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CONTRACT OF LEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Contract of Lease, made and entered this 12 th day

of October, 2010 in Las Pinas City, by and between: ________________, of legal age, with postal address at 10 Pilar !oad, "lman#a $, Las Pinas City% &and& ___________________ with postal address at 1'0( )% *aras +t% ,a-ati City% .erein after referred to as the L/++//% WITNESSETH: 0./!/"+, the L/++O! is the owner of Commercial +pace 1nit 2o% 3, located at the rd 4loor +omerset ,ansions Condomini5m Corporation 1607 Le8eri#a +t% Pasay City, hereinafter referred to as the 9Property:% 0./!/"+, the L/++// desires to occ5py and lease the Property, and the L/++O! is willing to lease the same, s5b;ect to the terms and conditions hereinafter specified: 2O0 T./!/4O!/, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the terms and conditions herein stip5lated, the L/++O! has let and leased 5nto the L/++// the s5b;ect Property and the L/++// hereby accepts the same by way of lease and the parties hereby agreed as follows: 1% That the T/!, O4 L/"+/ is O2/ <1= >/"! commencing from October 12, 2010 to Octo8er 1 , 2011, s5b;ect to renewal 5nder the terms and conditions that may be m5t5ally agreed 5pon? 2% That the monthly rental of the Property shall be 4$@/ T.O1+"2 P.$L$PP$2/ P/+O+ <Php A,000%00= with an escalation rate of T/2 <10B= percent e8ery year, paid by iss5ing ten PCCs% % That the L/++// shall pay 5pon signing of the contract the following: a% T0O ,O2T.+ C/PO+$T eD5i8alent to T/2 T.O1+"2C P/+O+ <Php 10,000%00= which shall be ref5ndable to the L/++// after a f5ll inspe'ction of the 5nit and fo5nd 5ndamaged, less any amo5nt arising from the damages ca5sed to the premises, 5npaid rentals, water, electricity, telephone bills, association d5es and other liability which the L/++// may ha8e in fa8or of the L/++O!% b% T0O ,O2T.+ "C@"2C/ !/2T"L amo5nting to T/2 T.O1+"2C P/+O+ <Ph 10,000%00= to be applied on the first and last months of the lease% .owe8er, if the sec5rity deposit is not eno5gh to settle the 5npaid bills s5ch as electricity and water, b5t not limited to s5ch, the L/++// is obliged to settle the same to the L/++O!% 1n5sed amo5nt is ref5ndable witho5t interest within Thirty < 0= days after the eEpiration of the contract, pro8ided the L/++// settles all bills% '% That all eEpenses for water, electricity, telephone and other charges pertaining the said property shall be for acco5nt of the L/++//? A% That the L/++// shall -eep the Property and its immediate s5rro5ndings in clean, orderly and in sanitary condition, and the L/++O! shall, by prior arrangement with the L/++//, ha8e the right to enter the Property at any time d5ring reasonable ho5rs of the day, to eEamine the same, or for any p5rpose which it may deem necessary, in s5ch a manner so as not to 5nd5ly interfere with the normal 5se of the leased premises by the L/++//?

3% That the L/++// shall not s5blease the Property witho5t written consent from the L/++O!? (% That the L/++// shall not -eep or deposit or store in the Property s5bstance or any article that might constit5te a fire ha#ard or materials or items that are against the laws of the d5ly constit5ted go8ernment a5thorities and that the L/++// shall maintaining fire and other safety meas5res within the leased premises? 6% That the L/++O! shall not be liable to any party for any claim against the L/++// and li-ewise the L/++// shall not be liable in any third party claims against the L/++O! 5nless pro8en otherwise? 7% That the L/++// shall not ma-e any str5ct5ral changes, alterations or impro8ements in the leased premises witho5t the written consent of the L/++O!, li-ewise the L/++// is not allowed to p5t or 5se concrete nails or anything that will p5nct5re, deface, or destroy any wall or part of the Property% .owe8er, any str5ct5ral changes, alterations or impro8ements made or introd5ced by the L/++// in the premises with written consent of the L/++O! shall 5pon the withdrawal or termination of the contract belong to the L/++O!? 10%The L/++// smay install other immo8able f5rnishings, appliances and decorati8e items within the Property% The L/++// shall ta-e care of the remo8al of these items and shall not ca5se any damage to the s5b;ect Property, otherwise, the L/++O! may charge any s5ch damage to the L/++//? 11%"fter this lease shall ha8e been terminated for any reason whatsoe8er, and the L/++// contin5es to occ5py the Property witho5t the eEpress written consent of the L/++O!, s5ch eEtension of lease shall be deemed as r5nning from month to month 5nder the same terms and conditions herein stip5lated and may be terminated by either party by means of a written notice ser8ed 5pon the other party at least Thirty < 0= days in ad8ance? 12%That the L/++// shall notify the L/++O! within Thirty < 0= days before the eEpiration of the contract if the L/++// is still willing to renew the contract? 1 %The L/++O! shall be responsible for all ma;or repairs on the Property and on the water, electrical, and sewer installations eEcept for repairs d5e to the fa5lt or negligence of the L/++//, members of his ho5sehold, g5ests or 8isitors% ,inor repairs and wear and tear at less than 4i8e Tho5sand Pesos <Php A,000%00= per item shall be for acco5nt of the L/++//? 1'%+ho5ld the L/++O! see- ;5dicial relief against the L/++//, the later shall in addition to the damages herein aforementioned, pay an amo5nt eD5i8alent to Twenty <20B= Percent of the amo5nt in the complaint as "ttorneyFs 4ees <with minim5m of Php 10,000%00= aside from the cost of litigation and other eEpenses which the law may entitle the L/++O! to reco8er from the L/++//? 1A%*reach of contract on the part of the L/++//, which incl5des premat5re termination of this Contract? the two month deposit is forfeited in fa8or the L/++O!% Ceposits cannot be 5sed as payment for rent and 5tilities s5ch as electric, water, telephone while L/++// is still occ5pying the premises% "rbitration in case of disp5te between the parties shall be in Pasay City, where the Property is located% 13%+ho5ld for any reason the L/++// decide to 8ol5ntarily terminate the lease before eEpiration of this contract, he shall be liable to pay f5ll total rentals corresponding to the 5neEpired portion of the lease% 1(%The L/++// shall not directly or indirectly s5blease, assign, transfer, con8ey, mortgage or in any way enc5mber the leased premises or any portion thereof 5nder any circ5mstances whatsoe8er% "ny contract that may be made in 8iolation of this cla5se shall be n5ll and 8oid%

$2 0$T2/++ 0./!/O4, the parties ha8e here5nto set their hands on the date and place abo8e written:

_name__________________ Lessor +$G2/C $2 T./ P!/+/2C/ O4: _________________ "CH2O0L/CG,/2T !/P1*L$C O4 T./ P.$L$PP$2/+= Las Pinas City

_________2ame Lessee


*/4O!/ ,/, this __________ day of OCTO*/! 2010 in the City of Las Pinas Philippines, personally appeared: ___________________________with __________? ___________________________with __________ ____________________ iss5ed on _________by





Hnown to me to be the same persons who eEec5ted the foregoing Contract of Lease and ac-nowledged to me that the same is their own free and 8ol5ntary act and deed%

Coc% 2o% ________ Page 2o% ________ *oo- 2o% __________ +eries of 2011


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