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Youth Activism

The production of social and political campaigns plays a vital role in all of Sadaka-Reuts educational programs, instilling youth with confidence in their ability to be change-makers. Facilitators encourage youth to act locally to improve their community, yet to understand and connect these problems to the larger political picture, thereby combining the social and political in a strong and meaningful way. The participants in our programs initiate over 30 campaigns and activities every year, which reach thousands of people in the communities, in civil society organizations and through social networks on the internet.

Stop the Siege on Gaza "The Siege is not a Film" 2009 "Where is the Arabic?" - 2012 The group identified that bus stop signs are lacking Arabic, as do the buses PA systems announcing the stops. The campaign aimed at pressuring the Alternative historical tour in Haifa 2012 The Alternative tour focused on exposing the untold Palestinian history of Haifa. Three short films detailing different aspects of human rights violations resulting from the on-going Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip were produced. Each film was translated into Arabic, Hebrew and English and launched through social media venues. Erasing racism from our public space 2009 Following a process of mapping racist graffiti in the streets of Tel Aviv, the group decided to embark upon a campaign to remove the graffiti from the walls of the city. The campaign involved three aspects of action: pressuring the municipality to

public bus companies in Tel Aviv to amend the situation. It was acted via petitioning as well as direct action which included the putting up of newly translated bus signs in Arabic. Additionally, the group performed an 'invisible theater' act, in which one of the youth played a Palestinian woman, speaking only Arabic, trying to find her way to the hospital. Her fellow invisible actors tried to help by asking the bus driver to activate the PA system in Arabic, which was of course impossible. This performance spurred a lively debate among the other, real, bus passengers. Redistribution of Resources to the Arab Education System- 2012 The campaign focused on the unequal distribution of resources to the Arab education system through launching a short film and organizing a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Education in Tel Aviv on the last day of the school year.

http://youtu.be/UXLz9Ubgt6A http://youtu.be/63dDXbeAp4w http://youtu.be/J5KienYqh-Q

be more involved in eradicating the graffiti from the streets, painting over the racist slogans on the world tolerance day and producing a short movie that accompanied the campaign. http://youtu.be/I3eVf_KF7WU

Public event battling violence in the Palestinian communities Qalansuwa 2012 The violence in the Palestinian community results in the killing of many young men. The youth initiated a community event, aimed to create a public debate among young people and put pressure on the authorities to act against the violence. The event included speeches by the youth and a theater group performance. Stickers were produced and distributed, saying: Violence different beginnings same ending I am strong I control my anger I am against violence Racism-Free Business 2012 As part of the 'Journey Against Racism' three-day campaign, youth approached numerous businesses in Jaffa and neighbouring Bat Yam to check whether they would be eligible for the Racism-Free Business certificate. In order to obtain the certificate the owners were asked whether their business respects and accepts all its customers regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender or race; if their business is willing to employ people regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender or race; and if the business and its owners believe in equality and acceptance of the other. After answering these questions to the youths satisfaction, the business was given a certificate and a sticker of "No Entry for Racism" to be put on their door.

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