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Domingo2 and Valent Marco2 1 Institut Cartogr ic de Catalun!a 2 De"artament d#Agricultura, Alimentaci$ i Acci$ Rural %e "resent t&e results o a test stud! on tree s"ecies classi ication in an agricultural area rom digital aerial images and lidar' (&e ob)ecti*e +as to distinguis& bet+een t&ree s"ecies t&at are armed in t&e area ,oli*e tree, almond tree and carob tree- in order to obtain an e icient tec&ni.ue or re*ie+ing and u"dating t&e /0I1 ,/and 0arcel In ormation 1!stem- establis&ed b! Council regulation ,2C- 134252667 to c&ec8 area9based subsidies on agriculture: ot&er s"ecies t&at are "resent +ere not considered' Digital aerial "&otogra"&s +it& 2; cm "i<el +ere ta8en +it& a DMC camera in +inter and in summer' /idar data +as ac.uired +it& an O"tec& A/(M 762; in +inter and t&e "oint densit! +as 1 "oint5m2' Indi*idual trees +ere detected rom lidar data using t&e &!drogra"&ical met&od' Cro+n area, tree &eig&t, lidar intensit! and ot&er "arameters describing t&e structure o t&e trees +ere deri*ed rom lidar data and or eac& "arameter a raster image +as created assigning t&e same "arameter *alue to e*er! "i<el in t&e cro+n o eac& detected tree' (&ese images deri*ed rom lidar toget&er +it& t&e = c&annel images ,R, >, ? and IRrom bot& t+o e"oc&s +ere t&e in"ut or a series o ob)ect classi ication tests done +it& eCognition image anal!sis so t+are' In all t&e tests t&e ob)ect segmentation +as based on t&e tree &eig&ts image deri*ed rom lidar' A s"ecial D1M model including trees +as em"lo!ed in t&e ort&orecti ication o t&e DMC images' (&e best classi ication results &a*e been obtained using onl! t&e ort&orecti ied DMC images at a reduced resolution o 1 m a ter t&e tree segmentation rom lidar data' Acce"table results &a*e also been obtained rom lidar data onl!' Introduction In order to c&ec8 area9based subsidies on agriculture, t&e Agriculture De"artment o our autonomous region as8ed us to stud! an e icient tec&ni.ue or re*ie+ing and u"dating t&e /0I1 ,/and 0arcel In ormation 1!stem- establis&ed b! Council regulation ,2C- 134252667' Most s"eci icall!, our goal +as to ind a met&od to distinguis& and ma""ing t&ree tree s"ecies@ oli*e, almond and carob using remote sensing tec&ni.ues because t&e con*entional in*entor! is time consuming and e<"ensi*e ,Viau, 266;-' It is common t&at di erent s"ecies a""ear mi<ed in t&e same stand ollo+ing di erent "atterns, but onl! t&ese t&ree s"ecies +ere o interest in t&is stud!' (&e stud! area , igure 1- is located sout&9+est o Vila9rodona (60 km SW of Barcelona) and &as an e<tension o A 8m < A 8m' It is a dr! Mediterranean region +&ere most im"ortant cro"s are *ine!ards, oli*e trees, carob trees and almond trees'

Bigure 1' /ocation o stud! area Data Multitem"oral digital image data +ere ac.uired o*er t&e stud! area +it& t&e Cessna Cara*an "lane o t&e Institut Cartogr ic de Catalun!a ,ICC-' (+o 8inds o sensors +ere installed@ t&e Digital Ma""ing Camera ,DMC- rom Intergra"& to record s"ectral data, and t&e lidar A/(M 762; rom O"tec& to obtain structural data' All t&e lig&ts +ere "er ormed during 2663' (&e "ro)ect area +as co*ered +it& t&e DMC on Canuar! 13t& and on Cul! 1Dt& rom 1;66 m abo*e ground le*el, resulting in 36 *irtual images or eac& e"oc&' (&is corres"onds to a "i<el size o 1; cm o t&e

"anc&romatic c&annel and to 32 cm o t&e our lo+9resolution s"ectral c&annels@ red, green, blue and near in rared' Brom DMC data t+o 8inds o images +ere created ,Bigure 2- combining 7 o t&e = colour c&annels generating t&e true colour ile ,c&annels ?lue, >reen and Red- and t&e IRC colour ile ,c&annels >reen, Red and In rared-

Bigure 2' (rue colour ,VI1- images on to" and IRC images on bottom' %inter images on t&e le t and summer images on t&e rig&t' On to" le t image also t&e training trees are s&o+n@ almond trees in blue, carob in green and oli*e in !ello+' ' A ter aerial triangulation, DMC images +ere resam"led to 6'2;, 6'; and 1 m "i<el sizes using bicubic con*olution ,Bigure 7-'

Bigure 7' Detail o t&e images +it& "i<el sizes o 6'2;, 6'; and 1 m rom le t to rig&t' At t&e irst stages o t&e )oint "rocessing o DMC images and lidar data, it +as noticed t&at t&e traditional ort&orecti ication o t&e images based on a bare9eart& D(M +as not accurate enoug& ,0al et al' 2661, 0al E Arbiol, 2662-' As t&e &eig&t o t&e trees &ad not been ta8en into account, t&e cro+ns a""eared s&i ted and t&ere +as a mismatc& +it& t&e cano"! &eig&t model ,CFM- and bet+een images rom

di erent e"oc&s ,/ee et al', 266A-' (&e "roblem +as sol*ed recti !ing t&e images +it& a D1M including tree models +&ere eac& tree +as re"resented as a generalized c!linder (see details further on). (&e resulting image is not beauti ul because blac8 areas a""ear ne<t to eac& tree corres"onding to t&e area occluded b! t&e tree but t&e agreement o t&e images +it& t&e CFM and bet+een t&em is better , igure =-'

Bigure =' Brom le t to rig&t, ort&oimage obtained +it& D(M, CFM and ort&oimage obtained +it& D1M, and boundar! o one o t&e trees s&o+n in !ello+' (&e area +as co*ered +it& 2= lidar stri"s obtained along t+o lig&t sessions, on Canuar! 13t& and 1Dt&' Bor eac& single stri", t&e "oint densit! +as 6'; "oints5m2 but, as t&e stri" o*erla" +as o ;6G, t&e total "oint densit! +as 1 "oint5m2' 0arallel "ro)ect stri"s +ere crossed +it& t+o trans*ersal stri"s o*er control ields' On eac& o t&em, =6 "oints +ere measured +it& >015R(H +it& an accurac! o 2 or 7 cm' 0oint densit! 1 "oint 5m2 0oint re"etition rate 2;666 Fz Iumber o stri"s 2= 1can angle P11Q 1+at& ;41 m 1tri" o*erla" ;6G Altitude ,agl1=D; m 1"eed 176 8nots Boot"rint 22 cm (able 1 /idar "arameters'

A least s.uares ad)ustment +as "er ormed to get an ele*ation o set or eac& lidar stri" ollo+ing t&e "rocedure described in ,Hornus E Ruiz, 2667-' (&e obser*ations t&at entered into t&e ad)ustment +ere t&e di erences bet+een lidar ground "oints in crossing areas and bet+een stri"s and control ields' (&ere +ere a total o 2= stri"s, 2 control ields "lus 7 test areas +it& di erent *egetal co*erage' (&e corrections a""lied to t&e stri"s +ere ele*ation o sets t&at ranged rom A'2 to 1D'D cm, all o t&em "ositi*e ,u"+ards-' A ter t&is correction o s!stematic errors, lidar "oints +ere classi ied into ground and non9ground "oints +it& (erra1can and (erraModeler rom (errasolid' Io manual editing +as "er ormed a ter t&e automatic classi ication' (&e accurac! o t&e resulting terrain model +as c&ec8ed +it& "oints measured +it& >015R(H in 7 tests areas +it& di erent co*erage' (&e ele*ation o t&e "oints +as com"ared to t&e ele*ation o a (II model built rom lidar "oints classi ied as ground ,bare9eart& (II model-' (&e results o t&e c&ec8ing +it& ground trut& are s&o+n in (able 2@ Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Total Co era!e Oli*e trees Vin!ard (ennis court A""ro<' *egetation &eig&t ,m- 1 6'; 6 J "oints 26 26 1D ;D K ,cm;'= ='; 7'2 ='3 RM1 ,cmA'4 D'7 ;'; 3'= A*erage Lz ,cm='7 4'2 ='A ;'3 (able 2' C&ec8ing o bare9eart& (II model +it& ground trut& in 7 test areas' A digital terrain model ,D(M- +it& 1 m grid ste" +as com"uted b! inter"olation on t&e bare9eart& (II model and a digital sur ace model ,D1M- +as com"uted rom all t&e lidar "oints ta8ing or eac& grid cell t&e ele*ation o t&e &ig&est interior lidar "oint' Brom t&e di erence bet+een t&e D1M and D(M a cano"! &eig&t model ,CFM- +as com"uted t&at +as used to detect indi*idual trees +it& t&e M&!drologicalN met&od' It recei*es t&is name because standard >I1 tools or &!drological anal!sis are em"lo!ed to detect trees ,F!!""O E In8inen, 1DDD-: in our case, Arc5In o %or8station' (&e CFM +as smoot&ed +it& a

binomial 7<7 lo+ "ass ilter and t&e sign o t&e &eig&ts +as c&anged' 2ac& tree corres"onded t&en to a minimum in t&e re*ersed CFM' 2ac& local minimum ,sin8- corres"onds to one indi*idual tree, its de"t& is t&e tree &eig&t and t&e area t&at drains to eac& sin8 corres"onds to its cro+n' Most o t&e trees in t&is area are isolated and it +as considered t&at eac& cro+n inis&es +&en t&e &eig&t reac&ed one t&ird o t&e total tree &eig&t' In t&is +a! it +as "ossible to generate one image +&ere all t&e "i<els inside t&e cro+n o one tree &ad t&e same *alue corres"onding to t&e &eig&t o t&at tree' In t&is model eac& tree is re"resented as a generalized c!linder' 2ac& tree recei*ed a uni.ue identi ier and one image o tree identi iers +as also generated' In most o t&e cases, t&e automaticall! detected trees corres"ond to real trees, but sometimes t&e cro+n o one tree &as s"lit t&em u" into t+o and t&e! &ad been considered t+o di erent trees b! t&e automatic "rocedure' In all o t&e tests, t&e image segmentation +as "er ormed using an image deri*ed rom t&e CFM' %e got t&is image +&ere tree &eig&ts are coded in one9b!te "i<els measuring t&e &eig&t in 26 cm units, i'e' one gre! le*el corres"onds to 26 cm' Rsing t&e image o tree identi iers, t&e corres"onding tree identi ier +as assigned to eac& lidar "oint and, a ter sorting "oints b! tree identi ier, a collection o tree "arameters +as com"uted' 1ome o t&em are an attem"t to catc& t&e structural in ormation o t&e indi*idual trees' (&e ollo+ing "arameters +ere com"uted tree9+ise@ location coordinates, tree &eig&t, cro+n area, number o "oints and "enetration inde<' (&e location +as com"uted as t&e a*erage o t&e lidar "oint coordinates' (&e "enetration inde< is t&e ratio bet+een t&e number o "oints t&at reac&ed t&e ground and t&e total number o "oints' Brom t&e ele*ation o t&e "oints, it +ere com"uted t&e minimum and ma<imum, t&e mean, t&e standard de*iation, t&e coe icient o *ariation and t&e relati*e &eig&t "ercentiles ,;, 16, 1;, 26, 2;, 76, ;6, 3; and D6,Folmgren, 2667-' (&e coe icient o *ariation is t&e ratio bet+een t&e standard de*iation and t&e mean o a *ariable' I I is t&e number o "oints in t&e area o one tree cro+n, t&e &eig&t & o t&e "9"ercentile is de ined as t&e ele*ation abo*e ground o a &orizontal "lane suc& t&at "SI5166 o t&e "oints belonging to t&is tree la! belo+ t&is "lane' I F is t&e &eig&t o t&e tree, &5F is t&e relati*e &eig&t o t&e "ercentile' Brom t&e lidar intensit!, t&e mean, t&e standard de*iation and t&e coe icient o *ariation +ere com"uted' A raster image +as created or eac& "arameter assigning, to e*er! "i<el in t&e cro+n area, t&e corres"onding *alue to eac& tree ,Bigure ;-'

Bigure ;' Brom to" to bottom and rom le t to rig&t@ 16, 7;, ;6 and D69"ercentiles o t&e same area' Along Canuar! 74 trees belonging to t&e s"ecies o interest ,Bigure A- +ere measured' Bor eac& tree it +as recorded t&e s"ecie, t&e location coordinates, t&e to" and bottom &eig&t o t&e cro+n, t&e minimum and ma<imum cro+n diameters and its "runing and &ealt& state' 1tands +it& mi<ed s"ecies are common in t&e area but t&ere are also &omogeneous stands' As a larger training set +as re.uired, t&e boundaries o 71 &omogeneous stands +ere recognized ,Bigure A- and in t&is +a! it +as "ossible to add more t&an 766 trees to t&e 74 ield measured data set' Binall!, t&is collection o trees +as di*ided into t+o inde"endent sets@ one to be used as t&e training set and t&e ot&er to be used as a test set to anal!ze t&e "er ormance o t&e met&od' Bield sam"les concentrate on a small region and t&e classi ication testing +as restricted to a rectangular area containing t&e ield sam"les, +it& R(M971I coordinates 7;4A;497A6=;A easting and =;31D669=;37666 nort&ing'

Big' A /e t, 74 ield measured trees' Rig&t@ 71 stands +it& &omogeneous cro"s' Oli*e trees, !ello+: carob, green and almond, "ur"le' Co"#ari$on o% lidar deri ed and %ield "ea$ured #ara"eter$ A com"arison o ield measured trees +it& lidar deri*ed "arameters +as done' (rees +ere identi ied in t&e CFM image a ter t&eir coordinates' Bield measured tree &eig&ts +ere com"ared +it& lidar &eig&ts directl!' Bigure 3a s&o+s t&at lidar deri*ed &eig&ts are in good agreement +it& ield9measured *alues but dis"ersion is &ig&er or almond trees' (&is is a deciduous tree and, at t&e time o t&e lidar data ca"ture, t&e! &ad no lea*es' Des"ite t&at, almonds +ere detected +it& lidar data onl!' Cro+n area +as not directl! measured on t&e ield but +e can estimate it assuming t&at t&e s&a"e o t&e cro+n "ro)ected on t&e ground is an elli"sis and t&e ma<imum and minimum cro+n diameters are t&e ma)or and minor a<is' Agreement is +orse or almond trees' /idar &as a tendenc! to o*erestimate t&e cro+n area or oli*e and carob trees ,Bigure 3b-'
6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Field measured height (m) y = 0.7951x + 0.6937 R2 = 0.8675 'Almond' 'Carob' 'Oliv ' y = 0.9229x + 0.4697 R2 = 0.73

Lidar height (m)

y = 0.6964x + 0.901 R2 = 0.7786

Bigure 3a' (ree &eig&t regression'

90 80

y = 1.064x + 1.2953 R2 = 0.7615

70 60

y = 0.7552x + 19.074 R2 = 0.8353 'Almond'

Lidar area (m 2)

50 40 30 y = 0.7514x + 5.4688 R2 = 0.7808

'Carob' 'Oliv '

20 10 10.0









Field measured area (m 2)

Bigure 3b' Cro+n area regression' Oli*e trees and almond trees s&o+ a slig&tl! larger area rom lidar data t&at t&e real *alue' (ree &eig&t +as o*erestimated in 1= cases and underestimated in 1D' (&e cro+n area +as o*erestimated in 21 cases and underestimated in 1=' %&at +e e<"ected +as t&e tree &eig&t to be underestimated ,0o"escu et al', 266=, ITsset E ?)er8nes, 2661- because t&e lidar sam"ling densit! +as smaller t&an t&e lidar oot"rint and it +ould be di icult to reac& b! c&ance t&e treeto" +it& t&e lidar beam' On t&e o""osite, +e e<"ected t&e lidar to o*erestimate t&e cro+n area due to t&e lidar oot"rint size' Met&odolo!' A undamental "roblem to a""l! &ig& resolution digital imager! to t&is 8ind o studies is t&at tree cro+ns are com"osed o discrete "i<els co*ering a range o s"ectral *alues' Ob)ect9based image anal!sis tec&ni.ues as o""osed to "i<el9based so t+are, can be one solution ,C&ube!, 266A-' In our stud!, image ob)ects corres"onding to cro+ns +ere singled out +it& eCognition ,De iniens Imaging, 266=-' (&is so t+are "ro*ides a "rocessing en*ironment or image anal!sis +&ose main c&aracteristic is t&at t&e anal!sis and classi ication is "er ormed not on indi*idual "i<els but on "re*iousl! generated grou"s o neig&bouring "i<els called ob)ects or segments' In a ist ste", named multiresolution segmentation, t&e image is di*ided into &omogeneous regions based on a subset o *ariables selected b! t&e user and on se*eral user9de ined "arameters a ecting t&e size, s"ectral and s"atial &omogeneit!, and s&a"e o t&e resulting image ob)ects' Once segmented t&e image, it is "ossible to start t&e classi ication o t&ese segments based on a set o *ariables selected b! t&e user, using members&i" unctions or ma<imum li8eli&ood estimation' A ter some testing, t&e idea o indi*idualizing t&e cro+ns as segments +as accom"lis&ed using t&e tree &eig& deri*ed rom lidar as t&e onl! *ariable in t&e segmentation "rocess toget&er +it& t&e "arameters indicated in (able 7' %it& t&ese settings, most o t&e tree cro+ns +ere identi ied as one segment inde"endentl! o its area ,Bigure D-' (able 7' 1egmentation "arameters
0i<el size ,cm2; ;6 166 1cale 26 16 16 1&a"e actor 6'7 6'7 6'7 Com"actness 6'7 6'7 6'7

Bigure D' On t&e le t@ segmentation results based on t&e *egetation &eig&' On t&e rig&t@ segments boundaries on t&e DMC image corres"onding to t&e same area'

A series o eCognition trials +it& di erent selections o *ariables +as carried out to "er orm an e<&austi*e anal!sis o t&e a*ailable data' (&ere +ere 23 di erent trials +it& di erent combinations o DMC data@ +it& +inter data onl!, +it& summer data onl! and multitem"oral' 2ac& o t&ese grou"s +as anal!zed at di erent "i<el sizes@ 6'2;, 6; and 1 m and also t&e s"ectral bands +ere grou"ed in 7 di erent +a!s@ R>?, IR> and t&e our c&annels altoget&er , igure 4-' (&ere +ere t+o runs +it& lidar *ariables@ all o t&em altoget&er and using "ercentiles onl!' /astl!, t&e combined use o lidar *ariables and DMC data +as anal!zed' Fo+e*er, in all o t&e tests, t&e image segmentation +as based onl! on t&e tree &eig&t'

Bigure 4' Classi ication trials "er ormed rom DMC data Bor eac& eCognition "ro)ect t&e classi ication ste"s +ere t&e ollo+ing@ Birstl!, , all t&e segments +ere classi ied into t&ree categories according t&e tree &eig& *ariable@ lo+ *egetation ,U2Acm-, trees ,2Acm to 16m- and &ig& ob)ects ,V16m-' (&e t&res&olds +ere c&osen to re)ect grass, "o+erlines and &ig& trees in orested areas' A ter t&at, and using t&e *alues o t&e *ariables selected in eac& trial or t&e training trees as a re erence, all o t&e tree segments +ere classi ied as oli*e, almond or carob trees according to t&eir *alues or t&e same *ariables, b! nearest neig&bour , igure D-' (&e "er ormance o eac& classi ication +as anal!zed +it& a contingenc! table, +&ere t&e classes assigned to t&e test set are com"ared to its true categor!' Re$ult$ One eCognition trial +as done onl! +it& lidar "ercentiles to anal!ze i t&e! +ere use ul to discriminating s"ecies' 0ercentiles are an attem"t to catc& t&e structural c&aracteristics o t&e trees' In a irst test t&e nine lidar9deri*ed "ercentiles +ere considered and an o"timization anal!sis +as "er ormed to detect +&at o t&em +ere t&e most e<"licati*e *ariables'' Results s&o+ t&at t&e more *ariables are em"lo!ed, t&e better t&e discrimination bet+een s"ecies but ta8ing into account onl! t&e 7 best "ercentiles ,"16, "1; and "7;t&e results +ere close to t&ose obtained +it& all D "arameters' Fo+e*er, according to t&e contingenc! tables, t&e classi ication results ,(able =- +ere "oor, or e*en *er! "oor or almond trees' 0robabl! because almond trees &ad no lea*es +&en lidar data +as ac.uired and t&eir structure could not be a""ro"riatel! de ined b! "ercentiles'
Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e 3D ,34- 1A ,73- 24 ,A6- 127 ,9Carob ; , ;- 2A ,A6- ; ,11- 7A ,9Almond 13 ,13- 1 , 2- 1= ,76- 72 ,9(otal 161 ,9- =7 ,9- =3 ,9- 1D1 ,A2( #ercentile$ Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e 34 ,33- 1= ,77- 23 ,;3- 11D ,9Carob ; , ;- 2= ,;A- 1 , 2- 76 ,9Almond 14 ,14- ; ,12- 1D ,=6- =2 ,9(otal 161 ,9- =7 ,9- =3 ,9- 1D1 ,A73)*e$t #ercentile$ +#1,- #1. and #3./

(able = Contingenc! tables or "ercentiles data onl! ,"ercentages into "arent&eses-' (a8ing into account all t&e 1; lidar deri*ed "arameters, t&e classi ication "er ormance im"ro*ed a lot, oli*e trees +ere correctl! identi ied in D2G o t&e cases but or t&e ot&er s"ecies t&e success rate +as less t&an 36G' Discrimination bet+een s"ecies reac&ed its ma<imum +&en 16 *ariables +ere used' Re)ected "arameters in t&e o"timization ste" +ere t&e "ercentiles ";, "3; and "D6, t&e "enetration coe icient and t&e coe icient o *ariation o t&e ele*ation ,(able ;-' Results +ere good enoug& or oli*e trees, &o+e*er, or almond trees, results +ere "oor'

Bigure D' On t&e le t, color in rared images' On t&e rig&t, classi ication results corres"onding to 166 cm resolution, multitem"oral data and = s"ectral c&annels' Oli*es in !ello+, carob in green, almond in "ur"le, orest trees and "o+erlines in red, grass and ground in gre!'
Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e D7 ,D2- 1A ,73- 1= ,76- 127 , 9Carob 3 , 3- 2; ,;4- 2 ,=- 7= , 9Almond 1 , 1- 2 , ;- 71 ,AA- 7= , 9(otal 161 , 9- =7 , 9- =3 , 9- 1D1 ,341. lidar)deri ed #ara"eter$ Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e D6 ,4D- 1A ,73- 1= ,76- 126 , 9Carob 4 , 4- 2; ,;4- 1 , 2- 7= , 9Almond 7 , 7- 2 , ;- 72 ,A4- 73 , 9(otal 161 , 9- =7 , 9- =3 , 9- 1D1 ,331,)*e$t lidar)deri ed #ara"eter$

(able ; Contingenc! tables or lidar9deri*ed "arameters ,"ercentages into "arent&eses-' (&e classi ication "er ormance im"ro*ed +&en multitem"oral images rom DMC +ere incor"orated to t&e lidar data ,16 lidar *ariables-,, es"eciall! +it& t&e combination o in rared, green and red c&annels o eac& e"oc& ,(able A-' (&e im"ro*ement is larger or carob , rom ;4G to 3=G- and almond trees , rom A4G to D4G- and smaller or oli*e trees , rom 4DG to D1G- because t&e good results ac&ie*ed +it& lidar data in t&is case le t little room or additional im"ro*ement' Oli*e Carob Almond(otal Oli*e D2 ,D1- 11 ,2A- 1 ,2- 16= ,9Carob D ,D- 72 ,3=- 6 ,6- =1 ,9Almond 6 ,6- 6 ,6- =A ,D4- =A ,9(otal 161 ,9- =7 ,9- =3 ,9- 1D1 ,4D(able A' Contingenc! table or t&e 169best lidar9deri*ed "arameters "lus I, R, > multitem"oral c&annels o t&e DMC' DMC data &as also been anal!sed se"aratel! o lidar' In t&e ollo+ing tests, onl! t&e lidar CFM image &as been em"lo!ed during t&e segmentation "&ase' Regarding t&e "i<el size, no im"ro*ement +as ound using DMC images +it& ;6 or 2; cm "i<el size but t&is s&ould not sur"rise us ,(able 3-' (&e reason is t&at *irtual images o t&e DMC camera are a combination o 4 di erent images@ a mosaic o = "anc&ro images "lus = s"ectral lo+ resolution images ,Finz, 1DDD-' All t&e CCDs &a*e a "i<el size o 12 Wm but t&e lenses o t&e "anc&ro cameras &a*e a ocal lengt& o 126 mm and t&e s"ectral cameras &a*e a ocal lengt& o 2; mm' (&ere ore, b! construction, t&e resolution o t&e s"ectral c&annels is ='4 times +orse t&an t&e resolution o t&e "anc&romatic image' Resam"ling t&e *irtual image to a "i<el size o one meter

&as not reduced t&e original resolution o t&e s"ectral c&annels and, on t&e o""osite, using &ig&l! "an9 s&ar"ened resolutions ,2;9;6 cm- ma! degrade t&e s"ectral in ormation' (able 3' Multitem"oral DMC data at di erent "i<el sizes, = c&annels' Oli*e Carob Almond(otal Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e 11A ,D1- 26 ,74- 6 ,617A Oli*e 11A ,D=- 1; ,2D- 1 ,2- 172 Carob 16 ,4- 72 ,A6- 1 ,2=7 Carob 3 ,A7; ,AD- 6 ,6- =2 Almond 2 ,2- 1 ,2- ;1 ,D4;= Almond 1 ,11 ,2- ;1 ,D4- ;7 (otal 124 ;7 ;2 277 ,4;- (otal 12= ;1 ;2 223 ,4D2. c" ., c" Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e D7 ,D2- 16 ,27- 6 ,6167 Carob 4 ,4- 77 ,33- 6 ,6=1 Almond 6 ,6- 6 ,6- =3 ,166- =3 (otal 161 =7 =3 1D1 ,D1- 1,, c" In rared c&annel +as decisi*e to detect carobs and t&e matc&ing rate ranged rom A6G +it&out IR to 3=G +&en IRC +as used ,table 4-' Fo+e*er, blue c&annel is im"ortant to reduce con usion bet+een oli*e trees rom carobs in summer images ,2nd e"oc&, table 4-' (able 4' Contingenc! tables or DMC *isible c&annels ,R>?- and IRC Oli*e Carob Almond(otal Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e 34 ,3D- 13 ,=6- 1 ,2- DA Oli*e 4; ,4A- 17 ,71- 6 ,6D4 Carob 14 ,14- 2= ,;3- 6 ,6- =2 Carob 1= ,1=- 2D ,AD- 6 ,6=7 Almond 7 ,7- 1 ,2- =A ,D4- ;6 Almond 6 ,6- 6 ,6- =3 ,166- =3 (otal DD =2 =3 144 ,3D- (otal DD =2 =3 144 ,4ADMC 1,, c" 1$t e#oc&- RG0 DMC 1,, c" 1$t e#oc&- IRC Oli*e Carob Almond(otal Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e D2 ,D1- 14 ,=2- 7 ,A- 117 Oli*e 47 ,42- 2= ,;3- 7 ,A- 116 Carob 3 ,3- 14 ,=2- A ,17- 71 Carob 11 ,11- 12 ,2D- A ,17- 2D Almond 2 ,2- 3 ,1A- 74 ,41- =3 Almond 3 ,3- A ,1=- 74 ,41- ;1 (otal 161 =7 =3 1D1 ,33- (otal 161 =2 =3 1D6 ,36nd nd DMC 1,, c" 2 e#oc&- RG0 DMC 1,, c" 2 e#oc&- IRC Oli*e Carob Almond(otal Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e 4D ,D6- 1; ,7A- 2 ,=- 16A Oli*e D= ,D7- 11 ,2A- 6 ,616; Carob 4 ,4- 2; ,A6- 6 ,6- 77 Carob 3 ,3- 72 ,3=- 6 ,67D Almond 2 ,2- 2 ,;- =; ,DA- =D Almond 6 ,6- 6 ,6- =3 ,166- =3 (otal DD =2 =3 144 ,4;- (otal 161 =7 =3 1D1 ,D1DMC 1,, c" *ot& e#oc&$- RG0 DMC 1,, c" *ot& e#oc&$- IRC Results rom onl! one e"oc& +ere "oorer or oli*e trees t&an t&ose obtained rom multitem"oral images ,tables 3 E D- but +inter images &a*e been critical to discriminate almond trees' (able D' Contingenc! tables or DMC ,all c&annels altoget&erOli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e Carob Almond (otal Oli*e 4; ,4=- 14 ,=2- ; ,11164 Oli*e 47 ,4=- D ,21- 6 ,6D2 Carob 3 ,3- 21 ,=D- ; ,1177 Carob 1A ,1A- 77 ,3D- 6 ,6=D Almond D ,D- = ,D- 73 ,3D;6 Almond 6 ,6- 6 ,6- =3 ,166- =3 (otal 161 =7 =3 1D1 ,3;(otal DD =2 =3 144 ,43DMC 1,, c" 2nd e#oc& DMC 1,, c" 1$t e#oc&

Conclu$ion$ (&e &eig&t and cro+n area deri*ed rom lidar are in good agreement +it& ield9measured *alues ta8ing into account t&at t&e lidar "oint densit! t&at +as em"lo!ed in t&is stud! +as lo+' (a8ing into account t&e 1; lidar9deri*ed "arameters, oli*e trees +ere correctl! identi ied in D2G o t&e cases but or t&e ot&er s"ecies t&e success rate +as less t&an 36G' (&e discrimination bet+een s"ecies ac&ie*ed a ma<imum +it& 16 *ariables, being "16, "1; and "7; t&e more interesting "ercentiles' %it& t&e em"lo!ed "arameters and "oint densit!, lidar +as not enoug& to discriminate s"ecies but lidar results cannot be considered bad' (&ere +as an im"ro*ement on t&e rates or carob and almond trees +&en using t&e best 16 lidar *ariables "lus multitem"oral IR> data' (&e c&ange or t&e oli*e trees +as *er! small because t&e! +ere +ell detected +it& lidar data alone' An!+a!, t&e results +it& onl! DMC +ere similar or e*en better' (&e lidar &eig&t &as allo+ed indi*idualizing t&e trees +it& &ig& reliabilit! "robabl! because t&e trees +ere +ell isolated in t&e ield' (&e combination o lidar +it& multis"ectral images &as sim"li ied t&e anal!sis a*oiding con usion bet+een trees and ot&er co*ers +it& similar s"ectral res"onse li8e grass or s&rubs' Moreo*er, t&e tree segmentation allo+s concentrating t&e anal!sis on t&e cro+ns and to treat t&em as inde"endent entities' Regarding t&e geometric registering o t&e images, t&e lidar deri*ed CFM &as been decisi*e to recti ! tree images rom di erent e"oc&s or di erent sensors 8ee"ing a correct o*erla" o t&e cro+ns' (&is recti ication is necessar! at &ig& s"atial resolutions' Multitem"oral images are re.uired to "ro"erl! discriminate t&e tree s"ecies and t&e e"oc&s o eac& sur*e! must be care ull! c&osen ta8ing into account t&e s"ecies to be studied' 1ome dates are critical to obtain good results +it& some s"ecies' Ac1no2le!"ent (&is +or8 +ould &a*e not been "ossible +it&out t&e dedication and &el" ul comments o man! o our colleagues' %e +ant to t&an8 t&e &el" o Armand >Xell, %ol gang Hornus, M!riam Mo!sset, Ramon AlamYs, Coan Mart, Da*id (orrents, Cordi FernZndez, Daniel Barr[, Cos[ Antonio Ortega, Vicen\ 0al, Anna (ard, Bernando 0[rez, Cudit BernZndez, Mi.uel ]ngel Ortiz, Roman Arbiol, Culi (ala!a and ^a*ier 2ste*e' Re%erence$ C&ube!, M'1, Bran8lin 1'2', and %ulder, M'A' Ob)ect9based anal!sis o I8onos92 imager! or e<traction o orest in*entor! "arameters, 02R1, 266A: 32,=-@ 74=97D=' De iniens A>, 266=' eCognition Version = Rser >uide' Finz, A' (&e _5I digital aerial camera s!stem' 0roceedings o t&e =3 t& 0&otogrammetric %ee8' 1DDD, 1tuttgart' %ic&mann Verlag, Feidelberg, ""' 16D911;' F!!""O, C' and In8inen, M' Detecting and estimating attributes or single trees using laser scanner' 0&otogrammetric Cournal o Binland, 1DDD: 1A@239=2' Folmgren, C' 2stimation o orest *ariables using airborne laser scanning' Doctoral dissertation' De"t' o Borest Resource Management and >eomatics, 1/R' Acta Rni*ersitatis agriculturae 1ueciae' 1il*estria, 2667: 234, =7""' Hornus %' and Ruiz A' 1tri" Ad)ustment o /IDAR Data' I10R1 %or8s&o" on Airborne /aserscanning, M79D reconstruction rom airborne laserscanner and In1AR dataN, 4916 October, 2667' Dresden' /ee' C'9F', and Cos&ua ?' Bis&er' A10R1 Annual Con erence' 19; Ma!, 266A' Reno, Ie*ada'

Iaesset, 2' and ?)er8nes, H'O' 2stimating tree &eig&ts and number o stems in !oung orest stands using airborne laser scanner data' Remote 1ensing o 2n*ironment 2661:34, 72497=6' 0al, V', Arbiol, R', 0[rez, B' >eneraci$n de ortoimZgenes en Zreas urbanas' Re*ista de (eledetecci$n, 2661: 1A@ =39;6' 0al, V', Arbiol, R' (rue ort&oimage generation in urban areas' 0roc' o t&e 7rd International 1!m"osium Remote 1ensing o Rrban Areas' Istambul, 2662: 1@ 76D971=' 0o"escu, 1'C', and Randol"& F' %!nne' 1eeing t&e trees in t&e orest@ using lidar and multis"ectral data usion +it& local iltering and *ariable +indo+ size or estimating tree &eig&t' 02R1 266=: 36@;4D9A6=' Viau, A'A, Cang, C'9D', 0a!an, V' and A' De*ost' (&e use o airborne /idar ans multis"ectral sensors or orc&ard tree in*entor! and c&aracterization' 3 t& Bruit, Iut and Vegetable 0roduction 2ngineering 1!m"osium MBRR(IC 6;N, Mont"ellier, 266;' "ag' A4D9AD4' Vias, O', Ruiz, A', ^andri, R', 0al, V', Arbiol, R' Combined use o /idar and `uic8bird data or t&e generation o land use ma"s I10R1 Mid9term 1!s"osium MBrom 0i<els to 0rocessesN' 2nsc&ede, 4911 Ma!, 266A'

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