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INTRODUCTION Process Ma er !s a" o#e" so$rce %$s!"ess #rocess &e'e(o#)e"* so+*,are- I* !s a ,or +(o, a$*o)a*!o" *oo(The beauty of this tool is that it helps business users to login into the system using their username an pass!or " run business #ase !hi#h is assigne to them" #omplete their tas$ an sen the #ase to the ne%t person in the pro#ess. The system automati#ally ta$es #are of sen ing emails" storing files et# !hi#h eliminates the nee for manual !or$. The tool also helps to monitor the status of the #ase" es#alate the #ase if re&uire an re'ie! the #ase at any later ate. Thus the tool helps in automation pro#ess an impro'es the organi(ational effi#ien#y. The !ebsite for pro#ess ma$er is ,,,-#rocess)a er-co) INSTALLATION The pro#ess ma$er e ition that #an be o!nloa e is Process Ma er .-/01.120 Re(ease ca"&!&a*e-e3e )*atest +ersion,The e%isting -ortel ./ tra'el 0ro#ess is implemente in this 'ersion1 or Process Ma er .-202456 7S*a%(e Vers!o"8The pro#ess ma$er e itions #an be o!nloa e from this lin$2 http233sour#eforge.net3pro4e#ts3pro#essma$er3files3 0ro#ess 5a$er has a 6750 )6in o!s" 7pa#he" 5y8&l" an 0901 sta#$ in it. :t is bro!ser base . :t #an be installe in the lo#al host or the :0 a ress of the ma#hine. 7ll 7pa#he" 5y8&l ser'ers must be uninstalle before installing pro#ess ma$er. The pro#ess ma$er installation uses ;:T.<=> installer !hi#h has 6750 bun le into it. 8o" the ser'er or the atabase nee not be #onfigure manually. :t is a one step installation pro#ess. ?ust ouble #li#$ on the installation soft!are an it !ill install 7pa#he" 5y8&l an 0ro#ess 5a$er soft!are. The installation !oul prompt for2 IP ADDRESS OF MACHINE @ This #an be lo#al host or the #urrent systems )!here the 0ro#ess 5a$er is being installe 1 :0 a ress. PORT NUMBER FOR APACHE @ This is typi#ally 80.;ut any other port #an be use if 80 are not a'ailable. PORT NUMBER FOR M9S:L @ This is typi#ally 3306.;ut any other port #oul be use if it is not a'ailable.

PASSWORD FOR M9S:L @ The username for 5y8A* atabase that !ill be use for atabase #onne#tions is root. 0ass!or for a##essing 5y8A* must be gi'en in this step. PASSWORD FOR P;#M9A&)!" )BC: that 0ro#ess 5a$er pro'i es for a##essing 5y8A* atabase1 @ The username for 0hp5y7 min is a ministrator. 0ass!or for a##essing 0hp5y7 min must be gi'en in this step. 7fter installation of 0ro#ess 5a$er it #an be a##esse using this a ress2 http233your,ip,a ress2your,port,no3sys!or$flo!3en3green3login3login.html an login information is2 User"a)e< a&)!" Pass,or&< a&)!" 5ore information about installation" #onfiguration on 6in o!s as !ell as *inu%" C-:D is foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php35ainE0age

PROCESS FLOW 7fter logging into the system as an 7 min" #li#$ on the 0ro#ess Tab to go to the pro#ess menu. =li#$ on -e! to start #reating a pro#ess or #li#$ import to :mport a pro#ess )but the pro#ess must be of .pm format1. Bi'e a name to the pro#ess an it !oul sho! up un er the list of pro#esses. =li#$ on e it pro#ess to start #reating the pro#ess. 7 !or$spa#e opens up !here the pro#ess #oul be ra!n as a !or$flo!. 7t the top of this !or$spa#e is the toolbar !hi#h helps to ra! the pro#ess.

/ig2 0ro#ess /lo!

The pro#ess must be implemente as a series of tas$s !ith ea#h tas$ ha'ing one or more steps )steps are nothing but forms1 an ea#h tas$ being assigne to a user or group of users. .ight #li#$ing on the pro#ess map gi'es many options from !hi#h 7 Tas$ shoul be sele#te to #reate a tas$. .ight #li#$ on the tas$ ,F 8ele#t 0roperties to e it the tas$ name an etails. 7fter the tas$s are a e they #an be #onne#te using the #onne#tors foun in the toolbar. The toolbar pro'i es se'eral #onne#tion options su#h as parallel #onne#tion" #on itional e'aluation" parallel e'aluation et#. Csing these #onne#tors it is possible to route a tas$ to t!o other tas$s !hi#h !oul be e%e#ute in parallel or tas$s #oul be route base upon some #on itions. Gemos about 'arious #onne#tors are a'ailable at 0ro#ess ma$er site2 http233!!!.pro#essma$er.#om3 emos3 To assign a user or group of users to a tas$ right #li#$ on tas$ ,F 8ele#t Csers an Cser Broups,F7ssign Cser. <ther properties su#h as =ase *abels" -otifi#ations )8en ing email to the ne%t person to !hom the tas$ is assigne to1" an Cser 7ssignment #oul be set up from the properties menu !hi#h appears !hen right #li#$ing on a tas$. 5ore information about ho! to ra! the pro#ess #oul be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php30ro#esses USERS, GROUPS, ROLES, PERMISSIONS Csers" Broups" .oles an 0ermissions #an be #reate from the C8H.8 menu in the 0ro#ess 5a$er. =li#$ on Csers,F-e! to #reate a ne! user. Ha#h Cser has a username an pass!or !hi#h has to be entere !hile #reating the user. This username an pass!or !oul be use by the user to enter into the system. These users are assigne to .oles. To #reate .oles" #li#$ on .oles,F-e! an #reate a role. 8et permissions for the role. :nformation about the permissions #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php35anagingECsers =li#$ on Broups,F-e! to #reate groups. 7ssign users to the groups. This group #oul be assigne to a parti#ular tas$ in the pro#ess. :n the pro#ess map" .ight #li#$ on Tas$ ,F 8ele#t Csers an Cser Broups to assign user groups to the tas$. 5ore :nformation about #reating users #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php35anagingECser

DYNAFORMS To #reate a ynaform #li#$ on the Gynaform in the pro#ess !or$flo! ,F ne!. Gynaforms are nothing but ynami# forms. The 0ro#ess 5a$er ynaforms gi'es a user interfa#e !hi#h helps to #reate forms easily. There is a Gynaform H itor Toolbar !hi#h has all the re&uire fiel s su#h as Te%t bo%" Grop o!n bo%" lin$" file" gri et#. =li#$ing on these !oul #reate the fiel s. <n#e the fiel s are #reate " they #an be e ite from the /:H*G8 97-G*H. T7;. T;e so+*,are &e)a"&s *;a* +!e(& "a)es %e crea*e& ,!*;o$* a"9 s#ace- I+ a s#ace "ee&s *o %e a&&e& $"&erscore co$(& %e $se& !"s*ea& o+ s#aceThe ynaforms has a pre'ie! tab !here the forms #oul be pre'ie!e . :t has a 9T5* tab !here there are t!o se#tions .The top se#tion is 6hat Iou 8ee is 6hat Iou get e itor !here there is a toolbar !hi#h helps to e it the loo$ of the fiel s in the form an the bottom se#tion is the 9T5* #o e se#tion !here 9T5* #o e #oul be mo ifie an a e to #ustomi(e the form in the !ay !e !ant. Process Ma er ;as a +or)a* !" ,;!c; *;e +!e(&s are a&&e& !" HTML co&e- T;e +!e(&s a"& +!e(& "a)e a##ear as PHP 'ar!a%(es !" HTML co&e- So, ,;e" c;a"=!"= *;e HTML co&e *;!s +or)a* ;as *o %e )a!"*a!"e&I" or&er *o '!e, a"9 c;a"=es )a&e !" HTML *a% !" Pre'!e, )o&e, c(!c o" E"a%(e HTML c;ec %o3 !" *;e HTML ,!"&o, a"& c(!c o" REFRESH VIEW *o '!e, *;e c;a"=es !" *;e #re'!e, )o&eThe ynaforms has a ?a'a8#ript tab !here ?a'a s#ript #o e #oul be a e . :n or er to !rite 4a'a s#ript first ?a'a8#ript )JS1 fiel has to be sele#te from ynaform e itor toolbo% an #reate . <nly after this the ?a'a8#ript #o e #oul be !ritten .<ther!ise the tool !oul not allo! to enter the ?a'a 8#ript #o e. There is a #on itions e itor ialog bo% !here #on itions #oul be a e to #ontrol !hi#h fiel s nee s to sho!n3 hi en. 7ll the users input in the fiel s !oul be store as 8I8TH5 +7.:7;*H8. The system 'ariables #oul be a##esse as JJ/iel name in T.:BBH.8 an =<-G:T:<-8. :n =on ition H itor #on itions #oul be spe#ifie as JK/iel name.

T;e Pro#er*!es *a% !" *;e D9"a+or)s ;as a Ne3* S*e# L!" +ro) ,;!c; Sa'e a"& co"*!"$e "ee&s *o %e se(ec*e& !+ *;e $ser !"#$* "ee&s *o %e s*ore& as s9s*e) 'ar!a%(e ,;e" r$""!"= *;e case- 5ore information about #reating ynaforms #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php3Gynaforms GRIDS IN DYNAFORMS Bri s are nothing but tables !hi#h #an a e to a form. To #reate Bri s sele#t Bri s from rop o!n bo% !hen #reating a ynaform. The ynaform !in o! for Bri s !oul open up an fiel s #oul be a e .8a'e the Bri an this gri #oul be embe e in any 5aster form by #li#$ing on gri menu in the toolbar an sele#ting the gri that !e !ant from the rop o!n bo%. CASES To start business #ases #li#$ on =ases,F -e! ,F 8ele#t the pro#ess from the rop o!n bo% to start the business #ase for that pro#ess. There must be starting tas$ in the pro#ess to start the #ase. <nly users assigne to starting tas$ #an start a #ase. :n or er to set up a #ase title !hi#h must appear in the title bar !hen the #ase is route to the ne%t person" .ight =li#$ on a tas$ in pro#ess !or$spa#e ,F 8ele#t 0roperties,F=ase *abels ,F 6rite the #ase title. The system 'ariables JJ/iel name #oul be use to get the =ase title. 7fter a user finishes his tas$ he must assign the tas$ to the ne%t person. This assignment #an be #y#li#al or manual. To setup the assignment of #ases .ight =li#$ on a tas$ in pro#ess !or$spa#e ,F 8ele#t 0roperties,F7ssignment,F sele#t the type of assignment. There is also =ase -otifi#ation option a'ailable !hi#h !ill sen an email to the ne%t person to !hom the #ase #an be assigne . This #an also be set up from Tas$ ,F 0roperties. <n#e the #ase is starte " it #an be re'ie!e . To re'ie! it" <pen the #ase" #li#$ on :nformation tab an 8ele#t 0ro#ess 5ap to see !here the #ase is" the ynaforms an o#uments uploa e #oul be seen an o!nloa e . To =!'e access *o *;e &9"a+or)s a"& &oc$)e"*s *o a $ser, r!=;* c(!c o" Process )a# 0> Se(ec* #rocess Per)!ss!o"s 0> E&!* #er)!ss!o"s +or a =ro$#?$ser-

JAVASCRIPT ?a'a8#ript #an be a e in Gynaform e itor un er ?a'a8#ript Tab. :nformation about ho! to apply ?a'a8#ript to forms #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php3?a'as#riptEinEGyna/orms an http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php3?a'a8#ripts TRIGGERS Triggers are 090 #o e !hi#h #oul be use to sen emails" a##ess atabases et#.Triggers #an be a e to a form in this !ay2 /irst" Triggers nee to be #reate by #li#$ing on Triggers Tab in the 0ro#ess !or$spa#e. 8e#on " they nee to be assigne to a ynaform or tas$. .ight =li#$ on a tas$,F=li#$ 8teps,FTriggers,F7 the trigger !here'er nee e . Triggers #an be a e either before a tas$" before a form" after a tas$ or a form. The Trigger fun#tions a'ailable in 0ro#ess 5a$er #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php30ro#ess5a$erE/un#tions W;e" S9s*e) 'ar!a%(es are !"c($&e& !" Tr!==ers *;e9 )$s* %e +!rs* co"'er*e&?ass!="e& as a PHP 'ar!a%(e a"& *;e" $se& !" PMFSe"&Messa=e 78 7,;!c; !s a +$"c*!o" +or se"&!"= e)a!(s8 or e3ec$*e:$er9 78 7,;!c; !s a +$"c*!o" +or e3ec$*!"= S:L @$er!es8Trigger to sen email #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php37 'an#e E<ptionsK=on itionalE-otifi#ations E)a!( ,!*; a**ac;)e"*s ca""o* %e se"* as o+ "o, %$* *;e (!" *o *;e +!(e ca" %e se"* !" a" e)a!( +ro) ,;!c; *;e +!(e ca" %e &o,"(oa&e&- T;e +o((o,!"= (!" ;as !"+o a%o$* *;!s< http233forum.pro#essma$er.#om3'ie!topi#.phpL fM7NtM3288NpM8853NhilitMtriggerKp8853 Triggers to e%e#ute 8A* &ueries from 05 Tables #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php37 'an#e E<ptionsK7##essingE05ETablesEfro mETriggers

H%e#uting 8A* &ueries for e%ternal Gatabase =onne#tions se#tions.

atabases through triggers !ill be e%plaine


DATABASE 0ro#ess 5a$er has a 5y8&l atabase built into it. :t pro'i es a graphi#al user interfa#e #alle 0hp5y7 min to a##ess this atabase. The 0hp5y7 min #an be a##esse from this a ress2 http233127.0.0.13phpmya min3in e%.php. This interfa#e re&uires username an pass!or . C8H.-75H2 a ministrator 07886<.G2 the pass!or that !as gi'en uring pro#ess ma$er installation To #onne#t to the 5y8&l atabase #li#$ on Gatabase #onne#tions in 0ro#ess !or$spa#e an sele#t 5y8&l. The etails for #onne#ti'ity2 8er'er2 your :0 a ress !here pro#ess ma$er is installe 0ort2 The port that !as gi'en uring installation. Gefault is 3306. Gatabase -ame2 the name of atabase Csername2 root 0ass!or 2 the pass!or that !as gi'en uring installation. The fiel s in the form #an be #onne#te to these atabases to pull up information. 6hile #reating a fiel li$e te%t bo% there is 8A* #onne#tion rop o!n from !hi#h the atabase ser'er to !hi#h #onne#tion !as ma e must be sele#te . Then" 8A* &uery #an be !ritten in the Auery bo% to pull up information from atabase. To =e* 'a($e +ro) &a*a%ase, *;e @$er9 )$s* %e ,r!**e" as 7 +or e3a)#(e< SELECT +!rs*"a)e, +!rs*"a)e +ro) e)#(o9ee8 -I" *;!s +!rs* "a)e !s se(ec*e& +ro) e)#(o9ee *a%(e -T;e +!rs* "a)e s;o$(& %e ,r!**e" *,!ce as +!rs*"a)e, +!rs*"a)e !" *;e @$er9, O*;er,!se !* ,o"A* re*$r" a"9*;!"=- I+ *;e +!e(& !s a *e3* %o3 *;e" !* ,o$(& re*$r" o"(9 o"e F!rs* "a)e +ro) &a*a%ase- I+ *;e +!e(& !s a &ro# &o," %o3 *;e" a(( *;e +!rs* "a)e ,o$(& %e #o#$(a*e& !" *;e &ro#&o,"Gepen ant /iel s2 There might be #ases !here !e nee to pull up info from atabase epen ing upon 'alues in other fiel s. :n this #ase the fiel nee s to be ma e epen ant. 5ore information about this is foun here2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php3=reateEGepen entE/iel s :n triggers if e%ternal atabase nee s to be &uerie it #an be one as in the follo!ing e%ample2

$db = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX; //UID from database connection $query = SELEC EX!"D# E #S D# E$ EX!" %!E #S %!E$ EX!"DESC #S DESC&I! I'($ EX!"#) #S #)'U( *&') EX!E(SES+; ,,EX!E(SE"-&ID = e.ecute/uery 0$query$ $db1; 2e abo3e /uery is found in t2is 4in56 2tt76//8i5i97rocessma5er9com/inde.9727/'ut7ut"Documents

PM TABLES 05 tables are pro#ess 5a$er internal atabase tables. :f tables are e'elope in 05 tables then no 8A* #onne#tion is re&uire as it is the efault atabase. 05 Table is foun un er 7G5:- tab. 5ore information about 05 T7;*H is foun in this lin$2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php305ETables http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php3/rien lyE05ETables

EMAIL CONFIGURATION The information about H,mail #onfiguration #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php3HmailE,E8ettings WEB SERVICES 0ro#ess 5a$er has 6eb 8er'i#es /un#tions !hi#h allo!s a remote user to a##ess the system. :nformation about that #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php30ro#ess5a$erE68G*E6ebE8er'i#es http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php38impleETriggerE6ebE8er'i#es There is also a feature #alle /aster .esponse 'ia H,mail !hi#h allo!s a user to appro'e or isappro'e from email !ithout entering 0ro#ess 5a$er. :nformation #an be foun at2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php30ro#ess5a$erE68G*E6ebE8er'i#esKH%amples

INTEGRATION WITH OTHER ENTERPRISE SOFTWARES 0ro#ess 5a$er #an be integrate !ith other Hnterprise soft!areOs su#h as 8CB7. =.5" 0entaho .eports. The lin$ to this is2 http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php30ro#ess5a$erE,E0entaho http233!i$i.pro#essma$er.#om3in e%.php30ro#ess5a$erE,E8ugarE5ashup 10

ONLINE COMMUNITY AND SUPPORT 0ro#ess 5a$er has an online forum !here there is a#ti'e is#ussion going on about the tool. Auestions #oul be poste here an the tools e'elopers !oul ans!er it. 8ome &uestions poste by me #an be sear#he using the name shyaamsn.

There are some pro#esses in the libraries that #an be o!nloa e . They are foun at2 http233library.pro#essma$er.#om3syspm*ibrary3en3green3publi#3frontpage.html There are also some emos a'ailable in the pro#ess ma$er site. The lin$ to that is2 http233!!!.pro#essma$er.#om3 emos3


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