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RULE 128 General Provisions SECTION 1 . Evidence defined. Evidence is t e !

!eans" sanctioned #$ t ese r%les" of ascertainin& in a '%dicial (roceedin& t e tr%t res(ectin& a !atter of fact. )1* Sec. 2 . Sco(e. T e r%les of evidence s all #e t e sa!e in all co%rts and in all trials and earin&s" e+ce(t as ot er,ise (rovided #$ la, or t ese r%les. )2a* c anro#les virt%a la, li#rar$ Sec. - . .d!issi#ilit$ of evidence. Evidence is ad!issi#le , en it is relevant to t e iss%e and is not e+cl%ded #$ t e la, of t ese r%les. )-a* Sec. / . Relevanc$0 collateral !atters. Evidence !%st ave s%c a relation to t e fact in iss%e as to ind%ce #elief in its e+istence or non1e+istence. Evidence on collateral !atters s all not #e allo,ed" e+ce(t , en it tends in an$ reasona#le de&ree to esta#lis t e (ro#a#ilit$ or i!(ro#a#ilit$ of t e fact in iss%e. )/a* RULE 122 3 at Need Not 4e Proved SECTION 1 . 5%dicial notice" , en !andator$. . co%rt s all ta6e '%dicial notice" ,it o%t t e introd%ction of evidence" of t e e+istence and territorial e+tent of states" t eir (olitical istor$" for!s of &overn!ent and s$!#ols of nationalit$" t e la, of nations" t e ad!iralt$ and !ariti!e co%rts of t e ,orld and t eir seals" t e (olitical constit%tion and istor$ of t e P ili((ines" t e official acts of le&islative" e+ec%tive and '%dicial de(art!ents of t e P ili((ines" t e la,s of nat%re" t e !eas%re of ti!e" and t e &eo&ra( ical divisions. )1a* c anro#les virt%a la, li#rar$ Sec. 2 . 5%dicial notice" , en discretionar$. . co%rt !a$ ta6e '%dicial notice of !atters , ic are of (%#lic 6no,led&e" or are ca(a#le to %n7%estiona#le de!onstration" or o%& t to #e 6no,n to '%d&es #eca%se of t eir '%dicial f%nctions. )1a* Sec. - . 5%dicial notice" , en earin& necessar$. 8%rin& t e trial" t e co%rt" on its o,n initiative" or on re7%est of a (art$" !a$ anno%nce its intention to ta6e '%dicial notice of an$ !atter and allo, t e (arties to #e eard t ereon. .fter t e trial" and #efore '%d&!ent or on a((eal" t e (ro(er co%rt" on its o,n initiative or on re7%est of a (art$" !a$ ta6e '%dicial notice of an$ !atter and allo, t e (arties to #e eard t ereon if s%c !atter is decisive of a !aterial iss%e in t e case. )n* Sec. / . 5%dicial ad!issions. .n ad!ission" ver#al or ,ritten" !ade #$ t e (art$ in t e co%rse of t e (roceedin&s in t e sa!e case" does not re7%ire (roof. T e

ad!ission !a$ #e contradicted onl$ #$ s o,in& t at it ,as !ade t ro%& (al(a#le !ista6e or t at no s%c ad!ission ,as !ade. )2a*

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