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Guideline to use HvacLoadExplorer to perform Heating/Cooling Load Calculation

1. Log into your engineering account. On “Start Menu”, select “Program”, followed by “EML 4603”,
“HvacExplorer”, and “HvacExplorer”, respectively. The main menu looks like this (except there is no
item named FIU yet):

2. Once the program is opened, do the following steps:

(a) Select “New...” under “File” to generate the database. The following window opens.

(b) Type the name of your choice for the building to be designed. <It is “FIU” in the above example”.>
Click “OK” to save the database by saving the file (.mdb file). Save it on H: drive when in EIC lab.
(c) Click the name of the building <FIU in this example> to reopen the “New Building menu” in which
you need to open “Location” to define various parameters.
(d) You then open “Special Outside Conditions” to define outdoor conditions for “Cooling Load
Calculation” (Summer) when it is selected. Likewise, you can perform similar calculation for
“Heating Load Calculation” (winter)
(e) In the “Location” menu (shown below), you need to specify the city, state, latitude, longitude, time
zone, and general outdoor conditions for summer and winter. Table B-1a gives related information.
You may select ”Library” for quick selection of location data set. Click “OK” the save the data and
return to the main menu (entitled HvacExplorer”.

(f) Highlight the building by clicking on the building name <FIU in

this example> under “TreeView” column. Select “Operation” on
the main menu and click “Add” to add a zone.
(g) On the Zone menu, define the zone name, direction, supply air
temperature. Edit the interior temperature schedule if needed.

Click “Ok” to save and return to main menu.

(h) Highlight the zone by clicking on the zone name <”zone” in this example>. Select “Operation” on
the main taskbar and click “Add” to add a room.
(i) On the Room menu, define the room name, and ceiling height. Write a note if needed. Click “Ok” to
save and return to main menu
(i) Highlight the room by clicking on the room name
<”room” in this example>. Select “Operation” on
the main taskbar and click “Add” to add a wall,
roof, floor, equipment, people, infiltration, thermal
mass, and light.

(j) Select “Wall Element”. The following menu opens. For heating load calculation, make sure that at
least, one wall element’s External Boundary Condition is NOT selected as “TA” (for example, select

Define all the required parameters. “Construction Library” lists the pre-designed wall configuration. A
typical “Construction Library” menu looks like the one shown below. Defined details are shown in
“Layer Information” and can also be modified. “Windows” button can be used to define the window in
the wall. Once all the parameters are given, click “Ok” to return the “New Gain” menu to add additional
wall, etc.
In the Construction Library menu, select the construction by highlighting it first and click the “Select”

(k) In the “Window” menu, you can specify the size and type of the window. Type of window can be
selected using the Library
(l) The following example shows how to add floor element:
Select “Floor Element” to open the following window:

You can also use the “Construction Library” to select a pre-assembled floor construction. “Layer
Information” gives you the detail. Do not forget to type in the area, length and width of the floor.
(m) Once you select all the elements, you can calculate the load either for entire building or for an
individual room, for which you have to highlight the room to be calculated. On the “Calculate”
menu, click “Start” to complete the calculation.

(n) View or print the results by clicking the third item in the “Calculate” pull-down menu from the main
menu. The results may look like this:
The results with different options can be displayed and printed. Either text or hourly graph can be shown.

(n) You can create the report file in a plain text or CSV format (for excel spreadsheet) by selecting “Create
Report File) under item “Calculate” of the main menu.

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