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Kerala Community e-Magazine

Orkut Kerala Community (KC 13231) Publication

Issue 1, August 2009


"How to select a digital camera" by Anil Page 4

Food Corner
"Mutton in white kurma" by Sanuraj Page 7

"Love Letters Part 1" Page 8

"The Dawn" by Shalini Page 9
"Cocoon" by George Page 10

"Wings" by Raj Page 11

"Eating Right" by Sanuraj Page 12

"Celebrity Sightings" Page 13
"July Photo Contest - Beauty" Page 15

"Basic Vastu" by Sree Page 16

Patriotic Songs by Sanuraj Page 17

Chirakukal - the wings of change

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that we, Kerala Community, one of the
most happening communities on Orkut, are introducing a new online digital
magazine. I am sure that this venture will add another feather to our community,
as it will help to further strengthen our good relationship and friendship in the
community. The idea of the magazine sprouted just a few days ago and today
we have come up with the fruit. Thanks to Anil Raghavan and Gopan, who are
the brain and center of inspiration behind this venture. The responses from the
KC members and the support they offered were awesome and this inspired us to
take it further from discussions.

As an icing on the cake, it is for sure that the launching of the first issue of our e-
Magazine will make a mark in KC history, as it is happening when our nation
celebrates its 62nd anniversary of independence. Therefore, as a tribute to our
brave immortal martyrs who dedicated their entire life to save our motherland,
let us dedicate this first issue to them.

We believe that this magazine will give an opportunity for all our community
members to showcase their creative skills such as writing, photography,
painting, etc. Also, we anticipate that all our members will make use of this
opportunity through their valuable contributions.

Last but not least, I thank all the members and the team e-Mag who helped us to
make this magazine a reality. I wish all the members a happy reading and hope
that your valuable feedback will help us to make this magazine better and better!

Come on, let us redefine online social networking!

Ajish Anand


How to select a digital camera

Anil Raghavan

You know what is absurd? The ridiculously high number of digital camera models
available in the market these days. Back in the days, there were hardly 10 models to
choose from. Now, every major manufacturer has twice that many models. It has hence,
become tougher and tougher to make sense of what is important, and what is merely

Before you look for a new digital camera, please answer these questions honestly

1. Will I need to print photos in big sizes (8"x10" is considered a normal size)?
2. Do I really need the complexity of a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) model?
3. Am I really interested in learning and mastering photography?
4. How much can I really afford?
5. Do I realize that SLR photography can be an expensive hobby?

If you have answered the above questions honestly, you will have come to a conclusion
without much confusion, about whether you really need a complex DSLR, lenses and the
associated costs, or whether you need an advanced Point-and-Shoot (P&S) because you
do wish to learn photography, and master the process, but without having to spend deep,
or whether all you are looking for is a compact P&S, to take photos of friends, family and
an occasional flower or bee or a sunset.


Types of Cameras

Compact Point-and-Shoot Cameras (P&S)

These are the basic models, often compact and

easy to use, with medium to good image quality.
This is the most confusing group to choose
from, mainly because there are so many models
with only slight differences, and mainly
unimportant differences. Remember, there is no
"best model", only a model that's best for you.

Advanced P&S

These bridge the gap between the P&S models

and DSLR models, and often have a lot of
optical zoom, better lenses, bigger sensors,
more features and generally higher image
quality. These are the best models if you want
something better than a P&, but do not want the
complexity of a DSLR.

Digital SLR

These have almost all the high-end features, allow

you to control the aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and
change the lens as well, making them the most
versatile type of cameras. They are oftenbulkier and
heavier than the other types. But, the image quality
you get from a DSLR and a good lens is unmatched
by any P&S or Advanced P&S camera. The most
important thing to remember is “the lens is the most
important factor in getting high image quality”.


Important Features and Recommendations

Feature What is it? Recommended

Megapixels The number of pixels or photosites on a sensor. A 7 to 9 for compact P&S

sensor is the equivalent of a frame of film. The 8 to 10 for advanced P&S
more the megapixels, the bigger you can safely Upto 12 for most DSLRs
print without noticing pixelation. Too high a
number, on a relatively small sensor, and the
more noise the images will typically contain

Pixel Density How many pixels the sensor has, per square 25 to 35 for compact P&S
centimetre. The higher this number, the less 25 to 35 for advanced P&S
efficient the sensor will be, for low-light 6 or less for DSLR

Optical Zoom The only kind of zoom that is really useful. 3 to 5x for compact P&S
Ignore the digital zoom specification. You can 5 to 12x for advanced P&S
crop out part of the image later on your computer. Depends on the lenses

Aperture Aperture refers to the size of the lens opening For serious photographers,
Priority & during an exposure, while shutter speed refers to any model you buy should
Shutter Priority the duration of that exposure. Together, these two have at least these two
variables control most of the qualities and feel of controls.
a photograph.

ISO This setting controls how fast the sensor should Manual ISO control is a
capture an image. Using signal amplification, at must, if you wish to learn
higher ISO values, the camera can still capture a how to control this setting
decent image even in low light, but with more in different lighting
and more noise in the image as the ISO number conditions
goes higher and higher.

Food Corner

Mutton in White Kurma


Ingredients Instructions

- 650 gms mutton Mix mutton, onion and spices in a pan

- 200 gms curd Cook on high flame till water of the mutton dries
- 1.5 cup mutton stock Add oil and cook till the masala is well cooked
- 3 big onion chopped and oil floats to the surface
- 1 big tbsp oil Add stock and cook till most of the stock dries
- 1 tbsp coriander powder Cook till you are left with a little gravy
- 4 cloves Beat the curd well, put in the mutton mixture
- 4 black cardamom and mix well on high heat
- 6 whole pepper Sprinkled with freshly crushed black pepper
- ½ t sp white pepper Serve hot!
- Black peppercorns for garnishing
You can use this recipe for chicken kurma also


Love Letters
Part 1

Mar 15, 2001

It was an ordinary morning, and I for one, was happy. My brain was on overdrive, the last two
projects had become exceedingly stressful, what with some key members of our team having been
laid off due to lack of funds, and the rest of us having to pick up the slack. Normally, I would
relax by thinking of very horrible things I would do to my boss if I got him alone in a dark alley
back in my home country, mouth several words that have been banned from television for
decades, and then my brain would let me know I was happy once again. But, now I had no need
for any such mortal means of catharsis.

I had seen you, not once, but several times in the past few days. The very first time I met you,
you had messed up your make up. In fact, you looked funny, goofy even. But, your eyes still
shone and the way you moved your beautiful hands and the way your shiny black tresses bounced
around, shining some of the sunlight into my eyes, kindling a fire in me, gave me hope of a
brighter tomorrow, of days filled with bountiful joy, endless nights where we both sit under starry
skies, and whisper the sweet nothings that lovers are supposed to whisper.

I realize that I am not man enough to tell you all this eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, because I am not
willing to take the risk of rejection, because there will be no more life in me, if I hear that word
from your lips. I fear, that my heart will be too weak to ever recover from such a punishment,
that hell will seem more peaceful to me. No heady brew will be able to console me, no words
will be able to heal my wounds, no druid's potion will ever revive me. So, kindly pardon my fear,
my dearest, for I love you as much as the moon loves the night, and the birds love the sky and the
dying fish loves the wave that washes it back into the sea. I am that dying fish, and I am waiting
for that wave to help me back to my feet, help give all my dreams wings and make my love for
you eternal and real.

For the present, my sweetheart, I am compelled to take in your glorious beauty from the shadows,
melting away into the crowd the moment your gaze falls in my direction, fearing that you might
catch on and demand an explanation for always following you, for always sending you flowers
anonymously, and for the lengthy prose that I have penned and sealed and slipped your way, with
tiny bits of my heart thrown in. Please believe me, when I tell you that you are everything dreams
are made of, and one day, the dream will come to life, for me and you and we will share all our
joy, all our sorrow and all the pain this life has to offer. And I assure you, we will smile through
the pain, comfort each other and share every single tear drop together.

Lovingly yours,

"The Dawn"

As I sit at the window and watch the dawn

The golden specks turning the sky ablaze
A new day is born, and yet it seems
The past is not so far away

The rays shine on my eyes

Glistening lashes, of grief and bliss
A swelling strong rising in the heart
Of unspoken words exist a deep abyss

Oh what is today, but a mere reflection

Of the losses had, of the soughted gains
Of experiences passed from generations ago
Yet floundering are the steps we take

Innocent we are, innocent we will be

For all the shrewdness of the world can’t be bought
There is something new still to be gotten
There is something always that will be lost

Such is life, like a new dawn

Yesterday’s child, yet a birth anew
Its poignant beauty, truly so fickle
It makes the heart beat to a song blue




Come come my friend quite a soon

From the dirty selfish cover
Come out soon, you break the cocoon
And breathe the purest lovely air

Come out from the egoish shell

Made of envy and ugly feelings
And see the most beautiful world
Where you live in utmost harmony

Many a layers formed that cover

In which you are tightly bent
Break the cover with inner power
And see you are quite independent

With steady steps and firm thoughts

Healthy mind and straight back bone
Go ahead; but keep your foot
Away from sharp and poisonous thorn

If a man had mischieved u

Why do you hate all other men?
For you too are one amongst them
How can you hate yourself then?

Humanity is our religion, further

A compartmentless society we form
See the soils are embraced together
Then saying regionalism why do we roam?

Language is for our communication

Not for hating each other one
Hate not a man who says a ‘no’
For, you cant see your eyes at all……

George Varghese


The context sets my thinking go wild....
Looking at the fluttering birds........flying high......Few claim this to be the sign of
But isn't this a quest for survival......
I asked the eagle 'yeah are your wings fluttering cos you are independent'
'No I am hungry and I am eyeing my prey from here'......from high there in the sky...

Flying, fluttering the wings, aren't the birds looking for their survival...for a living and to die
another day not today.
If they aren't and if it is the sign of independence.........looking at the millions who hang on
the doorways of Mumbai suburban lifeline trains.....I wished they too had wings....
But they do flutter running and panting and breaking through the million fellow men and as
if it's the order of the day and they don't complain......
Aamchi Mumbaikars are very proud of their days order....
So do we assume they are independent?

The Other day the girl who came to me for an interview form a bold strong Punjabi
household said she had to report at home everyday after office late by eight......
I did wish she had wings......So that she could flutter and be independent...
But birds do return to their abode at night and flutter only in broad day light.They too has an
So do we tag as independence...
Wings and fluttering high in the sky isn't the sign of independence.
It is the quest to survive, quest to survive with a difference.
Every morning is a beginning....a new ray of hope.....a fresh start to the dreams and that life
that lays ahead....
Flutter your wings and get set to fly...

Dependence and independence is the order of the day....

Is my belonging dependence....
Is my commitment dependence....
Am I being protective or protected dependence???
Independence misconstrued

The Right to do anything and everything [Article 377 questioned]

Sorry birdies this isn't independence

And if having wings is the sign of independence

better that I don't have any wings Raj


Eating Right

Dr. Ivan from Bahrain talks to Sanu about healthy, nutritious food.

Nutritious Meals

Eat nutritious food that you enjoy. Eat three or more pieces of fresh fruit and salad each
day. Avoid large meals. When you consume five to six small, healthy meals every day,
your body needs more calories to break down the food, thereby helping the body

Enjoy the food, Avoid Over-eating

Sit down and eat slowly as it gives your body time to release the enzymes that tell your
brain you’ve had enough. The slower you eat, the sooner you will be satisfied. Cut back
on your salt intake. The body requires only ½ to 1 teaspoonful of salt per day. Excess salt
consumption can cause water retention and high blood pressure. Don’t overeat if you are
stressed out. Avoid eating as an antidote to emotional pain. Whether it is alcohol, drugs or
food, excess of any kind leads to weight gain. This, in turn, triggers off higher stress
levels, and becomes a vicious cycle.


Keep yourself hydrated, Eat foods with water content, such as water melon, oranges,
pineapple, tomatoes and cucumber. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.


Celebrity Sightings

Isha Koppikar in Bahrain

Jayachandran in Bahrain


Celebrity Sightings

Samritha in Bahrain

Isha Koppikar in Bahrain


July Photo Contest "Beauty"


Krishnanunni's entry won the July photo contest. The theme was "Beauty". His entry
gathered 21 votes. Vikas's entry was second with 14 votes. Congratulation to
Krishnanunni for winning as well as capturing this surreal image.

The KC Photo Contest runs monthly. A theme is announced at the beginning of the
month, and each member can enter upto three photos. These photos can be replaced with
others as many times as desired, until the deadline. Once the deadline has passed, three
judges will pick the Final 5 or 6 or 7 photos, depending on the quality of the entries we
receive each month. After this, members select the winner from the above list of finalists,
in a one-week poll. The winning photographer's name will be added to the Kerala
Community profile description, until the next month's winner has been selected, and will
also be included in the subsequent month's e-magazine.

A winner will be one of the judges for the next month.


Basic Vastu

Entrance door
should face East or North, east being the preferred choice. If
neither of these is a possibility, then west is also considered
fine, but South is a no-no.

Pooja room
north east as this is considered the most auspicious place.

south east corner of the house. Second option would be north

Master bedroom
south west corner of the house. With blue as the preferred
colour. Second option would be North West.

Your head should rest towards south preferably

should always be in clock wise direction

Water tank
Over head tank should be on the south western corner


Patriotic Songs

India’s glorious musical heritage has been tapped by poets, patriots and film makers to
create some truly undying gems ….KRN Swamy talks to Sanuraj about the patriotic
songs of India….

It’s the time of the year , when everything is in tricolour, including your music !
Chances are patriotic songs wafting from the neighbourhood club or school could be
your wake-up call , whether or not you gather for that ritual unfurling of the national
flag on Independence Day morning.

On Aug 14 , 1947 , just before the country’s tryst with destiny , members of the Indian
Constituent assembly listened in rapt attention as eminent freedom fighter Sucheta
Kripalani sang the first verses of three patriotic songs..- Bankim Chandra Chatterjee’s
‘Vande mataram’ , Mohammed Iqbal’s ‘Sare Jahan se Accha’ and Rabindranath
Tagore’s ‘Jana Gana Mana ‘ The new nation’s leaders chose ‘Jana Gana Mana ‘ as the
National Anthem in 1950 not just for its beauty but for practical reasons too- musical
experts opined that ‘Vande Mataram’ could not be played by bands ! Additionally ‘Jana
Gana Mana ‘ enjoyed an international reputation . It had been greatly appreciated in
the United Nations at NewYork where it was first played as an orchestral arrangement
in 1947 . Many said that it was superior to most National anthems of the world.

Of ‘Sare Jahan se Accha’ , Mahatma Gandhi wrote “ I was overwhelmed when I read
Dr.Iqbal’s poem “Hindustan Hamara”. I must have sung it at least a hundred times in
Yervada Jail. Its words are so sweet and echo in my ears as I write this”.

According to eminent historians , the most important lines in this poem are “ Mazhab
Nahi Sikhata , Apas Main Bair Rakhna , Hindi Hain Hum , Vatan Hain Hindustan
Hamara “ Which translate as follows : “ No religion teaches us to be opposed to each
other . We all are Indians and our motherland is INDIA.”

Bolo Bharath Matha Ki Jai….!!

Patriotic songs are available on the Indian Parliament website in 22 languages at


Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and

gratitude to Gopan, Ajish, Krishna, Nikesh, Jose, Sanuraj, George, Shalini, Raj

and Sree for helping us create this e-Magazine. Without your help, this would

not have been possible. Thanks especially to Gopan for his untiring work in

creating the blog, enabling private chats between editors, and for collecting

many submissions. Thanks to Nisha for creating and maintaining this

wonderful community.

I would also like to request all the KC members to create and send as many

articles, photographs, poems and anything else you think is worth including in

future issues of the e-Mag. We hope we will have your continued cooperation

and support in producing better and better issues in the future.

And last, but not least, thank you all for making KC one of the better

communities in orkut, full of interesting discussions, polls, jokes, chats,

photographs, help and everything else that happens in KC.

Anil Raghavan

Kerala Community e-Magazine


Design Team
Krishna, Nikesh, Gopan, Ajish, Jose, Anil

Compiled by
Anil Raghavan

Orkut Kerala Community (KC 13231) Publication


Issue 1, August 2009

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