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1 Lecture: Physiology of Digestion I. Overview of Digestive System A. Structures of Digestive System 1. alimentary canal (gastrointestinal [GI] tract) a. !. c. '.

digestion !rea" down molecules a!sor#tion move into circulatory system mout$% #$aryn&% eso#$agus% stomac$% small intestine% large intestine% anus

accessory digestive organs a. !. function assist in !rea"down and a!sor#tion of foodstuffs teet$% tongue% gall!ladder% salivary glands% liver% #ancreas


)rimary *unctions of Digestive System 1. '. +. -. .. /. ingestion getting food into t$e GI tract (eating) #ro#ulsion moving food along t$e tract a. swallowing and #eristalsis (wave li"e motion) mec$anical digestion t$e #$ysical grinding and c$urning of foodstuffs to !rea"down and e&#ose to en,ymes and t$e surface of t$e GI tract c$emical digestion !rea"down of larger molecules into a!sor!a!le #arts !y en,ymatic action a!sor#tion trans#ort of digested molecules% vitamins% minerals% water% into !lood defecation elimination of unused foodstuff (feces)


0ontrol of 0onditions in t$e GI 1ract 1. mec$anorece#tors and c$emorece#tors res#ond to2 a. !. c. '. stretc$ing of t$e lumen !y foodstuffs solute concentration and #3 wit$in t$e lumen #resence of digesti!le and digested molecules

actions initiated !y t$ese rece#tors2 a. !. c. d. activate4in$i!it secretions into t$e lumen activate4in$i!it muscular 5mi&ing5 activity activate4in$i!it secretion of $ormones activate4in$i!it local 5nerve #le&uses5


ty#es of digestive refle& #rocesses2

' a. !. II. s$ort refle& controlled !y 5nerve #le&us5 wit$in t$e GI tract (enteric #le&us) long refle& t$ose involving t$e 06S and e&trinsic autonomic nerves

Digestive )rocesses Occurring in t$e 7out$% )$aryn&% 8so#$agus A. 0om#osition of Saliva 9 0ontrol of Salivation 1. ma:or com#onents of saliva2 a. !. c. d. e. f. '. water (;< ;;..=) electrolytes2 6a>% ?>% 0l % )Omucin #rotein t$at forms t$ic"% slimy mucus IgA anti!odies immune defense lyso,yme anti!acterial en,yme salivary amylase starts !rea"down of car!o@s

control of salivation2

ingestion of foodstuffs activate c$emorece#tors and #ressorece#tors salivatory nuclei (#ons 9 medulla) )AAASB7)A1381I0 nerve activation *acial (CII) and Glasso#$aryngeal (ID) nerves secretion !y salivary glands SB7)A1381I0 nerve activation decreased salivation (. 1. '. 7ec$anical )rocesses mastication (c$ewing) c$ee"s% tongue% and teet$ involved in !ot$ voluntary and involuntary grinding% ri##ing% and tearing of foodstuffs deglutition (swallowing) moving 5!olus5 on its way a. !. tongue com#acts ground food into a 5!olus5 !uccal #$ase (voluntary) tongue against $ard #alate tongue contraction !olus forced into oro#$aryn& c. #$aryngeal eso#$ageal #$ase (involuntary) tongue !loc"s off mout$

+ soft #alate !loc"s off naso#$ary& e#iglottis !loc"s off trac$ea #eristaltic waves moves food to stomac$


Aegulation of Gastric Secretion% 7otility% and 8m#tying A. Aegulation of Gastric Secretion (5Gastric Euice5) 1. ce#$alic (refle&) #$ase sig$t% aroma% taste% t$oug$t $y#ot$alamus gustatory centers vagal nuclei of medulla vagus nerve (#arasym#at$etic) increased gastric secretion '. gastric #$ase a. food reac$es t$e stomac$ hormonal mechanism digested #roteins F increase in #3 F gastrin released F en,ymes 9 30l released

neural mechanism distention 9 low acidity F vagal afferents to medulla F vagal efferents to stomac$ F #arasym#at$etic A0$ release F increased gastric secretion


control of 30l secreting #arietal cells i. ii. gastrin% $istamine% 9 A0$ increase t$e release of 30l from #arietal cells 3> comes from car!onic acid release


intestinal #$ase inhibitory phase in$i!ition of vagal nuclei in$i!ition of local refle&es activation of sym#at$etics release of in$i!itory $ormones2 (secretin% c$olecysto"inin 00?% gastric in$i!itory #e#tide GI))

excitatory phase c$yme enters t$e duodenum F release of intestinal gastrin F continued gastric secretion

(. Gastric 7otility and 8m#tying 1. '. +. -. .. IC. rece#tive rela&ation trilayer of muscles in wall of t$e stomac$ rela& to allow filling to occur #lasticity smoot$ muscle tension s#ecially regulated to #revent regurgitation of food !asic electrical r$yt$m #acema"er cells of longitudinal muscle allow r$yt$mic contractions em#tying to duodenum regulated !y amount and ty#e of c$yme entering into t$e duodenumG faster wit$ $ig$ car!o% slower wit$ $ig$er fats vomiting (emesis) irritants activate neurons w$ic$ stimulate t$e 5emetic center5 of medulla

0ontent of (ile and (ile Aelease into Small Intestine A. 0ontent of (ile (made in Hiver% released !y Gall (ladder) 1. '. !ile salts% !ile #igments% c$olesterol% neutral fats% #$os#$oli#ids% electrolytes !ile salts derivatives of c$olesterol (c$olic acid% c$enodeo&yc$olic acid) a. !. emulsify fats se#arate fats into tiny dro#lets for digestion 9 a!sor#tion entero$e#atic circulation conservation of !ile salts !y re #rocessing i. ii. iii. +. rea!sor!ed in distal small intestine to liver via $e#atic #ortal !lood resecreted as !ile from gall !ladder

!ile #igment (!iliru!in) waste #roduct of $eme from !ro"en down eryt$rocytes a. uro!ilinogen !rea"down #roduct of !iliru!in% causes dar"er coloration of feces


Aegulation of (ile Aelease to Small Intestine 1. '. +. $e#atocytes cells of t$e liver t$at #roduce I.. 1.I liters of !ile eac$ day #arasym#at$etic stimulates gall !ladder release c$olecysto"inin (00?) $ormone released !y cells of t$e mucosa of t$e duodenum

acidic% fatty c$yme enters duodenum duodenal mucosa secretes 00? a. !. c. -. C. gall !ladder contracts to release !ile #ancreas secretes #ancreatic :uices $e#ato#ancreatic s#$incter o#ens

gallstones crystalli,ed formation of c$olesterol and salts% causing o!struction of !ile release

0om#osition of )ancreatic Euice and Aegulation of Secretion

. A. 0om#osition of )ancreatic Euice 1. '. +. 1.' 1.. liters #er day water and electrolytes (mainly !icar!onate ions) en,ymes #recursors and active digestive forms a. try#sinogen F try#sin enterokinase !. #rocar!o&y#e#tidase c$ymotry#sinogen F trypsin F trypsin car!o&y#e#tidase c$ymotry#sin

c. (.

amylase (car!o$ydrates)% li#ases (fats)% nucleases (nucleic acids)

Aegulation of )ancreatic Secretion 1. '. +. #arasym#at$etic causes release during ce#$alic and gastric #$ases of gastric secretion secretin $ormone t$at causes release of 5!icar!onate ric$5 #ancreatic :uices in res#onse to t$e #resence of 30l c$olecysto"inin $ormone t$at causes release of 5en,yme ric$5 #ancreatic :uice in res#onse to t$e #resence of #roteins and fats


Digestive )rocesses of t$e Small Intestine A. O#timal 0onditions for Digestion 9 A!sor#tion 1. '. (. #ancreatic :uice 9 !ile en,ymes% emulsifying fats% and #3 are essential for #ro#er intestinal #rocesses small intestine is )AI7AAB site for a!sor#tion of nutrients into t$e cardiovascular system

7ovement in t$e Small Intestine 1. '. segmentation longitudinal flow of c$yme t$roug$ t$e tu!e (duodenum F ileum) migrating mo!ility com#le& activity t$at moves t$e c$yme from t$e ileum to t$e cecum t$roug$ t$e ileocecal valve


Digestive )rocesses of t$e Harge Intestine A. (acterial *lora

/ 1. '. +. (. digest remaining car!o$ydrates res#onsi!le for #roducing gas (flatus) synt$esi,e 9 com#le& ( vitamins and vitamin ?

Digestion and A!sor#tion 1. '. reclaim most of t$e water reclaim some of t$e electrolytes (6a> and 0l )


7otility of t$e Harge Intestine 1. '. $austral contractions slow acting segmental motionG moves c$yme from one segment to ne&t mass movements #eristaltic waves t$at move food to t$e rectum during4after eating a. diverticula $erniation of t$e mucosa t$roug$ t$e wall of t$e colon (sigmoid colon)


Defecation 1. defecation refle& w$en feces (stool) enters rectum% s#inal cord refle& is triggered a. !. '. +. -. internal s#$incter (involuntary) e&ternal s#$incter (voluntary)

Calsalva@s maneuver contraction of dia#$ragm and a!dominal muscles to increase #ressure for defecation diarr$ea too muc$ water in t$e stool consti#ation insufficient water or fi!er


0$emical Digestion A. 8n,ymatic 3ydrolysis (5water5 5!rea"ing5) 1. (. $ydrolysis a water molecule is added !etween two 5monomers5 of a com#le& organic molecule in order !rea" it down into its com#onent #arts

0ar!o$ydrate Digestion 1. '. +. -. monosacc$arides 5monomers5 suc$ as glucose% fructose% and galactose disacc$arides sucrose (ta!le sugar)% lactose (mil" sugar)% and maltose (grain sugar) #olysacc$arides starc$ (grains)% glycogen (muscle) car!o$ydrate $ydroly,ing en,ymes a. salivary amylase #roduces 5oligosacc$arides5 !. #ancreatic amylase in small intestine c. intestinal en,ymes de&tranase 9 glucoamylase (F + sugars)% maltase% sucrase% and lactase lactose intolerance decreased a!ility to digest lactose in t$e diet (use 5lactase5 su##lements)


< 0. )rotein Digestion 1. '. +. a. amino acids t$e 5monomer5 com#onents of #rotein stomac$ #e#sinogen F #e#sin (low #3) small intestine en,ymes t$at cleave t$roug$out t$e #rotein try#sinogen c$ymotry#sinogen !. c. D. F F try#sin c$ymotry#sin

car!o&y#e#tidase (car!o&yl end of #rotein) amino#e#tidase% di#e#tidase (amino end)

Hi#id (*at) Digestion 1. '. +. li#id structure glycerol > + triglycerides li#ases en,ymes t$at !rea" down li#ids !ile salts 5emulsify5 fats in 1 micron 5micelles5


6ucleic Acid Digestion 1. #ancreatic nucleases !rea" down D6A and A6A


A!sor#tion of 6utrients A. General *eatures 1. '. (. transe#it$elial trans#ort nutrients must #ass across t$e e#it$elial lining of t$e small intestine active trans#ort most nutrients must !e trans#orted across mem!rane using A1) of t$e cells

0ar!o$ydrate A!sor#tion 1. facilitated diffusion glucose and galactose (cou#led wit$ active trans#ort of 6a>) a. 5carrier molecule5 $as !inding sites for !ot$ sugar and 6a>G relies on 6a> gradient


)rotein (Amino Acid) A!sor#tion 1. facilitated diffusion amino acids and small #e#tides (cou#led wit$ 6a> active trans#ort) a. '. 5carrier molecule5 $as !inding sites for !ot$ amino acid and 6a>G relies on 6a> gradient

food allergies a!sor#tion of #roteins in infant gut causes early immune reaction

J D. Hi#id A!sor#tion 1. micelles tiny !alls of fats t$at result from !ile salt emulsification and 5lecit$in5 a. !. c. 8. contain c$olesterol and fat solu!le vitamins diffuse t$roug$ li#id !ilayer of mem!rane c$ylomicrons micelles com!ined wit$ associated #roteins wit$in t$e cellG enter t$e lacteals of t$e lym#$atic system

6ucleic Acid A!sor#tion 1. #entoses% nitrogen !ases% #$os#$ates a!sor!ed !y similar #rocesses as sugars and amino acids


Citamin A!sor#tion 1. fat solu!le Citamins A% D% 8% ? are a!sor!ed !y e#it$elial cells along wit$ li#id micelles a. OH8S1AA will carry fat solu!le vitamins out in feces wit$ it water solu!le Citamins ( 9 0 a!sor!ed !y diffusion Citamin (1' large and electrically c$arged% must !ind wit$ 5intrinsic factor5 !efore !eing ta"en into t$e cell !y endocytosis

'. +. G.

8lectrolyte A!sor#tion 1. *e and 0a #rimarily a!sor!ed in small intestine a. !. c. '. +. -. ferritin seKuesters *e in intestinal cells transferrin transfers *e into circulation w$en need is #resent (menstruation) Citamin D facilitates 0a a!sor#tion

6a e&c$anged for sugars and amino acids 0l a!sor!ed into cells and e&c$anged for 30O+ ? a!sor!ed into cells due to osmotic gradients


Later A!sor#tion 1. '. small intestine ;.= of water a!sor!ed !y small intestine following trans#ort of solutes large intestine a!sor!s remaining water !efore moving t$e c$yme on to t$e rectum


7ala!sor#tion of 6utrients 1. '. im#airment of !ile or #ancreatic :uice release infections of t$e intestinal mucosa

; +. gluten entero#at$y 5gluten5 #rotein in grains damages t$e mucosa of t$e intestines

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