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Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal: An International Journal

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A-priori-estimates for the derivatives of generalized qholomorphic vectors

Andreas Crodel
a a

Martin-Luther-Universitt Halle, Sektion Mathematik, Universittsplatz 6, Halle/S., DDR, 4020 Published online: 29 May 2007.

To cite this article: Andreas Crodel (1994): A-priori-estimates for the derivatives of generalized q-holomorphic vectors, Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal: An International Journal, 25:1, 1-10 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17476939408814725

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Complex Variables, 1994, Vol. 25, pp. 1-10 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only @ 1994 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A. Printed in the Unlted Stares of America

A-Priori-Estimates for the Derivatives of Generalized q-Holomorphic Vectors

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Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle, Sektion Mathematik, Universitatsplatz 6, HallelS., DDR-4020
It is well known, that the derivative of a holomorphic function can be estimates by the sup-norm of the function itself:

! r . the preser.t paper we investigate the va!idi!y nf ~irnilar estimates for generalized analytic vectors (ln I ] ) , i.e. solutions of the elliptical system the sense of B. W. Bojarski [

aw az*

a~ q-ewaz

fw* = O

For q-holomorphic vectors (i.e. in the case e = f z 0) we will prove estimates in the C-, C a - and L p norms by means of a Cauchy-integral representation. The general case can be reduced to the consideration of q-holomorphlc vectors by applying a modified T-operator.
A M No. 30C.35 Communicated: W. Tutschke (Received December 10, 1987)



At first it is useful to study the inhomogeneous Beltrami-equation

-dw - q - = dw dz* dz

in a bounded domain D.We assume q to be a function with compact support in C satisfying / q / qo < 1 and belonging both to Wj(C) for some p > 2 and to Ca(C) for some a E (0,l). From the theory of the (homogeneous) Beltrami-equation it is well known (cf. [8]) that there exists a "generating" homeomorphic solution cp to the (homogeneous) Beltrami-equation with p(z) - z E C1@(C)n W;(C). A change of the independent variab!~ir, (I.?) t~ t = p(z) yie!ds 2 1 2 inh~~ogeneou Cauchys Riemann-equation



which can be solved by applying the T-Operator

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where @ is a holomorphic function (cf. [8], too). From this we obtain the general solution to the original problem as


and a function satisfying the homogeneous Beitrami-equation. From this it foliows. ; , defined by that the operator ?

Gf [zl = ~,,,,f[io(z)l
maps each function f on a particular solution of (1.1). Moreover, we define

= a,(D)J'[~(z)~
= ~f

(where a denotes the classical T-operator). Using the relation (d/dt)Tf derivatives of TDf may be represented as dV d dFDf[Z] : = -TD f [z] = -TDf dz dz [z] +



1- 1 9 1

From this, as a consequence of the well known properties both of the classical Tand w-operators and of the generating solution we have that the following mappings are bounded:

FD : LLp(D) -+


for p _> 1, even

(and hence FD : Cff@) -+ CO(D))), 1


* ,

df", d ' ? ~ : L,(D)


L, (D)

for p > 1, if


%D,d F ~ , d ' f ~ : Ca(D) + Ca(D),

D belongs to the class C2


Moreover, if f belongs to w j S o cn (L ~p)( D )for some p > 2, then it follows from a similar property of the T-operator that fD f possesses second order Sobolevderivatives: T D f E w~,~,(D). 2. q-HOLOMORPHIC VECTORS Fd!owing the notation of R. W. Boiarski 111 a vector-valued function w(z) = (wl,. .., w , ) ~is said to be q-holomorphic, ;f it fulfils the system
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where q is a matrix of the quasidiagonal type

satisfying an ellipticity condition (somewhat weaker than in [I]) /qf)j 5 go < I V j . We should remark, that the quasidiagonal matrices of a given structure form a commutative subalgebra of the algebra of n x n-matrices. For considering q-holomorphic vectors it is always useful and (without loss of generality) possible to assume that q consists only of one single diagonal block q(j), and henceforth we will do so. Corresponding to the theory of the Beltrami-equation we can construct a "generating solution" cp to the system (2.1), if q has a compact support in 43 and belongs both to W,'(C) for some p > 2 and to Ca(C) for some c r E (0, I) See also [4]. This generating solution can be constructed as follows: Assuming p to be a matrix of the same structure as q we can rewrite (2.1) as

which are inhomogeneous Beltrami-equations for the cpk (k 2 2) and a homogeneous one for 91.We choose the generating solution of this homogeneous equation for cpl and define recursively (cf. [3, 41)

where D is an arbitrary, bounded C2-domain with suppq CC D. The following consideration yields the correctness of this definition: Suppose that cpj is in c~,"(D)n w & , ~ ( D ) (which is true for cpl) for 1 _< j < k. Then both the q j and the d p j/ d z (and


hence their products) are in ca(D) fl w&~(D). The properties of the operators TD, a;jb and a*% guarantee that yk belongs to C1sU(D)flw&(D), too. By induction it is clear, that every v k possesses this property. Since q has compact support the mark fEnc?iGnp is independent =f D, and sc it is coEecr!y defined. ?,{Greover, "Y some considerations at infinity it can be shown that v(z) - z . I E C1sO(C)n W ~ ( C ) . Due to B. W. Bojarski a Cauchy integral representation can be proved for continuous q-holomorphic vectors (see (2.2) with k = 0). -Now we define a differentiai operator 'Dby the relatlon
" - 7

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In a paper by B. Goldschmidt [5] it is shown that this operator maps the space of qholomorphic functions into itself and may be interpreted there as an (in some sense) ordinary derivative. Moreover, for continuous q-holomorphic vectors a Cauchy inw is valid: tegral representation of the derivatives V k

with dqC = I . dC + q . d(* (cf. [5],too). Using the estimates

we can prove the following theorems:

THEOREM 2.1 Let D be n bounded domain and w E Lp(Z?) q-holomorphic. I f K is a compact subset of D, then

with C independent of K , D and w . Proof Since w is locally continuous in D (cf. [5]), we have from the Cauchy integral representation for z E K and = z + 6ei" with some d < d ( K ,dD)



and from the Holder inequality

Integrating this over K and interchanging the order of integrations we have

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This inequality is valid for all 6 < d(K,BD), and, by considering the limit 6 d(K,3D), it holds for 6 = d(K,aD), too. Remark In the holomorphic case (n = 1, q duces tn 1 (but C = 1 is not sharp in this case).


0, D

d j d z ) the constant C re-

THEOREM 2.2 Let K be a compact subset ~f tthe hounded domain D, and let w be a q-holomorphic vector in D. I f w is contimorrr (Holder-continuous) in D, then

where C does not depend on K , D and w . Proof Estim~tingboth the Cauchy integrals


for z t K and b

d ( K , B L ) ) we obtain the inequalit~es

with C1 depending only on q and y. For (cf. [2], and for the holomorphic case [7]), the estimation of the Hoider constant iet i l and 2 2 bc two points u l K (zl# zzj with lzi - z2l < d / 2 at first. From the Cauchy integral representation it follows that

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From /Dw(zl)-Dw(zz)l 5 IDw(zl)l follows for lzl - z2( 012. Thus


+ lDw(zz)l

and (2.4) an appropriate estimate

and with the first inequality of (2.4) the proof is complete. 3.



For our purposes it is useful to modify the T-operator constructed by B. W. Bojarski [I] so that the derivatives of Tf can be estimated in a relatively simple way. For this reason we construct a particular solution to the equation


in a bounded domain D by applying the TI-operator recursively to the components (3.1',1


and we define

TDj= w = (

~,... i ,

w ~7' , )

- - ,,,




w ~ ' f p = f ,f.


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the correctness of this definition for f E L,(D) ( p > 1 ) follows directly from the properties of the operators FD, 8% and d"TD. Moreover, we can estimate the component functions wk, d w k / a z and awk/dz* recursively by (1.2). This yields the following

and a"h deBned by (3.2) are iinear and THEOREM 3.1 The operators TD, hounded mappings of L,(D) into itself. The .same property holds in Ca(D),i f D beiongs LO the c i ~ c2 ~ s('r~'!tich implies !hn! l l is riii~plvcmnected). Heme f D maps L , ( n ) into wif.9) jand into ~"''jii; jbr p i 2, d = mir?((p - 2 ) , / p , ~ )res,~ectivelv ) C"(E) info c ~ , ~ ~ Moreover, ( D ) . the junction w = fof is a sof~~rion to (3.1). At thls ~UMLITL: ~ o m differences e between the operum point we ~ h o d d and B. W. Bojurski ; i pD-operator defined by

(i) The difSerence PD,f - ~ ~ is )q-lzolomorphic f in D a d its first component vanishes irl~ntical&. (ii) In general the difference fn f - TDf is not zero in D : Even Jor simpie examples f2)' = ( 1 ,O)', like f = (f~,

and hence p ( z ) = the second component

does not vanish, if p is suitably chosen outside D. (iii) In opposite to iT',f the furtction f D f is not q-holomorphic outside D.


For the following considerations q may have the full quasidiagonal form again. It is clear, that in this case operators TD, 8% and d * f D for the whole system can be compounded of the appropriate operators for the diagonal blocks q(j).
1 Tcinn tho VU1L16 LIIC-



v v b

T P O -


nrrr.,-+ h a f,ll,..,:,n
~ J L W Y C



-,.&:--& ,... L C . . 2-pl I U I I - L ,~LIIII~LL > UI

. .....-.-.

~ L I I L I ~ I -

ized analytic vectors:

THEOREM 3.2 Let b be a b ~ u d e d domain, D C D und w E L,(D) ( p > I j geiierulix~! y-hn!n.mnyhic, i.e. a sn!l!?ic?.l !n !?FR ~ ? h ~ ~ ~ ? G i - ? p ~ t i o . n
dw dw e w = --q--ew-fW* dz* 8.2 in D. If K is a compact subset of D , then

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in D. Since w is a solution to (3.3), $ = w - W is q-holomorphic in D. Moreover, we can estimate

II$IIL, ( D)
From w = W

IIw!IL, ( D)


-< [ I + ! l f ~ 1 l L ~ ~ 6 ~ ( l l e + l l illf ~~ l f li ) ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l l l ~ l l

$ J

we obtain

which yields with 8$/dz

= pzD$

and Theorem 2.1

and, since d(K, dD) 5 d i a m ( )/2, ~

1I I1 _ aw


An appropriate theorem is valid for Co-solutions of (3.3) under some restrictions to D and the coefficients, and it can be proved in the same way as Theorem 3.2. In order to obtain bounds for W = pi,(ew + f w * ) and for dW/dz we have to claim


e,f E P ( D ) and D E C2. Furthermore, we have to continue w outside D in the first step of the proof. This can be done by applying the construction described in [6] to each component of the real and imaginary parts of w:

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and for the norm of the continuation we obtain / / w l 5 dent of D). Then we have

a0 5 f i l \ w l ~ ~ (indepen,(~~

THEOREM 3.3 Let D be a bounded domain belonging to C2, D c b and w E c"(D) a solution to (3.3). If K is a compact subset oj D and e,f t ~ " ( j, b ihen

with C and C, independent of w , K and D .

In particular cases we can prove even estimates in the C-norm by factorisation. More exactly, we formulate

THEOREM 3.4 Let D be a bounded c2-domain, D

c D and

w E C(D) a solution to

where 2 i s a quasidiagc~ul matrix (of the same structure like q) belonging to C P ( I ) ) for some j3 E (0,l). If K is a compact subset of P , then

with C and C, independent of K, D and w. Proof At first we set H = exp(fhe), where the exp-function is defined as usual by its power series (and hence it possesses all the well-known properties if its argument is quasidiagonal). Now we set 4 = H - l w = exp(-f'e)w, and from (3.5) and eH = O it fol!ows th2t $ is q-holomorphic with

we have For the derivative dw*//d7





c~ ( 5 Hence: ) . by Theorem 2.2.

Thc estimate for dw/dz' can be shown in a quite similar way.

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[I] R. W Rojarski: Theory of generalized analytic vectors, Ann. Polon. Math. 17 (1966). 28-320 fin Russian). [2] A. Crodel, Nichtlineare Evolutionsgleichungen fur q-hoiomorphe Ve'ktoren, Z. Anai. Anwendungen 6 (iYu?j, 49-59. 1 3 1 R. P. Gilbert, Constructive methods for elliptic equations, Lecture notes in mathematics, 365, Springer!'???, ch. ! ! ! . Vcrlag, Bcrlin-Heidelberg-PI~G Y~rk: apprfiar'., .A.rlR, F, Cilbc;t 2nd 3. L. B-ch-nen, ".is: c;;ce: e!ii7::c sj?;;rm;: cz-cc"" the~rptir demic Press, NCW Yore, 1 Y t t j . [5j F.. Ga!dschrr?idt. T;'.nkt:~nenthr,or~tischcEigenschafren vera!!ocmeinc?rter ana!v!iqcher Vek!nrcn, Annth Alnrhr ,.,. PQ (19791, 57-90, [h] E. J. McShane, Extension of range of functions, Bulletin AMS 40 (1934). 8374342. [7] W. Tutke (W. Tutschke), A problem with initial values for generalized analytic functions depending on time (generalizations of the Cauchy-Kovalevski and Holmgren theorems), Soviet Math. Dokl. 25, 1 (1982), 201-205. (81 I. N. Vekua, Verallgemeinerte analytische Funktionen, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1963.


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