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Carl Lee SEDC 713 03/22/2012

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unlL: 1rlgonomeLrlc 8aLlos and luncLlons
unlL LssenLlal CuesLlon/8lg ldea: 8y explorlng general angles, radlan measures and
LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo answer pracLlcal quesLlons lnvolve angle
re-requlslLe Skllls and Common MlsconcepLlons: erform operaLlon uslng calculaLor,
LrlgonomeLrlc raLlo, cross mulLlply
Alm: Pow do we flnd Lhe mlsslng lengLh of a Lrlangle LhaL ls noL rlghL Lrlangle?
Learnlng 1argeL/ Cb[ecLlve: l can evaluaLe Lhe mlsslng slde uslng Lhe law of slne
ConLenL/SLandards: A2.A.73 Solve for an unknown slde or angle, uslng Lhe Law of Slnes or Lhe
Law of Coslnes
MaLerlals and 8esources: CalculaLors, WorksheeL
key vocabulary: Law of Slne, opposlLe slde
rocedural Challenge: May have dlfflculLy Lo observe whlch angle Lo use Lo seL up Lhe raLlo
ConcepLual Challenge: May confuse LrlgonomeLrlc raLlo wlLh law of slne, don'L know when Lo
use whlch
MoLlvaLlon: Pow far am l from Lhe accldenL? (wlll answer ln day 2 of class)

Carl Lee SEDC 713 03/22/2012

Cpenlng AcLlvlLy (uo now/SmarL SLarL): llndlng mlsslng slde on a rlghL Lrlangle
uslng LrlgonomeLrlc raLlo, also check lf Lhey remember whaL ls SCPCAP1CA
1. sln x =
2. cos x =
3. Lan x =

Mlnl Lesson/uevelopmenL:
Pow can we flnd Lhe mlsslng lengLh of Lhe followlng Lrlangles?

Can we flnd Lhe mlsslng lengLh? (8emember, lL ls noL a rlghL Lrlangle, so we
cannoL use Lrlg raLlo!!)
LngagemenL AcLlvlLy:
ulsLrlbuLe Law of Slne worksheeL. SLudenLs are golng Lo work ln-group of Lwo on
Lhe worksheeL, whlch glve Lhem dlrecLlon on how Lo deduce Lhe Law of slne
WhaL sLudenLs have found ouL from Lhe acLlvlLy, any dlfflculLy?
Carl Lee SEDC 713 03/22/2012

AssessmenL: CuesLlon on flndlng Lhe mlsslng lengLh uslng Lhe law of slne formula
'$#6 !"##$%
Pomework: SelecLed problem from revlous 8egenLs Lxam.
Carl Lee SEDC 713 03/22/2012

1. uraw an alLlLude from verLex 8, and label
Lhe alLlLude k.
2. 1he alLlLude creaLes Lwo rlghL Lrlangles
lnslde Lrlangle A8C. now, uslng rlghL
Lrlangle LrlgonomeLry, wrlLe Lwo equaLlons,
one wlLh sln A, and one wlLh sln C.

sin A = sinC =

3. now, solve each equaLlons for k.

4. Slnce boLh equaLlons equal Lo k, we can seL Lhem equal Lo each oLher. SeL
Lhem equal Lo each oLher Lo form a new equaLlon.

3. llnally, uslng Lhe equaLlon you flnd ln quesLlon 4, regroup a wlLh sln A and c
wlLh sln C.

Carl Lee SEDC 713 03/22/2012

6. uraw an alLlLude from verLex C, and label
Lhe alLlLude k.
7. 1he alLlLude creaLes Lwo rlghL Lrlangles
lnslde Lrlangle A8C. now, uslng rlghL
Lrlangle LrlgonomeLry, wrlLe Lwo equaLlons,
one wlLh sln A, and one wlLh sln 8.

sin A = sin B =

8. now, solve each equaLlons for k.

9. Slnce boLh equaLlons equal Lo k, we can seL Lhem equal Lo each oLher. SeL
Lhem equal Lo each oLher Lo form a new equaLlon.

10. llnally, uslng Lhe equaLlon you flnd ln quesLlon 4, regroup a wlLh sln A and b
wlLh sln 8.

11. uslng whaL you have found, deduce a Lhlrd equaLlon LhaL lnvolve b, c, sln 8,
and sln C.

Now, you have discovered the formula for Law of Sine!!!!!

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