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11 Sep 2012 Strip Theory Source Rameshwar Bhattacharyya

CALCULATION OF ADDED MASS Heave motion Added Mass: (Rameshwar Bhattacharyya P39) An accelerating body in a fluid experiences a force greater than the mass of the body times acceleration. This increment of force can be defined as the product of body acceleration and a quantity having the same dimension as mass and it is termed as added mass. Do not imagine that the body drags a certain amount of fluid as it accelerates in the medium. Bn2 Added mass for a circular section of unit length and diameter Bn is unit length 4 Bn2 Added mass for a semi-circular section of unit length and diameter Bn is unit length 8 For shapes other than semi-circular ones the added mass is a n = C


Coefficient C is a function of Draft/Beam ratio and Area coefficient of section. Area coefficient of section = Section area / (Beam Draft) The coefficient C for Lewis form is obtained from Figure 4.4.(P41) It is assumed for sections other than Lewis form the added mass does not differ much as long as the beam, draft and area are the same. For conventional hull forms the Lewis-form representation of a section that has correct beam, draft and section has been found to be OK.

Total added mass of the ship =

az =


a dx

Noting that Bn=2 y(x), y(x) is half breadth at waterline, the above equation becomes

az =


_ L/2


( x)dx

Simpsons Rule 1

Example 1 ft=0.3048 m


1 ft2= 0.0929 m2

Station Number


Length of model = L = 19.20 ft =5.85m ; Maximum beam = 0.79 m ; Draft = 0.349 m ; Wavelength= Ship Length; LCG= + 0.146 m (forward of midship); LCB= + 0.146 m (forward of midship); Model speed=1.46 m/sec; Displacement = 12368 N; Direction of ship travel = Head sea (=180) Find the added mass for heaving in terms of the model mass. Solution Steps: (1) Find wave frequency w =

2g rad/sec Lw

(2) Find encountering frequency e = w

2 w

u cos

; u is the model speed

Open Excel sheet

g=9.81m/sec2 =1000 kg/m3

Station Number (1)

Beam at Station Bn (m) (2)

Draft at Station Tn (m) (3)

Section area at Stations Sn (m2) (4)



Beam Draft ratio Bn/Tn (6)

Sectional area Coeff BnxTn (7)

n =
Sn Bn Tn


Added mass Coeff C From Fig 4.4 (9)

Bn2 (10)


2 Bn

an col 9 x col 11 (12)

Simpson Multiplier (13)

Product col 12 x col 13 (14)

0 5 10 15 20

0 0.790042 0.790042 0.790042 0

0.348691 0.348691 0.348691 0.348691 0.348691

0 0.2734976 0.2734976 0.2556608 0

1 4 2 4 1 Sum


Added Mass for heaving = Model Mass = / g

a z = an dx = 1/3 Station spacing Sum

( Station spacing = Length of ship / No of sections)

Added mass = ________ % of the mass of the ship


Repeat this problem with 7 Stations ; Interpolate Values for Sectional areas (or assume appropriate values); How does Simpson multiplier change? Is there improvement in Added mass prediction? Please practice by HAND CALCULATOR too ..for exam purpose 3

CALCULATION OF DAMPING COEFFICIENT Heave motion Damping Force: (Rameshwar Bhattacharyya P43) Damping force mostly acts in the opposite direction to the motion of the ship and produces gradual reduction in the amplitude of motion. The & where b is the damping coefficient (in heaving equation of motion (EOM) includes this as damping force which for simplified case is Fb = bz motion). Damping sources are friction, eddy making and wave making. The last one (wave making) is larger as compared to the other two. The damping coefficient can be obtained by strip theory. Damping in heaving is mainly caused due to the waves generated by the heaving motion of the ship. Therefore the damping coefficient per unit length is related to the amplitude of the generated (radiated) waves. g 2 A 2 unit length ; e is the frequency of the radiated waves (encountering frequency) Damping coefficient per unit length, b n , is given by 3


Amplitude of the radiated waves a = ; This information can be obtained from Figure 4.6 (Page 4) Amplitude of the heaving motion z a

Total damping coefficient of the ship = Example 1 ft=0.3048 m



b dx

Station Number


1 ft2= 0.0929 m2 Station Number 20 0

Length of model = L = 19.20 ft = 5.85 m. ; Maximum beam = 0.79 m ; Draft = 0.349 m ; Wavelength= Ship Length; Model speed=1.46 m/sec; Displacement = 12368 N; Direction of ship travel = Head sea (=180) Find the damping coefficient for heaving Solution Steps: 2 2g rad/sec; (2) Find encountering frequency e = w w u cos (1) Find wave frequency w = g Lw Open Excel sheet
g=9.81m/sec2 =1000 kg/m3 Draft at Station Tn (m) (3) 0.348691 0.348691 0.348691 0.348691 0.348691 Section area at Stations Sn (m2) (4) 0 0.2734976 0.2734976 0.2556608 0 Beam at Station Bn (m) (2) 0 0.790042 0.790042 0.790042 0

; u is the model speed

Station Number (1) 0 5 10 15 20

2 e




Beam Draft ratio Bn/Tn (6)

Sectional area Coeff

n =
Sn Bn Tn

From Fig 4.6 (8)

bn= g A





Simpson Multiplier (11) 1 4 2 4 1 Sum

Product col 10 x col 11 (12)


Damping coefficient for heaving =

b = bn dx = 1/3 Station spacing Sum

( Station spacing = Length of ship / No of sections)

Damping coefficient = ________ (FIND) Repeat this problem with 7 Stations ; Interpolate Values for Sectional areas (or assume appropriate values); How does Simpson multiplier change? Please practice by HAND CALCULATOR too ..for exam purpose EXCITING FORCE (Pg 49-50) Assume ship as wall sided near LWL (load water line), and a wave ( = a cos e t ) passes the ship and t is the time when the crest of the wave is amidships. Exciting force for heaving is obtained by assuming that the ship remains still as far as vertical motion is concerned and the waves pass

slowly by the ship. The exciting force for heaving is the additional buoyancy of the force at any instant. This is given by F = y(x) is half breadth at section x. Taking the wave profile at surface, F = 2 g a

L / 2

g 2 y( x)dx ;

L / 2

y( x) cos (k ' x t )dx .


This expression simplifies to

F = 2 g a


L / 2

y( x) cos k ' x dx cos t


= F o cos e t ; The phase between the wave profile ( = a cos e t ) and heaving force due to waves is

zero. The nondimensional amplitude of the heaving force is f 0 =


g a LB

2 / 2y( x) cos (kx cos )dx . For beam seas the exciting force for LB L


heaving reaches maximum value. Example ; (Same model as in previous example) Length of model =Length of wave = L = Lw = 19.20 ft = 5.85 m. ; Maximum beam = 0.79 m ; Draft = 0.349 m ; Wavelength= Ship Length; LCG= at midship; Amplitude of the wave = 0.06m ; Direction of ship travel = =120. Find f0 and F0. Solution
Station Number (1) 0 5 10 15 20 Beam at Station Bn (m) (2) 0 0.790042 0.790042 0.790042 0 Cos (4) Distance from LCG of ship x (5) ? ? 0 ? ? Product col 8 x col 9 (10)

y=Bn/2 (3)

k ' x = kx cos

cos( kx cos )

y cos( kx cos )

Simpson Multiplier (9) 1 4 2 4 1 Sum


Find wave number Dimensionless force amplitude is f 0 = =

2 / 2y( x) cos (kx cos )dx ; LB L


Integral is obtained from Table Excel sheet; = 1/3 station spacing SUM
f0 = 2 Integral = __________ L B

(Calculate) and F0 = g a LBf 0 = ______________ (Calculate)

c = g

Heave Restoring force coefficient

L / 2

2 y( x)dx


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