Sil+er o"ide $hat is the cathode of a silver Finc cell % Ans: Ginc

+n a voltage divider7 bleeder current is usually determined by the ___ percent rule of thumb. Ans: '( & theory of magnetism based upon the electron/spin principle. Ans: Do)ain Theor,* $hat action results in the increase in current that generates more heat and the cycle repeats itself until the diode dra s excessive current% Ans: Ther)al runa-a, $hat is the faithful reproduction of a signal in an amplifier% Ans: 2idelit, $hat dc generators are designed to act as high gain amplifier% Ans: A)!lid,nes $hat is the range of the dc resistance of most motor armatures% Ans: (*(5 to (*5 oh)s $hat is usually the lamination thic"ness of the armature core of a small generator%


Ans: '<8& inches *echanical rotation of fre,uency is measured using a device called___. Ans: Tacho)eter The rotation of fre,uency of recording devices and teletype riter motors can be measured by the use of _____. Ans: Stro%osco!e* $hat is an instrument that allo s you to vie rotating or reciprocating ob?ects intermittently and produces the optical effect of a slo ing do n or stopping motion% Ans: Stro%osco!e $hat is an electronic flash device in hich the flash duration is very short7 a fe millionths of a second and can measure very rapid motion% Ans: Stro%otac $hat is a combination of atch and revolution counter% Ans: Chrono)etric tacho)eter $hat type of bolometer is characteriFed as an increase in resistance as the dissipated po er rises% Ans: ?arreter $hat type of bolometer is characteriFed by decrease in resistance as the po er increases% Ans: Ther)istor $hat instrument is used for measuring radio fre,uency GrfH po er% Ans: Ther)ocou!le a))eter $hich of the follo ing robots is used for machining processes% Ans: Cincinatti T# Ju"a spot elding has ___ degrees of freedom. Ans: 8 'xx-x Ans: All !ositions 'xx=x Ans: hori@ontal !ositions *agnetic audio tape Ans: 1arallel *agnetic video tape Ans: Diagonal Thic"ness of magnetic audio tape Ans: ' )il & sa tooth ave has a ____ added to become trapeFoidal ave. Ans: resistor &bsent of current elding Ans: cool su%7inter+al -.) 1 Ans: Air !ot core $ho coined the term robotics% Ans: Isaac Asi)o+ Oldest elding

Ans: 2orge -elding Jlystron Ans: High achie+a%le !o-er out!ut +nert gas Ans: 3IG &ctive gas Ans: 3AG &ntrophomorphic robot is Ans: )ore )aneu+era%le +t is also "no n as metal inert gas. Ans: Gas 3etal Arc Delding BG3ADC (obot ith facial expression Ans: .is)et Toy dinosaur robot Ans: 1leo !nap acting s itch Ans: 3icros-itch &pproach in hich introduce factory automation technology Ans: Islands of auto)ation #egree of automatic. Ans: Le+el of auto)ation Orange7 blue and gray diode Ans: IN#89 +t is the elding electrode comes for ard and engage the metal pressing against the surface. Ans: sAuee@e inter+al +t is the elding in hich the elding transformer energiFed and the current flo s and create a eld. Ans: -eld inter+al +t is the eld interval that is finished Ans: hold inter+al $elding electrode is retracted Ans: release inter+al & time after release interval to the next start se,uence. Ans: Stand%, inter+al* +t is a closed loop feedbac" control system in hich one or more of the system signals represent mechanical motion. Ans: Ser+o)echanis)* 'xxBx Ans: 2lat 'A.xx has a tensile strength of ___ Ans: 8( ((( !si $ith &C or #C similar to 'A.-. Ans: E8('' *a?or po er supply of *+0 Ans: DCR1 *edium penetration Ans: E8('#


Can be prevented by arc Ans: Arc flo-


Ans: La0a&s disadvantage Ans: )ore e"!ensi+e #isadvantage of Transformer to capacitive coupling Ans: )ore e"!ensi+e & motor or transducer that converts energy Gelectrical7 hydraulic7 or pneumaticH into po er used to produce motion or po er. Ans: actuator The ability of a robot to position its end effector at a programmed location in space. Ans: accurac, Control signals that are processed by directly measuring ,uantities Gvoltages7 resistances or rotationH. This can be hydraulic7 electronic or pneumatic. Ans: analog control & robot or machine that resembles a human. Ans: android & robot ith rotary ?oints that can move much li"e a personEs arm. Ans: anthro!ho)or!hic ro%ot &n interconnected set of lin"s and po ered ?oints comprising a manipulator that supports or moves a rist7 hand or end effector. Ans: ar) The ability of a machine system to perceived anticipated or unanticipated ne conditions7 decide hat actions must be performed under the conditions and plan the actions accordingly. The main areas of applications are expert systems and computer vision. Ans: artificial intelligence &lso "no n as assembly cell or assembly station. & concentrated group of e,uipment such as manipulators7 vision modules7 parts presenters7 and support tables that are dedicated to compute assembly operations at one physical location. Ans: asse)%l, The use of any one several techni,ues to determine the presence or absence of features. This techni,ue include simple mechanical probes and vision systems. Ans: auto)ated ins!ection &utomatically controlled operation of an apparatus7 process or system by mechanical or electronic devices that replace human observation7 effort and decision. Ans: auto)ation & traveled path in space7 usually referred to as a linear direction of travel in any of three dimensions. Ans: a"is & robot in hich motions are controlled by driving each axis or degree of freedom against a mechanical limit stop. Ans: %ang7%ang ro%ot & platform or structure to hich a robot arm is attachedN the end of a "inematic chain of arm lin"s and ?oints opposite to hich grasps or processes external ob?ects. Ans: %ase

3aying surfaces in one spot Ans: Resistance s!ot -elding 3aying surfaces Ans: Resistance sea) -elding (esistance of the or" Ans: Resistance -elding *ass of A./lb +( robot Ans: 8( /g #eep penetration Ans: Su%)erged arc #eep penetration Ans: DC re+erse *edium penetration Ans: DC straight 3ast elding Ans: 2lash -elding -.7... to ).7... 1F elding Ans: High freAuenc, -elding +mage resolution Ans: Dot !itch <oltage of dry electrolytic capacitor Ans: 5(( 0 &pply electrostatic voltage in plastic Ans: Electroacti+e !ol,)er +n electrolytic positive7 ___ of the total heat. Ans: $<# Prevents corona Ans: ?raid ;).53 belo K Ans: Soldering above ;).53 ?oining of t o metals Ans: ?ra@ing *etal active gas Ans: CO$ *ultimeter on the lo er center s itch Ans: Range s-itch *ultimeter on the lo er left s itch Ans: 2unction s-itch &luminum #/&(sonval movement Ans: ?o%%in Positive lead Ans: Red Negative lead Ans: ?lac/ &ngular momentum of robot


& manufacturing unit consisting of t o or more or"stations or machines and the material transport mechanisms and storage buffers that interconnect them. Ans: cell & manufacturing unit consisting of t o or more cells7 and the material transport mechanisms and storage buffers that interconnect them. Ans: center &n assembly bet een t o closely related rigid members enabling on member to rotate in relation to the other around a mobile axis. Ans: co)!le" =oint The use of an interactive terminal or"station usually ith graphics capability to automate the design of products. +t includes functions such as drafting and fit/up parts. Ans: co)!uter aided design BCADC $or"ing from a product design li"ely to exist in a C&# data base7 it encompases the computer based technologies that physically produce the product7 including parts program preparation7 process planning7 tool design7 process analysis and parts processing by numerically controlled machines. Ans: co)!uter7aided )anufacturing BCA3C & numerical control system ith a dictated mini or micro computer that performs the functions of data processing and control. Ans: co)!uteri@ed nu)erical control BCNCC The unit of automatic or" for a robot. $ithin a cycle7 subelements called tra?ectories define lesser but integral elements. 'ach tra?ectory is made up of points here the robot performs an operation or passes through depending upon the programming. Ans: c,cle B!rogra)C The number of independent ays the end effector can move. +t is defined by the number of rotational or translational axes through hich motion can be obtained. Ans: degrees of freedo) The ?oint that connects the upper arm and forearm on a robot. Ans: el%o&lso "no n as end of arm tooling or simply a hand. The subsystem that lin"s the mechanical portion of the robot GmanipulatorH to the part being handled or or" on7 and gives the robot the ability to pic" yp and transfer parts and>or handle a multitude of different tools to perform or" on parts. Ans: end effector (obots ith little if any computer po er. Their only intelligent functions consist of learning a se,uence of manipulative actions7 choreographed by a human operator using a teach box. Ans: first generation ro%ot s,ste) &lso "no n as nonservo robot or open robot. & robot stoppoint control but no tra?ectory control. Ans: fi"ed sto! ro%ot ith

&n arrangement of machine tools that is capable of standing alone7 interconnected by a or"piece transport system and controlled by a central computer. Ans: fle"i%le )anufacturing s,ste) B23SC &lso "no n as pedestal robot. & robot ith its base permanently or semi/permanently attached to the floor or bench. !uch a robot is or"ing at one location ith a maximum limited or" area and in many cases servicing only one machine. Ans: floor )ounted ro%ot That portion of a ?ointed arm and elbo Ans: forear)* hich is connected to the rist

&n overhead mounted7 rectilinear robot ith a minimum of three degrees of freedom and normally not exceeding six. Ans: gantr, ro%ot* The grasping hand of a robot7 and tools to fulfill a given tas". Ans: gri!!er hich manipulates ob?ects

&n approach used to introduce factory automation technology into manufacturing by selective application of automation. Ans: islands of auto)ation* The degree to hich a process has been made automatic. (elevant to the level of automation are ,uestions of automatic failure recovery7 the variety of situations that ill be automatically handled7 and the conditions under hich manual intervention or action by human beings is re,uired. Ans: le+el of auto)ation &n electrical s itched positioned to be s itched here a motion limit occurs7 thereby deactivating the actuator that causes the motion. Ans: li)it s-itch & mechanism usually consisting of a series of segments or lin"s7 ?ointed or sliding to one another7 for grasping or moving ob?ects7 usually in several degrees of freedom. Ans: )ani!ulator & method for the control of machine tool systems. & program containing all the information7 in symbolic numerical form7 needed for processing a or"piece is stored on a medium such as paper or magnetic tape. Ans: nu)erical control #eveloping robot programs partially or completely ithout re,uiring the use of the robot itself. The program is loaded into the robotEs controller for subse,uent automatic action of the manipulator. Ans: off7line !rogra))ing !oft are that controls the execution of computer programs7 may provide scheduling7 allocation7 debugging data management7 and other functions. Ans: o!erating s,ste)s &lso "no n as positioning. The consistent movement or manipulation of an ob?ect into controlled position and altitude in space. Ans: orientation The e,uipment used in con?unction ith the robot for a complete robotic system. This includes grippers7 conveyors7 parts positioners and parts or materials feeders that are needed ith the robot.

*ultipurpose robots that are adaptable and capable of being redirected trained or used for ne purposes. Ans: fle"i%ilit, o!erational


Ans: !eri!heral eAui!)ent &lso "no n as bend. The angular rotation of a moving body about an axis that is perpendicular to its direction of motion and in the same plane as its top side. Ans: !itch &lso "no n as photoelement or photosite. & digital picture or sensor element7 picture is short for picture cell. Ans: !i"el The act of providing the control instructions re,uired for a robot to perform its intended tas". Ans: !rogra))ing The envelope of variance of the robot tool print position for repeated cycles under the same conditions. +t is obtained from the deviation bet een the positions and orientations reached at the end of several similar cycles. Contrast ith accuracy. Ans: re!eata%ilit, & reprogrammable7 multifunctional manipulator designed to move a material7 parts7 tools7 or specialiFed devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tas"s. Ans: ro%ot The science of designing7 building and applying robots. Ans: ro%otics &lso "no n as t ist. The rotational displacement of a ?oint around the principal axis of its motion?7 particularly at the rist. Ans: roll & robot ith a computer processes added to the robotic controller. This addition ma"es it possible to perform7 in real time7 the calculations re,uired to control the motions of each degree of freedom in a cooperative manner to effect smooth motions of the end effector along predetermined paths. +t also become possible to integrate simple sensors7 such as force tor,ue7 and proximity into the robot system 7providing some degree of adaptability to the robotEs environment. Ans: second generation ro%ot s,ste) & controller that operates an application though a fixed se,uence of events. Ans: seAuencer & robot driven by servomechanisms7 that is7 motors or actuators hose driving signal is a function of the difference bet een a commanded position and>or rate is measured actual position and>or rate. Ans: ser+ocontrolled ro%ot &n automatic control mechanism consisting of a motor or actuator driven by a signal that is a function of the difference bet een a commanded position and>or rate and measured actual position and>or rate. Ans: ser+o)echanis) The manipulator arm lin"age ?oint that is attached to the base. Ans: shoulder The maximum velocity at hich a manipulator ?oint can moveN a rate imposed by saturation in the servoloop controlling the ?oint. Ans: sle- rate

The use of t o or more cameras to pinpoint the location of an ob?ect in a three dimensional space. Ans: stereo i)aging The detection by a robot though contact of touch7 force7 pattern slip and movement. +t allo s for the determination of local shape7 orientation and feedbac" forces of a grasped or"space. Ans: tactile sensing & robot system characteriFed by the incorporation of multiple computer processors7 each operating asynchronously to perform specific functions. +t includes a separate lo level processor for each degree of freedom and a master computer supervising and coordinating these processors7 as ell as providing higher/level functions. Ans: third generation ro%ot s,ste) The orientation of a vie Ans: tilt ith a video camera7 in elevation.

& continuous position control response to continuously changing input re,uirements. Ans: trac/ing & movement such that all axes remain parallel to ere. Ans: translation hat they

The ac,uisition7 movement thorugh space7 and release of an ob?ect by a robot. Ans: trans!ort The portion of a ?ointed arm that is connected to the shoulder. Ans: u!!er ar) &lso "no n as the robot operating envelope. The set of points representing the maximum extent or reach of the robot tool in a directions. Ans: -or/ en+elo!e The envelope reached by the center of the interface bet een the rist and the tool7 using all available axis motions. Ans: -or/s!ace & set of ?oints7 usually rotational7 bet een the arm and the hand or end effector7 hich allo the hand or end effector to be oriented relative to the or"piece. Ans: -rist The angular displacement of a moving ?oint about an axis hich is perpendicular to the line of motion and the top side of the body. Ans: ,a$hat magnet is used in computer memory circuits% Ans: Ring )agnet $hat magnet is used in some meter circuits% Ans: Horseshoe )agnet O+f the electrons of the atom in a material spin more in one direction than in the other7 the material ill become magnetiFedP. This refers to hat theorem% Ans: The Do)ain theor, of 3agnetis) $hat theorem assumes that all magnetic materials are made up of magnetic molecules hich7 if lined up in north to south pole order7 ill be a magnet. +f not lined up7 the


magnetic fields about the molecules ill neutraliFe each other and no magnetic effect ill be noted% Ans: De%erMs theor, of )agnetis) $hat do you call a short circuit having minimum resistance% Ans: Dead short $hat refers to a continuation of current flo electrical cell hen there is no external load% Ans: Local action ithin an

+f arcing should occur bet een the plates of an oil filled capacitor7 the oil ill tend to reseal the hole caused by the arcing. !uch a capacitor is referred to as ____ capacitor. Ans: self7healing The maximum voltage that can be steadily applied to the capacitor ithout the capacitor brea"ing do n GshortingH is called ____ of the capacitor. Ans: -or/ing +oltage $hat is meant by Olocal actionP% Ans: Current flo- in cell -ith no e"ternal load* The left side of the pulse Ans: Leading edge The right side of the pulse Ans: Trailing edge $hat is the process by electrons% Ans: Ioni@ation hich an atoms gain or losses

The amount of increase in the resistance of - ohm sample of the conductor per degree of temperature rise above .5C is called hat% Ans: Te)!erature coefficient of resistance $hat do you call the resistance to current lea"age through the insulation% Ans: Insulation resistance $hat is the common name for enamel insulated ire% Ans: 3agnet -ire $hat term is general one and usually applies only to the larger siFes of conductors% Ans: Ca%les The process of applying thin coat of solder to materials prior to their being soldered. Ans: Tinning The addition of atmospheric oxygen to metal to form rust7 or to cause a brea"do n in the internal construction of the metal. Ans: O"idation $hat refers to a continuation of current flo electrical cell hen there is not external load% Ans: Local action ithin an

&ny group of energy levels that results from the close proximity of atoms in a solid. Ans: Energ, %ands 1o many pulsations per revolution have the output voltage of an elementary single coil dc generator% Ans: T-o 1o many commutator segments are re,uired in a t o/coil generator% Ans: 2our $hat is the distortion of the main field due to the effects of armature current% Ans: Ar)ature reaction $hat type of prime mover re,uires a specially designed high speed alternator% Ans: Stea) tur%ine $hat type of rotor is used in slo er speed alternators% Ans: Salient !ole rotor $hat type of rotor is ound in a manner to allo speed use ithout flying apart% Ans: Tur%ine dri+en t,!e rotor high/

& continuous ?ac"et of lead molded around a single conductor or multiple conductor cable. Ans: Lead sheath $hat do you call the force exerted on an insulator by the voltage in a conductor% Ans: Electrostatic stress The discharge of electricity from a conductor potential. Ans: Corona ith a high

& material that removes oxides from surfaces to be ?oined by soldering or elding. Ans: 2lu" & synthetic mixture of rosins that is flexible and used as an insulating material. 0enerally used as an insulator for lo and medium range voltages. Ans: Ther)o!lastic The capacity of a soldering iron to generate and maintain a satisfactory soldering temperature hile giving up heat to the material being soldered. Ans: Ther)al inertia $hat is the or"ing voltage of a dry electrolytic capacitor% Ans: 5(( 0

$hat term is used to denote the difference in speed bet een the rotor hich is al ays some hat less than the speed of the rotating field% Ans: Sli! $hat mechanical device reverses armature connections in motors and generators at the proper instant so that current continues to flo only in one direction% Ans: Co))utator $hat motor characteristic is affected by counter emf% Ans: S!eed 1o is 'P(O* erased% Ans: -ith a %urst of ultra+iolet light $henever data is transferred bet een devices7 it involves the exchange of prearranged signals. $hat is this process called% Ans: Handsha/ing


$hat test is used to chec" for opens Gor to see if the circuit is complete or continuousH and is accomplished ith an ohmmeter% Ans: Continuit, test $hat type of circuits are caused by some conducting part of the circuit ma"ing contact either directly or indirectly ith the metallic structure of the ship or chassis% Ans: Ground circuits !hunts are usually made from hat alloy% Ans: 3anganin $hat property of shunt is desired because of the heavy currents that often flo through shunts producing heat% Ans: Gero7te)!erature coefficient +n #E&rsonval meter7 many turns of fine ire ould be used7 each turn adding more effective length to the coil. The coil is ound on an aluminum frame called ___. Ans: %o%%in $hat is an important point to remember hen you are ma"ing an accurate resistance measurement% Ans: NGeroO the )eter each ti)e ,ou select a nerange* 6DT better than 3'T Ans: radio recei+er $ineglass Ans: 1las)a arc -elding K plasma Ans: 1las)a arc -elding !lo speed Ans: Salient !ole 1igh speed Ans: Tur%ine dri+en t,!e rotor #ifferentiation Ans: Su%)erged Comparison solenoid Ans: Rela, fi"ed core 1uman arm Ans: Serial ro%ot +nput display signal voltage Ans: 0ertical deflection coil (eplacing #C motor>recently used Ans: 1ie@o )otor (apid discharge of electrical energy Ans: 1ercussion -elding 1ydrogen 'lectrode Ans: EF('9 3alse Ans: Air has the concentrated )agnetic field 'lectron gun tube Ans: CRT 'lectron field tube Ans: Electron %ea)

*ulticavity Jlystron Ans: 0aria%le electron s!eed 3use Ans: Kuic/ %rea/ t,!e *agnetic fre,uency increases Ans: 1o-er out!ut decreases Cause of electrons due to the longitudinal Ans: 3agnetic field &long a ?oint Ans: :!set -elding 3astest memory Ans: 2lash )e)or, Tungsten electrode Ans: TIG 4se of non/interlaced monitor Ans: 2ast gra!h C*O! disadvantage Ans: cannot handle high !o-er TTL Ans: least susce!ti%le to noise ' stands for Ans: A)erican Dire Electrode 'xceeding ;).53 Ans: ?ra@ing Not exceeding ;).53 Ans: Soldering 0enerators used Ans: 3agnetic 6attery used as Ans: che)ical (esponsible of pulsating #C Ans: Co))utator Lo voltage high po er Ans: Center ta!!ed 2ull Da+e Oldest -@;. general magnetic phenomenon Ans: Colding or cold contact Doints Ans: Direct .ine)atics 'nd effector Ans: In+erse Direct .ine)atics Nothing but to memory Ans: 2lag field 4n anted connection Ans: 2ault connection 3re,uency synthesiFer used as Ans: Di+ider


Output amplitude Ans: A)!litude sta%ilit, #C motor is preferred as driver in robotics because Ans: it can -ithstand large o+erload $elding is not used direct source because Ans: it is i)!ractica%le to dra- hea+, currents &tomic hydrogen is long lived because Ans: ac is used (3 po er amplifier Ans: Co))on %ase Cho"e Ans: !asses dc %ut not R2 *ultivibrator Ans: Co))on e)itter or co))on source &lgorithm better than 2*P Ans: D,na)ic %alancing One feet ith small Ans: Ho!!ing &utomatic elding Ans: 5 inter+als Control grid of a tube Ans: gate of a 2ET +mpedance mismatch reactance output Ans: Transfor)er Laminated core Ans: reduces edd, current loss No load loss but not electrical loss Ans: Dindage *anganese #ioxide &l"aline &cid Ans: Al/aline Cell #ra s large amount of current Ans: Rheostat +ncrease (L Ans: I)!ro+ed Efficienc, !ingle coil Ans: Ele)entar, generator B classifications of robot Ans: Anthro!ho)or!hic SCARA and articulated Connects arm and end effectors Ans: Drist ____ for bones7 ____ for muscle and ____for degrees of freedom. Ans: lin/s actuator and =oints 'arly actuator Ans: Elastic nanotu%e Changing of electric energy Ans: Electroacti+e !ol,)er

<ariable speed Ans: DC generator Constant speed Ans: AC generator *ore robot than or"er Ans: 6a!an Transient suppression prevents Ans: diode failure Tunnel diode Ans: Dr* Leo Esa/i 2ener #iode Ans: Dr* Carl Gener <aractor diode uses Ans: 2reAuenc, sta%ilit, = terminal communicate Ans: Handsha/ing 1ighest fidelity Ans: Class A Portion Ans: Class A? 3'T amplifier Ans: Class A?$ *edium penetration Ans: E8('# Oxy fuel arc Ans: O", fuel gas -elding 'lectrical re,uirement of arc elding Ans: high o!en circuit +oltage 1oriFontal oscilloscope Ans: Ti)e<di+ision Doining of metals Ans: Delding (adio using tubes Ans: ?ul/ and hea+, The purpose of + in P+N diode Ans: )ini)i@es =unction ca!acitance ->-A to )>-A in in diameter Ans: A)erican Delding Societ, #egrees of freedom for 0eneral purpose effectors Ans: $( #eep penetration elding Ans: Su%)erge arc -elding D3'T except Ans: transconductance Pinch off voltage Ans: Transconductance is @ero


3ormula for +C ith lea"age current Ans: IC 4 PI? Q BPQ'CIC?O +' Ans: IE 4 IC 7 IC?O R +CQ Ans: ICK 4 PI?K Q ICEO +'Q Ans: IEK 4 ICK Q I?K +ncrease temperature lea"age current Ans: IC?O 4 IC?O BT$7T'C<'( Charge of a capacitor Ans: K 4 C0 Charge Ans: K 4 Ko B'7eB7t<RCCC #ependent on gap Ans: Charge efficienc, N(2+ means Ans: Non7return to @ero in+ert Pilot cell Ans: identifies the condition of the %atter, *ore li"ely to occur than Fener brea"do n because lightl doped Ans: A+alanche %rea/do-n 1o ire Ans: )easure dc and ac #ielectric constant of mica Ans: 8 6uc" boost lossless Ans: D 4 B0$C<B0'Q0$C 6uc" Ans: D 4 0$<0' Op/amp filter Ans: 1ol,sterene TTL Ans: o!en circuit high le+el +=L Ans: %i!olar saturated logic '&(O* Ans: Degrade data if used A rectifying elements Ans: Grat@ rectifier !uperconductivity thin film superconducting inductor Ans: 1er)istor memory consisting of a

= principles of detector Ans: Rectifier and filter *icroprocessor Ans: AL: and control unit CP4 Ans: AL: and control unit !imulate Ans: Si)ulator !ervocontrolled robot Ans: Soft sto! Nonservo robot Ans: Hard sto! Lo est resistivity at =@B J Ans: Co!!er 6+0 elements Ans: Tri+alent P&& elements Ans: 1enta+alent &nalog preferred than digital because Ans: of )easuring signal strength Opposing tor,ues Ans: Deflecting and restoring torAues Code thatK Ans: A%solute code ',ual ripple Ans: Eli!tic filter +lluminance Ans: Lu" (ipple sharp cutoff Ans: Che%,she+ filter &dds all harmonics Ans: Sa-tooth Odd harmonics Ans: SAuare &ll even harmonics Ans: 1ush !ull The single grid of vacuum Ans: Control grid +n lo fre,uency cutoff7 amplitude decreases by ___ from midrange value Ans: # d? Change in audio range Ans: ' d?

(egister and counters are the same because Ans: the, ha+e the sa)e arra, of fli! flo! and gates 1igh Q Ans: High selecti+it,


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