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TAPE #19-11-01


0846- 6A
Vojtek- Central we have a major 85, an aircraft just hit the Twin Towers.

0846 - Central- O.K. Advise location, Twin Towers?

0846 - Vojtek- Affirmative a large aircraft just hit the Twin Towers.

0846 - 6 Beat 4
Korner- That's confirmed, that's confirmed Central.

0846 - Vojtek- 6A going.

0846 - Central- 10-4

0846 - Numerous Units Responding

0847 - Unknown Unit- 10-5 Location.

0847 - Central- Last known location was Twin Towers.

0847 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Its at the Twin Towers , I can see it from where I am.

0847 - Central- Alright, 10-4.

0847 - Unknown Unreadable.

0847 - Central-10-4, we got this going over Division 1.

0847 - Korner- Central be advised.

0847 - Public Safety 3

Leahy- That's confirmed Central, 6 Public Safety we can see it.

0848 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- That's confirmed central we can see it. Confirmed at this time.

0848 - Unknown- 10-5 the job.

0848 - Central- A big explosion at the Twin Towers.

0848 - Unknown- Do you have anybody notified.

0848 - Central- Everyone has been notified, Task Force, Operations Etc.

0849 -6A
Vojtek- Put us out on traffic at Canal and Varick.

0849 - Central- 6A at Canal and Varick 10-4.

0849 - Unknown- Stop traffic on Canal Street.

0849 - Unknown- Unreadable

0849 - 9 X.O.- You show me going to the 1 Precinct?.

0850-Central-9 X.O. 10-4

0850 - 9 X.O.- Thank you.

0851 - 6 CPU Beat 4

Korner-1 am doing traffic at West and Chambers. We are going to need sone more help down
here to clean up West Street.

0851 - Central- 10-4. That's at West and Chambers?

0851 - CPU Beat 4

Korner- Yeah I'm doing traffic down at West and Chambers we are just going to need more help
down here to clear up West Street.

0851 - Central- 10-4 That's West Street.

0851 - CPU Beat 4

Korner- Yeah we are going to need to get emergency apparatus in here.

0852 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Be advised Central 6A is at Varick and Canal with another Sector directing Traffic.

0852 - Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy where are you Jim?

0852-Central 10-4
0852 - Public Safety 4
Laguer- Jimmy where are you?

0852 - Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor, on the air Victor?

0852 - Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy yeah, where are you.

0852 - Public Safety 3

Leahy- I'm in the WTC. Come on around. Hey Vic where are you?

0853 - 6 Adam
Jones- Central get traffic control to Canal and West and Canal and Hudson we are going to need
major traffic control.

0853 - Central- Canal and West Canal and Hudson numerous units responding. Advise we have
a level three mobilization in regards to a plane crash at WTC. All notifications made. Stand By
for further.

0853 - 6A
Jones- Central we are going to need all traffic diverted from this south area.

0853 - Central- Be advised all bridges are to be cleared.

0853 - Unknown- Unreadable

0853 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor.

0853 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy where are you?

0853 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor.

0854 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Central was there a group mobilization called?

0854 - Central- That's affirmative Sergeant.

0854 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Can you state the location.
0854 - Central- We don't have a point yet we will keep you advised.

0854 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- O.K. let me know.

0854 - 9 Base- We have a location it's the furthermost tip of Manhattan, City Hall Park.

0854 - 6 Sergeant

0854 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy?

0854 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor on the air Victor?

0855 - Unknown- 6 Sergeant on the air?

0855 - Unknown- 6 Sergeant on the air?

0855 - 6 Public Safety

Leahy- Central 10-5 that location.

0855 - Unknown- City Hall Park.

0855 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Advise do we have all the bridges and tunnels closed at this time.


0856 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Thank you.

0856 - Unknown- Everybody clear West, we have debris coming down.

0856- Central 10-5 message.

0856 - Unknown- Clear West Street we are on the west.

0856 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper take the car to west. I'll take this intersection.

0857-6 Public Safety 3

Leahy?- Central 10-5 that last message.
0857 - Central- Where do they need traffic control on West Street.

0857 - 9 B- We're on West Street telling people where to go.

0857 - Central- We're on West Street.

0857 - 9 B- We're on West Street. We are trying to do Escorts. Notify Brooklyn to close it down.

0857-6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- On the air Jimmy?

0857 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy(Broken) Victor unreadable.

0858 - 9 B- Did you notify Brooklyn Battery to close Manhattan bound.

0858 - Central- 10-4. Oh my god!!

0858-6 A
Jones- Do they want all traffic off West Street?

0858 - -Central- 10-5 message 6 A (unreadable)

0858 - 6 A
Jones- We're on Canal and Varick. Do they want all traffic to go East?

0859 - Central- Can anyone advise if they want all traffic to go East?.

0859 - 6 Sergeant
Gravilli- 10-5 message.

0859 - Central- Do they want traffic to only go East and North?

0900 - 9 B- We are giving escort into job. 84 Rector Street. We are going to need some busses.
We have injured people here. We have body parts. If you can close off this area.

0900 - Central- 10-4

0900 - Unknown- Central advise all units responding to WTC to wear helmets. Large debris is

0901 - Central- All units be advised wear helmets.

0903 Hours

0903 - Unknown- Be advised another plane hit Twin Towers.

0903 - Central- Sprint time is 0903 Hours. Switch to City Wide 1.

0903 - -6 A
Unknown- We have second explosion inside Twin Towers.

0903 - Central-6 A 10-5?

0903 - -6 A
Unknown- 10-5 message?

0903 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Be advised another plane crashed into the Twin Towers.

0903 - Central- 10-4 we are just getting info.

0904 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer?- A plane just crashed into WTC.

0904 - Central- Read direct another plane crashed into WTC?

0904 - Unknown- A second plane crashed.

0905 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor on the air Victor?

0905 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jim (unreadable) I'm on West Street. I got a whole bunch of people (unreadable)

0909 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Central. Where is my operator?

0909 - Central- 6 Operator on the air (repeated 3 times). 6 Sergeant operator not responding.

0911 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Marty on the air?

0911 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy on the air Jimmy. Are you alright?. Jimmy are you on the air?

0911 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor are you on the air?
0911 - 6 Public Safety 4
Laguer-1 am outside helping people inside the building.

0911 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy-1 am still inside over here.

0912 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Unreadable

0912 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- With that guy from the 7 Precinct. So come on back to where I was.

0912 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Hold on we have cars on fire over here.

0912 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Stay in touch so I know where you are.

0912 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Central! Central! Central on the air.

0913-Central-Unit 10-5.

0913 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- We got numenius people jumping from windows. Have emergency workers be advised.

0913 - Central-10-4 We have 3 to 4 people jumping. Ad vise workers keep area clear.

0913 - Unknown- Central where is the mobilization point.

0913 - 6 SNEU
James- Marty go to 9. Marty go to 9.

0914 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Repeat that message Central. We have people jumping out the windows. Jimmy be
careful Jimmy people are jumping out. Don't step outside.

0914 - Central-10-4 I'll have units advised. Which building are people jumping from. Can
anyone advise?

0915 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Out of 1 WTC, from the middle of the building, from the middle of the building central.

0915 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Marty are you on the air?
0916 - Unknown- Unreadable

0916 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Marty Dennehy on the air?

0917 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy where are you Jimmy?

0917 - Central- Unit?

0917 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jumpers! Clear the area. Central there are more people jumping. Keep them away from
the area please. Jimmy on the air Jimmy. Are you O.K.?

0918 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Victor is that you?

0918-6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Yeah I am out here. (Unreadable). People are jumping.

0918-6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- 105. What is your location?

0918-6 Public Safety 4

Laguer-1 am out on West Street and West Side Highway near Rector Street. One block before
Rector. Right next to the building.

0919-6 Public Safety 3

Leahy-10-4 Vic. 6 Public Safety to Central advise the duty inspector that Port Authority states
they believe on the 27 floor there may be some passengers inside the plane that hit the WTC.

0919 - Central- Alright 10-4. Duty Captain on the air?

0924 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Central see if you can raise my operator again.

0924 - Central- 6 Sergeant operator on the air? (Repeated twice)

0924 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Yeah he is over here, Central, I am with him, Public Safety with him (Dennehy).

0924 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- What's your location.?
0924 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator
Dennehy- Inside the lobby directing people on how to get out of the steps and down out to the

0924 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Just tell me where you are.

0924 - Unknown- Unreadable


0926 TO 1012 HOURS

0926 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- On the air Jimmy?.

0926-6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Hey go ahead.

0926 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Where are you?

0926 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- I'm on the 19th floor getting people down

0926-6 Public Safety 4

Laguer - Be careful alright

0928-6 A
Jones- Do you need help down there? (To her partner)

0930 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Central be advised to send aided to St. Vincent's

0935 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Central be advised you till have people jumping from the tower on to West Street.

0936 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy - Victor you (unreadable)

0942 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer - You alright Jimmy

0942 - 6 Sgt - Where is triage med staging set up

0942 - 6 Sgt and Sgt Tollefsen - Go to division 5 (raise each other)

0942 - 6 Public Safety
Leahy - You alright Vic

0948 - Dennehy - Be advised in the rear of the Trade Center #1 we have a fire the stage plaza

0948 - Central - Where

0949 - Dennehy - In the rear by the stage this is where we are evacuating people

0949 - 6A - 6 Sgt on the air

0949 - 6 Sgt - 6 Sgt on the air

0949 - 6A - Location

0950 - 6 Sgt - Chambers and West Bwy

0950 - 6A - Okay we will be there

0950 - 6 Sgt - 6 Sgt to central

0950 - Tollefsen - 6 Sgt on the air ?

0950 - 6 Sgt - 6 Sgt on the air

0950 - Tollefsen - yeah what do you got Vinny?

0950 - 6 Sgt - Eric I got a suspicious package I am just trying to let dispatch know West Bwy S/E
corner of Chambers and West Bwy

0950 - Tollefsen - Central you pick that up?

0950 - Central -10-4

0950 - Tollefsen - Suspicious package authority of Supervisor

0951 - Tollefsen - 6 Sgt on the air?

0951 - 6 Sgt - 6 Sgt on the air

0951 - Tollefsen - Where you at Vinny

0951 - 6 Sgt - We're at Chambers and W. Bwy

0951 - Tollefsen - Be there in a sec

0951 - 6 Sgt - 4

0951 - 6A
0951 - Jones - Ruben that was Chambers and W. Bwy?

0952 - ? - ? On the air?

0952-?- 10-5

0952 - ? - ascertain if they are mobilizing the election detail portables over Division? 10-5

0953 - ? - Let the people stay put

0953 - 6 Sgt - 6 patrol supervisor on the air?

0953 - ? - Stand by

0953 - Sgt Tollefsen - Vinny where are you Vin

0953 - 6 Sgt Chambers and West Bwy I am on the S/E corner

0953 - Tollefsen - 4

0954 - ? - Central

0954-? Sgt

0954 - ? Central be advised we are told by employees of 2 WTC via a radio spoke to the people
on the 80th floor they are trapped on the 84th floor, if we can radio that up

0954 - Central - What happened on the 80th floor?

0954 - ? There are people trapped up there so tell PD let them know that there are people on the
80th floor

0955 - 6 Sgt 6 Sgt central

0955 - Central - 6 Sgt, 6 Sgt? You have a message?

0955 - 6 Sgt - 6 Sgt central

0955 - Central - 6 Sgt

0955 - 6 Sgt - Did you copy my last transmission about a suspicious package at Chambers and
West Bwy

0955 - Central - Chambers and West Bwy? I did they were notified
0956 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- O.K. Just Checking.

0956 - Central- Sergeant if you could get somebody over to Saint Vincents they need somebody
over there for security purposes. The aided are being taken there.

0956 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- Central I didn't understand you 10-5.

0956 - Central- Saint Vincents Hospital is requesting Officers over here for security.

0956 - 6 Sergeant
Gravelli- I'll see what I can do Central. Just bear with me.

0956 - 6 SNEU Sergeant

Thompson- Central notify the 6 Desk of that. Notify the 6 Desk of that.

0957 - 6 SNEU
Hernandez- Carlos on the air.

0957 - 6 SNEU
James- DC on the air. On the air DC.

0957 - Central- Is there a unit with an emergency message?

0957 - Central- Is there a unit with an emergency message on the air.

0957 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- On the air Jimmy?!

0957 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- How are you doing?

0957 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer-1 am doing alright, just get out, how are you doing?

0957 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy-1 am alright I am on 27.

0957 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Where are you Jimmy?

0957 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy-1 am on 27.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- 27th Floor? What's going on up there?
0958 - 6 Public Safety 3
Leahy- Nothing.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- You got everybody out?

0958 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Everybody's coming out.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Alright I'll meet you near the corner of West and Ahh outside the building.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Don't go nowhere, wait for me when I get out of there.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Alright.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- I'm going up to the top.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- You are going up to the top?

0958 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Yeah with F.D.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Be careful there are more people trapped on the 80th Floor.

0958 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Alright

James- DC on the air DC. On the air DC.

0958 - Unknown- Unreadable

0958 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Patrol Supervisor on the air.

0958 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Public Safety on the air.

0958 - Unknown- Unreadable

0959 - 6 Platoon Commander
Borrusso- Do you have crime scene (unreadable) are you still in the precinct.

0959 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- We are inside the building.

0959 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 10-4 disregard.

0959 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Public Safety on the air?

0959 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Lt what do you wand?

0950 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso-1 am looking for you.

0959 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy-1 am alright.

0959 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Is Marty Dennehy with you?

0959 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Nah Marty was in the lobby helping people come out. I went up with FD. I am on the
27th Floor.

0959 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso-10-4 watch (unreadable)

0950 Hours

0959 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy

0959 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy get out.

0959 - Central- Unit with a message?

1000 - Unknown- (unreadable) fell off the building.

1000 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy Jimmy.

1000 - Central- Who fell off the building.?

1000 - 6 Public Safety 4
Laguer- Jimmy

1000 - Central- Unit? Units? Units?

1000 - Unknown- The building just fell.

1000 - Central- The building fell?

1000 - Unknown- Central?

1000 - Central- Which one of the Towers is that 1 or 2?

1000 - Unknown- 2 the smaller one Central the one without the antenna.

1000 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy Get out.

1000 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy Get out.

1000 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- What was that?

1000 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy the building collapsed. Get out now Jimmy. The 2nd one (WTC #2) collapsed
get out.

1000 - Unknown- Victor get out of there.

1000 - Unknown- Victor get out. Jimmy get out.

1001 - 6 Public Safety 3

Leahy- Alright we are making our way.

1001 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Get out Jimmy just fucking run.

1001 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy you there.?

1001 - Unknown- Yeah who is this Eric.

1001 - Unknown- Unreadable.

1001 - Unknown- Get out of the building.

1001 - Unknown- Get out now.

1001 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Get everybody out of there.

1001 - Unknown- (unreadable) North.

1001 - Unknown- Get out of the building.

1001 - 6 D
Abbate - 6 David to Central.

1001 - 6 D
Abbate- Show us going downtown.

1001 - Central- Are you going downtown? Where K?

1001 - Unknown- Unreadable

1002 - Unknown- (Unreadable) Detail called off.

1002 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper on the air?

1002 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper on the air?

1002 - Unknown- On the air?

1002 - 6A
Jones- Jumper on the air?

1002 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper on the air?

1002 - Unknown- On the air?

1002 - Unknown- On the air?

1004 - Unknown- Jones on the air Jones?

1004 - Unknown- Victor where's Jimmy in?

1004 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer-1 don't know.
1004 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper on the air.?

1004 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper on the air?

1004-6 A
Vojtek- Jones?

1004 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Desk on the air?

1005 - Unknown- Officer Jones on the air? Officer Jones?

1005 - 6 A
Jones- (unreadable) on the air. Have you seen jumper?

1005 - Unknown- No. Have you seen him?

1005 - 6 A
Jones- No (unreadable) I went back to the corner and he wasn't there. He must of got out.

1005 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- OK head towards BWAY, towards me.

1006 - 6 Desk Sergeant

Viscardi- 6 Desk is on the air. Who is calling 6 Desk?

1006 - Unknown- Robby bring everybody back. Come up north. Come north.

1006 - 6 A
Jones-1 am coming north. I'm at Thomas.

1006 - Unknown- Disregard. Disregard.

1006 - Unknown- PO Scooter on the air. PO Scooter on the air.

1006 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy you there Jimmy?

1006 - Unknown- On the air?

1006 - Unknown- On the air?

1006 - Unknown- You guys OK?

1006 - 6 Platoon Commander
Borrusso- On the air?

1007 - 6 A
Vojtek-1 am with the Boss at Thomas.

1007 - 6 A
Jones- Where are you?

1007 - 6 A
Vojtek- Thomas, Thomas and West BWAY with the Boss.

1007 - 6A
Jones- Stand By.

1007 - Unknown- West Thomas

1007 - 6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- Jimmy Jimmy

1009 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Tollefsen from the 6th are you on the air?

1009 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- 10-5

1009 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Hey Eric you on the air?

1009 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Yeah

1009 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Do you have Marty with you?

1009 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Nah I do not.

1009 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Where are you?

1009 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen-1 am on Park and West Broadway

1009 - 6 Platoon Commander

1009 - Unknown- Billy you on the air Billy? Billy?

1009 - Unknown- Sergeant (unreadable) 6th Precinct on the air?

1009 -6 Public Safety 4

Laguer- (unreadable) on the air? On the air?

1009 - Unknown- On the air?

1009 - Unknown- On the air?

1010 - 6 A ?
Vojtek- Carrie on the air?

1010 - 6 A
Jones- Jumper on the air?

1010 - 6 A
Vojtek-1 am on the air, Carrie where you at?

1010 - 6 A
Jones-1 am at West BWAY and Thomas.

1010 - 6 A
Vojtek- OK I am on my way.

1010 - 6 A
Jones- OK I am with the Boss.

1011 - 6 A
Vojtek- Don't leave there.

1011 6 A
Jones- I'm staying right here.

1011 - Unknown- (unreadable) On the air.

1011 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- 6 portable to Central.

1011 - Central- 6 Portable.

1011 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- Can you contact the 6 Base for me and let them know I am stuck on the 9th floor of the
Trade Center?

1011 - Unknown- Who is that?

1011 - Central- 6 Base. 6 Base on the air.

1011 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Central who is that on the Trade Center?

1011 - Central- You have a 6 portable stuck on the 9th Floor.

1011 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- 6 portable to Central

1011 - Unknown- Advise what's his name?.

1011 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

1011 - Dennehy- Marty. It's Marty Dennehy is up in the WTC 9th Floor with 15 fireman, 25
civilians and 1 Manhattan South Cop Task Force.

1011 - Central- Alright the 6 Precinct wants you to say who you are.

1011 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- It's Marty. Marty Dennehy.

1012 - Central- Alright 6 Precinct. You read. Unreadable.

1012:20 HOURS

1012 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Central notify the ESU over SOD that you have MOS stuck on the 9th Floor.

1012 - Unknown- Along with FD.

1012 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- And you have a couple of civilians I believe.

1012 - 6 Election Sergeants Operator

1012 - Dennehy- Central just be advised it's that Officer no one is hurt. We are all on the 9th
Floor. I just want to let people know where I am and that we have more people up here.

1012 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Marty is that you?

1012 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- Yeah I'm here.
1012 - 6 Platoon Commander
Borrusso- Marty are you alright up there?

1012 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- Yeah we are OK

1012 - Unreadable

1012 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Stay safe up there. Eric (unreadable) Marty is on the 9th Floor.

1012 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Supervisor on the air? Marty is on the 9th Floor.

1013 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen-1 read that. I read that.

1013 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 10-4

1013 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

1013 - Dennehy- Be advised none of us are hurt. We got ESU here up with us and he's looking
for his team too.

1013 - Unknown- 10-4

1013 - Unknown- Eric Tollefsen on the air?

1013 - Unknown- (Unreadable) Not us

1014 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Desk on the air.

1014 - Unknown- Sergeant 9th Precinct on the air?

1014 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Desk on the air?

1014 - Unreadable

1014 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- 6 Desk on the air?

1015 - Unknown- 9th Precinct on the air. Unreadable.

1016 - 6 Platoon Commander
Borrusso- 6 Desk on the air 6 Desk?

1017 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Marty on the air Marty? Marty on the air Marty?

1017 - Not us

1018 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Marty still there?

1019 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Marty you on the air Marty?

1019 - Not us

1020 - 6 SNEU
Hernandez- Mart on the air Marty?

1020 - Not us

1022 - Unknown- You on the air Marty? Marty Dennehy on the air.

1022 - Not us

1022 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- 6 Supervisor Central.

1022 - Central 6 Sergeant

1023 - 6 Election Supervisor

Tollefsen- Central can you raise the 6 Precinct personnel on the 9th Floor in the Tower Marty
Dennehy please?

1023 - Central- 6 Portable out at WTC on the air?.

1023 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- On the air.

1023 - Central- On the air Sergeant.

1023 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Are you still up there Marty?

1023 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- Nah I got out on the street now. I on my way walking north from the tower.
1023 - Unknown- Unreadable

1023 - 6 Election Supervisor

Tollefsen- Are all the others personnel out?

1023 - 6 Election Supervisor Operator

Dennehy- Yeah we got them all out, do.

1023 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Walk toward Vessy, more toward the Hudson River.

1023 - 6 Election Sergeant Operator

Dennehy- 10-4

1023 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- Hurry up we are right in that area bro.

1023 - Not us

1025 - 6 SNEU Sergeant

Thompson- 6 Base to Sergeant Tollefsen on the air (repeated)?

1025 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- 10-5

1025 - 6 SNEU Sergeant

Thompson- Sergeant Tollefsen on the air? Eric can you go to (your way) you got people with

1025 - 6 Election Sergeant

Tollefsen- No good I got Marty right here.

1025 - 6 SNEU Sergeant

Thompson- You got Marty with you I got CJ right here. What about Jimmy Re.

1025 - 6 SNEU Sergeant

Thompson- PO Re on the air?

1025 - Unknown-10-5.

1025 - 6 SNEU Sergeant

Thompson- PO Jimmy Re on the air?.

1025 - 6 Portable
Re- Jimmy Re of the 6th on the air.
1025 - 6 SNEU Sergeant
Thompson- Are you OK.

1025 - (Jimmy on the air not sure)

1025 - ESU- Portable to Central (Repeat 3 times).

1028- Unknown-The Tower just came down.

1028 - Not us

1034 - 6 Platoon Commander

Borrusso- Sergeant Viscardi you on the air (Repeat 4 times)

1038 - Central- All election portables close their facilities and make sure there secure and go 98.

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