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Hi guys, it's rafa15, feel free to close this file if you're not interested. If you are interested in making money online, just read on. I'll start by saying that my method makes use of a PTC (Paid to Click) site. If you don't know what a PTC site is, it basicly means that you get paid by clicking on some advertisem ents. Some PTCs have additional features that allow you to make money faster. I'll show you my method of making money using some of those special features in this specific NPC. Let me just say that it will be slow at the beginning, but wi th my method, you'll get rich in no time. You need a paypal or alertpay account to receive the money.

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Now, there are a lot of PTC sites, but my method works only with neobux. If coul d work with other PTC sites with the same features of NeoBux, use it at your own risk though, because it might not work. Now, you have two choices: You can help me out and register here: This is my referral link. If you don't that you are my referral, and whatever money you Now, this is part of my method to make referrals gain, you also gain something. Like this: http://www.neobux.com/?r=pyker50 know what it is, it just means get, I get some too. money: referrals. Whatever your

ins So, for all the files I uploaded, and for teaching you this method, I only ask you to register here: http://www.neobux.com/?r=pyker50 You don't lose anything and won't be penalised. The money I get BECAUS E of you, doesn't come FROM you. So, you help me, and there's no down side. However, I'm not going to make you use my link. If you want the non refe rral link, here it is: http://www.neobux.com Keep reading. Okay, let's get right into it: STEP 1. Register and confirm the e-mail. Log in. STEP 2. Start making money. Now, your goal is to get to 3$. I'll tell you some ways to d o it, but you don't have to do them all. Here they are:

With referrals Without referrals

You gain Your referrer gains You gain Your referrer ga

0.001$ 0.005$ 0.001$ 0$*

1. Start clicking. Now there are going to be "Fixed advertisements", the purple ones, you get 0.001$ per click; "Micro" / "Mini" / "Standard" / "Extende d exposure", (You get, respectively, 0.001$ / 0.005$ / 0.01$ / 0.015$); More "Fi xed advertisements", orange (0.001$ each). Click'em all every day. You don't get fully credited from your referrals unless you click all the ads. 2. AdPrizes. For each ad you click, you get 3 AdPrizes (Chances to win a prize). The amount of adprizes you have will be displayed on the bottom right c orner of the "View Advertisements" page. The prizes could be: Instant golden membership for one year. Money: 0.25$; 0.50$; 1$; 2$; 5$; 10$; 25$; 50$ NeoPoints: 10; 100; 1000; 10000 3. Get direct referrals, you do this by clicking your username above "Vi ew Advertisements" and then "Banners" on the left side. Look for "Link:" and in front of that will be your referral link. Now you should copy that and give it t o your friends and tell them to register. Or post it on the internet. Be creativ e. 4. Next to "View advertisements", should be "Offers". Hover your mouse a nd 3 options will pop: 4.1. NeoPoints. You will complete some offers. Some are free, so me are not, and you will get NeoPoints for that. NeoPoints are your Neobux curre ncy which can be converted for purchasing some of Neobux's services. NeoPoints can be used for: Golden Membership: 30000 NeoPoints can buy you 1 year Golden Membership Recycle and/or extend your rented referrals Increase your direct referrals limit: 500 NeoPoints = Increase the limit by 1 direct referral You can earn NeoPints by: Viewing advertisements. You get 1 NeoPoint for each; Completing NeoPoint offers Winning NeoPoints in AdPrize 4.2. NeoCoins. NeoCoins are your NeoBux currency which can be co nverted to money directly into your Main Balance. You earn NeoCoins by: Completing NeoCoin offers. NeoCoin offers are credited 30 days after a s uccessful offer completion. NeoCoins can only be converted to money credited dir ectly to your Main Balance. The conversion rate is: 5000 NeoCoins 10000 NeoCoins 20000 NeoCoins 30000 NeoCoins 40000 NeoCoins 60000 NeoCoins = = = = = = 1$ for each 1000 NeoCoins 1.1$ for each 1000 NeoCoins 1.2$ for each 1000 NeoCoins 1.3$ for each 1000 NeoCoins 1.4$ for each 1000 NeoCoins 1.5$ for each 1000 NeoCoins = = = = = = $5 $11 $24 $39 $56 $90

80000 NeoCoins = 1.6$ for each 1000 NeoCoins = $128 100000 NeoCoins = 1.7$ for each 1000 NeoCoins = $170 4.3. Mini Jobs. These are the easiest ones of the three. These a re not offer, they're like tasks. Just check them out and give it a try. STEP 3 Once you reach 3$, you will rent 3 referrals. Now, you only need 0.60$ for 3 ref errals but you will need to renew them each month for 0.20$ each and if they are not active, you need to recycle for 0.07$ or, as I do it, leave it alone and it will auto recycle in 14 days. This way, you have 1$ to each referral, just in c ase they need some maintenance. To rent, click on your username, and on the right panel click on "referrals". Ch oose the "3" pack and click "Yes". You now have 3 referrals. What you should do now is go to your rented referral page (Click your username -> "Rented") and enable AutoPay (Takes a part of your daily earnings to pay for your rented referrals. Check the FAQ for more specific details.) and AutoRenew f or a period of 30 days before 3 days. What this will do is automatically renew y ou referrals for 30 more days when there is 3 days left until he is deleted (It' s not deleted if you do this. Check FAQ). Another thing is, for each referral you only get credited if they click on the o range ones too. You get 0.005$ for each orange ad they click. If all 3 click eve ry day, you get 0.06$ per day, plus what you get independently. STEP 4 Keep renting 3 referrals when you reach 3$ until you have 200 referrals. If you ever have the change to buy golden membership, do it. You will get alot m ore money per referral click and per you own clicks. STEP 5 Once you're golden, keep doing the same thing as before. This will be very very fast. Do it until you reach 2000 referrals. STEP 6 If you want, and this is up to you, you can get even more advanced membership. Y ou can have a maximum of 4000 referrals but only with Ultimate membership. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU SHOULD START WINNING MORE THAN 50$ A DAY AND ONLY NOW SHOUL D SEND THE MONEY TO PAYPAL OR ALERTPAY. THATS IT! READ THE NEOBUX FAQ OR PM ME THROUGH THE MAGICVIDEOSFREE CONTACT SYSTE M IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION. CHEERS!

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Now, this is another PTC site I use, the difference is I don't have a "method" f or this one. I just click of the ads until I get the amount I need to cashout. If want to register, same thing as before: Referral link: http://www.clixsense.com/?3920700 Non referral link: http://www.clixsense.com You need 8$ to cashout and here is how to make money in clixsense: Clicking ads. ClixGrid prizes: this is like Neobux's AdPrize. You have 25 chances ever y day, but you can buy more chances, or you can win more chances in ClixGrid. Tasks: these are like Neobux's Mini Jobs, exactly the same. Offers: just regular offers, like in Neobux. Referrals: again, same thing with neobux. Invite people to the site and

tell them to register with your link. That's it! ENJOY!

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