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Animals Sandra Delong Preschool

Common Core Standards: Cognition and General Knowledge Sub-Domain: Science Strand: Science Inquiry and Application Topic: Inquiry Engage in simple investigations. Cognition and General Knowledge Geography Spatial Thinking and Skills Demonstrate a beginning understanding of maps as actual representations of places. Cognition and General Knowledge Go Understand that everyone has rights and responsibilities within a group. vernment Topic: Civic Participation and Skills Understand that everyone has rights and responsibilities within a group.

Cognition and General Knowledge Sub-Domain: Science Topic: Inquiry Make inferences, generalizations and explanations based on evidence. Lesson Summary: Children are wanting to know more about animals and have some questions about them. We will work as a class to figure out what we can find out by using technology, camera, drawing and books. Estimated Duration: 2- 20 minutes 2- 60 minutes Commentary: the challenge I see is children having trouble using the technology in the classroom. Having a parent or a teacher around the computer or books to help out. Another challenge could be that a teacher can be with this idea the whole time since we will need to write things down for the prezi. The way I will get the children hook into the lesson is by making sure it a subject they are really into. Having them think of the questions they would like to know. Instead of me saying lets learn about animals.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1: 20 minutes During group time we will ask the children to give us some questions they would like to know about animals. We will also find out what they already know about animals. The way we will keep track of what the children are saying to use is by using the smart board in the classroom. We will have a section that says Want to know and Know all ready about animals. We will give all the children time to ask us questions or give us information. After we figure out what the children want to know. The teachers will get together to split up who going to fine the books, websites and pictures for the rest of the time for this activity Day 2: 60 minutes During the free choice children will be able to look through websites on the computers to fine some answer to the children questions. During the same time the children will be able to look through books the teachers have found from the library. We will have websites up for the children to see videos of animals moving and fact sheets of animals. For example a child might ask why some animals live on land and some lives in water. We could have videos for children to see the different life styles. I will be getting these videos from www.youtube/teachers Day 3: 60 minutes We will let the children have another day of looking through the websites and books just in case some children were not here the first day. This time we will add paper, pencil for children to write things down and draw thing they have learn. We will take all this information from the last two days and do a prezi for the children to see what they found out and learned about. Day 4: 20 minutes We will show the children the prezi they help made with their drawing, information they found and videos we watch in class. We will show prezi during group time for the children to see all the hard work they did. The last thing we will ask them what they have learned about and what they still would like to learn about.

Pre-Assessment: If a child can say three things they know about any type of animals if that means names, the color animals look like, or even where they live. Scoring Guidelines: The way I score this if the child can at least give me three things they know about animals. If they can give me three things they know about animals it will show they understand a little bit about animals and will get the full credit. Post-Assessment: If a child can at lease tell me two things they have learned by looking through the books, videos, websites or even just from friends.

Scoring Guidelines:

The way I will score above if they can meet some of the standards above. If a child cant meet these standards right now then it something we can work on together during are next project together. They might be too young to understand the idea of this project or might not been into the topic right now.

Differentiated Instructional Support The children who are really good with technology can help out the other children who are having trouble in the classroom. Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:

Extension http://animalguide.columbuszoo.org/guide/ This link the children will be able to click on animals picture and learn about an animal they might not know about.

Homework Options and Home Connections The way I will bring in families if they can help with the prezi, get books, fine websites or even pictures for the children to see. See if a few family members can come in to help with this project we are doing in the class. We can have one parent help with writing things down or even help the children on the computers.

Interdisciplinary Connections We can bring in pictures of animals to match them up with their babies animals. I will be bring in math because the children will be counting the matches and also science. The reason I will be bring in science since they will have to know what the two different animals look like to be able to match them.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

I will use the prezi to put all the information the children has found into a prezi with some drawing, pictures they have taken or written about. The smart board will be used for writing down things children wants to know about animals and already knows about animals.

For students

Books, computers, websites, videos

Key Vocabulary Prezi, smart board, technology, questions,

Additional Notes I hoping I did this right for preschool age. I was thinking about how we do a project approach in are ECDE class to figure out this lesson. After watching the video you post last night it just made me think of what we do in a project approach. A project approach is like asking the children what they would like to know and what they already know. I hoping you enjoy looking at my lesson plan. If you never post the video I would never have figure out this lesson plan out.

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