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Art. 1.

_______is a_______ _______ of _______ _______between a _______and a _______ _______ into in _______
with_______ for the _______of _______and _________ _____. It is the _______of the _______and an________ ______
_______whose _______, _______, and _______ are _______ by _______ and ___ _______ to _______, except that
_______ _______ may _______ the _______ _______ during the _______ within the _______ _______ by this _______.
Art. 2. _____ _______ shall be _______, unless these _______ _______ are _______:
(1) _______ _______ of the _______ _______ who must be a _______ and a _______; and
(2) _______ _______ given in the _______ of the _______ _______.
Art. 3. The _______ _______ of _______ are:
(1) _______ of the _______ _______;
(2) A _______ _______ _______ except in the _______ _______ for in _______of this _______; and
(3) A _______ _______ which _______ _______ with the _______ of the _______ _______ before the _______
_______ and their _______ _______ that they _______ _______ other as _______ and _______ in the _______
of _______ _______ than _______ _______ of _______ _______.
Art. 4. The _______ of any of the _______ or _______ _______ shall _______ the _______ _________, except as
_______ in _______ (2).
A _______ in _______ of the _______ _______ shall _______ _______ the _______ of the _______ but the _______ or
_______ _______ for the _______ shall be _______, _______ and _______ _______.
Art. 5. Any _______ or _______ of the _______ of _______ years or _______ _______ _______ any of the _______
_______ in Articles _______ and _______, may _______ _______.
Art. 6. _______ _______ _______ or _______ _______ for the _______ of the _______ is _______. It shall be _______,
however, for the _______ _______ to _______ _______ before the _______ _______ and _______ in the _______ of
_______ less than _______ _______ of _______ _______ that they _______ _______ other as _______ and _______.
This _______ shall be _______ in the _______ _______ which shall be _______ by the _______ _______ and their
_______ and _______ by the _______ _______.
In _______ of a _______ in _______ _______, when the _______ at the _______ of _______ is _______ to _______ the
_______ _______, it shall be _______ for _______ of the _______ to the _______ to _______ the _______ of said
_______, which _______shall be _______ by the _______ _______. (55a)
Art. 7. _______ may be _______ by:
(1) Any _______ _______ of the _______ within the _______ _______;
(2) Any _______, _______, _______, or _______ of any _______ or _______ _______ duly _______ by his
_______ or _______ _______ and _______ with the _______ _______ _______, _______ within the _______ of
the _______ _______ _______ by his _______ or _______ _______ and _______ that at least _______ of the
_______ _______ _______ to the _______ _______ _______ or _______ _______;
(3) Any _______ _______ or _______ _______ only in the case _______ in _______;
(4) Any _______ _______ of a _______ to which a _______ is _______, in the _______ of the _______, during a
_______ _______, _______ only in the cases _______ in _______;
(5) Any _______, _______ or _______ in the case _______ in _______.
Art. 8. The _______ shall be _______ _______ in the _______ of the _______ or in _______ _______, in the _______,
_______ or _______, or in the _______ the _______, _______ or _______, as the case may be, and _______ _______,
except in cases of _______ _______ on the _______ of _______ or in _______ _______ in _______ with _______of this
_______, or where _______h of the _______ _______ the _______ _______ in _______ in which case the _______ may
be _______ at a _______ or _______ _______ by them in a _______ _______ to that _______.
Art. 9. A _______ _______ shall be _______ by the _______ _______ _______ of the _______ or _______ where
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______, except in _______ where _______ _______ is _______ in _______ with
_______of this _______.

Art. 10. _______ between _______ _______ _______ may be _______ by a _______, _______ or _______of the
_______ of the _______. The _______ of the _______ _______ and the _______ of the _______ _______ _______ and
of the _______ _______ with _______ to the _______ of _______ shall be _______ by said _______ _______.
Art. 11. Where a _______ _______ is _______, each of the _______ _______ shall _______ _______ a _______ _______
for such _______ with the _______ _______ _______ _______ which shall _______ the following:
(1) _______ _______ of the _______ _______;
(2) _______ of _______;
(3) _______ and_______of _______;
(4) _______ _______;
(5) If _______ _______, _______, _______ and _______ the _______ _______ was _______or_______;
(6) Present _______ and _______;
(7) _______ of _______ of the _______ _______;
(8) _______ _______, _______ and _______ of the _______;
(9) _______ _______, _______ and _______ of the _______; and
(10) _______ _______, _______ and _______ of the _______ or _______ having _______, in case the _______
_______ has _______ _______ nor _______ and is _______ the _______ of _______ _______.
The _______, their _______ or _______ shall _______ be _______ to _______ their _______ _______ in any _______ in
_______ with the _______ of the _______ _______. (59a)

Art. 12. The _______ _______ _______, upon _______ such _______, shall _______ the _______ of the _______
_______ _______ or, in _______ thereof, the _______ _______ of the _______ _______ or _______ of such _______
duly _______ by the _______ having _______ of the _______. These _______ or _______ _______ of the _______ by
this _______ need _______ be _______ to and shall be _______ from the _________ _____ ____. The _______ and
_______ _______ of the _______ _______ the _______ shall be _______ _______ of its _______.
If _______ of the _______ _______ is _______ to _______ his _______ or _______ _______ or a _______ _______ of
either because of the _______ or _______ of the _______ or if it is _______ by an _______ of such _______ or of any
other _______ that such _______ or _______ _______ has _______ yet been _______ though the same has been _______
of the_______having _______ thereof at least _______ days _______ to the _______ of the _______, such _______ may
_______ in _______ thereof his _______ _______ _______ or an _______ _______ up and _______ to before the
_______ _______ _______ _______ or any _______ _______ _______ to _______ _______. Such _______ shall
_______ the _______ _______ of _______ _______ of _______ _______, setting forth the _______ _______, _______
and _______ of such _______ _______ and of his or her _______, if known, and the _______ and _______ of _______ of
such _______. The _______ of _______ of the _______ _______ shall be _______ as _______, or, in their _______,
_______ of _______ _______ in the _______ or the _______.
The _______ of _______ or _______ _______ shall _____ be r_______ if the _______ of the _______ parties _______
_______ before the _______ _______ _______ _______ and _______ to the _______ of the _______ _______ of said
_______, as _______ in the _______, or when the _______ _______ _______ shall, by _______ _______ at the _______
upon their _______ _______ before him, be _______ that _______ or _______ of them have the ________ ______. (60a)
Art. 13. In case _______ of the _______ parties has been _______ _______, the _______ shall be _______ to _______,
instead of the _______ or _______ _______ _______ in the _______ _______ _______, the _______ _______ of the
_______ _______ or the _______ _______ of the _______ _______, or the _______ _______ of _______ or _______ of
_______ of his or her _______ _______.
In case the _______ _______ _______ be _______, the party shall make an _______ setting forth this _______ and his or
her_______ _______ _______ and the _______and _______ of _______ of the _______ _______. (61a)
Art. 14. In case _______ or _______ of the _______ _______, _______ having been e_______ by a _______ _______,
are _______ the _______ of _______ and _______, they shall, in _______ to the _______ of the _______ _______,
_______ to the _______ _______ _______, the _______ to their _______ of their _______, _______, _______ _______

or _______, or _______ having _______ _______ of _______, in the _______ mentioned. Such _______ shall be
_______ in _______ by the _______ party, who _______ _______ before the _______ _______ _______ _______, or in
the _______ of an _______ made in the _______ of _______ _______ and _______ before any _______ _______ by
_______ to _______ _______. The _______ _______shall be_______in both_______ for _______ _______, and the
_______, if one is _______ instead, shall be _______ to said_______. (61a)
Art. 15. Any _______ _______ between the_______of _______ and _______shall be _______ to ask their _______or
_______ for _______ upon the________ ______. If they do_______ _______ such _______, or if it be _______, the
_______ _______ shall _______ be _______ till after_______ _______ following the _______ of the _______ of the
_______ therefor. A _______ _______ by the _______ _______ to the _______ that such _______ has been _______,
together with the _______ _______ given, if any, shall be _______ to the _______ for _______ _______. Should the
_______or _______ _______ to _______ any _______, this_______ shall be _______ in the _______ _______. (62a)
Art. 16. In the _______ where _______ _______ or _______ _______ is _______, the _______ or _______ _______
shall, in _______ to the _______ of the _______ articles, _______ a _______ _______ by a _______, _______ or
_______ _______to _______ _______ under _______of this _______ or a _______ _______ duly _______ by the
_______ _______ _______ to the _______that the _______ _______ have _______ _______ _______. _______ to
_______ said _______ of _______ _______ shall _______ the _______of the _______ _______ for a _______ of
_______ months from the _______ of the _______ of the _______. _______ of the _______ _______within the _______
_______ shall _______ the _______ _______ to _______ _______ but shall _______ _______ the _______ of the
Should only _______ of the _______ _______ need _______ _______ or _______ _______, the other _______ must be
_______ at the _______ _______ to in the _______ _______. (n)
Art. 17. The _______ _______ _______ shall _______ a _______ which shall _______ the _______ _______ and
_______ of the _______ for a _______ _______ and other _______ _______ in the _______. The _______ shall be
_______ for _______ _______ _______ on a _______ _______ _______ the _______ of the _______ _______ _______
_______ in a _______ _______ within the _______ and _______ to the _______ _______. This _______ shall _______
all _______ having _______ of any _______ to the _______ to _______ the _______ _______ _______ thereof. The
_______ _______ shall be _______ after the _______ of the _______of _______. (63a)
Art. 18. In case of any _______ known to the _______ _______ _______ or _______to his _______, he shall _______
_______ the _______ thereof and his _______ thereon in the _______ for _______ _______, but shall _______ _______
said _______ after the _______ of the _______ of _______, unless _______ otherwise by a _______ _______ at his
_______ _______ or that of any _______ party. _______ _______ _______ shall be _______ for the _______nor a
_______ _______ _______ for the _______of the _______. (64a)
Art. 19. The _______ _______ _______ shall _______ the _______ of the _______ _______ by _______ or _______
before the _______ of the _______ _______. _______ other _______ shall be _______ in the _______ of a _______ or
_______ of any _______ for the _______ of said _______. It shall, however, be _______ _______ of _______ to
_______ parties, that is those who have _______ _______ _______ of _______ or whose _______ is _______ for their
_______ a _______ _______ by their _______, or by their _______ before the _______ _______ _______. (65a)
Art. 20. The _______ shall be _______ in any _______ of the _______ for a _______ of _______ days from the _______
of _______, and shall be _______ _______ _______ at the _______ of the said _______ if the c_______ _______ have
_______ _______ _______ of it. The _______ _______ shall be _______ in _______ _______ on the _______ of every
_______ _______. (65a)
Art. 21. When _______ or _______ of the _______ _______ are _______ of a _______ _______, it shall be _______ for
them before a _______ _______ can be _______, to _______ a _______ of _______ _______ to _______ _______,
_______ by their _______ _______ or _______ _______.
_______ _______or _______ from other _______ shall, in _______ of the _______ of _______ _______ herein _______,
_______an _______ _______ the _______ showing such _______ to _______ _______. (66a)
Art. 22. The _______ _______, in which the _______ shall _______ that they _______ each other as _______ and
_______, shall also _______:
(1) The _______ _______, _______ and _______ of each _______ _______;
(2) Their _______, _______ and _______ _______;
(3) The _______ and _______ _______ of the _______ of the _______;

(4) That the _______ _______ _______ has been _______ _______ to _______, except in _______ _______ for
in _______of this Title;
(5) That _______ or _______ of the _______ _______ have _______ the _______ _______ in _______ cases;
(6) That _______ or _______ of the _______ _______ have _______ with the _______ _______ regarding
_______ _______ in _______ cases; and
(7) That the _______ have _______ into _______ _______, if any, _______ a copy thereof. (67a)
Art. 23. It shall be the _______ of the _______ _______ the _______ to _______ either of the _______ _______ the
_______ of the _______ _______ _______ to in _______and to _______ the _______ and _______ _______ of the
_______ _______ _______ than _______ days after the _______, to the _______ _______ _______ of the _______
where the _______ was _______. _______ _______ shall be _______ by the _______ _______ _______ to the _______
_______ _______ _______ of the _______ _______. The _______ _______ shall _______ in his _______ the _______
_______ of the _______ _______, the _______ of the _______ _______, the _______ of the _______ _______ and, in
_______ cases, the _______ of the _______ _______ regarding the _______ of the _______ in _______ other than those
_______ in _______. (68a)
Art. 24. It shall be the _______ of the _______ _______ _______ to _______ the _______ _______ by this Title, and to
_______ _______ to all _______ _______ without any _______ in both _______. The _______ and _______ _______ in
_______ with _______ for _______ _______ shall be _______ from _______ _______ _______. (n)
Art. 25. The _______ _______ _______ _______ shall _______ all _______ for _______ _______ _______ with him in a
_______ _______ _______ in the _______ in which the same are _______. He shall _______ in said _______ the
_______ of the _______, the _______e on which the _______ _______ was _______, and such other _______ as may be
_______. (n)
Art. 26. All _______ _______ _______ the _______, in _______ with the _______ in _______ in the _______ where they
were _______, and _______ there as such, shall also be _______ in this _______, except those _______ under
_______(1), (4), (5) and (6), _______ and _______. (17a)
Where a _______ between a _______ _______ and a _______ is _______ _______ and a _______ is thereafter _______
_______ _______ by the _______ _______ _______ him or her to _______, the _______ _______ shall have _______ to
_______ under _______ _______. (As amended by Executive Order 227)
Art. 27. In case _______ or _______ of the _______ _______ are at the _______ of _______, the _______ may be
_______ _______ _______ of a _______ _______ and shall _______ _______ even if the _______ _______ _______
_______. (72a)
Art. 28. If the _______ of _______ _______ is so _______ that there is _______ _______ of _______ to _______ such
_______ to _______ _______ before the _______ _______ _______, the _______ may be _______ _______ _______ of
a _______ _______. (72a)
Art. 29. In the cases _______ for in the _______ _______ _______, the _______ _______ shall _______ in an _______
_______ before the _______ _______ _______ or any other _______ _______ _______ to _______ _______ that the
_______ was _______ in _______ or that the _______ of______________ _______, _______ the _______ or _______, is
so _______ that there is _______ _______ of _______ to enable such _______ to _______ _______ before the _______
_______ _______ and that the _______ _______ the _______ _______ to _______ the _______ and _______ of the
_______ _______ and the _______ of _______ _______ to the _______. (72a)
Art. 30. The _______ of the _______ _______ in the _______ _______ _______, _______ with the _______ _______ of
the _______ _______, shall be _______ by the _______ _______ the _______ to the _______ _______ _______ of the
_______ where it was _______ within the _______ of _______ days after the _______ of the _______. (75a)
Art. 31. A _______ in _______ between _______ or _______ _______ may also be _______ by a _______ _______ or by
an _______ _______ _______ only while the _______ is at _______ or the _______ is in _______, but also during
_______ at _______ of _______. (74a)
Art. 32. A _______ _______ of a _______, who is a _______ _______, shall likewise have _______ to _______ _______
in _______between _______ within the _______ of _______ _______, whether _______ of the _______ _______ or
_______. (74a)
Art. 33. _______ among _______ or among _______ of the _______ _______ _______ may be _______ _______
_______ the _______ of _______ _______, _______ they are _______ in _______ with their _______, _______ or
_______. (78a)

Art. 34. _______ _______ shall be _______ for the _______ of a _______ and a _______ who have _______ _______ as
_______ and _______ for at least _______ years and _______ any _______ _______ to _______ each other. The
_______ _______ shall _______ the foregoing _______ in an _______ before any _______ _______ by _______ to
_______ _______. The _______ _______ shall also _______ under _______ that he _______ the _______ of the _______
_______ are _______ _______ _______ _______ to the _______. (76a)
Art. 35. The following _______ shall be _______ from the _______:
(1) Those _______ by any _______ below _______ years of _______ even with the _______ of _______ or
(2) Those _______ by any _______ _______ _______ _______ to _______ _______ unless such _______ were
_______ with _______ or _______ _______ _______ in _______ _______ that the _______ _______ had the
_______ _______ to do so;
(3) Those _______ without _______, except those _______ the _______ _______;
(4) Those _______ or _______ _______ _______ _______ under _______;
(5) Those _______ through ______________ of _______ _______ _______ as to the _______ of the _______;
(6) Those _______ _______ that are _______ under _______.

Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest
only after its solemnization. (As amended by Executive Order 227)

Art. 37. Marriages between the following are incestuous and void from the beginning, whether relationship between the
parties be legitimate or illegitimate:
(1) Between ascendants and descendants of any degree; and
(2) Between brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half blood. (81a)

Art. 38. The following _______ shall be _______ from the _______ for _______ of _______ _______:

(1) Between _______ _______ _______ whether _______ or _______, up to the _______ _______ _______;
(2) Between _______ and _______;
(3) Between _______ and _______;
(4) Between the _______ _______ and the _______ _______;
(5) Between the _______ _______ of the _______ _______ and the _______ _______;
(6) Between the _______ _______ of the _______ _______ and the _______;
(7) Between an _______ _______ and a _______ _______ of the _______;
(8) Between _______ _______ of the same _______; and
(9) Between _______ where _______, with the _______ to _______ the _______, _______ that other _______
_______, or his or her own _______. (82)
Art. 39. The _______ or _______ for the _______ of _______ _______ of a _______ shall _______ _______.
Art. 40. The _______ _______ of a _______ _______ may be _______ for _______ of _______ on the _______ _______
of a _______ _______ _______ such _______ _______ _______. (n)
Art. 41. A _______ _______ by any _______ during _______ of a _______ _______ shall be _______ and _______,
unless before the _______ of the _______ _______, the _______ _______ had been _______ for _______ _______ years

and the _______ _______ has a _______ _______ that the _______ _______ was already _______. In case of _______
where there is _______ of _______ under the _______ set forth in the _______ of _______of the _______, an _______ of
only _______ _______ shall be _______.
For the _______ of _______ the _______ _______ under the _______ _______ the _______ _______ must _______ a
_______ _______ as _______ in this _______ for the _______ of _______ _______ of the _______, without _______ to
the _______ of _______ of the _______ _______. (83a)
Art. 42. The _______ _______ _______ to in the preceding Article shall be _______ _______ by the _______ of the
_______ of _______ of the _______ _______, unless there is a _______ _______ the _______ _______ or _______ it
A _______ _______ of the _______ and _______ of _______ shall be _______ in the ______________ _______ of the
_______ of the _______ to the _______ _______ at the _______ of any _______ _______, with _______ _______ to the
_______ of the _______ _______ and without _______ to the _______ of _______ being _______ _______ in case such
_______ is _______. (n)
Art. 43. The _______ of the _______ _______ _______ to in the preceding Article shall _______ the following _______:
(1) The _______ of the _______ _______ _______ _______ to its _______ shall be _______ _______;
(2) The _______ _______ of _______ or the _______ ______________, as the case may be, shall be _______
and _______, but if either _______ _______ said _______ in _______ _______, his or her _______ of the
_______ _______ of the _______ _______ or _______ _______ _______ shall be _______ in _______ of the
_______ _______ or, if there are _______, the _______ of the _______ _______ by a _______ _______ or in
_______ of _______, the _______ _______;
(3) _______ by _______ of _______ shall remain _______, except that if the _______ _______ the _______ in
_______d _______, such _______ made to said _______ are _______ by _______ of _______;
(4) The _______ _______ may _______ the _______ of the other _______ who _______ in _______ _______ as
_______ in any _______ _______, even if such _______ be _______ as _______; and
(5) The _______ who _______ the _______ _______ in _______ _______ shall be _______ to _______ from the
_______ _______ by _______ and _______ _______. (n)
Art. 44. If both _______ of the _______ _______ _______ in _______ _______, said _______ shall be _______ and all
_______ by _______ of _______ and _______ _______ made by _______ in _______ of the other are _______ by
_______ of _______. (n)
Art. 45. A _______ may be _______ for any of the following _______, _______ at the time of the _______:
(1) That the _______ in whose _______ it is _______ to have the _______ _______ was _______ _______ of age
or _______ but below _______, and the _______ was _______ without the _______ of the _______, _______ or
_______ having _______ _______ _______ over the _______, in that _______, unless after _______ the age of
_______, such _______y _______ _______ with the _______ and _______ _______ together as _______ and
(2) That _______ _______ was of _______ _______, unless such _______ after _______ to _______, _______
_______ with the other as _______ and _______;
(3) That the _______ of _______ _______ was _______ by _______, unless such _______ afterwards, with
_______ _______ of the _______ _______ the _______, _______ _______ with the other as _______ and
(4) That the _______ of _______ _______ was _______ by _______, _______ or _______ _______, unless the
same having _______d or _______, such party thereafter _______ _______ with the other as _______ and
(5) That either party was _______ _______ of _______ the _______e with the other, and such _______ _______
and _______ to be _______; or
(6) That either party was _______ with a _______ _______ _______ to be _______ and _______ to be _______.
Art. 46. Any of the following _______ shall _______ _______ _______ to in _______ of the _______ Article:

(1) _______of a _______ _______ by _______ _______ of the other _______ of a _______ _______ _______
(2) _______ by the _______ of the ______________ that at the _______ of the _______, she was _______ by a
_______ other than her _______;
(3) _______ of _______ _______ _______, _______ of its _______, _______ at the _______ of the _______; or
(4) _______ of _______ _______, _______ _______ or _______ or _______ existing at the _______ of the
_______ other _______ or _______ as to _______, ______________, _______, _______ or _______ shall _______ such
_______ as will give _______ for _______ for the _______ of _______. (86a)
Art. 47. The _______ for _______ of _______ must be _______ by the following _______ and within the _______
(1) For _______ _______ in _______of _______by the _______ whose _______ or _______ did _______
_______ his or her _______, within _______years after _______ the age of _______, or by the _______ or
_______ or _______ having _______ _______e of the _______, at any _______ before such _______ has
_______ the age of _______;
(2) For _______ _______ in _______of _______, by the same _______, who had _______ _______ of the
_______ _______; or by any _______ or _______ or _______ having _______ _______ of the _______, at any
_______ before the _______ of either _______, or by the _______ _______ during a _______ _______ or after
_______ _______;
(3) For _______ _______ in _______of _______, by the _______ party, within _______ years after the _______
of the _______;
(4) For _______ _______ in _______of _______, by the _______ _______, within _______ years from the
_______ the _______, _______ or _______ _______ _______ or_______;
(5) For _______ _______ in _______and_______of _______, by the _______ party, within _______ years after
the _______. (87a)

Art. 48. In all _______ of _______ or _______ of _______ _______ of _______, the _______ shall _______ the _______
_______ or _______ _______ to it to _______ on _______ of the _______ to take _______ to _______ _______ between
the _______ and to _______ _______ that _______ is _______ _______ or _______.
In the _______ _______ to in the _______ _______, _______ _______ shall be _______ upon a _______ of _______ or
_______n of _______. (88a)
Art. 49. _______ the _______ of the _______ and in the _______ of _______ _______ in a _______ _______ between
the _______, the _______ shall _______ for the _______ of the _______ and the _______ and _______ of their _______
_______. The _______ shall _______ _______ _______ to the _______ and _______ _______ of said _______ and their
_______ of the _______with whom they _______ to _______ as _______ to in _______. It shall also _______ for
_______ _______ _______ of the other _______. (n)
Art. 50. The _______ _______ for by paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (5) of _______and by _______shall also _______ in the
_______ cases to _______ which are _______ _______ or _______ by _______ _______ under _______and _______.
The _______ _______ in such cases shall _______ for the _______, _______ and _______ of the _______ of the
_______, the _______ and _______ of the _______ _______, and the _______ of _______ _______ _______, unless such
_______ had been _______ in _______ _______ _______.
All _______ of the _______ as well as of the _______ _______ or the _______ _______ shall be _______ of the _______
for _______.
In the _______, the _______ _______ and the _______on which it is _______, shall be _______ in _______ with the
_______ of _______and _______.

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